Self Improvers Are Creating Their Own Careers (The New Economy)

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wake up hit snooze four times stare at your phone roll out of bed make coffee sit in traffic eight hours of unfulfilling work sit in traffic again argue with your significant other walk the pet watch TV pass out repeat this should scare the out of you yet this is the state of 95 percent of the population even those that are putting effort into escaping this on a daily basis I did everything in my power to avoid a nine to five from the ages of I would say 16 to 22 I was just obsessed with building different businesses and learning different skills to try and Escape that reality that I had in my mind that was my anti-vision it was the bane of my existence to have a nine to five job why because I saw how people lived right if you just observe societal patterns right You observe Society you can see and discern what is good from bad in terms of your daily the actions what are going to lead to a good life and what are going to lead to a bad life you can go to the grocery store and see what someone is putting into their basket and realize okay that's how you end up like this person not in a judgmental way you have to be able to make decisions through observation and then you become less mindless when you put things into your own cart do I want to end up like that no I want to end up like this and so when I did get a job the list at the beginning became my default state of living everything revolved around my work whether I wanted it to or not right and now with entrepreneurship what we're going to talk about in this video and how I believe it should be is that work should revolve around your ideal lifestyle and anything that compromises that then entrepreneurship isn't worth it at that point and I'm going to argue why entrepreneurship is the only route to take so over the past three or four years on my Creator Journey I've noticed a few things entrepreneurship is the only path for long-term logical thinkers you humans have been removing labor work since the beginning of time and we are on the horizon of complete removal the Creator economy is the new economy if you don't have a personal brand you lose like the Black Mirror episode nosedive but in a good way sensible people get paid for doing what they enjoy doing shout out Alan Watts for being way ahead of his time the future belongs to the self-improver the person that takes responsibility for their life and becomes a Fountainhead of value and when done in public it's almost impossible not to get paid so I was scrolling on YouTube the other day and it post caught my attention right so the the caption of the post was what is one thing that you find overrated but most people love and there were comments about travel and other things but the one that caught my attention was this I'm just going to read the first comment but it says entrepreneurship don't get me wrong I think it's great if you have the skills to go that route but at the end of the day work is work that red flag man red flag I'm sick of being told I'm a wage slave for 2 choosing to work a nine to five most of these quote unquote entrepreneurs are really just unemployed that's very loaded very assumptive I get where you're coming from I really do like it's easy to make that assumption when you're online and seeing these people like flexing big numbers but man there's a lot there's a lot here and the comments on this if you want to pause and look at these like I hate social media comments I hate getting trapped in them but our brain loves it and I won't lie this irked me at first right it my my defense systems immediately started going off I'm like no you're wrong you're wrong you're wrong and I was creating objections in my mind so I decided why not just turn this into an actual video because it made me question like how can people not realize that entrepreneurship is the only path in life where you can have full control over your lifestyle and that full control of your lifestyle is the only way to have full control over your enjoyment but yeah you can enjoy work and and whatever these people say about it but it's like if you don't realize that by not using the humans unique ability ability to create that's what we do we have the gift of God within us to create that's what you're supposed to do that's what feels amazing and when you're creating for someone else with a purpose that is assigned to you there's so much scientific literature and just everything that talks about how the psyche is wired that all point to entrepreneurship and the thing is is it's increasingly becoming more difficult to find the perfect gig and even the perfect gig isn't perfect there's going to be something that you hate about it and because it isn't yours because you aren't an entrepreneur you won't be able to change it and you won't be able to leverage all of the intrinsic drivers that make life good like curiosity passion purpose autonomy and Mastery those are the intrinsic drivers not extrinsic not something being assigned to you and so a few of these comments hit me here's I'm just going to list off the objections people hate what they don't understand the people that comment on these things have not been entrepreneurs they don't understand it they don't understand the nuances of the brain that you pick up through daily experience you only see online me included you only see maybe one percent or less of my life like as much as I love the whole authenticity thing of the Creator economy and that people are pushing that but you guys don't know me you don't know me at all and so you see five percent of someone's business or less than one percent of someone's life and think that's enough to draw conclusions as to what you should do without experience we talked about observing Society earlier so you can correct your own actions but if you're using it to just reinforce what you've been told to do and then justify it as oh I chose to do this when you're tied to money or else you would quit and not do it in essence they think entrepreneurship is overrated because they aren't entrepreneurs I'm tired of being called a wage slave I'm sorry but your your feelings aren't reality if you got let go and you could not pay the bills then you are by definition a modern slave and and the thing here is is that slave doesn't have to be good or bad we all have a collective notion of oh yeah slavery was very bad and I would argue that all of us agree that slavery in the past was bad but I will also argue that we will look back on the Industrial Age and realize that it slavery was the norm and that is what AI is coming in to fix and so if you're forced to work for your survival you you don't have a choice you're making choices in alignment with the unconscious and subconscious survival goals that you have in this life and not only that but most people are unconscious of what goes on behind the scenes of their company they don't care to look beyond the string of tasks that they have to do on a daily basis and so they can go home and sit on the couch and watch TV they aren't aware of the exploitation of these massive companies hiring or paying pennies to Third World sweatshops and literally contributing to a much worse form of slavery and so when you become conscious of this and you continue to do it and don't think entrepreneurship is the only way out then like that's a terrible thing and of course this isn't in all cases this isn't at all companies but if you're working for a mega Corporation or like a huge chain like McDonald's there's stuff going on behind the scenes that you don't know about and you're serving people the worst food for the Health in the world like what are you doing and of course you can't control this at the start right that's the entire self-actualization Journey or creating freedom for yourself you have to help create a better life you have to help create a better world that's what makes life meaningful what's wrong with me offering my skills to already developed corporations nothing but why not develop skills that fit your own unique interests the skills that you enjoy using and then reach out to these bigger corporations and work as a freelancer and not have a cap on your income so you can make 10 times more than you would working for the corporation but you don't want to take the little bit amount of time that it takes to get there you'd rather apply to a job from something that you already learned in the social fabric the the social Matrix of people teaching you okay you're are going to school so you can get trained in this job because this job is paying the school to teach this curriculum and Wikipedia is flooded with uh information that the school you're learning from the school itself it's all up and when you do that you aren't when you're a freelancer or you actually treat yourself as a business then you aren't a slave to productivity metrics and all the other things you hate at your job you gain control over your lifestyle and you can change things however you want that's another thing like when people actually try entrepreneurship and don't like it it's because they don't realize like hey you get to create your own job you don't have to do it like all other entrepreneurs do and one of the comments said you're paying a man fifty dollars to escape the matrix that's not how it works actually it is how it works that's how I escape the matrix I'm not a fan of Tate or like his views but he's teaching time tested marketable skills there's only so much you can learn about that I don't have his product but I can assume what's in it and for fifty dollars it's a great thing in my eyes it's better than spending forty thousand dollars on a degree that can only make you so much money right you have to learn the skills that allow you to play Infinite games and make an infinite income making money is a skill that can be practiced and cultivated but only through entrepreneurship because that's how you actually try to make the money you aren't making the money you are being given the money in a corporate job you aren't actually making the money you aren't making that transaction because your boss is making as much money as he wants entrepreneurs don't go back to a nine to five that's one of my things is like I've never seen an entrepreneur go back to a nine to five I've only seen nine to fivers leave to become an entrepreneur you're busy all the time no you aren't the the stigma of entrepreneurs being busy is silly like I don't think it's a thing I work four hours a day maybe minimum maximum sometimes more sometimes less watch my video the four hour workday you're in control of your lifestyle I can work as much as I want if I build the things that allow me to work how much I want all right two last things because this part is getting really long and I'm just like I'm sticking on this too much but one thing is the psychology of Entrepreneurship right we have the psyche of our ancestors the external world has changed a lot but our ancestors were metaphorically entrepreneurs right entrepreneurship is a new form of just contributing to the world contributing to a community providing value in exchange for another form of value our ancestors had their communities or their tribes where they had a specific value skill that they could offer like cooking cleaning taking care of the kids whatever and they serve their communities right if you're just doing the same repetitive task day in day out then life loses its weight you have to have purpose and Entrepreneurship and modern business is the vessel for purpose and so last thing is that work consumes about 25 of your life if you do the math it's about 25 would you rather spend 25 of your life making new discoveries in the unknown and actually having some meaning in your life or just predictable same thing day in day out never really breaking out yeah you can go travel here and there but not for long because you have to go back and all this other stuff that's not in your control the real AI Singularity if it happens at all it's going to look like a doomsday scenario like in a Sci-Fi Story the real way it happens and this is probably inevitable is a gradual erosion of human labor so this is a tweet from zero HP Lovecraft I see of some of his stuff occasionally I think he's very good I haven't followed him yet I don't know why but interesting posts so we're gonna talk about Ai and what the Creator's role is in it or what the modern Workforce is going to look like and I like to start off with like predictions from the past so Aristotle condemned manual labor as harmful to the body and soul the ancient Greeks saw work as a necessary part of life but only as a means to Leisure creativity and contemplation as they considered those the key to happiness and they needed that balance that contrast because the rest the Leisure it can't exist without work it holds no meaning and so manual work isn't always bad right labor work isn't bad like none of these things are quote unquote bad it's all subjective it's all based on a specific perspective but if you're just manually robotically animalistically completing tasks day and day and day and day after day you aren't a human for that amount of your life you're a robot or an automation or an animal right you're a robot you're if you are a robot you're going to be replaced by robots so with Automation and Ai and all the Doomsday perspectives around that I only see good coming from it because a decline in labor work means an incline in creative and knowledge work for people that choose to continue working right I've heard perspectives of like Universal basic income or other things like AI where it's like oh people will naturally self-actualize well it's either that they'll have more time to self-actualize or they'll have more time to destroy their lives and so the people that want to take control of their lives preferably you watching this video you can leverage this point in time for just that right people are considering Ubi Universal basic income and AI is just coming in to kind of do that for people but allow people to choose how they make money I like the AI route a lot more because it forces people to get creative if they want to survive it forces people to be human and so from McKenna thought can only go as far as the language that paves the road so if we want to expand the limits of our own mind and therefore the collective mind or our potential as a species we have to create the knowledge ideas and beliefs that permeate culture and influence language that way Collective thought can be expanded and exponential progress can be made the future of work in my eyes belongs to the creative the writers the speakers the designers the creators every person that we thought AI would replace instead AI will act as a tool to help these people push the boundaries and so to do this well work is necessary but rest and proper rest is going to become even more important and so rest and Leisure and contemplation are of utmost importance and that is because of the dmn or the default mode Network in the brain the dmn is a series of interconnected sections that activate as soon as people stop concentrating on external tasks and shift from outward Focus to inward focused cognition in short the brain is more active when you are not working and so when we as humans prioritize rest and I'm not talking about the modern notion of stuffing your face with ice cream chugging a bottle of wine and binge watching Netflix but I'm talking about going to the gym going on walks reading contemplating visualizing thinking getting creative journaling brain dumping all of that stuff by doing that we Prime our mind for novel ideas the ones that allow new language beliefs ideas and thoughts to pave the road of thought and through the power of internet where information is so easily spreadable and accessible Collective knowledge increases and our capacity for development increases along with it so to get practical you now have the opportunity to pursue meaningful work that unlocks the parts of the brain that modern society has neglected for so long humans can explore reality with passion explore their skill set and self-actualize now let's talk about why the Creator economy is the new economy so I've been talking about this for a while now but I came across a Twitter thread from Matt Mike and it was a great thread that brought a new perspective or brought some new ideas to the theory that I've been preaching in my previous videos so my theory is that everyone will be creators Freelancers remote workers mostly creators right if they have a personal brand you have that leg up and there's a lot of objections behind that like oh I'm not experienced enough yeah you are it's you embodied it's an extension of yourself displayed on the internet and you are improving and providing value along the way and through that it is a public school a public resume for job work and a public school but in the other sense right one where you learn from others and one where you teach so others can learn from you and then it is like a progressive actualization hierarchy and everyone can evolve Beyond so I'm going to summarize a few points for Matt Mike's thread I wouldn't encourage you to look him up on Twitter follow him I'm sure you can type in the search bar like the name of the thread or Devin take the link and just pop it in the description right now if you can no I don't think I will but first we need to step back and think about how important social media is because a lot of people say it can be toxic yes and that we would be better off without it and yes in some cases it's all relative but at the same time the people that are saying it's toxic don't realize that social media is a reflection of yourself because the algorithm gives you what you want to see so by giving attention and falling into your negativity bias and enjoying the toxicity you are conditioning the algorithm and therefore conditioning your brain into this Echo chamber of toxicity because like my social media flight isn't toxic I love my social media feed I love learning I get new ideas every day it's very conducive to my lifestyle I just enjoy it all around if I don't like something I see scroll past it block unfollow it's that simple close your eyes so humans are social creatures and social media removes the barriers of socialization through media so media is the front end of the internet code is the back end of the internet media of course includes things like video writing and all the different forms of those things I talk about this in many videos primarily the one million dollar skill stack where you have to understand media in order to make any form of an income for yourself right media is how you communicate online or even in a physical location you could consider yourself media right you could consider your business online a one-person media company so media is how we learn media is how we get new information media is how we communicate the value of our businesses media consumes a large portion of our lives and I would argue that it forms a large amount of the social fabric that we operate on as a civilization so PS I teach all of this with notion templates in my master class digital economics so if you want to learn how how to get on on the future of work as I like to put it or learn how to personal brand or become a Creator and learn my content strategies and systems branding marketing product sales all of the above and how to uh the best way I can paint it is recently I got someone saying that they're gonna have to go through it time and time again as they're executing for a year that's how much is in it because you guys know whether you like to admit it or not that this thing takes time business takes time and a year of going through and executing on a course I believe is invaluable of course it can take less time but expect a year to see some decent results and to make some decent money so in terms of the thread that Matt Mike wrote uh he Illustrated that there were three layers of social media in terms of the value that each of those created in terms of income and audience so platforms were the first form of digital media so something like a phone and Google and apple kind of rule this domain right a platform is the first layer that generated trillions of dollars and billions of users and the the apps so social media the second layer apps of Twitter Instagram Tick Tock YouTube all of the above they captured the same amount of value over time right they through to that amount of value trillions of dollars flowing billions of users and then the third layer that most people don't realize because they're so sucked into the apps that they don't realize that there is a third layer that is the Creator and huge creators are predicted like Rogan Mr Beast to generate trillions of dollars and have billions of followers right so as that value transfers over into the Creator layer of that then the biggest ones are going to have that insane leverage right they are going to be media companies and the smaller ones it's like you don't need trillions of dollars and billions of followers right you need a million dollars a year and maybe 200 000 followers creators are atomizing what the social networks did by capturing Mass attention forming communities Distributing media and generating revenue and this makes even more sense when we think about the exponential growth that Automation and AI have seen very recently right because it's human nature to want human no matter how human a robot can be it's still going to be under like the lens of a human right like I could make my account all AI if it was perfect and to the point I don't want to do that like I saw tweet from Jim Claire the other day where all the AI Bros all the eyebrows are like oh you can automate all of your writing and he's like what if I want to write and he's like well hey I can do that for you it's like I want to write and it's the same with videos it's like I want to create it's fun it feels good and AI is naturally going to shift to take over the things that humans don't want to do and that's the thing the need for human is still there the creators are going to be the next layer of media that generate the the most value in other words personal brands or however you want to frame it when I first heard the term Creator I'm like that sounds kind of cringe I don't really want to be a Creator but then I tie it into like I am a Creator God is a Creator not that I'm saying I'm God but I'm saying like you have the gift of creation right and so creators are people that educate entertain and Inspire in the crevices of reality that they choose to explore by their own curiosity and so unless we rewrite the collective which hasn't changed for centuries then this isn't going to change robots do however have their place in increasing human creativity and decreasing labor so My Philosophy is the same business is an extension of the self being a Creator is an extension of the self personal brand same thing it is a vessel for your purpose because your purpose means you are part of something greater it means that you are contributing to something so people that aren't living with purpose aren't contributing to something greater than themselves which could be a community of people by providing value in exchange for another form of value and so your purpose evolves from superficial to metaphysical as you solve The Superficial shallow problems in your life and business reflects that right personal development is about solving your own problems business is about solving other people's problems so if you take that and you collapse them into one and you solve your own problems you document the process online and you ask for some money in return by creating a product or a system or implementation then it all works itself out you are the niche watch the video the most profitable Niche is you and so the pattern here is that the Eternal markings in business if you're going to watch any marketing course or buy anything on marketing you're going to learn about the Eternal markets which are health wealth relationships and happiness optional so if you solve your own problems by self-education and skill acquisition to fix your health problems get fit right you have your own goals you have your own desires so lean into them solve the problem standing in the way fix your money problems next then fix your relationships issues fix your mindset issues and your mental health issues and then once you do you can self-reflect and look back okay what did I do let me piece these together into the form of a step-by-step advice with an overarching Theory or philosophy or what I've learned pack setup distribute it via the right modality right so maybe it's a course maybe an email course maybe an e-book maybe just a traditional course maybe a physical product right like if I got a lot of peace out of journaling then I'm going to create my own with my own prompts what about a physical planner what about the clothes I like to wear is there meaning behind it is because there's no uh like microplastics in Cotton shirts am I going to start a Cotton brand around a meaningful philosophy to me so by leveraging the creativity that is being freed up by Ai and whatever self-improvers are creating their own career paths simply it's just baked into it right you solve your own problems and human behavior revolves around problems people pay to have their problems solved for them so by improving yourself you set yourself up for massive financial success and I've made videos extensively about all of this just under different lenses because I was talking with Clark Kegley big YouTuber at Coffee the other day and I need to lean more into the one-person business the lifestyle design that kind of stuff because it's like when you listen to your favorite artist you just want to hear their same tracks right when they when a punk artist goes pop and you're like I hate this I want to hear these songs and and you listen to them on repeat it's the same thing right you just say one thing a thousand different ways in the Creator economy and when people change that's when they die because you guys want to learn more about the one-person business and simply by me repeating the same thing it's going to condition your mind to see success in that domain and you're going to enjoy it so we've talked about this multiple times before as well but again we're repeating stuff here if you want the full breakdown go watch the best business model to make a million dollars in three to five years uh great video I think but we're going to talk about some monetization methods so the first is service business right freelance Consulting coaching or tutoring and so when you first start out you don't have a large following but you do have Labor and time right that you can put in so you can do direct Outreach and you can charge a higher price to sustain a higher income without trying to bank on an audience that you don't have right so you have to do client work and that way you can get dedicated one-on-one results for them and then when you have more leverage you have an audio and you have the results you've refined the system because you know what works now from working with people one-on-one then you create a cohort or you create a product or something like that and use the results to sell it to your audience that you've acquired by giving out value because with a service you only need like two to three clients to make a pretty decent income instead of like 100 200 300 course sales because if you don't have the traffic via an audience or a following then you aren't going to sustain the sales you need a service and so the next thing you can do is you can turn that into a cohort or a course so my favorite way to do it is a cohort because you're still charging a higher price because you're still involved and you're still helping people get better results but you create a curriculum right you create a curriculum and then you have weekly calls to help walk people through it and then you can charge for like a group coaching price of like 500 a thousand fifteen hundred something like like that for like eight weeks and then once you're done with that you turn it into a course and you already have the curriculum you already have results you already have testimonials and by now a year later you have fifty thousand a hundred thousand followers you're making up more of an income with way less work and if you are still aren't sold on the information businesses or the education businesses wait until the next video where I obliterate all of your limiting beliefs and so the next thing is to build whatever you want right now you have leverage you have experience and you have resources to transfer over into the Endeavor that you want to pursue so if you want to start a clothing brand now you have the resources to do so right you don't have to procrastinate and have shiny objects syndrome for 10 years and never start the clothing brand or what I plan to do hopefully next year or the year after I'm going to start a modern Mastery gym and it's going to be epic and you guys are all going to fly out and we're gonna have a lift we're gonna get jacked or if you want to sell a supplement line like I've been on the fence many times of selling a focus supplement and even like a recovery supplement and things like that simply because I can just make a video on productivity plug the focus supplement and then people get results with it and I make money and it like it just makes sense that's what business is you provide something that makes people happy and they give you money and people that don't like sales don't like making other people happy so the future is bright for the people that take responsibility for their lives to reiterate this point because I want to drill it into your head the Eternal markets and business are health wealth relationships and happiness these are where all burning Evergreen problems that people will face until the end of time so solve your own problems document the solution get paid and have a good rest of your day because that's the end of the video but be sure to like subscribe check links in the description for to our writer learn a high value skill digital economics learn everything modern Master HQ meet cool people and learn a bunch of stuff as well that's it thanks for watching peace
Channel: Dan Koe
Views: 128,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self improvement, mindset, personal development, online marketing, online business, make money online, spirituality, entrepreneurship, motivation, personal growth, social media growth, self mastery, actualization
Id: hRqyDD1291Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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