The SURPRISE Magical Proposal - LIVE ON STAGE

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want to sign it and that way you can have something that you can remember I want to meet you I want to know what you're passionate about but this is something that I'm most excited about I want to show it to you right now because I think it is totally cool these are brand new they're my huge t-shirts well this one's little cuz it's a small but so I mean if you want if you're you can get a big one if you want it says dream big on the front and it says experience the magic it's got my website but that's not what's most important what's most important is this message and uh I hope that it hits you and that you want to grab it and take it home Hannah this one's for you for all your awesome hard work today you keep that and um I uh I want to bring out somebody extra special is that okay we're going to take a moment to bring in a guest uh Katie can I steal you for a second can you come so right now she's very busy she is she has got this headset on she's calling all of the cues for this show and so every time the lights change every time there's a sound CU she's telling somebody you better do that now I said do it now she's keeping me in line she's like Caleb are your pants reinforced do you have appropriate under did you tie your shoes no I didn't tie my so she'll tie my shoes come here I love you thank you for all of your hard work today I appreciate you and she looks good too oh my word okay who did that I'm just picking I'm just picking what are you doing see I'm my word oh my gracious um I'm thankful for you and all that you do to help me we have a really interesting story and so I wanted to take some time to tell you about this Katie and I I mean I was working hard to get this girl to even go out on a date with me like I could not give her I I could not get her attention to just give me the time of day and so I was like dropping books in the hall I was going up to her asking where the cafeteria was and she's like you've been at this school for 3 years and I finally got her to God on a date with me I took her to a scary movie and uh then afterwards I found out she hated scary movies so after begging her more I finally got her to keep going out with me which is probably one of the best things that has ever happened because she came in and she's had a huge impact on my life but while we were at my house this is pretty interesting we were looking through some of my little kid photos which can uh sometimes be embarrassing but we found one that was good and it was me in my preschool class and so it was me and a row of a couple chairs and then above me over here was my friend Nathan and uh I said you got to check out this picture this is my best friend Nathan and she said yeah right up there above your head is me I'm not making this up and right above here was Katie and she had a bow cut yeah but that's I'm just picking I'm just picking he had an afro I did I had kind of a white boy fro but I rocked it she also didn't mention I was wearing purple poroy overalls but whatever I think it is so interesting how people are brought in and out of our lives at different times and I think it's done for a very specific reason I think it was Tyler Perry I was watching this past week he said that some people they they're brought into your lives for different reasons some people are there so it's like a tree some of them are just leaves they kind of they're there for a season and then they fall and you got to let them die you got I don't know where he's going with that but you know and then there but there are some people that in that tree they're the roots and you only need four or five of them but when you got that you don't need anything else to keep going and uh it's like my best friend Joshy says you can count you should be able to count your best friends on one hand and Katie is number one on my list and so I'm thankful that she's it's over here I'm thankful that she's my best friend and I'm thankful that you're out here tonight cuz this is so cool by the way I took a tissue paper and turned it into a rose thank you but that's not the cool part Katie I love you will you marry me I love you come [Music] here look at this surprise I paid for all these people to come this not even a show we just did this for you I love you okay get back there do your job we got the rest each other I love you hey come on give me one more leg he come back give me one more I love [Music] you and I didn't cry [Applause] oh shut up my MMO's here they let her out of the home I'm just King they knew she yeah everybody knew you don't worry about it you're fine um
Channel: Caleb Sigmon
Views: 120,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magic, Illusionist, Caleb, Sigmon, Trick, Wedding, Tricks, Engagement (Quotation Subject), Engagement, proposal
Id: 7SLXdM62yUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 27 2014
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