The Matrix Revolutions | We Need To Go Deeper

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once the mixed and negative opinions were out on the Matrix Reloaded the pressure on revolutions to perform well was sky-high after introducing a plethora of new characters revealing a twist that confused audiences and ending on a major cliffhanger this film had a lot to answer to but the studio really didn't have much time to react to criticism since the next and final installment was set to be released a mere five months after reloaded so they had to carry on with their original plan we'll all these loose ends be tied up in a nice knot some yes others well no keep in mind the purpose of these analysis videos are to break down why the Matrix sequels aren't as strong as the original there's going to be a lot of speculation and fan theory as well as subjective opinion on how these films play out on-screen it's our opinion and opinions are like nipples everyone's got them No so without further ado let's plunge deep into the conclusion of the Matrix trilogy it's going to be a blast and while we're at it let's cut deep into the meanings of these films we all know you get a kick out of us but don't worry we'll unplug any confusion you may have we'll smash all preconceived notions swear to God Robert if I hear one more damn pun I'm gonna tie you to a chair and force you to watch the rave scene for the rest of your life [Music] anyway at long last here's the Matrix Revolutions [Music] here we go all right before we get started let's recap the previous film skipping the massive amounts of filler so this won't take the like 20 seconds here's the basic breakdown of what's important the machines are coming to destroy Zion neo seeks the Oracles help she tells him to reach the source in order to save Zion to do that he needs the key-maker neo acquires the key maker who unlocks his path to the source where he meets the architect neo is given a choice allows ion to be destroyed and picked 23 people to repopulate it as it's been done five times before or save Trinity and let's ioan on the human race fall without rape population that's the one I'd pick neo breaks the pattern of the previous ones and instead chooses to save Trinity yep now everybody is on the path that has never been taken before including the audience so with all the set up and reloaded what happens in revolutions here's a quick summary neo wakes up trapped in a pristine train station on moblie Avenue get it mobile and it's basically a case of carefully written product placement for the exxon mobil oil company sellouts Seraph calls Morpheus and Trinity to come meet the Oracle but it's not the Oracle oh but it is what she says a program called the Train man is holding neo hostage so they chase him fail and contact his boss the Merovingian who after a gun is put to his head says ok side quest is done so we're now ready to move on to oh wait more talking with you Oracle meanwhile Bane wakes up from his coma and gets stabby and Smith absorbs everyone including the Oracle and a plate of cookies after even more talking it is decided that neo and Trinity will go to the Machine City because his dreams told him so while the rest of the crew run back to Zion to help the Machine attack and speaking of the machine attack the machines attack and a lot of people die and a lot of VFX artists got paid and everyone is temporarily saved meanwhile Mia was blinded by Bane smashes his head with a pipe and he and Trinity attempt a speed run into the machine City but Trinity ends up shish kebob and herself into a very long death speech while Zion prepares for extermination part 2 neo talks to the Machine said boss who was named and I'm not even kidding deus ex machina which is basically a giant baby face and a conch shell created by I can't even read this to keep his side of the deal neophytes smith like a couple of Super Saiyans they have a good old mud wrassle and Neil willingly lets Smith clone over him then they all blow up the matrix resets Zion prepares for another orgy Morpheus looks up in his life I think [ __ ] it's over Neos body gets carted away into Jesus pose the Oracle chats of the architect and that little girl from the train station hugs the Oracle they were mark on a sunset and talk about belief the end what what just happened well the long and short of it is talk talk talk action talk action talk action talking talking talking even more talking talking so much talking action action action talking talking talking even more talking vient well it's certainly a lot more complicated than the original film of course there were many questions along the way so let's begin this video by answering none of them sorry answering a few lingering questions left behind by reloaded number one I can feel them I can feel them this was probably one of the most confusing moments of the film it actually spawned an entire fan theory that there is a matrix within the matrix granted while this is a plausible theory and some still think that's actually what's going on it doesn't necessarily add up to the plot presented by the Bajau sqeeze it's a fun theory to postulate but it's supporting evidence is quite weak so what's actually going on here neo is real world powers are actually explained by the Oracle and revolutions albeit in such vague terms that it borders on the confusion of the architects speech here's what's happening basically all the machines squiddy's drills bug bombs etc are a hive mind group like the Borg connected to the source via a wireless connection this is how they are powered and how they communicate with one another when neo met the architect he came in direct contact with the source and thus is now wirelessly connected of course the actual working mechanics of this and not really explained I mean are all pod people equipped with a Wi-Fi receiver the film never tells us but bottom line neo is now a total human and machine hybrid his human brain is connected to the same source as the squiddy's and thus he's able to connect with them pack them and overload them into self-destruction all of this being the result of his unique choice to save Trinity again this is kind of an important thing to explain to your audience but rather than spell it out with exposition like councilman Hammond did series eights are collect for phrasings for neo to get a simple ironic concept the Oracle just pushes past it as if it's not important to the story the source that's what you felt when you touch those sentinels but you weren't ready for it um it's actually kind of a key plot point thanks for nothing Oracle you can shove your candy and your cookies right up here at number 2 Bane god damn it Robert but if I'm not me and there we go who that one so the concept of Smith infecting a red pill and then that person waking up with an infected brain is a pretty neat twist even if it doesn't make a ton of sense but it's interesting nonetheless something else to note here the actor does a pretty good Hugo Weaving impression you have only one choice the ring must be destroyed there's even a little bit of irony in Smith's decision to infect Vayne do you remember when he compared the human race to being a virus well now he's doing the exact same thing that he despised even if it's a bit on the nose more on this later though however with Bane we again run into the problem of juggling way too many characters his screen presence and reloaded is so oddly brief between the time when we last see him here to the final shot nearly an hour and a half has gone by plus he's seen upside down so that certainly doesn't help thanks there's a symbolic reason why the Wachowski chose this shot despite the fact that it's a little visually confusing first since the films have a lot of Christ's imagery if neo is Jesus then Bain / Smith is the Antichrist which is typically symbolized by the upside-down cross next this image mirrors Neos own rebirth from the first film tying them closer together in that image but despite this symbolism the audience has more or less forgotten who Bain is at the point so why is he in this story Bain exists solely to sabotage the humans surprise attack on the machine army which strangely is done off-screen and reloaded an EMP was triggered before we can get in position five ships were instantly down it's a slaughter and as a little side Bain sabotage of the ship attack is actually in the game sort of what was that she goes in EMP sir we've just lost contact with the Icarus what and Innova lease and the caduceus how was that possible really why did they shy away from the story point so much this is kind of crucial to the plot oh well his next purpose is to blind neo that's it once he's killed we don't really care anymore so here's a question what if the character who is infected by Smith was actually somebody we cared about like say Morpheus neo would then be faced with very difficult decision to either kill his mentor or get zapped to the [ __ ] face which would change the dynamic of the Nebuchadnezzar team plus test his own morals let's face it for one quarter of the first film we watched neo and Trinity work the impossible to save his life how tragic would it be if neo was ultimately forced to undo all of that giving Smith a winning point in the battle for humanity's soul it also would have been far more dynamic of an ending for Morpheus as character and speaking of which number three Morpheus Morpheus if it seems like Morpheus was underutilized and reloaded then in this film it's like he's been downgraded to one of the many secondary characters instead of being a leader Morpheus takes on a far more passive role sure you could chalk it up to the feat I mean his ship was blown up in a previous film after all but his best friend is in a coma stuck somewhere deep within the matrix what we have here is a parallel set up of what neo experienced in the first film Morpheus should take charge here and lead a team to rescue neo and to a degree this happens and visually tchotchkes are crafting visual parallels here but when you really look at it it's the others that are actually the ones taking charge of the mission Seraph calls Morpheus to meet with the Oracle the Oracle directly sends Morpheus on a mission to rescue neo instead of showing him the door that he must choose to walk through Seraph takes point on the shootout and in negotiating with the Merovingian and it's Trinity who takes control of the final ultimatum where the hell is Morpheus in all this where is our leader our sensei we need more Morpheus hey you know I wonder if he goes camping does he make some Morpheus I'll just go ahead and dislike the video for you you're killing me so after losing his faith in the prophecy he seems completely inert this should actually be an opportunity for Morpheus to grow as a character what if instead of meekly asking the Oracle why she's doing what she's doing Morpheus flat-out pulls a gun on her and demands her to explain why she lied after some suspenseful banter he could then make up his mind to write his own path these films are about choice and free will right later the two remaining ship teams have split up neo and Trinity and bein on the logos heading to the Machine City the rest on the hammer heading back to Zion to attempt to defend it from the sheen attack here we would have another good opportunity to see Morpheus shine and take point as a leader but we've instead given that purpose to Niobe since she's the one driving the ship and calling the shots Morpheus take his place this isn't a complaint about her character at all don't get us wrong we like Niobe quite a bit it's awesome to see her pulling these insane maneuvers through the maintenance tunnels but once again we run into the problem of taking one of the main characters and essentially giving them nothing to do Morpheus helps her co-pilot the ship which does make sense given that they have to navigate this extremely complex maintenance tunnel and she needs all the help that she can get but the problem is Morpheus from the first film is very different from the Morpheus we have during this scene where he is trying desperately to keep up with Niobe keep on trying and essentially is just having to be told what to do so they finally reach Sion plow through the gate and blow their EMP at the last second everybody saved for about five minutes from this point on the Morpheus character is done the only thing that he has left to contribute to this story is staring up at the pipes and wondering how humans built them all those years ago is this real I suppose he does have one final moment of trying to calm the council of elders with his feelings and faith and such but then he just sits down and waits for approximately 69 minutes of screen time what away for a beloved character to go a character so important that one quarter of the first movie was dedicated to saving him a character who not only has had nothing major to do in the third film gets printed all over the damn posters because marketing laurence fishburne that is an actor unbearably this is a great example of just how rushed these scripts were number four kid mmm-hmm number four yeah number four hey shut up so yeah number four kid to be perfectly honest the purpose of this character is baffling he spends most of Reloaded fanboying around neo only to disappear from the plot and be reintroduced as a naive young army recruit who gets inspired to fight back his one crucial plot moment is opening the Zion dock doors to let Morpheus and Niobe in to blow the EMP again did this one moment require an entirely new character this scene could have been given to Z who actually does help kid with opening the dock doors but we never see them interact before or after the scene so what exactly is the point of them coming together focus should have been funneled to one of these characters instead or instead to Locke or mo Funi or Ripley [ __ ] but who is kid exactly this character's backstory is covered in the Animatrix a young computer hacker finds neo much like how neo finds Morpheus and then takes a literal leap of faith out of the matrix and into the real world by the way is this a case of artistic license or discontinuity kid has never seen taking the red pill tracker so how was he able to accomplish this disconnect from the matrix if the Wachowskis considered this short film to be canon shouldnt the rules of their world be consistent well anyway this goes back to our previous videos point about audiences needing to seek out tertiary stories outside of the main films these Animatrix shorts should be purely supplemental and not crucial to understanding the characters of the Matrix sequels but even still what's the point of his backstory and appearance in reloaded and revolutions other than opening the doctor it must be to put us in to the point of view of a devout follower who passionately warships the savior jesus H Craig not sorry uh neo Thomas Anderson yeah that's but again this has us focusing on far too many characters either delete him completely or gives character more of an arc that directly effects the plot in more major ways number 5 lock fuuny that's a dumb name as stated in our last video commander lock and captain Mifune don't really serve much of a purpose other than to be the main characters of Zion while our main cast is out in the sewers we suggested that a more economical approach might have been to combine the two into one character so that we could focus all of our character development on one person and thus you know care a little bit more about who these people are as it stands Moe fuuny has no character arc he starts out toughest nails and seemingly not really afraid of anything and and that's pretty much how he dies sacrificing himself for Humanity delivering some last-second inspiration to the kid how much more impactful would that have been if Moe Funi had spent both films training kid as a recruit sure kids the runt of the litter but buffoon II has a soft spot for him under all that thick skin it's almost as if that's what the Wachowski were going for but because of the short writing process what we got was this pod Bolan pencil neck like you doing volunteer info by Col commander lock has a miniscule arc to his story though about 98% of his character is simply just sticking to one objective stubbornly never deciding to change drop everything to defend the dock no matter what the cost we get a grand total of two moments where he accepts Morpheus as plan so the first instance of him accepting Morpheus is plan is by letting the hammer blow the EMP in the dock then at the very very end when the machines leave Zion it's a subtle change but if you look very closely it's right around but seriously this character is needless and stupid and really just exists to be a roadblock for Morpheus and company and drum up some unnecessary drama when in reality the whole machines coming to murder every human with giant spider tentacles that is to say the machines have giant spider tentacles not all the humans have giant spider tentacles that would be a very different movie so whatever let's just combine these two people into one character will call them walk funny because we're not very creative anyway strap in Roberts about to take you on some fan produce plot adjustments Roberts also a pretty cool guy in wait a minute Robert did you write that wakfu knee is an experienced military leader who had a heroin close call when he was a young recruit this makes the machines his personal white whale after the transmissions from the Osiris revealed that the machines are sending everything they've got to destroy Zion lock fuuny goes overboard granted he's not necessarily wrong but he's clearly acting on emotion just like a human would he orders a military draft and opens the doors for younger volunteers which the council at first is against but the necessity of survival leaves them no choice the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar vehemently objects the council's decision and they head out to take care of the matter themselves the logos and this guy also follow suit meanwhile in Zion LA Clooney's plan is underway we are seeing men and women of varying ages being conscripted into this defense army but Locke Funi is to focus on his objective to have second thoughts about the situation he's created and now enter kid a young feeble type who actually volunteers rather than getting drafted he performs the worst out of all the other recruits but due to his faith in neo his will is the strongest this makes Locke fuuny both despised and admire him in a way he's much like he was when he was younger before the incident that changed him and for the first time Locke Funi is having doubts that his plan is the right thing to do the machines are about to reach the dock and Locke Funi takes his seat in the war room but just for a second he hears kids voice sounding off on the APU radio he suited up and ready for combat if for a moment Locke Funi thinks maybe I should be out there with them the battle plays out as seen in the film but this time kid is fighting in the APU from the start eventually it's just him and one other APU soldier and just as kids wing man is taken out and squiddy approaches Locke fuuny blows it away with an APU of these commandeered from the dead soldier he is now symbolically protecting and saving the innocence that he in his youth he orders Kidd to open the dock gate while taking out an enormous amount of sentence and he is eventually overwhelmed Kidd reaches the gate is almost killed again but saved by Z he opens the gate the EMP is ignited and both Z and kids say their final words to Locke Funi who now understands the power of faith that they both possess this also opens up avenues for other characters now that Sion is without a military leader and machines are back for round two who else should take a la Clooney's place but [ __ ] Morpheus at last it just goes to show that had extra time been spent on even just one character and infect some multiple arcs and makes the whole story a little bit more well-rounded but look we hear what you're saying guys why did it take you almost 5 years to put out the revolutions video and that's a very reasonable thing to ask it's also very reasonable to ask why we're complaining so much about throwaway characters I mean the first matrix had plenty what makes these any different well did the first film dedicate major screen time away from our main cast to focus on them no they simply helped to push the plot forward and to ramp up the tension where necessary also to talk about snot soup you know bowl of snuff what we're saying here is if you're going to focus on secondary characters this much then develop them a little bit make them people that we care about make it worth our time otherwise all this time that we spend with them is ultimately boring despite the dazzling visuals and sound [Music] before we get into further issues with plot and character of revolutions let's take a look at the sequels from the perspective of filmmaking aesthetics one visuals let's start with the visual look in our analysis of reloaded we discussed how the first film's bullet time was so awe-inspiring due to the practical nature of the effect in these films everything is just purely CGI the sense of wonder is lost a little bit the same can be said with the costuming or rather how the costumes are handled from scene to scene we've already mentioned how every single red pill is wearing their sunglasses indoors in front of their friends at night [Music] sometimes this is effective such as with Morpheus introduction in the first film his glasses provide a very visual sense of the tension that we're supposed to feel in the scene he seems very threatening and we're not 100% sure yet if we could even trust him but later in the film he ditches the glasses either out of necessity or because he's around friendly company or because he can't [ __ ] see anything but imagine if no one was wearing sunglasses in this meeting and the neo Trinity and Morpheus show up wearing theirs it would certainly make them stand out from the others in the first film we also see how as the film progresses the costumes become more and more filthy and dirty ripped and discarded there are some moments like these in the sequels for sure but for the most part everybody is pristine from beginning to end why does any of this even matter well it further detaches us from any sense of danger or vulnerability if their clothes aren't even getting hurt well then they probably aren't either compare this with something like die hard for example where by the end of the movie John McClane is completely beat to [ __ ] and we feel as an audience how much he has struggled to get to this point I felt for those extras because most of them all were wearing their own costumes and you know there's a lot of latex and a lot of PVC and a couple people like fainted and had to like people were allergic to the latex and realized it too late like after they were in it what are their names another issue to bring up is color grading color grading is the process of recoloring a film and post-production to further amplify a color palette chosen for the story a great example of this is Mad Max fury road which opted to enhance its orange and teal colors to create an extremely contrast to color space rather than the more common washed outlook from films like Book of Eli many older films have had their colors retimed years after release such as The Empire Strikes Back Blade Runner and so forth however if you compare the DVD and blu-ray of The Matrix something seems a bit off doesn't it take a look at Neos stubble in the scene was it always so green I've been debating with my own memories of seeing it in the cinemas since this blu-ray was released but now I finally have the answer recently there was a screening at Tarantino's own theater the new Beverly in Los Angeles the original 35-millimeter print of the matrix that played in theaters in 1999 and sure enough I can confirm the color seen on the DVD is the accurate color space of the film so why is the color so horribly green in the matrix blu-ray release while considering that the colors overall in the sequels are much richer with greater luminance contrast the Wachowski Zrii time to the original film to make it match the sequels better while some prefer the retimed contrast to your blu-ray version as a quote unquote film purist I prefer to watch the version closest to how it appeared in theaters and find it rather annoying that they retcons the original film's color just for the sake of the sequels to performance the first matrix had a unique acting style that wrote a Razors Edge between subtlety and blandness everyone likes to poke fun at Keanu Reeves is often vacant expression and stilted line readings but it works for this story but if you want to hear more about that just go check out our video on the first film but what about the rest of the cast most of the main characters have a kind of mechanized stillness in their major dialogue scenes but again this is usually directed towards neo while inside the matrix the chow hall scene and more feeis has capture scene or good examples of them showing a wider range of emotions but everyone remembers the more expose Ettore scenes which can have a kind of dryness in their delivery we could chalk this up to one of a few reasons one because neo is speaking with enlightened beings and they have a weird elegance to the way they carry themselves much like the elves do in Lord of the Rings - this helps the Oracles warmer more motherly tones stand out or three it could just simply be the aesthetic that the Wachowskis liked either way this seems to be exaggerated - an unwelcome degree in the sequels take Smith for instance his deep drawn-out speech pattern was actually inspired by the way that which housekeys spoke you know books that are you know science fiction that is about the sort of nature of reality why respirators whywhy do you prefer it however where it's menacing in the first films in the sequels that's just batshit crazy I'm sorry this is a dead end like what I've done with the place cookies need love like everything does also there's this honestly this looks like a case of Hugo Weaving expecting them to call cut about ten seconds before they did three dialogue besides the overly cryptic architect's sequence a lot of dialogue in the sequels are unnecessarily complex and drawn-out for instance when Morpheus and Trinity meet the Oracle for the first time she greets them precedes to ignore the elephant in the room and prompts them to start asking questions one thing I've learned you know my ears the way you wanted to who are you I'm the Oracle why is this necessary is this just the Oracle style of communication well no this actually occurs a lot in the sequels with other characters there seems to be a pattern of characters making half statements waiting for someone to ask for clarification then they give their answer I wanted to be sure sure of what I know what I have to do what there's no easy way to say this so I'm just saying now this is an Italy a matrix trope and it's certainly all over the first film but after a while and especially when the stakes are high this becomes an irritating style of speaking that makes scenes feel longer than necessary for scene flow how a scene begins and ends and how multiple scenes transition from one to the other is an art form in and of itself this includes how a scene is blocked what level of energy the scene has within the whole story even the length of the scene one of the best examples of scene flow that we can think of is in the Empire Strikes Back have you ever noticed that when a scene starts people are either in the middle of a task or a conversation I'm sure it's delicious I just don't understand why we can't see yoga now no I don't have a landing permit this keeps the energy flowing naturally and helps to pull us into a very realistic world despite its sci-fi setting the original matrix doesn't follow this technique necessarily but the film knows exactly how to start and end a scene it feels deliberate the same can't be necessarily said about the sequels admittedly revolutions does handle this better than reloaded did particularly during the cross cutting of the dock battle the best description about scene flow that I can find is probably from Sid fields amazing book screenplay the foundations of screenwriting in which he says the purpose of a scene is twofold either it moves the story forward or it reveals information about the character now if we take these two points a lot of check marks happen in the first film and quite a bit happens in the second and third films but well the first film does so well is combine these two points we learn a lot about characters and about the world we're in while moving the story forward this is efficient and great storytelling meanwhile in the sequels well there's a lot of filler either with just talking about philosophy or having pointless fighting overall it's a strange irony that many of the very aesthetic that defines the matrix is also to the detriment of the sequels where the first film revolutionized the sci-fi action genre the sequels have little to no impact and that's more irony than the iron and the APU chassis thank you now I know terrible the Oracle serif the Merovingian Persephone the twins the key-maker the architect the trainman sati and her parents the agent what's his nuts these are the primary characters our heroes have to interact with inside of the matrix but did you ever notice that all of these characters are computer programs each one of them happens to serve a purpose oh thanks Smith each one of them serves some kind of purpose each one of them serves some kind of function within the matrix program a function predestined by the architect this is all well and good but where are the actual humans in this story sure we have humans back home and Zion and out on the ships but within the actual matrix program itself there are only a handful of actual humans to be seen this creative choice gives these films a kind of dehumanizing lack of edge to them for example when the key-maker sacrifices his life for neo it's just the digital life of a computer program for utility what if it was an actual person with a fully fleshed out and interesting past what if he was a man who has offered the red pill and the blue pill but refused to take either leaving him fully aware of what was going on around him yet trapped in this world yeah they never told you about that option did they we would have told you to shove that red pill right up your ass actually I wonder do you think they actually make suppository versions of these pills no and what about the Merovingian wouldn't it be more interesting if he is a human who was trafficking computer programs around this sort of illegal activity would not be condoned by the human resistance so instead of living in Zion or reap lugging himself into the minefields he chooses to live somewhere out there in the real world connected to a private makeshift cranial jack living and working his own personal fantasy world in a sort of second life this opens the floodgates to character potential what if before he escaped the matrix he was a passive meek do-gooder who only followed the rules and that this powerful Merovingian persona is him living out his fantasy see this makes him a far more interesting character and rather than just a computer program to is designed to do these illegal things he is what he is one of the main things that led to the first film being so intense is that the main characters we follow are all very human they are vulnerable beings who all have a past we see them hurt we see them in danger and in some cases we even see them die these programs remain more or less the same even random background people from the first film are more human than the program's here remember this guy I said at my phone do you ever wonder what happened to him after Smith was done possessing his body did the business deal he was working over the phone fail because neo took his phone away what if he lost his job after that what if his memory loss during Smith's possession caused him to question everything around him therefore leading him to the truth behind the matrix the Wachowskis could then have tacked on another abstract Christ parallel to neo where Jesus touches the blind man who can now see well sure we're just kind of making stuff up here but it would certainly be more interesting than this I have some pooled every language French is my favorite fantastic language we don't even get a scene where the pod people are waking up in droves what an incredibly inspiring moment that might have been countless humans reborn into this brave new world either way the Wachowski is almost seem to be making a point by having nothing but programs featured within the matrix maybe it's the contrast the real humans in Zion well they already do a good job of that with the squiddy's and other machines so why not give these programs more human traits this is exactly what made agent smith such a fascinating character to watch in the first film he's experiencing some very human emotions remember this scene I hate this place it's the smell this character trait is actually hinted very early on in the film and you help your landlady carry out her garbage he really despises the natural filth that comes with being a real flesh-and-blood human why would a machine care about a simulated smell when he knows very well that is just simply electrical signals interpreted by his AI brain because it's a fascinating idea to ponder that over time a machine can develop emotions naturally just like humans can hell that's the whole plot - Blade Runner with this he is more than just a program with a singular purpose and thus is more interesting furthermore as mentioned many times before the actual humans of the story are incredibly machine-like there are fleeting moments of humanity that occur but their delivery is so dry that it fails to stick Niobe her up to me counselor I take every man woman and child put a gun in their hand and March them straight into that duct perhaps it is best that it is not up to you I'm scared so am i took me 10 minutes to buckle up one boot wait it took you ten minutes to lace up your boot because you're under so much duress I mean if that's really true and you're not exaggerating then you're hiding a ton of fear very well anyway well Roberts in the background nitpicking point is these are genuine human moments that it probably would have been better for us to see as an audience instead of just hear about after the fact this is also a huge reason why Trinity's death scene ultimately falls flat on its face how many of you while watching this just wanted her to die already so that you could get on with the rest of the story admittedly we sure as hell did this is the kiss of death for any story we have a main character whom we've been following through three films mortally wounded and for the second time using her last moments to express her love for neo and we don't give a [ __ ] compare this to Boromir from the Fellowship of the Ring we meet this character a little under halfway through the film during the entire journey we laugh with him understand his struggle grow to hate him and applaud his return to heroism only to have him die a slow brutal at the hands of a monster during his last moments he expresses his regret and finally pledges his loyalty to his king Aragorn this scene is incredible and we've had far less screen time with Boromir than with Trinity so what's the magic that's missing here give your main characters moments of humanity whether that's fear longing moments of weakness doubt heroism and yes they're actually all shown here but without any sticking impact so maybe it comes down to dry delivery or the fact that there's too much going on in the story or that a woman literally orgasming over a cake was given away more attention so with all that being said what's the point of having so many non-human and inhuman characters in this story well if anything it does show us that something suspicious seems to be happening within the world of the matrix and it seems to do with a little thing called love you could say that now it's time for a detailed look at the plot and its many problems after the Oracle sends neo off on his mission to the source and reloaded she disappears from the story until she calls for Morpheus and Trinity in revolutions this moment is initially surprising because the Oracle is a completely different person now what's going on well as mentioned before in real life actress Gloria foster died before she could film her final scenes and the role was filmed by a fellow actress and friend Mary Alice this is maybe a case where we don't really need an explanation but in any case there are plenty of movies out there that have had an actor or an actress replaced and never said anything about it and it works just fine the most famous case I can think of just off the top of my head is when Mark Ruffalo replaced at Norton as Bruce Banner in the Avengers nobody seemed to care too much after the film had come out but how does the film explain why this is a completely different person now I made a choice and that choice cost me more than I want - what choice to help you to guide Neil well I certainly can't get anything from that once again in order to understand this story point you have to look outside the film's proper and you know how we feel about that this is actually all explained in the enter the matrix video game can you tell me what happened to you two programs that I trusted so the termination code of my original shell - the moon engine basically ramacandra this guy made a deal with the Merovingian and the Oracle he wanted to protect his child sati from deletion and grant her a safe passage into the Oracles care but in order to do that he gave the Merovingian the termination code to her outer shell which changed her physical appearance in basic terms the Oracle believes so strongly that sati is important enough to protect that she sacrificed a version of her own program kind of like going from windows 10 to 98 or the other way around I don't know this analogy has gone off the rails you are passed of course this does raise a few questions why did the Merovingian agree to this when what he really wants are her eyes something I have wanted ever since I first came here what the eyes of the also why does the Merovingian care if her outer shell is deleted did the Merovingian think that he was getting more and the Oracle lied and only gave up the code to her outer shell what exactly does ramacandra know about this deal is he in on the deception if there is any were we expected to recognize his face from the fleeting shot between the two movies I know yes in the restaurant of the Frenchman and more importantly why didn't we see any of this also why is sati even so important hang on tight for now we'll get back to that later but this whole change in appearance unfortunately clouds the real plot line that has been happening underneath all three films the architect versus the Oracle the Oracle claims if the architects purpose is to balance the equation then her purpose is to unbalance it what does that mean exactly well if you were able to decipher just what the hell the architect was getting at his equation as she puts it is predictable human behavior the first version of the matrix the perfect world failed and despite the architect mocking Neos human emotions he simply cannot understand them that's where the Oracle comes in she both introduces and manipulates free will in the matrix thus stabilizing the system like the yin to his yang [Music] but now she's going further with that she's breaking another one of the architects constructs and it's the pattern of the matrix gets populated and anomaly emerges the anomaly chooses to reset the matrix while the machines destroy his Ione we start from scratch with a few remaining Zion humans left alive lather rinse repeat so how does the Oracle unbalance this equation of sorts by introducing you guessed it Jesus Christ love love think about the phrase you hear repeated about the Oracle she told you exactly what you needed to hear what did you tell you exactly what I needed to hear she told me exactly what I you needed to hear this is hugely important because what she tells individuals all leads to the same conclusion she tells Morpheus he would find the one she tells neo either he or Morpheus will die and she tells Trinity she will fall in love with a dead man so this well for lack of better words Trinity of fortunes leads our main characters to not only inevitably create the one but to entangle the one with love in fact if you pay close attention the Oracle actually plants the idea of love even before she gives her prophecy to neo I can see why she likes you who I have to admit it took me years to even notice this that is subtlety because neo is in love he chooses differently than the previous ones therefore unbalancing the architects equation this makes the Oracle the ultimate matchmaker let's make em nuts make a--make man I gotta tell you that Oracle's one tricky hacker she home-brewed her own cheat codes and won the game in her favor goo thing the architect didn't straight-up read quit I told you for sure so now we know what the Oracle's been up to this entire time she understands that the one is an inevitable product of the matrix and uses this anomaly to further break the architects construct by adding a dash of love into the mix or something so what does this say about our main protagonist neo is he actually a puppet in the grand scheme of things well at first yes he's been groomed into the role of Messiah through various means and prophecies but it's the addition of love that gives him free will love is what makes him willingly break the pattern of previous ones and unbalances the equation but have you noticed that love and other human emotions seem to be spreading throughout the matrix press F aney is exhibiting a raging jealousy lust and vengeance very human emotions for a program which directly affect the Merovingian then of course we have Smith earlier we discussed how Smith is feeling surprisingly human emotions from the start which is evidenced by his aversion to smelly humans and what did he originally want he wants out of the matrix he wants to be free of the burden from feeling feelings gusting but after being defeated by neo he suddenly given a sense of purpose that he obsesses over and in doing so becomes the very thing he despises a virus however there's a weird hole in this newfound obsession remember when he states without purpose we would not exist but then later in revolutions he says purpose of life is to and so what Smith is saying is that we exist by having the purpose to not exist what what are you talking about what'd I just say after Neos swan dive trick Smith was reborn into a die-hard nihilist basically he views life as meaningless and without purpose temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose in the first film this was only an aspect of his personality but now it seems to define him so why did the Wachowskis hammer in this heavy philosophy into Smith well he is Neos opposite his negative negative yeah thanks Oracle I just said that I still have candy yeah okay Neos journey is to truly discover that what gives life its purpose and meaning is freewill visa vie choice the time has come to make a choice choice choice choice what choice choice choice choice choice choice choice choice choice the problem is choice choice choice the problem isn't Joyce choice choice choice choice a choice a choice choices choice the choice choice choice choice Neos power of choice leads him to take the red pill to save Morpheus thus leading to his own enlightenment to save Trinity and defy the architects expectations and now to sacrifice himself to save humanity instance part of Neos code got embedded into Smith he too now has a compulsion to resist the rules I knew the rules I understood what I was opposed to do but I didn't so could this all mean that secretly between the lines underneath the surface behind the curtain under our very noses that Smith is actually the one matpat of film theory delved into this theory very deeply and does make some compelling arguments for it the link to his video is in the description below but here are the important points film theories case for Smith being the one is tied to the prophecy stated in the first film Smith is a man born or reborn inside he can change the matrix as he sees fit because of his emotions he is the anomaly not neo and because of his fight merging deletion with neo he's the unwitting savior of humanity this is actually really compelling but to us this doesn't a hundred percent hold up while it's true that Smith was born inside the matrix and changes the digital world around him the same can be said about the architect or any of the agents that transform windows to brick walls and jump long distances or the spoon bending child with the adorable English accent the [ __ ] you talking him up to the point of his emotions making him the anomaly well this is happening to a lot of the other programs in the story so this doesn't apply as far as his unwitting Savior status because of what happens at the end let's get more into that what exactly happens to Smith at the end of the film he can suddenly fly he merges with neo and then turns into the Sun and explodes Hey I guess it's good thing they were all wearing their sunglasses at night huh oh wait they all died his newfound flying powers are a direct result of merging with the Oracle as parts of her code are intermixing with his this concept is further hinted at when he starts unintentionally quoting the Oracle thing that has a beginning has an end meal earlier in the film he quotes Satya after merging with her cookies need love like everything does I wonder if we get some spicy Merovingian quotes if he merged with them like wiping your ass with love it as far as how Smith is destroyed the simple explanation is that because neo is jacking into the matrix through the machine city he is granted access to the source code through his body when Smith merges with him the machines can now directly send their kill code to Smith which then causes a chain reaction and effectively allows them to reboot the matrix or reload the matrix I guess it wasn't so schlocky after all except it was in every sense of the word so is Smith the one in our opinion now it's kind of a cool theory and might be correct decide for yourself use your own free will make whatever choice you believe some other [ __ ] like that beyond Smith there's a very particular set of characters who are exhibiting free will and choice beyond their intended programming ramacandra and Kamala are two programs who are risking everything to save their daughter sati from deletion they are going against her intended programming which is I am the powerplant systems manager for recycling operations my wife is an interactive software program and she is highly creative in other words wait is is he the one in charge of liquefying the dead to be fed intravenously to the living you are one sick [ __ ] Rama and goodness I have plotted yeah and such he is well her programming is actually never truly defined but since the matrix didn't design her she has no purpose hence why she's up for deletion and besides why are they risking so much to save her I love my daughter very much but where we are from that is not enough machines feeling love yep now their line deliveries may be sterile and machine-like but they actually understand love this is a huge development in the plot in one of the most important aspects of the story but unfortunately we only get this crucial scene sandwiched between the two sequels in fact we actually catch a fleeting glimpse of ramacandra in reloaded honestly this was not presented well at all so we have a unique program born in the matrix between two other programs one that deals with recycling human bodies and one that is a creative type sati is the combination of body and mind together in harmony and at the end of the film is seen creating a beautiful sunset for all to see wait a minute a program born inside of the matrix who can remake the matrix as she sees fit could could sati be the actual one well don't put on all your tinfoil hats just yet but leave them right next to you we'll need them we only catch a brief glance of this character but there is a reason that wichowsky puts so much emphasis on her why does the Oracle protect her while dismissing the other potentials from the first film where's the spoon kid because City is a program of utmost importance look at her first appearance in the train station she's literally glowing appearing very godlike from what the film hints sati is the inevitable product of free will in the matrix a truly pure sentient being born from two programs of their own free will and choice she's the future the next step in evolution but again why is this whole subplot saved for the third film the witch house keys could have started building this and reloaded allowing more development was sati and her parents or better yet why have her parents as characters at all instead of introducing yet more characters what if she is the daughter of the Merovingian and press F aney what a twist that would have been under their smug smuggler facades the Merovingian and Persephone by their own free will have a daughter that they protect more secretly than the key-maker this gives their characters far more meaning depth and purpose shut up you exploded so is neo actually the one is it Smith is it SETI is it this guy no from what we can gather between the thick layers of this complex plot neo is the one because that is what he was meant to be Smith becomes the antithesis of the one and serves his purpose and meanwhile in the background SETI is the miracle of life in the matrix and the Oracles ultimate treasure holy [ __ ] this was a lot to take in but when looking at the whole trilogy you can see why people consider the latter half failures the overall story of the sequels is a surprisingly deep tale of love and freewill persevering in a system of total control but most of that is lost in a web of too many characters a rough balancing act of plot points and too little time developing the script The Matrix sequels are also a victim to their own brand the unprecedented popularity of the film's effect on a cultural zeitgeist made the production of these films an uphill battle at its heart the first film is a superhero movie and the sequels attempted to examine this paradigm further but stumbled and in some cases tripped flat on their face like 40 times in a row where the first film might have had some clunky moments the sequels make their points with a sledgehammer I'm the alpha with your omega i am the beginning of your end to which the Wachowski is even admitted in the path of neo video game at this point it's martyr time now maybe that works in a movie but in a video game the Jesus thing is well lame really lame however the sheer craftsmanship that went into the making of these films in every aspect is mind-blowing from an art direction the special effects some of them the sound design and Davis's unbelievable score that is packed to the brim with orgasms I should really read the script before I start saying things god dammit Robert sorry dick now just imagine the same amount of immense talent but with some extra time to flush out the script we probably would have a trilogy of classics but alas they are what they are and we have to enjoy them as they are it's admittedly difficult to see the true beauty of the sequels through the quagmire of their faults but we say give them another go with our points in mind and how you watch them from here is a choice we leave to you ok bye [Music]
Channel: TheFlickFloggers
Views: 315,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the matrix, the matrix revolutions, we need to go deeper, film analysis, video essay, the flick floggers, flick floggers, deeper review, the wachowskis, keanu reeves, laurence fishburne, carrie anne moss, hugo weaving, the matrix sequels, fan theory, film theory, matpat
Id: oXGg-GzqMB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 28sec (3508 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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