The Matrix Is Real (How To Break Free With Your Mind)

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I've always had the goal of being a deep free and original thinker but that goal wasn't always a conscious goal at the start as the self-actualization process goes it started as an unconscious goal it was very shallow I wanted to become a deep and free thinker for the sake of others acceptance I wanted to sound smart intellectual and deep but I didn't really care about being a deep thinker I cared about being accepted by others but in a non-mediocre way I wanted to be different with time and after burning through that Karma I realized that becoming a deep thinker is more than that it is the key to creative success or success in any Endeavor in your life if you want original success or you want to pave a new way for not only your own life but a A New Path for others to follow then you have to prioritize deep free and original thinking but before we can understand what deep thinking actually is we need to understand the opposite we need to understand what shallow thinking is shallow thinking is taking what you see as law and never seeing beyond your sensory perceptions or thinking that what you see is all there is thinking that a piece of the cosmic puzzle or a little piece of the cosmic image is all that there is you see the piece and you think that's it there's nothing beyond that there's no depth there's no connection there's no relationship to other things there's nowhere else for your mind to go so it gets stuck there it gets closed off or closed-minded to that little thing that you are focused on and narrow Focus not being able to see or open your mind to the potential of other things and that is the problem I I talk about closed-mindedness so much because open-mindedness radical open-mindedness and being open and critical with your thinking is extremely important to any kind of creative work because taking what you see or perceive with any of your senses any of your five senses cite sound taste whatever it may be touch it doesn't make sense to have complete and utter faith in that one specific thing because our sensory perceptions and how we interpret things are backed by our conditioning so how we were raised the environment that we live in um the context or lens that we are viewing the world from the goals that every single individual is pursuing whether they're conscious of those goals or not like working a job you are probably unconsciously pursuing the goal of your boss and so it doesn't make sense because everyone is going to interpret whatever they see in a different way and then closing your mind off to that one thing is what sparks argument that's what sparks uh debates in the comment section or whatever it may be it's your inability to see beyond what is said or heard or seen or whatever it may be because you also have to understand that animals a lot of them have different perceptions than us they can see different things than us like dogs for example can hear different frequencies that we will never be able to hear frogs some types of frogs I don't know which ones but they can see differently I don't know if it's different colors but you have to understand that there may be more colors out there who the knows and so like you can see sit and think about this right practice as we're going through this entire video deep thinking and just not taking what you see as law or taking that diet fad that you see on social media as the only specific way because oh I cut out junk food and started the carnivore diet so the carnivore diet is the best diet for everyone and it wasn't because I just cut the bad food out of my diet so there's no other option and you can see what there's go where this goes there's infinite Nuance if it is speakable then it is infinitely debatable if you do not open your mind to seeing Beyond or just holding the Nuance in your own head with those things so deep thinking is becoming aware of the limits your mind creates because that's all humans do we create limitations we create distinctions between two different things that's how we learn holding everything you perceive in the realm of possibility until filtered with direct experience this is critical thinking right not taking what you think is law holding it in your head without labeling or judging or just attaching to It Whatever meaning you can you hold it in the realm of possibility until you come into direct experience to ground that information questioning everything especially the thoughts beliefs and biases that you think are absolutely true without exception so in short close-mindedness is the antagonist to deep thinking but what is closed-mindedness it is accepting the Matrix as your reality yes we're going to talk about the Matrix because when most people talk about the Matrix they think of the movie with Neo and all of them I've seen it once I don't remember much from it but you understand that there there's a red pill and a blue pill if you take the red pill you break out of the Matrix you take the blue Pell you're kind of a slave to it you're just an NPC a robot and let's dive into this because the first thing that we have to understand is that all understanding is metaphorical think about that so we get hints of Truth at what the Matrix is the metaphorical Matrix that this movie is trying to point us towards we can comprehend the essence behind what it's saying but the notion of the Matrix is a symbol and you can kind of think about this and understand that this is not only applied to the Matrix this applies to everything symbol now a thing that represents or stands for something else especially a material object representing something abstract since the beginning of time before we invented language we interpreted Reality by recognizing patterns and relationships we used symbols to represent these phenomena or the experience or the essence that came from those aspects of reality Now understand this a symbol is a representation it is not what it is it is a representation of what is it is not what it is this brings up the whole concept of being and knowing being is for first order knowing is second order you can't know until something is being or or has come into being so with time groups of people began to share and attach meaning to these representations that gave us a way to communicate but people had different perspectives on these things based on their environment and prior experience meaning that there is no absolute truth to the language that we have created right as we talked about earlier the meaning of Any Given thing is up to an individual's perception of that thing it is up to an individual's interpretation of that thing so you have to understand that these symbols or these limits on reality that we have created are mental constructions they are mental interpretations a layer over reality a limit that our mind has created on Infinity so with time these mental constructions have become more advanced we built on top of them layer after layer after layer language has advanced we write books strings of language we create videos now we've created the school system the government culture society and a load of other expectations assumptions and predictions that we call beliefs for what life has been and should be not what it is so think of the Matrix as a web of expectations that has been conditioned into our minds ever everything in this room that I'm in and the room that you're in has meaning that has been projected on it from our minds without any conscious effort because it has just been repeated to us over time and we are repetitive beings and so the neural networks in our brain whatever it's like the Grand Canyon with water flowing through it and creating the grooves in our head so that the water can flow effortlessly and we project meaning and accept what we see as law now there's a trap here where it's like down so you're just saying nothing exists and like in essence I am but this is where the balance of spirituality and practicality comes into play they there's a balance there they have to exist there's polarity I just want you to see the side of the picture that not many people see that is preventing them from becoming a deep thinker or a creative thinker you can live and die inside these intellectual structures if you choose to but people of curiosity usually find themselves unsatisfied with the conventional answers that is a quote that I took from a lecture from Terence McKenna uh my friend in the comments you recommended me to watch something from Terence McKenna I appreciate you don't have your name right now but thank you for turning me on to him I would like to go ahead and expand that favor to you all search Terence McKenna lecture on YouTube go on a walk listen to it by YouTube Pro so you can turn off your phone and still listen and just let things go that's what I like to do Alan Watts lectures Terence McKenna those are all great places to kind of expand your mind and not get sucked into some kind of uh cheap dopamine cycle on social media these are long lectures that I would encourage you to take multiple days if not weeks to listen to and Munch on the ideas not be bombarded by 500 ideas a day just by scrolling through social media and overwhelming your mind and not having any Clarity on what to do with your future I could go on and on about how we are such a robotic species we have much less self-control than we believe we do as an example I want to talk about Cycles patterns rhythms and just normalization in general so think about the Cycles in your personal life we have an ingestion cycle what we eat we have an excretion cycle so how you go to the bathroom every day right do you even think about that or is it like I have to go I'm going to the bathroom right now and that happens on a cycle right that's kind of a micro cycle from day to day but we also have a sex cycle even if you don't have a partner you dirty dog we have a work cycle and even just this past um week I've been having migraines every morning it sucks if you've had a migraine not a headache don't act like you've had a migraine if you've only had a headache if you've had a migraine you know you had a migraine and that sucks right it just sucks and it's weird because this is a cycle that I've noticed it happens every like three years in my life and I haven't pinpointed why it happens maybe it's just random but me noticing these Cycles helps me break out of that and potentially create a solution for that this is really very bad practice I didn't have a migraine this morning because caffeine helps with migraines I put a Diet Mountain Dew by my bed the first thing I did when I wake up is chug that Mountain Dew and I didn't have a migraine so caffeine works not something I'm going to sustain for a long time but it's just funny to think about and these personal Cycles can also vary for the Hobbies you do or the goals you're trying to achieve like a bodybuilder for example has cutting and bulking Cycles they also have a much possibly a more frequent ingestion cycle of meals right eat five to six meals a day and that kind of controls their life and then even more so you can see how deep this goes where there can be business Cycles as well there are business Cycles because business is fairly unpredictable in many cases my content some of my content is going to do very good sometimes it's going to do very bad and I just have to accept that sometimes I'm going to have a high month sometimes I'm going to have a low month I can control that to an extent in terms of like my income or my content doing well but overall the high highs aren't sustainable High highs imply that there are going to be low lows and so on and so forth and so speaking of season the world as a whole or the cosmos as a whole seems to occur in Cycles from the top down and these impact human behavior so it goes like Cosmic worldly cultural societal social personal there may be more in between that but those are major things like in a social situation how you mirror someone else's body as the conversation goes on that's a cycle that you may not be conscious of or in control of or how as a culture in the states we celebrate Halloween right or Christmas or Thanksgiving and these things come up in cycles and we prepare for them and we do things unconsciously according to those things or when winter comes or when summer comes we change the clothes that we wear and all of these different things that we don't have to give conscious thought because they're cyclical they're repetitive they're conditioned into our brains and even more so something that a lot of people should become conscious of over these coming months is the political cycles and how Allah lot of people get overly emotional during those times simply because they're unconscious and they have certain expectations and beliefs for the mental construction that other people have created for certain individuals that attach to those mental constructions can reside in as a home like the uh Terence mechanic quote from earlier if you subscribe to a political ideology and someone threatens that house of a mental home that you live in or a mental construction that you live in they threaten the foundation they try to tear that construction apart you as a being are going to feel threatened you're going to have a stress response you're going to get emotional without your own control you're not going to be mindful of it and then things are going to go to and you're not going to enjoy your life simply because you don't understand that the the impacts of closed-mindedness that we're talking about throughout this entire thing your inability to see and think deeper so to summarize all of that uh The Matrix is what you think you know and the way you break free of the Matrix or create a glitch in The Matrix is to break free of your robotic Behavior to become conscious of and break free of your robotic Behavior by doing something different now this is a bad and extreme example but it's it's doable right you're gonna live but if you're going through a sleep cycle and you want to make some new discoveries or you want to kind of notice things that you haven't noticed before this is just one example don't sleep for a night break the Sleep Cycle right break the Sleep Cycle don't sleep wake up the next day and notice how your mind reacts notice how it tries to revert back now of course a lot of this is biological but you're going to make some interesting discoveries about yourself and just the world now this doesn't only apply to sleeping but it just it just means breaking out of the cycles that you have control over so the personal Cycles like intermittent fasting if you haven't tried intermittent fasting or fasting as a whole fast for a day fast from food don't eat because whether you like it or not if you don't break free of these Cycles you are extremely similar to other people and you are going to get the same results as other people in life and one cycle that I would encourage everyone to break is the conventional work or employee cycle at least try building a hobby project and potentially see it growing into some kind of business or something that you have more control over and so what do you find what do you find when you break out of this Matrix or just this web of expectations or this elaborate and complex uh Matrix or Construction in our mind that we have created and reside in for Comfort when you break out of it or you try to see beyond it you are going to experience the mystical the profound and the unknown waiting to be explored and now the the Trap here is to think that you can articulate these things right this is what spiritual people have trouble with is like trying to get people to try spiritual things because you experience something mystical you have a mystical experience and you can't put it into words because it can't be put into words because it is being you you don't know it it's not something that has been conditioned into our brain it is something that you learn to not surrender to you can surrender to it that's where the concept of surrender and Faith come into play but you get to explore it freely you get to explore the Matrix freely and understand um what it is and that it is just a way of us organizing and making sense of the mystical that is under us the infinite intelligence that is under us and so once you awaken to the fact that there is this intelligence beneath us you can begin to explore it and with that you can bring your findings into your creative work your Creations your content your videos your your speaking with other people in social situations and everything like that and so this is what creativity is right when you think of a creative you think of some like an artist sitting there and do you think they're just like brooding over some political election no they're in a deep restful State and they're letting their creative abilities come into play your Edge is where you stop short or where you compromise your fullest gift and instead cater to your fears David data that is a quote from the way of the superior man great book highly recommended so in relation to deep thinking the Matrix Keeps Us trapped in this in all of these surface level thoughts so in order to reverse this effect we have to tap into the unknown and we have to seek to explore the unknown but the thing with this is is that you can't just throw yourself into the unknown you can't just hurl yourself into the middle of the ocean if you don't know how to swim and expect to survive or at least expect in this case in the metaphorical sense and in a way that we're thinking about now expect your mental construction or yourself the notion of self to survive because that's just the thing Mystics and gurus and monks they kind of reside in this unknown territory and they have no sense of self they have eradicated that no self if you've heard of the term no self this is what we're talking about here where they don't live they don't play the game of the material world now I haven't reached this point yet I don't know if I'll ever reach this point I don't know if I want to reach this point it's like Alan Watts he called himself a bodhisattva where he has experienced the mystical but he chooses to live in this material world and kind of balance back and forth between the two he plays the external game but he knows that the mystical place he knows that it is there for him when he needs it for the calmness and the creativity that is there so here's a graphic that I made for a last video and it just shows the unknown is the big black area all around and if you launch yourself too far into it or you push too far out of the known then you get anxious but if you stay too far within the known or this Matrix that we have locked ourselves into then you get kind of bored you think that life doesn't have meaning and you start to believe that there really is no point but when you live at the edge or when you push or when you're at the edge of your fears or that fear kicks into place are you going to hide back in the known or your little comfortable home in your mind or are you going to push out a bit and expose yourself to deeper experiences now this is just the thing you have to start exposing yourself to deeper experiences if you want to kind of unlock that experience to tap back into when it comes time to think deeply creatively or even freely so at the start our goal is to just get a bit uncomfortable we want to puncture the known we want to puncture it with consistent effort and let Obsession pull us deeper when we find a novel discovery that is when we get that hit of excitement or dopamine when we make a new discovery let's say we're struggling we're struggling to read something and we come across something that we normally wouldn't have had before if we just like skimmed through it and didn't pay attention to the depth of knowledge that is within a book and it makes you want to research another thing another thing and another thing and you realize that you're starting to explore this intelligence without being conscious of it because you're going from connection connection and then you're uh reflecting and you're understanding the patterns that are showing there and how these things are connected right I've talked about in previous videos like the rise of the value Creator where uh a value Creator's job is to explore the unknown and make new discoveries by researching the crevice of reality that they feel the most compelled to so if you're researching Fitness right you're you're researching this little domain and your job is to just connect all of these dots by pushing the boundaries of what you think you know so to understand the progression of pushing into the unknown or kind of opening our mind if you go back to that graphic that I showed about the known and the unknown think of the known as your mind and the line around it is the the closed-minded nature of your mind right and so when you're pushing into the unknown you're kind of expanding your mind you're expanding that barrier of the known until it encompasses so much more that you can tap into rather than just what you've been taught in school the experiences you've gone through that everyone else has gone through and just living the normal ordinary life that most people are living if you're watching this video I'm assuming you want more out of life you want to do great things in this world if that's not you then don't watch this video or don't watch my channel so let's talk about States and stages states are a temporary State of Consciousness that you can break into at any time like taking a psychedelic reading a quote that eases your worries or feeling extra creative after you write a few words stages on the other hand are a permanent stage of Consciousness like reaching a new level in a game where you have access to the powers you could only previously receive with a power up like a baseline level of Happiness this takes development over time and does not eliminate regressing into lower States Of Consciousness like being stuck in a rut so a state when you think of that graphic a state is like you're kind of launched into the unknown you have a peak mystical experience but you can't sustain that because you haven't gone through the stages in order to maintain that or when you are just feeling extra creative or something like that and so with a stage a stage comes from experience exposure it comes from gradually taking the steps to get to a certain place like in business right you don't just go from zero to one million dollars a month you go from zero to 100 or 1000 then you go to 5000 and you slowly work your way up it's all an exponential curve and so our goal is to reach new stages in the unknown or expand our mind to new stages of Consciousness and that is to expose yourself to new experiences in every aspect or facet of your life and then this leads to a deeper awareness of what is possible because how you you can't improve what you aren't aware of you can't take action on what you are aren't aware of right if you're trying to get into business and you're seeing all these people pulling a ton of money you you you're not going to have the skill set that they have right you have to start with one skill like web design and then open your awareness to like oh I could make this skill better by stacking it with copywriting and now you have web design and copywriting and you can uh that skill becomes much more effective and it's like okay well what comes next right then you open your mind to let's say email marketing you tack that on you had a lead Magnet or an opt-in to your page you have some email sequences and the skills stack over time so you're not going to be able to get to expert level of having this perfect set of skills that makes a ton of money until you learn the first skill so as an example and a humble Flex if you will just because it's uh recent to me it's a new experience to me and it's fresh in my mind and that's why I use it in my newsletters and in my videos for this time around is that when I started in business I had like I made like my first 300 bucks selling web design right then I got better I stayed consistent I learned new things through experience that wouldn't have been able to be taught in a course and then over time I hit a high month of ten thousand dollars but my Baseline was still like like two thousand dollars a month right but then I kept going and then the state would increase to like I had my first fifty thousand dollar month and then my Baseline was twenty thousand and then recently I've had two one hundred thousand dollar months in a row and now my Baseline is maybe I don't know what it is yet but it could be like fifty thousand it could have jumped exponentially higher I'm not sure that's going to take time for me to understand but then when I have a state of like my first million dollars in half a year then my Baseline is going to increase whatever it may be and hopefully I can stop and balance around a million dollars a year I feel like that's probably too much I don't know we'll see when we get there because that's the thing is you don't know until you accomplish it right that's what a lot of people fail to see I fail to see it everyone fails to see it at some point in their life but it's like a lot of people um talk about others for their certain situation specifically with celebrities or something else like you see people in the comment section and they're like oh uh like yeah this guy is this this and this they're just assuming expectations they're living in a web of expectations that has been conditioned into their brain and they're projecting those assumptions and expectations on the other people like oh this person's unhappy oh this person should do this with their money or they should do that and it's like you don't know what they know you don't know what they should do with their money until you've experienced where they're at through action and gaining experience and have lived the life that they've lived then most if not all of the words that you are speaking about them are just complete and utter nonsense and completely worthless it's like you have better things to do with your time go and improve your own life so you can experience things and make better decisions for yourself because no one's ever going to make you happy right this is a common saying but it's like it's not going to make you happy if they go and give a million of the a million dollars to charity because then you're gonna pick something else up and just get stuck in this continual trap of blaming other people for their problems and not even worrying about your own so back on track the the slow and consistent steps to expanding your mind and just experience of the world in stages slow and consistent stages with occasional states that like bust into higher and higher levels and you get a peak into that level so you have something to work towards but there are times when intense growth makes sense right and that's usually a product of consistent growth right you can if you're not acting consistently you're never going to give your chance at uh intensity but sometimes the things just make sense right when you feel the pull or you feel the call to move across the country drop everything sell all of your stuff and go live a new life and you really feel that you've been thinking about it for a year then you haven't gone and done it yet you haven't gone and experienced it maybe it's time take the leap because that stressful environment that pressure that something on the line like moving to another country and having to fight for your survival in order to get to a new stage or Baseline where you can survive there may be what you need in order to make all of that progress so here's a tweet of mine that got some good engagement it's one of my top tweets that people seem to like and it summarizes all of this pretty well if you're lost the answer is education if you're educated the answer is action if you are acting the answer is consistency so it only makes sense to match knowledge with execution you don't want to learn from someone that's 10 stages ahead of you because it's not going to make sense you don't understand what's there you need to learn from someone that's one stage ahead of you and then you need to match that execution so you become aware of that little bubble of awareness that they have at stage two and then you go to stage three and you slowly expand your awareness to encapsulate everything that you're experiencing and learning along the way and this is how you create good dopamine cheap dopamine comes from receiving novelty without struggle good dopamine comes from creating novelty through struggle now here's a graphic where you can see this you have U on one end instant desire on the other hand bing bing bing bing bing you got dopamine right there Then you have you an intrinsic desire and the highs and lows that come with that right the highs and lows are necessary because that's where you get good dopamine it's not just instant it's not at the click of a phone or just like looking at your phone it comes from what we've been talking about this entire time breaking free of the Matrix through experience exposure exposing yourself to new experiences on a consistent basis so meaning you have to set your own goals your own goals educate yourself on how to reach them and execute at the edge of your fear if you have problems with fear go and watch my video on why fear of failure is ruining your life I feel like that's an underrated video of mine and it should really help reframe what you think of fear and failure and just to make a connection about the cycles that we talked about earlier you could consider cheap dopamine a part of your cycle right how often do you check your phone every day how compulsive is it do you even know when you're like are you conscious of the fact that you're pulling your phone out of your pocket and staring at it and starting to scroll and so while there's many methods for breaking out of your comfort zone or diving into the unknown or exposing yourself to new experiences here are ones here are three or four that are red readily available to you right now and that you can do on a consistent date on a consistent basis you can make this a part of your daily practice so the first one is reading right and a lot of people they don't read because it's a lot of stuff they're not getting that quick valuable information without the fluff all of a sudden when the fluff is where you're going to make new discoveries that's the stupidest argument I've ever heard is like oh I want the ACT I want the value without the fluff and it's like the fluff is where the magic happens so when you read don't stop at the first hint of struggle or lack of comprehension that's where you're going to prime your mind to actually learn the lesson that is trying to teach you whether it be one year or 10 years right when I first read a book let's say The Power of Now I didn't understand uh some of its teachings but then when I come back and read it five years later I understand it all and that's because I primed my mind to try to experience those things in my life just because I read it on paper but now when you're reading and you catch a whiff of something that's interesting or that excites you don't neglect that stop reading and start researching it further right if you're reading a book on Fitness and you read something about muscular tension and you're like I don't know what that is I want to learn more and you start reading about muscular attention it takes you down this rabbit hole and eventually you become obsessed with Fitness and you create a lifestyle out of it so number two is writing every single writer or creative struggles with writers or creative blocks and people think this is a bad thing when is it is the best thing that could ever happen to you this is when your mind is ready to munch on those problems right this is when you go on a walk this is when you drop things after you hit a wall with your writing this implies that you have to start writing when you hit a wall with your writing you go on a walk you lay by the pool you rest you let your brain turn on the default mode Network so we can start munching on those problems in your subconscious mind and then out of nowhere boom you have this Revelation or this discovery or an idea is sent to your conscious mind and you write that down and then you're able to continue writing right because if you're stuck in this instant gratification mindset and you're like like oh I can't write this this and this right now then put it down you're allowed to write a piece over the the entirety of a week or a month or however long it takes and so if you want to get into writing check out my course the two hour writer I attribute almost every thing in my life to writing right my mental health my business success all content is based around writing even this YouTube video my Instagram my Twitter my LinkedIn it's all writing my podcast it all starts with a script that is the most profitable and non-replaceable skill that you can learn creative skill that you can learn that just pairs with any other skill you choose to learn so number three is teaching because our goal is to become a deep original and free thinker but I'm going to save number three I wrote this earlier in my newsletter if you're not on it join it but I wrote about teaching in the next video that we're going to do on how I remember everything I learned so I don't want to do it Injustice by bringing it up here but you want to teach what you learn in order to solidify it right if you haven't already look up the Feynman Feynman technique which is where you you pretty much learn teach what you learn identify the knowledge gaps in uh where you struggle to teach things like if you were to teach to a YouTube video you can watch back over it and see where you up and then you can go and fill in those knowledge gaps and then come back to teaching and that is how you retain a lot of your knowledge that's there's some study or something that shows that teaching retains the most knowledge um compared to other methods so that is it for this video I know this one was a bit of abstract but that is the point because I've noticed we've we've grown quite a bit on YouTube recently and I've noticed that a lot of uh the things that get clicks and Views are the one-person business videos and um just like the Practical lessons that I've learned when a lot of people neglect the thing behind all of that all of the abstractions and philosophical and creative ideas that make it work and that's what I like dissecting the most that's what I feel like is the most helpful is your ability to think freely and figure things out for yourself um rather than relying on a step-by-step system to get immediate instant gratifying results so if you enjoyed this episode and watch to the end uh please like the video please subscribe for more I'm going to have a balance or I am going to continue the balance of like practical and Abstract just because they're both extremely important and if you want to dive deeper you can join the modern Mastery Community for five bucks with the link in the description or check out the two-hour writer or the other two to three free things that are there there's the newsletter power planner and seven days to genius idea Challenge and that's it for this video so I appreciate you watching have an absolutely incredible rest of your week
Channel: Dan Koe
Views: 148,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self improvement, mindset, personal development, online marketing, online business, make money online, spirituality, entrepreneurship, motivation, personal growth, social media growth, self mastery, actualization
Id: S9BOuSHzQ6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 55sec (2095 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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