The Marshawn Lynch Interview Part 2: Cigars, Concussions, Bear Grylls, Living With No Regrets & More

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L Blood TV back again with another little Blood TV exclusive but this time we really on some exclusive [ __ ] though powered by talker media of course um I had the privilege um to get flown out to Vegas you feel me private jet PJ of course oh that boy C you know what I'm saying PJ of course um no but um we um I got the privilege to be sitting at the eight Cigar Lounge with my boy Sean um just the double back on the interview you know we had to come cat out for y'all some more but um this is something different we at a we at the eight Cigar Lounge in Las Vegas and we Cooling and um this an experience for me because um you got a locker here right yeah I do you got a locker and u um I guess he told me in his locker he got some cigars some exclusive [ __ ] that ain't nobody got he got $1,000 $10,000 hey hey and I'mma tell you straight up man shout out to little baby CZ you feel me though courtesy MP juice man man shout out to the juice man you hey man the juice blessed me like no other the juice blessed he told me this wasn't official no more so you feel me I had to step my game up so he blessed me and he threw uh he through Banas in my uh in my cigar Locker so you feel me matter of fact yeah I mean we go over there come on what's handing man oh yeah there go the man right there the man right here what's up man right yes sir H H this Hing he about to take us on a tour of a locker this exclusive bro like cameras are normally not allowed in locker room so we about to go get a tour of Roo locker and see some exclusive cigars and you know talk about some tastes and things like [Music] [Applause] that this where the magic at in this thing feel you see that goldplated you know what I'm talking about n they got them they got them in the TU they got in Tu oh we got it oh yeah you see it you see it officially um so grab some stuff out show me what's going on let me know what's going on sir number one cigar the Year yes sir the 10th number 10 cigar of the year so it's it's some real B heting that thing oh yeah these ones let's talk about these ones what are these this is a sample pack that was made in collaboration with AJ Fernandez with all the collaborations that he made uh he's a very well-known uh cigar blender and he's made number one cigar of the Year number 10 cigar of the year and it just makes overall great incredible flavorful cigars so in this case we have some number ones and number 10 yes sir we got more cigars the acid Kuba Deluxe like the tobacco special which are uh very popular flavored cigars as well uhhuh we have these sweet James right here which are really good uhhuh in here we have a selection of cigars hard to find cigars Rocky patella lb1 L Aroma dubos the C sessions uh some really really good cigars in here but the most coveted one that he has in his collection the cre the cream of the crop right here this is called an HMR his Majesty's Royal each one of these cigars uh has been um infused with a bottle of Lou that's that that's that so the whole cigar is infused with a whole bottle of Lou yeah well the the box of cigars that this comes with all the cigars are infused with one whole bottle of Lou how much that go for this one is $2,000 and going up rapidly right right right right right courtesy of the Jo and you saying um this cigar can last up to 30 years if you keep it in the right condition you keep if you keep a cigar in the correct conditions they can last over 100 years okay over 100 cool cool damn as a beginner M someone like me um what would you suggest I start with W like a man I go I go for for something really nice easygo mild uh it depends if you want to go with uh the natural flavor tobacco or even something flavored something that a lot of people like when they first start out with cigars is these acid cubas now this is an infused cigar it's kind of like a a floral and citrus flavor has a nice sugar sweetness on the tobacco so anytime that you lick your lips you get that real nice sweetness to it yeah really nice and um these cigars are they made with nicotine or no uh yes all cigars have nicotine okay okay yep and this ain't your normal n pork is all right these are like the dark chocolates these are real nice this is called the toac Especial negras uhhuh these have nice sweet taste you do SV tobacco Especial Negra oh Negra black so as a beginner um I know it's two different Cuts it's a whole cut and a v cut am I saying that right yes yeah there's a punch cut which is the whole cut you're pertaining to the V cut which uh cuts a kind of a v-shaped valy into the cigar and then your traditional straight cut okay okay okay BR these are more like uh these are mini cigaros uh they're flavor they come out of ital uh Italy you got vanilla Cafe and chocolate how many really nice flavor too then over here we have all different sizes different flavors of of the cigar so um so smoking a cigar so um I heard you don't dab them out you let them burn out correct correct you don't put out a cigar like you would put out a cigarette the way if you want if you want to stop smoking the cigar or put it out you just lay it down and let it naturally goes out it'll go out in about a minute or two right okay okay cool because if you dab it like a cigarette what you do is you actually release more toxins into the air so that's why you just let it sit pick your poison man pick my poison um I want to go with something I want a sweet taste okay you got it I think this will be perfect for you we'll go ahe I'll do a a cut light for you sir okay yep yep yep perfect we're going to go in here and my boy H about to H hit us with a V cut you know what I'm saying so we about to get it together okay V cuts are really easy to do you just put it right into the divot and you quickly cut it you want cut as well want to eat fish when we away there you go all right but I know I will be once I start you Su take a couple PS and finish L I heard you don't inhale you just let it yeah you don't inhale to your lungs you just do outou um the reason why is because like cigarettes and contain chemicals that actually now all so if you do it's not saying that you can't it'll just hurt a little bit more [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] the [Music] yeah so we just got back um from bro Locker um my boy my boy hyen you know he told me you had some heat in there salute to bro but um yeah Jenna so Jenna she's a um waitress here at the eight right yeah yeah so Jen Bender bartender um yeah my bad bartender I didn't know with your locker you get a personal bartender and um we so happy to have Jenna from Detroit Jenna what's popping Jen Jenna from the D from the D what's popping Miss Jenna oh you know okay we go gentlemen hard hard thank you thank you okay that's how you coming yeah of course that's how you coming huh thank you Miss Jenna you're very welcome man put these on the side for you yes ma'am oh yeah them mine though oh both I don't think yeah I don't think yours came like that with you feel me oh yeah hater watch out watch out I think blood [ __ ] came with you you feel me like that though y talking about is a hater thank you Miss Jenna you're welcome um so let's get into it um thanks for the experience bro man it's all good fing love and respect yes sir my African hell of an experience so um today we here man um in Vegas at the 8 as I was saying as usual and um just for a breath of fresh air bro um I was kind of talking to you behind the scenes off the camera and I'm like bro like do you ever just come here and just chill like inent you was like bro hell yeah like I just yeah man yeah um and you was like you 30 you in your 30s you know you can't do the [ __ ] you used to do what got you into this so uh realistically like you know I mean I was uh I was looking for a spot um where I could just go and kick back on some you know on some regular [ __ ] you feel me and uh uh I had met uh I had met someone and they were telling me about the new uh uh casino and I'm like okay well yeah you know I'm going to check it out and they you know what I mean and when I came in here uh they was telling me it was a cigar lounge in here that was nice so I came in here you know check the Vibes and everything and it was player it was player than a [ __ ] and I came in here and they talking about yeah we got these cigars W whoop and I I see this a is a it extravagant Exquisite you feel me Arena that I'm in right now y'all got wine black and mouth oh yeah for sure and I'm like oh hell oh so y'all got it for everybody you feel me it ain't just for the upper etel lant y'all got y'all got something in here for the kid too yeah we got that too and I tried to get him to do a uh do the V cut on black man you feel me but you know it got the tip on it already so you feel me but man now they and then I mean you know ever since then you feel me though they just embrac me and uh you know I had the pleasure of doing a uh a bartending event in here right for the proo right yeah and it was uh and it was players so you know I mean I got uh I say I got kind of tight with the uh with the owner and you know he kind of just hey man you know M Kasa suasa and ever since then you know this just been a place where you I mean if I got a lot of [ __ ] going on and you feel me my mind going there somewhere I could come and just kick back you know I mean I come in here about to the neck too so you feel me and just let my thoughts run wild and I mean you know it's been something like therapeutic for me right you I mean so I get to you know I mean I get in here and I do something you know they they tell you that these infused and everything but then I you know I do some [ __ ] like this here my OG uh my OG Deuce put me on this hype right here cuz you know I like my Hennessy though and then I just go ahead and Lace that thing you know I mean so I get that little Hennessy flavor to it too then that thing just blow nicely so you just put your dirty ass fing godamn inside that glass and you still about to drink that what that's what the [ __ ] bro dirty you can't you can't teach class hey that's me you can't teach class teach teach you can't teach but yeah so um what type of um like doors like sit like this open cuz you know um you can be sitting next to a [ __ ] billionaire and not even knowing it and it's casual like I notice here um everybody is cool with each other type [ __ ] you get what I'm saying like um I see people just sit and conversate like they don't look at you different they don't like it's like a little underworld it it and you know what it's crazy cuz that you say that cuz these cigars that we smoking right here courtesy of a doctor um who's actually his locker is right next to mine but you know he came in you know came introduced to me you know I appreciate what you do in the community just done the third I'm like yeah that's solid he like well look man I got these uh these cigars I want you to try they the best out so I'm like ASAP you know our mentality oh they some Cubans like nah these ain't Cubans they better kind of looking tripping ain't nothing better like man I got something for you I'm I want you to try it so then he blessed me with about uh six of these you feel me that and I think that's how I got my uh my locker from from a zero to a hero ASAP you feel me but he blessed me and he was giving me gang on it as well so I mean you know like you were saying you know you could be sitting next to a billionaire wouldn't even know cuz everybody just cool and I feel like you know my reasons my reasoning for coming in here is more so Kickback clear my mind you know sip on a little something have me a little cigar kick back and I think the mode in this [ __ ] the mood in this [ __ ] is a lot of individuals have that same type of you know mindset when they come in here right and then I mean you know anything when you know you put some some lick in front of somebody you know it could instantly turn into a party but the thing be it be on some on some chill [ __ ] cuz you know it ain't what you do is how you do it and then you know that you know that that liquor start enhancing that that ISM so now you sitting next to a billionaire then all of a sudden you know you came in here to clear your mind then all of a sudden next thing you know you leaving out of here with the master plan or your next best move and I mean you know that's that's that's really been you know a pleasure to me for me because man you know I'm somebody who always thinking on you know how can I better myself and then sitting next to a billionaire and or a millionaire or just somebody who who just enjoy cigars cuz then I mean you know he know something that that the millionaire billionaire don't know to lace me on this and then when I tell him about how I lace my uh cigar with Hennessy they oh you know what I'mma have to try that you feel what I'm talking about so you know it's it's The Gift of Gab and the game to be gave in here is how I feel right right right yeah um I noticed like I said um a lot of times you know like I said before you don't even [ __ ] with people like you be like man watch out watch out watch out but in here like I said it's like a family thing like everybody you know what I mean like you're more open to to to the people in here it's like it's like your own little Safe Haven you get what I'm saying yeah I feel you but it's it's more so like when somebody an individual come in here and you know you know coming coming to talk to you nine times out of 10 if I'm in here and I'm kicking back and I'm cooling majority of people will leave me alone but you know for individuals who you know it's a social outst so you know social [ __ ] coming here and when they come and they speak to me it's more s like hey you know how you doing type [ __ ] which I said when if individual approach me on some hey how you doing you know what's up BL blaz you know wo woo it's more so like I'm inclined to having a conversation with that person cuz it's not that they coming to me with some you know uh uh premeditated thoughts on oh I I know I'm about to be able to get something out of this individual more so you know I I see it as oh I could get this individual some game on something you feel me though or just you know see how individual doing cuz like I said when you come into this place it's more so a a release and most of the time a lot of individuals that's in here they on that same type of hype so it be player right right right right right um just to uh drop in the low for a minute I want to ask you a question um regarding Sports it's big in the media right now um concussions let's talk about it bro it's um I know especially in uh in contact Sports and contact Sports is always something that's I feel that's always a possibility that can happen and I mean you know the way that the game talk about football for instance the way that the rules is set up into the uh the game of football is to I would I say minimize that cuz I mean you ain't going to be able to get rid of it because like I said it's a contact sport but the thing is to minimize it and you know hopefully at one point in time you know to eliminate it but the thing is you always at risk of hitting your head like your head is going to be in the in the game 100% of the time so it's always that mindset so like I said with the rules and how they you know how they how they putting them together is to take the head out of the game right but so much of why we love the game of football um is going to be really hard to do that and I mean you know uh as far as like you know how individuals go about you know the concussion protocol to where if they have one I mean you know I won't say it's something new but it's something so hard to uh um to figure out like how bad the concussion is it'll vary from player to player person to person and you can't really one person might have a concussion it might take you know a couple days to a week to get back you know another individual have a concussion and it might take you know months I mean weeks to a month to get back and you can't tell a individual on how they feeling you know with they head cuz it ain't no test that they can run to say whether if you you know if if if you're better or you're not better and I believe like you know it get to the point where you know it's almost where you have to be uh you got to be completely out of there to where they can you know open up and test your brain to see if you know you suffer from you know CTE you know and and head trauma and I mean at that point in time you put an individual in there you know he tell a tell an individual like uh tell the trainers like you know I'm feeling better and they go out there and they get hit again and it's the same same problem right over again but like I said it varies from player to player and I remember uh in Seattle we had an individual uh on like walkth through we had a routine little uh pass play and he bumped into one of the uh two receivers collided and this individual had a concussion for the whole year and I'm talking about this was in U offseason training when he got the concussion and he was on the team for the whole year we went to the Super Bowl and hella [ __ ] [ __ ] and he showed up to pitcher day and everybody like man who the hell is this dude on the you know I mean on the team like I didn't even know he played for us and it come to find out that he was in the concussion protocol and he was in that [ __ ] for the whole season but then you know there's other players who you know suffer concussions and you know they come back the next week so I mean you know with that whole situation I mean you know you pray for the best you know and and hope that you know you never in a position to where you get one but but you I mean I say for me you I mean if I was ever in a in a place to where I had concussion I'm thinking to I'm not going to put myself back out there until I'm 100% sure I was going to say that have you played with a concussion before you know what brother I can honestly say that I've never been uh diagnosed with a concussion and then I'm a player who you know for sure I'm head first into everything cuz you know I'm running through a [ __ ] face and just the situation of being you know that type of individual having that type of thought and you feel me though never being diagnosed with a concussion like that's a blessing bro that's a straight blessing now there's times where I done have my [ __ ] woke up poow oh [ __ ] you feel me oh I'm seeing triple I'm seeing double you feel me like and you feel me I shake back out of it like hold on am I good or am I good right you know you got to run some self test on yourself just to see what type of time you on and like okay yeah I'm good but I mean you know to had my bell rang you feel me though headache all the [ __ ] you ever been you ever been hit so hard that you went to the sideline like hey I need to sit down for a play Hey man a play n let me get about three right quick boy and I mean you know I'm good about that for sure I mean not just for the simple fact of hey I need one but at the same time I know that it'll be able to give uh you know one of the running backs an opportunity to get in and go get they chicken too you know I mean the way I look at it like you I mean if you not 100% sure on your [ __ ] like you I mean fall back for a minute until you can say okay yeah I'm ready right me right right right right because I mean you know I seen individuals I concuss and come back right quick and then be right back in that same position on the sideline and I mean you know you can't make no money on the sideline you can't get your bread up if you in a tub though you feel me right right right um what would you say that separate you from the average um star from the average um NFL star cuz let's not sit here act like [ __ ] you just hella regular or [ __ ] like that like you have to realize like who you are and I know at times you don't give a [ __ ] about that [ __ ] but bro you you are who you are realistically bro I think it's the fact that I think it's the fact that uh that I carry myself like that like I am regular like I mean as much as you know you sit here and say like oh you tell [ __ ] like no watch out and all that [ __ ] but at the same time you'll find me in the same situations where you feel me though I'm going to be in the same space as a regular individual not as if I'm on my high horse and you know I mean I'm I'm untouchable or you know I mean the fact that I feel like I'm better than another individual or whatever but you know I mean when I go to places like you know VIP cool it is you feel what I'm saying but gener population is where you feel me that I feel the most comfortable at you feel me to where I'm not feeling like I'm standing over somebody looking down on them but you feel me we we here together this this you feel me this a move you feel what I'm talking about and it's just more so like I think for me and because I don't compare myself to nobody so I'm not running a race against nobody beside myself so at that at at that point I'm not looking over to the next you know star or a celebrity or whatever like oh he got big bottles over there or she got big bottles over there oh I need big bottles over here I'm good with my little uh my little shot of Hennessy you feel me though at the bar you feel me waiting in line next to you feel me everybody else in there who you know trying to get a drink now I mean it'd be perks to that situation cuz if the bartender see me like oh that's blood you feel me oh look at sh hey what's up what you need they like okay let me get a shot of Hennessy you might get somebody on the side of me like I was in front of them like you know what M Hey look check it out baby what you drinking exactly you know what we going we going to get our drink at the same time right just give my $5 though this [ __ ] let me get let me get my $5 for that Dr though you feel it would have been 10 though you feel so I cut that [ __ ] half for you for your time for your time spent but yeah though that I think that's more so I say what my situation is if you if you got to look at it or compared to you know I mean what I feel make me different from somebody else um what's a perfect day for you what's fun like what's something like just on some your ideal day well look man realistically what what I've been getting into since uh you know since I've been retired you know so you officially retired I've been retired for a minute bro man you retired about six times mean I'm retired until I'm not retired [ __ ] that's how that goes okay before we get into the perfect day right now if that bad come yes or no nah it wouldn't have to be for the bag okay it wouldn't but do you feel as if you can still go compete off top yeah I mean I'm a competitor yeah I'm talking about Elite [ __ ] out there [ __ ] what else is there for me okay I can only go it ain't no going down from here all right all right all right but the but but but how my how my situation go bro is you feel me I'm I'm not on no schedule my schedule is my schedule and [ __ ] that I like to do is you feel me uh shout out Kyon Springs what I've been doing is I've been going over to the high school like I'll suit up with them though you feel me get out there run around with them you know what I mean drills all the [ __ ] [ __ ] scrimmaging all the [ __ ] you feel me and I you feel me I'll bust down with them work out all the [ __ ] which I think has been has been been good for me cuz it give me an opportunity to still stay active but also it give me an opportunity you know to to be around some uh individuals who you know I mean come from you know area where I came from and give them some ISM on you know what it take in order to get to that next level and a lot of them you know feel stop bumping my sign bro ain't nobody tripping off that little [ __ ] going fall bro stop bumping my [ __ ] you can TR tra holding that up bro he got a strong backbone right now you you got a strong backbone right now but yeah I mean that's that's that's more so like what I like to do you feel me I still like to just go pop up in you know schools you know go holl at the kids you feel me though uh you know go spread a little bit of ism when I can you feel me you I mean that that's that's more so what I like but you know it didn't it didn't never stop to the point where you know even while I was playing I still was you feel me though uh operating my businesses and [ __ ] so all of that has still been going and I mean you know I plug and uh plug and play and press play on you know my businesses and [ __ ] so I mean you know if I want to be busy I could be busy right and if I want to kick back I got the Leisure to go ahead and kick back um in light of recent events which we're not going to get into um you do a lot and what I mean by a lot I mean a lot of good [ __ ] um good [ __ ] that you don't post on social media just good [ __ ] in general um how does that make you feel when let's say a hiccup can overshadow all that [ __ ] you know what bro to be honest with you like in highsight of everything all it do is just you know the question that you just ask me like what separate me from you know other you know stars or whatever and in my position like I never put out there or portray like I'm perfect or like you know I'm to you know the most wholesome individual so when I go through [ __ ] and personal [ __ ] it's more like [ __ ] had I not been you know marshan Lynch the football player or the [ __ ] on car uh commercials and TV shows movies this that the third it have been like you ain't in no [ __ ] movie well you smoking D all right all right my bad but man me way back at the ranch look but n but uh it'll just be like for instance uh somebody got in trouble uh you know and it was on the news you see it come across the newse it would it'll just be some regular [ __ ] like oh okay somebody you know just got in trou CU it ain't like I'm out here doing some outlandish ass [ __ ] but I you feel me I done put been in situations where I done you know I don't I done in in my terms I done fumble and the thing is you know when you when you put that in terms of playing in the league like all right I fumbled on one play but in that in that game we had 70 plays and if I go ahead and Har my my my energy to that one play then I don't get better but after that one play or after that one play or before that one play I done had you know seven eight good plays before then I fumble then I have seven or eight good plays after if I focus on that one situation I don't get to take away the good from what I did before or what I did after and then it's just a moment which I know at the end of the day all this [ __ ] is temporary so that fumble that I had I know that [ __ ] temporary why because I know that's not me that's not that's not my character especially when playing in the game so in life okay if I had that fumble that's not my character that's a you know that's a f that's how I look at it one bad play in in in the game and you know what nine times out of 10 I know for a fact if I fum one the game I know my mind is set like damn I I [ __ ] up now what I'mma do in order to make up for that in life okay I know this situation wasn't a good situation okay now what I'mma do you feel me though to get back on track or what am I gonna learn from that situation to the point where I don't do it again yeah okay well I was carrying a ball like this Knowing damn well I'm supposed to have that [ __ ] Tu right okay so in my mind it's it's the same thing I correlated the same way okay well I know for a fact I was out of bounds when I did this [ __ ] okay what I got to do to change that and my mind is more so on the change then rather than harping on what is the situation at hand cuz at the end of the day for me that moment was that moment when I had it when I go back you feel me though after that after that play that I just had I go look in the mirror I say well [ __ ] what's up bro I had that selft talk with myself at the end Day come in here to eight grab me a cigar freak my little situation all right now let's reflect right quick okay we reflect all right now what we going to do in order to better that all right okay well we know we can't do this we know that's we know that that's how the bounds we know know that that's not right we know we can't carry the ball that way so look this how we going to do this all right cool all right now what's next about the evolution and the change in an individual now I don't continue to make the same mistakes and look for different results but at the end of the day if I do the same [ __ ] then yeah I get the same damn results so I try not to put myself in that type of position talk about it talk about it talk about it yeah um when was the last time you felt like um like yourself cuz like I said um we have to hold even if we don't want to even with me um it's two different mes it's little blood and then it's little Larry um I don't want to feel like little blood all the time you get what I'm saying um a lot of times I want to be Lil Larry I don't want to feel like um the rapper you get what I'm saying yeah so this is how this is how I play that situation all right when you look at the situation like you say blood and Larry and then you got more shine and then you got Beast mod the same people regardless of however you look at it so what I do is and why I never feel like why me personally I never feel like there's a Mor shine and there's a beast mode because them the same individual so I don't never have to turn on marine and turn off beast mode or turn on beast mode and turn because that's the same that's the same African you feel me so I don't feel I never feel like like that so what it is is in the moment you know what somebody might look at him like oh Beast Mode tripping but at the end of the day when you say that that individual that you talk about that's Mar shine so that's that's the same individual locked in but the thing is it's the perception in which individuals and then my thing is if I get caught up so much on a another individual's perception of me then who am I really Living For Am I Living For Maran or beast mode or am I living for the perception of what another individual think about me and or say and or feel about me and at the end of the day it ain't [ __ ] what you think or [ __ ] how you feel or whatever but at the end of the day what you eat don't make me [ __ ] and what you drink don't make me pissed so at the end of the day it's more so like that's cool that's how you feel all right keep it pushing I'm back on who I'm on which is me because I mean at the end of the day I either got to better myself Andor I got to humble myself and like I said the best thing for me has been the selft talks with myself so I don't I you know I don't get into you know one and the other or the other in the you know what I mean it's just me what's handing at all Fashions of life right right um so on some behind the scenes [ __ ] when we was uh getting this [ __ ] set up to shoot and [ __ ] I see you jumped in director mode and um first I was [ __ ] with you man let them do them and then I'm like no let me just see what he got and um it's like you hands on like you hella into like you looking around setting up the lights you was hands on with that [ __ ] is that something you want to get into no but more so that's more so I say like uh like why you will say what what some [ __ ] that'll separate me from other individuals right because I'm looking at it as more so like if we all hands on and we putting our [ __ ] together we all in this for the same reason you don't think I'm just in here just you know I mean trying to piggy back or you feel me don't run it up or score off of your play but I'm here to let you know that hey [ __ ] if if if my brother's sweeping then I'm coming right behind him where the where the mop at if you washing the dishes all right hand them to me [ __ ] I'mma dry but I want to let you know that I'm in this for you and I believe that that's why a lot of my teammates you feel me though or I'mma just say people that I come in contact with is more so like you I mean Mar get a bad rap because of what the perception of him is because of some individuals who never even had a conversation with me could go on the uh tube on the on the oh it ain't even the TV no more but go on on the internet and put out whatever they want to put out about me and that's what it is and because I'm not the individual who gonna jump on Twitter or mypace my Facebook or any of that and and go ask somebody because at the end of day it's like like the individuals who speaking negatively on me they ain't even had a conversation with me ain't never even uh seen me in person before and had they did they ain't never sat down and had no conversation with me before at the same time too right right right right right but man that's more so like I mean you know I don't think it's more so being in the director mode this down the third but you know the facts is I do have a production company and you know we do create content this down the third and it's more so just on a hype like uh you know when we look looking at the place is like okay I'm thinking to myself like you know what this would be a good look in the setting for okay but at the same time you know they they allowed us to come in here sit down and set up Sho and it's like okay I want to make sure that you know we show them give them their flowers you know for allowing us to come in their situation you know what I mean at the same time you like damn bro I wish I had a hat type [ __ ] it's like all right well hold on let me go run up to the front right quick you feel me and then they bless us with a hat and Hell [ __ ] too but at the same time I'm thinking like okay well all right well we didn't have nothing in here with product placement for you know the show where we was at or whatever right right bam they got a hat eight all on the front that [ __ ] Okay cool it's in there but it's more so just thinking about you know I mean it because the situation it feel like it's never about me it's always bigger than me and then if you [ __ ] with me an individual that know me know that if you tied in with me I'mma do what I could do for you make sure that you feel me though you eat as well right right right um it's lonely at that dinner table by yourself it is it is truthful though um on some real [ __ ] [ __ ] when the last time you paid for some [ __ ] you said paid for some what this [ __ ] what last how you pay for some [ __ ] this [ __ ] Wilding be I'm just asking a question man look bro you paying for some [ __ ] yeah the last time I paid for some [ __ ] I think we was in Vegas and uh you was like damn bro baby wet I said you know what blood I got you feel me I'mma goe man I'mma go ahead let's speak on that for it down for blood hey blood how was how was that tuna anyway though let's speak on this for a moment right um how do you feel about that are you against that and I saying personally like that ain't something you but are you against that culture or do you salute it and you look at it as a form of hustling and you salute the you what I mean so the thing when you talk about hustling like man you know what I had some time to think on that [ __ ] and I mean you know that was something that we grew up on that's right you know hustling but in any situation when I started to thinking about it was nine times out of 10 man you you know you on your hustle [ __ ] it comes in a form of off rip you coming with your hand out first and I ain't never been that individual so when I think about it it's more so like for the dop game all right you you you meet the plug hey front me this you coming with your hand out or are you n come hey little man come here I want you to take this and you feel me don't flip this and then bring me back now not that you went out and said hey let me you feel me but in the form of you was receiving something and my thing has always been I don't never want somebody to have something over me you feel me so therefore you know that mentality for me it kind of It kind of throw me off and I don't know if it's because now I'm in a position that I'm in now to where I ain't never had that situation but I've never been an individual who want to go to somebody and ask them for something like I remember I used to have a hard time even going in there and asking my mama like mama can you buy me some you feel what I'm saying though cuz I don't know it just didn't it didn't ever fit sit right to me right right but at the end of the day like you know what I mean with the pimping culture like [ __ ] I'm from Oakland California you feel me it was just something it it that [ __ ] was just is it was everywhere right I remember telling me like you'll be popping out a little female she be like damn why you sound like a pimp yeah and then it's like more so like baby I ain't no pimp right but at the end of the day I am from Oakland and the [ __ ] who I want and got the game from yeah they might have been they might have been live getting down in some more [ __ ] but at the end of the day the way that I talk it'll throw somebody off because instantly young lady GNA for sure get on that hype like can we get another one young lady might for sure get the wrong idea misconception of you talk fast you talk smooth this that and the Third on some other [ __ ] but at the end of the day I'm just trying to holler say what's up you feel me right how you doing at the end of the day might turn into some you know I'm talking about talking to panties off or something but at the end of the day it's more so like no baby my my my my my upbringing and my surrounding like yeah I'm a product of my environment but as far as me getting down and being live n because I don't like babysitting right right right right right right right right um another thing we was talking about culture Oakland um I was saying I think we lost it we was talking about SBO oh man shout out to SBO and um he was telling me how he had the thing at the Beast mod store located in Mandalay Bay if you ever in Vegas just throw that out there yes Lord and um you like he had his little pop up there he like man he's so lit and um he really in shy B form like he man this the justifi Raiders man man y'all [ __ ] out here tripping all the justifi Raiders like I'm a real you know but you know you know but to us that was our Oakland it was and that was your typical like you said like [ __ ] before the phones and the recording and [ __ ] like [ __ ] you see me on track [ __ ] we like this like [ __ ] what's happening and it's like going ape [ __ ] and it's we lost that to me like um and I think that's why a lot of um I don't even want to say older people just a lot of uh people in general who know that Oakland culture they um take to Sono yeah because he reminds them of what it was in the early 2000s and you get what I'm saying and that um and that element when um like a town [ __ ] man with a with a Oakland [ __ ] you got a revolutionary you got a preacher you got some ISM you got a drug like it's so much that make up a real Oakland [ __ ] you get what I'm saying all in the same indivual a fashion Mogul cuz I remember [ __ ] when you didn't have to have no Yeezys no Jordans [ __ ] when you had that white te like bro your shoes can be two years old say white T-shirt BL blue jeans and Nike and I was saucy like you know what I'm saying like and you know what's funny cuz [ __ ] us to bust jokes all the time though like you feel me though you know you got you got you got the town you know they say North Oak all that's the cool the cool pretty boy [ __ ] you got West Oak dir West you feel e flashy you feel me Helly stupid but you could tell when you go outside you can tell like oh yeah that [ __ ] from the north easy oh that [ __ ] oh he got a oh he got a gap hoodie on with a peaco all yeah that [ __ ] from the West you feel me you could tell how [ __ ] what where [ __ ] was from based off how they was dressed and now how that Ben was how your benie was oh man I wish I had the B I do but I'm but and that's the thing though you feel me and I mean if you ever seen any of like my commercials or anything when I got my beanie on you could look at my [ __ ] and really tell like hold on bro oh yeah that's a town [ __ ] look how he flipped his b oh God yeah it was like statements you feel what I'm saying and to the point where I now like you saying I think the uh what is that [ __ ] called uh the designer you can run that Mama the designer [ __ ] you feel me though got everybody you feel me looking the sound like I mean you can know you be in the town or whatever the case may be and you going to see a [ __ ] Balenciaga this gavinci that Prada of fandy GOI Louie and it's like all that [ __ ] just look the same mhm and it a you ain't got to be you ain't got to know how to go ahead and you know throw a saucy fit together no more because at the end of day oh you g Take You [ __ ] used to take pride and you feel me don't laying out that fit but now it's more so you feel me oh [ __ ] this this bust down because it's it's it's it's red bottoms and it's and it's you feel me though I got to Gin you we're not hating on that we're not saying there nothing wrong with no I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with him I'm just saying but you know I mean you you come outside when I go outside in the world whatever when somebody see me and they don't know that I don't want them to be cuz you know you it could get misc conscrew everybody got on the designer [ __ ] you g be like oh that's an American but when I come dressed out and I got my beanie tuck my benie flip my uh my hoodie on and they like hold on I I hear the way he talk I know he from America but he don't look just like you feel me though the you me type individual and then at the end of the day you me I feel asck with with a hoodie you know you I you feel me I feel that I feel that to the core but then I mean you know at the same time I ain't going to lie I'm a for show put on a uh on a uh on a mon clar uh uh uh bubble coat and and feel swole around this [ __ ] right right what I'm saying right right but I mean at the end of the day if you know me you Sean probably going to come through with Beast mod sweatsuit Beast mod hoodie Beast mod Benny but when it's time to put that [ __ ] on you going to put that [ __ ] I mean you know you feel me if it's about that time it's about that time I told you man I'm 30 plus man I keep looking at that jacket that a't my C he bust down yeah that's and the M on that [ __ ] is for Mar shine you feel what I'm saying though yeah for sure for sure but um look at him was talking all that [ __ ] yeah I'm going try it P D booty diggers all in dingleberries on this on thisor [ __ ] let him hit let him hit though that [ __ ] made a [ __ ] choke it's all right that mean it's working yeah yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord back to Oakland um where have you traveled to that you felt like okay damn this just like the town you know what bro and in the way that I travel you know what nine times out of 10 I'm going tell an individual first of all if I'm going to a to another another area outside of Oakland I'm going to make sure when I go tap into these places I'm with a reputable individual to go to the places I want to go to cuz I don't want to just go to your tour [ __ ] but take me to your trenches let me see how y'all move how y'all rocking and some more [ __ ] you feel what I'm saying so everywhere that I have been I've done found a spot that remind me of the town just as far as like um just as far as like how the individuals is moving you feel me though because you know the town we got a certain type of way about you got grimy [ __ ] going on like you said for the for the for the situation you got a situation where they pimping you got a situation where you feel me though they banging you got a situation where you feel me to ease your your your revolutionaries you got a situation where you know this your your your your your your uh your religious community like you can go anywhere around the world and you can find that if you go and look in the right places and nine times out of 10 why I say you want a reputable sit uh individual to take you to the places cuz these not places that you want to just go and just pop out and just live like n you [ __ ] around go to a situation and get your whole [ __ ] melted right been somewhere and you was like get me the [ __ ] up out of here we out um Brazil and the FAS we [ __ ] around was out there we was having a football camp out there and uh we got into the situation and you know it was live I'm talking about live bro and uh it's start getting spunky and now you know they speaking Portuguese out there but you know any anywhere you go and you know you know the difference from individuals just talking even if you don't speak the language to where oh no something ain't right right and it's like okay oh no this this situation right here this situation ain't cool we don't speak the language we don't know who is who and who with who you don't know what is over and then you don't know the laws out there neither so you don't know who who got it on them or who or what the situation is and then when you walking into that [ __ ] you got the police you feel me walking around you feel me though ARS you feel me though big [ __ ] and they dress just like you dress they 5 justess just like you so you don't know if he really 5 or if he with the you feel me the mob whatever situation here but the thing is all right for me what I know hey this ain't a good look hey come on we on bro let's let's wiggle but on our way out look check this out we back to back so that way all right look we back the back you put your back on my back bro and we out this [ __ ] you feel me move you move that's how we moving but boy they was out there and it and it got spunky was it regarding y'all or it was just no it was just spunky on on they behalf I said [ __ ] we it ain't like I could conversate with nobody so [ __ ] you know I'm in there feeling the vibe now off of body language you know you walk up you start you know hitting your little twostep or whatever if if Little Mama feeling it oh she'll start dancing if not okay now that's on to the next but you feel me now you just going off body language Vibe you feel me Smiles facial expressions this down the third you feel me though and then at that time you feel me you got WhatsApp WhatsApp or Google translate and [ __ ] if it's good then what's handing if not already I'm on but soon as I seen that it's like nah come on it don't even make no sense and everything out there smacking so shill we leave from a function out there at like 3: we go to another one another function that [ __ ] going till 9:00 in the morning yeah so I mean you know it's player but at the same time you see a funky situation I ain't out here trying to prove to nobody D I'm tough you know what y'all got y'all funk that's what y'all got going on hey y'all be easy man but then the cold part about it was maybe a month after after you know we got back uh uh one of the directors of the uh the trip that we was out there with he sent us a uh he sent us a little uh news not a news clip but a a video clip and it was talking about the party that we was at and now if you know anything about uh the favellas like that's the the slums the hoods but they up on the hill you know most of the time we think the hood that's down in the flats the inner city this that but they [ __ ] is like in the heels so you feel what I'm saying when it was on Vice and then you know the thing the title like oh uh biggest uh drug cartel had a party blah BL this that and the third and looking at the function like this the function that we was at we don't even know we outside S I wish I had to fly I had a cuz we did a we did a party there but it was thrown by the the cartel whatever foras and I'm like oh okay yeah well little did we know you know the the dude who was doing it uh you know he had some of the kids come from the favilas to the football camp right so you know at at at some point in time you know it it had to be understood like not saying that we was off limits but more so like they here to you know to do a service to you know to our to our community so you know kind of like leave them alone we but but go on ahead get up out of here that's that's my thought they can do whatever they GNA do but I'm wiggling right right right right um what kind of women are you into like um do you like to conservative kind like do you like what kind of you know what man I went through you know went through my little thing you know I want stupid cheeks you feel me though pretty ass face I used to be colored colored eyes all that type of [ __ ] and then as the older I got it was more so like you know who who the intellect you feel me who could I sit down with and chop gang with and make me think outside of the box creative you feel me though passionate you feel what I'm saying though like driven who's for me you know what I'm talking about like yeah like who gonna challenge me on a level of not challenging me to to you know to be head button with me but challenging me to go and be better in life you feel what I'm saying like build some [ __ ] and I mean you know you know throughout my throughout throughout my career you feel me you know I say I done had uh you know I done came in contact with women who you know are driven you know who make who make me think on a different level and you know to the point where like uh you know I know that I wasn't right like I wasn't right cuz you feel me you know we got that that town that town mentality you know what I mean of that ISM especially when I was younger you feel me a type [ __ ] like feel me right and as I got older it was like [ __ ] you feel me that that that type of [ __ ] like I said 30 plus that type of [ __ ] that I used to do that type of [ __ ] that you know I liked or I was involved in you feel me that now that ain't even that ain't even something that crossed my mind like you feel me I don't see like see stupid ass cheeks like oh [ __ ] I'm on that thing like right right you feel me I go holl at some with some some cheeks and baby be a straight Airhead like what the [ __ ] you just right righty you know what I holler two fingers I holler you feel me but no you know somebody that that that's going that's going that's going that's going to force me to be to be a better me better version of you yeah man somebody who can who can who can make me excuse me who who I could be in a situation with and and when I go you know come back to a spot like this I could kick back I could come in here and bring with and it ain't on some like you know what I mean oh party party party like you feel me but could sit down and you know peep The Vibes you feel what I'm saying peep The Vibes and all right you know we on this type of time like you know I mean how we going how we going how we going to play this next move somebody I could bounce ideas off of you feel me though get me right then when I'm in a situation where [ __ ] ain't pretty you feel me be able to hold a [ __ ] down mental stability yeah stability that [ __ ] go a long way right uh you single freom Mingo complicated what I am is you feel me I'm I'm in a situation you feel me what what uh uh What uh what's the old boy name entanglement entanglement no I'm just playing bro where I'm at bro I yeah I mean I I I ain't in no position where I could say you feel me though I found that one but I mean you know I I got my eyes open right right right straight up uh children in the future most definitely you want somebody somebody got somebody got to carry these jeans right right right right right somebody gotta car these J lot just probably like one or two I'll say Max like three three that's Co that's cool because they gonna have to have somebody to get them up with right right right right they going they gonna have to have somebody to get them up with but you know to this point right now like you feel me I got you know I got nieces and nephews and I got a you know my gu kids and I mean you know they they hold me down you feel what I'm saying so I know when it come to that point like and I have my own that [ __ ] going to be you feel me though going to be a blessing but I'm also somebody who you feel me I don't trust [ __ ] so I mean you know that's been a big part to why I don't you feel me already but you know to the fact like uh when that situation come I know I'mma have to be in a state of mind and to be uh vulnerable which is which is hard for me because [ __ ] I ain't in no position where [ __ ] I'm trying to get played on some sucker [ __ ] when [ __ ] I I didn't went this far it's like I done went this far without you know I mean having no situation like that I ain't F to just go do it just because a [ __ ] you know want some kids it's got to make sense for a [ __ ] right right right right um being that you on your retired [ __ ] um have you thought about Ventures like um ESPN and just sitting down doing little [ __ ] like that like having your own show well like commentating yeah commentating that's the word I was looking for n not so much more commentating cuz I don't feel I'm an individual who you know just want to sit down and talk about analyzing the game but if it was a right situation where you know I could I could talk about the game but also be who I am and then just knowing the way that I talk I don't know if a network is going to allow me to just be on they on they show you feel me though shout out little Blood TV hey man with the freedom to be who I am though you know what I mean real talk but I mean I I do got a situation up right now with uh with Amazon where I go to uh uh with the Thursday night football [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you ain't about to [ __ ] pull your phone out on Amazon [ __ ] don't pull your [ __ ] out on little Blood TV know what blood gonna do that's why they don't want want me on that thing live no but the but but real talk though like uh you know I'm in a situation right now where I create content with uh uh with a network and uh and uh it's more or so you know give me the freedom to do to do me now I'm not sure if you know you're familiar with uh the little show that I had called No script where you know I go and do [ __ ] that I ain't never done before but you know I bring my family with me and you know we just went to create content on some cool [ __ ] right but now I'm [ __ ] with a network and um you know they giv me the opportunity to do something along those lines for the uh uh for the Thursday night games so I'll go to one of the cities and where uh which one of the teams is from and you know I'll go out into the uh you know I'll go out into their city and I'll do some [ __ ] where I'll [ __ ] around create some content and see what's going on in their city right so I mean you know it's some s of [ __ ] that I think uh I think people gonna really [ __ ] with um the one show um I forgot but it was with the one [ __ ] but y'all was in the wild or something Bear Grills Bear Grills yeah bro you was scared to death man who you telling first of all I ain't never been camping before you feel me though and then you know off rip you know off rip I'm a uh you know I'm I'm I'm in the city I'm a city [ __ ] I'm I'm in the town you feel me I know nothing about no wild and he talking about doing some of the most extreme dream [ __ ] that I like come on we going to jump on this helicopter and hang out the helicopter we going to chase wild BS with a knife and all kind of [ __ ] and we got to build a tent and you feel me though we got so is that is it really secluded like that like y'all really yeah we really doing but I'm saying is it like I don't want to give up the the show but it ain't no giving up [ __ ] all that [ __ ] I was doing but is it like Amber lams around just in case something or your ass is out there look if it's Amber lams out there they did a good ass job hiding and [ __ ] and on that mountain that we was on if they could get an ambulance Y what with a camera with the camera crew wow and then what so what I did cuz I'm I'm thinking like oh yeah this [ __ ] gonna be fake and then instantly soon as we soon as soon as I knew I knew something was different about this show was different than anything I ever done off rip like I knew it wasn't no fugazy [ __ ] you get the hell we we on This Tall ass like uh cliff and you feel me I'm they like okay we waiting for Bear to come pick you up we don't know they don't tell me how he going to come so I'm thinking oh he going to come on speedboat oh he GNA come on dirt bikes because they ask me certain [ __ ] like what I don't [ __ ] with like I ain't never been on no helicopter you feel me I don't like hikes all this type of [ __ ] I don't do rodents all this [ __ ] that they ask me about so the least thing I'm thinking about is a helicopter so you feel me you see a boat come out oh we going to ride a boat n that ain't him I see some four-wheelers oh he on the nope no fourwheeler oh the J NOP no ji oh a carav no no van and all of a sudden bro just out of nowhere you just hear I'm what the [ __ ] bro this [ __ ] helicopter bro like hey okay well when he come they going to get as close as to the uh to the edge of the uh cliff and then you just got to jump on there and I'm like what you mean I got to jump on there like [ __ ] you see how far that drop is and I I ain't got no parachute I don't got no like what you mean I got to get like when he come just go so now I'm like just go they like just go now in my mind I'm thinking like for one you know I already don't [ __ ] with Heights and [ __ ] like that so now I'm to the point where it's like oh if I don't just go I'm not going to get on that [ __ ] so soon as he got on the thing and he like go I was already in the air so [ __ ] I had to jump into the helicopter off the [ __ ] Cliff so when I get on that thing I had a harness on so he CLI me in that [ __ ] so you feel me I grab on him like bro like I'm in here like he like no you can't get in cuz it ain't no seats in the back so I'm like man what the [ __ ] like he like man just put one foot here and one right here and hold on to this bro I'm telling you I'm grabbing on the everything and that thing like what you mean no [ __ ] let me get up in here bro you tripping like no man just relax we going W woo now mind you we already probably elevated you know what I mean at the top of a mountain like dumb ass High BR and we get on this helicopter bro and bro start going even higher man what the [ __ ] bro we floating over water so I'm thinking like bro this [ __ ] fa to had me jump off this thing into the wall I'm thinking all the craziest [ __ ] bro we just kept on going higher and higher bro the higher we got bro the scared I got bro I clenching up [ __ ] I'm grabbing everything like this [ __ ] just laughing like you tripping bro but I'm I ain't got no like I said I ain't got no parachute I ain't got nothing to hold on to I'm I'm tweaking right right right you feel me then we just get on the thing bro get to the highest peak of the mountain we get off helicopter just fly off I'm hold on what we doing you see that uh Mountain over there where it look like uh two titties we gota we gonna have to hike up there it'll take us two days let's go and [ __ ] just start walking I'm like bro oh he tweaking so it's just you and the camera crew and him and him bro and the camera crew walking with y'all bro they because they they all are like ex um like survivalist type [ __ ] Marine right for like out there in uh France and [ __ ] brigades or something like that like they really them ones though you feel what I'm saying so they they used to this type of [ __ ] but I'm thinking like okay well somebody got to have stick on them or whatever but he gave me this big ass machete and then he gave me a sharp ass knife like come on we F to go you know we got to do what we got to do but look it's midday right now so look we got to find our dinner so I'm thinking like no y'all ain't got nothing packed I'm like and all I got in my bag real [ __ ] is some uh is some Hennessy is some uh some Skittles though you feel what I'm saying bro like I'm like bro I'm like man it it's good I you know I can make two days off some he and some uh Skittles I'm good and instantly blood pick up you know we start on a little journey bro 5 minutes until that [ __ ] he pick up like some like some uh wild boar [ __ ] he just pick it up like and start mushing around in his hand bro you could see the steam coming off of and everything and he like oh oh we got dinner this fresh [ __ ] you can see the smoke come look like the smoke just coming out like he like oh yeah we got to find this board we got to kill it that's our dinner I'm like no bro I ain't even going to lie bro I don't even really like board like that bro so we good we can move though like no we going to go chase it so we walking probably like 40 45 yards ahead of us you see these bushes moving and I'm like man hey hey blood you see them bushes over there moving he like oh man like how the [ __ ] you see that I'm like [ __ ] [ __ ] I just watch my surroundings that [ __ ] don't look normal he like oh my god look you can see the I'm like you can see the what bro all you see is the ass of the boore you feel me though and he kicking up like or she he or whatever what kicking up [ __ ] right right right so I'm like man what the [ __ ] he like man come here so he like grab that knife out your bag I'm like the machete like no the knife I'mma make you a sword [ __ ] grab a stick [ __ ] tied the knife to the end of the stick there some MacGyver [ __ ] like I'm like oh bro really Saucy right right like okay you going to take this stick and we going we going to kill it I'm like you serious he like yeah he like hold on bro walk off so now I'm sitting there now the things start getting hella aggressive so I'm asking the cameraman like hey is these he like man you know what um it's overpopulated with them out here BL BL they really aggressive what you mean they aggressive like yeah they attack I'm like oh blood tripping oh hell no man what you mean they attack so he like Yeah man so you know just stay ready Don't Take Your Eye Off of it I'm like so where old boy go you feel me so a cameraman set his camera down he like hey look so the thing is he have to get clearance clearance for what CLE to kill it he like because we don't want uh we don't want Peta or you know the you know the animal society the you feel me or we doing something that ain't right so he walked off to use the phone bro bro walk off you feel me though and now I'm I'm I'm literally there like five minutes to the neck with just the camera people so you know I'm tripping like hold on now I'm thinking like oh and these [ __ ] charge I'm like so if this thing just running I'm like all right how could I do this and I start plotting [ __ ] like okay I don't know if they can jump so look I'mma get up on this High Rock if it come over here then I'll just stab it I'm then I'm thinking like on some cartoon [ __ ] like BR no what I could do is I could just let it charge me I could fall down and I could let it fall on the knife you feel me like I'm thinking all kind of crazy [ __ ] so he come back and he like we can we can kill it but the thing is it has to charge us he like man so we got to get it to come at us he start picking up rocks and throwing it so now I'm like a [ __ ] they they flu man this [ __ ] you fol Gaz I know what type of time this [ __ ] is it's fake the [ __ ] threw that [ __ ] the rock hit the ass of that [ __ ] and it sounded like I said oh no that ain't no mechanical [ __ ] that's that's real ass that that [ __ ] just hit so I'm like oh bro this [ __ ] tripping then you just start hearing a he like come on Maran we got to sneak up on it and get it bro we sneaking up I'm like all right look you gonna go that way I'mma go this way he creeping up on it bro I walk around bro as soon as I got like probably like 10 yards away from that [ __ ] bro that thing just took off I just like oh [ __ ] it's going bro that [ __ ] just started running right and now I'm still thinking like man this [ __ ] still fake now mind you I got this sharp ass knife in my hand my sword and [ __ ] I just hit it bam I'm running [ __ ] I see the pig it's jumping over [ __ ] hitting I'm like no this [ __ ] can't be fake because why would they be letting me run full speed with this knife [ __ ] I could trip over something you feel me anything right so I'm like oh no this [ __ ] sign waivers and [ __ ] man I had to sign anything so we chase that [ __ ] bro for about good like 200 yard boom catch up to him like be quiet be quiet we looking you feel me we come to like a opening like all the [ __ ] just opened up cuz we was in like hell bushes everything open up and I'm looking and you could see the water and you could tell like something had just ran through it so I'm like oh man it got away bro you feel me like damn so he like man but look at this man look how beautiful it is this really beautiful I'm like yeah this this dope this a nice little view so he looked and he got to the edge I'm like you know I don't [ __ ] with Heights so he looking up he like come here Maran look look look and I'm like man what what you looking at it's a waterfall bro so damn far down bro you can't hear the water hitting the you can't hear it hitting the bottom so you feel me I scooting to the edge I'm looking bro I look over bro you see the whole Pig done jumped off the cliff bro splattered this whole [ __ ] like I said oh man don't even worry about it bro I ain't even hungry don't even worry about it BR he like no we got to go down there and get it I'm like bro this [ __ ] tripping blood done sent me down the damn Cliff bro I went down the cliff bro like I was Spiderman you feel me backwards and hella [ __ ] I'm supposed to turn and face the mountain and Propel myself down bro I went down the [ __ ] Mountain like I was holding on no attachments nothing I had a harness on man I get down there I got a tie uh The Noose around the pig neck and got to drag it back bro I'm sitting there bro trying to last like I was Indiana Jones like thr the little thing over it bro I'm kicking the little [ __ ] on it bro feel me tighten it up and finally got him bro now this [ __ ] heavy as [ __ ] dragging it pulling it to me thing hey I got it I got it pulling up now I got that attached to me and I'm climbing up this mountain he pulling me up bro man I'm like okay yeah this [ __ ] really real so y'all y'all actually staying in tense and [ __ ] like lives like out there like he he he found a tree in the wall he found a tree in a wall big ass Rock he pulled the tree over to where the wall was he say oh we got to put our back against this so won't nothing come from behind us but you I mean we be able to see anything pulled that [ __ ] over bro and then [ __ ] used that knife cut one of my dreads started a fire with it you feel me and we out there and then this [ __ ] talk about some oh yeah oh remember that cuz when we pull a pig up I cut two like little pieces out that [ __ ] he like oh yeah remember that meat that you had in the bag like yeah let me get your backpack he pulled that [ __ ] out bro on that fire found a a a slab Rock You Feel Me made like a little baby stove off the rock [ __ ] threw them slabs of meat on there like uh come on we good I'm like bro you really about to eat this all the heat gonna kill everything and woo this that and I'm like but this [ __ ] really playing though but he really digging in eating that [ __ ] I'm like bro white people y'all really just don't use no seasoning you ain't got no salt pepper no nothing you just going to Raw Dog the whole thing like that right right like bro you out of pocket you say something hell yeah n good I don't man that [ __ ] was tough [ __ ] you know what I mean but that [ __ ] was really real though right right right right what an experience question bro um you know it's a lot of people right now bro that are U and I just need your genuine answer and it's it's for the fans but it's more for me um that's a lot of people bro that'll pay you bro hundreds of thousands for you to come sit down on their platforms or just to come like you know to [ __ ] with them um why did you choose my [ __ ] no it ain't so much more you know me choosing it but I mean you know you know like I said though like you feel me I I I appreciate your movement right and you feel me like you know what I mean when we talk about it you like yeah man you know like I'm F you know start doing this podcast and [ __ ] expand my brand type [ __ ] like you know I mean when we was having that conversation a [ __ ] could hear the growth you feel me cuz you got to think like [ __ ] damn there we really you know start our careers around the same time sir you feel me when you first start getting down and [ __ ] was around the same time like you know I'm I'm getting down that cow and Hell [ __ ] and [ __ ] it was more of an opportunity for me like you feel me I feel me my playlist all Town [ __ ] you feel what I'm saying so so you know what I mean little blood heavy in my rotation you feel me and you know from from going for that listening to you you feel me though getting ready to go you know go out there on the field and [ __ ] to you know sitting down politicking with you you know and hear you talk about like not so much more you you know switching switching switching lanes and [ __ ] but you know adding to your you know I mean to your gen to your Genius geniusness it's like you feel me [ __ ] real talk like [ __ ] I was supporting you before and now I get to sit down with you on your platform and holler about you feel me [ __ ] that you know Big Time network like you said big time networks are you know throw out a bag for me come sit on the you know I mean they platforms are holler but more so like [ __ ] I see the type of moves you make I see where you trying to go and [ __ ] I support that so you feel me if you call and tap in like what's up with blood I'm doing my thing bro you feel me I I I I made that move I press play on it like what's up oh it's automatic it's bulletproof you know I'm coming through the slide you feel me you pick up the phone he Sean you know it's good with me and then you feel me it's being vice versa sir you know what you don't get that type of love from everybody you feel me you get individual bang my line like oh Sean what's up man I we this that the third but yet you know I mean when I call hey I got woo woo going on you feel oh you know I ain't GNA be able to pull up or you know what I mean but you know I mean to the point where like you know you'll see some [ __ ] that I got going on you'll hear my line like yo dirty ass [ __ ] why you ain't hit me and let me know you had W going on you know I would have pulled up and came and you know I mean blessed the you know the opportunity not the opportunity but you know come you I mean you know I would have did that and that's more so like damn well [ __ ] [ __ ] you know I know you be doing your thing type of [ __ ] like yeah [ __ ] I do my thing but [ __ ] at the same time if you got something going on [ __ ] let me know tap in with me I'm pull you know and and and since it's been on that type of hype knowing that you feel me we got that type of um type of bond that type of brothership it's like oh it's automatic now right mean right right right and it's genuine it ain't no when we come it ain't you know we ain't doing no no goofy [ __ ] [ __ ] we could just sit down in politic you feel me though at the bar it could be [ __ ] the most popping this night you know what I mean we gonna just wiggle out the situation and go kick back on some you feel me though kick back [ __ ] regular [ __ ] so it don't you know I mean and then what really what really had me going was [ __ ] uh you know we had the we had the event in here and you feel me like it was player you feel me I had on a on a suit and Hell [ __ ] you know what I mean you the whole thing you pulled up you know was able to get some you know some little footage all the [ __ ] and then what was it maybe what two or three days later I don't even know if you put that song but you feel me though that that song right there that's like [ __ ] that's one of my favor I'm mad that it ain't out right now you feel me I remember I call you like hey bro I'm over here tweaking off this [ __ ] bro you like oh I ain't even put it out yet you know so you feel me I'm just trying to you know sit on and I'm like damn cuz this one of them ones I do want to put out I don't really post too much [ __ ] but every now and then you feel me I I'll post a little video of a song that I'm listening to you feel me you feel me I'm hot cuz I can't even put that [ __ ] out right now put it out yeah you know so you know what I mean so it's more so like you know the opportunity be there but I mean you know that ain't just with that's with you know anybody from the town who who who getting down that you know that I tap in with and you know I mean you know any chance I get you feel me I'mma put on like we had the uh what was it the beast mode uh the beast mode weekend we had what like four or five events in in three days and you feel me the lineup that I had you feel me was a straight that was straight all Town [ __ ] though you feel me I'm going say ba because there was a couple uh individuals that was on the uh on the tab that you know maybe been from Richmond or you feel me though but this all was you I mean it was a movement you feel me it was more so like this the type of vibe that I'm on this the type of [ __ ] that I [ __ ] with this type of music out you feel me though and it's just H funny because you know out hear they talking about oh yeah well we like the list we would like to make it work but uh you know a lot of your guys they don't they don't they don't clear you yeah I remember you like BR what the [ __ ] is clear like man what what type of type what type of time you [ __ ] on but it was an opportunity for me where you feel me I brought [ __ ] I had [ __ ] from from West Oakland had [ __ ] from East Oakland right right feel me had [ __ ] from North Oakland had [ __ ] from Richmond you feel me though DJs you know what I mean and and a and a and a in a in a variety of individuals from you feel me all the way from from a [ __ ] like show you feel me though yes sir and in between to you know DJs like DJ shabash and DJ shellhart that's right and I mean you know from from from that end of the spectrum to the other end it's like you got a you know um a show who worldwide to you know shart who who up and coming and making a name for herself and then everything else in between and it was all on some Township U and not even to cut you off it's crazy the acts that they put in our place um they didn't even get to move it how they wanted to move it because the people who bought tickets coming to The Venue was expecting to see to see the a you you wanted and it was crazy cuz it was like um I'm watching them up there performing in the crowd like really like you know what I'm saying like you know it's cool and I mean you know respect to the uh you know to the individuals who salute to them who did come and you know bless the uh Bless The Presence uh I mean the situation like you feel me I know it was probably last minute on their behalf but you know they came through and they was able to uh you know uh uh make it work for me so at the end of the day you know it's a it's a for sure salute to them individuals too but you know like you know when you get Shan and you know I I sign up for something you know Shan gonna do it you know how Shan you feel me how how he is and who he is so you know my my my line up in my squad was like oh yeah this for sure gonna go ape [ __ ] like you feel me I'm thinking we F to have a for sure 2000 2000 um this was going to be old school functions that's how I was feeling but I mean you know at the end of the day you know when the DJs did get to you know spin they made sure they you know Incorporated everybody that uh you know that was uh you know that was on the list you know they played their tunes and Hell [ __ ] and then you know you had a couple other individuals who you know who wasn't on it but that's from that from that place from that area you know that came and was able to get on and do some [ __ ] cuz I think uh was his name stun man stun stun man and you know that was a blessing even though I didn't personally reach out to bro but you know he came and was able to get down I'm like oh yeah [ __ ] that's a look that's a move you feel me now had I known bro you know to tap in with him you know I probably would have but you know [ __ ] tapping in with [ __ ] like yet you feel me though Young Junior like you feel me [ __ ] who I you know tapped in with you know that I knew was on their way up but I mean you know any chance I get you know to put somebody on and I don't want to say like oh [ __ ] I'm putting you on but you know to give you the opportunity because at the end of the day like I had a I had a weekend out here like I was a rapper or something and all I was that [ __ ] play football right right but you know like when you you know you talk about the the the movement and how it is for the culture and [ __ ] like you know that was a that was a culture move I feel and then as far as my culture and you know what I how I move that was the individuals in which I brought what I was trying to bring you know to the to that to that stage to let them rock out cuz you know like I told you before like you know I I thought you was mainstream I had to have an individual tell me like oh well no this that's that's underground like what man you tripping get the [ __ ] up off the block you smoking dope how do you feel though when you um when you do certain [ __ ] for individuals like are you having this hell yeah I'mma pull up you'll pull up and do a look and um it's not it's not returned like reciprocated it's not reciprocated how do you how do that you know you know what I ain't going I ain't going to lie to you early on like that [ __ ] used to bother me you feel me cuz it's like you know I'm I'm thinking in the mindset of like rather you know I [ __ ] with you you [ __ ] with me type [ __ ] but more so like you feel me if you call me and and you hit me or you reach out to me or even if I just see you got something going on and I'm in the area and I could pull up you know I'mma make it work you feel me I'mma for sure make it work so when I was reaching out to individuals and this was what happened early on and [ __ ] was like oh yeah this that and the third hit me with the you know what I mean the the woy wo and all that [ __ ] it was more so like now I got turned off to it like you know what [ __ ] it If a [ __ ] pull up a [ __ ] pull up cuz nine times out of 10 you know I got it going on so if you pull up then we G to rock if you don't pull up I'm not going to hold it against you because you feel me in that type of time I'm feeling that you know I could we could start developing Bad Blood cuz then it's going to be like [ __ ] I pull up whenever you got something going on or you tell me to pull up you on some JH [ __ ] but then just to the fact where you know what hey at the end of the day if you don't [ __ ] with it like that then you don't [ __ ] with it like that but then that just show me the type of individual you is and it show me your character right right but more than anything though like you feel me I say before it used to rub a [ __ ] the wrong way but as I grew you feel me I just you I mean I take it for what it's worth and then it just show me how how you do [ __ ] with a [ __ ] right uh you told me some [ __ ] off camera and um you was telling me um how if [ __ ] was to go up in flames it's Villages that'll take you in uh he was basically saying like uh and I ain't never heard you talk about this publicly how uh like [ __ ] I done bought fresh water living resources to to to places that ain't never had fresh water ever in life I didn't bought that to places like I don't brag on that type of [ __ ] because I don't do it I don't do it for social media I do it for me um what made you get into that [Music] uh so my my my first time you know out the country you know on a on a trip like that when I started uh you know doing football camps um you know outside of the uh outside of the states um was when I went to Brazil and when I went out there with a shout out to Bruno man that's my dog man uh Bruno Mars no Bruno jamini he was a uh Brazilian that I used to call him I thought he was Russian he a big ass dude but you know he invited me to come cuz he from Brazil so he invited me to come out there uh to the camp and when I went out there and there was a language barrier and I couldn't you know I couldn't speak Portuguese but like I said I'm somebody who pay attention body language facial expressions and I was able to connect with you know CU we did a camp for the kids but we also did account for adults and the way that they took to me was almost like we were speaking the same language and we wasn't even speaking and then their conditions they living conditions was far worse than anything that I have seen you feel me though ever and the fact that they was just so [ __ ] happy with just the fact that we was out there you know teaching them something that they ain't never you know they they don't they play soccer over there they don't know nothing about American football but they was willing to learn and they was going the extra the the the extra step you know to to do it the right way and I'm like you know I've been having football camps here in in the town and all through the US where you know you get kid they spoiled as [ __ ] you I mean you tell them to do something they looking at you like why I got to do it like you feel me though but I'm holding free camps and all this kind of [ __ ] and it was more so like [ __ ] was just taking it for granted so when I seen that they was doing this [ __ ] and they really was excited about doing it you know I just put into my mind like hey you know what I like doing this so I'm going try to touch every continent and do something out there and you know it first turned into you know I'm doing you know the football camps then it turned into you know curriculum you feel me though and then it turned into you know natural resources that a lot of these places just don't even have for instance like clean water so i h up with this company that uh do fresh uh Water Systems water towers water pumps and it bring fresh waters to uh to places like you said that ain't never had fresh water where yeah I went to uh Nairobi in Kenya and uh we went to a village and they have these things called mother walks and they carry like a 20 lb jug of water on their head a 5 lb in their hand they got a donkey that'll carry like maybe four or five 20 lb gallons and they take a mile walk to this River and that River I'm talking about it's a water hole where you got hippopotamus in that [ __ ] got crocodiles you know the zebras and the [ __ ] all the animals they come to feed here it's where they get their water from and we took that walk there and I'm like first of all this a long ass walk to get water but they had to take that walk maybe 10 times a day in order to get water just to do necessary [ __ ] bathe cook you know what I mean and then they build their houses out of you know the clay and all that [ __ ] but they need to and they take these walks you know 10 to 15 times a day and I did a walk with him just one time and I'm like when we get there you know what I mean I'm looking you look Upstream you see a hippopotamus Downstream you see alligators you know I mean you see [ __ ] analou and zebras drinking out that [ __ ] and then you see the kids running jumping off the Rocks into the water and I'm like what the [ __ ] is this like oh this [ __ ] is man so you feel me I do that for what like two days I'm out there with them and then you know they do the big reveal of you know the water system The Water Hole the water pumps and it and it fed fresh water to about you know seven Villages within U uh maybe like a 5 mile radius and I'm like uh damn like I'm just thinking like you know it's it's just water but they like man this like the biggest [ __ ] that you know I mean I've ever you know been a part of and while I was out there you know I mean they when I got out there and I did that it was around the time that it was the olymp the Olympics and the Kenyon had run he had won like uh I don't know if it was the 800 or the 1600 but his name was kit RPP so they got at me like um we G to name you kit RPP and I'm thinking it's because you know he just won the uh um the gold and the Olympics and [ __ ] but it was because that means uh Like Rain Man like like rain gu and uh it was more so like you brought us fresh water so we going to call you kid Ro and I'm like oh okay cool that's solid and they like oh you know what they they gave me a goat all kind of [ __ ] like to show their appreciation for it and I mean for me it was so goddamn big but at the end of the day like it ain't so much more about oh I'm doing [ __ ] and I don't say nothing because I don't want nobody know what I'm doing but it was more about me like I said being in that moment and me being in that moment at that time like I maybe I did this maybe like damn close to like six or seven years ago damn and they and they still have that fresh water yeah they still have that fresh water and you know that [ __ ] is something that's going to last them you know a lifetime where they was taking this walk you know I mean I mean to them it's just every day you know is it's normal it's like a corner store walk for them but [ __ ] you know in our jungle a corner store walk you know all type of [ __ ] can happen right but [ __ ] for theirs you know they got wild everything running around here you know never know [ __ ] might run across a line or something and they had the Massi Warriors was who protect you know the villages and [ __ ] and I mean these is like real Warriors type [ __ ] like you feel me though in order for you to cross over the manhood you got to go out and kill a you know a lion type [ __ ] like on some like this some real [ __ ] and man shout out uh shakaz Zulu man cuz you know he went out there with me when we did this [ __ ] and I mean you know uh you know he really smart ass dude and he and he's cultured in that way so you know I'm looking at it like damn this [ __ ] is this [ __ ] is like serious and you know he telling me like hey CU you know how we getting hey African so I'm telling hey he hit me like hey African this right here this is some like next level type [ __ ] right he like man you got to you know you got to let the people know and I'm like bro the only thing is you feel me I'm not doing this for praise or [ __ ] I'm not even doing it for me because at this time I'm looking at you know the smile on these kids faces like splashing fresh water on their face like the smiles and the you feel me the joy that it brought them like and I'm just looking at that [ __ ] like damn this [ __ ] is serious like to the fact where we know we do our camps and our giveaways and [ __ ] and then you got people who upset because they couldn't get a more or we giving away T we giving away Nikes and [ __ ] mad because they didn't get Jordans and [ __ ] like and I'm thinking to myself like damn I'm watching these kids play soccer with a [ __ ] water bottle or something though you feel me and then I mean you know over in Haiti shout out the cliff with the same program that hooked me up with uh uh the Africa thing we go over to Haiti and we build schools uh we build schools out there you feel me though we build housing out there like [ __ ] that really mean [ __ ] to him and then you know out in uh in West Alm and uh in London you know we get you know we got a foundation our first Family Foundation we partnered with a school out there where they took in our curriculum and they teaching that curriculum to you know uh kids out there in London and the young lady that we was working with out there hooked up with some people over in Brazil and she send that same curriculum out there to the to the people in Brazil when they learnning Family First curriculum as well and it's like damn this [ __ ] is Saucy but then you know just doing this doing the camps and now it's getting into financial literacy you feel me though um um uh we got architect camps you feel me though we got you know Studios and all kind of [ __ ] that we set up you know for the kids here at home but now we spreading that [ __ ] know across the world like you feel me I done been to [ __ ] El Salvador having hosting foot uh family first football camps like and then the thing is it's not even just me and now I'm bringing my family with me so when we go over there and they oh you know thank you all of these is you know all of y'all are NFL players like no maybe two or three of us but you know I mean no this is my this my cousin oh no this my brother like we we family like you feel me though and they oh you brought your family out here like oh this is this is this is like real [ __ ] though you feel what I'm saying and that [ __ ] really like you know it it sparked uh it it sparked some m to the fact where like I was telling you when I go to these places like uh I go into the trenches right and then you feel me when you say is it places like Oakland and you know it could be a third world country and you feel me they out there saying politics you got these people who don't [ __ ] with these people they clicked up with them over there and they clicked up with them and they don't [ __ ] with so it's all the same [ __ ] and there more so like damn no matter where you at you can get you get your your your typical [ __ ] [ __ ] going on anywhere right you feel what I'm saying so as I seen it like you know you you you know how to conduct yourself in a manner to where you know you don't get involved with none of that [ __ ] um I'mma touch back on this for a quick second um um in light of recent events do you feel as if you allow um people that look up to you any apologies you said any apologies like do you feel like you all like you know you got a lot of children bro and a lot of people that hold you on this pedestal do you think that you owe them any no I don't okay talk to no I don't only because it's simple fact that like like I I don't I don't hold no regrets talk to me and like the [ __ ] that I you know that I've been involved with you know whether whether good or bad you know I mean at the end of the day that's me and I mean like I said you know for individuals who do hold me on them on them pedestals you I mean that's like that's not realistic that's not realistic because at the end of the day like I'm human and I understand that I'm human and with being human comes you know uh mistakes and then I mean you know it would to the same to the same fact in which you I mean I don't feel as if like you know I go do let's say I go do something I go do something good and it's not as if like that was coming to me I put in the work in order to accomplish that [ __ ] now I don't brag on it this that and the third but the same way in which you know I have something you know that might be looked at as negative in life like I don't go and speak on that [ __ ] I deal with that [ __ ] in a way that I deal with it now if you judge me based off of that then I mean I feel that that's your problem you know I mean because if I was to judge everybody that I come into contact with for whatever it is you know I mean I'll be a lost soul I'll be too busy worried about what everybody else got going on but because I am in that in that eye for people yeah I I I I wish I didn't make mistakes but at the end of the day it get back to what separating I live my life as a regular person through the eyes and the lens of you know people who have a certain type of way that they feel that I should be right like you know they put them expectations on me and the real expectations that they put on me is to not be human and so when I do human [ __ ] it's like oh oh if that was me I wouldn't have did that or I would have did it like this or he should have did he blah blah blah like all of that type of [ __ ] and it's more so like it's almost to the fact where it's like so I shouldn't have Being Human now it ain't to you know be trying to backtrack and oh you making an excuse this that a third but no that's just me being accountable me being accountable to myself and at the end of the day if I was anything other than human then i' be perfect then what I probably be like look what that's swear to God and I'm you know what I mean I'm I know I'm human because now I bleed I hurt you know I mean I I got emotions got feelings and all that other type of [ __ ] like that [ __ ] is real and I resonate with that which is why I think people resonate with me now at the end of the day if you feel a certain type of way about me because I have had mistakes then you got to show me your record and that [ __ ] better to be Flawless before you come pointing your finger at me on the [ __ ] that I should have been doing and why I shouldn't have been making mistakes as a human so when Jesus um saved the lady from being Stone um I think he said he without sin cast the first stone so yeah yeah so last time I seen you [ __ ] uh I I ain't seen nobody turn no uh no water in the wine or nothing like that so you feel me like for for you to go ahead and judge me uh then that I think that's more of a personal problem right right you know what I mean but for the kids that is looking up to me for you know advice or guidance or looking at me as a a role model this now the third I think the main thing that I will show them you feel me if they really pay attention is that regardless to however High you go on the spectrum of you know people you know believing that you know you shouldn't get in trouble or you I mean you should be you know walking the straight narrow this way is that it's all right to [ __ ] up it's okay to [ __ ] up and that you're going to [ __ ] up but it ain't about the [ __ ] up it's about how you bounce back from that [ __ ] I think booy said it the best and I and I love that [ __ ] when that [ __ ] say uh uh minor setback for a major comeback and the thing is don't nobody never want to have them setbacks but the thing is in life you going to have that and how do you bounce back from that cuz a lot lot of people don't bounce back from that [ __ ] right right hell yeah they don't and I think those are the individuals who may be falling to uh fall into that that category of you know I'm I'm I'm supposed to be perfect or you know I mean or uh uh I I oh man I shouldn't have done this so now I'm down on myself and they don't know how to bounce back from that [ __ ] right right right right right but I mean [ __ ] for my life like [ __ ] like like I had special resource classes so man you know like when you talk about the bottom like I've been there you I mean I've been in a situation where [ __ ] have been calling me uh slow calling me slow calling me stupid [ __ ] calling me [ __ ] all that like you feel me I've been there so I know what that feel like and at the end of the day like you know back in the day all right that was normal but now you get in a situation and you have a individual who you you know you say that too like okay now it's more so oh that's bullying you know what I mean that's that's uh um you you you that's a you know you putting mental mental problems and all of that type of [ __ ] and you know for some they start you know believing that and they let that disease you know start to to to Fester within them but on the other hand I had to look at it like like okay I don't I know I don't want to be I know I don't like that [ __ ] so what am I going to do in order to change that narrative on how people you know perceive me or Look at me now at the end of the day I don't like it I don't like being called stupid [ __ ] this that and the third but at the end of the day it's more so okay so what you going to do about it okay now I'm GNA have to do some [ __ ] in order to change that why for me first of all but then you know I mean for the situation somebody ain't going to come to me like oh you hella stupid and if they do then you know you probably a hater right most likely yeah you a hater yeah um bro I appreciate your truths man uh you know there's always uh some dope [ __ ] and some magic when we sit down um this is gearing up for the next episode um I appreciate it bro um what's coming to me right now is um manifest that's heavy on my heart right now you feel me we got to um keep manifesting greatness bro you know we got to um this right here was manifest you know um from when I first started this [ __ ] to you telling me hey [ __ ] I see what you doing [ __ ] like I mean do that [ __ ] and [ __ ] yeah when we do it we going to do it you feel me to us doing that one and people just from all walks of life just hey bro like that [ __ ] really touched me to we sitting down here again you feel me what another chapter like we got to keep manifesting greatness man we got to keep manifesting this [ __ ] bro that's real I mean you know from the you know like you know I I I heard you talking to uh you know your uh your folks behind the cameras and [ __ ] on like you know the the uh the analytics behind all this right right and I mean you know more so like you know to me it was more so just going to go sit down and holler with my [ __ ] but you know when you tell me you do the breakdown of the numbers and you know people watch this for this long and this that and the third all that when you break it down it's like like damn you know it's it's it's a it's a bigger meaning you know what I mean at the end of the day and I I I know for a fact like I wasn't expecting I just you know like [ __ ] I was expecting to come sit down with blood and just you know politic kick gameing and some more [ __ ] you feel me but you know I mean what it's doing for you you know on your platform and you feel me though this Dan the third like I'm not coming on here to you know to get no clout this Dan the third you know I mean but I see for you what is doing is is making you a aable and a factor in this [ __ ] to where okay well look man if if I could get you know individuals you know I mean you know from you know uh from shine to you know mean the sambba the you know the boy and you know I mean individuals who you've had on here you know that people want to hear from and then the way that you doing it you mean to me is is is way bigger because you know in this damn age like everybody biting on some negativity [ __ ] thank you bro and the thing is when you know from the [ __ ] that I seen you sit down with individuals it ain't no negative [ __ ] now a situation might pop up on you know some that an individual had with with another person or something and it ain't so much more like you picking at the scab trying to you know I mean make that [ __ ] bleed or you know re reopen the womb is more so like how we going you feel me how you going to get you know past that how you going to get past that situation and you know better yourself from that and then it's more so like you know you an individual like [ __ ] even within your in your rap though you feel me like it's always a it's always a you know something you could take from it that you could sit on and you can and you can you feel me though I feel like some [ __ ] you could chew on to think you feel me though like you got that that type of delivery that have an individual like Dam oh this [ __ ] this ain't just no regular rap you feel what I'm saying this this some food for thought and that [ __ ] is powerful though so you know while I'm sitting down and I'm holling at you at the same time just peeping your your you know your mannerisms and and your ISM and how you go about the interview that [ __ ] is is different from a lot of individuals who I see you know doing podcasts or interviews with with with people to the point where it's like n we ain't going to get on no negative [ __ ] but what we got going and you know I mean how can how can this interview that we doing help somebody out there who might be going through the same you know struggles that you was going through to better they self right so you know I mean I I [ __ ] with that tough I [ __ ] with that tough I appreciate it man here again blood and Beast um [ __ ] little Blood TV power by talker media over and out and I'mma get in the studio with you cuz I got a verse for sure weak ass [ __ ] got you should drop that song though you just Dro that song I leaked that [ __ ] you well I think I like 19 or something we did that in the in the studio when hey what made you post it on Instagram you was feeling yourself up no cuz they did the uh they had the little avatars the Genies yeah yeah and they can and they could make the Genies uh rapid do little [ __ ] yeah yeah so what you feel me you put the verse behind it and it would look like the little little uh L Beast mod was doing his little thing right raing I like all this [ __ ] clean you feel me and then I'm like oh you know what cuz I had did a uh I think I had did a campaign for uh the governor or something just like talking about the mask and [ __ ] and uh they could put my voice and because it was animated I think that's what really had me going because I'm like oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] dope as [ __ ] I'm like man if you going to go outside put that [ __ ] mask on [ __ ] it mask on and then and you feel me the Little Genie thing put the mask I'm like oh that's dope as [ __ ] like oh yeah and then when I seen that I'm like oh I'm put my verse behind that [ __ ] me see what that [ __ ] that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was viral just a little dancing thing CU I mean [ __ ] even if you turn the the sound off on it just how the little [ __ ] was moving the hell [ __ ] was H clean though hey did you ever want to rap back then not to be no rapper but I mean I did it [ __ ] around and [ __ ] yeah for sure I mean I got a couple verses that I that I done done but I ain't want to be no rapper cuz you know you [ __ ] is y' [ __ ] got got to be out there too much right right right right feel like I you feel me I like to just you I mean throw my [ __ ] on tuck off and you feel me throw my little [ __ ] on but at the end of the day it but just thinking though if a [ __ ] was to go flirt around um you think you could stand with the best of him as far like this everything the total the verses the lyrics the swag no probably just like with hella energy okay you feel me probably just with the energy like you I mean but as far as like cuz I don't think I would I don't think I would constantly want to be you feel me though like continuing to do that [ __ ] like all the time right right right I mean the way that I move like I don't think you feel me I don't think it would just be for me but to [ __ ] around every now and then yeah I mean that [ __ ] that [ __ ] cool [ __ ] fun [ __ ] around the studio talk a little bit of [ __ ] right right right right but the way I give my ism is you feel me cuz I mean that's what I look at it as is a way to give Y is a way to get your ISM you feel me I you know I I think I'd be better just sit back kick back on some [ __ ] like this and and shoot the [ __ ] like that I think that's the way I could go ahead and and get my message out there considering but you know putting that [ __ ] behind the beat na [ __ ] like you got to be talented behind that [ __ ] which is why I'm saying like you know [ __ ] he like oh you on some gangster rap [ __ ] but when I listen to you like you feel me the way you put your [ __ ] together bro that [ __ ] be that [ __ ] be solid appreciate you hell yeah man but that's why you know what I mean why that's why I like the artist is that I like right right right right CU you learning something it's not the Mumble [ __ ] right right right right yeah but man once again though bro I do appreciate you you feel me though uh let me come on here and uh you know [ __ ] around with you and you feel me though it's it's always a blessing my [ __ ] yes sir yes sir yes Lord yes sir part three coming soon my African African yes Lord
Channel: Lil Blood TV
Views: 141,902
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Id: 5rgBSVvOPvk
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Length: 114min 38sec (6878 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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