Epic Carp Fishing with PEAS! | TAFishing

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welcome to the totally awesome fishing show I'm down by the lake I'm going to have a go fishing for pretty well anything probably small car maybe a tent maybe bream beautiful it's been not stormy but a big low pressure coming in it's Berry Hill Fisheries I'm on the center Lake I think it's all bonds and I'm going to be using quite an unusual bait people I'm going to be using Garden peas yes some of you might not realize that peas are a good bait but if you look I'll put these down if you look on our playlist at the totally awesome fishing show let's say I'm going to point here and hope that Michael can put it out there put a little link or picture too catching carpon a roast beef dinner a complete roast beef dinner of every single piece I put in there absolutely I mean York should put in bits of roast beef ate everything but one thing I did notice that they ate and I was very surprised they absolutely gorged on them with a peas so I'm down here I'm going to be fishing a margin Ro close in I'm going to be fishing one over by the island there and see if I can't actually get them going on peas must be something wrong with me well people it's a bit of a horror story with the rain I've got the giant umbrella up I've got my peas throwing out now these are just regular frozen peas that's all they are you can also get I've got in my little goodie bag here I don't fall over trying to keep under the rain as well some cold marrow fat peas who makes these fohs they are giant marrow fat peas some of you have had them with chips and stuff really nice you can use those as well and they're a large one with a larger hook but I'm going to be using the standard piece this Garden piece look straight out the supermarket about a pound something for however much is in here a kilo I mean these things are like mini green boilies I'll show you what my rig up and setup is like okay this might be something a little bit different for you these things I got them for conap pier fishing or for fishing off of platforms like this I screwed what I've done is I I drill out and put a glue a nut in there that's the same thread as my normal Bank stick with the back rest there then up the front here there we go got my buzzer set up there as you can see same thing couple of wood bits of 3x two glued together screwed together a nut in the base there to take the thread of this and as you can see that actually does do the trick now I can keep these fishing really low that's the idea of it I want to get the rod tops low and that's the idea of it there they're stop beeping and of course I can move them in I can move them around anywhere I want and keep those Rod tops low right now that's my bank side set up for the rod rest bit unusual maybe in retrospect I could have made this a little bit higher at the back so I got a bit of a slope on it but it doesn't matter cuz some of these platforms lovely to fish off but you can't put your rub rest anywhere unless you get big extended ones and put them over the outside down into the mud that's the way I've got these and of course I can move them about if I want to change swims I can angle those wood blocks over there put my chair over there and I can fish the other way as well so I got a rod down in the margins and a rod over there and this my setup an even Rod I think it's 6 line I was talked into buying this line in the tackle shop I wanted my trusty old beep beep line which I'm not going to mention they don't do me any favors but it's good line and I was sold this stuff for about 9 quitter ball or something it's annoy me it floats it seems to retain coils and kinks in it I'm using it and I'm not happy with it I have to say in our fear it's going to be stripped off and I'll be going back with a line I normally use I've got a link measure here a shot to stop it sliding down it's on a link as you can see I'm hoping you can see this it's a groty de just stopped raining but I didn't take the camera outside the safety of the umbrella uh two um Swan shot I call them I think they're trip SGS for casted WS I'm going to go over about 4T short those bushes just over there don't want to go too close and then I'm going about 15 in to a barbless hook which is about a size 10 I would guess it is because these peas are a green to hook now you don't have to I've lost the bag already open oh there it is go over man look I mean there's a there's a kilo there was a kilo there about a pound something these are frozen ones you could take them out the night before I was trying to leave the ice in them because it keeps them quite firm but obviously if you cook them they go squishy so even Frozen These are nice and soft God my nails are f hey it's like I've been fishing with lugn with Tony there we go there's the hook there is the pee I roll it around the shank like that now I can leave it like that or I can even roll a second one on there I personally I tend to like the single one you know I do tend to like the single hook but you you don't need shut up ducks and jets what is it it supposed to be in the countryside I personally just like leaving it hanging like that and I'm going to cast that one out I don't really I'm using a quiv tip Rod by the way guys cuz I'm doing three ways of watching indic indications here we let this 747 go through the trees now we go bsh about 4 ft I wind about a foot or so sink it in the rod rest down in the back rest is on the buzzer it's also on the quiver tip so it's Visual and I'm also when I'm sitting here watching the the bow in the line where it enters the water for tweaks so I've really got three different ways just tighten up to that take the bow out the line I got three different ways of fishing these peas you can put them in loose feed and I'll tell you what boy did they catapult a long way well I was straight into an incredible fish that absolutely melted line off the spool just look at this even with finger pressure to stop it I have to turn the rod right around the other way so the Rings face the opposite way thereby increasing the power of the rod because is then pulling against the spine and it still wants to Barrel on down that bank trying to get to the I think I want to call it a monk or an overflow anyway whatever it is down the other end of the lake it's concrete trust me it's going there I can't seem to stop it didn't even get a turn on the wheel and we going to lose it it looks like a oneway ticket pop [Music] yes and there you go got a fish hooked up he is absolutely digging and digging so I droing in the reel in and out of back wine playing with the drag getting it all set up and well it's put a healthy Bend in that even fishy Bo that is for sure that's why I use them and this fish is boring and digging down deep in fact so deep that oh my God it's gone under a leg at the stage in how on Earth am I not going to lose this I grab the line I try and ease the fish underneath will it snap will the line go will the hook pull something disastrous surely is going to happen but no GP managed to get out and at least get it battling again amazing scrap from some of these car it's not just I'm on really light tackle you know I'm on I'm on six pound straight through and look at the the bend in the rod I mean there really is need no need to go sort of really ultra light with it you get a great scrap and you can still well you could try bullying those fish if they don't want to be bullied they won't be this one fortunately went into the net a nice Mir what I call almost a Saddleback for those of you don't know what a Saddleback is it's a mirart with scales all along its back this has got a few near the Tail so it's not really a true Saddleback and that's the KE that did the damage yes plain peas I think I paid [Music] £135 well guys that's what I'm talking about peas do they work I lost a really big fish early on Big Fish came right in the margins and this is not a small one anyway a great fish on an Haven Rod single hook single BB he's still lively and kicking I can't get the camera this is going to the only shot I get guys because it's tipping with rain a great fish pleased with that great scrap unbelievable scrap took me out of the staging and everything how I never got bust off then I do not know let's get it back and I've got to get some more peas out there now they're a Soft Bait so it's no use going to sleep in a bivy because that's not going to happen these are going to get squashed off or eaten off by other fish as well you need to be proper fishing waiting striking the fish bigger hook this time I'm going to try and roll two on this and fish in the margins here so it's it's work with one fish pulled out a two and oh man I got so close so close to striking that I think I had a line bite from one that was right under the rod top here and just moved out went through my line I think it was a line bik well but at least the fish are moving here over the peas this one is technical gone mad a hook a foot away a BB shot while I'm literally Ling under the rod to I tell you 4T four 5 ft away from the end of this wood staging drop it out there let it sink I can see when the shots on the bottom the line stops going down it stops I just close the Bell gently make sure my drag is set to give line cuz I am fishing Point Blank at this stage and just going to put it into the buzzer rest it down there barely tighten up to it two ways of doing this you either tighten up to it but I sometimes like to leave a little bit of slack so if the fish moves over you hopefully you don't get a line by it and let me show you how I'm feeding it's important really not to overstretch the Catapult because these PE really are missiles and especially if they still got a bit of ice in them they do go and there's no question if I put three or four in there I could probably send them right over on the other Lake about 50 yards up on the bank you don't need to throw them out far close to about underneath the btop watch this one baiting [Music] [Music] guys and there you see my little setup there on my rod West blocks I use them for sea fishing but they come dead handy um for this type of well fishing when you're you're trying to keep the rods down low um I've always fished like that like to have them down low I know you could get those those pod things but I like to have these individual ones like this and I can move them around much easier to me and I can also have them quite close together and I do like to have my rods close together not so the real handles Clash just so that you know you can sit right there bear in mind I'm not using bait runners or anything like that the fish don't hook themselves I got a strike the hook through that pee to get a hook up and you got to sit there and watch and fish properly and look for the bites let's get that pee out there close the bail arm just sing the tip underneath the surface tighten up to it there it is it's out it's just out put a right of those Ducks 4T short of the island and I'm ready for a bite wow on again guys this is the first bite I've had on the outside W on the peas it was a ripper I've lost two more close in and I got pested by Canada geese who just want to eat my sandwiches all the time don't turn your back off that's it shov off oh shut up how boring are they do they ever give it a rest wow this one's going [Laughter] well I mean they call on Canada geese don't they they shoot them in Canada and eat them can we please get some Canadians over here come on I've notice when they take these peas they slam it and I think it's CU they look like a little mini boily or something not a big fish 5B I guess that was over there by the bushes on those margins about 4 ft away from the edge of the bushes I don't like to cast I know the fish are under the bushes I know that but I don't like to risk snagging up over there in any bush in fact i' far i' far sooner bait up about 4T short try and lure the fish out that way I'm not going to lose any gear up in the trees or bushes that's the theory anyway but the margin Rod definitely has had the Tak there is there we go guys just a small common car but get them in the water and get those peas back out there [Music] now when you take your piece out frozen you can see that is one block I took them out the morning we going fishing but by putting some water in the top they actually do Thor out and they don't float they sink so the ice stays on the top and the fresh peas as they throw off are they nice and soft you no need to cook them whatsoever straight out the packet then you can see you can use what you want and leave the rest in a frozen block and if you're going home and they're still frozen you can use them on another trip and here you can see how they Tha it out in the water cut the top off the packet put a bit of water in there within about 20 minutes half an hour they should should be ready for use mouthful of sandwich at the same time people what what the I put in here chees and pickle peas okay choking on a whole piece of cheese roll not a big fish but listen I'm not saying it's the world's best baite I'm just saying it's another baite and it's so cheap if enough people fish with it and a fish get really used to it it could be a Killer Bait this it's a nice size have a look at you very very black common car he should be eating more greens it is still raining I still got to leave the camera inside unfortunately a yeah [Music] very very dark fish wow that one is folks he comes the rain again a nice deep one but a peculiar oh stop it stop it stop it A peculiar very very dark color very dark color am I bothered not really look at the width across his head there real chunky fat one there let's get him [Applause] back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I was just trying to film it Heron guys and the rod near he went in oh digging for the other side the other bank I'm sitting down filming the Heron trying to keep the camera dry in the rain and the rod suddenly leapt out the rest I got about three beeps on the buzzer and that was it I'm trying to play this fish around the front of the camera for you I'm probably going to have to get it out the rain it's a bit expensive to get wet oh he's nearly po me off then just ease that drag a touch [Music] oh oh oh oh [Music] oh and there we go guys something completely different not the proverbial carp a lovely rad look at the red fins on him look at his pretty red fins nice rad I've got the Twitches now cuz it's getting at 5:00 in the afternoon and that's the time so let's get this guy back I've had six carp and a rud and I'm busting for a [Laughter] pee and I see her on my [Music] own [Music] I've got a lump on this time underneath almost under the stage in I just saw the line tweak and just start to move I thought is that rud taking it uh big rud if I get it in oh nice fish for here right here it's a nice one oh stay on boys stay on I'll tell you what I've pinged a few off today I don't know whether it is the bait itself maybe masking the hook I should go a little bit bigger on the hook size perhaps job to say really if we get this guy digging and digging I missed him Miss really screwed The netting up by rushing it oh yeah this one is matte material people this is a nice fish what a beauty to finish the trip with oh my [Music] word just saw the line tweaking he turn over get him unhooked hook falls out great thing about baras very very wide across the back this one say he's not a million miles away from the magic 10B I'm soaking wet my feet are wet there we go and nice nice markings on this one look at that one peeps that is as close of 10 as you're going to want and it's just oh come on now calm down you you're going to be on YouTube now you got to be famous beautifully Mark I would say this is a fully scaled mirar there we go that's now folks I'm trying to set the scene with the atmosphere here beautiful peaceful Serene just watch that left Rod though holy smoly oh my God I think that was on camera guys I think that was on camera and I was doing all the Arty FY shots the rods kind of disappear out the rest something always happens on the totally awesome show let's get that one out the way I'd love to get this F for you let's Zoom back you can tell I wasn't getting any bites for a while because I was getting all Ary wait a minute manual automatic here we go again I'm going to leave that Rod just resting there I think I'm safe with that one oh and mg the rubber's on the way I'm hoping you guys got to see that bite as well cuz it wasn't exactly a nibble was it I don't really like bringing this big camera out on this decking slippery I could go in that's one thing get myself organized what a session boys straight peas peas please Louise don't think it's a biger that last one it's number 10 my God I hope that came out because that is point blank cart fishing and its best that's what I love about it never mind all that distance stuff with 3 lb test curve rods underneath the rod top even rods 6B line straight through crash oh uh or not as the case may be W he's going for the bushes come out come out you son of a gun oh quet it rods folded oh he's digging for the brushes he's going to make it no come on stay on top miss my chance missed my chance of getting another second [Music] circuit come on come on come on lolling they certainly stretch your string don't they come on stay on top mirror stay on top stay on top my God it's another very very respectable lump well Christ I wonder what that noise was Jesus I'm going in I'm going in in a minute I thought that's unusual I just moved left that Rod there I'm now winding guys backwards it's ripping me out now you can see why I don't buy those double licenses to have three rods I don't need three rods go trying to get this one back get out budy I need the net what a second oh no don't go for the island please a common car common as mck as fat as you like a double wormy a double take a carp I'm hoping we got the take on camera brilliant I got to go for 12 now haven't I nobody believe I got 11 peace PE straight out that Supermarket tomorrow I mean look at look at the state of my glasses hair's wet jeans are wet from kneeling in the mud shoes are absolutely wor his paddling pools they are it's just ridiculous I've got the lies in the water I've sat down I'm getting lion bites on the outside one but I'll tell you why I mean look I'm looking down the barel of 12 fish probably hook 15 or 18 in what 4 hours 3 4 hours I was told here at um Berry Hill Fisheries the car bite on low pressure definitely it's not a high press water so you get fabulous weather great for fishing in certainly on these two small leges a big lake for the real big car they do tell me it's much better with low pressure right over low pressure it's still spitting with rain I still got the camera under here I'm still getting wet but boy are they on the bite on these peas or what it makes me wonder what it would be like on the big lake with these peas here comes the rain again please give me a [Music] break now here folks is an adult and a young coot and a second young coot closely followed by a male malard now the co is different from the moan the Moran is smaller and it has red in it so the coot has white in it it's a basic glance and the moan much more delicate one has red so here you can see a little bit of slack in the line from the quiver tip there and there's the bite now now I'm not saying that's a fish bite that could be a lion bite or it could indeed be a small fish like a roach or rud the other Rod I'm fishing underneath um the rod top it literally is lowering the PE underneath the rod top so it just rests on the lake bed so maybe 4T from where I'm sitting off the end of that staging maybe 5 ft say that's where I am now look at the beautiful colors in this closeup this malard which is a the male duck beautiful beautiful greens and from the white neck band down a lovely Rusty brown color Big Orange paddles feet there like the little claws on the end as well andap POs andos to this is the female which a lot dower it's just you know really basically Brown apart from one little flash towards the back of the wing can just see the colors of it there and this is the female one and there you can see that color Flash now if you look at that color there here it is in a slightly different Hue but in amongst that fine feather line you'd think oh that's the same we call it a a falce eye flash if you like no it is actually on the male on the malard so there you are you've had some information there about ducks I like a bit of wildlife myself I do like sitting there watching what else you know is coming about and there you can see that amazing amount of I going to call it Wind Drift where the wind came up and everything on the surface is moving now a lot of people don't even notice this but if you really into a long carp session you want to be at the bottom end of the lake where all this rubbish is getting drifted and that's probably where the carp are going to be feeding but then apart from the the the malards I saw what the heck is this guy doing he was the most colorful duck I think I've ever seen in the British aisles now what do you what do you think it is what do you think it is guys it looks like something that has come out from Chernobyl superb colors and absolutely magnificent duck as far as ducks go mostly magnific magnificent because he wasn't in my swim eating my peas but what what an unusual one I'm going to leave it to you guys I I have looked it up to see what it is it is quite unusual why don't you tell us on YouTube what you think it is because it's a great looker well guys it's being an absolutely blinding session just for an afternoon one after work a small I still going it has slowed that's why I put the camera up I've had 14 car honestly I must have hooked 18 hooks pinged on a few of them but I just want to show you just before I Clos out got not much left on the on the camera on the memory card I'm just going to show you for I pack up which I will do in a minute how I just side hook in the PE and that's all I'm doing check this out well I bought 2 kilos of peas I haven't even used one in an afternoon so all I'm doing with the pee is and they' stayed pretty well iced I mean presumably you could put them if you wanted you could throw them out the night before so they're chilled and then put them in a CO box or something like that so all I'm doing if you're going to see this or not there's my hook there's my pce I'm just this is how I found the best way the margin Rod I can skin hook just on the edge if I'm casting out a bit farther even though I got the swan trop for a weight I got to put the hook through a little bit more and they do come back when I wind them in just Nick it once on Bar's Hooks and I roll it around and I leave the hook absolutely bare like that and that seems to get me the hookups anyway oh no Mr bite thanks to you thanks a lot buddy thanks a lot that's that would have been number 15 is he coming back no or just a double but just make sure that they roll around and you keep that point point clear and then all you do is lay in the water he doesn't come back that fish and just wait for the rod to kill round Buckle round in fact in fact I say don't take your eyes off it to be honest I'm all set if I don't get another one it doesn't really matter I've had an unbelievable session and believe me I've used those piece once when I did that carp on roast dinner film years ago and I thought I've been taking what three or four years to decide to use peas Jesus Christ come on come on come on can't get tied to it nearly went then bloody how I nearly come off the decky I don't know what to say it's number 15 on piece oh my God you saw me cast out bait up hook up all in one I tell you I don't want to go home tonight well I have to I start on that other packet a piece I'm just never going to stop catching what a trip what a trip Berry Hill Fisheries people wonder why I drive an hour to get here a day ticket people is just at as I speak at the moment it's just a day ticket and I'm just going up the tree with this hang on come out let many people just reclin sit down I got it out anyway good fish good fish got seconds left anyway I'm going to close out with thanks for watching the totally awesome fishing show hope you've uh got a pretty good idea no I don't work for the supermarkets no I don't sell peas get some cheap bait don't get expensive B what is the problem in commercial Fisheries can't eat anything oh come on I might run out of film before I show you this one had a great time I'll check out now keep watching the totally awesome fishing show for all the best tips are coming get keep head keep his head head up oh dear I I can live with myself sometimes about7 common 15 in an afternoon thank you and good night I've got one here guys just I was about to pack up I'm just going to wait up it's very very close to dou are putting the M there all the gear is all packed away and I just I just round the rod up I'm just going to get my scales what's left they're broken that's very nice oh well we soon see what it weighs I'm going to balance the camera here cuz the tripod's put away really heat Robinson I feel this one is awfully close to doubles we got like minutes left on the camera it is over 10 it's 111 [Music] 12
Channel: TA Fishing
Views: 416,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carp, fishing, epic, peas, bait, rig, boilies, pop ups, big carp, common carp, mirror carp, uk, england, lake, outdoors, angling, totally awesome
Id: 2tZ7_Uh4NZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 29sec (2129 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2016
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