The Marshawn Lynch Interview: From Oakland To The NFL, Giving Back, Investing, Beast Mode & more

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been a long time since i used my nine you got yours and i got mine i think it's about time for jack i love that song i always start my [ __ ] off but you know lil blood tv back again with another little blood tv exclusive pod by taco media um you know i'd be getting a little intros some [ __ ] will be popping up and [ __ ] with me um so just for a short little brief little moment i got one of the ancients boostiest [ __ ] um in the world right now i'm rewinding a little bit one of the most brilliantest businessman i know um good dude man i call this [ __ ] when i'm stressing um no matter what time it is if the [ __ ] don't get back he gonna for sure hit me back um just real [ __ ] man all in all um and i was telling this [ __ ] about my [ __ ] this podcast when i first started this [ __ ] he like [ __ ] if you gonna do it do it you got something going just you know be consistent and stick with it and um i didn't even force it and when the time came like bro i got you i'ma [ __ ] with your [ __ ] so introducing the sun presenting to others you feel me shitty shine man what's up with blood blood what's up with blood man man i can't call it man one day at a time counting my blessings fellaini yes sir um let's tweak for a minute um tech oh [ __ ] let's talk about tech um when you was at tech bro did you really see yourself past that or was you just like doing that sports [ __ ] just to like buy time to be realistic like it was more so it was a way that i could you feel me i went to school with hillary my cousins though right hella family so [ __ ] it was more so like this was an opportunity that you filled me with the sports was a way that [ __ ] could just kick back you feel me ain't gotta you feel me go home right after school and hella [ __ ] but you feel me more time for us to politic and get down and then you feel me real talk that [ __ ] just started picking up like opportunities and and does started opening that [ __ ] didn't even know was possible because i for sure didn't you feel me i think it was probably like my 10th grade year i had got a uh i had got a letter you feel me that was big in high school you feel me you get a letter and [ __ ] but most of them may be typed up in hell and [ __ ] but it was a handwritten letter from uh tyrone willingham he was at uh northern notre dame at the time and this was a black head coach which was that [ __ ] ain't normal so you feel me i get the lettering [ __ ] a couple of my cousins who you know they enter that [ __ ] [ __ ] like blood you got a letter and this [ __ ] handwritten so that means he you feel me took his time out his day in and wrote that [ __ ] right and i'm like all right so what's that they like [ __ ] that's from a college bro like a good ass college you get to go to college and [ __ ] and i'm like yeah that's cool but i don't lie in the household college wasn't something that your me was talked about so i'm like oh some cornball [ __ ] like well [ __ ] what what what the [ __ ] i like you get to go to most school i'm like hold on hold on let's go you mean you gotta go to mo school after you finish school because you know [ __ ] just talk about graduating high school right you feel me you grown a hell of [ __ ] so i'm like hold on there's no school like nah i don't think i'ma [ __ ] with that [ __ ] and then it was like from there that [ __ ] just started picking up but then the thing that made that [ __ ] saucy was [ __ ] from from from me to [ __ ] about like four or five of my other cousins like [ __ ] started getting hella hella college letters hella colleges started sending letters to [ __ ] and hella [ __ ] right so [ __ ] just tweaking out like oh [ __ ] we all got opportunity to you know i mean go do some [ __ ] that we ain't never did before right right right so then it was more so like oh okay this [ __ ] this [ __ ] might be a little bit serious then what we was you know what we was thinking what we was imagining so you feel me [ __ ] started you know as them opportunities as them opportunities and them though started open [ __ ] had to be held accountable to more [ __ ] right right right [ __ ] i know this ability that that responsibility got to go but [ __ ] it was more so like okay you know you just needed a 2.0 to you know to be able to play some [ __ ] was on that hype like [ __ ] yeah i'm gonna get a 2.0 then when it was talk about this scholarship and they talking about grades and you feel me they'll sats and all this other kind of [ __ ] so it's like oh damn now [ __ ] had to stand on something right it was different yeah like if you don't do it then you got to do it right but you got to do it the right way right right so i mean you know some some for high school some smarter than others and [ __ ] it was more so like well [ __ ] you know what it is but [ __ ] can you help me right right right and [ __ ] was more so like you feel me [ __ ] put put that selfish that selfish mind state to the side and was like yeah and the guy i helped but [ __ ] you gonna have to do it in order for me to know that is you know you really about that right so 10th grade that's when you was like [ __ ] i really can do something with this [ __ ] no no it probably it probably was it probably was like when i knew it was real i think it might have been like going into my senior year because then a [ __ ] got an opportunity to go to uh to the nike combine which is like you feel me they bring all the that's like the mcdonald's for basketball type [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah in a way but they bring all the top players and you feel me you you basically do like like they got the nfl combine and [ __ ] so you basically you feel me go put your uh you know uh you put your product on display for all the colleges that's what they go to they go to the nike combine you feel me though to look at the players stats and all that [ __ ] to figure out who who is who who doing what what 40 they run you feel me the broad jump all the little you know the necessaries in which they before you know they uh they tweak out on the players and [ __ ] and then it was like oh i get invited to this [ __ ] but then i go there you feel me though and [ __ ] i'm men it was me and two of my cousins only [ __ ] from oakland right right you feel me at that thing so it's more like i know i'm here to represent myself you know in order to get to college but at the same time on a bigger scale was more so like now i got an opportunity to put the town on the map right right right right right cause you feel me it wasn't like they was coming to the town you know and [ __ ] was getting scholarships and coming up out of that and if they was it was awesome you know then too many people know about it right right it's like the early 2000s type [ __ ] this way i i came out in 2004 so this had to be like 2000 2002 2003 right right right um fast forward did you think when you was doing all that [ __ ] like you gonna be what you is today like that you ill man [ __ ] no hell no bro i mean you know it and it it's crazy because you feel me you you look at you know successful [ __ ] who come out about the hood and hella [ __ ] and i know for me where i where i was raised and how i grew up the success didn't look like nothing that you feel me though that that i'm into you feel me it was on a whole nother height but i i've always thought that i would be successful i just didn't imagine it being in this this type of uh shape or form though right right right cause you're from oakland uh i hear people i always say uh this [ __ ] say this money he saves money he don't splurge you don't suppose you think you learned that [ __ ] because the [ __ ] you went through growing up type [ __ ] nah not realistically i don't it's not it's not so much more of what i believe i learned i think it's more so like my fears what my fears was negative because i remember [ __ ] [ __ ] sitting there [ __ ] you feel me though i mean like this this was one of the examples i just gave somebody like [ __ ] my cousin damn had just came home from the pen from doing like i think he probably did like he sent out for like eight or something and then [ __ ] came home you feel me i was a youngster [ __ ] i ain't you for me like you know how to cook i'm talking about yeah i know to cook like what you know how to make i'm like oatmeal [ __ ] oh and i know how to make these noodles right and he like all right i'm gonna show you i'm gonna show you how to make a gourmet meal and i'm like what the [ __ ] is a gourmet meal he's like now i'm gonna teach you how to bust a spread and i'm like [ __ ] all right cool so i didn't get to know those bam bam bam crush the [ __ ] up like man there's some hot dogs in there i'm like yeah he like seeing a pen we had [ __ ] uh like slim jim right beef sticks and [ __ ] yeah he's like so this what we use instead of the hot dog but chop the hot dogs up put them in there you feel me put the [ __ ] uh uh he had some uh some legs potato chips and hella [ __ ] and he like [ __ ] man get that uh get that shredded cheese in there that faux cheese that that mexican fo cheese get that and put some of that in there and whip that [ __ ] up and i'm like oh hell yeah but i remember that and [ __ ] that was you feel me when i when i first got drafted i'm like [ __ ] i'mma make sure that i never have to make that type of meal again because because i have to right but if it come down to it i'm gonna make that [ __ ] because i want to but i don't want that to be my situation right so i think that was like that was more so my my sense of like okay i'm i'm making sure i always put something over here so i i never had to have that type of situation all right yeah that's deep and i think that for sure um turf meals that's like turf man we had to eat them we had to [ __ ] red high burrito with a bag of chips and [ __ ] quarter water juice i don't even know if they still make them but two dollars go a long way i'm checking [ __ ] butts down the whole thing yeah a long way um i remember coming up and um grandma and them feeding the whole family off twenty dollars you feel me and for two or three days though like you feel me yeah you better go get them leftovers and warm that [ __ ] up exactly i'll be telling my son like [ __ ] you spoiled in a sense like you feel me like [ __ ] you can't eat food and leave the table like no [ __ ] we have to put that [ __ ] in the refrigerator on it [ __ ] bring that [ __ ] back out so yeah your ass gonna sit there all night fall asleep with your face in the plate cause you ain't getting it from that table too i don't care ain't getting anywhere from that table until you finish that [ __ ] i mean my mama made some oh some okra okra bro with the slimy ass okay with the bubbles and the little white beads and all that [ __ ] and she like [ __ ] if you get up well imma beat you and i'm like man mama this [ __ ] ella nasty you gonna eat all that [ __ ] you feel me all right moms get up bro i hit her with the 42 fake though that [ __ ] in the garbage can boy she come in there did not bring your ass in here my family i had to learn the hard way yeah you ain't gonna waste no food in here [ __ ] right right right definitely definitely what i'd be on with my little [ __ ] but uh it's different generations you feel me you know different timing what made you like uh just tweak on that business [ __ ] like that bro like um i see bro like every time i talk to you you always hitting a [ __ ] with a different business idea or you would say something like bro i'm not just about to go do a commercial because i want to do a commercial no [ __ ] we need a relationship first like uh [ __ ] i gotta tweak into what you doing like what made you what made you tweak like that [ __ ] [ __ ] realistically bro it really it really came from the fact that you know when i first came out your family [ __ ] used to see all the you know all the commercials and [ __ ] that [ __ ] was doing you sent me though all the little uh uh for for what i seen like if you seen somebody on on tv in my sport for doing anything other than playing football it was like that was a big ass thing right you feel me because you know athletes got that stereotype like all their [ __ ] stupid and hella [ __ ] yeah your family sounds like rappers so [ __ ] what up so as i as i started to get more involved and [ __ ] i had sat down with uh i had sat down with nike i created help nike create this cleat you feel me though and that [ __ ] was saucy so you feel me i'm thinking it's gonna be my cleat and then [ __ ] uh and then uh when that [ __ ] came out they end up giving that [ __ ] to another athlete so you feel me at the end of the day i'm like [ __ ] these people came in my house bro you feel me though we bust down a whole [ __ ] like uh storyboard a [ __ ] hella [ __ ] and at the end of the day i'm thinking like yeah this this [ __ ] gonna be raw right and then they took it to somebody else so you feel me at the same time i had already had the uh you know the beast mode trademarked but i was more on a hype like you feel me i ain't i ain't trying to make no money off of that [ __ ] that's i live by that i stand on that i really believe in that that ain't something i'm trying to make a dollar off of but then i think it was uh jonah jonah said or it might have been shady [ __ ] say [ __ ] didn't want to give me a deal so i signed myself that was jonah yeah i'm god [ __ ] that's family but [ __ ] that [ __ ] say [ __ ] ain't gonna give me a deal so i signed myself and i'm like [ __ ] i really believe that way like damn i had an opportunity well what i thought was i had an opportunity to do something that a [ __ ] always know you get a nike cleat [ __ ] you in there right family i'm thinking like yeah this and then that [ __ ] was like it was more so like [ __ ] all right i didn't get mad i went and educated myself on on what it looked like to to create your own apparel line and i'm not just talking about like you know putting a stamp on a t-shirt or whatever i'm talking about like you feel me though from a to z and the more i did that [ __ ] the more i liked it but the more i did it and the more i liked it the more i started learning and the more i learned i liked that and then the more i learned with the business i started to i started to get into rooms that i know for sure that i ain't you know i never had no no right to be in or i never had no desire to be in that [ __ ] right right and then once that [ __ ] started clicking for me it was more so like okay cool i see this type of [ __ ] and then you know you when you in that room you meet with an individual and you know his main focus is not on the business that you're in but in a business that that complements the business that you're talking about and then it's like okay well how you do that and then it's like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] that's hella tight too well let me give me some ism on how i rock with that right and then the more i did that the more rooms i went into the more doors open and the more i just started to educate my cell phone you feel me though what it was to get to that point right right right so i just [ __ ] do you think uh no you're an arrogant [ __ ] no i won't even say arrogant i just say confident and you stand on what you believe in and you stand on that [ __ ] um do you think that kind of [ __ ] up kind of um relationships or deals you could have had in a sense hell no because the thing was it was more so like if an individual came in you feel me though and we sitting across from each other like how we getting down and you got the business plan and you want me to either invest in your business plan or you want me to do what you got going on be associated with what you got going on but if it ain't something that i believe in then it's just it don't work right and at the end of the day you might want me to do it but that [ __ ] don't work for me so therefore i don't feel that i'm missing out even if your business hit right and when your business do hit i'm gonna come in i'm gonna be the first leader to hey boy you did that right congratulations my [ __ ] keep going keep your foot on your neck and then start pressing that [ __ ] right right right right because [ __ ] that's just how i feel i don't i don't feel no type of way you feel me though like oh i coulda damn i could have been a part of this and i could have been home and right like no but [ __ ] you went and did it because you believed in it it wasn't some it ain't something that fit who i am right right so [ __ ] i don't feel that way right um i haven't been in public with you and i'm just saying you uh people i can't get a pitch guy get a picture you're like no i'm good thank you thank you i'm doing up thank you and i see a little kid walk up can i get a picture you're like yeah or it'll be can i get a picture can i picture you like nah but i'll take a picture with your son um what's behind that like you were just saying different different generation you know different timing hello [ __ ] and at the end of the day we live in a time right now where individuals feel entitled they feel responsible for your success they feel like they the reason you are who you are and it just simplest thing to the point where it's like an individual come up to you an individual come up to me and like hey let me get a picture hey give me a picture blood i know you all yeah i'm about to get a picture with you like a year and then it's more so like damn [ __ ] how about when you pull up on a [ __ ] or you you feel me you you come up to me hey what's up how you doing right hey i'm shine bruh it's nice to meet you right right right hey how's your day going hey is it cool to get a flick um like the etiquette of uh [ __ ] of human nature is how you say like that [ __ ] is that [ __ ] is so far gone and so far lost to the point where it's like when the individual hit me with the hey hey take a picture with me i'm like no i'm good but hey look though i appreciate it because i i respect the fact that you want to take a picture with me because maybe you is tweaking out on you feel me though oh i just i just met beast mode this day in the third cause that's how they feel right but it's more so like all right if i just come up to you when i hey [ __ ] just give me a dollar right right like that ain't how i go but [ __ ] dope things they they when they come and pull up on you they hey how you doing young man you feel me they got a whole story they might even bust a moving hell of [ __ ] but at the end of the day it's more so the respect factor because because they know i want this so therefore hey let me check see how this man when they come when you walk by the store hey man how you doing hey you think when you come out you could you could you feel me you think you could throw me a dollar or something you feel me like but the the fact that [ __ ] that [ __ ] is lost and it's more so when you when you see a [ __ ] out hey how you doing you don't know what the [ __ ] i just went through right you don't know how my day going you don't know how what but then if i flash out like get your ass away from me on some [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] you i'm hella wrong though right right right but at the end of the day it's more so like hey look i appreciate it you feel me i feel where you come from but no i'm good right right for me at the same time it's more so like i don't want to posterize myself in no position to wear you know cuz that [ __ ] that [ __ ] can that [ __ ] can get to you that [ __ ] can make you big head and it's emotion so when you go into certain situations and that ain't the case you was already on that hype because that's that's just how everybody been approaching you and getting down with you but for me i just treat every situation the same because i don't know what type of time you want i don't know what type of hype you want right and then how i was raised and where i come from [ __ ] come run up on you that's not a good thing right right right but at the end of the day i just play every situation the same regardless man woman or kid if i'm gonna do it all right that's what's up but if i'm not gonna do it hey look i appreciate it but no i'm good right ain't no disrespect or nothing but that's just the way that that i handle my [ __ ] wow yeah that's crazy um did you have a hard time adjusting the thing [ __ ] up there i'll sit up still try to adjust to it because i'll never believe that you feel me though like like i'll never for i'll never feel as if i'm like i'm famous or i'm a superstar or nothing like that because i feel like [ __ ] when i when i go places or whatever the case may be i want to go to where where the people who from here i want to go to where y'all go because i know that's where it's going to be real i know that's where it's going to be authentic that's where i know that if i do go i could just go ahead and [ __ ] around and be a individual right right right you feel what i'm saying be yourself be me at the end of the day but at the end of the day like in the back of my mind like okay yeah i understand that i understand that so then therefore i just rock according like right and yeah [ __ ] that should be that should be hard but at the end of the day i just you know a lot of people might look at it as like oh he just think he better than everybody that's not a third but in reality is more so i'm just trying to come down not come down to your level but let you know that we ain't on we not on no different levels right because i look at it a lot of people come up hey is you that football player and i'll stick my hand up and they look at me like the [ __ ] are you doing i'm like no i touch my hand and they like touched my hand like and i tell them i fell no i'm human right like you you feel me just because if you believe that i'm a football player you ain't got to approach me no different than how you would approach any other individual if you just want to approach me to say hi to me it ain't no different you look hey what's up how you doing you feel what i'm saying or if you approach me and you want something hey how you doing man i'm blanche blasey and disney third i bet you 90 of individuals who take a picture with you know somebody majority of time they sit there for that second they take that picture and then you know what at the end of the day that become their best friend oh i was kicking it with my [ __ ] you for all about a split [ __ ] second and a half but now [ __ ] me and you is best friends right and i don't know what type of [ __ ] you got going on but you airing that type of [ __ ] out and then you got somebody on your ass and then it's like [ __ ] i don't know that [ __ ] but now i'm tied into what you got going on on some [ __ ] that i ain't political you feel what i'm saying so yeah i mean that's why i say i approach every situation whether it's man woman or kid the same if i'm gonna do it all right come on hey how you doing you feel what i'm saying and that that's just i don't know that respect and all of that type of [ __ ] and i mean i feel that that [ __ ] is lost but i'm still pushing though do you blame that on um our generation or generation before us uh who i blame it on [ __ ] so i had this conversation i had this conversation with fab right and um i think it was fab somebody who was i think it was fab and i told them um i blamed the generation before us um i think it was the head starts i told them um i blame them well it was our father's generation remember when they did that three strikes you out and they took a hell of black people just out they homes and just they took them in um so i looked at him into some [ __ ] cause you talk about some [ __ ] like that the three strikes you're out you talk about then you talk about section eight then you talk about all right i'm saying you start getting into all that [ __ ] like that section a [ __ ] i just thought about it like that [ __ ] take that [ __ ] take the father and or the father figure out the house cause then people come knock on that door and they want to know who in here with you and then they send them in all different type of forms of fashion to where it's the the census bureau type [ __ ] and you feel me though and and and jehovah's witnesses i believe but right you hear me you having people coming knocking at your door but then people come knock at your door and on your section yo my mama go sign up for that section 8 and if they find out that there's a man living in that [ __ ] that section 8 is down yes i don't feel what i'm saying so i mean if you talk about the three strikes and locking hella [ __ ] up and then you you got to talk about so much other [ __ ] and then it's like you go down that rabbit hole then it's like almost like well [ __ ] who do you blame for this so i mean at the end of the day you feel me i ain't gonna lie to you i don't point no fingers and no [ __ ] like that but more so how i move and how what i stand on i just push that and then the thing is i don't push it on nobody else where the thing is i hold myself accountable to that right so when you come into contact with me and whether you feel oh that [ __ ] was a sucker because he ain't taking no picture with me or right or oh that [ __ ] oh he hella cool but however you feel about me at the end of the day i look in the mirror with myself and i say damn shawn what's up boy you good if i'm good i'm good if i'm not now i gotta okay we gotta deal with what we gotta deal with right right but i gotta deal with that because them same individuals who probably wanted to take a picture or not want to take a picture or whatever the case may be if i was to see them and i go through that same [ __ ] and i gonna pour my problems out on them are they willing to help me and do what i need to be done in order for me to put a smile on my face right right right i don't know that right right so therefore i hold myself accountable to it how do um how do sean deal with depression i come home i come home and [ __ ] i know that's crazy bro but i come home because it's humbling because i mean you know shine in a position where it could be great but instead of taking vacations and [ __ ] like that and going over there and going down here for spring break and going over there for the summer and all the like yeah that should be cool but then the reality of it is as you get away from us what's really real and you create a false narrative and a false perspective in your mind and that [ __ ] just [ __ ] you up even worse because when you come back that [ __ ] you didn't let that [ __ ] fester and now you got to deal with that [ __ ] now the problem that you had that [ __ ] that turned into maybe two three four mother four other problems that you didn't even have before but now since you went and took that vaca so [ __ ] i go home yeah i go home [ __ ] i go walk they gotta go sit at the same bus stops [ __ ] i go sit at the photo here the 57 to 82 and i go walk through downtown i go and do [ __ ] that i knew before to remind me like hey even though you feeling this certain type of way it could be worse right right so i get back to to the reality from it right right right um another thing um i always just see you walking around in random places or riding your bike and [ __ ] then i'm probably battling [ __ ] right right and i'm probably battling and then you're probably going to see me with a smile on my face and talking [ __ ] cause i didn't ran into [ __ ] the doping or the divine no [ __ ] that i've not seen from when i was a little [ __ ] like bro you still out here [ __ ] like what's happening oh boy i'm insane you were like and and there's never no love lost right definitely the same little [ __ ] man come here remember i used to do you like this like bro yeah i do remember when you was when i was little you used to do me like that but i ain't little no yeah you ain't little no more [ __ ] i got you all right you feel me that [ __ ] that but that [ __ ] means something to me right hell yeah like i went to a funeral yesterday you feel me i'm you know i'm [ __ ] up in the head and hella [ __ ] we go over to uh to uh to shatter 47 shot it with a [ __ ] uh boys and girls club used to be and i'm like damn they turned it into a pet hospital or something and i'm like damn bro i remember i used to play foosball in this [ __ ] i remember i first got my i got shook right there where where the parking lot is that's where i would have got shook at and i'm like damn bruh and i'm sitting out there and a woman come across the street like oh my god no you got to be [ __ ] kidding me i'm like baby when she talking about yeah this me [ __ ] what's up i say oh my baby give me a hug right right give me a hug and that [ __ ] felt so good bro even though i was dealing with you know the loss of one of my people like i felt good though right so it made it all worth it yeah but those be the moments in which you feel me though when i'm when i'm off my rocker and [ __ ] then be the moment you feel me that'd be the time where it makes sense to me like yeah yeah that's it um i'm 16. um i'm looking at beast mode um i'm in the sports i mean whatever i'm into but i'm looking at you as a role model but i'm also flirting with the streets um what would be your advice what would be my advice you got to understand we got a we got a foundation a fan first family foundation me john man me marcus and josh you feel me and our whole mind said you know i'm gonna tell [ __ ] marcus was a was a was a part of it when we first started so me and josh sitting down politicking like [ __ ] just one kid just one kid and over the course of what damn we probably would 16 17 years in every time it's that one kid now that one kid added up to i don't know how many kids but the thing is we had those type of situations and we had those conversations with these kids all the time because that's what they did when dabble in and at the end of the day more so is uh like i said i don't try to force my i don't try to force my properties on nobody because i understand our situations is not the same even though i don't came from what you then came came from even though i didn't walk through the same pissy hallways as you even though i didn't walk up down the same blocks even though your dope fiends is my dope fiends your wine noses my wine nose our situations and never be blessed blessed thank you our situations will never be the same so i will never try to put my properties on you but what i can do is i could tell you from a from a standpoint of being in that position and and what it was i went through and what i did and hopefully in that you could find something that that you got because it might not be sports right right right it might not be sports so therefore i'll never tell you to take my route right right but what i want to know is i want to know why what and how you can answer those questions for me now we can work on something and if it leads you and if it leads you to the streets what i'ma tell you is what i'ma tell you is make sure make sure what you're standing on is what you believe in these are the consequences for what you putting yourself into if you willing to deal with those consequences then you win the right you you want doing the right thing for you because at the end of the day everybody not going to be a star everybody not going to be a [ __ ] manager at uh [ __ ] enterprise everybody's not gonna be able to sit on the other side of the table where blood had to get individuals to come in here and talk to them on some solid [ __ ] everybody's not gonna be that right right but the thing is the reality the reality the reality is there's going to be individuals in in this world that that go left i don't want that for you i do not want that for you and if you come to me nine times out of ten and if you don't win left i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna give you some ears i'm on what it is you doing and i'm actually i'm saying three questions how what and how that's dude that's crazy um i always ask people um if they can go back and tell the 16 or the 18 year old themselves something what would that be you know what if i could go back and tell i'll tell myself like [ __ ] probably get ready get get ready for get ready for a lot of headaches and heartaches but at the end of the day but at the end of the day you gonna be able to get through it because of what you're going through right now and the type of the type of fight and the type of dog you got in you that [ __ ] only gonna make you stronger right because [ __ ] i know at 16 me 16 to 18 year old me and i was lost because you talking about dibble and dabbling in the streets and type of [ __ ] and i came from an area where [ __ ] i lived in the east and i'm from the north you know back then that you you all the way out of bounds definitely you out of bounds like a [ __ ] but the [ __ ] that i grew up on then shout out to my mama the [ __ ] that i grew up on and the [ __ ] that i you feel me though i feel i stand on no matter where i went to no matter where i went to [ __ ] respecting me not as oh that's a north oakland [ __ ] but yeah that that shine you feel me he you feel me he's solid that [ __ ] that's that's a that's a that's a cool [ __ ] you feel me being from the north playing for the [ __ ] saints [ __ ] predominantly a west oakland team [ __ ] [ __ ] and it's like oh yeah that [ __ ] from the north you feel me and [ __ ] trying to pump me in hella [ __ ] and they're like oh oh no but he ain't backing down and it ain't about being tough or nothing like that but it's just like well no [ __ ] i don't want you to hit me right now i don't want you to hit me so [ __ ] you you're not about to hit me and if you do [ __ ] damn i hit your ass back type [ __ ] that reaction is a reaction so therefore it was more so like oh and i and i'm not the [ __ ] who finna come and try to bully you or do no weird ass [ __ ] like that but at the end of the day it was more so like yeah [ __ ] you you just not about to hit me and then going about your business because if you put your hands on me now we got to get them up and that was no matter where i was at or you know what was going on right right and then the thing was they knew that i wasn't coming i wasn't coming into your section to try to spot smash honey like my [ __ ] inmate but it was more so like [ __ ] okay i got business over here cause i play over here yeah i'm from the north but i'm playing for west oakland team right and then you feel me though from the from the from from the saints to the warriors to the dynamites i always was out of bounds right right you feminine it was more so like you gotta you're gonna have to stand on something yeah and then you live in the east yeah and it's oakland we talk about yes lord and then i'm catching the bus [ __ ] from from from east oakland all the way to the north so it's like along the way every place that i'm going i'm meeting some individuals so you feel me it was more so like you know a lot of people probably think like oh yeah he know how the people could be from i mean in the town because you know he athlete just in the third but no [ __ ] because [ __ ] i lived in the east i'm from the north and [ __ ] my grandma lived in the west so [ __ ] i'm i'm here i'm here i'm here and then i'm here then i'm over here then i'm back over here so [ __ ] i was i had to get acclimated with individuals and you know i [ __ ] you knew how to rock i knew i knew for a fact when i went to my grandma house like oh yeah you about to be in the west you're about to have to fight right it don't even matter it don't matter what kind of day it is you're gonna have to fight and they know you from the north yeah you're gonna have to fight that's what it is i always wanted to actually um we don't ever talk sports but when you uh won the super bowl that year it was in the locker room you know it was just in your [ __ ] when the funk really going down who's really ready to ride what was the tweak bud like what the hell like what i'm talking about bro i'm like that's just that put me in a whole different like and [ __ ] just like bro did y'all pay him detroit actually like no [ __ ] it was what was the tweak on that the real tweak was [ __ ] a hundred percent yeah i would have played that [ __ ] yeah for sure but [ __ ] i'ma tell you like this [ __ ] it was my teammates hey hey man play that song you always play when we at the in the locker room y'all [ __ ] wanna hear that right now hell yeah right if you peep game and you look at that situation when that [ __ ] took off if you look in the background you got [ __ ] going way harder than me that don't even know what the [ __ ] really going on but the thing is so [ __ ] when you from oakland right and you you win the league it's nine times out of ten when you in that locker room you gonna be the only [ __ ] from the town in that [ __ ] right when in my set if if if in that locker room you probably got [ __ ] maybe 10 [ __ ] that's from florida you got about 10 [ __ ] from l.a you got about 10 [ __ ] from texas the representation of [ __ ] in the town [ __ ] is far to none right right right right so [ __ ] when i'm tweaking out on town [ __ ] they listen to me like man who is that [ __ ] rapper you you listening to right [ __ ] on there talk about something else super purple dragon you got that one rapper who'll be talking about oh that's photo right right like oh no we know too short and [ __ ] you feel but you be listening you be listening to [ __ ] who i ain't never even heard of right and then the thing is like i told you like we had this conversation before like you feel me i had an individual tell me that [ __ ] that you [ __ ] wasn't mainstream right that's how i found out like oh how long are you talking about you talking about blood ain't blood ain't mainstream you talking about you feel me fair man filthy ain't man come on and this is before this before mazzy that took you feminine took flight but you feel me i'm slapping bladder they talking about some lotta what the [ __ ] is man you wouldn't understand that man you feel what i'm saying but the thing is them [ __ ] never them them [ __ ] don't listen to first of all they don't listen to california music like that but [ __ ] when they come to oakland like that [ __ ] is foreign to them right so for them to come to me after we just won the super bowl and they talking about some hey put that one song you know what song i'm talking about yeah you feel me man watch out you already know what time it is man why you didn't say nothing sooner right but we just got in here but you mind you know i've been in the locker room you feel me before the game was even over and then i'm in there tweaking with moms you feel me i got a bottle of pure white and hella [ __ ] we in there drinking pile of ticking and then they start coming in you feel me oh moms you gotta get out [ __ ] gonna start changing this [ __ ] get your ass up out of here go tweak over here for a minute and then i'm gonna uh you feel me when i come out we're gonna go politic right right right but the thing was it was more so you feel me my teammates came to me and was like hey play that one play that one song going crazy you feel me so [ __ ] it was more so like [ __ ] like i said 100 percent you know i would have did it and i mean you know at that time we just won the super bowl you know right right you know everybody everybody everybody on they high right and at this time they know oh we just want a super bowl oh the media finna go crazy in here right right right you know they're about to have a you're gonna have probably a hundred cameras in that [ __ ] and 200 reporters in that [ __ ] they they trying to line [ __ ] up for their interview but can't get nobody because i didn't because i didn't got the loudest speakers in the world [ __ ] and turned on some [ __ ] who ready to ride and they in there talk about some who really ready to ride for sure don't even know what's going on but they was in there moving to it definitely absolutely and that [ __ ] was a blessing for me um it's crazy because um i remember you um call me like bro i got this little whoop i'm about to come on tv i wanna we'll use the song i'm like it's good and um to this day i'll be still getting cashed out for that [ __ ] he was like [ __ ] [ __ ] that's when i was stuck [ __ ] cause you still getting paid for that [ __ ] cause i don't know you get you getting checks for it and i'll you feel me i've been [ __ ] i'm the one i'm quarterbacking this [ __ ] and they and they was on my but they was on my line though they was on my line but but you know whenever i do anything though and it's more so like oh no we can't play this music this then the third and i'm like well hold on man let me let me let me let me contact this individual so i can see what's up and see if i can uh if i could tweak something and if it's good it's good right so you know i mean i didn't know how big i didn't i didn't think that show was really gonna do the numbers that it did but it but it did but the thing was they they was homie like no you can't do this and the guy i remember i had hit uh i had hit jones like hey bro i need some beats and hella [ __ ] whoop this then a third and [ __ ] feel me it's good bro you feel me that same day [ __ ] send me like seven eight beats like right on bro i appreciate it and [ __ ] i use them [ __ ] when i do my little production [ __ ] i use all that [ __ ] beats all the [ __ ] though but with that situation they they like nah but we got contacts to you know x y and z which is i guess the mainstream artist and we could get a song from them but i'm like nah i don't think that's gonna fit for you feel me what i got going on but let me hear bro right quick and see if i could tap in and get this little situation yep it's good come on we're running that [ __ ] right right we're running that [ __ ] i wish i could have you know i mean ran it up with with with my individuals to do it but you know anytime i get a situation or an opportunity to put on that's just what i'm going to do yeah i'm going home for sure definitely appreciate that bro uh i just appreciate everything you um bring to the culture everything got some solids these [ __ ] got some solids in this mouth this [ __ ] finna bust a knock during the interview why are you snitching this [ __ ] [ __ ] got some booty rocks in this [ __ ] bro this [ __ ] out of pocket bro but no i definitely appreciate you for um sitting down with a [ __ ] man man i got something for you though bro oh you want to interview me no i don't want to interview you you feel me i ain't even bringing up them fake ass rap lyrics [ __ ] was 19 man uh-huh but is it true athletes want to be rappers and rappers want to be athletes i don't know but somehow some way they click and they do some [ __ ] they do some [ __ ] all right right but nah man so look we had the situation where we had uh the little uh the beast mode experience in vegas you feel me though it was a company put together you family though i think it was what like pollen they put together like five or six events and you feel me they they reach out like yeah we want to do this thing but we need some artists to do some some uh performances and [ __ ] and you feel me just from a standpoint of like you know i'm like cool they had all these they had all these artists that they you know they wanted to bring a hell of a [ __ ] so you feel me i double backed and i hit them with all right these some artists that i want to work with and they like all right well you know can you say yeah they all tapped in it's all good and uh when it got down to it a lot a lot a lot of you [ __ ] didn't clear like you feel what i'm saying so you feel me i was i was i was i was stuck you feel me though in a position where i couldn't have had this these events in you feel me i'm not going to be able to have the individuals who are who i want to rock i'm not about to have them rock with me so it was a so it was an ugly look for me but i mean you know throughout the whole little [ __ ] or whatever though you feel me though even though [ __ ] wasn't able to rock you feminine just cause you right here i'm having a conversation with you you feel me when i told you like damn bro you ain't gonna be able to you ain't gonna be able to get down cause i know it was a look right and it was a movie but [ __ ] every event you popped out at you feel what i'm saying and you and and and found some way somehow to wiggle a little situation where you still ended up with a with a mic in your hand and [ __ ] but like that whole little that whole little week you know knowing you know leading up to it that i'm finna get down but me hitting you at the last minute like it's gonna be bad or something did that [ __ ] have like any effect as far as like how [ __ ] was rocking uh nope because um [ __ ] like i said [ __ ] um [ __ ] you always open doors for a [ __ ] and um it's genuinely even on accident just like the super bowl [ __ ] i just brought up like [ __ ] you feel me [ __ ] you just just just playing the [ __ ] like [ __ ] didn't call you or you feel me like we wasn't even in good contact then but [ __ ] you did it and it's like you shine the light on a [ __ ] so whenever fan first and beast mode doing [ __ ] like i'm front line for that [ __ ] like you feel me so hell no i didn't even care like you said at all like you feel me and um and plus [ __ ] like i said i had to do it like you feel me it felt like i'm um i'm a part of the fam first family i'm a part of the beastmode family uh i had to do it like it it was mandatory that's respect like uh them kumi meetings you go to [ __ ] off the block yeah i have to do it [ __ ] definitely [ __ ] what you talking about tapping [ __ ] but love you um i appreciate you bro like nah for real um [ __ ] you know you turned down a-list celebrities bro like [ __ ] can't just sit across from you bro um even during that uh weekend at the whole week experience i'm seeing tight top flight [ __ ] come up and trying to talk to you and you like oh hold on african but yeah bro like what i was saying though man you got these a-list [ __ ] just looking like you feel me like damn like when you go talk to me to [ __ ] walk off i'm just thinking like damn bro why you just do this [ __ ] no i didn't but you know like cause i mean i i think it's i mean it's a time and place that was the time but not the place because [ __ ] all right for sure for sure yeah if i see you politicking with with an individual and if i don't know that [ __ ] hey i'm gonna i'm gonna stand my ground let you finish handling what you need to handle right right then all right when the time presented itself [ __ ] what's happening right right right right right but i think that goes more so to the fact we're [ __ ] i'm saying the guy i ain't no no i don't know big headed [ __ ] and [ __ ] at the end of the day [ __ ] if you got something up who know what i'm talking about you probably hollering about the deal of your life and don't even know it right right [ __ ] i come over here and i'll get in your [ __ ] [ __ ] you know i mean who's to say [ __ ] that [ __ ] probably unravel fall apart but i mean you know it just it just goes to show though bro like at the end of the day more so like you feel me i'll ask you that because i mean you know if i had more opportunities and [ __ ] like you feel me i wish i could or or i'm gonna say i wish i could put more individuals in in in a position to get the light that they you feel me though that they working for you feel me and if i see that i i see if i had that opportunity and i can bring [ __ ] on [ __ ] to get that like [ __ ] [ __ ] me [ __ ] let me go play the background anyway because that's where i [ __ ] that's where i would rather be at anyway right right but you know what i know for a fact you got it i know that they feeling that [ __ ] and i know that they loving that [ __ ] so let's give them that you feel me though well i'm gonna sit back here and i'm gonna just kick back right right right what's happening and then after it's done all right what's up what are we doing now you got a black for me all right come on let's go over here [ __ ] they got some for trinity over at this bar brother your family like and we just don't got a pizza thank you bro for pulling up on me bro we gotta uh sit down again you already know anytime um how can we get in contact with the fair first organization first fan first family dot org or you could pull up to the west oakland youth center where the center right or you could pull up the tech you feel me i mean it's it's infinite ways and then i mean you feel me just just how we go about you know uh uh serving the community you know we're gonna have events that that's popping up i mean you know just just just stay tuned and you feel me that'll keep your ear to the street your family because i mean it ain't like [ __ ] are doing a hell of a hell or other [ __ ] to you know try to get seen but the individuals who need the help and want the help it's out there for you for sure it's out there for sure right you go find all them weird ass videos on social media and [ __ ] yeah the help is out there too appreciate you bro uh [Laughter] he got the blue top over there tucked like i'm telling you real dog count don't faint you understand what i'm saying watch out you hear me hey we get the best game from the dolphins don't get it [ __ ] up man i'm gonna tell you like this man they didn't gave me the best ism that's how come [ __ ] the business work yeah the business work you can't forget where you came from you got to stand on principles morals and values stand on that be a man at all times even if it compromised even if it compromised yo what is it publicity or i mean you know what [ __ ] when i when i'm when i'm when i'm dead and gone was like damn that [ __ ] was that [ __ ] was rich i want a [ __ ] to wear that and it was a solid knee right throw it through right regardless to the get the [ __ ] out of here you got to shop for me [ __ ] that's your [ __ ] [ __ ] even if he looks tell me what it look like what it is my man look at him what happened what do you say real we're struggling in this [ __ ] man you feel real but you know man we're not thinking when i when i when i go under [ __ ] that's that's that's that's what my legacy [ __ ] should read at the end of the day right right right going through bianna beyond the the football beyond the business and all that and that [ __ ] was a solid [ __ ] i mean all that other [ __ ] is cool that's cool but when they speak when they speak about marshawn you feel me though that's that's at the end of the day that's what a [ __ ] right right right [ __ ] was solid bro right right um definitely um since you just worry about that solid [ __ ] leave me that money in your wheel um boy look they be working working leave me that money in that wheel and um yeah we about to go uh chew on these beastmode skittles man off the camera man oh god it's a movie
Channel: Lil Blood TV
Views: 198,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 55min 28sec (3328 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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