The Manner Of Prayer! - Pastor Richard Jordan

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the message of grace is brought to you by Christian people who believe the Bible to be the Word of God and who appreciate its power and authority within the pages of the Bible itself there's a god-given design for its study rightly dividing the word of truth is the key to understanding the Bible we're glad you've joined us for an interesting look God's and fallible book as Richard Jordan president of grace school of the Bible presents another in a series of messages designed to help you understand and enjoy the bike let's join him now I'm certainly glad you've joined us today we do trust at our time together in God's Word a rich blessing help to you through look again into the pages of the scripture the lot of the Spirit of God to teach us through his word God speaks to us through the scripture the Spirit of God wrote the book and when the Spirit of God wants to work in your life he works through his word we've been talking now and our in our studies together each week we began last week a series there's going to be two more weeks after today on prayer it's not gonna be a long long gaited kind of a study where we go over everything there is to go about it to know about it but we won't just talk about some very basic fundamental things about prayer because we all know we ought to pray first lesson 1 5:17 Paul says pray without ceasing everybody knows they should pray and yet we all also have questions about what we do are we praying right are we talking to God the way we ought to talk to him are we saying to him what he what he wants us to say it did we say it right you know I mean times that I talk to people soon what should I say to God kind of thing and it's like you're trying to talk to her girlfriend or something or you know somebody trying to meet and impress to sell something to you you tend to approach them just right how do you talk to God I mean here's God here's the creator of heaven and earth you don't just I mean can you just how do you converse with him well that's that's what one of the questions about prayer people say well if God knows everything you know and he does well then if he knows everything then you know then what should wash why should I talk to him about it what about you know if they already knows everything and then then why should I pray kind of superfluous to tell them what I think if he already knows everything well that's a good question how does God answer my prayer and why does he not answer it sometime kind of thing we have all kind of questions about prayer and and so what we want to do in our studies this week in next week or the next week it's just kind of look at the mechanics of how prayer operates last week we talked about the mystery of prayer listen please get it clear the mystery of unanswered prayer is really solved resolved by the mystery and prayer the mr. preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery the fact that there is more than one program in the Bible as the program called prophecy it's called out because it's not what you spoke about the mouths of all the holy prophets this world began and there's another program called the mystery because it's that which was kept secret since the world began but now is revealed by the Lord Jesus Christ through the ministry committed to the Apostle Paul two different programs and when you rightly divide the word of truth that's the most basic division and distinction in the Bible and most of the fallacies associated with prayer preaching and prayer practice that you will run into today that caused people to scratch the head and wonder and walk in in confusion is is really a basic fundamental failure to rightly divide the word of truth claiming promises that have nothing to do with you and me today as members of the body of Christ claiming promises that God made the nation Israel either in time pastor and the ages to come and acting like those promises are what God's doing today brings only confusion I'll set it to you again you have never been a big enough you will never be big enough a day in your life neither will your preacher your church your grandma anybody that you ever know is going to be big enough to make God do something he is not doing and the issue in prayer isn't what I'm doing and what I'm trying to tell God to do the issue is what is God doing find out what he's doing and then talk to him about that and how that applies to your life and to understand what God's doing today you have to study the Bible dispensational II you have to rightly divide the word of truth I talked to a man just a couple of days ago and he says all brother brother Rick now we're talking about dispensations people go who they get all upset he said well there it is right in the Bible but then they didn't have it in their Bible because they didn't have a King James Bible oh okay that's a big Bible word but it is the Bible word and it's a Bible concept and it's the Bible's way of studying it so when you're rightly divide the word of truth when you come to your Bible dispensational II and you realize when you recognize that where I'm going to get my information about what God is doing today it's going to be in the epistles of Paul we're almost through filing them and in a King James Bible when I understand that and I come to grips with the fact that it's in Paul's writings alone that you find the doctrine the position the walk and the destiny of the church the body of Christ then I know where to go to get my information about how to talk to God how to pray and I can understand why Paul says pray without ceasing because I'm not going to pray like the heathen pray jesus said that Matthew 6 don't pray like the heathen pray they think they're going to be heard for their much speaking I'm not gonna pray like Israel Jesus thought is Georges apostles when you pray after this matter our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come so on and so forth I will be done on earth as it is and hope that's Israel's kingdom prayer you can't pray that prayer today honestly you know good and well that you can't pray give us this day our daily bread with a straight face I know people get all upset so well brother if you shouldn't say that well what does it say you see that's a prayer that doctrinally fits the nation israel in a time when they don't have their daily bread and god is giving them daily bread he did it once back in the book of Exodus when he brought them out of Egypt gave them manna a day every day and in the tribulation the seventh week and down to Revelation chapter 12 he's going to feed him in that same ruler again the same way according to mark chapter 7 Jeremiah chapter 50 Psalm 74 and so on and so forth so they're gonna they're gonna get that daily bread as they did once with look it's got you know you haven't got anything to do with you praying about God giving you your daily bread when you got a refrigerator full of food and a pantry with weeks of food in it you see when you write to divide the word of truth you allow the Bible to make sense the way it makes sense and stead of trying to impose it on something that it didn't just relax when you study the Bible the sensation but you can let it be what it is and you'll have to make it something that it's not so the first thing to do is I send the mystery of prayer is solved by the mystery revealed through Paul today I want to talk to you a little bit about the manner of how should we pray then if we don't play like the heathen we don't pray like Israel we don't pray like religion it's not a performance-based accept this program before God then how should I pray Philippians chapter 4 verse 6 is the answer to that without any question let me just have to for verse 6 Paul says be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God that passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus that verse of scripture right though is very clear very simple very easy to to get what does God want me to say to him when I talk to him how does God want me to talk to him he says first of all be careful for nothing don't allow the cares of this world the things that Bob that come up in life to be the thing that dominates your life and Luke chapter number 10 that Express would be careful for nothing it is a classic example of it and Luke chapter 10 within Mary and Martha's house Jesus goes there Luke chapter 10 verse 38 and that came to pass as they went that he entered into a certain village and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house she's gonna entertain him and she had a sister named called Mary which also sat at Jesus feet and heard his word but Martha was cumbered and much about with much serving and came to Jesus and said Lord dost thou not care that my sister has left me to serve alone bid her therefore to that she helped me we got the food we got that we got serving got getting Mary was helping miss you so Bandhan me I need help jesus said answered and said unto her what Martha Martha now it careful and troubled about many things you see there's that be careful for nothing when he says to be careful for nothing he's not saying that you should be slothful in life don't pay attention if you got on this you know you don't don't put on a green pair of socks and a blue pair of socks at the same you know something not talking about that you know sometime I'll put on a certain and a pair of pants and they don't match and my wife says now you need to be more careful than that that's nobody's talking about what said be careful for nothing he's talking about this thing back you being full of care worried troubled all caught up in the details of life to the place where you are cumbered about by them don't let the circumstances of life run you and bog you down well then how am I gonna do that how am I gonna matriculate through life on a daily basis with the details of life without the details of life come bearing and troubling me we must don't flip in for verse six is all about that's what your prayer life is about handling the details of life in a way that you demonstrate the will of God if you're going to live your Christian life successfully you're gonna have to live the way Paul says pray without ceasing Paul if you try to live your Christian life without Paulie and prayer I didn't say pray like the heathen didn't say pray like Israel and tonight we're like tradition I said pray like Paul tells you to pray flippin 4:6 if you try to live your Christian life without Paul in prayer you're living it in the energy of your flesh because what prayer is designed to do is to take the energizing power of the word of God and release it into your life it's not designed to help you get things from God or tell God how you know better what you ought to do then what he ought to do than you do it's not designed trying to relieve your guilt it's not trying to get God to tell you what you need to do next everything you need to know about his will is in his word everything you need to know about taking care of guilt is done at the cross for you prayer is simply you're talking to God about what His Word says about the details of your life and how it applies to your life watch what he says be careful for nothing you know by the way you know what you can be careful for nothing because you've been made all-sufficient in all things your mind first contains 10 verse 13 there's no God look at it let's go there's 10:13 there is therefore no temptation which is taken you but such as is common to man that ought to relieve you there is something happens in your life so what's God trying to teach me nothing he already taught you what he wants you to know in his word there's no temptation no pressure no no no testing no problem or difficulty that's coming life but such as is common to man you're not experiencing some special temptation or testing or lesson from God today how do I know that's what the verse set you said yeah but brother excellent sir I don't care what what brother it forms though just believe the verse but God is faithful no matter what's happening in life today there are millions of other people on planet earth right now the same than some experiencing the same thing but you've got a leg up if you're a believer because in your circumstances God is there God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you're able o get that you are able he's able to make all grace abound toward you so that you have an all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work you are sufficient in Christ you are able to stand lacking nothing why because of the grace of God to you in Christ but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that's you may be able to bear it notice you don't escape like it going away you escape by being able to bear it but you you escape its destruction because you're able to endure through it then SEC took it away because this is the escape here it's by bearing it by it not destroying you you are able you are sufficient to stand lacking no thing that you need why because you've got to give me that provision in Christ sisters don't be kicked don't be worried about the don't be worried about what's going on don't be thrown by it you are able you are sufficient in Christ well then how do I take that sufficiency that's mine in Christ the verse tells me about and bring it into my experience there's where prayer comes in so if there's four six but in everything now what does that tell you is everything everything so I'm careful worried and anxious for nothing I'm gonna be prayerful for everything someone says well we shouldn't pray for physical things somebody else says well we said practice spiritual things you hear that so I said you said in present spirit so thanks because you're already the best of all spiritual blessings in heavenly places somebody else says we shouldn't pray for physical things because you're blessed with all spiritual blessings I mean people can you see if someone could get confused but this force helps you what does it show you pray for but in everything in every circumstances of life in every situation in life that includes everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God and that's pretty simple in in everything come with me to 1st Thessalonians chapter number 5 1st Thessalonians 5 verse number 18 in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you notice that verse very carefully in everything give thanks it didn't say for everything there are things that can come into your life that you cannot and will not be thankful for this whole thing about the power of positive thinking you know life can be beautiful think beautiful false it's just nonsense there are things that come into life that you're not gonna be thankful for when they come into your life but in that thing not for it but in it there's nothing ever happens in your life that in that circumstance you can't look to God and be grateful for the blessings of God if you can't be thankful for anything else you're gonna be thankful you're saved you can be thankful that the blood of Jesus Christ in spite of you is cleanse you made you accepted allowed God and His righteousness to you and give you his life and make you able even in your frailty to be more than conquerors through him that loved you but to see you've got to relax and not let circumstances be what dominates you you can't be careful you can't be have the circumstances to be what dictate you have to have your faith in who God's made you in Christ dictate what goes on and in everything by prayer by talking to God prayer is simply talking to God and supplication supplication is it's to talk to God about prayers just generally talking to ghana supplication is well here are something specific i need to talk about here's a special issue a specific issue with Thanksgiving let your request a request is here's how I look at it and this is what I think we ought to do so what you're doing here is you're talking to God in general terms about everything pray without ceasing every detail of your life you need to discuss with God yeah and you know people said well sort of talk to God about that of does it ever dawn on you that everything you think God hears it I mean let that penetrate your mind a minute somebody writes me a letter to say Jordan can Satan read your mind know that God can every thoughts you ever have all the two people of the universe know what one is you and the others God himself and once since you got to be happy about thought that nobody else knows it and and the other sense you got to be kind of cautious about that because God even God does that makes you thankful for the blog so if God knows everything you think then how how smart is it to say should I talk to God about this I mean he knows you're thinking that you said actually that's a thought that that's just silly so when I learn from the scripture that God knows every thought I have and I ask the question should I talk to God about it but what does the scripture tell me he already knows that's a that's a throwaway question uh don't ask that question anymore I realized that if I if I think it he hears it so I should think before him I should realize that every thought I have I have the privilege of having that thought in communion with God the Father who loves me and has provided complete and total acceptance and blessings to me because what he wants more than anything is that fellowship between him and that intimacy between him and I the word intimacy we use that word in marriage a lot the way to define that word is just the way it says in to me see there's only one other human you give them the privilege in life to see how that kind of into me see in your life not your spouse but my friend God has that and what the father desires what what the cross was what regeneration would salivate with what it's all about is that we should be to the praise of his glory who first trusted Christ he wants us he won't start it with you and that's what prayers about so we talked to him and we talked about what's going on in life and then we talked to him about my daddy used to say to me said Ricky you got two ears in one mouth what does that tell you it means you need to listen twice as much you should talk so when you talk to God you want to listen but the way you listen to God is you go to his word and let his word talk so I'm looking at life and I'm thinking about life therefore if I'm thinking about it I'm talking to God about it I'm not ignoring him I'm enjoying the privilege of looking at my with him looking at it with me now when I look at it and I begin to think about it and I began to talk to him about it I began to wonder well what does he think well I go to his word to find out what he thinks now if if you understand that the only place God's gonna speak to you is in his word what does that tell you I need to know how to study the Bible well if I need to know how to study the Bible what do I need to do I need to learn to rightly divide it I need to learn to study it God's Way I need the ones from dispensational Bible study duh I've gotta tune into brother Rick program next week you see there's a motivation for how to study I need to go find an assembler believers that study it rightly divided hey quit wasting my time with all this other stuff so dude so I got a motivation to so now my prayer life motivates me to study the scripture because I want to know what God says I want to know what he says then I want to take it and as I talked to him about life and what His Word says about it then all of a sudden there gonna be some specific things that come up but I'm not just Lord this is a nice wonderful day today well here's a specific problem here's someone who's wrong to me and they've offended me and they've hurt me and I got to deal with them today so how did I do that and I go to the scripture and I begin to look and I begin to find which says give place to wrath Benzes it's not our repay so I said okay that I'm not going to try to get even then the founder verses so for bearing and forgiving one another's God for Christ's sake forgave you and I said Wow can I do that kind of hold back how do you do that and you see the scripture begins to inform me about how to deal with that situation and I'm going to talk about what Lord how do I do that and how can I accomplish that I'll be and the word began to transform me because I'm talking to God about this specific thing and I'm making supplication I'm making some I've got an issue to talk with them about and then I begin to make requests Lord I've got to deal with the situation how to talk to that person I need to be forbearing and forgiving but I can't do it by myself I have to have I got to be Christ in me I got to do it by faith it's got to be your work and I'll begin to make specific requests and what I've done is I've taken my prayer life from the surface right down to the most basic level of where life is you see prayer the manner of your pray is not to be pragmatist will prayed with a prayer book where you just recite prayers it's not to pray like the heathen who just think talking is about you know the repetition is going to get it it's not prayer like religion with the formulas and the rites and the ceremonies it's not a performance-based acceptance program what if I talk to God right who'll give me something and if I don't he's gonna give me the cold shoulder for a whack in the head what what prayer is is coming and communing with God on the basis of who he's made us in his son if you look over to Phoenix chapter number three you commune with God on the basis of who he's made us in his son understanding that what he wants more than anything is that fellowship with you and with me we'll have to save Ephesians three so next time they tell me the times gone good reason for you to be here next time but if season 312 he says in Christ we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him and I can talk to God all the details of my life because I'm in Christ I stand in his merits and I'm able to fellowship with the father just like he does in Kaaba father with the father and bring that identity that I have in Christ into my experience and I can talk to him about the specifics and I can take what his word says about about life and about what's going on and I can put it into my experience prayer is designed for you to pray about everything in order that you can bring all the details of your life in the communion that you have with the Father so prayer really is just communing with God over what His Word says about the situation's the circumstances in your life and highest word would live there your circumstances are the context in which you go out and do the will of God and it's the you learn the will if got out of the word and then you take the word and applying it and that's what prayer is really about instead of talking to God about how his word works in life and then making that faith application of a renewed mind to the details of your life that isn't religion praying that idea is praying without ceasing there's no other way you can do that that's the communion the intimacy the fellowship the father invites you into when he invited you into the fellowship this song they talk more next time till then thank you brother Jordan for that message from the Word of God friends we have an audio CD we would like you to have to go along with today's study it's yours free of charge it's our way of saying thank you for listening we'll be happy to see that you receive your FREE copy along with a free subscription to our monthly Bible study the grace journal if you simply write us here and the message of grace the address should be on your screen that's the message of grace P o box 97 Bloomingdale Illinois 6 0 1 0 8 if you prefer you may also call us at regular business hours toll-free 8 8 8 5 3 5 2 3 0 0 the message of grace is a Ministry of Grace School of the Bible and we're glad you've been with us today if our study together has been a help to you we would be happy to put you in touch with a Bible study in this area where the message of God's wonderful grace is proclaimed from this rightly divided word and friend if you are still not sure of salvation that your sins are forgiven and that you have eternal life as a present possession let us know and we'll be happy to send you some gospel literature that will show you the way that address again is the message of grace P o box 97 Bloomingdale Illinois 6 0 1 0 8 thanks for being with us today and God's best until we meet next time for another message of grace Oh you
Channel: Understanding Grace - Grace Impact Ministries(GSB)
Views: 11,115
Rating: 4.8578682 out of 5
Keywords: Grace School of the Bible, PO Box 97, Bloomingdale IL, 888-535-2300, Richard Jordan, Grace Impact Ministry, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Grace, Spiritual Gifts, Shorewood Bible Church, Right Division, King James Bible, Hell, Death, Suffering, Satan, Lucifer, Adversary, Tim Tebow, Spoken Word, Friendship, church, sermon, Christian, religion, preaching, pastor, Forgiveness, Love, Depression, Hate, Despair, youth, revival, intercede, intercession, Peyton Manning, spiritual warfare, cross
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2012
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