The Mandalorian Theme Song Metal Version (ft. Artwork by Ken Coleman) || Artificial Fear
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Channel: ArtificialFear
Views: 1,012,095
Rating: 4.9573293 out of 5
Keywords: the mandalorian, mandalorian theme song, the mandalorian theme song, mandalorian remix, mandalorian cover, mandalorian guitar, mandarlorion metal verison, mandalorian metal guitar, star wars, star wars metal, star wars metal remix, mandalorian metal remix, disney metal, mando metal, beskar, mando guitar, this is the way, i have spoken
Id: Wa6j9QqkaQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 17sec (197 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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Dam, they really need to put this in season two when he goes toe to toe with Moff Gideon.
This needs to be in iTunes!
Cool - is that you playing?