The Maneuver - Airplane Marriage Proposal!

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[Music] just look at her sitting there sweatpants t-shirt and her comfy chair her hair in a bun one hand on a mug and the other one's playing his hair to a george street vinyl that yes no lionel [Music] and i know [Music] she don't know i [Music] all right all right 2000 magnetos are you ready i'm ready all right morehead traffic archer one five three one one taking a one-two departure to the south there's sixty-five [Music] i swear [Music] he's all yours maybe like what kind like what do you mean i'll show you okay so [Applause] this one's uh this one's pretty unique um we don't really do it a lot in training in fact it's kind of like an advanced maneuver great well don't worry you got an expert here you got an expert here so i mean this has been one that's been around for many many years it's it's kind of just one that we we do to um perfect uh sort of our training it's like the icing on top of the cake if you will um so i'll kind of talk you through a little bit so first you gotta be in the right kind of mindset um you know you gotta you gotta be ready essentially so prepare yourself um again i'm gonna talk you through it so don't worry um but so all right let's try to stay at 3 500. all right a little more yeah you can just stay right around here that's fine just keep from going up any higher stay right on this path all right um so you're going gonna be performing it but ultimately i'll be kind of controlling the situation so don't worry everything is everything is good um we call this one the circular engagement though so it's it's kind of a it's a very old school kind of thing um but the the whole idea is to show sort of like uh perfection and expertise once you've kind of mastered these other maneuvers oh am i going too high i'm going up a little bit all right all right so first thing we got to do is um make sure that we're clear to engage all right so um checking over everything we look like we're good to go um so then from there well i'll kind of give it to you like this i love you so incredibly much and there's nobody else i'd want to spend the rest of my life with you take me to do flight levels and i want you to be my co-pilot oh hannah christine will you marry me and make me the happiest guy ever [Music] yes okay someone's gonna fly you guys here put it on oh my god and actually your mom and your sisters are all waiting for us back at the airport right now [Music] i came to lies when i first kissed you the arms best you you make me better than i was before thank god i'm yours so i think you were gonna fool me [Music] wow i love you i love you oh my god it's beautiful i'll tell you the rest of the story when we get back because i want i want your sisters and your mom to be here they for it this was gonna happen yeah [Music] [Music] is [Music] nope this is real hey we're gonna get married we're getting married are we still going home tonight maybe there might be another surprise in store that you didn't know about oh my god you had me scared i was kind of nervous about doing a maneuver i was like did you you didn't catch on when i said circular engagement no yes and then i had i said we have to make sure we're clear to engage and i looked at your hand you're so creative forehead traffic archer one five three one one about four to the south east inbound landing runway one two morehead oh yeah we're coming back yeah they're waiting here for us we want to celebrate a little bit before we go your sister's kind of helped me pick this out yeah yep you guys did so good i um i found your pinterest page oh is it a little obvious a little bit obvious of what you like so it is beautiful it's perfect i just oh my god i actually just crossed 500 hours as [Music] well [Music] down we're getting married [Music] right now we're back in her hometown and i'm down on me i guess she finally figured out i'm gonna ask her to marry me that's when she said yes right there y'all [Music] [Applause] [Music] she don't know i got some big big plans she don't know what she don't know she don't know i got some big plans
Channel: Kyle Strike
Views: 209,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M1QAuxz0tpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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