The man chased away his girlfriend in front of his friends. But after 5 years, he saw her in...

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Linda my dear girl could you please bring me a glass of water said the grandmother struggling to sit up in bed sure Grandma of course the granddaughter rushed over are you feeling bad again yes dear I always feel unwell now I'm old keto no grandma we'll get you better we'll beat your anemia how can we beat it Linda you heard how much the treatment costs don't worry grandma I'll find the money I'll figure it out you'll be the healthiest with me my wonderful granddaughter may the Lord bless you Linda was already 18 she had finished school and worked as a barista in a local cafe she hadn't thought about further education yet there was no time for that the girl didn't know her parents her mother died in childbirth and her grandmother didn't even know about her father she only said that he confused the girl and disappeared besides her grandmother Linda had no one closer or dearer they always lived together in a tiny apartment in a small Port Town Laura always tried to give her granddaughter the best she worked as a sinstress in a small workshop and took orders at home trying to provide everything necessary for her granddaughter so that the girl didn't feel deprived Linda grew up a smart girl always able to stand up for herself she loved her grandmother more than life itself and was always very afraid that something might happen to her that she might lose her and now this anemia Linda had no idea where to get money for treatment and quickly at that by the time you wait for that quota you could die 300 times over but Linda believed everything would work out she would manage to cure her grandmother of this terrible illness Linda was on her way home from work it was already around 9 in the evening getting dark she still needed to stop by the store and buy something for dinner Linda passed by an open Cafe a group of young people was having fun there hey beautiful come join us shouted one of them maybe when I have a Rolls-Royce I'll consider it but for now no need to shout and bother passers by muttered Linda not slowing down and walked past you're feisty said the same guy with a bright smile there was something enticingly forbidden about this guy Linda tried not to think about it nonsense she needed to think about her grandmother and work not some spoiled boy who only knew how to sit in a cafe and have fun with his friends the girl turned into the nearest shop she quickly grabbed everything she needed and stepped out onto the street with a paper bag she was looking down to avoid stumbling the steps were old and rickety the the girl didn't notice the same guy with the bright smile who had just been sitting in the cafe with his friends heavy bag sweetheart he asked smiling just a normal bag Linda replied can't you sit in the cafe have your friends dispersed can't I help a girl who stolen my heart let's skip that shall we I've read enough of that in cheap books when I was 14 so come on go have fun Linda walked away briskly away from that lady's man who apparently was burdened with no problems at all most likely he had a wealthy daddy or Mommy who solved all life's difficulties for him leaving him only to roam the city at night and hang out with friends or perhaps with girls Linda was annoyed that she was thinking about him maybe she was just tired maybe she simply lacked girlish Joys after all Linda couldn't even afford to just hang out with her girlfriends they all were dating someone enjoying their youth while she had to think about how to survive how to find money for her grandmother's treatment the doctor said it's better to start it soon then there's a chance that everything will be fine and Donna Laura will quickly recover and live many happy years ahead no Linda would do everything to find the money and pay for this treatment she had no other choice hello Granny Linda called from the doorway hello my dear Grandma responded with a voice more lively than usual how are you today you know a bit better not lying around like a log all the time watered the flowers you're such a clever girl how happy I am soon I'll cure you we'll ride bicycles together oh granddaughter what kind of cyclist am I a very wonderful cyclist the granddaughter kissed grandma on the cheek and began to unpack the groceries from the bag the next day Linda as usual stood at her usual place in the cafe behind the bar counter there were few visitors in the morning probably because it's a day off and people decided to rest after a week of work suddenly he entered that guy who had been waiting for Lindon near the shop with the slanting porch it's fate he exclaimed approaching the counter and looking into Linda's eyes it's just a small town the girl replied calmly you're likely to encounter a familiar face somewhere no it's something else until what time are you here today want me to treat you to the tastiest ice cream in town I know this town inside out there's no ice cream here worth admiring are you placing an order Linda adjusted her hair yes yes I want coffee with Bailey's can you make it hm a girly drink don't you think maybe but today I really wanted Linda he stared at the badge on the young barista's left pocket of her uniform I'm Jordy a couple of minutes and your coffee will be ready Jordie thank you sweetheart he sat at the nearest table and stared out the window Georgie finished his cup of coffee and headed toward the exit with brisk steps on the table he left a generous tip and a small note it felt so unusual to see such a note in the 21st century in the age of high technology when everyone communicated solely through Messengers and phones it reminded her of something childish Charming Linda the thief of my heart I beg you do not refuse me I will come for the closing and we will take a walk I'll treat you to just ice cream I think of you all the time Georgie the girl read on a scrap of paper and tucked it into her pocket they walked along a small alley and ate strawberry ice cream it was so easy with this guy now he didn't seem like the obnoxious poser who throws around pretty phrases just for fun or to show off in front of his buddies they simply chatted about everything and enjoyed the evening coolness where do you study Georgie asked not anymore school is behind me and what's next don't you plan to apply anywhere not at the moment I have a sick grandmother I need to work now I'm saving up for her treatment she's everything I have in this world I understand Georgie suddenly stopped pulled the girl towards him and kissed her Linda began to push the guy away but the kiss felt so tender so pure to her that she simply couldn't resist him Linda had been dating Georgie for about a month now she felt like she wanted to spend her whole life with this person she fell head over heels for this smiling guy eagerly awaiting each new meeting the girl couldn't focus on work slept poorly and completely lost her peace Linda what's going on my dear one evening grandma asked when her granddaughter brought her a glass of warm milk with honey before bed nothing happened Linda replied avoiding eye contact have you fallen in love Laura Linda's mother asked directly Grandma what are you saying hi I just started dating a nice guy that's all with a nice guy side Grandma your mother also once met a nice guy but he disappeared from her life too quickly as soon as he found out she was expecting a baby he vanished too quickly oh don't start now or you'll start crying again but at least you have me yes I thank heavens for that every day every day but still my dear be careful watch out that this nice guy of yours doesn't hurt you you know it's very easy to deceive an 18-year-old girl believe me old lady Grandma you're not an old lady at all I'll be careful I promise Linda kissed her grandmother on the forehead and turned off the lamp why does the coffee smell so bad Ramon Linda asked her coffee shop owner one morning it usually smells like that he replied unpacking a box I'm telling you it smells like sour milk or something did you change suppliers no I haven't changed anything are your hormones acting up or something my hormones are just fine the girl pouted and started wiping the cups the whole day Linda felt strange either she had eaten something wrong or she caught a virus her head was pounding and her stomach was churning a terrible condition at night Linda couldn't sleep she pushed away bad thoughts no this can't be true but the delay that had occurred spoke more eloquently than any words the girl decided to put an end to these doubts she barely waited for mning and hurriedly dashed to the pharmacy fortunately she had the day off that day she tried to take on more shifts so weekends were a real luxury yes Linda saw a little red cross that almost instantly appeared on the test display holy Virgin Mary no not this not now muttered Linda sitting on the edge of the bathtub she had hoped that everything in her life would work out Georgie came from a good family he had money he could help with treatment for Grandma a child was not in the plans for the girl as she hadn't achieved anything in this life yet but the Lord sent her this baby for a reason so it was destined to come into the world Linda closed her eyes she remembered Georgie's words you know I want us to have three children the guy said as he escorted her home why three the girl was surp rised one for you the other for me and the third and the third for these two older ones well you made it up what children we don't have time for children at all we need to work and Achieve something in this life one thing doesn't hinder the other he smiled and took the girl's hand one thing doesn't hinder the other whispered Linda she decided to inform Georgie about her condition as soon as possible he would surely support her and figure out how they could live on Linda quickly tacked a message to her beloved they agreed to meet at the fountain at 6:00 in the evening Linda was very nervous she was sure Georgie would take this news gladly but she still felt slightly anxious what did you want to say sweetheart Georgie asked I don't have much time dad asked me to go with him on business Georgie I'm pregnant Linda blurted out what what did you say what you heard I'm pregnant we're going to have a baby are you happy are you out of your mind what baby could there be I'm not ready to change diapers and lose sleep at night I have a bunch of plans for the next 10 years but there's no room for sniveling babies there but you you talked about children Linda said gasping for air you said you wanted three children yes maybe but not now I still need to finish University and besides dad promised to get me a job at his friend's firm but this baby is already in my belly he can't disappear Linda barely held back her tears maybe baby maybe I'll help you I'll find a doctor and are you suggesting I get an abortion huh Linda sat down on the edge of the fountain water droplets pleasantly cooled her heated back skin well yes isn't there any other way actually there is giving birth yes but that's not the solution for us at that moment Georgie's friends approached hi they cheerfully greeted are we interrupting no not at all just Linda got a little carried away playing future mommy right sweetheart he turned to Linda she was silent tears choking her but the girl tried not to burst into tears right here and now you know sweetheart you're really beautiful and you're just amazing in bed but I'm not ready for all this vanilla stuff like marriage and having a child so let's part ways nicely without unnecessary drama if you need help with a doctor you know how to find me and then Georgie simply turned around and stroe off with his buddies towards his house Linda sat there tears streaming down her cheeks endlessly At first she tried to fight them wiping them away with the back of her hand but then she stopped letting them flow freely the girl sat there probably for half an hour before finally getting up and heading home she didn't want to go home her grandmother would surely notice that she had been crying and then hiding the truth from her would be impossible so Linda turned onto her favorite alley one that was wild and abandoned there were usually few people there and she could enjoy the silence Linda sat down on an old peeling bench what the hell a voice came from right next to her that darn squirrel ran away again damn it a guy in worn out jeans and beaten up sneakers emerged onto the path from behind the trees wow this is a stroke of luck the guy stared at Linda then started clicking his camera incessantly what are you doing Linda angrily muttered covering her face with her hand just walk past you half-baked photographer you'd better buy yourself new sneakers instead of wearing these beat up ones or did you spend all your money on this fancy Gadget you're such a mean girl and you look so sweet and delicate the guy smiled lowering his C camera if you're going to be mean here did someone hurt you the photographer asked life hurt me photographer and I really am an unfinished photographer I need to submit my final project it's called three images but I just can't find a model and now now what now it seems I found one will you agree to be my model for just a week I'll pay he I can even pay in advance oh come on you'll pay you can't earn money for sneakers for yourself but you'll pay him I can afford a cup of coffee and ice cream myself sometimes so walk on photographer go find squirrels they'll pose for you for free listen I'm serious I have money really and sneakers I just don't care what sneakers I wear as long as they're comfortable what do I need to do Linda softened a bit first tell me your name by the way I'm Santiago I'm Linda she reached out her hand pleased to meet you so are you in I really need the money not for nonsense but for my grandmother's treatment and the treatment costs a pretty penny I could pay in installments but there are no installments yet listen let's do this I'll pay for your grandmother's treatment I'll borrow from my uncle if my savings Aren't Enough agree Linda nodded such an offer sounded too tempting her grandmother would live a full life and Linda wouldn't have to jump up at night to listen if she was breathing or not but the money up front the girl quickly said agreed give me your number Santiago took out his phone from his pocket Linda did dictated it and looked at the guy he had such unusual eyes deep but at the same time naive and even childish they glowed as if little fireflies lived in them just about to jump out any good news for today Linda thought on her way home she had firmly decided not to tell her grandmother anything about the child or about that strange photographer either her phone beeped it was Santiago who else sending her a flower emoji to save his number Grandma I have wonderful news for you Linda shouted as she entered the cramped hallway grandma didn't respond she must have fallen asleep she thought and went into her grandmother's room when the girl entered she almost fainted Dona Laura was lying on the floor her head thrown back oh holy Mary not this Linda frantically started dialing Santiago's number yes Linda by Heaven's gift the guy jokingly replied Santiago this is no time for jokes please help my grandmother she she's unconscious hurry she needs to go to the hospital urgently give me the address I'll be there in a minute they sat in the dimly lit Corridor of the local Clinic Linda cried and Santiago tried to calm her down it was so strange they had only known each other for about an hour and a half and here they were sitting together waiting to hear what the doctor would say to Linda it felt like this guy and worn out sneakers was an old friend or even a brother she had never had a brother a sister or even a close friend and now it felt like she did Senora parz is out of danger said the elderly doctor seemingly appearing out of nowhere in the corridor they'll release her home Linda jumped up no we'll observe her for a few days didn't they tell you about the treatment plan yes when can we start I'm ready we're ready to pay Linda glanced at Santiago he nodded and started negotiating with the doctor jotting down something in a notebook with a stubby pencil truly eccentric this photographer in this day and age jotting something down in a notebook in the era of gadgets Linda was nervous feeling nauseous suddenly she remembered she was expecting a child so many events had taken place that day her head was spinning yes she was pregnant the girl hadn't had a chance to properly think about it yet first Jordy with his teasing then this photographer jumping out of the bushes and now her grandmother who suddenly decided to scare her granddaughter and collapse unconscious in her room let's go I'll take you home said Santiago taking Linda's hand is everything okay will Grandma Start the treatment yes starting tomorrow I've sorted everything out payment can be made to the Clinic's account so no problems thank you Linda squeezed the guy's hand she has never been so grateful to anyone in her life except her grandmother shall we start tomorrow Santiago suddenly asked opening the car door what Linda was surprised our project called three faces the guy smiled oh that yes whatever you say as long as grandma she'll be fine don't worry they drove through their Hometown which had already sunk Into Darkness it was eerily quiet and peaceful rarely did they come across any passers by everyone had scattered to their homes how great it was when someone could support you especially when it was so necessary Linda couldn't sleep she couldn't fall asleep too much had happened thoughts were racing through her mind and there was that nasty feeling of nausea she sat at the table in the small kitchen sipping green tea with lemon it helped a little to combat the waves of nausea and provided some slight calming effect what to do now Linda thought how to deal with Grandma and now with a child too she really has no one else to rely on Linda's thoughts slowly shifted to another track Santiago the photographer was so peculiar calling her Heaven's gift for some reason he was unlike the guys Linda had encountered in the town since childhood there seemed to be a whole world in his eyes a magical and somewhat wild world and his passion for photography simply amazed her he was willing to pay for her grandmother's treatment just to look at her through his fancy lens and click away funny they met at 6 in the same place on the old alley it was the time Linda finished her shift that day today's theme will be modesty said Santiago placing a package on the bench what's this Linda pointed at the package it's what will help you embody the theme scarves blankets basically everything you need I've prepared well we will make this project Happ happen the best agencies will collaborate with me Santiago dreamily looked up at the sky you're dreaming big aren't you Linda chuckled instead of just going to work here you are with your camera chasing girls and bringing along a bag of mysterious stuff that's because I want this to be my job my uncle pushed me into law school but I couldn't last two years I left it's not for me all those laws articles mine is the sky covered in feathery clouds the sun setting burning like a spark in the thickening blue of the sky and a girl a girl with eyes the color of moss living on the bark of a tree my eyes are just ordinary some Moss came up with that all right tell me what do I need to do Linda threw her bag on the bench here take this scarf and drape it over your head he handed the girl a snowy silk scarf do you want to turn me into a nun Linda scoffed no just a very modest girl it's just an image I'm not asking you to become one although that's impossible Linda threw the scarf over her dark hair and looked at the guy yes that's it look at that tree no not into the lens at that tree there genius the Virgin Mary what eyes I could gaze into to them for eternity lower your left hand a bit left yes like that just fabulous and so it went on for about 2 hours until it was completely dark Santiago from a regular guy in worn out jeans and scuffed sneakers turned into some sort of incomprehensible creature he squatted down jumped onto the bench and clicked away with his big camera at first Linda thought it was nonsense but after after a while she herself became immersed in this world as if being infected by the photographer's Madness now she wanted to strike a pose that as she thought suited the moment best your a fantastic model praised Santiago you seem to just know what to do he added lowering the camera and looking at Linda you know I need some photos at Sunrise can we arrange that Linda Shrugged and wearily sat down on the bench how's your grandma the guy asked sitting down next to her she's still too weak but the treatment has started I'm so glad thank you crazy photographer listen let's grab a bite to eat I've probably starved you I know this Cafe they have delicious grilled meat you'll love it no I don't feel like going anywhere want to have dinner at my place Linda simply offered perfect let's order some food I'm not really a fan of crowded places myself let's go he grabbed a bag and pulled Linda along they sat in the kitchen enjoying various Delicacies that Santiago had ordered from the same Cafe he initially wanted to take Linda to why are you looking at me so strangely asked Linda taking a bite of a thin flatbread did I get ketchup on me no sorry it's just your soul incredible you seem like you were born to be a model you could make millions from your photos oh come on how can anyone make money from that very easily you're just out of touch Beauty yeah right that's not for me I'm just a barista sorry I didn't mean to offend you do you only work are you not studying anywhere nowhere Linda shook her head I don't have time for studying I need to earn a living and my grandma decided to get sick on top of it but we'll beat this anemia won't we of course we will there's no other way he looked at her with such tenderness and unwavering confidence that Linda's heart wararmed you're a good guy Santiago I haven't met anyone like you before really oh come on I'm just an ordinary guy raised by my aunt and uncle what about your parents sorry if I'm prying no it's fine they died when I was nine car accident I'm so sorry Linda said sadly my mom died shortly after I was born and I've never seen my father not even my Grandma knows who he is or where he lives yeah life h Santiago said softly but there's nothing we can do about it let's drink to people finding each other those who truly belong together he filled the glasses with orange juice well said finding your person in this life can indeed be difficult you think you found the one you dreamed of but they turn out to be a jerk yeah Linda someone really heard you I loved him like a fool I thought I found a decent guy with whom I'd have a good family he promised me we'll go there and we'll have kids and a house with a pool but in reality lyth took a sip from her glass and in reality Santiago looked at her attentively and very seriously in reality he offered to help with money for an abortion and then ditched me to go drink with his buddies I was just another fling for him a girl to have fun with that's all Linda lowered her gaze her dark thick lashes fluttered slightly and you agreed Santiago asked quietly sorry for prying into your personal business what Linda seemed to emerge from her thoughts so did you accept that guy's proposal about no the girl replied shortly I truly can't offer anything to this little one but I can't bring myself to kill him of course I didn't tell Granny anything but I'll I'll have to eventually and then there's work you're doing the right thing Linda if the Lord gives a child he surely knows what he's doing he smiled and took the girl's hand thank you Santiago you're really very kind it's a Pity your parents didn't live to see this day they would have been delighted to have such a wonderful son Santiago squeezed Linda's hand tighter Goosebumps ran all over her body there was something in him a mixture of tenderness and strength reliability and Romanticism so tomorrow at dawn Santiago asked and unexpectedly pressed her hand to his lips wake me up okay I'm terrible at waking up I usually wake up when it's time to go to work Linda chuckled softly deal I'll pick you up and we'll have breakfast together before our photo shoot tomorrow's theme is rocker although we haven't shot the modest one yet Santiago wink mischievously at the girl with you one never gets bored leaning back on the chair Linda said day turned into day all three looks were captured and Santiago defended his graduation project he was offered to collaborate with a major advertising agency with Linda's consent he placed her most glamorous photos on stock websites we'll make good money you and I Santiago cheerfully remarked one day as he walked Linda home after a short stroll do you think anyone will buy my photos Linda asked incredulously of course they'll line up for them how is dona Laura feeling they're discharging her tomorrow will you help me pick her up of course just let me know when and I'll rush over some night on a white horse you are what a splendid guy your Santiago is one couldn't help but fall for such a young man grandma said as she and Linda were left alone in her room Santiago helped her settle into her chair and left on some errands yes Santiago is very kind almost as if he's from another era when noble knights weren't a rarity Linda refrained from mentioning Jord and his treachery she also kept silent about her pregnancy for now the most important thing was for Grandma to fully recover and regain her strength they would manage they would definitely manage now Linda began to catch herself thinking about her crazy photographer almost all the time her body shuddered pleasantly when she remembered his eyes and the way he kissed her hand casually as they chatted over dinner in the small kitchen of her and her grandmother's apartment the coffee shop had already closed but they sat at the table unwilling to leave let's not stay too long shouted the owner from somewhere in the back make sure to lock the door properly Linda okay Ramon just another half hour and we'll go I'll lock everything up as it should be I'm out Ramon's voice came from the back exit Linda come out with me Santiago suddenly said what Linda almost choked I want you to be my wife are you out of your mind photographer you know that I I know I think I can raise this child to be a decent person unlike his real father Linda was silent a lump Rose in her throat and aren't you afraid I'll say yes the girl tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear I hope you do Santiago smiled he leaned in towards Linda and they merged into a long kiss Linda was ready to spend her whole life like this it was a different kiss not the sharp in demanding one that Jordy gave her but gentle and full of love let's go I'll introduce you to Uncle and aunt said Santiago getting up from his chair a week later they celebrated their engagement and two months later they got married although they didn't have a proper wedding but grandma and Aunt Leo prepared plenty of delicious food the table was overflowing with treats darling you need to quit your job and Leah said as they cleaned up after the feast think about the baby thank you anunt but I can't we need the money so much can't we handle it she smiled drying her hands with a towel you have us me and Uncle Theo and Santiago is doing so well with his photographs even though his uncle used to scold him for dropping out of University but I always knew my nephew would succeed if only you w my late sister Monica's son life was so hard on her if not for that terrible accident tears welled up in Mrs Leah's eyes you know you resemble her perhaps Santiago fell for you head over heels too you'd say that as well Head Over Heels Linda said wiping a plate of course Head Over Heels the boy has completely lost his mind have you seen how he looks at you how the girl was surprised the way a loving parent looks at their precious child he truly loves you dear I love Santiago too Linda replied quietly may God bless you with happiness for many many years Mrs Leah hugged Linda and patted her on the back Mar Elena was born at the end of April both the mother and the baby were quickly discharged home they both felt great Dona Laura and Aunt Lea order organized a real celebration for the girls return home the lawn in front of the house was decorated with balloons and flags and ribbons and live flowers adorned a small gazebo the young mother was speechless with admiration she just looked at this magic and silently hugged Uncle Teo and Leah and Grandma one by one welcome home darling Dona Laura whispered softly Thank you Grandma how have you been without me fine very well Leah treats me like her own mother and so does Teo we are a real close-knit family yes that's true just don't make me cry or I'll start crying too Linda stroked her grandmother's cheek I won't my dear I won't let me meet my granddaughter Uncle Tao exclaimed where is this beauty she takes after her mother don't shout Tao and Lea said reproachfully you will wake up Mary Elena it's better if Linda and I go to the nursery and put the baby in her wonderful crib she glanced at the young mother who stood next to Uncle teao and smiled finally I'm home Linda thought as the plane landed at the airport of her hometown she was flying from the capital where her husband had business Santiago was delayed a bit so Linda was returning home alone the spouses didn't want to move from their home Hometown so they often had to fly to the capital and back they jokingly called themselves migratory Birds although it was comfortable to fly in the business class compartment they still wanted to get in the air as soon as possible and they also wanted to see their relatives it was time to leave the airplane cabin and suddenly Linda saw him yes it was Jordy only he was being pushed in a wheelchair by some elderly man the guy had changed a lot he had become thinner and somehow his face looked gunt their eyes met Linda rid in the Gaze of the unsuccessful father of her daughter the longing and pain hello Linda said softly hello Beauty Jordy replied and tried to smile but he didn't succeed very well Linda waited for Uncle Tao to pick her up Rick wait a minute Jordy said to His companion I'll exchange a few words with this girl okay repli the man who was pushing the wheelchair ahead of him and stepped aside you've become completely different Jordy began so elegant and success seems to radiate from you I just met a wonderful person Jordy if it weren't for you back then I might never have met Santiago who is this Santiago a photographer a very good photographer Linda simply replied and the child did you solve that problem without me you still don't understand Jordy a child is not a problem but a Heavenly gift Mary Elena is already 5 years old she's smart and beautiful she dances and sings very well and you what do you do I recently became a child psychologist I've already been invited to a children's Development Center in our city yeah great as you can see I have have nothing to boast about got into an accident on the very day I left you there by the fountain had quite a blast that evening with my buddies and then like an idiot got on my bike well I crashed into a truck the doctor said I was born again usually in such a collision people die instantly it would have been better if it happened he swallowed hard don't talk like that you can't beckon death upon yourself Linda sympathetically replied replied I'm really sorry this happened to you is there really nothing that can be done no nothing I'll be confined to this damn wheelchair for the rest of my days Jordy replied bitterly I'm really sorry how are your friends are you still in touch with them what friends who needs a disabled person they have their own lives they don't even visit me a couple of times they popped in when I was discharged from the hospital and that's it yeah you really have great friends Jordy it's my own fault you get the friends you deserve don't despair life goes on you need to keep living if not for yourself then at least for your parents just because you can't walk doesn't mean you should give up maybe you're right sweetheart the young man smiled but it's hard very hard to accept I understand but you have to try sorry I have to go they're waiting for me a girl in a bright red dress jumped out of the car mommy I've been waiting for you so much is Dad coming soon Mar Elena hugged her mother yes sweetie tomorrow or the day after I missed you so much I've learned a new dance you're my smart girl Linda took her daughter in her arms she looks so much like you Jordy said you're the best thing that ever happened to me we'll see each other someday Linda said and headed to the car rick came over and drove Jordy to the car which was waiting for them nearby that evening Jordy sat in the garden for a long time looking at the stars and thinking he thought about his life so abruptly cut short for him and there were so many plans to work work in a prestigious company to travel the world and now he could hardly do anything independently and the only travels were visits to the Capitol Clinic where he underwent treatment courses several times a year but there was no result whatsoever he couldn't feel his legs couldn't move a single finger Georgie often remembered Linda that bold girl with mischievous eyes and two playful braids that made her look like a school girl he recalled the coffee with Bailey she used to make a specially for him teasing that it was a girly drink and her kisses he had never experienced such kisses in his life and he the fool didn't appreciate it saw her as something ordinary just another girl to have fun with what if he hadn't left Linda back then what if they had gotten married and had a child what would have happened then maybe he wouldn't have been in that terrible accident and would now be happily raising his little daughter Georgie didn't know the answer to that question nobody did such things were known only to the universe it's been a while since I photographed my wonderful model Santiago said before going to sleep but am I still a model that was 5 years ago when I was something just a girl and now now you're even more beautiful my Greene eyed witch her husband said tenderly kissing Linda on the shoulder you're still a crazy photographer I think you love your cameras the most in the world or rather your cameras not at all my darling I love you and Mar Elena much more I don't believe you Linda jokingly poked his chest with her index finger I'll prove it to you right now Santiago began showering his wife's neck with small kisses I recently saw Jordy Linda said cuddling up to Santiago and resting her head on his shoulder who he didn't understand he he's Mar Elena's biological father I hope you're not falling for him again Santiago winked at his wife no of course not silly I only love you my photographer in worn out jeans and sneakers that have long begged to be thrown away remember that day we met on the abandoned alley how could I forget that day that's when I met the best girl in the world he kissed Linda on the forehead and then he got me and then got drunk with his buddies got on his bike and crashed into a truck horrible he was quickly punished by Heaven Santiago said slowly God loves you very much my greeneyed fairy you know I feel sorry for him he's so helpless in that wheelchair Linda he brought it upon himself stop pitying that scoundrel who just took advantage of your naivity and then discarded you like an unwanted thing thank you my dear thank you Linda said emotionally and hugged her husband even tighter for what just for being you for coming out of the bushes with your camera and saving my grandmother and me too pulling us out of that hell from which we had neither the strength nor the ability to escape Linda my girl what are you saying I thank fate for meeting you every day I think although you know there there's still One debt behind you what what debt Linda sat up on her elbow and looked into her husband's eyes I want a son I already have a daughter now I want a son oh no I've just started working as a psychologist you'll have to wait for your son his wife laughed I've already waited too long I'm not waiting anymore I think now is the perfect time he began tickling Linda nine months later Santiago Alonso proudly called himself the father of mar Lena's daughter and Marcus's son dear viewers if you enjoyed the story please support the video by liking it and leaving a comment thank you very much
Channel: Stories For The Soul
Views: 56,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L2Yz1zKMLw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 19sec (2779 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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