The Man With Britain’s Biggest Penis Reveals His Size Causes Intimacy Problems | This Morning

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all that though here's a question for you something that many men wish for but for Matt bar being well endowed has affected his entire life Matt has Britain's biggest penis measuring over 12 in when erect which is more than double the average size far from being a gift though Matt's large penis comes with some equally large challenges and he joins us now to discuss some of those morning to you Matt good morning thank you for coming in uh many people would observe this and the idea of being well endowed being a bit of a dream but for you it's it can be a nightmare is that right yes I think people have you know there's a it's a very insalubrious topic to bring up so I think people have learned a lot of myths from pornography and stuff where they don't realize the implications that it would have when you're actually living with a situation on a day-to-day basis when did you first realize that perhaps you had a little bit more than some of your classmates or some of your teammates in a sports team or something like that I mean predictably it was in the showers at school I think that's when everyone has the first encounter with what anyone else looks like so I sort of grew up as well before the internet as well so there wasn't even any real expectation of that stuff and then had a little a book that my parents gave me about sex education and then I sort of compared myself to the book and I was larger soft than the book said that was normal erect at that point I like that is how you deal with that yeah yeah as a teenageer is tough well yeah and at that age all kids want to do is fit in and be the same as everybody else essentially yeah I think that's the that's exactly what it is people will make fun of you or you know being a freak whatever the element is even if it's something that's beneficial in in life in some ways it is not what people want want to just be normal and when you're not it's uh easy easy Point especially when I was a very sh kid so it was not easy to fit in yeah and you kind of want to dispel this myth essentially that bigger isn't always better no it's definitely not I mean besides you know the Practical issues I think it does come a lot of the things people think about oh it's more virile you know you're more manly or stuff again these are just miss you get because the people who are braggy about it often are a lot of times people black about it over compensating for example or they just you know they want to promote themselves doing adult work where that is a selling point but it's not again it's not in everyday life everyday life it's not and for the normal person who has that well again not not not normal this size but it wouldn't be beneficial yes there is I mean so look we've got this ruler with us just to try and illust illustrate so this essentially is is is is how big your penis is when it's erect oh yeah obviously the thickness is a lot biger yes and of course let's we're not taking into the to the girl the real issue so the practicalities of something like that as much as people might go gosh it would be amazing to be so well endowed what is the reality of that for you Matt I mean the reality is you just have to consider it's obviously I want to say you know it's the the biggest problem in the world right now of course it's not but it's just something that affects you in a way that people don't think about because they only thinkig about the stuff when it comes to adult content yeah or or Pub jokes for example you know like crack jokes in yeah you know I grew up in the time with the lad mag when that was like very much you know the big was better was the was the ethos and obviously you know we've reached the point now where we're not so far Centric as a culture there's a lot about women's pleasure and female voices in the media to be able to sort of dispel a lot these myths but certainly when I was growing up that was not the case and you just then mentioned women and how did girls react to it when you're dating it's it's difficult because it's not something you can really spring on people with a surprise because it just tends to scare people away generally yeah unsurprisingly uh but you don't want to be creep and like bring it up early but it's how do you that how do you start that conversation big topics approach yes no no pun intended but it is difficult to be able to to raise that without coming across creepy because it it's like it's a physical practicality obviously you can have relationships without you know a physical component but obviously when you know ideally if you're marrying someone or settling down you do want to know knowing that's off the table is is is difficult you know it's not so have you found that there are are some advantages to it and some women would be interested because they love the idea of of of somebody who is is one down they love the idea more than the practical because even say in in in P there's lots of filters being used lots of again it's very small bodies yeah like camera angles and stuff so and a lot of exaggeration of measurements in that so when they face someone that's actually that size it's not what they want even people who are quite Keen generally but there are people who like it just from like a bragging point of view oh I've done this you know blah blah blah have you ever been approached by anybody in the adult movie industry to sort of employ it uh for those purpos yes it's just not you know something I'm particularly interested in you know I think again it's it's it's a difficult job it's real work it's just it's not not for me personally yeah and I can imagine it being quite upsetting as well if if someone kind of approaches you and goes yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm completely into it and then turns around and goes no no no no no yeah obviously because yeah the people's you know what's the word m big in the stomach is the is the phrase yeah uh it's it's it's it's challenging or if there's an ulterior motive to it as well you ever yes I've been approached by one girl I thought was a normal date and then at the end of it she's like oh yes want to film for my only fans a bit like so she was using it as a money making exercise exactly I think that's the issue a lot of people do obviously it's the only top that usually comes up when you know it's a money-making thing as opposed to a practicality have you considered surgery I mean it seems a ridiculous thing to suggest but you know we see I've got you know women would often have if they've got large breast they have breast reduction to try and make that more manageable there's there's physical implications with with breast which can make him really really uncomfortable have you similarly thought about that yeah I have looked into this uh it's very expensive surgery it's about 15,000 roughly uh it's not done very often it's only done normally in the cases of um tumors and things like that in the case of normal function it's not um common right and in terms of practicalities clothes underwear just general daytoday life how does it affect you I mean you can dress around it it just takes a lot of effort obviously you have to you know if you've seen drag race there's a lot of tucking in that show it's a similar so you employ similar tactics similar tactics at scale just left off eyelashes slightly you know naturally good enough and You' you've also been thrown out of the odd yoga class because people have have sort of mistook what they can see as as you being a little bit aroused yeah I think that's that's sort of one of the real issues in terms of it obviously you know again I was wearing you know a very baggy shirt baggy shorts but yoga you make positions and I think people just got the wrong idea and that's sort of the way sometimes goes but again you can dress normally in baggy clothing and it's not too difficult custom underwear that exists as well so you've written a book about your experience about the book yes so was a documentary a while ago and people approached me and said oh this would be good this is you got articulate hopefully every day an amusing way of talking about this problem which no one very few people really have um do you want to write more about it from this perspective it's a non-adult point of view it's a probably bit neurotic journey through life with uh with my this gift or curse depending on how you look at it and yes uh hopefully be out next year and where can people if people are interested in hearing about the book where can they pre-order that uh my uh pre-orders AR available but the website biggest p uh so that's your website my website for yes all the news okay it's it's it's it's fascinating that because you can you can imagine that the majority of people watching would be going what an absolute gift to be able to sort of stand there and have you know more than a more than enough uh would you would you say having a smaller penis would be you would be happier than having your the biggest penis in Britain well in terms of the things people think of as gifts I'd much rather have you know wealth or the good looks of Mr van sheeper for example that would be far more beneficial to me should seem before makeup there's a very heavy still yeah it's not really obviously people are very mistaken about what benefits it gives you in life so and and and and as you said Matt you're you're we can see that you're quite a shy person as well so to be talking about something that is so intimate must be difficult for you yes but I'm trying to dispel some of the stigmas I don't see why there's any different talking about this than for talking about you know breasts or talking about any other bodily part that needs to discuss it's just a medical issue it's not over it's not sexualized it's just a fact of life yeah well thank you very much for joining us this morning thank you mat yeah good luck good luck with the book hopefully you can find somebody you can settle down with and have a lovely relationship with make that manageable as well let's find out yeah there come back and see us
Channel: This Morning
Views: 200,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: This Morning, This Morning ITV, Holly Willoughby, Phillip Schofield, Alison Hammond, Dermot O'Leary, ITV, STV, Josie Gibson, Craig Doyle, Rylan, This Morning Funny Moments, This Morning Funniest Moments, This Morning Interviews, Alison Hammond Interviews
Id: A0pXRL5Xccs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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