The Matrix Glitches When I Suddenly Speak Their Languages

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[Music] she gave me stuff yeah yeah my dear friends the YouTube algorithm has gathered us here once again so you can enjoy your favorite language double takes where you [Music] from how nice it is to just walk around the marketplace and every single person is so incredibly surprised I mean everyone just just look at this and they're so nice wow [Music] but I have to be honest this next video is a lot more [Music] accurate [Music] not the least bit of surprise and that's how it usually is I just want to make it very clear for those who are confused that not every time I go up to someone and speak an Asian language they're totally shocked in fact 90% of the time there's no shock at all so why do the videos appear that way why are people so shocked in the videos well I talked to 20 people in a day and most of the conversations were pretty boring like that just hi business as usual okay yeah you speak Chinese or they don't even say anything and um like is that entertaining to you why do you think only the crazy reactions Mak it on the YouTube you know that's how it is so I just want you to know that um that most people don't react at all I made a video about that too you can check that out here but I don't think that that many people watch that video it just I mean it's more entertaining to just see the shocked faces rather than to know that most people really don't care I guess in fact 90% of my footage is just this talking to people normally no shock no surprise whatsoever ordering food they do their job and and that's about it that's much more accurate and after 11 years in Asia I can say I really appreciate that cuz if everyone was shocked every single time I opened my mouth I'd get the heck out of here and move back but I will say if you're out and about and you sit around for long enough and see enough people you will find something really shocking something really funny just like this [Music] conversation young neighbor hi K hi K teacher pacher hey how are you today doing good American which city Detroit heyy oh [Music] hey she gave me stuff yeah yeah yeah small sweet hey hey okay byebye [Music] byebye I'm getting all the free stuff today look at that I got some tangerines too lucky me I know somebody's going to say something about me sharing food with someone at the market but you know what it just proves if you speak the language you are part of the family and family shares these are so good all year round M tastes even better when someone gives it to you I love the taste of free food [Music] that's the first I'm going to come here and get a free meal like you just ask what she eating can I try I didn't even ask her that that's [Applause] [Music] hilarious 11 years in Asia and that's the first time that ever happened and of course moments like that are going to make the final cut of the video because that's entertaining and the conversations where nothing happened you know 90% of the time those get cut I mean hey that's how it works right you're trying to be entertained I usually walk around looking for people that seem friendly that want to chat and also people that need help so that makes it more likely that I'm going to run into people that like to talk or people that need a little assistance like [Music] this so what [Music] time [Music] not everybody's going to be that friendly but there's a lot of nice people out there and probably one out of 10 conversations that person is just going to be blown away kind of like this for fore for so if you are interested in learning another language and uh you think oh I'm going to take this all on by myself Chinese or Japanese or Korean I got this you ain't got this it's these are the hardest languages for native English speakers to learn and it takes four times as long as it would to learn Spanish or Italian or whatever literally four times as long is that difficult so get yourself some help why you trying to do this all by yourself it's overwhelming get yourself some help because I certainly didn't learn these languages without help I got a lot of help from teachers from programs from things like Japanese class 101 Korean class 101 I also use pimsler that's pretty much where I always start is with pimsler so go into the video description and learn languages the way that I did with some help otherwise you're going to get lost lost really fast you know I know I we all like to think I got I got this I can do this by myself not with these languages you ain't got this by yourself you won't go very far without some help so go into the video description check that out and make sure you subscribe make sure you subscribe cuz we are almost at 1 million I can't believe it are we going to make it by the end of the year come on make my dream come true and we'll go have some more Adventures let's go congratulations you are one of the very few people to make it to the end of this video you see my average watch time is about 2 or 3 minutes for people watching these videos and it's 12 minutes long so you can see it's hard to keep people's attention but not you because you're special and I really appreciate that you made it this far if you want to go one step further in supporting the Channel please go over to patreon where I'm doing one-on-one lessons and language learning advice I would really appreciate that and please enjoy some more videos because every click helps and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Oriental Pearl
Views: 411,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speak chinese, fluent chinese, perfect chinese, chinatown, korea, speak korean, speak japanese, fluent japanese, perfect japanese
Id: AInCxDPr2qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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