NEXUS EXTRA: "I'm an eyewitness”

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If yu want to dive even deeper, this explains the Les Wexner ties as well.

So many layers to this...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/1EclecticSoul 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

This needs more upvotes. This is like really high yield key points of what most people don't know about Epstein. Confirmed Mossad tool.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sillyrabbit33 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello and welcome to nexus extra on this week's show we've been looking at how important it is to keep gelane maxwell alive until her trial in july 2021 a year away we've been talking about that because a lot of people have said that the jail she is staying in is quite unsafe and they are very concerned given what happened to her ex-boyfriend jeffrey epstein that she could either take her life or be killed by a fellow inmate or even and this was her lawyer's concern contract covered 19. well today on nexus extra we are joined by stephen hoffenberg stephen hoffenberg knew jeffrey epstein very well back in the 80s and 90s they worked together at towers financial mr hoffenberg is a former wall street financier and the former owner of the new york post he actually went to jail for some 18 years because of a ponzi scheme in which epstein was allegedly involved and today he is joining us because he wants to explain his role in the entire epstein affair out of a sense of duty to the victims mr hoffenberg you spent nine years interacting directly with jeffrey epstein in the workplace what kind of man was he yes jeffrey epstein was a very unusual man in his desires and dreams to come out to become ultra powerful and ultra rich his whole life was a platform to become rich and powerful and that was his focus david and it was a very unusual personality a lot of ability he had a unique way of getting under your skin and was charming very nice to deal with very kind in the way he would manipulate you this was a master manipulator and that's the type of personality he had he did seek to control the person he was befriending and he did a great job at that terrific job at that as you've seen with two presidents of the united states donald trump and bill clinton and your prince andrew in the uk he got under his skin terribly so and why do you feel a sense of responsibility perhaps even guilty about his meteoric rise into the the strata of the so-called elite the way you pose the question why do you feel the responsibility or why was jeffrey seeking to become part of the social elite he used it as a business tool that was his interest as julian maxwell became his number one business tool with prince andrew and president donald trump and president bill clinton and leslie wexner and alan derchowitz and darren indica i could go on and name name after name of people he was able to get under the skin with and convinced that they should be friends of his close friends of his and he used all these people effectively like he used me and set me up for the fall that i took in the courtroom which is remarkable how he was named in the tower's financial case and then his name was removed totally and completely removed from the cases and there was no explanation provided to the washington post one of our newspapers in washington dc who was able to secure all the transcripts jeffrey epstein's name was in the case that i was set up in and i should have gone to trial in and i was stopped from going to trial because if i would have gone to trial jeffrey epstein would have been found guilty and this whole terrible catastrophe would have never occurred so please go ahead what about the pair of them jeffrey epstein and galen maxwell obviously spent a lot of time with jeffrey epstein did you ever spend time with the with the couple so to speak i refuse to spend time with elaine maxwell only because i rejected the request of jeffrey epstein's handlers which is the title given to the people that you work with if you're gathering intelligence and jeffrey epstein was handled very effectively by sir douglas lease in the lease family and they were assisting the folks in the uk with information that they were working on in the middle east and around the world and jeffrey epstein after being thrown out of best earns went to work for sir douglas lease in the uk traveling the world doing business for him as an investment banker it's alleged that glenn maxwell and jeffrey epstein had links to israel's intelligence services and that essentially epstein would entice rich and powerful men into his various properties around the world film their exploits with young women sometimes underage women in order to blackmail them do you know anything about this is there any credibility to these reports whatsoever oh yes i work with the girl rape victims daily in interaction and i spend a vast amount of time with these lovely girls that have been emotionally and psychologically traumatized by jeffrey epstein andrew lane maxwell she's as bad as he is if not worse and they took advantage and misused and raped these girls the two of them together it's the most disgusting horrible set of crimes one could imagine it's terribly evil horribly evil what's the bigger picture here mr hoffenberg what were jeffrey epstein and his handlers and maxwell what were they hoping apart from their own perverted sexual gratification what sort of benefits were they hoping to get out of this well they were able to secure a great deal of information about the consideration toward israel and i'm not trying to make allegations i want to be sensitive to the point of not attempting to charge anybody but i'm an eyewitness to what occurred and i had direct interaction with all these principles so i saw it and i heard it and what they were doing was gathering information that would be important for israel or the uk to understand about the thoughts of the politicians and the rich and famous people in america that was the plan and that was very effective and julie maxwell was actually in charge of that people don't know that yet but the victims have confirmed that julian maxwell was in charge of the audio and videotaping systems that moved forward to the others involved in the audio and videotaping atrocities these were crimes very sad very a friend of a friend of gilley maxwell's is reported in the british press anyway to to have said that she is very astute woman and that she would have made copies for her own insurance to make sure that she will never be prosecuted because she has powerful people in her pocket do you know anything about that yes they have said that jalane maxwell made a set of copies of the tapes that were transferred to others and they were transferred directly from the homes and possibly airplanes of jeffrey epstein to another man that was deeply involved with jeffrey epstein deeply involved and that allegation has been made and it hasn't been well publicized yet because it's only spoken about by the victims who were there who actually saw this firsthand i know it to be true firsthand that these tapes audio videotapes were being made and were being transferred to one of jeffrey epstein's associates by jolene maxwell's guidance yes two witnesses he doesn't know about this prince andrew of the uk does not know about this that he was tape recorded so it's it's a very unusual case yep you gave some of your time and remarks to a major netflix documentary also featured in that documentary was a former jeffrey epstein employee and of course an alleged victim virginia guffrey both of them say that they saw bill clinton on the on on epstein's island which has been dubbed pedophile island um he denies that categorically that he ever went on that island although his name is registered in um jeffrey epstein's private jets log book it is not shown or proved anywhere that he went to the island except for these two witnesses what more can you tell us well there are a number of witnesses that have established that president bill clinton did go to the island and you know politicians in america are very worried and shocked about this jolane maxwell jeffrey epstein-stork this is the worst political scandal in american history so far that's currently taking place so president bill clinton wants to separate himself from this but i spoke to the journalists that recorded that original story and did view the flight logs and there was no question unfortunately for president bill clinton that he did go on the airplane and he was at the island and that was confirmed by many sources not not to say that anyone said that they saw him doing anything wrong there but that they saw him there just to be clear both the former employee and virginia guffrey they didn't say that he did anything wrong they just said that he was there according to them um let's talk let's turn to the the current president president trump um in a press conference um within the last few hours he said that he's met glenn maxwell several times and he wishes her well i mean you would expect him to put it put a great deal of distance between them as he did with epstein and to say he hopes that justice is done or something like that i mean i can't you cannot get into the mind of president trump but why do you think he said i wish her well it's a shocking point the fact that president donald trump reacted that way and he didn't distance himself or talk about the victims or talk about prince andrew or talk about the story he was caught off guard and his reaction was a person that did have an emotional participation which elaine maxwell and felt that emotional bond in answering the question that was shocking to americans and to the american media he's gotten tremendous terrible press over what he said at that news conference could it be that president trump like many people around galen maxolo who knew gallate maxwell including her close friend um think that she may also have been a victim of jeffrey epstein caught in his orbit and unable to leave well that is a ridiculous and outrageous point that should not be given any merit because julian maxwell is equal to jeffrey epstein in what occurred in the criminal misconduct for the billion dollars that is now available to be seized and for the victims tragedy jeremy maxwell is not a victim julian maxwell is somebody terribly involved in this case and she must realize that her role is now to talk truthfully and straighten out her life i believe she's in emotional shock yeah you say that you have first-hand information on her uh on her personal emotional physical well-being in jail and up-to-date information i'm not going to ask you where you get that from because i know it might compromise your sources but what have you heard she's in shock emotionally she can't believe what's happening to her the custody housing is horrible because the change of her lifestyle is so dramatic for her that she's now being held in a very small prison cell 24 hours a day in paper clothing she's being videoed around the clock she's being guarded around the clock by staff she's being moved into a different cell regularly probably every day or every other day in order to reduce the risk on her life she really has to be put into witness custody housing right now otherwise her life is definitely at risk there's no question that her life is at risk and she should be transferred at once it's alleged that that maxwell and epstein um you know did carry out abuse over decades and that they were not prosecuted because they were protected it is really only under president trump's presidency that we've seen the attempted prosecution of jeffrey epstein and now the current prosecution of gala maxwell you've mentioned in the past that you think something has changed politically that removes this protection from them can you tell us about that yeah well people like yourself in journalism are focusing now on this horrible mystery of crimes hurting so many rape young girls underage girls and girls that were manipulated into rape by julian maxwell and jeffrey epstein and prince andrew has been charged with that and alan der george has been charged with that by the victims and very high profiled men in the political zone in america are supposedly defendants for this kind of misconduct and it's a terrible terrible scandal here in america it's the worst the worst scandal that's taking place today what happened to the lord is what i was asking and to be clear uh prince andrew and alan dershowitz both men deny all allegations against them and they've been charged with nothing um so let me ask you about the the politics though trump's in power suddenly decades of of whatever evil secret acts that have been going on suddenly addressed uh in the courts and i was asking really if if the politics at the top has changed and made it easier for these prosecutions to happen the election that's going to take place in america in november of this year is probably what's driving the exposure of this case because the candidates are president donald trump and former president joe biden will be officially the vice president yeah joe biden will be the democratic candidate now vice president joe biden i'm going to say right now will definitely raise the issue of what president donald trump did yesterday in his point of reference to jalane maxwell which was shocking in america shocking and [Music] it's very important for disclosure in the american political category that this case come to light now judicially and with epstein's death in prison the case was quieted down in the judicial system for the last approximate year but now the case has substantial life with the arrest of jerane maxwell and she's going to cooperate and she's going to name names and vince andrew is definitely been charged and alan dirty let me in charge let me ask you a final question you now work with alleged victims of maxwell and of epstein can you tell me how you got into this what you do for them well i give them support emotional support and guidance and i answer all their questions about jeffrey epstein and julian maxwell and i explained the participation of the other name persons in the mystery story and i explained the billion dollars that's remaining now for the victims to attempt to receive payment of damages from so there's questions coming every day to me from these victims and they deserve direct answers and they deserve an emotional support system because they have been terribly damaged and harmed psychologically and physically stephen hoffenberg thank you very much for your contribution to nexus extra today and thank you at home and on your mobiles for watching thank you well thanks for watching our program if you liked it please give it a thumbs up share it with your friends and family and even subscribe [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 295,723
Rating: 4.8087831 out of 5
Keywords: Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Steven Hoffenberg, Epstein’s Boss, Trump, Netflix, Sexual Abuse, Sex Trafficking, Ghislaine Maxwell Jail, Epstein Girlfriend, Epstein Suicide, TRT, TRT World, TRT News
Id: U6fR_Bu_GPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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