The Massive River Carp I Never Thought I Would Catch.

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okay [Music] quite honestly I don't even know where to begin about telling the story of this campaign five or six years ago I started this epic journey and now I can finally say I've done it [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] me and a friend Dolly we had this particular mirror in mind it was a 30 pound River carp and to be fair even to this day a 30 pound roof cup is nothing to Grumble at it's a very very rare fish down especially in my part of the country down in the Southeast there's not many of these fish around and we decided that we were going to start fishing this certain stretch and trying to outwit this carp and that is where it all began um we we fell in love with the river we fell in love with just how beautiful it can be being out there in the wilderness and soaking in that energy that the nature really does give you and um I still to this day I I can't leave the rivers alone they're just I'm in my element out there um and yeah I absolutely love it to cut a long story short otherwise we'll be here all night my friend Ollie caught it um after a season on there and uh it left me with the choice do I carry on or do I leave on the highway to call it and I'd managed to photograph and film it for him back but there was this this feeling of failure that I never managed to Grace that fish myself you know I really wanted to hold that fish up for the camera and it was just something that I had to do you know oh all these years now we're six years on and I've campaigned it through many many different months of the years trying to outwit this fish and I'm sure I've lost it over the years I've come very very close to catching it off the surface as well um and uh I just had to go back for it this year I had to I didn't even have plans to until step foot back on the river and that magic called me again [Music] so I've done many June the 16ths over the years and there's that certain bars that isn't there when Junior 16 rolls around I've always been running for it um that I just get so excited I've baited a spot you know a month prior and when that comes around it's just magical isn't it but this year for some reason I had no plans absolutely no plans and my friend Ollie that I mentioned at the beginning he asked me if I fancied doing only night on a different stretch of river with him I've never laid my eyes on it before we went down a couple of nights beforehand put a load of bait in and honestly I knew nothing was going to happen it was just more of a social being out there and just you know it's tradition isn't it we had a lovely barbecue caught about six or seven green and then woke up and we were supposed to go to work and that day I can't remember what happened on the job but it got canceled so I was left with a free afternoon and it was very hot that day so I just knew that if I went back to this certain stretch river that quite possibly I might bump into my old friend and uh and there might be a chance of catching it so I decided to pack the gear get in the van and drive down to the old Hall and hopefully catch a fish and that is exactly what happened it only took me about an hour and I was into this incredible nice little common really nice lovely gray colors angry old male this one but I found a little spot where I keep seeing his mouth and scum off the surface and like I said to you many times previously if you see fish that mouth and stuff off the surface you can have them look at that absolutely lovely first one of the season and hopefully even though I haven't got much planned for Rivers this year this it just got me buzzed I think why not I should definitely be out there [Music] pre-baiting spots and get amongst somebody's wild card because that's what I live for I love the World Cup thank you very much girl I'm one of those Anglers you know if I go out stalking and I'll catch one fish that gives me that fix that I that I need and uh yeah and I'll pack up and that'll do for the day but it was still really hot and on Rivers it's different because you can have a fish get it back and you just put that area but you could walk 100 meters up the riverbank and there'd be just another group of fish and um that's exactly what happened I couldn't believe my luck but June the 16th this year was very kind to me and I had another one I can't believe it I got another fish soaking in the net down there absolute Mega sometimes you just have red letter sessions um and it's not often in River fishing that you can catch a couple like stalking on the top on blistering heat like this but today is an exception and I put that one back that you just saw 20 minutes ago and I am so dehydrated haven't got any water I thought I've got to go sorry I've got to go and have a look back at the spot where I saw him earlier now I'm so glad I did look at this fish another absolute Peach who he doesn't like River Carpe oh mate what I absolutely okay [Music] this river is nothing like any other flowing bit of water that I've fished in the past right Upstream there's a weir it's got flowing water coming into it and the stretch your River up there is no wider than six foot probably you could literally jump across it I mean this and um and then that flows all the way down it starts opening up so Midway um which are about sort of 10 12 foot across you could probably yeah rather length across and then as you get down further into the town then it really starts widening up and over the years I've fished every section of this River I have done hundreds and hundreds of miles on my legs and that's what's made this journey so epic that I can tell this story now knowing that I've fished every nook and cranny on this River and it makes you feel like you're you're fishing for different car where you go in the river like different sections and I swear I have a car just seem to hang around these areas and this is what I was trying to do I I I'd known of past captures of where this big girl likes to hang out and where it's been caught in the past but I was trying not to get sucked into being caught up in the rep race of baking other spots and then there's just gonna be loads of us on one section so I decided to start my start focusing my time on other parts of the river and this is where I started doing quite a bit of a bit of time down here near the town where it was a lot wider and you seem to get a few boats down there quite a few canoes and I was catching a few fish but all the time I knew in the back of my mind that this fish doesn't Venture that far down there or if it does very rarely and I just didn't have the time to to sit and wait years ears down the bottom end so I had to make something happen like I said I didn't have any plans on the river this year but after catching those two fish I thought I've got to have one last go for this fish I mean it's now or never this fish is not getting any younger and recently it's been a big fish kill on another one of my syndicates and you realize that they're not around forever so you really have to make make the best of the situation whilst they're there and I knew this year I was gonna have to make it count so I decided to find a spot a bit further Upstream where I'd seen it previously before soaking up the Sun and I just knew that the fish does actually Venture there so this would be a good starting point to start introducing big amounts of article and yeah that's exactly what I've done [Music] foreign [Music] Little River like this when you do get them they just fire upstream or Downstream and it's really hard to stop them so you have to have all faith in your terminal tackle because this fish have put it through its Paces like I was saying I definitely thought it was the beginning but um it's a nice one nonetheless let's get her out there a little bit deflated because just as I was setting up the camera the rods that I've just put out has ripped off it hasn't got a chance I've uh as I got to it I picked it up and it just parted but must have been saying sharp somewhere cut me right off like I said need faith in your tackle and I do but I don't know what happened there but here is a lovely jet black common and this one still make me happy today what a beautiful morning to catch carp like this out here in the wild lovely absolutely lovely fish well what an epic epic battle that was this morning um I kept getting knocks for the last sort of hour or two basically like little brain bites but not hooking themselves and I was starting to wonder I was thinking if they are brame how come they are not hooking themselves I reckon it must have been feeding car upon the Sparks and fishing under the rod tip just hitting into the line and then it all hell broke loose and I'll tell you what that was the hardest fighting River cart I've ever caught and um if I had lost it which I did think multiple times I had um I thought it would have been the bigger I was I literally I was waiting for it to pop up in front but um sadly it's not but it's another beautiful comment from here really nice Dark One um and it's just got gone past ten to five so um you know I'm gonna get a new rig on and uh put it back out because I still got an hour or two so you never know something else might pop up right let's get this Rod replaced honestly you just wouldn't believe it I was right down here doing the pictures out of a car and I hear my receivers go beep an absolute into meltdown and we we've got another one what's going on this morning it was Thursday night last night and um on Sunday I came down here and I put in a 25 liter bucket apart cool pellets boys and gave it four nights returned and they're obviously on it so yeah free takes hopefully the one that I lost wasn't the bloody bigger because that not be very fun but I did it did have a massive bow wave to be fair but um what can you do I hope that wasn't it such a shame I lost the other one but [Music] Shame about the old Sunshine coming through but and this time of year I really try to focus a lot of my fishing around stalking as you all know that's the style of ending that I do and even though I'm baiting this area I just know that I can't sit behind motionless rods anyway you know I just can't do it's not part of what I do and um especially when it's hot so even though I'm topping up that spot all the time every single time I'm down there I'm quite often off do my own thing just roaming around and trying to catch it and I've bumped into this fish that I can remember it from you years and years ago um that it's got a tiny little torsome and it's a common and it's probably around 25 pounds and me or not it we made it Spike years ago and not us not one of us in managed to bank it and on this hot day that I was down there I see it mouthing at the scum and as soon as I see Fish doing that I just know that it has a getting position and I know that I can have that fish [Music] oh my God foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] managed to capture one that we uh [Music] [Music] [Music] what an incredible fish he must be getting close to one of my biggest river cars no it might be the main lots of fish okay it's a little webbed fins tiny little tail that's what they're all about in here [Music] Mega [Music] absolutely over the moon about that one after returning that car to his natural habitat if you like um I just knew the weekend before I'd had great success stalking and it was just as hot that day so I knew I had to venture back up so I'd um I'd gone back to the van started the engine and drive about two miles further Downstream to another spot where I know they like to just Sun themselves and that again it was more fish there and I'd seen that there was this miracle sitting up underneath this vegetation and My Old Heart started going I was thinking there's not many mirrors in there there's a literally probably not three or four and it looked quite big beautiful this is catch me so I've literally whacked on a you know a fingernail sized bit of bread like I always do and paint it across the performance slowly [Music] it took it and honestly I really thought I was connected to this big car but it um it turned out it was a fish that I'd had previously quite a few years ago it was a miracle of um a young one that had come through but yeah it's starting to get big um but I'll just slit that one back because it's it's a recapture and um one uh one that I wasn't quite after so that fish I didn't realize [Music] three or four years ago foreign [Music] I wish I was feeling a little bit more with it um really restless night quite a few brim which is uh quite unheard of really on this uh on this movie don't normally get played with small fish but yeah quite a few big slabs as well but also an absolute remarkable fully scaled um an old friend of mine but it's such a lovely fish I haven't seen it in so many years I'm going to show you just how remarkable this is I love River fishing oh I say it then I but you just can't be yet remarkable fish incredible foreign [Music] I think you'll all agree with me but that is a very special River car just look at the colors of it look at the scale pattern just an incredible River cart this is exactly why why fish Rivers because you just never know what's coming along and then sometimes you just get lucky you can catch hatch things like this that you don't realize Were Once In this River absolutely remarkable but yeah right let's get her back because I've got to get to work I've got a pile of a lot more baiting and hopefully I'll be back Friday so one step closer to that begin we are getting there I had a little trip booked and planned to go to Italy for a friend's wedding um so I got the spot rocking that week and um I had to have to disappear and whilst I was away in Italy loving life this country saw some serious amounts of rain and it was well needed because all the water levels around this country have gone down fate haven't they um so when I came back the whole river had Rose um it murked up there was a big flow on it and I just wasn't feeling it um but I had to keep going there's there's only one way I'm gonna catch his face she needs to keep going um so I pre-baited spots again and uh and just carried on doing consistent nights each week and it was really quiet I just I wasn't having any luck after getting the old brain and I just think this this murkiness that had uh that's come with with the rain I just um I'm not quite sure either a visual or it was washing my bait away um I don't know but all I can say was very quiet and it was just one that I was just gonna have to weigh out and hopefully so it would come along soon as I briefly mentioned earlier I've spoken with a farmer who who owns the land where I was fishing in and um I explained to him how it was really affecting pushing my Baron over the um over the fields obviously because he plowed it um so I was having to push all the way around field it was about double the journey but it was so much easier to go around and straight over and he told me um that I could drive up the signs of the river up the track and um if this night we started to get into Autumn now and the weather was changing and um I can remember at home I'd taken all the tools out the van everything and I'd kitted out like I've done previously a few years ago and I put my bed chair in the van um set up a nice little home and the old stove and that in there and it was just going to be a nice easier way for me to fish so I was kitted out ready to do a night um and but I know what happened to me but I was driving to the river and I was starting to think that I hadn't seen any guard around and I got upset because of the rain and everything it just something was required so I decided to go back up to um Upstream to this weird that I'd slightly mentioned at the beginning um this weird it looks amazing but you never ever see any carp out there it's not a place where the card like to hold uh and it's you know we're late into September now and they were all there it was really overcast this day but I thought I'm gonna have a look here and I'm just going to take my stalking gear and I honestly I couldn't believe it I remember being on the phone to my dad and um I bumped into a few a few cars and I was like Dad I've gotta go yeah and one just led to another and those two led to another and there was about eight fish up near this way and I could not believe my luck you know I had one cast for him and I caught one straight away and the fish were just still Milling around [Music] um honestly I didn't know what was going on Into Me by absolute shock but um yeah it was another one to the tally and a really incredible foreign [Music] up by the way and let me tell you I have never seen fish up here [Music] the fish is still here floating around as well [Music] right there that's a good fish as well oh my God look at them all what is happening all right I'll go concentrate guys fishing [Music] oh god oh yes [Music] come on man [Music] what a day [Music] really really nice fish such a gray one just looks incredible in the sunshine and they're just it's just so much fun stalking them in this weather but honestly did not expect to be catching anything today well especially not stalking them we had a lot of rain the water's burnt up and I've just like I said came up to the shallow part of the river and they were here and they were in numbers as well so I think back to the van I've got some parkour [Music] after that it was the time to get my van going across these fields um I was absolutely buzzed for this uh you know to be able to now fish it a lot more easier than having to push out for these fields and just it just makes life easy doesn't it you know I'm fishing at the back of the van so I haven't got to set anything up I just literally put my rods onto the spot and I can consistently start putting baiting on big amounts of bait I haven't got a big big bucket over the fields on my Barrow now so life was about to get a lot easier so um I'd got there about three o'clock in the afternoon after I'd caught a special I was back into the spot and sometimes you know I'm just standing there there was this really bitter wind hacking across it was a real film that Autumn and Winter's on his way um so I you know I had to put my beanie on I had to get my Sherpa on and I remember sitting there thinking it's not going to happen tonight it's not gonna happen I might go I mean like sit on the sofa watch a nice film and it just it was going over in my head you know I've baited this area I really must put these rods out on it you just never know do you you've got to be in it to win it so the night Drew in and I'd only hurts probably a couple of scoops of Parkour around it and I was just fishing snowmen over the top of it you know no bigger bigger items a bag literally just particle with Metro Tigers weddings and things like that and then just a Snowman and um I remember being tucked up in bed um in the back of the van [Music] nothing happened I had no liners like no brain and it was really bitter honestly like that first cold night that you get in the uh in the Autumn it really takes you by surprise doesn't it and I was thinking it's not gonna happen nothing's happening and I woke up at three o'clock um so many thoughts myself it's not going to happen again I haven't had a fish for ages and then five o'clock rolled around the Sun started coming up and my rod went into absolute meltdown oh my God oh my God I've done it I've only gone and done it only five or six years and it's over She's Mine she's in the net I couldn't believe that fast asleep it's a pretty cold night tonight and uh I was thinking this nothing's happened it's been really quiet not even a single brain and then it rattled off half five this morning nice just about to get light oh my god I've got a 30 pound River carp in the net come on God it means so much to me this epic what a day [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh this fish is laying on my mat driven to this moment quite a few years now I always thought the time was going to come and uh finally has look at that for a river calm honestly like I say this fish means a lot to me it's a really uh tested me over the last few years I'll keep coming down keep campaigning for it it just never turns up I missed it off the surface a couple of times but last night on a cold crisp Autumn's night finally got it oh man [Music] [Music] I noticed that with the uh with the Philly are they eating shells yeah [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] years ago with me and Ollie started this journey together he owed me a favor from when I came down to do the shots for him when he called his fish so um I gave him half five in the morning and uh fair play to him he was straight on it it comes down with his dog River and we both finished this journey the way we started it and that was together and it was a real moment you know a fish that I've been dreaming about for so many years a fish that's taken me so many leg Miles cost me so much in diesel it's finally in my neck and I could say that I'd finally ended this chapter of my England and it was just an incredible moment and one that I cherished for the rest of my life which is in 31-4 come on in English I can't believe it um Splendid what a splendid morning [Music]
Channel: Forbidden Routes
Views: 39,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carp, carp fishing, fishing, monster carp, big fish, river carp, river fishing, Nash tackle, YouTube, sea fishing, salmon, photography, filming, sony, dji, GoPro
Id: lasFVEmoToc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 8sec (2348 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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