Teens cruel 'sacrificial' offering to Satan in quiet country town | 60 Minutes Australia

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thank you in 30 years of farming Joe Brown has learned to be tough about his sheep back here red still nothing could prepare him for what he saw in his sheep yards the morning after the massacre all these animals destroyed you know were hacked and butchered stabbed and bludgeoned I got a hell of a fraud really at first they thought it was a pack of savage dogs but when they looked closer they knew it was humans some of them had their eyes torn out little gadget and they were walking around in the yards so they were always there suffering [Music] like like you're holding the animal out like on an imaginary altar if you haven't gone in halter that is the man who did it John Charles bird oh you puncture the heart make a sign slip the frayed and whatnot and it goes on from there so where were the sheep in the forest paddock over there we walked into the middle of them he hasn't been back to the Sheep yard since the night of the massacre I lit a few candles and draw a roughs off circle and drop some symbols and around this is how berto prepared for his sacrifice with a ceremonial circle protection he believed that inside it he couldn't be harmed his protector that night was the devil himself it was like a father to me it was like a security he was like a bond even though the devil is you must have known evil yeah yeah he was still good it's strange strange as it may seem but like he's there but he's bad he's evil and everything else but he was still good did you love the devil at the time I did yeah to find the devil in Warwick was an experience this quiet profoundly respectable town has yet to get over it's a god-fearing farming community proud of its schools and churches [Music] the last thing Warrick wanted was to become a case study of the dangers of the occult think Ward's are quiet little country town where everybody knows everybody and everybody's business and something like that to happen amidst we were shocked you're aware that in Africa and other countries they do have black magic but certainly not in in the worid district you know it was a complete surprise to me when you chose to Massacre the sheep as your ritual why did you choose them for one reason I only the Lamb of lamb was going and that meant they had to die yeah they're to die but not for God so another God what tools did you use to kill the ship two butchers knives and a tomahawk Wayne Richard Cockrum like Berto he was 17 at the time of the massacre what did you think when you'd finished Quixote had a feeling we'd get caught they were picked up within a week Wayne Cockrum hid from the cameras John Berto spat at them both went to jail for the crime though no one will say precisely how many were there that night there was definitely a third Craig Anderson when did you realize that there was devil worship when I spoke to Craig Anderson Detective Sergeant Bob Ennis of the Warwick police it was obvious he told me then because he had a guilt complex and he just couldn't live with his guilt so he to protect his witness Detective Sergeant Bob Bennett found Craig our hideaway a farm 40 kilometres from work on the Darling Downs on the way out Craig stopped to break the news to his mother Wendy I said oh what are you doing at the play station giving a statement I said hell knows we do know what we on there and he said he was there and I said your what you know your in amongst that and I just started yelling at him and he ran out the back door that was the last time I saw him I thought he'd ran to his room to get away from my temper [Music] two days later Craig Anderson was dead found hanging from this tree [Music] the police investigated the death of Craig Anderson and found that he committed suicide by hanging himself from that tree yet the people who knew Craig will still wonder about that and his mother even today he can't accept it held him down with rain in the middle of the night or what if it was ten o'clock at night you're going to climb a dirty big tree in the middle of a storm tie a perfect noose and hang yourself for it start Craig couldn't tie a noose there was no way no he didn't say my father had commit suicide as we when we done the thing with the Sheep he seemed to take it quite well to set up a fully fledged satanic cult in a country time like Warwick is a real test of ingenuity to begin with where'd he get the information how do you know which spells and symbols to use well in John burrows case he took the direct approach he went straight to the local library looked under over occult and he was off and what the local library couldn't provide they brought down from Brisbane for him did you initiate yourself into Satanism or did you get someone to do it for you no I initiated myself what did you do um well what actually happened was I sat down I don't it was a sacrificial offering but before beforehand I made love to a friend of mine which was lady in force and but without her knowing it I was performing a ritual like before I actually had sexual intercourse with her holy incense and whatnot and through my own concentration I put myself into a trance so you pervert oh it was the culmination of all the study and preparation that night he officially signed on with Satan in a ritual I sold my soul so to speak what did you sell it for well I sold it for mostly wisdom riches which I haven't attained yet with his new power Berto felt ready to form his own coven in Warwick no one in Warrick knew exactly what was happening but at the time there seemed to be a spate of mysterious events in the weeks leading up to the mine massacre we'd had a tech some night several gates here just single animals but in a fairly vicious manner that I thought minor just going into Sciences but then I read later that it got a lot worse than that girls initiated ripping themselves to pieces with fingernails and this sort of thing was that a great feeling to be running your own coven he won awards you describe it I felt in power I felt in control of those around me [Music] burro's first sacrifice was a chicken an experience he describes as the most powerful in his life I felt beautiful I felt on top of the world I felt I just felt brilliant what did you do salute its frame drained its blood into the chalice and I'm from there but and drank the blood a portion abortion what what animals did you kill everything from hens to kidneys to cats too in the end a shame but on the night of the massacre it all got out of hand Berto was trying to conduct a serious satanic ceremony but for his mates it came down to bloodlust how much was Satanism and the devil to do with what you did that night I just went for the kill it got out of hand in the end because everyone's taking a little bit too psychotic and going into frenzies and whatnot which was very strange evil is a substantial reality and to get involved in it and to give your allegiance to it is to very quickly get involved in something over which you've got no control and we regard it to be highly dangerous bishop john reed of sin andrews cathedral in sydney there certainly as you as you have shared in this particular incident that youth on this program it's brought death to some people and i think that that has occurred again and again john bird oh like to see himself as the man in control a master of the dark arts always on the lookout for fresh recruits that night he initiated Craig Anderson into the cup well I remember same-same his face after his initiation and it was a scared married face very scared my advice not just initiated but as birder tells it almost murdered [Music] at one brief second in time I felt the need to actually like decease the man's life that was standing beside me decease Craig what - kill him - kill him yeah which is not nice nice thing to say why why are we gonna do to him well I was I would uh I would only done it in one action and that would have been in one action and that action would have been straight that I knifed him in this old place then garden you yeah I know I him in Salt Lake's what's your reaction to that nothing would surprise me that John Baird I said and honestly wouldn't to know that your son was that close that Berta had a knife on him and nearly used it I don't know just Hey but yes he could have I suppose your son sorry no sir I'm just trying to you've just shocked me with that huh huh you could have stepped one of your good friends yeah I could have no worries at all yeah without even thinking about it lark you know just having a cigarette or something just doing it that's it it would have been all over and done with I could have met went mad and killed myself or something I don't really know because I the time I was uncontrollable and so is everyone else that was there I've even spoken to the police and Warrick about this and they believe he's also capable of murder not only with animal was they said if it wasn't stopped when it stopped he'd go into something else and it'll be human beings next if I hadn't have been pulled up at that time I would have would have eventually added on to something a little bit bigger a little bit more powerful Craig Anderson died without telling anyone about his initiation Verdot says he warned Craig to keep it a secret or something bad would happen to him you initiated him do you accept any responsibility for his death I accept all responsibility like I shouldn't have even have brought him in there I gosh I shouldn't even have been involved in it in the first place but you know it was something that happened and I'm very sad I wish I wish he'd you know I wish things had not worked out for him like that in a way did you kill him in a way or did you I feel remorse for it but what can I do you know I you know why I did kill him not physically I told him spiritually I would warn young people from being involved in any kind of occult practices even if they appear to be amusing or funny because they just lead step by step and you can't tell what's going to be a around because you've got no control over them and certainly I would give any Satan worship that why this birth john Berto has put the devil behind him he wanted wisdom he wanted riches now he'd just settle for a job if there's one lesson he's learned it's not to underestimate the forces of evil from your experience from your knowledge is it far more common than any of us a spring non Satanists imagine a far more common it's out there it's out there it's lingering in the mists hello I'm Liz Hayes thanks for watching to keep up with the latest from 60 minutes Australia make sure you subscribe to our Channel you can also download the 9 now app for full episodes and other exclusives 60 minutes content
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Views: 673,089
Rating: 4.4448528 out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia, Liz Hayes, Charles Wooley, Tara Brown, Liam Bartlett, Allison Langdon, Ellen Fanning, Peter Overton, Ray Martin, Jana Wendt, Jeff McMullen, Jennifer Byrne, Mike Munro, Richard Carleton, Tracey Curro, Peter Harvey, George Negus, Ian Leslie, Gerald Stone, Sarah Abo, Warwick, Satan, sacrificial offering, sheep massacre, cult, worship, witches of Warwick
Id: yiN27M0akuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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