The Many Myths and Mysteries of Red Dead Redemption

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Red Dead Redemption one of Rockstar's most iconic game series second only probably to GTA of course but still a beloved franchise especially with its latest installment the last actual game that Rockstar made Red Dead 2. with it being a massive critical and Commercial hit and for good reason this game and the first one are amazing breathtaking experiences and no it's not just GTA with Cowboys it's a whole different vibe and world its grittier has darker tones and themes and overall feels a lot more real to be honest it's not as goofy as like San Andreas or GTA 5 but also the games have just a shocking amount of detail so that helps as well especially the second one I mean I don't think there's a single video game that has this much detail put into its open world these games have amazing characters and stories don't get me wrong but the world itself almost feels like its own character similarly to the GTA games and basically any rock star open world so of course you know there is plenty to go through in the realm of myths and urban legends just as we did with the mainline Grand Theft Auto games but I mean if you haven't seen that video yet make sure to go check it out after this one but this series also has so many interesting myths and more so Mysteries a lot of which were created by Rockstar themselves rather than just hearsay and speculation by the community which makes for an interesting change of pace and usually when I cover a game series I typically cover one at a time or at least I'll go in order and separate the Mysteries and legends by each game but for this video I'm doing something a little different because with the two Red Dead Redemption titles the myths kind of blend into each other sometimes and are featured in both games which is honestly really cool so for some of these they will only be in one of the games but for some of them there are hints and clues that can be found in both which are definitely the most interesting ones I think anyways without further delay let's dive into the many myths and miss histories of Red Dead Redemption [Music] night Folk starting off here we have a very strange creepy and mysterious faction featured in Red Dead Redemption 2 called the night folk basically it's a group of enemies found near the swamps in the bayou that attack and kill people indiscriminately and brutally and don't be fooled they can also attack during the day or even with traps set around the area there is even a stranger mission that involves hunting and killing some night folk that have invaded an old man's house but what's most bizarre is their appearance and lack of speaking they just kind of hiss and make noises at you which definitely adds to the creepiness Factor so what's going on with these guys well it's very likely they are a dranged group of cannibals that kill Loot and eat those who trespass on their territory it's also possible that they could be some kind of satanic cult as there is evidence in the game of demonic rituals and pentagrams which have been found that could be from this group but we really don't know for sure all we really know is that this group is really depraved and definitely hostile and it's just as unsettling to be wandering around in the bayou at night hoping you don't hear the Wailing and whispering leader X so an interesting Easter egg and location that can be found in Red Dead 2 once again is the mysterious Hill home as it's called which looks to be a reference to Hobbit homes from Lord of the Rings however that's not all there is to this on the roof of it you can see a strange turtle symbol which actually belongs to a religious cult in the game called shalonia which is featured in some side missions not only that but there is also a tree near the house which has writing that appears to spell leader X however it can only be seen from a certain distance and actually disappears when you get too close strangely enough and we don't know for sure what this really means but some have theorized that this is simply a marking made by the leader of the chillonians and this may have actually been his home unmarked grave again in rdr2 there is a very eerie and creepy location of an unmarked grave that is located in a forest near annasburg or Ansberg however he said and the grave technically isn't unmarked it does have a name engraved on the stick crucifix and the dirt simply reading Bennett and digging a little deeper into the lore this could possibly be the grave of one of three brothers related to hidden gold bars in Ansberg but the most notable part of this location is the creepy Ambience sounds and even ghostly sightings that players report in this area especially during night time and inclement weather and while the sightings haven't actually been substantiated creepy Ambience definitely can and does play in this area both during the day and at night due to the game's Dynamic music and audio system so if you're looking for a spooky location to investigate and visit this is it strange man okay so here we have one of the most mysterious characters in the series probably the most and he's even featured in both games but is much more prominent in the first one as he is featured in a stranger mission called I know you where he talks to Jon as if he knows everything about him in a pretty ominous and omniscient kind of way he acts like some sort of deity that knows Jon's future some sort of g-man-like figure with some believing he could possibly be a demon the devil or even God foreign there's a beautiful spot sure what are you doing here my accounts I'm an accountant is that so in a way what's your name you know it's the darndest thing I can't remember tell me your damn name and where you know me from well I know you're from Mexico I know you're from back out west all I know you from all over tell me your name or I won't be responsible for my actions oh but you will you will be responsible this is a fine spot see you around cowboy damn you yes many have but the mystery only goes deeper when we look at his appearance in Red Dead 2. first of all we have to point out the similarities between the strange man and the character and magician featured in the story as well as online that being Josiah trelawny although I don't think that this is actually him or anything it's just an interesting tidbit but there is a shack that can be found that may belong to the strange man as a painting of him can be found inside which can also be seen in the armadillo General Store also very creepily he can appear behind the player in the mirror but when you turn around he's gone speaking of that General store though it appears he also has ties to this guy Herbert moon the man that owns the general store and is featured in both games it's also worth noting that Herbert is curiously the only Survivor of a cholera outbreak in 1907. one possibly caused by the strange man who may have spared him for whatever reason this is additionally confirmed by a stranger near hennigan's stead who claims the that the strange man is indeed behind the outbreak and is possibly the Grim Reaper definitely a very interesting character and mystery that I hope is expanded upon if there is ever a Red Dead 3 or anything Gavin this is a pretty funny one also from the second game concerning a certain NPC that you can encounter multiple times in different towns in each playthrough even both in 1899 and 1907. although by the time you reach the epilogue he seems to be a shell of his former self and is starting to lose his sanity searching for his long-lost friend that being Gavin with this guy Nigel looking for him throughout the game in sandini Tall Trees black water and Roads so what's the real story here well all we know is that Gavin despite never appearing in the game and not able to be found is a friend of Nigel that went missing but not much else is known about him other than that he and Nigel came to America from England to start a new life which is detailed in a letter from one of their other friends named Tom but who really was Gavin did he have some big secret was he kidnapped did he just up and leave one day or did Gavin ever really even exist at all I guess this one does kind of get darker the more you look into it manimals alright so shout out to Tat's tops videos and their scary video game glitches video I remember this from watching that as a kid and while a lot of people found it funny this really creeped me out not gonna lie thankfully I never actually encountered this in game back then so what this is referring to like I said is a rare glitch that can occur in the first game where animals would for some reason spawn with the models of citizens which led to some disturbing Abominations including a cougar man Horseman Snake Man a boar man which is really creepy and even bird people but the most famous example was definitely the donkey lady which was shown off in a viral video from 2010 with over 2 million views this would be the second or third time tonight that this has happened this ladies and gentlemen is the donkey woman Danny if you please zoom in on her face a little now the donkey woman likes to take us places as you can see she she's very fast on her feet hi ho Silva Look at Her Go Danny would you please disembark the donkey Williams so we can get a look at her face go catch her don't let her walk away no no no now you people probably can't see it but she literally has a horse's mouth coming out of her face I just I like how polite she is all right hold on one second and since then in Red Dead 2 the donkey lady was actually featured as a skeleton in an Easter egg which is a really cool nod by Rockstar and Jon even writes about it in his journal stating what was this poor thing who would do such a thing to any creature but the original Manimal glitch has since been patched out of the first game UFOs nobody's shocked to see this here on the list I'm sure but what you might not know is this isn't just some myth or small Easter egg but actually there's a few notable and real UFOs as well as other proof of alien life in rdr2 firstly you've got some rock drawings of some pretty obviously extraterrestrial beings but that's not all at exactly 2 am hovering over a specific Shack in the heartlands there can be found at UFO with a bright green light pulsing down before almost as quickly as it arrived it flies off back into space and this area on its own is pretty creepy even without the UFO as 11 corpses can be found inside the cabin as well as a cryptic note which reads quote at the second hour under the Half Moon by the great love and grace of our savior uh yeah that that thing Voyager of time and galaxies we cast off our mortal shells so his vessel can take our spirits to the promised realm to live in peace and Power until the 2000th year when we will return for a new Chosen and worship once again at the peak of Mount Shan in his love we Rejoice always so it's been theorized that this group is sort of a reference to the real-life Heaven's Gate cult and that this group is just like the one in real life which committed uh well you know thinking they would be able to join the mothership but another UFO can be seen at the peak of Mount Shan between 1 and 3 A.M hovering in the distance yet again and just like the one near the cabin it too cannot be shot down or interacted with at all but we gotta admit Rockstar is really stepping it up with their more recent games when it comes to UFOs I'm expecting some full-blown crazy Easter Egg in GTA 6 at this point butcher Creek so butcher Creek is a rather interesting settlement that is found in Red Dead 2 that has a pretty mysterious and Sinister plot happening in it which is a part of a stranger Mission the wisdom of the elders in which the town is being attacked by some sort of demonic force or curse called The Darkness however it is actually revealed through this Quest that the curse is merely from lead poisoning from a water supply leaking from a mine and the shaman they are telling the town spoke about the curse is merely a representative of the Roanoke fuel company trying to acquire their land but maybe that's not all that's going on here because there are a couple more peculiar things that can be found such as a creepy Pig's mask hanging from a slaughterhouse which kind of reminds me of pigsy from Manhunt but this doesn't really tell us much it's just kind of creepy but there are a bunch of demonic charms that the player has to destroy as part of the quest and a pentagram can actually be seen in the burned down house only at certain times during the night not only that though there are actually five other houses which are all labeled with numbers one through five which when followed also form the shape of a pentagram leading some to believe that the town may actually be under some kind of demonic curse after all meteorites some of the most mysterious objects that can be found and picked up by the player in Red Dead 2 are the meteorites similar to a larger impact site that can be found in Roanoke Valley but there's actually only three of these Collectibles only two of which have ever been found one of them is located near some train tracks in the area and the other is in a house near the actual meteor site but when you pick these up it will say two out of three so where's the last one well that's the mystery and still to this day no one really knows where it is what these are meant for or anything really other than that they reduce the player's damage from exposure in warm climates by 10 percent which really isn't all that great I mean there had to be something more to this right but all these years later the third piece hasn't been found as far as I'm aware and it's unknown if it even exists at all princess ikz okay this is a huge mystery in rdr2 one of the biggest in fact with so much discussion research and investigation going into it by the community over the years basically it concerns The Disappearance of a young princess from Luxembourg who vanished during a royal visit in 1884 which is shown through reward posters and newspaper articles in the game her name is a super long one that I probably won't be able to pronounce so everyone just calls her ikz for her initials but diving a bit further there are quite a few hints and clues as to what happened to her in the game first there are a couple of NPCs that talk about her and lead you into looking into Van Horn which is actually where some of her luggage labeled ikz can be found and some even believe that she was kidnapped and is still held on the second floor of the Van Horn Trading Post due to her items being in the area as well as the strange behavior of the dogs leading to it and even a strangely boarded up window but this this is all just a theory again no I'm not doing others though just believe she's dead and this is just another wild goose chase and some believe that Penelope Braithwaite is actually her because Catherine Braithwaite is known to kidnap kids as we saw with Jack but also because she looks very similar to the girl in the photo but all of these are technically wrong as she was planned to be included as an adult in the game that could be found and rescued as part of a side mission as her model was actually found in the files [Music] human sacrifice also found in Red Dead Redemption 2 in Big Valley there is a point of Interest where human sacrifices are taking place at a pagan ritual altar possibly performed by the night folk and the pig and skull mask can actually be obtained from this location and it looks pretty sick can't lie but other than that we don't really know too much about all this other than that if you shoot any part of the display you actually lose honor for some reason and sometimes bodies appear t-posing underneath the ground which is pretty funny but also kind of creepy and there are some other symbols on trees nearby somehow also related to the ritual I'm sure which many believe is also connected to real voodoo symbols Sasquatch an absolute classic come on now so let's start with red dead one because as we all know it was basically the first true appearance of Bigfoot or Sasquatch in any Rockstar game and any meaningful or planned way I guess because it's included in the Undead Nightmare DLC as an actual character which Jon can encounter and it's actually a pretty sad sight to behold as the Sasquatch is the last of his kind and asks the player to kill him which you can do or you can just leave him be foreign [Music] why is that keep you from eating more babies of all the traits are you talking about human you eat babies you have to to survive everyone knows that ain't your fault berries and mushrooms you fool so we did now none of us are left some maniac's been murdering us last of my kind of weird lives in these Hills A Thousand Years you eat babies Emily it's gone I can't it's gone [Music] shoot me [Music] let it stop and actually the stranger that tasked John with this mission is very similar to the Bigfoot hunter in the final side mission of GTA 5 which also has Franklin hunting Bigfoot in Red Dead 2 a Sasquatch doesn't directly appear but there is a set of large humanoid-like bones that can be found which some attribute to a Bigfoot or possibly a cave giant so shout out to windagoon Aberdeen Farm the Aberdeen pig farm is a pretty disturbing location once you realize what's inside basically if you enter the home you meet a couple living there Bray and Tammy Aberdeen who may at first seem like nice people but really they are not only brother and sister but also serial killers who drug and murder their victims and they even offer Arthur a drink and a meal which you can turn down or take up on their offer which will lead to you getting drugged and robbed but not actually killed so you can actually return to the house and kill them and take your money back so all's well that ends well I guess grown-up Jack so most of you know I'm sure but if not I guess spoilers for the end of Red Dead one but well you play as Jack Marston in free roam as a young adult at the end of the game and of course in rdr2 since it's many years earlier Jack is only a child but there was a video circulating around from Red Dead 2 of seemingly glitched voice lines from Jack which shouldn't be in the game based on the timeline unless he was planned to be playable at some point in development and it led to a lot of speculation like maybe there would be a continuation of his story from Red Dead 1 in a DLC or something good morning hello sir good morning however it was revealed that Jack's voice actor was in the game or at least someone who sounded very similar to him but he wasn't actually portraying Jack but actually just some random NPCs that you can encounter which happened to glitch into the player's character which is strange I gotta admit so maybe there really is more to this whole story inhuman's skulls this is kind of a smaller one nothing too crazy here but in Red Dead 2 a player on the Red Dead Mystery subreddit posted an image of some strange skulls he found that didn't appear to be from humans leaving us to speculate as to what these creatures could actually be some said they could be from apes adult chimpanzees Pigmen skunk Apes also known as Florida's Bigfoot a real life urban legend and some even said that they could be from a Bigfoot or Sasquatch but the most likely theory is that they are actually just merely bare skulls as they do look very similar the ghost of Stillwater Creek we're finally back in Red Dead one I know it doesn't have as many notable myths or mysteries for that matter compared to the second game but although this location appears in both games in the first one it's actually said to be haunted by some sort of ghost of a woman who was spotted by players at late hours of the night typically during a full moon and with fog surrounding the area and if you approach the woman she is said to even scream and attack the player on site killing them but this is simply a myth and there is no real evidence of this chupacabra once again this is a popular urban legend in these Rockstar titles that is featured prominently in Red Dead 1 as a real mythical creature and enemy in a dead nightmare because once you reached rank 5 in the Undead Hunter challenges it will actually spawn a chupacabra in the Nuevo pariso territory signified by a message stating a mythical creature has appeared in the area and as for Red Dead 2 well it doesn't appear in the actual game all there is is a story told by Javier during one of the random Camp events where he talks about a tale his mom told him of a similar creature they would eat and suck the blood from cattle the vampire of sandini the vampire of sandini is one of the craziest and most interesting Easter eggs in the entirety of Red Dead 2. and it's no myth it's real basically in the town you can find a bunch of Clues and cryptic writings that eventually will lead you to drawing a map in the journal in the shape of a pentagram because of course why not which will lead you to a vampire consuming the blood of his latest victim one who looks eerily similar to count warlock from Nosferatu a silent horror film about a vampire from the 1920s and when encountered he threatens the player and tells them to leave and if you don't comply or attack him he can actually One-Shot you but he is just as easily killed and when you do you'll find some rather odd pickups on him such as stringy meat and bat wings as well as his unique dagger on the ground this guy has some other interesting properties like if you hog tie him and carry him around people seem disgusted by it and you don't actually become wanted for doing so and if you take him and drop him in the church he will actually die instantly which is another really cool and funny Touch by Rockstar I gotta say werewolf we got vampires so we gotta have a werewolf right well remember the last victim of the vampire of sandini some believe this guy might have actually been one due to his appearance and whatnot but that's not as interesting as this very real Wolf Man Easter egg or sometimes he's just referred to as the feral man an NPC that is hostile and will attack the player if they enter his cave in the Roanoke Valley he even has a journal he kept when he first ran away from home and through some investigation some people have come to the conclusion that this wolf man is actually the son of a gunsmith in Rhodes who actually kidnaps some other guy and dresses him as a young boy due to the trauma of his son going missing although some don't believe that to actually be true either way it's quite an interesting mystery and Easter egg Tempest Rim one of the locations you might not have heard of from Red Dead 2 is Tempest Rim because it's not actually accessible by the player through normal means as it's located in amberino and was designed as part of an earlier version of the map and would have been the first major location in the game very similar to Coulter from chapter one but otherwise there isn't really anything too notable here ship ghost in Red Dead 1 a rumor started to circulate around that the Shipwreck of the Serendipity was actually haunted by a ghost admittedly it is a pretty creepy location to visit and players began to notice and hear strange ambient noises and possible footsteps which led to further speculation not to mention the fact that in a mission a man is actually tortured on the ship but there is actually no solid proof of any such haunting Undead Nightmare Red Dead Redemption 2. so not gonna lie when Red Dead 2 was announced and eventually released I thought for sure at some point we would get Undead Nightmare too or something similar due to it being such an iconic and amazing DLC for the first game but sadly we never really did however there were a couple of hints at this coming to the game albeit not very strong evidence but there were some masks from undead nightmare that were found in the game three of them in fact but it really seems like these were just simple reused assets and nothing more unicorn again we're back to Undead Nightmare and red dead 1. this time with the mythical creature of the Unicorn which is actually a real Mount you can acquire in the game after you complete the four horsemen challenges as well as after you kill the chupacabra at which point the Unicorn will actually spawn in some Fields Northwest of torque Mata and it's actually the fastest horse in the game so it's definitely a good one to get wazia this refers to a cryptic and strange hidden poem that can be found through a letter located in Fort Riggs and rdr2 it looks like some English-speaking practice at first but players quickly figured out that it was actually a code and by using the first letter of each word you get the following poem wazia comes with winter breath his trees stand guard Whispering all night that we sleep in our grave father fought and died so quickly mother dies slow and this is actually in reference to a deity a giant from Lakota mythology that brings disease and famine that also guards the entrance to the Aurora Borealis Blackwater symbols similarly here we have some strange Aztec looking symbols found in the town of Blackwater once again in the second game and did a post on the Red Dead Mystery subreddit great source by the way for really cool finds in this game we see a breakdown of the decoded message which when converted into base 5 and then rearranged you get dare the peacemakers I used uh yeah that that thing being a deity featured in Undead Nightmare which of course people took as another clue that it was coming to Red Dead 2. but uh sadly of course that uh didn't happen and that is it for this video we had some urban legends and myths but mostly legitimate Mysteries created and put into the games by Rockstar some of which were solved and some that still continued to puzzle us to this day but let me know have you encountered any other interesting mysteries in these games because there are definitely more that I didn't talk about and more secrets are being found all the time even years later also let me know if I should look at some of the other rock star titles I know bully has a few but I don't really know if it's worthy of a whole video or anything either way leave a comment down below and as always thank you for watching It's Been Me Source brew and I'll see you all in the next video take care peace out foreign
Channel: sourcebrew
Views: 467,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red dead redemption 2, red dead online, rdr2, red dead redemption, red dead myths, red dead, sourcebrew, sourcebrew myths, rdr myths, undead nightmare, myths and legends, sourcebrew myths and legends
Id: RA4LAd7AhyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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