How 'The Mandalorian' Score Found The New 'Star Wars' Sound
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Channel: Variety
Views: 2,329,350
Rating: 4.9772863 out of 5
Keywords: Variety, Variety Studio, ludwig goransson, ludwig goransson mandalorian, the mandalorian, the mandalorian theme, the mandalorian season 2, the mandalorian trailer, ludwig goransson community, ludwig goransson tenet, star wars
Id: aQIcZbzr9Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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The Mandalorian is great, but it's really the music that makes it something special! Fantastic work.
Hey! That’s the same guy who worked on Redbone!
Ludwig will go down as a legend!!!
I'm really surprised he doesn't mention the spaghetti western influences obviously inherent in the theme. It took me a couple episodes to come around on it but the merger of western and star wars is done really well.
Shit that was fantastic
I wish that the composer would have looked at some of the old Mandalorian songs from the EU. Many of them are quite excellent.
The sound quality of his voice is terrible considering it looks like he's in a recording studio.
The sound track (much like the show) was very hit or miss. It had some really cool western themes that sounded sort of bad ass. But then it had that one acoustic guitar song in the show was so freaking cheesy and out of place. I can’t even remember what episode it was in.
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