The Marvels Post Credit Scene, Ending Breakdown and Easter Eggs

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Welcome back, everyone It's Charlie the Marvels Movie just came out this week. This will be my post-credits scene video There is a whole bunch of stuff they set up. A couple of different teams that we'll see pretty soon in the MCU. Couple of them people have been asking for for a while. They're finally doing so. We'll break it all down. if you're brand new to the channel, be sure to subscribe to get all the videos. and careful for spoilers. If you have not seen the movie yet, But at the end of the movie, DA uses both of Mis Marvel's Bangles, which they canonize as the quantum bands of Quasar from the comics to basically tear open a hole into another universe. James Gunn actually just introduced the second version of Quasar from the comics in Guardians of the Galaxy three. That's this character here. there was even a deleted scene that was meant to have taken place at the beginning of the Marvel's movie to explain how the original Quasar used the quantum bands to create all the jump portals across the universe. all the jump portals is wind up being a big plot point during the movie Durban basically tears open portals with the second bangle that she found on another planet to steal resources from different planets to rejuvenate the dead. Kree Homeworld HeLa, which they destroyed themselves in a bitter civil war that erupted Andrew. Captain Marvel killed the Kree Supreme Intelligence. That was actually a deleted scene from the first Captain Marvel movie, basically leaving the Kree Homeworld a barren wasteland. So, Miss Marvel, Monica Rambeau, Captain Marvel eventually do stop Da Ben from literally joining Earth's sun at the end of the movie to bring it back to the Kree Homeworld. But she winds up getting the second bangle using both of them both of the quantum Barnes to tear open that hole to the other universe. she winds up absorbing too much power and it basically kills her. then Ms.. Marvel and Captain Marvel energize Monica Rambeau with their powers in both Bangles, allowing her to absorb enough energy to become powerful, enough to close the hole between universes. But it strands Monica Rambeau in the other universe. then what they did instead of having to post-credits scenes are like two mid-credits scenes. A lot of Marvel movies will have multiple post-credits scenes. They actually move one of the end credits scenes to before the credits place, which is part of the normal end of the movie. this is what used to be the young Avengers post-credits scene. They just made it part of the actual film. Kamala Khan bond that Monica Rambeau is stuck in the other universe and they don't have their little three way Marvels team up anymore. Likes the idea of being on a team so much she even thought earlier in the movie wrongly, that Nick Fury was testing her for a spot on the regular new Avengers team. So she swipes one of his data pads that has all the files on superheroes all over Earth, basically he's been keeping tabs on all the powered individuals, all the regular human superheroes that don't have powers. kind of the same way that Doctor Strange keeps that list of all of Earth's greatest threats or the greatest threats to this dimension. She decides to put together a team of young superheroes, which will be the MCU version of the Young Avengers, kind of combined with the comic book version of the Champions. if you haven't read any of those comics, Ms.. Marvel was on The Champions. They're like one of the other teenage superhero teams. She was never on the young Avengers. she winds up working her way down Nick Fury's list of other kids that she wants to be on the team, basically people who she thinks aren't going to be on the regular new Avengers team, like all the B tier characters she thinks are going to be available her first stop is to go to New York City and try and recruit Hailee Steinfeld. Kate Bishop in the scene is meant to be a parody of the Iron Man one post-credits scene with Nick Fury showing up to recruit Iron Man for the original Avengers Most of her speech is also meant to play out like a parody of Nick Fury speech. Like the dialog is the same or very similar. here's the thing, though. Nick Fury would have never told her that story. So like in universe, it doesn't actually make sense that she knew exactly what he said. So the fact that she's saying the exact same speech is Nick Fury back in 2008 is more of like a real life Easter egg. like the writers of the movie are just having fun winking from behind the camera. But like in universe, there's no way that she would know what he actually said to Iron Man during that meeting. Notice. Kate Bishop is wearing her newer suit. She's coming back from a night of super hearing. Pizza Dogg also makes a cameo in the scene, too, with another pizza reference. she also jokes to Kamala Khan that she's not a teenager. Like I'm in my twenties. What are you talking about? Teenage superhero team. she's almost old enough to be a full avenger. There was a lot of jokes about this in real life, about Hailee Steinfeld becoming part of The Avengers. People thought that she was too young when in reality she's in her mid twenties and she's almost the age to some of the original Avengers actors were when they did the first Avengers movie. She winds up begrudgingly agreeing to be on Kamala Khan's team, even though she doesn't really like the idea of being on a team quite so much, which is very much like Kate Bishop from the comics. She's kind of like that in the comics. she kind of reluctantly joins the young Avengers team in the original roster. Ms.. Marvel then starts rattling off other superheroes that she wants to be on the team next In mentions Ant-Man has a daughter, Cassie Lang she's referring to. They actually reference Amy and the WASP Quantumania during the Loki finale as well. So there's like a lot more references to recent Marvel movies. basically the original comic book Young Avengers team was Kate Bishop, Cassie Link Billion. Tomi is Wiccan and Speed. We'll actually see them come back into the MCU in adult form. Really? Billy First he'll be played by Joe Locke during Agatha Charcoal Diaries. Then Tommy's coming back and like another spinoff series, I believe Hulk Ling was on the original comic book team, but I believe they'll swap him for Scar's Son of Hulk, which they introduced during She-Hulk. like they need a Hulk on the team, and they already have a young Hulk. Now, there was Patriot on that original team who is Isaiah Bradley's grandson. We actually met him during Falcon and Winter Soldier. Maybe they'll bring him back or maybe they won't do the character at all. he might have gotten some biological powers because of Isaiah Bradley passing along his abilities through his super soldier serum, just biologically, through his children and grandchildren. there was Iron Lad on that original team that was the young version of Kang. They might substitute Riri Williams iron Heart for him. We'll see about that. She's also another character who's like a little bit older, kind of like Kate Bishop. Then there's America. Chavez who will probably be on the team as well, just because she's so young. I'm not expecting them to put the younger T'Challa Black Panther on the team. I think they're saving him and they'll just age him up when they do. The Big Marvel reboot after Secret Wars in. He'll just make a beeline straight for the full Avengers so that black Panther can be on The Avengers in the future. that means the young Avengers in the MCU will start off with at least like six or seven characters. And I think they want that to be similar to the original young Avengers, only being six characters the baby, just slowly grow that team the way that the original Avengers grew in size over Avengers movies They didn't say. When the team itself is going to debut it, it's going to be before Avengers five or during Avengers five. But at some point they'll do some spinoff projects with the young Avengers just by themselves. one of the very first stories that they actually debuted in was a Kang the Conqueror storyline. soon, very apropos that they're introducing the young Avengers during this larger multiverse. Kang The Conqueror Council of Kang's storyline we're in the middle of right now. Then we have the actual Mid-Credits scene. This is probably the scene that most people are going to be talking about after the movie, the big X-Men scene. So Monica Rambeau wakes up in the hospital room of the X-Mansion inside the other universe next to her mother Maria Rambeau. who in this universe also became a version of Captain Marvel instead of Carol Danvers. But she's going by the binary name from the comics and wearing the more modernized version of binaries costume from the original comics couple big deep cuts about the binary character as well. Chris Claremont, famous X-Men writer, created the character during an X-Men storyline. she also became part of the X-Men team in that storyline. So for instance, this version of Binary in the MCU is part of this X-Men team. He revealed the reason why he changed Ms.. Marvel into binary during that issue is because Marvel editorial wouldn't let him use the Phenix character and he wanted to use the Phenix. So binary was meant to be kind of like the stand in for her. but essentially she's like a more powered up version of Ms.. Marvel. Captain Marvel seemed like a way more powerful version of the character then because they're in the expansion, like they're in the middle of an X-Men team, we see that beast is treating them both, and it's Kelsey Grammar back as the version of the character the big difference this time though is that it's completely motion capture. He's not wearing a beast prosthetic suit like he was during X-Men Last Stand because it has been a hot miniseries. That movie came out. He's a bit of an older gentleman now, a little bit easier for them to do a big action scene with Beast as Kelsey Grammer if they do it. Motion capture Monica Rambeau has no idea what's happened. Like she doesn't know who the X-Men are, so she thinks this is actually her mother, Maria Rambeau. But in this universe, they explained that Maria never got married, never had children. So Monica doesn't exist in this universe. She has no idea who this woman is. she probably just thinks that it's weird that she has her mother and father's eyes. Like, why do you look kind of like my mother? That's weird. in the whole idea of it wasn't clear. This isn't meant to be like the main X-Men universe from the Fox movies. It is meant to be a different universe where a version of the X-Men exists, like it's not the A38 universe or anything like that. But it does mention Charles Professor X wanting an update. So Patrick Stewart also back as another version of Professor X For the most part this is meant to be a set up for the events of Deadpool three where we'll see a bunch of classic X-Men actors coming back as different versions of their characters from different universes. during that movie, Deadpool supposed to search the multiverse for like the perfect version of Wolverine. It eventually comes to the realization that Hugh Jackman's version is still the perfect Wolverine. during the movie, they wind up facing a bunch of other X-Men characters from other universes. generally just meant to be a joke. Just clowning on the fact that Kevin Foggy is going to recast all the X-Men actors when he does a big reboot in the next big X-Men movie in the MCU. I know there are a bunch of questions about what's going on with Deadpool hopping around the multiverse with Wolverine because of everything that Loki did during the Loki finale. But I don't want to get too much into that in this video just because it just came out so opposed to link for my Loki finale video at the end of this. generally I'm not expecting Monica Rambeau to come back in Deadpool three in some kind of cameo scene or anything like that. There might be some references to what happened here, but I think the plot of that movie will be completely different in another different universe. then there's kind of a hidden post-credits scene over the very end of the credits. So it's more of a funny moment. Doesn't really have anything to do with the actual plot of future movies. It's meant to be a flick in making cat sounds, just an audio form over the actual end credits. And it's meant to be a reference to the Avengers endgame and credits scenes with the banging Iron Man sounds over the credits from that first Iron Man movie. one of the other notable changes that you probably detected in the Post-Credits scenes is the very end of the movie. There's no kind of teaser message about any of the characters returning, like Captain Marvel, Miss Marvel, Monica Rambeau, even though we know all three of them will be back. Normally, at the end of Marvel movies, they say Captain America will return or Thanos will return. But at the end of this movie, there's none of that. I know there's going to be a ton of questions about X-Men and the MCU. And this all gets into Deadpool three stuff. They actually just announced that they're going to start filming Deadpool three again before Thanksgiving. Wolverine going to be carving that turkey left and right, Ryan Reynolds also just announced that they delayed the movie to July next year and debuted a picture of dog paw, who is a character in the movie. Like this is legit. It's like a teaser for what dog poop is going to look like during the film. Who is a comic book character Kevin Foggy was also teasing that we would see more from the X-Men just in general. Look, the concept X-Men based characters in the next couple of years, way, way more eventually what's probably going to happen with the X-Men is that he will recast a lot of the characters, not till they do the next X-Men solo movie. So a lot of the people that are coming back, like the classic X-Men actors, or mostly just for Deadpool three and for like Secret Wars, which is a big multiverse movie. They're kind of giving those characters like the Fox Marvel actors, their own version of Avengers Endgame before they recast a lot of people So for example, that's the reason why we're probably going to see the new version of the MCU X-Men movie, maybe before Secret Wars and Wolverine is not going to be in that movie because Hugh Jackman will still be playing the character. so like every single classic X-Men character won't debut in that first new X-Men movie. Like, they'll wait off a couple more years before they show the brand new MCU version of Wolverine. But if there's any other questions or any of the Easter eggs you spotted in the post-credits scenes that they didn't talk about in the video, just write them below in the comments, like, is it like the real big concepts that they tease in the end credits the post-credits the end of the movie, or the young Avengers team and the X-Men characters in the other universes? I'm still working on my full breakdown and Easter eggs for the entire Marvel's movie that should post on Saturday. There's a bunch of other big stuff coming up too. I've got a bunch of Loki bonus videos like alternate endings, deleted scenes, Loki, Season three stuff. make sure you enable alerts for my channel so you don't miss that. So click here for my full Loki finale video and click here for that full Marvel's movie breakdown. All of these a link as soon as I post that to Thank you so much for watching. Everyone stay safe and I'll see you guys in the next one!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 525,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Marvels Post Credit Scene, Trailer, Emergency Awesome, trailer, the marvels post credit scene, the marvels post credit scene beast, the marvels x-men, the marvels end credit scene, Loki, Loki Season 2 Episode 6, The Marvels, X-Men Trailer, Loki Season 2 Episode 6 Finale, Deadpool 3 Trailer, Loki Season 2, Deadpool 3 Wolverine, Marvel, Movies, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, 2023, Deadpool, The Marvels Post Credits, The Marvels Beast, The Marvels Young Avengers
Id: kNXl9mZWpMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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