Inside London's Best Cigar Lounge | With Eddie Sahakian | Kirby Allison

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i'm back here on the streets of london this time in knightsbridge one of the things that i love most about london of course is the incredibly vibrant cigar community not only can you find some absolutely exclusive cuban cigars here in london that you can really only find here but you can smoke them in some of the most exceptional lounges without question my favorite lounge is the edward sahakian lounge here at the bugari hotel and eddie is inside waiting to show us around so join me as we step inside this exceptional place and see what he has in store for us [Music] do [Music] eddie ah it's so nice to see you dear kirby welcome to the edward sahakian cigar lounge at the bulgari hotel it's so exciting to be here and i couldn't be more excited to finally be able to smoke a cigar with you at this beautiful lounge so me too thank you for inviting me and what a what a way to start a trip very very welcome please hang up thank you let's get going wow well beautiful thank you so much what an honor kirby come in have a look it's a real jewel for us uh you probably know a little bit the story of of how this came into existence um and back in 2011 we were approached uh by the principal behind the hotel and he was very keen to have the pre-eminent cigar lounge offering he's a keen cigar smoker himself and my father was a dear friend of his and a customer he was a customer so um we scratched our heads and decided it was high time there was an edward sahakian moniker on a cigar space yeah and this was the birth of the edward sahakian brand for exactly this lounge it's small but perfectly formed we have beautiful temperature and humidity controlled humidors in the other section which i will be delighted to show you the idea of course is to to create a very comfortable space for guests whether they're on their own or in companionship they can drink they can access the lovely kitchen from cete just behind us you can have chicken which are small morsels of food exquisitely crafted to accompany your cigar we have an amazing bar selection so i'm not sure if you remember the the richard hennessy cognac it's a truly rare uh an unavailable drink now that's available here as well even more rare than lou tray right even more rare than that almost as rare as some of my father's cigars yes well that's one of the things i'm looking forward to talking about it's a beautiful lounge i love the wood paneling and uh you know it's it's very comfortable i mean it's um you know i often joke that the the two chairs the davidoff of london in fact are the most exclusive is the most exclusive cigar lounge in all of of london but this is a very very close second i think and able to accommodate more than just one or two guests you're very kind kirby well it'll be important for us to now test the facilities yeah let's see uh see what you think that's very exciting so uh shall we let's see yeah thank you well it's a beautiful lounge i of course expected nothing less thank you very much kirby so you know there's a lot of cigar lounges here in london and i have to say i'm always quite surprised at just how active the cigar culture is in london it's really quite active but there's one edward sahakian cigar lounge and so it's a privilege to be here thanks for inviting me um but tell me a little bit more i mean you know how did your father get involved in this and you know how is his touch here in the lounge great question kirby i'm very kind of you to say that uh back in it would have been i think 2010 2011 we were approached by a very dear friend who's a keen cigar smoker and was the principal behind this project at the time it was one of the largest basement excavations conducted in in london a very important construction project built from new and they wanted to put the preeminent cigar space in the hotel and of course it being only fitting well we were honored to be to be considered and um the hotel itself being the bulgari hotel wanted something discreet refined elegant and it was the perfect moment for us as well because i've been contemplating for a long time how much i would like to honor my father and his contribution to the cigar world yeah and so edward sahakian as a name and as a brand uh was created for this space and uh in 2012 i think if i memory serves me right it was june 2012 the hotel opened as did the lounge and the the ethos it was very simple to provide an indoor sampling space for our customers to provide extraordinary service and welcome which is consistent in in our other business and of course the cigar selection um it wasn't enough that a normal cigar could be consumed which you can and we have a beautiful range of very accessible cigars from multiple jurisdictions however the most important part from my father and myself was that we could offer our guests unique access to his own private collection really wow i know legendary collection it's uh it's forbidden fruit call it it's maybe uh discontinued production it's rare vintages it's stock that he's kept as a hoarder and a cigar lover himself yeah uh he wouldn't normally sell even in our store in davidoff you know it's very very rare that he allows one to to come out and see the light of day but here he did it with pleasure so here in the humidor at the edwards hocking lounge at bugari hotel you have a selection of cigars that wouldn't even be available at davidoff of london is that right yes dare i say it because his name is on the door i think he feels a duty to always ensure the humidor has something unique your father is too hospitable and generous of a man that's a so that's really neat i mean i guess you know for the one for one you know looking for an incredible experience but the opportunity to smoke a holy grail cigar or you know for the big game cigar hunters out there um you know to be able to come here and have access to that i think is one of the things that makes london so unique but then it sounds makes the edwards hocking lounge even more unique yes thank you very much uh we we want to offer everything for everyone but those cigars whether they're cuban davidoffs some of the very rare cuban limited editions regional editions for the united kingdom some of the early davidoff dominican blendings uh and indeed some of the more recent limited editions produced from davidoff and fuente we have them all yeah and of course we can't always guarantee they will all be available at all times but we will rotate the stock and once in a blue moon you will find something that perhaps you've read about but never seen and in my case as well i there's cigars we have here that i've never smoked really that's hard to believe but it gives me something to aim for yeah so kirby how about some cigars how wonderful i'll just get my team to bring the selection over [Music] so i'll definitely be picking a romeo juliet white churchill reserva and a monte cristo 520 limited edition 2012 and then being kirby from britannia exclusive lover i would definitely go for celestion superba and marina de mundo which stands us as is one favorite cigars definitely very interesting 2015 two to five from anderson franco very rare beast and the 2011 bolivartanica fantastic full-bodied meaty cigar and i guess that will do for the moment [Music] thank you very much nico well well well you know how to tempt a man hmm kirby may i take a liberty please i'm gonna put a little more specific selection here and then i'm gonna let you pick from these we've got a beautiful smorgasbord of uk regionals here uh grand reservoir white churchill uh monte cristo 520 2012. but but here i know here are some of your favorites so let me see if any of these appeal to you you'll recognize lorena of course oh yes of course you know it well so this and this are the el rey del mundo la reina beautiful cigar i've got a boulevard britannicus extra here from 2011. it's a regional edition produced in a very unusual format and quite a beefy cigar wow we have la flor de cano short robusto this i believe was also 2011 may have been 12. what i can tell you is it was done before this one because on the band it says exclusive exclusive unido which is how the cubans used to describe the united kingdom regionals and then they changed it to gran bretagne oh really so whenever you see grand britannia that's a later regional for the uk and it's a rather rare beast it's based off the short churchill okay that was discontinued in the early 90s i would say and there's a lovely story behind that one the green ink the color of that green ink didn't exist in cuban archives so when hunters and francois wanted to reissue it as a box referencing the short churchill my father had a box of the original ones and he took that with him to cuba none of this and they were able to use that what can we tempt you in oh gosh this is a hard choice i mean this um the rain the el rey de mundo la reina's lancer is one of my favorite cigars bolivar of course is a label that is near and dear to my heart i think my first box of cigars ever purchased was a boulevard so it kind of reserves a special place um do you remember which one it was you know it would have been just some royal coronas oh wow that's just amazing standard stock but i still have some of those original boxes in my humidor that i think are pushing 10 years of age which for my selection is is quite well aged but then i've never had um the other one so i don't know what what would you steer me towards well the florida canoe for me is a uh medium strength cigar okay smoking time is probably 35 to 40 minutes so it depends if you feel like you want something around that flavor profile it's rare it's probably the rarest of the selections here the bolivar a little bit stronger a little bit longer smoke and the lorena i know you know it well so if you haven't had it shall we go for the flor de carno let's try it wonderful marvelous selection i mean again your father's humidor just never ceases to that's amazed me um i think back of the the video that we filmed during lockdown of your father's private humidor collection and uh these pieces could be in you know a museum you're right uh but we will get those out again soon i promise well let's let's try to go with the um that one right there yeah the florida khanna i've never actually even seen that label before it's not one that i've well they're even familiar with any of their standard production do they do standard they do and um they're not widely available certainly in the uk market they're quite a niche producer however their regional editions are very collectible uh there is a florida carno gran cano that was produced in 2015 or 14. okay maybe 13 which is a larger cigar but this one is quite unique and for those cigar geeks out there because that's reference to the short churchill for the kind of that was discontinued yeah it stands out as a very collectible center well if we if we may of course now kirby normally my team vanessa or nico would take these cigars cut them for us light them for us and present them to us but i would like that honor if i may to prepare your cigar may i yeah well it's one of my favorite parts about being here in london is the privilege to smoke and such great companies that would be great thank you wonderful now let's see this one feels just perfect excuse my extraordinarily over large zygar cutter however it will do the job beautifully [Music] now i shall dig in for my light well you've changed the way i light a cigar you know based off of how to light a cigar video so i now savor the moment the yellow flame and do it properly so this will be another great uh shall we say thank you touch up on my my technique you're very kind my father will probably be annoyed that i'm not using matches but please forgive me that indulgence the youth the impatience of the youth right so kirby what has been your favorite regional across the whole world so far really the one that you've enjoyed the most well i think the one that kind of got away with me or got away from me was the edmundo dante conde 54 which i had the pleasure of smoking in mexico over a new year's visiting my wife's family um large rain gauge not something i normally would have purchased but it was at the recommendation of the shopkeeper that i tried and it was just sublime and so i sent my father-in-law back the next week to collect as many as he could and there were only four left okay and so those were the only four i was able to to get i think one of them i smoked celebrating 50 000 subscribers one of them i smoked on the birth of my first son nathaniel and i have one left in the humidor well kirby you're shortly going to have 50 billion subscribers what are you going to smoke then i don't know well hopefully as long as it's in good company i think that anything would do but a second favorite i have to say is this lancero from el rey de mundo the lorena is absolutely amazing and you know you and your father i think were very generous in giving me a box for christmas and i had to come back and twist arms uh to be able to buy one or two others because i was smoking through it too quickly which is the greatest challenge of a cigar collector is you know not burning through the boxes prematurely you know it's a perennial struggle we want to enjoy it i mean at the end of the day the the purpose of the cigar is to give you the enjoyment but then we also love them and we appreciate what goes into them and we value the flavor and the memories that cigar gives us so we want to hold on to them we don't want them to disappear yeah you probably remember the story my father's told about a box of dom perignon he was gifted by zeno at the opening of the shop indeed and my father committed to smoking one each year and then he would retire so of course he when he got past the first row of 13 cigars not sure i'm ready to retire after 12 years so he stopped smoking them there we have it what speaks to your father's incredible discipline that you know these cigars even still exist within this collection he's far more disciplined than i am um my collecting happens through neglect and forgetfulness well you know one must have enough cigars that they can even neglect that they're hidden away in a humidor i mean one of the things i love about cuban cigars of course the culture and the history and just all the work that goes into creating them but there's a real collectibility to the regionals and the limited editions that you don't necessarily find in new world cigars and so i think for someone that really enjoys a great cigar and that enjoys collecting them there's a real special um i don't know what would you call it a special um i know exactly what it is it's an itch you can't quite scratch yes um but there's just something special about finding a box falling in love with it and then being able to sit and enjoy that through the through the years as you kind of smoke through it and and you know kirby uh as a collector myself of strange things there's a appeal to completeness as well right and i suspect you you suffer the same affliction where you decide on something and you must have each and every single representation of it and sometimes it means your findings really really think yeah so what's an example of that for you what are some of the other things you collect i may not know about photography books there was a period in my life in the late 90s and probably early 2000s where i began to collect fashion stroke um that's the right way to put it exotic uh photographers herb ritz bruce weber okay terry richardson a little bit provocative as well um santa dorazio there's a whole series of them and and of course i went down a rabbit hole where you read about a version of the book that was published first in a very small print run and if you can find it it's the one to have of course then i would head off on these goose goose chasers yes chases trying to track down something which i really didn't need yeah but it's it's the quest that i think it makes it uh so worthwhile you're exactly right it's a beautiful cigar i mean again one of the things i really appreciate and that i feel sets apart a cuban cigar with age is just how they start so mellow and so stuffed you know there's no harshness or roughness to those initial few draws that you might get with something that doesn't have the same amount of age yeah you're absolutely right um what do you do you pick up different notes on the on the flavor profile when you're smoking something i mean admittedly this is about 10 years now are you finding a different profile to what you normally would get you know i mean i'm admittedly handicapped whenever it comes to my olfactory um you know i find myself really picking up more on the texture of the cigar how does the smoke feel in my mouth and i mean this is incredibly smooth it has a perfect draw you're able to still capture volume and so there's a real creaminess to this cigar that um is is really quite exceptional really happy you say that what what you're smoking here is uh there's there's a seminal book uh called the encyclopedia of post-revolutionary havana cigars i think i got that it's by a very famous uh scholar of cuban cigars called minron me okay and another gentleman i believe it's martinez and together they produced an absolutely beautiful illustrated encyclopedia probably another book that can't be found yes you're exactly right i knew it although in the spanish language version it's much easier to track down so perhaps with your wife's assistance you could translate it i need to get nathaniel you know you know dictating for me translating it into a bedtime reading yeah i've got a copy in the shop in english we can peruse it together but this gentleman uh was incredibly colorful and descriptive when he touches on all these cigar brands some of the discontinued ones like davidoff and dunhill and others which have become very rare and of course when he talked about the florida canada short churchill and the florida carno diademas which were the two sizes that were always produced with this unique green ink typography and we're producing very small quantities from about i think 85 to 93.94 they are almost as rare and collectible as any downhill or davidoff really just because they're so rare so rare one is a churchill size one is a what they call a short churchill but they mean a robusta side okay so this cigar is called the short robusto and it does that take nods its cap to that cigar so in our small geeky world of of cigar nerds that's why what it became such a collectible cigar as well this particular regional edition that's a beautiful cigar wow what a treat uh thank you for taking some time out of your day for this um i mean it's a beautiful lounge i mean again i'm struck by just how active the cigar community is here in london where you really have these you know whales of collectors that have massive collections and of course a lot of them are orbiting around davidoff of london um but you know there's also it's given rise to incredible lounges like what we have here uh but a lot of them are are terraces uh they're gardens they're located outside you know finding a lounge inside that you can smoke at properly is very difficult here in london and is one of the things that you were saying really sets apart your father's lounge from many of the other ones here in town you're right kirby and thank thank you for that distinction it's you know london being london of course the weather is not always favorable and as beautiful and as comfortable as the outdoor terraces can be and and true truthfully you can feel like you're indoors on some of them nothing beats being truly indoors there's something civilized about smoking indoors so i tell my wife civilized and a little bit naughty yeah it is increasingly and then the other thing that i understand and i'll confess i've actually been here once prior to today and it was on a sunday and it was the first time i was in london and i think i arrived you know maybe on a sunday morning or saturday afternoon or something and i wanted to go have a sunday smoke and finding a lounge that's open on sunday is all but impossible and i want to say the weather was such that smoking outside was not even an option right it just would have ruined a great cigar you know shivering outside you know on a cold january day you know trying to smoke and that's where i was first introduced to this lounge and again i think speaking to the cigar community you know i came in you know there were a few other gentlemen here and we just struck up a great conversation we ended up going to have dinner and again i think it speaks to just the type of people that one finds smoking cigars are just inevitably great gentlemen friendly and interesting and always very hospitable you've put your finger on it kirby is it's it's an extraordinary social lubricant perhaps it's a bonding ritual uh i don't want to call it a brotherhood or fraternity because it does include women and the sense of belonging that you get when you walk into a room or space and you see fellow cigar smokers immediately you are there you will happily share i mean i can't tell you how many times i've been offered cigars by people i've met um it could be their last cigar and likewise you want to share the pleasure you feel like you're already in the company of a friend and it doesn't surprise me that you ended up becoming friends and went out for dinner and and so on yeah well there's such kind of sourship around cuban cigars i mean much in the same way as maybe wine perhaps but it's an even smaller community and so whenever you find another connoisseur of cigars and maybe more particularly cuban cigars there's always um you know a pause for celebration and i think you know sharing a cigar with a friend that you know can truly appreciate a great cigar for any connoisseur is a is a tremendous pleasure you're right you're right and uh please don't be too modest your texan charm and hospitality is legendary so i have promised myself i'm going to be visiting you soon and taking you up on your offer we must have to test your your own lounge right well my own filtration system which i have to say i mean this room is beautifully filtered i mean there's no residual spoke do you mind sharing if it's not too much of a trade secret uh kind of how that is managed with pleasure and and even if it was a trade secret i'd be very happy to share it um this this room benefits from two independent systems one which is a straight through extraction and of course cleaning and expulsion of the air at quite a high velocity and the other system is by a swiss by company called swiss iq and they principally deal with medical grade filtration systems for sort of hospital and surgery settings okay and their great calling card i suppose is they can take particulate and chemical pollution yeah and filter it real time at a usable speed so the amazing machinery we have one behind the wall another one behind me and there's the one behind here from iqr as well yes oh yes okay and and it's remarkable you can blow cigar smoke straight into it and have a particular meter beneath it and as it comes out there is zero particular pollution as it goes in it's around 20 000 parts per really whatever the measure is yeah it's amazing remarkable and also the aroma yeah it removes that as well yeah yeah a lot of people ask i mean you know how you keep the smoke out of your clothes and i think that as long as you have good air filtration you know you can sit and enjoy a cigar and not leave smelling like a cigar you know the other thing i tell people is that as long as you're dressed in nice clothing uh made of a natural fiber you know wools um you know cashmeres i mean the the sort much more easily release those odors than say synthetics synthetics are the worst i mean cotton is somewhere between wool and synthetic but uh you know i can smoke you know in a nice suit and hang it up and by the next morning it's released all the odor kirby i hope you've done a video on that i don't know if we have but if not it's a good idea you must do that and i can the common question we get it is and we get asked that a lot as well is that your experience i mean would you yes yes um in an ideal world if you can if you can hang the suit somewhere where there's a natural draft maybe a an overhung balcony yeah where it's not going to get wet but or just outside the closet on your outside closet yeah yeah i mean anything where it's not stuffed you know you know back into the closet with no air circulation yes i confess i've sometimes tried to expedite the process um and i've used a hairdryer on cold setting absolutely i'll leave the suit and just my wife thought i was crazy but apart from that it seemed to do the job must have been a good party [Laughter] you're exactly right yeah yeah so what a beautiful scar what are you picking up on if you were to so for me coffee came through quite early and and as we've discussed before i'm not a um i'm not someone who picks up on the very subtle flavors that some of our wine loving brethren pick up on however for me there was that cocoa coffee note that came through there's a beautiful little hint of spice perhaps um there's of course the the traditional smoky tobacco flavors that are there but i think what you mentioned early on the creaminess the texture it's really nice it's there it's it's coating my mouth beautifully so how are you finding it i mean i couldn't say it any more beautifully than you did i mean again it's there's a real melaness to something that has had time to age what year would you suspect that this is from i would like to say 2010 or 11 okay i'm possibly wrong and i might be able to ask one of my team shall i test their knowledge cheryl let's try vanessa or nico could one of you tell me the age the year of release of the florida kano shot robusto do you know 2011. ah there you have it so um the earliest boxes should be tagged as might be september 11 or october 11 so it should be around 11 years old i don't know by now as a role well thank you very much because beyond being exceptionally great at looking after customers vanessa and nico are very very knowledgeable on all that cigars and far more knowledgeable than i am what other type of stock do you keep in the humidor i mean we spoke about your father's special reserve are there davidoffs do you i mean what does talk talk to me about the humidor so with within within the sort of more vintage age and rare stuff or in general well just i mean let's kind of hit each of those categories because you brought out a small selection these are absolutely beautiful cigars i know you were speaking a little bit about your father's kind of special reserve humidor but what about some of the other cigars i mean you've got the exceptionally rare ones you have kind of standard stock and maybe even cuban or not cuban but davidoffs as well yes however kirby you you you said rare and it reminds me of something very rare we have access to through this lounge at the bulgari hotel london if i may and it allows me to rectify a terrible oversize well here i am i've put you down in your seat offered you a cigar and i've forgotten to offer you a drink may i rectify that please and in the process answer one of your questions okay yeah here in the lounge we have access to a very rare mode hennessy production it's a richard hennessy cognac really i've only ever heard of it well sometimes known as the d key okay but it's the richard hennessy and it was produced i believe up until 2015 or at least was available until 2015 and it's no longer available you cannot walk into a shop and purchase this um it is only available to very very very select clients of hennessey and of course to our visitors here in the lounge sounds like the perfect accompaniment to your father's cigars but i couldn't possibly indulge you in that i would not allow you to say no please nico may i trouble you for some richard hennessy please for our dear guest and myself i think i don't often get a chance to handle this either i mean it's a stunning decanter the bottle itself is a work of art oh look at that man of course please wow you know this is a proper decanter look at that my understanding of the richard hennessy is it's the rarest of the rare in the nsc sellers uh reserved really for the delectation of the family really and then released in in more recent years so truly kind of a private reserve much in the same way as the scars we're smoking now yes yes exactly right exactly right and um we try not to sell too much of it but you know what this stuff is made to be enjoyed as is a good cigar yeah oh well too kind that is um wow that's beautiful thank you you're most welcome nico may i trouble you to for a lovely glass for kirby and myself thank you [Music] what a beautiful scar what a treat andy thank you you're so welcome kirby i i can tell you hand on heart every cigar i enjoy with you tastes better than i ever remember battering me you're gonna make me blush on camera it's true well likewise i think one of the things i look forward to most [Music] so [Music] so [Music] wow look at this beautiful stemware also oh thank you very much amazing well shall we toast to your father edward sahakian a role model to us all thank you very much kirby you're here to dad and may i counter propose to you your family to our time together and to a wonderful trip to london yeah thank you [Music] wow that is a treat we're drinking history and smoking it as well and smoking you know as your father would say truly a a life well lived yes so one of the things i really appreciate most about your father is you know one has just hospitality i've never met just a more kind generous and authentic man and you know we get a lot of people that reach out to us just based off the videos that maybe haven't had an opportunity to meet you or your father in person and i'm always uh you know very uh you know apt to remind or at least mention that you two are every bit as good if not better and more just as authentic in person and that's one of the things i think has allowed us to you know really film such great videos is that you know the videos are just like us enjoying time together thank you so much kirby it means the world to us and can i take this moment to thank your viewers um i cannot tell you how often we get visited now in the store and the kind sweet wonderful good will that comes from your viewers who want to come and either visit the store perhaps they want to be photographed with us some of them are a little bit shy okay some of them are they feel like they know us very well and eddie and edward how are you each and every one of them is a delight to meet and i really just want to thank them for for taking the time to to watch us yeah well it's such a um you know it's such an honor and i think one of the you know true one of the things i really appreciate the most is that i'm able to share this with other people i mean our first video really just came about of on a whim to film something that i enjoyed personally so much was sitting down at the store at davdoff of london and enjoying a cigar with you with your father and um to be able to you know help introduce that just tremendous luxury that pleasure and that honored other people is something that i'm so happy to hear others have been able to experience thank you i have a suggestion okay and i think uh whether it's on this trip or perhaps on the next trip um let your viewers know in advance and we will let our customers know in advance i have many many people asking when kirby is next here could we have an opportunity to meet with him in your shop excellent well um wow that'll be a pleasure so we'll have lunch go back to the shop enjoy a nice cigar which is something that you know i would look forward to anyway and if anyone's in london to be able to stop by that would be of course my my pleasure to be able to see them in one of my favorite places well if i put the word out amongst our circle of london friends i think the shop will be packed the police will need to turn up and put a cordon around well we'll whisper it yeah well one of the things that i've seen is of course you know going into summer you know franco's has got of course their expanded lounge outside uh and then right next door what's the restaurant directly to the right of the store yes so that's cafe murano morale of course and they also have ex lovely alfresco seating a lot of our customers think because it extends in front of us in james's window a lot of customers who visit think we're operating the the tables as well uh we we tell them we're not unless they want to pay in which case we yes but but as someone that's interested in smoking cigar outside and having lunch is able to do that absolutely right and two very fine establishments to pick from franco's and miranda hard to choose i haven't imagined one must do both two consecutive days i think so perhaps the same afternoon perhaps the same afternoon um yeah your father i mean again i've enjoyed getting to know him and of course you as well so much over these years and and one of the other things of course isn't just you and your father but i think certainly a testament to you too is that really everyone in the shop is genuinely happy to welcome customers into the humidor and to show them and introduce them to the incredible selection of cigars to help them make a selection and just the knowledge and hospitality of the staff has been something that i have found to be second to none kirby that means the world to me you know we strive for that to hear it from you and i know you would tell me if it wasn't the case um thank you that means the world to me and i and i will pass that message on to all my colleagues in the shop um they do all love cigars and everyone by the way does look forward to the next kirby visit so they're very excited to see you yeah well and it seems that that same level of service of course is extended here to the edwards hockey lounge and i mean i think this i mean what a just what a treat of this place is that it's beautiful and absolutely i mean i feel like i'm walking into your dad's humidor you know just you know right here to have access to those incredible cigars but you know if someone you know maybe is looking for something more approachable you've got davidoffs you've got standard production cubans uh an opportunity for a nice drink some nice desserts i saw some petite forest outside oh yes um and uh and then of course just the beautiful ambiance that is the edward stocking lounge yes uh you know we were so lucky that at the time the project became live and we were able to to open the edward sahakin cigar shop within the bulgari hotel london um because both companies have such a complementary ethos to customer service and i can honestly tell you i learned a lot from the bulgari standards as well the bulgari hotel standards yeah how they look after their hotel guests because if i think looking after cigar customers can sometimes be interesting and tricky looking after someone who's staying in your home yes for weeks at a time doesn't get any more difficult than that yeah bulgari executed uber hotel executed beautifully yeah wow well for anyone that's looking to enjoy this beautiful lounge of course it's at the bugari hotel here which is right by hyde park but what are the hours i mean how many days is it seven days five days six days well as it's part of a hotel it benefits from the 365 days a year opening policy it's amazing every single day of the year at the moment from four o'clock till 11 o'clock i believe it's 10 30 on a sunday however going forward it may well extend from two o'clock in the afternoon okay until similar closing time in the evenings so uh plenty of time to come and enjoy some lovely cigars well to anyone that's in london i must say this has to be a stop thank you thank you very much kirby it's uh as you can see we can fit about 20 people here so occasionally we do events here um we've done some wonderful tasting events um it's wonderful for people who want to do a small gathering perhaps to celebrate and of course on your own you will always be in good company even if you're the only guest in the room you will still have at least one of nico vanessa to enjoy the conversation with and sometimes quiet contemplation is also on the cards absolutely well eddie thank you so much for this privilege and what a way to start this trip you know landing softly into the pillow of the sahaki and family hospitality here at this beautiful lounge so thank you thank you for sharing this thank you for the incredible cognac well thank you for your company kirby it's a joy and a pleasure and you have already made my year thank you thank you [Music] you
Channel: Kirby Allison
Views: 1,037,179
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Keywords: kirby allison, mens fashion, hanger project, cigars, davidoff of london, davidoff of london cigars, cuban cigars, cigar review, cigar expert, mens style, London, Eddie Sahakian, Edward Sahakian, Conversation, experts, how to, cutting, lighting, how to light, light a cigar, smoke cigars, cigar lounge, cigar bar, lounge, hennessy whiskey, richard hennessy
Id: 4tjMEYkaW0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 58sec (2818 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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