The Man Hunting Satanic Cults | Wilfred Wong | KONCRETE Podcast #69

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[Music] hello world today's guest is wilfrid wong wilfred is an international human rights activist who's been investigating a phenomena called satanic ritual abuse for the past 27 years satanic ritual abuse also called sra is a brutal form of abuse on children youth and vulnerable adults consisting of physical sexual and psychological abuse and it involves the use of satanist rituals this was a wild and terrifying conversation so grab your bible and buckle up folks enjoy so thanks again for doing this um if you could if you could just explain to the people listening sort of who you are and a little bit about your background sure um i'm a former barrister um in england there are two types of lawyer solicitor or barrister barrister does the work legal work uh mainly in the courts and represent clients in the courts um it's a it's a profession divided between solicitors and barristers in this country and i used to be a barrister but now i'm working full time on other issues and one of those issues is satanist ritual abuse which i have worked on for the last 27 years how it started was when a british mp member of parliament approached me about a satanist ritual abuse case that he had been approached about and asked me to get involved because he knew that i was involved in campaigning for children's rights and i've done a lot of work over the last 27 years on children's rights issues including child sex abuse but also sra and it started from there that was in january 1993 so more than 27 years now i've been following this issue of sra speaking out on it campaigning on it uh sometimes writing articles doing interviews speaking at conferences trying to get a word out because this is a very hidden issue and this is what makes it so difficult to deal with sometimes is the general public's ignorance of the issue or disinterest in the issue or sometimes their knee-jerk reaction of skepticism uh which makes it difficult to get them to take action on the issue so explain what exactly is sra satanist ritual abuse is a brutal form of mistreatment that is inflicted on children or vulnerable adults and it involves psychological physical and sexual abuse and it is done in the context of satanist rituals and it is normally in most cases done not as a one-off incident but as a repeated form of abuse over a period of time usually a period of years that the victim is subjected to sra so it inflicts huge damage on the survivors some of the people who are subjected to sra do not survive unfortunately uh sometimes they are murdered as part of the ritual uh usually in a ritualistic way we call that ritual sacrifice and it is the satanist rituals and the satanist beliefs that encompass this what i would call atrocities against children and vulnerable adults it's sex abuse and torture uh combined together and it's repeated over and over and it's hell basically for the victims who have to go through this and when they come out at the other end if they survive and they try and tell their stories to others usually they are victimized a second time by people rubbishing what they are trying to reveal and saying that can't be true or you're telling lies or you're delusional and i would refer to that as a secondary form of abuse so one thing that makes it so hard for the public to accept is because it's so awful it's unimaginable horror but it does exist i think throughout human history we have many examples of people thinking that oh well we've already reached the depths of human depravity can't get worse unfortunately it does get worse so there was a time in the uk for example not that long ago when even child sex abuse was disbelieved because people found that too horrible to accept and just didn't want to to believe that it was true and the victims of child sex abuse who were trying to report it were disbelieved and were scolded or warn not to repeat their allegations again and now we have the same kind of disbelief in many cases leveled as sra although i'm pleased to say that the public interest in sra and willingness to seriously consider it as as a real issue is starting to shift in the right direction at least in the uk i know you have a struggle in america as well over this issue uh but i think one advantage america has is that it's a more open society than the uk and it's easier to talk openly about these subjects over there than in the uk or other parts of europe so what was it like or how did you become aware of this for the very first time well i who made you yeah so i was basically just saying like who made you aware of it and what was the situation well i i had heard about this subject before january 93 when i first started working on it and i had done some reading on the subject so when i was asked to take on this issue i wasn't totally unaware of what sra consisted of but in a way i was thrown in at a deep end because i was asked to meet a group of sra survivors who were being treated by a doctor and all of them had dissociative identity disorder did which used to be known as multiple personality disorder so i saw some adults for example in front of me shifting from their core adult personality to a little child personality that caused them to talk in a very different voice act in a very different way these uh fragmentation of their core personality into all these different what we call alters uh alternative personalities is actually a survival mechanism more than a disease it's not a disease it's not a mental illness it's a survival mechanism that victims of sra especially children use because what they're subjected to is so horrible it's so horrific that mentally a child cannot cope so what they do is they fragment their mind into other personalities to cope with the the torture and the abuse and they let that personality bear the brunt of the suffering and that enables the core personality to remain safe and distance from it so in many of these cases you'll find child personalities who exist still at the time which they were created so for example there may be a case of an sra survivor who formed a child personality in 1974 for example when that person was being subjected to sra and many years later that child personality may come up uh for example doing therapy and still think in that child personality he or she will still think that it's 1974. um there's also sometimes uh what you call a guardian personality who is like the bodyguard there to help protect the core personality and that guardian personality can be very aggressive and overly assertive and if it's a female it might even take the formal if it's a female core personality it may the guardian might even take the fall of a male uh uh to add to the aggressive nature of that altar so it's it's a sad fact that about 80 percent of people suffering from did are sra survivors that means the majority of the id sufferers have the id because since childhood they were subjected to the most horrible abuse and torture by satanist abusers and the end result the only way they could mentally cope and survive was through the fragmentation of their core personality into all these different personalities and i know of an sra survivor for example who was abused since a very young age since she was practically a baby and she has hundreds of altars literally hundreds it's not impossible for them to integrate all their alters into the core personality but it usually takes years of therapy to do that it is a survival mechanism because the alternative if they couldn't split into their different personalities would have been simply losing their mind uh having a complete mental breakdown so in order to survive they have this and and it's interesting to note some some sra survivors get so used to it and see the positive side of it that they find it hard sometimes to let go of the separate alters and integrate them into their core personality because they've grown rather fond of having that altar or too used to it perhaps okay um so one way i think to find out more about sra in a particular location or or city is to talk to the therapists who specialize in dealing with did and see if they're willing to share with you what they know some of them may be afraid to talk about sra because they think that they will damage their careers if they do so but others will be more willing to just be upfront about it because they believe in exposing this evil in fact the only way to stop this evil is to expose it and for too many years it's been hidden from public knowledge i was in this building full of sra survivors who were shifting from one altar to another they were badly damaged i felt so sorry for them it can be a shock to anyone who's not seen this before and the doctor told me that the local member of parliament had visited him on another occasion recently and that she did not last more than about one and a half hours before she made some excuse to leave because it was just too disturbing for her to see but yeah in that sense i was thrown in a deep end and i stayed there the whole day uh finding out what i could and uh hearing the stories very sad stories of some of the survivors now some of the things you hear about satanism um compared to what you're talking about i know there's people in the uk that run these quote satanic temples and they will openly discuss how satanism is about the worship of oneself or the introspective behavior of facing your own problems or facing your own demons looking inward um and it's sort of a love affair with yourself uh so how does how do these people differ from these sort of satanic covens that you've investigated well i think uh in essence they don't really differ from them very much but they are presenting a very small aspect of what they really believe for example i do surveillance on satanist covenants and i know that they like to meet not only on the dates of the satanic calendar they also like to meet on the birth dates of their members because as you said earlier what the satan satanist temple claims that they also believe in the worship of oneself so for them the birthday is like the birth of god because they regard themselves as being gods and satanism is not only about worshiping the devil as god but considering oneself as god and so the birthdays of their members is a date for them to have a ritual and a significant um religious day you could say and and so they haven't told the full story which is that they're worshiping themselves as gods does not negate they're worshiping the devil as god they're doing both they're doing both but they know people have generally a bad impression very rightly so in my view of the devil so they keep the devil in the background you say oh well we're just worshiping ourselves uh what's wrong with that well the problem is that also leads to an attitude of we can do whatever we want and there's no such thing as us doing wrong uh we can do whatever we want satisfy our desires regardless of who it may harm as long as we get our satisfaction because we are gods we can do anything god can do anything i can do anything and you've heard the phrase probably of do what thou wilt do whatever you want and anton lavey as you know the former head of the church of satan in the usa he summed it up uh as do whatever thou wilt is the all the law that satanists will have is to do whatever you want and that of course includes doing whatever you want even if it's at the expense of others even if it causes harm to others doesn't matter as long as you satisfy your wants and after all uh god can do whatever he wants so i am a so-called god i can do whatever i want uh and all that matters is that i have my needs fulfilled no matter how perverse those needs may be alistair crowley the leading satanist in the uk said the same thing and in fact i'm pretty sure that what alistair crowley said influenced anton lavey to say uh something very similar and so this is the danger of this attitude of a person being god it's not only that they can do whatever they want uh they can do the most terrible things to others and justify it uh not in an objective way of course it's purely subjective but justified to themselves on the belief that i'm all-powerful i'm god i will decide what's right and wrong because god decides what's right and wrong and what's right is whatever satisfies my needs so you imagine you that belief in in the hands of someone who believes that it's okay for adults to sexually abuse children well as long as i get my needs satisfied no matter how many children i abuse um do what they will i will do it i am a god and i will have my way so this is the problem with uh this kind of presentation they're trying to make satanism seem harmless and respectable even but they're not giving you the full picture in practice the full picture is you get practices like sra which of course they will more often than not in fact i've never heard of them actually acknowledging its existence deny that it exists because sra is a very inconvenient reality that stops them from being mainstreamed especially in the usa i believe satanists are trying hard to get mainstream recognition as as a supposedly respectable religion whereas in the uk it's more hidden but there are some moves towards more recognition for example in the royal navy in the uk in 2004 they had recognition to have satanist rituals done on royal navy ships uh so so you're saying on the outside on the outside basically for face value and in terms of what they portray to the media is like i mentioned before it's an introspective look at worshipping oneself you know there's they don't portray that we can do whatever we want and obviously the child abuse stuff they don't want that to be in the public light that's sort of once you get behind the veil they reveal that to you it sort of reminds me of scientology for are you familiar with scientology yes um but just to add what you mentioned about behind the veil i have uh i know some british ex-satanists who have since left satanism and they have blown the whistle on what goes on in satanism so some of the things i've said just now uh is backed up by those statements by ex-satanists that as you riley said a lot of it is behind the veil and they don't undervale pulled they want to be able to stay there right like scientific scientology for face value they push this book called dianetics which basically you know it it um it talks about being productive and getting things done and bettering yourself um and once you get inside and start to pay them all kinds of money i mean that's a huge thing is they want money from you that's how they that's how they survive um besides being tax exempt of course but once you sort of level up in scientology now they reveal to you this galactic confederacy ruled by this overlord by the name of xenu and you don't hear about any of that until you get inside and pay them a bunch of money otherwise people would just think it's complete horseshit yeah you're right that is the i would describe as the worm on the hook when you catch the fish you got to put the worm on the hook you just give them the hook and the fish will never bite so the worm on the hook for satanists is what you described as the satanic temple claiming that uh it's about worship of self and they'll probably bring in nice attractive phrases like self esteem self realization etc etc and as with the book dianetics for scientologists this is the worm on the hook for satanists draw people in but the thing about satanism is that as with scientology as many people have alleged i think once you're in it's pretty hard to get out you may even find yourself being seriously threatened when you try to get out right so once you bite on that attractive looking worm like a fish you're on the hook and it's not going to be easy to get yourself off the hook and there's going to be a lot of fighting that you're going to have to do so it's better not to get in in the first place now what is your what have you studied on anton levay is he do you think anton levay was involved with any sort of child abuse or this pedophilia what i understand about larvae is that there have there has been at least one allegation of sra against him uh apparently by a family member um i don't dwell a lot on u.s sra cases for the simple reason that i've got more than enough uk srs cases that more than fill up my plate but this is what i understand from a u.s source who works on sra that there has been a serious allegation of sra against uh antonov at least one if not more um the the fact of the matter is with satanists especially you you should never take what they claim publicly at face value you've got to look deep behind because they are masters of deception you know i describe satanists as oscar-winning actors and actresses because they put on oscar-winning performances all their lives imagine some of them are very respectable they do respectable jobs some of them are even in government but at night when they believe that no one is watching and they're at their coven meetings they do the most horrific things to children of vulnerable adults and then they go back to respectability the next morning and carry on with their respectable jobs sometimes very highly paid professional jobs and so they leave this double life all their lives and so they're very good at deception they're very well practiced at it i remember once meeting a former senior police detective in the uk who by the way is a satanist abuser himself i know from various victims who've seen him at the rituals and one of whom was even sexually assaulted by him and he was acting the act very convincingly as the former police detective and speaking very convincingly and the interesting thing is he was trying to persuade me not to describe sra as satanist ritual abuse because the one thing satan is hate is for the finger to be pointed at satanist or satanism they hate that which is all the more reason why we need to say sra satan's ritual abuse because then we are pointing to the source of sra which is satanist ritual satanist beliefs without satanist beliefs there would be no sra you see that's why they hate that so much they they need to at least get the word satanist dropped from sra to help conceal themselves and every time we expose them we are helping to protect children by making it harder for them to remain hidden and to remain in secret and we make it harder for them to mainstream themselves and get respectability as a major religion because you cannot recognize a belief system that encourages serial torture of children serial killing and serial sexual sex abuse of children [Music] to become a a religion it's it's like saying well you know why don't we we take the practices of ted bundy and turn that into a religion you know because you're just giving a license to sociopaths to start their own religion if you do give that kind of recognition to the people behind sra you see but they want they want the financial benefits they want the political benefits of becoming a respected religion and they are further down the road on this in the u.s than they are in the uk in the uk at the moment they're still trying to pretend they don't exist but we know that they exist now can you explain who this man by the name of jimmy seville is jimmy savile was uh okay long time um celebrity big time celebrity very popular in britain and he is also officially in britain the most prolific sex abuser in british history he had hundreds of victims he did both child sex abuse and satanist ritual abuse his core beliefs were satanism satan satanists often disguise themselves under other religious groups or atheism but they can't believe their real belief system if they are satanists will be satanism because satanism demands 100 commitment and they are only adopting that appearance as a disguise as a concealment so jimmy savelle pretended to be roman catholic but his all the rapes he he committed over decades uh in fact the last known alleged rape that he committed was when he was 82 years old and satanism and sra of jimmy savol was exposed by one courageous newspaper in the uk known as the sunday express and they had survivors testimonies of having been ritually abused as children by jimmy savol and then another sra survivor of jimmy several saw that first article came forward and shared her testimony and then made the story for the second article on jimmy several's satanism and sra and then a third person well another person who had quietly documented jimmy savelle's visit to his town in northern england for years to attend satanic rituals produced his research to the sunday express and they did a third article on jimmy several satanism [Music] uh based on that i have the links to all the articles if people want to walk to look at them they're on the internet uh and is there a place where people can go to sort of look at all this stuff like do you have a website where people can look at yes i have a website which has these articles as well um i will email you my website uh the name of the website is is kasra coalition against satanist ritual abuse i will email you that and my email address as well for people who might want to get in touch uh because they need help uh with with a sra case and the important thing is he got away with it he was raping so many children over decades uh and in some cases adults hundreds more than 450 in total and he was never arrested he was never charged with the crimes he did the now sorry how do you know it's 450 how many people have come forward and spoken about this or have claimed to be victims of jimmy the numbers attributed to him based on the hundreds of victims who came forward hundreds of victims came forward yeah it's about 450. wow hundreds of victims capable unfortunately but by the time they came forward he had already died but some had tried some said they had tried when he was still alive to tell others about the abuse they suffered one child had tried at least one child that tried and was disbelieved because the problem with the with the attitude here at least probably is the same in america is oh he's a well-known and respected celebrity he can't possibly have done such awful things perhaps today we're a bit more streetwise about celebrities that they do do dark things sometimes when they think they're not being watched they're not that they're not shiny white and clean as they may present themselves but uh probably back then a couple of decades ago when you try to expose a celebrity it will be even much much harder to do so uh and so the child who tried to expose what saddle did to her was simply disbelieved and scolded for her troubles and this is what we we need to learn i mean we can't get several now obviously he's already dead but are we going to learn that just because a person is a celebrity should not make that person uh bulletproof when it comes to sex abuse allegations uh are we willing to look more closely at the celebrities and not simply by the personality as authentic that they are trying to present to us are we going to listen to the victims this is very key issue do we actually listen seriously to victims whether they're children or adults uh of of sex abuse i'm not saying 100 of them 100 of the time are going to be accurate but i would say that most of the time they are accurate and we should seriously consider rather than simply dismiss off hand which which often happens uh their allegations of sex abuse whether it's sra or child sex abuse we need to take these issues seriously and thoroughly investigate them because they are serious in the uk at least we have a common problem of the police not thoroughly investigating sra allegations and sometimes just going through the motions of investigating and then shutting it down and the common excuse and it's just an excuse is there's not enough evidence of course there's not going to be enough evidence if you don't bother to thoroughly investigate whatever evidence you have got now so it just becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy if if they start off the investigation with the attitude of well there's not gonna be enough evidence and and then they're just going through the motions they're just putting on a show in that sense and that has allowed the sra to continue with near impunity you know as i say to people here impunity is not something confined only to certain latin american banana republics impunity is alive and well in the uk when it comes to sra it has been going on for years and the police have repeatedly not done their job properly to thoroughly investigate it and even with child sex abuse cases which are not sra uh the police have also failed there especially in both csa and sra cases especially when certain vips are involved of course one vip would have been jimmy savile the police are reluctant to pursue investigations was jimmy savile connected to the royal family in the uk and do you think the situation with jeffrey epstein and gillane maxwell is connected to all of this i would say that uh in jimmy savile's case he knew prince charles which is quite public uh he it does not mean that there is strong evidence to indicate that prince charles was somehow involved in this i've heard people alleging that the royal family are somehow involved in sra uh i remain open-minded but i at this present time will not go so far as to say they are involved because i have yet to interview a sra survivor who said such and such royal family member ritually abused me and i have yet to meet anyone who can corroborate that allegation so uh i i leave it open for now um i cannot say at this point because i haven't come across the witnesses myself so far that that they are involved in sra the epstein case one thing i would say is that it's being presented as child sex abuse pedophilia rather than as a satanic abuse case so i suspect there are probably sra elements and satanist elements in the epstein case i wouldn't be surprised at all if epstein was a satanist who did sra but the publicities surrounding it so far has not really revealed that and it's not surprising because especially when it comes to well-known people there's often a kind of cover up by the media to hide the satanic sra aspects of the case that's what happened with several by the way only one uk newspaper had the guts to expose the satanism and sra in the several case other newspapers wrote loads of articles about savile without even mentioning satanism or sra once so it was all this coverage which left out some of the key issues there because if you want to know and these newspapers are all asking do you if you want to know how he managed to get away with it for so many years i would say well first you got to expose the satanism and sra because uh a lot of the cases in the uk i would say the majority of covered up child sex abuse cases in the uk are sra they are more likely to be covered up than the [Music] so-called ordinary child sex abuse cases because there are connections between the satanists and influential people some of the satanists are themselves influential people there's also the links with freemasonry so uh i'm waiting to see and i hope it will happen soon that the epstein case if there are satanic elements in it that that will be publicly exposed by the media uh one interesting thing about epstein that could be a clue to satanist involvement is that he had an unusual unusually strong interest in eugenics eugenics and he even spoke at conferences on eugenics can you explain what eugenics is uh eugenics is basically about uh to put it bluntly getting rid of the less uh the less supposedly intelligent people and the less successful people and those from the lower rungs of society getting rid of them getting rid of those who are considered a burden to society so as to improve the so-called gene pool and to have a supposedly better quality of human being being reproduced and it kind of falls in pretty pretty much with satanist attitudes it's very elitist and has a kind of ruthless attitude of well we don't want these riffraff to be reproducing so we'll find ways to stop them reproducing or to kill off their their offspring uh or to abort their offspring one example would be there's quite a push by pro-abortionist to abort babies with down syndrome and to stop any down syndrome child from [Music] being born and that's their solution inverted commerce to the problem of down syndrome get rid of all of them so there's no more i bought them all in the womb no more down syndrome problem solved because we kill all of them off that's a kind of eugenics attitude hitler had a very eugenics attitude uh wanting to get rid of not just the jews but he he killed his own people first with euthanasia he killed a lot of the people that he thought were a burden on society the elderly the infirm the disabled he had euthanasia policies to get rid of them he started there even before he started sending the jews to the concentration camps to die he started with those people in his own nation who he deemed to be not worth uh continuing to live so this elitist attitude of killing off those who they decide have lives that are not really worth living uh is eugenics that really fits in with a kind of satanist attitude to the weak and the infirm which is get rid of them or exploit them get rid of them or exploit them it's very elitist satanism is very elitist so you often hear people referring to the global elite uh who many of them are satanists and they are pushing a satanist agenda for the globe so epstein was into this in a more than uh just an average passing interest to the point that he was even a speaker at some of these conferences on eugenics and that kind of suggests that he had an interest in common with satanists on this ultimately satanists would like to enslave anybody who's not in their camp and treat them as slaves and will regard them as slaves and inferior to them and will kill a lot of them as well offer them up in ritual sacrifices this is the ultimate goal in the satanist agenda for for the globe for the world uh that's part of their global agenda it's it's about the strong exploiting the week it's about the strong getting rid of the weak it's about the strong and slaving the weak now you talked about you've recently talked about a new world order is that what you're explaining right now and just to add to that before i forget they sometimes brand like you brand cattle in the us right they will sometimes brand their victims to show just how subjugated and servient their victims are you're my property and are brand new like a cattle and that brand will stay on have you seen with these brand these brands on people the sra survivors i've met so far have not had those brands but i know my colleagues on sra who have met such people and interviewed such people talking about their branding and it's a sign of their attitude of course the branding itself is horrific but it's a sign of their attitude towards their victims that you you're nothing more than a slave or even worse than a slave just a cattle to me a piece of meat a piece of meat and um that's how i regard you and you must know your place you must stay in your place and know your place as a slave and you will always be my slave and there's no way you're going to get out and they want them to believe that of course so that they never try and leave and of course there are lots of threats to keep them in and even more threats if they dare to ever expose what happened to them uh so this new order that you mentioned i i often point out that when you talk about new world order you should mention the word satanist before it because because newer orders occur at different points of history uh for example after world war one the map of europe had to be redrawn because various empires had lost lands or gain new land as a result of the res the world war one conflict and so uh that was a new world order that was not a say to this new world order but it was a new world order so the term newer order itself is quite neutral and it's not necessarily bad after world war ii there was a new new order cold war united states on one side ussr on the other uh eastern europe under the soviet bloc western europe under the u.s influence that was a new new world order from the first world war new world order now we're going for another new world order but this is different far darker than the previous new world orders this new world order is a satanist dominated new world order that is being pursued uh and it's going to be if it it manages to implement itself it's going to be basically enslavement um which would have been the result if if the nazis had won for example the second world war right would have been widespread enslavement they were enslaving the people that they occupied but this would be even worse it would make the nazis probably look like choir boys by comparison if the satanists get their agenda fulfilled of their new world order uh the annual order would include having the power of life and death over large numbers of people and we're already seeing more and more of that with practices like euthanasia and assisted suicide and i know that satan is very much support such practices and if you if you are implementing those practices with a eugenicist attitude like what the satanists have to get rid of those that they deem to be not worth living then what you have is a pretty efficient killing machine and so this new order that's being pursued uh at the core the core beliefs of this new world order is not fascism or socialism that's all kind of um uh window dressing yes there are elements of fascism involved there are elements of socialism involved but under that the real substance of the belief system is satanism because as you probably know the satanists believe that they are going to have a one-world government in the not-too-distant future and that one world government will be ruled by their version of a messiah their satanic messiah the antichrist that's what they believe whether you believe it or not they believe that and they are working hard to pursue that and one very clear example of this was when the satanist organized in june this year rallies calling for one world government to be established they had several rallies in the u.s in different parts of the u.s calling for one world government to be established it shows you how bold they're getting because they didn't try and disguise the fact that they were satanists they just openly organized it and called for one world government and they did it in some other countries as well they need one world government in order to obtain world influence and domination they are not going to use the old-fashioned way of invading country after country to build an empire across the globe because that will take years and that will not necessarily succeed lots of people have tried like hitler and napoleon and didn't succeed so that trying it in a new way get people to believe that it's in their interest to sign up for one world government get people to believe that there are some global crises that cannot be dealt with other than with one world government for example the covet 19 pandemic which at least one senior uk politician said we need one world government to deal with this and uh that kind of show that was a glimpse at what the real agenda is building around this have a global crisis get people scared about their lives about their their way of life and then offer the solution one world government everybody of their own accord signs up to it thinking this is a good thing then get their person their leader the antichrist as christians would call him or uh satanic savior as perhaps the satanist might call them call him at the top of that one world government then automatically you will have satanist domination over the world because he who leads the one world government will lead the world so we've got to be careful about this thing about globalism which i think your current president is very rightly opposing because globalism is going to lead us down the road towards one world government oh let's all work together oh we're going to have global crises like this kobe 19 pandemic we need to have a one-world government to deal with these kind of global crises um on the surface it may sound attractive but underneath that you've got to ask questions who's going to lead the one world government what's going to happen to your national sovereignty are you going to have to give up your independence eventually you will have to give up your independence because the one world government will trump all governments so this is the satanist global strategy and from their one world government they will be able to enforce satanist objectives agendas across the world so this is one of those occasions where at least peaceful nationalism could really be a good thing for all of us to help keep us from this agenda to help protect us from this agenda a lot of the globalists today's globalists who are pushing the globalist agenda very actively are i believe also involved in satanism and satanist abuse uh so we we need to be wary about what the big picture is on on all this um and to okay i know he's unpopular with some or maybe many americans but at least trump is is very right to oppose globalism and that in itself is a big obstacle to the satanists because obviously the usa is the only superpower left in the world and if they are opposed to globalism then uh well trump has to be removed that's their view uh and uh uh replaced with somebody who will sign the u.s up to the globalist agenda uh and of course that will eventually lead to the global government becoming more and more powerful we've seen something like this in europe with the eu the european union that's nation signed up to the eu initially thinking it was mainly about economics but as time went by they were giving up more and more of their national powers and discretion to the eu and the eu has never been a very transparent and accountable body and so now they're talking about the eu becoming a uh like a united states of america united states of europe and having this um much more powerful government over the eu than was originally considered when it first started so at least in the uk there were a lot of people saying that this is not we signed up what we signed up for you know we've been led down this road where we we've had our our national discretion and discretionary powers and freedoms chipped away and fortunately the uk did vote for brexit and did eventually get brexit despite all the the fight that the eu gave the uk government on this the eu has a strong vested interest in seeing the uk fail economically because if the uk fails other countries will be much less likely to dare to leave the eu because they will say well look uk tried to go on its own and survive economically outside the eu and it failed so we must stay in the eu at least for economic prosperity and security and this is another part of the big picture uh because this new world order one of the key components is the european union and the european union as a model for eventual world government so who are these politicians that you spoke of earlier in the uk or around the world for that matter that you're aware of that are pushing globalism or talking about it seriously and are are people taking these guys serious and is there any substance to what they're talking about and what they're pushing as far as globalism i think the global the globalism has a lot of support from various uk politicians including some very senior ones so for example uh the politician who called for the setting up of one world government to deal with the pandemic the pandemic for example uh that was gordon brown the former uk prime minister and that lends a lot of impact to the statement because he's a former prime minister of the uk uh the other politicians who have been supporting this kind of approach uh are generally on the left of the political spectrum so you will find for example when britain was trying to implement brexit there was a lot of opposition from the left because they are more in favor of the european union and they would uh try to if not stop brexit from happening and interesting to bear in mind tony blair the labor prime minister former labor prime minister of the of the uk was actually saying at one point just ignore the referendum vote ignore the majority vote of the uk people and keep the uk and the eu against the will of the majority that was his uh opinion at one point that he expressed about how to deal with the referendum result that's how desperate some of the left leaning politicians were to keep the uk uh in the eu and of course tony blair has always been a very active globalist so i suspect you have the same attitudes in the usa with more politicians on the left wanting the u.s to go down the globalist road than those on the right of the political spectrum uh the the fact is this is the new world order that we've been talking about a one world government a globalist uh political remaking of of world politics and at the top of the pyramid ruling over all this will be the satanist uh so-called savior who christians refer to as the antichrist and then all the all controlling micromanaging rules will come in on all of us having to be micromanaged by this one world government we're already going to the general direction of micromanagement you would have noticed it especially with the pandemic suddenly we're being told what distance we have to keep from others when we have to wear a face mask we can't assemble in more than a certain number of people i've noticed a lot more interest in sra since the pandemic started and the restrictions were implemented because people suddenly realize how fragile their freedoms are how it can just go like that right and in the uk we've spent months in lockdown similar to house arrest you could say and with very little political debate just basically parliament rubber stamping all these restrictions for our own good inverted commerce the numbers are questionable i do not know about where you are but in the uk there have been questions about the numbers of actual deaths from covet 19 uh because there's suspicion that a lot of these numbers are inflated i'm not saying there's no covet 19 i'm saying that uh a much smaller number of copy 19 cases have occurred but they're being amplified mult uh exaggerated in order to achieve a certain political agenda so for example their weapons they're weaponizing it their own agenda they're concerns that for example there are people who died with covet 19 present in their bodies but not from kobe 19 killing them being added to the statistics right because they will jack up the numbers right right right and then in the u.s hospitals that do that they they actually receive more money from the government when their patients are dying of covid so you know if they had code and they died of a heart attack you know they get paid something in the realm of 30 grand for a covid death versus like five to ten thousand dollars for a heart attack so that encourages exaggerating the numbers and another source of questioning is a reliable contact of mine going to look at some of the hospitals which were supposed to be full of covet 19 patients and seeing that the hospitals were practically empty doesn't match the rhetoric right that's being reported what's on the ground you'd expect the hospitals to be flooded with patients and at least the hospitals that my contact went to visit and look at and because he was questioning what was being claimed by the government were empty he even told me that some of the medical staff were just like sending text messages looking at their mobile phones not not terribly busy so it just adds to the suspicion that the numbers are being grossly exaggerated for a political agenda which is to justify more restrictions more control more micromanagement more calls for one world government to deal with this huge inverted commerce problem uh and and i think we we need to to be looking below the surface questioning these things investigating going to hospitals where you'd expect if there were really this larger number of patients that the patients would be at those hospitals and seeing how crowded they are and how many of the patients they are actually suffering from covet 19 or from other illnesses there needs to be a lot of well you could say investigative journalism done on this but of course who's going to allow you to report unless you have an independent platform uh on the reality of what's going on i've heard of some of the social media platforms banning um attempts to expose this a contact of mine tried to expose this on his facebook page and it got suspended uh but it's worth trying to expose it's worth um trying to get a word out uh i think maybe youtube might be one way of doing it but you have to try and get to the hospitals and do some filming and investigations uh as to how crowded or not crowded those hospitals are um and look deeper below below the surface on what the government's claiming right well i mean you mentioned that mainly politicians and celebrities and elites are involved in this satanic ritual abuse but also a lot of ordinary people as well why don't you hear about more people being exposed uh before i go into that before i forget uh just the last point about the kobe 19 about one year before the kovit 19 lockdown uh in january 2019 i interviewed an sra survivor who very unusually because it's not common among sra survivors to to say that they experienced this um this was in england he told me that when he was a child not only did he uh suffer sra from satanists but they were also conducting medical experiments on him and the medical experiments were all about infectious diseases infectious diseases like for example covet 19. of course cov19 did not exist back then they were looking at how to manufacture an infectious disease the satanists and they were looking at how to create a vaccine for the infectious disease not out of the goodness of their heart but to create leverage over those who suffered from the illness and also to protect themselves probably and when the corporate 19 pandemic broke out i asked him a few questions including do you think it was on you to create an infectious disease like kobe 19 i think kopi 19 is probably a human-engineered virus secondly to create a vaccine for it so that they could use it as leverage over others and he said yes all of that that's what he believes he was experimented on for and he actually brought me to the medical research labs in england where there's still research going on today a lot of it is on the surface at least legitimate research some of them are owned by pharmaceutical companies and how would they use the vaccines as leverage well for example if there was a human engineer virus that was so difficult to contain and deal with except by vaccine and they the satanist had the vaccine access to it they could basically get people to do what they want in order to obtain the vaccine couldn't they because it's a matter of life and death and so he who controls the vaccine will control the world if it's a world pandemic and if it's a real pandemic just jacked out numbers but the real thing that people are really dying in large numbers people will do practically anything to to get their vaccine so from satanist it could be well you do what we want or you sign up to become a satanist and then we'll give you the vaccine right amazing form of controlling people especially if they're worried that without a vaccine they will die so maybe um this is what the real story is behind the covet 19. but i would say it's probably if it was engineered by this agent is it's probably a test run for something even bigger to come at some point in the future it's a test run because what may come in the future maybe even worse when you have people on their knees before the satan is wanting the vaccine the only lifesaver that they can obtain uh to protect them and their loved ones from a really a real killer infectious disease that's that would make covet 19 look like a walk in the park i know this is a very pessimistic view but i also know that the way the satanists operate they tend to [Music] they tend to be very ambitious they tend to think big in evil terms so they they usually have bigger plans of evil to implement than what we see now but this is for the future so uh i find it a very interesting and disturbing coincidence that they will have this interest in medical experiments on infectious diseases and then now we have this uh huge problem with kobet19 yeah but wouldn't i mean wouldn't a country just as much want to do something like that experiment with infectious diseases to use them as bio weapons against other countries i mean what would it wouldn't like a a country a a rival country want to do the same thing yeah that's true but why would satanists be involved in this program why would they put their human subjects through sra that is my my big concern you see if it was for example our intelligence agencies in the uk running these experiments and there was no sra then i would conclude that it's probably an intelligence agency going rogue so to speak beyond the boundaries of the authority in order to uh find a effective bio weapon they could use as part of their military defense of the country uh but what we have instead are satanists involved and doing sra to their experimental subject at the same time as also on other days doing medical experiments on on the person the government agencies probably the intelligence agencies had some involvement in this or awareness at least of this i asked the survivor where he thought the files on the results of his experiments would be kept because he's been wondering where he could get the paperwork on on the experimentation done on him because there would also be proof of what he he went through and he concluded that it's probably with the intelligence agencies in the uk and that he won't be able to access it because of that um so yes there was probably some intelligence agency involvement but the lead seemed to be taken by the satanist rather than the intelligence agency uh the satanists do have their own people in the intelligence agencies uh so that there may there was probably an overlap but where the satanists are involved it's usually them taking the lead whether overtly or covertly they are taking the lead you can be quite sure of that and why would the satanist be so interested in experimenting on someone regarding infectious diseases so you think there's satanists working within these government agencies that are potentially developing chemical weapons or bio warfare weapons because you know i wouldn't expect some satanic cult to have the money to do this kind of thing to to conduct these sort of experiments and to invest in in scientists that know what the what what they're doing yes you're right they would they would tap into government money they would use their contacts with government they are satanists in government and in the civil service even our ex-prime minister edward heath had had at least six independent witnesses accusing him of satanic abuse what was he saying so uh edward heath he's already he was the conservative uk prime minister in the 1970s just before margaret thatcher and he there was a as we've several the investigation was done after he died years after he died but the police in wheelchair which is one of the counties in england because edward he lived there they led an investigation into allegations of edward heaps child sex abuse and edward heaves satan satanist ritual abuse and they concluded in their report which is on the internet by the way operation conifer it was called operation conifers summary closure report uh stated that six people said that edward heath did satanic satanic abuse to them for years uh i have known from from various sources that edward heath was involved in sra but at last we had a police investigation that officially concluded that he had six witnesses uh these six witnesses who corroborated each other the edward he was involved in satanic abuse that's a large number for any sex offense to have six witnesses because the very nature of sex offenses as you know usually it's difficult to find more than one witness who is the victim uh but it shows you how prolific heath was in his abuse both his child sex abuse and his satanic abuse and he's the former prime minister of the uk so what's the main difference between these people who are abusing and raping i mean wouldn't you just classify them as pedophiles like a pedophile cult what's the difference between a satanic ritual abuser and a pedophile okay the reason i'm i'm making the distinction uh is because a pedophile normally would have a a very strong addiction to having sex with children it's like an overriding sexual attraction to children and that is not necessarily the case with all satanist ritual abusers there are satanist ritual abusers probably many of them who will sexually abuse a child but do not have that strong deep attraction to sex with children but the reason why they sexually abuse the child is because it's part of the satanic practices it's part of their um belief system that they should do it uh it's not entirely accurate to say this but it's part of their religious practice you could say i say it's not entirely accurate because i don't regard satanism as as a real religion but drawing an analogy with religious practices they see it as their religious practice and so they sexually abuse the child but they don't have that strong sexual attraction to children which is usually life long which pedophiles have so it's not strictly speaking accurate to call them pedophiles but we also need to make a distinction between the pedophiles and their activities and the satanist ritual abuses and their activities because satanist ritual abuse is in a different universe from pedophile activities your average pedophile does not deliberately torture children in addition to the sex abuse your average pedophile will not force children to sexually abuse each other as satanists do your average pedophile is not going to bury a child in the ground making the child fear for his or her life and then later remove the child from the ground your average pedophile is not going to ritually sacrifice babies or adults or toddlers as satanists do you see we need to have this clear distinction that's why when i speak about sra i call it sra and i don't call satanist abusers pedophiles although they may also be pedophiles in some cases because too many people mix up pedophile so-called ordinary child sex abuse with sra they are two very different things and the satanists play on this the satanists take advantage of this confusion by disguising their satanic abuse as so-called ordinary child sex abuse and when they succeed in doing that they succeed in concealing sra and the reality of sra so for example in tim tate's book children for the devil he mentions an actual uk case where a boy was subjected to sra and had revealed that to the police when he was interviewed uh the boy was in foster care but unfortunately the the father who was accused by the boy of abusing him and who was a satanist abuser was allowed to visit the boy from time to time and when he visited the boy he did not encourage the boy to say uh no abuse occurred the interesting thing is he encouraged the boy to just drop all the mention of satanism and the satanist rituals that he experienced while being abused the father was far more concerned that the sra not be revealed than the abuse itself so he did not say to the boy don't say i wasn't sexually abused by you just drop all the the um drop drop all the satanic stuff uh and that showed what his priority was protect the coven protect satanism by having that drop and then it gets presented as a child sex abuse case rather than an sra case and this is why i say to victims it's so important if you did actually suffer sra to tell the authorities you did actually suffer sra otherwise people will never learn that sra exists they will carry on with the myth that it doesn't exist which will make it so much harder to protect children from sra you see we've got to break that cycle of ignorance somewhere and it starts with as the saying goes call of spade is fake call sra sra how many sra victims have you spoken to i haven't kept cal but over the years we're probably talking a few hundred a few hundred did any of them provide any sort of evidence of some of the stuff you're talking about like sacrificing children or torturing children or torturing people they gave me very reliable uh witness statements about what they saw the only other way for them to give strong evidence would be to have a picture a film a photograph but obviously they would not have been in a position to to have taken such a picture or film they wouldn't have survived uh they would have been killed for trying to take a picture of that uh the interesting thing is that the satanists themselves film their activities but they are so far pretty effective in keeping the film in a very well hidden place but if one is able to find a film of their activities that it's all there on film uh they they like to film their sra and they probably use some of it as pornography and sell it to make money but the reliable witness testimonies i would consider as strong evidence of sra because as you go for example to the criminal courts and those successfully prosecuted sra cases in the uk are an example of this that you will have witnesses talking about sra and what happened in the sra and if the prosecution is successful in convicting the defendants that means that the standard of proof beyond reasonable doubt has been reached on the evidence of sra in the case because if the sra was disbelieved then the whole case crumbles because what the defendants are alleging took place was sra and it wasn't hidden or disguised uh in the courts it was openly shared by the witnesses the witnesses were deemed to be reliable and truthful and so the prosecution was successful and the very high standard of beyond reasonable doubt was achieved that's why i say that sra has been proven in the british courts on more than one occasion on at least 10 occasions to be existing in the uk beyond reasonable doubt so you're saying there are a number of people in the uk who have been convicted of crimes for satanic ritual abuse uh not strictly speaking the crime of satanic ritual abuse because unlike certain states in the u.s like idaho who have codified a law on sra specifically we don't have such a law on sra yet in the uk because of the general disbelief so what we have are the existing laws which would of course cover different aspects of sra such as raping a child obviously that would be a crime in the uk right in the existing law harming physically harming a child that will also be under existing law as often satan is due pimping out a child for sex that is also under existing law we would like to see at some point a law brought in on sra like similar to the ones in states like idaho in the u.s because that would not only be official acknowledgement of sra in the uk law which could also be used as leverage to get more resources and training for the uk police to investigate such cases but that will also be a way to bring in much tougher mandatory sentences for sra much tougher than the existing penalties for child sex offenses in the uk but we we have had successful prosecutions uh and the sra evidence was not withheld it was openly shared in court it was believed it was if it wasn't believed the defendants would not have been convicted so the the standard of beyond reasonable doubt was satisfying so when the witnesses i'm sure like you said there was multiple witnesses in some of these cases right and a lot of their stories corroborate how could one person be convicted if i mean it sounds like these rituals go down with lots of people there so wouldn't it be more of a conspiracy with lots more people being prosecuted not just one i mean is it one person by themselves or is there a group of people attending these rituals what do they look like you you will get in many cases a group of people at the rituals and sometimes they will be successful in prosecuting more than one person who participated in the rituals sometimes because of perhaps lack of evidence against certain individuals not all the participants will get prosecuted it just depends on the witnesses whether they can identify the individuals whether they have reliable evidence of seeing those individuals committing the crimes and this is part and parcel of how successful they are to prosecute the individuals involved there's no guarantee that they can in all cases get all the individuals sometimes they may get [Music] people involved perhaps at the lower level but maybe people at a higher level have covered their tracks well enough that they don't get prosecuted successfully or even prosecuted at all i'll give you one example where they managed to successfully prosecute a number of different people in the coven so this is in in a way it's it's one of the more positive recent examples of what the police can do successfully in an sra case when they actually tried to do their job i actually went to a talk by one of the police detectives on this case and she made it clear that it wasn't easy but because they persisted and they had the will to pursue the investigation they achieved this successful prosecution of a number of satanist abusers and in my view that is an example of what other police forces can achieve across the uk if they actually have the will to investigate and pursue these investigations the biggest problem is not lack of resources the biggest problem is lack of will you see so um i'll read out this successfully prosecuted case and you'll give you an example of what can be achieved when the police are willing to do their job on march 11 2011 colin batley the leader of the satanist coven was convicted at swansea crown court debts in wales of more than 20 sexual offenses against children including 11 rapes he and other satanists had ritually abused children in tidwelly wales where their coven was based the children some as young as 11 were subjected to and i quote organized and systematic abuse by badly his wife and two women coven members so it wasn't just bradley who got prosecuted his wife and two women covered members jacqueline marling age 42 was jailed for 12 years for aiding and abetting rape causing prostitution indecency with a child and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity badly's wife elaine age 47 was jailed for eight years on three charges of indecency with a child and sexual activity with a child shelley miller aged 35 was jailed for five years for indecency with a child and inciting a child to engage in sex a fifth defendant vincent baden aged 17 admitted assaulting an underage girl so this was a pretty good prosecution and successful prosecution against a satanist group that managed to get custodial sentences for a lot of the members of the group and is a positive example of what can be achieved if the police want to achieve it it all comes back to will willingness to really go for the for the investigation pursue it thoroughly have you ever been to one of these or ever seen witnessed one of these rituals i've witnessed a ritual um satan is leaving a ritual having just finished where was it when when was it what did it look like it was well it was indoors so i couldn't get in but i saw them leaving the ritual because i didn't get that till quite late at night because i'd been at other locations checking out other locations before i got there and that was the one with the satanist meeting in the building and they were leaving and driving off but i saw in a car at the back of the car there was a man about age 40 years old and in the front was a boy um and of course you got to ask yourself it was about 4am what is the boy at 4am doing in the front of a car not in bed with this man dressed as well he was dressed like dracula at the back dracula yeah and that in itself causes a lot of questions why is this going up at 4am and why is he sitting in a car with a man dressed as dracula in the back okay it was halloween but may and that was probably the cover story oh you know just a halloween time but keeping a boy up to that this what this was on halloween um yeah 31st october which is their biggest date on the satanist calendar uh if there's one day they will come out and do a ritual somewhere it will be 31st october to them it's the most important date of the year why is that um also because of the belief that that is when the the barriers between this world and the spirit world become most easily crossed and they have of course a desire to get in contact with demons to raise demons to communicate with demons so this will be a pretty good time for them to try and raise the demons and communicate with demons because of the the lowering of the barriers between the physical and the spirit world in their beliefs they they would usually meet on this date so that makes it a bit easier to do surveillance because other dates sometimes they'll meet on the actual date sometimes they'll meet a bit earlier on another date uh or after that date birthday as you mentioned yeah uh birthdays normally i think they would meet on the birthday itself um another occasion when i knew they were meeting unfortunately these tended to be indoors rather than others outdoors would be so much easier to see them what they're doing was in a house that i know is protected by the police because i know someone who tried to expose that house is being used for sra and the police not only refused to do anything but actually threaten this person for nosing about in that area and and warned her that she might get hurt from nosing around where it wasn't they claim her business of course it was a business because her own child had revealed being abused in that house and the police were protecting it it's a location that has been used for sra for many years and i was there on the outside legally i couldn't just go in uh and i knew that the satanists were in there because i could see their their um their vehicles on the outside and uh i heard a scream in from inside a a young girl at about 3 a.m it was a short screen if it had been a long scream and helped me calling out for help then i would probably have had more legal justification to force my way in uh but because it was a short screen and it didn't repeat itself for the rest of the night uh it was hard to have a legal grounds to to force my way in because if i force my way in and there isn't reasonable grounds to justify that then uh then the tables could be turned and i could be accused of breaking the law so this is the difficulties one has when you're talking about indoors meetings they do mean outdoors a lot the the tricky thing is to get them outdoors when they are meeting because they have a variety most covens will have a variety of outdoor and indoor locations for security reasons and they move from one place to another and i noticed that if they meet at one location on halloween the next halloween they'll make sure they meet at another location so they don't become predictable okay now can you walk through what happened i'm sorry go ahead yeah sorry but but if um if one was to come across then doing a ritual uh i think it's important to to at the very least try and get the police there uh i would i would suggest to audience members if they ever come across sometimes i know in the uk at least sometimes people have stumbled on accidentally to satanist rituals uh in in the middle of the night uh when they were in the woods for example and i would say try and get the police there as soon as possible if you see that harm is being done to children even the presence of children there is enough to to warrant police interests because what on earth are children doing in the middle of the night in this location they should all be in bed you know and it's very suspicious uh and this this is what one should do on those rare occasions that one stumbles across these things and i've seen some accounts of people stumbling on such things when they least expect it sometimes and they come across this satan is gathering uh in uh usually it's a countryside area or woods so can you walk me through what typically happens during one of these satanic rituals um and i'm i've heard you talk about it on sean's podcast why are these people attracted to corpses they believe especially the corpse is not uh been a corpse for a very long time they believe that they can get the power and energy from the corpse that is still residual in the columns get it for themselves by for example having sex with the cops even maybe cannibalizing the cops uh but sex with corpses is part of their sexual practices because the satanist attitude to sex could be summed up with two words anything goes so if they want to um have sex with bodies as jimmy savile did by the way he was yeah he was a volunteer so-called volunteer porter at a hospital known as leeds general infirmary up in northern england and he used his access to the mortuary to have sex with some of the corpses to position the corpses before they had rigged martyrs and they were still quite flexible in sexual positions and then take photos and he even stole the glass eyes from some of the corpses which were blind in one eye so they had a glass eye and wore the glass eye on his silver rings that he had on his fingers what he had a real thing for dead bodies he even admitted in one interview with a magazine called q magazine in 1990 that he he liked being with dead bodies but he denied as he would being a necrophiliac he said in an interview that he liked being around dead bodies dead people yeah and he also boasted to some contacts which didn't get into the media uh posted to some people who knew him that he had had sex with dead bodies what was the context of that like why would he say that in an interview that he oh yeah i like hanging out around corpses i guess he was talking about himself his interests and that one of his interests would be because he was known to be helping out a lot in hospitals he was known to be raising a lot of funds for hospitals so the the talk about hospitals probably led to him talking about his working at the hospitals and as a volunteer porter he would have also had one of his responsibilities would be to transport the dead bodies down to debauchery and that probably led to his talking about dead bodies and his being whereas some people would be uncomfortable being in a mocherie or around their bodies he had the opposite he he liked being around them of course he christ he wouldn't admit that he liked sex with dead bodies he stops short of that but but he had mentioned to some people who who revealed that after he died that he had had sex with some of the dead bodies in the mortuary uh he he was a necrophiliac in fact there are some nurses who also claimed that they spied on jimmy savol because he was a celebrity they wanted to see what he was up to and when he wasn't watching uh they claimed they spied on him and that they saw him having sex with dead bodies so well as i said you know with satanists anything goes and i know from an ex-satanist who used to go to a certain cemetery with her coven to do their rituals that satanists are attracted to dead bodies they want to get a power from their bodies and they will sometimes try and access a newly buried corpse for their own rituals for their own purposes which can include having sex with the dead body uh so you should not be surprised at the sort of things they get up to in terms of sexual behavior not just necrophilia bestiality sometimes they force their child victims to have sex with animals this all comes back to the do whatever you want attitude the uh the attitude of well we do not want to have any restrictions this is our understanding of freedom we will do what whatever we want to do we will experiment in whatever way we wish to sexually with anything that moves dead or alive this is you could say in a way the logical conclusion of that kind of thinking and where it needs to and so that was it was it's not only several i would say with confidence that there was internecrophilia a lot of satanist abusers are and they will especially be attracted to a cemetery where bodies are still being buried so then you can get they they can get the access to more newly buried bodies rather than a cemetery that for decades or maybe even 100 years has not had a new body buried there that would be less of an attraction to them unless there's a history of that cemetery uh being associated with occultic worship for example they'll have less reason to hang out there you've spoken to hundreds of these victims these survivors these satanic ritual survivors what are some of the stories that you find are most common with all of them well there are many common characteristics uh one of which is the satanists wearing dark cloaks and chanting often in a language they don't understand the other common characteristics will include being gang raped i'm i'm sad to say by the satanist uh i know one one woman who as a child they would have the what is known as the black mask or satanic mass uh in a church that they sneak into at night because one of the church members in fact it was the leader of the church the vicar at that time who had the key and was the satanist abuser himself so he would let him the rest of his coven in at about 2 a.m and they would do their satanic mass and in the bread they would put human ashes baked into the bread and for the so-called wine they would use blood and after doing their satanic mass they would then um gang rape her so can you imagine what it's like for a child one after another they would they would rape her and she knew that i was coming and she'd be kept in a cage in the church while waiting for all this to happen they love to desecrate churches they love to desecrate uh church altars and they love to defile children and she got went through all that she went through hell basically uh it's it's a miracle you could say that she's not completely broken it took years for her to heal but she has made a good life for herself and she does a very good and responsible job but as a child she she was exposed to all this hellish abuse by her own parents both her parents were satanist abusers and one of the parents was a nurse can you imagine a nurse who has so much power over patience who's actually a satanist abuser in reality that is a deeply concerning thought and i said to her you know i wouldn't want to be one of your mother's patients that's for sure but that was um the reality they were not a rich family so they are more than like the working class satanist but they were doing uh a very regular abuse to her and her brother so they were forced on a regular basis they were forced uh usually on the weekend uh her and her brother to eat feces and drink urine and on a regular basis usually on a saturday they would take her to a pool swimming pool that they would have private use of they probably booked it for private use and they would drown her in the pool uh and then revive her but it was like a weekly suffocation session that he will have her grandfather was also a satanist and he would strangle her on a regular basis they they seem to get off on that and this was the life the so-called life she led for for years um because she was born into that family uh fortunately by the time she reached her teens she was out of it she had suppressed a lot of the memories because of the shared trauma it's a defense mechanism but the memories will come back eventually and they did and she uh eventually had enough memories to fill 19 pages and i helped her to correct the grammar and the sentence structure because because of all the abuse she suffered her her written english wasn't too good but she eventually managed to put it all together 19 pages and went to the police the police had investigated but then eventually closed it down and claimed that there wasn't enough evidence uh sorry they investigated and then they referred it to the cps now this was one of those cases where the police did their job referred it to the cps who are the prosecuting body but the cps the crown prosecution service claimed there wasn't enough evidence so they refused to bring it to court so the whole thing collapsed then the second time when she tried when she had more memories and tried to get the police to reopen her case um i helped her with the spelling and the syntax of her statement that was 19 pages long and went back to the police but because the police had had a negative response from the prosecutors in the past they were reluctant to reopen and refuse to reopen their investigation of course if there's more memories coming in more evidence coming in in future she could probably get them to investigate again but at that time at least they were not willing to to reopen the case but this is a case of the police at least trying to do that job but the cps being too quick to to refuse to prosecute uh the case and uh i think the police should have at least reopened the investigation when she went back on the second time because she had more new evidence based on on new memories that she had since then have you heard of bohemian grove yes i have are you is there satanic rituals going on there what's going on in bohemian grove i've heard a lot of crazy crazy conspiracy stories about it but i'm interested to hear your take on it what i've heard of bohemian grove is that there are satanic rituals occurring there uh that a lot of influential people including people who are going to become u.s presidents go there um there is this strong implication that powerful people involved in sra are using bohemian growth as a place to meet and to do sra because my main focus is on the uk right i haven't spent time focusing on bohemian grove uh we have our own similar situations in the uk right what we call vip abuse um the my take on bohemian grove is probably we need a good investigative journalist to really dig deep or good private investigator to really dig deep on the allegations to uncover what's really been done there and what's going on uh i think that as in the uk where we've had a former prime minister involved in satanic abuse and a number of government ministers named by satanist spiritual abusers is being involved in sra you probably have a similar problem in the us i'm pretty sure that that's the case because this is all part of building a new world order if you want to build a new world order with satanism at its core you have to recruit people who are in government in civil service in parliament or your u.s equivalent of parliament because you need these people on your agenda so i would not simply dismiss it as a conspiracy theory i would i would see it as as a lead that needs to be followed up that needs to be investigated more thoroughly there are probably i suspect witnesses out there who can reveal more about what's going on about bohemian grove but of course you have to gauge the reliable reliability of the witness yourself this is why witnesses have to appear at the very least by video link if not in court in person in front of a jury so the jury can gauge is this person telling the truth or not so i always want to meet the sra survivors that i'm helping face to face to gauge their reliability they they may be deluded or they may be lying i don't know i need to meet them face to face and interview them face to face so that always helps in any investigation have you come across any that were just full of [ __ ] or were lying to you trying to make up stories about satanic abuse i i have from time to time come across people who claim to be sra survivors who i think are not reliable uh it is not necessarily the case that they were lying it could be that they were mistaken uh there is one sra survivor i know of whom i read her statements she's not in the uk she's in another country another western country not the us and when i read the statement i thought can't be true this woman is either deeply mistaken or probably more likely trying to get attention trying to get attention because she was overdoing it she was accusing practically anybody and everybody who's been a celebrity of some sorts as having abused her and i thought no that just doesn't fit in with the the mall because i've seen a lot of authentic statements and this just didn't fit in and there was something wrong about this um and i later had various contacts of mine who had met this person confirming to me that this person is not to be trusted so my suspicions were confirmed by uh contacts who are experienced on this issue having met the person uh face to face and and found that the person was not to be trusted so these are a very small number i must emphasize very small number the majority the vast majority are sincerely trying to expose the truth sincerely trying to have their true stories believed so a few bad apples do not spoil the barrel as the saying goes and we while having to to to be alert to this possibility we should not assume as a lot of people do that most sra survivors are deluded or lying or mentally unstable that's wrong most sra survivors are people who honest people who suffer terribly and are trying to tell their stories so as to protect children many sra survivors have a very um honorable objective of wanting to protect other children from what they experience as children and that's why they speak out and that's why they go to the police you know going to the police getting justice yes they'll give them some healing some satisfaction but their overriding priority in most cases is they want to protect other children from going through the same hell that they went through right and these these are these are unsung heroes these sra survivors are unsung heroes they should be recognized for their courage and for their sacrifices for other children well you as well i mean you're your courage has to be noted as well for doing what you do and being outspoken about the research you've done on this and all the victims you've talked to and trying to get your your story and these victim stories to reach as many people as possible what can be done to shed more light on this and get more people to take this more seriously i believe that we need to keep repeating the message of the evidence hard evidence being there that sra exists so in the uk that hard evidence will include the list of at least 10 successfully prosecuted sra cases i'm not saying this is an exhaustive list there are probably other successfully prosecuted sra cases in the uk that have not yet been added to the list the the fact that the metropolitan police service the largest and oldest police force in the uk have publicly acknowledged the existence of sra of satanic abuse on their website we need to keep repeating this because people seem to keep overlooking this hard evidence and claiming very falsely that there is no evidence of course there's evidence look at this evidence the trouble is that don't bother to stop and look at this evidence which will only take a few minutes to examine and they will see the truth obviously the police are not going to say that satanic abuse exists especially when they are so lousy at investigating it unless it really existed but are there any bodies are there any skeletons are there is there any hard physical abuse like or hard physical evidence like that the the problem is even video tapes you mentioned they video all their rituals has anyone gotten their hands on a on a video not yet not yet um i'm always open to the possibility that one day we will get hold of their film but they're pretty good at hiding it and there are all sorts of technological ways now to conceal things but uh bodies i would point out that the satanists are very good at covering their tracks when they've done a ritual they will have a way to get rid of the bodies that makes it practically impossible to find it for example they may have an access to a crematorium i know of a certain satan is covered for example that likes to meet as well as one of the locations that are used next to a crematorium so that's pretty convenient if they have an insider who's willing to help them access the crematorium throw the body in there cremate it nobody's the wiser what happened no evidence no corpse that's it uh they are not the only satanists who may meet close to crematorium facilities another way they may get rid of the bodies is to chop it up and throw it in the sea or to bury the bodies there there are a variety of ways that they use which are pretty thorough at covering their tracks it's not 100 secure and without giving too much away i would say that i know of an attempt that it's ongoing now to try and find the remains of certain uh victims of a particular satanist coven but i can't say more than that because i know that satan has watched these interviews so i better not give them a tip off unwittingly about the attempts that are going on to try and discover the bodies but they are very thorough in the way they cover their tracks and it's not foolproof we keep looking and searching in the hope that one day that small percentage chance of finding the evidence including the bodies will pay off and we'll get it um but it hasn't happened yet so it's on the agenda to find uh but it hasn't happened just yet uh but with more sra survivors coming forward and giving credible testimonies including information about what the satanists do to try and cover their tracks i think that eventually we will find this strong evidence uh we need the cooperation of sra survivors to come forward and tell their stories and to feel that we will try and follow up the the leads the clues they give us uh to pursue an investigation of that case so the more they come forward with details of what happened to them or with details of how the coven for example cover their tracks will help us increase the chances that one day soon we will get that hard evidence and use that to force the police to investigate the usual excuse given over here by the police is not enough evidence the problem the real problem is not enough will to investigate but it's hard for them to say not enough evidence if for example you show them um human remains for example right left by satanist coven then of course that you know there looks downright stupid saying oh not enough evidence uh when you've got the human remains there uh even skeletal remains can turn out forensic evidence for example so yeah the day i believe when that happens is not that far off because we've got more sra survivors coming forward sharing their stories this is where people like yourself come in by publicizing the issue and a lot of sra survivors watch interviews like this then they are encouraged to come forward with their stories and the details that they know about particular satanist covens and how they operate that means more clues to follow up more covens to investigate and it's only a matter of time i believe as this publicity grows about sra because there's generally more public interest now than before about sra that we will have that breakthrough but we have the successfully prosecuted sra cases in the uk anyway which had enough evidence to satisfy the courts beyond reasonable doubt that the sra that was alleged did take place so it's always important to remember that if if these satanists hypothetically got their new world order one day who do you think they would choose as their antichrist that's a sixty four thousand dollar question sixty four thousand well maybe sixty four million dollar question uh various candidates have been suggested um like who i don't i don't agree necessarily with those candidates who've been suggested okay but just to repeat some of the allegations that have been made and i'm not saying i support those allegations because i don't see myself my role as trying to guess who becoming antichrist is um what i prefer to do is to warn people about the satanist global agenda so that they won't so that they won't aid and abet their own enslavement by supporting that agenda without knowing what's at the end of that agenda so for example those who think that globalism is a great thing be very very careful what you're supporting now is eventually going to lead to your enslavement if you don't see the bigger picture behind globalism if you don't see the bigger picture behind the new world order it's all satan is at its core uh so that is far more useful than knowing who is alleged to be the coming antichrist some of this may even be disinformation to distract us from the real person you see right right right or well-meaning people just making the mistake of guessing but wouldn't they want to choose some high elite maybe even a celebrity like i don't know wouldn't they have like don't they just like scientology has tom cruise and they have l ron hubbard and they have uh um john travolta you know they have these people to sort of bring more people in people that they can look at and say wow look what this guy's done or look who this is if they're doing it it must be okay um i think that uh the person they choose will be someone who has good uh or convincing political credentials and good global political contacts because this person is going to have to persuade other nations to sign up to the globalist agenda so this person has to have street cred with global leaders and perhaps at least at one point have been viewed and regarded as a global leader in the political realm and be uh taken seriously on global issues uh because if they're not taken seriously as a global leader how are they going to persuade nations across the world to sign up to globalism that's my my take i'm not i'm not saying it's maybe the claim 100 has to be the case uh so for example one name that has been thrown out by some and you can find this on youtube but i'm not going to say it's definitely correct or definitely wrong is barrack obama barack obama yeah now interesting he fits the bill for global street cred he fits the bill for global contacts political contacts across the globe who are influential he fits the bill for uh all this global heavyweight status uh plus the fact that even without doing anything really he was nominated for and won the nobel peace prize the the person who is the antichrist will at the beginning come across as a man of peace a man who wants peace who will lead the world into peace and globalization will be part of that establishing peace worldwide agenda uh and will only reveal his true colors once he's firmly entrenched in power then people will realize uh eventually not everyone will realize some will just blindly follow him till the end that this isn't really a person of peace because he's leading us into all these wars and all this chaos uh he will be a person who will be to be some kind of a savior who will save the world from all kinds of chaos and trouble um let's look at the historical example of hitler for example adolf hitler would probably never have risen to power in germany if there had not been the deep and extensive economic breakdown in that country because people were desperate for a savior to lead them out of the economic chaos the economic disaster that they were in after the first world war and hitler appealed to them and persuaded them that he would save them and lift them out of it and he did at the beginning managed to improve the german economy uh with a lot of government works like building the autobahn across the country uh which he actually built not just to solve the economic problems but to facilitate the speedier and more efficient transport of german troops so like the antichrist the coming antichrist adolf hitler had the people on his side convinced that he was a savior did some good things for the economy which convinced them even more that he was the right choice to be their leader and the german people only woke up to his true colors when they were already deeply embedded in war a war that they were losing but it was too late then to simply pull out so i think you're going to get the same with the antichrist because we have the mainstream media often giving us a distorted message of the news i often say that the mainstream media is not there to inform us in reality the mainstream media is there to indoctrinate us there are few wonderful exceptions but most of the mainstream media is there to indoctrinate us and get us to accept the new world order to sign up to the global agenda coming to you your other question about why the mainstream media is not exposing this uh satanic new world order agenda or satanist ritual abuse one reason is because a lot of journalists um have signed up to satanism and got into the media usually these are the journalists who are writing on a fairly frequent basis against the existence of sra so in the uk media for example if if somebody has enough guts to write about the reality of sra in the uk media it's only a short time before another journalist perhaps in another paper will come up and say sre doesn't exist and try to attack the credibility of anybody who's uh who says it does i actually have a list of names of satanist journalists in the uk media and i'm sure that the list is not an exhaustive list that there are many more that i don't know about and i know of certain news papers and magazines that if you're trying to avoid to expose sra you've got to avoid them like the plague because these have a long history of covering up sra the other people who who may be involved in satanism who have influence in the media are some of the media owners some of the rich people who own parts of the mainstream media uh are probably involved in sra themselves which is why they they just keep quiet about the subject and don't uh get the publications or the broadcasters that they own to talk about sra so that's another explanation for why the mainstream media is just sitting on this subject or helping sometimes actively to cover it up which is a problem we quite often have in the uk and you probably will have something similar in the u.s the u.s of course has one advantage in that it has a much more extensive spread of media so it will be harder to control all of them on this particular subject probably some of them are controlled at least the us also has a more aggressive tradition of investigative journalism which we don't really have over here in the uk the uk parliamentary expenses scandal nothing to do with sra so far as i know was exposed by a journalist who had both american and uk citizens citizenship and she commented that things are a lot more closed here in the uk than in the us because she started working as a journalist in the u.s and then came to the uk and she's the one who exposed the parliamentary expenses scandal despite all the obstacles put in a way to cover it up she made a very interesting observation about the closeness of uk society compared to the openness of the us but the u.s needs to be careful that if it doesn't use that investigative journalism tradition to look into issues like sra and satanism and the connections to the deep state and the connections to the new world order eventually it may well lose that freedom to investigate these issues with freedom i often say use it or lose it you use your freedom to gather these issues you don't treat them as if they are sacred cows or taboo subjects you can't investigate and report on otherwise you're just aiding the satanist agenda which eventually will enslave you and then you won't have any freedom to investigate anything except what the satanist wants you to investigate yeah the pro the problem especially in the u.s i mean i mean obviously it's way worse than other countries but the the big media platforms here are super powers like youtube and facebook if you do put out content on your own independently like this for example there's a high risk of you being d platformed or having it having it censored or demonetized where these people can't earn income for reporting on this kind of stuff because it's not appropriate for their platform and youtube to their discretion can their youtube's executives or employees or whoever it is at youtube can at their discretion choose what is or is not acceptable for them so it's a it's a scary thing for a lot of independent journalists like myself to create content around these subjects around around these topics because it's risky um so anyways i mean i know a lot of people in the uk too there's a lot of big youtube channels in the uk who have had to deal with this kind of thing i mean there's a guy um what's his name there's a london reel i know he had he dealt with a lot of problems with youtube for certain interviews that he's done so anyways well we we need to fight for our freedom to speak on these platforms sometimes if they are threatened um there's always a campaign that one can do in fact we that's another thing that i often emphasize is that freedom does not come free and we have to fight for it we probably have to fight for it in every generation and in this generation i would stress the greatest threat to our freedom are the satanists who want to build a structure of global slavery which is generally referred to as the satanic new world order and it will mean in effect global slavery for all of us and problems like getting stuff out on youtube on facebook will be tiny compared to the controls that are coming down the road if we don't expose satanism sra their agenda soon and i always emphasize the exposure has to start with sra because sra is criminal sra is horrific we start by exposing the reality of sra maybe if you don't have it you need to put together a list of successfully prosecuted sra cases in the usa to show people this is real uh the fact that in the us there are police officers who are actually specializing or have training specialized on investigating sra that's a good sign if you can talk to them and get them to show you if they have public acknowledgement of sra on their police websites show you where it is and you can refer to that as the evidence of existence of sra in the usa the usa is better at training relatively better i'm sure there's room for improvement relatively better at training police on investigating sra than the uk is so you might get more cooperation from some of the police in in looking up successfully prosecuted sra cases or police acknowledgements of sra's existence on their police websites and compile this as evidence that this exists once you start exposing sra uh what i've observed is that there's a lot more interest in what the satanists are up to on the bigger global agenda you you start to unravel what they're doing when you start with sra and then you move on to the bigger picture of um what are they doing in government satanists and government satanists in the civil service what are they up to what where are they pushing us all then it comes in globalism uh and not just globalism but also increasing state control over families we have a big problem here with social services trying to penalize parents who are trying to protect their children from sex abuse by another parent that they will take the side of the abusive parent rather than taking the side of the protective paren i heard from some sources that you have a similar problem in the usa with the equivalent of our social services here i think you call them cps child protective services right right um so this is a sign of the satanist agenda which is to take away parental authority and autonomy and use state intervention in families to not only protect the abusive parents where there is abuse including sra but to also dictate how the child should be brought up how the child should be raised so i know a case for example in the uk recently that happened where a mother was being penalized by social services simply because she was homeschooling her daughter and the social services were bending over backwards to find fault with her homeschooling and saying it wasn't good enough it wasn't um done properly etc etc they don't like homeschooling satanists don't like homeschooling because then you get to bring up the child with your faith values if you have a faith so whether you're a christian or another religion and you're trying to bring up your child in your faith values they don't like that because they want a child to be brought up by the state because the state is pushing an education agenda which is more in line with the satanist agenda for example sexualization of children through sex education that is happening pretty extensively with the support of the state in the uk and some of it is pretty graphic sex education so-called sex education is often in reality grooming of children for sex with adults through so-called sex education in the uk i know of a parent who says that he has to spend an hour or so detoxifying his child every day when the child comes home from school because of all the stuff that the child is being indoctrinated with in school this is what the state educational agenda which has been influenced by the satanist agenda is doing to children what better way to groom a whole generation for sex at an early age than through state imposed sex education the the room for scope for autonomy for parents in the uk is steadily decreasing this is because the state wants to replace their authority with the state and of course the big stick that they wave around if you don't tow the line is social services coming to take your child away so this is another problem to look out for that will be exposed more when once sra gets exposed more it's part of this big agenda for controlling and micromanaging our lives and teaching our children what the state wants them to know and to believe in rather than parents passing on their values to the children they don't like that because our values may contradict the state's values every totalitarian state seeks to control its children that's why hitler had the hitler youth and many of the hitler youth who grew up in time for the war joined the ss and the communists had the communist pioneers for the children they all know all dictators understand that if you get the child young enough you will make them grow up to follow all your values and your political ideology so the the ideology and values of satanism will be communicated to the next generation if parents give up their parental autonomy and authority to the state this will happen probably for the next generation because this these efforts to indoctrinate children by the state are intensifying and that's why we need to identify this problem and perhaps parents should get together and and stand against these encroachments uh at least in the uk the state is just getting too big too powerful uh encroaching into many areas of people's lives and of course kobe 19 now gives them a license to encroach into even more areas of people's lives and needs to be cut back and needs to withdraw especially from issues that have been traditionally dealt with by parents themselves rather than by the state they should respect parental autonomy because this is going to influence the next generation of children and and so we need to guard that very jealously uh the rights of parents that is extremely terrifying some of the things that you've been studying and that you just explained um it's the dark new world the dark new world order that is coming if we don't make a stand if we don't speak out and expose what's going on well i appreciate all the work you're doing and the dedication that you have for this subject where can people go online and find out more information about what you're doing watch more of these talks or watch more about what you're doing and follow up with you well they can uh visit my website uh the castro website which i'll send you the address for okay i'll link it uh in the description below they can uh email me with a request for more information about sra about some of the issues we've been talking about they can of course research it themselves on the internet but bear in mind there's also a lot of information disinformation put out by satanists on the internet because they want to challenge the exposure of sra uh much of which is taking place on the internet so they have to set up their own but sometimes they will not well most of the time they will not admit their satanists so they will just perpetuate the myth there is no such thing as sra or even if there was it's very small negligible numbers uh so look out for for for those traps because they do exist out there and the satanists have a lot of money to set up these websites um we there are more and more good interviews on sre out there uh especially on youtube uh but not all of them are necessarily good so you you need some discernment and uh i've got a various interviews i've done that on youtube and we should use that space now while we have it to get the message out because there's no guarantee especially in light of what we've been discussing there's no guarantee that we're always going to have this kind of platform and freedom to talk about these things well cool man thank you so much for doing this talk with me um and sorry one more thing if you want to know what you can practically do yes to to to oppose sra and to expose it then of course i can always give advice i have already given some advice in this interview but i can always give more by email it's time that they stop having a free pass they'll be getting a free pass for too long to carry on sra and for the sake of the children and the vulnerable adults who are victimized by them we need to withdraw that free pass [Music] foreign
Views: 218,062
Rating: 4.835187 out of 5
Keywords: satanic ritual abuse, jimmy saville, shaun attwood, koncrete, wilfred wong, documentary, documentaries, docs, interview, world, exclusive, underground, independent, journalism, film, short films, movies, satanist, satanic temple, uk, united kingdom, devil, angel, demons, cult, god, religion, conspiracy, theory, illuminati, david icke, julian assange, war on terror, war on drugs, bill clinton, new world order, jre clips, joe, rogan, podcast
Id: E4znCXIXF2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 11sec (9071 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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