1989 Batman Theme (Metalized) - Artificial Fear
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Channel: ArtificialFear
Views: 836,910
Rating: 4.9594474 out of 5
Keywords: batman, batman theme song, batman theme, batman remix, batman 1989, batman tim burton, batman danny elfman, Danny Elfman (Composer), Tim Burton (Film Director), batman metal, the dark knight, the dark knight rises, Arkham Asylum (Fictional Setting), arkham city, arkham knight, batman arkham knight, batman guitar, batman begins, bat man metal, bat metal, batman metal cover, batman metal remix, tim burton metal, batman theme metal
Id: Xtya_7sx3Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 37sec (217 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2012
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Awesome, though it's not the animated series theme - it's the main theme from the '89 and '92 movies.
Here's Powerglove's version. I personally find it to be a little better.
Very nice. But is that hand lotion under his computer desk?
Am I the only one that came for the song but stayed hoping to get a better look at that arcade cabinet?
Love it!
Everytime I see that batman logo, I just see oddly sized and spaced yellow teeth. I've always seen that, ever since the NES Batman game.