The store security detained an 85-year-old man suspecting him of stealing a bun. They searched his

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alone and deprived the veteran stood on the edge of the Abyss deprived even of life's simplest Joys his days were filled with longing and loss every memory of loved once only intensified the pain in his heart his military past left him with only one eye and only one functioning ear concussion had completely deprived him of his second hearing he remembered how he received these wounds but the pride in his comrades resilience and their joint sacrifice simply did not allow the old man to regret his decision to join the Army in that difficult period for the country the burning in his chest was not caused by old injuries no first his son ignasio perished the young man confidently followed in his Father's Footsteps but fell in battle in a foreign land so far from home he and his wife had a hard time at that time but they coped they learned to live together with the bitterness of loss and as if that wasn't enough years later a IIA faded away cancer crept in too subtly too quickly the man watched as his love withered away right in his arms and he was completely powerless at that moment and now being an old man he remained completely alone he had neither family nor friends one cold Autumn evening when the wind was whistling in his ears and the rain was pouring down like from a bucket idro decided to take a walk to the old places he headed to the memorial where the names of those who did not return from the battle were forever resting the old man's heart trembled with sorrow and sadness but pride in his son's bravery softened this nightmare suddenly in the Twilight he noticed the figure of a young man sheltered under a tree there was something familiar on his face reminding the old man of his own son he approached closer and asked young man what are you doing here in such weather he raised his eyes and their gazes met in his eyes the old man saw a reflection of his own loss and pain I lost my father in the war the young man replied I often come here to honor his memory the old man understood that this young man needed support just as much as he did they sat down on a modest bench under the tree and began to talk the young man talked about his father about his dreams and hopes the old man on the other hand remembered his wife his son his sorrowful losses of course there was a gap between them as between all representatives of such different Generations but it didn't bother them at all on the contrary the guy named Miguel was even more interested in how people lived in times when he was not born yet that evening marked the beginning of an unexpected friendship between two people United by pain and loss they decided to meet here every day to support each other to share those moments of memory that bring such strong pain but are also important for maintaining a connection with the past the young man respected the old man for his experience and wisdom and the veteran admired the enthusiasm and energy of the youth with each meeting the old man gradually felt that his heart was becoming lighter that the grief he carried inside was giving way to Hope and the warmth of friendship together with Miguel they found the strength to endure loss and move forward sometimes for their Gatherings under the tree eidal brought chess and sometimes Miguel brought strange board games with complex rules that were unusual for the elderly man surprisingly the old man was interested in figuring them out for his age the elderly man possessed an extremely curious and Lively mind but not everything was so smooth at first the old man didn't suspect the young man's true motives he saw him only as someone in need of support much like himself they spent a lot of time together sharing their stories and the old man began to trust this young man however over time the veteran began to notice something strange in the young man's behavior he was too curious about his apartment asking about its location size and even the price suspicion began to awaken inside the old man but he tried to push it away wanting to believe in the good intentions of his new friend Miguel son don't get me wrong the man squinted his one eye but it's strange how you talk to me why do you need to know when my apartment was last renovated Senor Neo I just want to know if the living conditions in your area are good the young man raised his eyebrows and Shrugged I wanted to move to a quieter neighborhood you said your neighbors are very quiet the streets are always clean and everything you need is always at hand I'm listening to you while mentally calculating the cost and then separately how much the renovation will cost well of course I also think about whether it will be comfortable for me to live with the layout liking your apartment maybe I'd be more comfortable in a three-bedroom who knows however every time the conversation turned to the apartment the veteran felt a sense of unease in his heart he tried to tell himself that it was just his military training that made him see threats where there might not be any but the doubts didn't leave him the old man realized that he needed to figure out this situ ation but he didn't want to accuse his friend without serious grounds he decided to leave everything as it was but remain Vigilant after all he just wanted to believe in the kindness and honesty of his new friend but something in his behavior made him feel a slight chill down his spine during one of their walks through the city streets the young man began to hint that the old man should turn to him for help with financial matters the old man listened carefully to his words but inside him a bell of alarm rang the young man claimed to know ways to help the old man profit from the government for selling his apartment and ensure his financial stability for the remaining years of his life he talked about connections with influential people about the possibility of sorting out all formalities and getting the desired result do you really enjoy living in an apartment that's falling apart you yourself told me that the furniture is slowly breaking the appliances are going crazy and there are problems with the plumbing the old man listened to his words but doubt swirled in his head he wondered why the young man was so persistently interested in his financial situation and was willing to help him for free an inner voice told him that something was wrong here the old man understood that decisions in this situation needed to be made with caution he decided not to give a final answer to the young man and instead said he would think about his offer after deep thought the old man realized that he needed to carefully consider the situation and be prepared for any possible consequences before making any decisions but after a couple of days when the sink in the kitchen got clogged again and the cupboard door crashed to the floor with a bang he gave in even though idro had little time left to live he still wanted to end his days in comfort and coziness and that was the Veteran's biggest mistake the young man who turned out to be a fraudster was willing to employ any depraved methods to achieve his his goal he conducted a thorough analysis of the situation and found a legal loophole that could be exploited to bankrupt The Old Man and strip him of his apartment the frauder examining the old man's situation discovered that he had some tax and utility debts using this knowledge he found a loophole in the legislation that involved the forced sale of the debtor's property to settle his debts the frauder meticulously researched the laws and procedures related to evicting the old man from his apartment and selling it at auction he noted the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the old man and decided to exploit them for his selfish purposes utilizing his legal expertise and connections with influential individuals the frauder arranged for the old man to be declared a debtor and his apartment was put up for auction he ensured that the selling price of the apartment was significantly below its market value the fraudster employed various manipulations and press Ed governmental structures to ensure the successful execution of his nefarious plan he was willing to do whatever it took to benefit from this situation even if it meant causing Indescribable suffering to the old man thus the legal loophole the fraudster found involved using the old man's debts to forcibly sell his apartment at a reduced price this cunning plan allowed the fraudster to achieve his goal and deprived the old man of his only sanctuary and source of stability the old old man being honest and unsuspecting was completely unprepared for such levels of Deceit and cruelty he could not fathom that someone could stoop so low as to exploit his vulnerable position for their own gain when the froster executed his cunning plan the old man was literally thrown out onto the street deprived of his only shelter and documents this terrible turn of events left him in complete despair lost and defenseless for cidro it was a blow from which was very difficult to recover he felt betrayed and deceived trapped by The fraudster Who ruthlessly exploited his weaknesses and vulnerabilities a sense of helplessness and hopelessness overwhelmed the old man but along with them a fire of anger was ignited within him anger at the world which not only took everything he had but also continued to trample him underfoot anger at himself for allowing himself to trust a young man without seeing his true intentions and finally anger at the young man who mercilessly destroyed his last Treads of dignity and peace scoundrel pup with bitterness and resentment in his voice the old man muttered as he tossed and turned on the hard cot in the homeless shelter I fought for a better life for people like him for the Youth to have a peaceful sky above their heads old fool you suspected look where your trust has led you workers from charitable foundations who owned the shelters where the old man often stayed simply Shrugged the only thing they could do was provide shelter and modest food to those in need they listened to aidra's story but couldn't say anything in response they didn't know what to do in such cases nor did they know where to turn every new day became a real trial for the old man he woke up in his lonely world where the walls of the shelter seemed too tight and memories of his past were too heavy the struggle with pain became increasingly difficult as he remembered his days and battle and the losses he had faced Vivid images of his beloved wife and deceased son constantly flashed before his eyes like ghosts haunting him one day idro had a simultaneously beautiful and disturbing dream at first he saw his dear Amelia in it in this Vision she looked as if she had never been plagued by illness Rosie cheek with sparkling eyes she smiled at him and reached out her hands Isidro worn out by constant struggle for survival went towards her and suddenly his steps became so light that he felt 40 years younger Amelia continued to beckon her husband luring him away gradually moving further from him the man couldn't see where because of the bright light shining directly into his eyes from his wife's silhouette he only felt with all his heart that it was good there but the light suddenly became dim from somewhere behind the the noise and Roar echoed idro froze in place as did Amelia it was the rumble of War these were gunshots explosions people screams it was the rumble of heavy machinery and the Roar of aircraft engines suddenly someone grabbed the old man by the shoulders and turned him around with amazement he looked into the face of ignasio who was clearly furious with his father you can't run away from the field there was was no order to retreat he shouted shaking the old man by the chest there was an order to hold positions are you still hearing orders dad you're not deaf yet huh son you'll rest later when the time comes just not now it's still too early the young man's face changed it's not time yet do you hear me idro nodded sharply he didn't fully understand what his son meant but he decided to support him the old man turned his shoulder and saw Amelia's smile slowly fading from her face her gaze became mournful filled with deepest sorrow she pressed her hands to herself and the light behind her began to fade gradually ignasio shook his father again not letting him relax the young Soldier pressed his forehead against his fathers clutching the hair on the back of his head I'll be back tomorrow or in the next life life Isidro saw tears streaming down his son's cheeks tomorrow or in the next life but you have nothing to do here Lieutenant with these words ignasio forcefully pushed his father into the abyss that appeared out of nowhere right behind him the light was getting further away and the rumble of War gradually subsided falling into the unknown the old man felt deep resignation strangely he wasn't afraid he felt almost nothing and then finding himself in complete darkness and silence he shuttered through his whole body what's the matter Duck the old man looked around and saw Mingo a vagabond who often stayed at the shelter he put his hand on the Veteran's shoulder and stared into his long eye intently Isidro realized he had woken up after shuffling a bit on his cut the man sat up tiredly rubbing his nose he felt beaten and weary he had rested at all during the night Mingo the Vagabond obviously expected some sort of response from the old man so a cidro decided to reassure his neighbor nothing buddy just a strange dream Mingo Shrugged but didn't rush to turn away his face showed that he didn't entirely believe old DE cidro his friend seemed too troubled these two occasionally exchanged a few words briefly and without much detail Mingo simply liked to chat and de cidro though too proud to admit it needed someone to talk to that's how they lived they would meet at various shelters discuss recent events in their lives and then quickly go their separate ways Mingo was a breezy man he himself said he never aspired to any lofty success mother used to whack me for getting DS in school dad left us when I was little so Mom had it tough with me the Vagabond chuckled every time he remembered his childhood I don't even remember going to school like other kids mother tried to explain to me that I was born special back then I took it as a compliment but now I understand I've been a bit of a fool since birth that must have been an unpleasant Discovery right ha it would have been if I cared stupid smart brilliant mingled through his hands behind his head and stretched we all end up in the same ground so what what's the difference look doc I have no home no car no wife and kids sometimes I have nothing to eat and sometimes the soul of my only pair of boots falls off yet I'm still happy I'm just as free as the wind in the field and that makes me happy maybe it's all because of my inherent stupidity idro paused for a moment he gazed into the distance contemplating the fate of this man the the old man marveled at mingo's ability to find joy in every little thing he couldn't understand how Mingo managed to find positives in every situation not that eidal was particularly despondent or pessimistic but as an elderly man he definitely wished to live in entirely different circumstances the old man longed to return to his withered but beloved apartment he wanted to drink coffee in the mornings and sit in his favorite chair with an interesting book in the evenings he missed the the photographs of his wife Amelia and their son ignasio terribly he suddenly realized how pet his complaints about his past life were when there were people nearby who were happy just to exist you know Domingo the old man smiled for the first time in a long while you truly are special the Lord has blessed you with a happiness that lasts a lifetime not everyone can boast such a gift Mingo laughed in response the men raised their mugs of tasteless coffee and drank to all the good things they had idro found himself even more drawn to the company of this Carefree Vagabond perhaps Mingo could barely read didn't know any literary works and couldn't flaunt knowledge but the old man couldn't deny that instead of diplomas and doctoral degrees Mingo had acquired something more important simple worldly wisdom a couple of months after that conversation Domingo passed away aidra woke up and glanced at his neighbor feeling somewhat unaccustomed usually the Vagabond always woke up before the old man and eagerly shared any news he had but this time he simply lay on his makeshift bed the veteran awkwardly got up from his stiff cut stretched a bit and looked again at his neighbor he remained motionless not stirring Miho in response silence buzzed in the old man's ears Stark against the general Hubb of the shelter still unaware of what had happened a chill ran down the pensioner's spine he rushed to his friend and immediately pulled the worn out sheet from his head underneath Isidro saw Mio's face Serene and lifeless already drained of color his features were completely relaxed wrinkles smoothed and eyelids softly closed the old man froze unable to move he continued to stare at his now lifeless companion oh Miho even in death the Vagabond face was lit by a gentle smile the same one he carried through his unfortunately short life later the charity workers shared with the old man that his friend had died of a heart attack just like that quietly without fuss or pain a friend perhaps over the years idro had indeed had a true friend by his side he needed nothing from the old man except a listening ear for his cheerful albeit sometimes shocking childhood stories he couldn't bring himself to attend the funeral it turned out Miho had nephews who knew about their Wayward uncle and Miho himself knew them well he simply didn't want to live like other people the man decided not to cross paths with his friends relatives to avoid unnecessary questions it was just too hard for him to talk about the Vagabond Miho a couple of days later edro went to the cemetery to the modest grave with a scribbled number he said nothing he simply ran his wrinkled hand over the small Cold Stone and looked at the EPA on which besides the dates of birth and death kind people had engraved the phrase as cidro had said to them surprisingly the nephews decided not to change anything just agreeing with the recommendations of some random fellow from the shelter apparently they knew what kind of person their uncle was too and I am still happy this was the phrase that completely described the man's life before leaving the old man left an old rusted metal keychain in the shape of a smiling heart near the tombstone which had fallen from the stretcher as Domingo's lifeless body was carried away the old man believed that his duty was to fight even if the world was unfair to him he didn't ask for sympathy or help from the youth all his life he preferred to go his own way despite all the difficulties and trials he had to endure Domingo taught him not to get upset over trivial matters yes edro was poor and lonely but he lived breathed this air looked at this blue blue sky however with each passing day his physical strength diminished and his health deteriorated Battle Scars and the consequences of injuries sustained during the years of war became an unbearable burden for his aging body his L eye and deaf ears served as reminders of how much had changed since he was young and strong yet despite all the hardships the old man continued to fight refusing to surrender to old age and illness he never imagined that a chance encounter with a vagabond would awaken such a strange will to live in the old veteran deprived of his only shelter and wandering from one shelter to another the veteran exemplified resilience and perseverance he took any job offered at the employment center regardless of his age and physical difficulties however despite all the hardships he stubbornly rejected offers of assistance and Care in nursing homes over the years of roaming the city streets The Old Man became increasingly withdrawn and proud his life experience and resilience made him too unyielding to accept help from Young nurses and caregivers he believed that the youth should not burden themselves with caring for frail old men and preferred to remain independent and self-reliant for him it was not just a matter of pride but also a matter of perception of the world a man whose youth was spent in inhumane conditions of wartime could not accept the idea that his less than healthy condition warranted attention and Care from the younger generation his view of the world was marked by firmness and steadfastness and he preferred to fight for his existence independently without relying on others one day when there was no work at the employment center and there wasn't enough money even for the simplest meal the old man felt a hunger that persistently demanded satisfaction the shelters were also overcrowded there simply wasn't enough food for everyone he realized he needed to eat something to alleviate the pain in his stomach struggling to move through the streets the old man began picking up coins from the ground and alleys despite his fatigue and physical difficulties each coin was valuable to him each one brought him closer to the possibility of buying something edible and their number slightly increased the old man found himself in front of the counter of a small store where freshly baked bonds and bread on the shelves caught his eye the feeling of hunger became unbearable but in the old man's Pockets lay only a few coins that he had hardly collected during the day in the alleys he approached the counter slowly his back rounded and his steps uncertain as if each step cost him tremendous effort idro took one Bond and began contemplating his motives his situation and what did his conscience say about it what am I reduced to theft the old man thought to himself you lived on a couple of spoonfuls of water a day on half a dry biscuit a week look at yourself what a mess the old man was only ashamed of himself for such thoughts even Crossing his mind he suddenly shuddered at the idea that he had almost stolen the most ordinary bond from the store he sighed heavily more as a reproach to himself and prepared to put the extra bun back on the counter casting his gaze downward it was at that moment as he was about to place it back that he heard a rustle and felt heavy gazes upon Him turning around he saw a young and stering security guard looking at him suspiciously and approaching what are you doing here asked the guard with a displeased expression on his face I I would like to buy this Bond aedr replied his voice weak and trembling why did you take two then if you only wanted to buy one the guard asked not taking his eyes off but I put the second one back didn't I right Isidro stuttered trying to explain the situation he felt that every word he said only aroused more suspicion the guard insisted that idro took two buns but intended to pay for only one isidro's heart beat faster he felt ashamed and hurt by being suspected of dishonesty he silently handed the unbought bun to the guard but the guard just nodded his head and pointed to the door come with me idro turned slowly and approached the security guard feeling the bitterness of insult and pain gripping his heart he realized that there was no place for the weak and poor in this world and that he would have to fight even harder to survive during the search of the old man's Pockets the guards unexpectedly found two valuable items that initially didn't catch their attention a metal four combat and a yellow piece of paper folded into a tiny Square tentatively unfolding the paper they saw an old Tim stained child's drawing the drawing depicted a soldier standing next to a woman and a child in the background was a depiction of a house the soldier had his hand on the woman's shoulder and the child hugging his leg smiled happily the inscription on the drawing read my daddy is a hero the guard's gazes shifted from the drawing to the old man's face in his remaining eye they could read the thorny paths he had traveled and boundless sorrow it became clear at that moment that life Circumstances had led him to this position far from his own mistakes or shortcomings the guards felt horror at how they had aired in judging The Old Man and subjecting him to humiliation they realized that this person standing before them was not just a stranger but a hero whose sacrifices and sufferings deserved respect and recognition so you are a veteran one of the guards nervously coughed into his fist asking but a cidro only nodded silently unable to say anything to them with understanding and regret they returned the metal and the drawing to the old man the guards decided to help him at least to the extent they could do it right now it was obvious that the elderly man was very hungry this was evident from the modest Bond he held in his hands for a long time in front of the counter and from his gaunt figure explaining the situation to their Chief the guards asked for a brief leave from their post they escorted the old man to the nearest cafe and paid for his meal take whatever you want one of them began placing a hand on the frail back of the pensioner please forgive us it's all because of our job we have to keep an eye on everything surely you know yourself how many Scoundrels roam this Earth the old man gratefully smiled at them looking into to their faces with eyes full of gratitude at that moment a spark of hope ignited in his heart that perhaps there were still good people in this world ready to help those in need of assistance and support after the guards realized their mistake Upon returning from the cafe they invited the old man into the staff room to better understand his situation and learn about his life inside the room silence rained interrupted only by The Sound Of The Swinging pendulum on the wall and the quiet steps of the guards accompanying the old man please have a seat Lieutenant a young man named Pedro placed the first available chair in front of the old man tell us what happened to you why is a hero like yourself forced to survive rather than live sitting on a dilapidated chair the old man began to tell his story he spoke of his service in the Army his family the losses and the sufferings he endured his voice was quiet but filled with bitterness and sorrow each word sounded like a heartbeat filled with pain and hope for justice and in the end I old and lonely encountered a swindler at this point the Veteran's voice trembled with bitterness I hoped I had found a friend with whom I could share the weight of loss and the burden of loneliness but he had entirely different plans he deceived me took everything I had and that was that listening to his story the young man couldn't contain their anger they clenched their fists feeling the rage build against those who dared to mistreat such a person this man who once fought for the welfare of the country was once a hero but now found himself lonely and vulnerable struck by such a Despicable Blow from scammers Pedro's father fought around the same time as the deceased Seno so the story of the mained veteran touched him more deeply than the others he couldn't imagine for a second that his father would end up wandering the streets suffering from hunger and cold completely alone completely unwanted as if forgotten by the whole world the women in the room couldn't hold back their tears many of those present had elderly grandfathers or even fathers of a venerable age they were the most beloved people in the world to them and now before them sat the most miserable person they had ever seen when a cidro story reached the beggar Mingo everyone present heard a quiet SOB carrying sincere pity and regret Within Senor Neo don't run away from us Andrea tearfully managed to utter you're a proud man that's obvious you even told us yourself please don't disappear anywhere we'll help you the young man who were the first to get acquainted with the veteran vowed to do everything possible to help the old man they promised to help him restore his rights and reclaim his home which was unlawfully taken from him they promised not to leave him in trouble and to support him as soon as they could the women present in turn began to worry about current problems that could be addressed right away my room is empty now I used to live with my son but he grew up got married and has his own house his own family Carmen the accountant who was no longer young herself suddenly began from afar you can stay with me for a while we won't bother each other I'll be at work during the day and in the evening we'll each have our own own room it's better than sleeping in a shelter under thin sheets isn't it and I'm updating my husband's wardrobe we were looking for a place to put the old clothes don't think they're bad they're just too big for my husband now Louisa began to justify offering a cup of coffee to the elderly person and you even though you're quite thin now you were undoubtedly robust in your youth his clothes might fit you we don't mind it would be waste to throw them away the old man smiled gratefully at them feeling somewhat relieved that there were people willing to help him in this world where he felt betrayed and forgotten suddenly there were kind Souls ready to lend him a helping hand he hadn't sought help deliberately enduring his sad existence in solitude but this this was a small light in the darkness giving the old man hope for a better future after a serious conversation with the pensioner and realizing the gravity of his situ ation the store workers decided to do everything possible to help him regain a dignified life gathering together they discussed a plan of action one of the first steps was to gather more information about the old man they decided to check the veterans database to find his name and military service history when they found his records it became clear to them that the old man was indeed a veteran who had served his country with honor and bravery photographs from his younger days only confirmed this confident facial features proud posture and a determined gaze even more recent photos where the man had already been wounded and retired emitted such powerful energy and thirst for life that it touched the hearts of the young people realizing that this Soldier was now leading a miserable existence inspired by his story and desire to help the store workers embarked on more active actions they contacted local veterans organizations and charitable foundations to find out how they could help the old man return to his home and provide him with support furthermore they organized fundraising among the store employees and reached out to communities on social media for assistance their initiative garnered widespread response and people were eager and somewhat proud to help a veteran who found himself in such a difficult situation with each passing day support for the old man grew he felt less lonely and helpless knowing that he was being supported and helped to return to a dignified life the veterans Foundation provided him with contacts of other men who had served with him at the same time some of them lived with their families While others enjoyed life in retirement homes among other dear old folks for now idro used Carmen's computer to communicate with them as she liked to have a cup of coffee with the old man in the evenings and listen to his life stories volunteers promised to buy a cidro a phone as soon as his new documents were processed assist the veterans Foundation immediately responded to the situation with a pensioner and organized a fundraiser to assist him thanks to the generosity and support of people who believed in the importance of supporting veterans the funds were raised quite quickly one of the first steps was to restore the pensioner's Lost documents the veterans foundation collaborated with competent authorities to quickly address this issue thanks to their efforts the elderly man had all the necessary docu ments confirming his identity and Veteran status restored be sure to call me whenever you want Carmen chirped excitedly in the store where she had specially gone with the volunteers and idro you probably would be better off with a button phone even touch screens are tricky for me guys I don't really understand all these models myself but since you handle the money pick something more reliable for the pensioner oh Sonora every elderly person needs a friend like you chuckled one of the volunteers to worry like this don't worry we'll choose a model that Seno can handle we'll consider his vision and motor skills you just make sure to be there for him in case he needs help the woman nodded satisfactorily through a Cedro she glimpsed her long deceased father only the tamber of his voice brought Carmen back to those times when she was just a young girl now recalling this Pleasant feeling of some sort of familial support she couldn't tear herself away from this touching old man Carmen what would I do without you idro smiled you've taught me about computers and now you're getting ready to help with the phone you're simply an angel dear choosing a phone considering such a support group was one of the simplest tasks in Senor Neo's case indeed the volunteers took into account all the peculiarities of the pensioner they were tasked to take care of but the public residents went beyond the usual assistance to a veteran isidro's case also caught the interest of law enforcement officials it turned out that not only senu andto but many other pensioners in the city had fallen victim to similar acts of fraud the police began an investigation and soon photo fits were compiled it was by these that the criminals including the same Miguel who deceived idro were apprehended after the criminals were identified by law enforcement an investigation began the police arrested the criminals who had taken documents and an apartment from the old man and charged them the pensioner felt a sense of justice and satisfaction knowing that those who had caused him so much pain and suffering would finally be held accountable for their actions the veterans Foundation also provided financial support for repairing the pensioner apartment thanks to this the old man could return to his home which had been unlawful y taken from him the repairs were done quickly and with quality to create comfortable conditions for the pensioner Carmen had grown so accustomed to Aid's company that she even shed a tear when it was time to part with him even the old man was touched by such warm affection from a completely unfamiliar woman in distress they promised to call each other every evening to chat or support each other in moments of sadness and to visit each other to have coffee together furthermore thanks to the efforts of the fund the pensioner's right to receive his pension was restored he was no longer deprived of this important source of income which allowed him to sustain himself the veterans fund continued to support the old man providing him with necessary assistance and care so that he could live with dignity and Tranquility as he deserved it seemed like the story should have ended there but it didn't one day someone knocked on the door eidr was greatly surprised because he and Carmen hadn't arranged any meeting approaching the door he saw through the peephole a completely unfamiliar young woman whose features carried some inexplicable melancholic notes hello does senor Neo live here the stranger had a strong Eastern accent which further puzzled the old man I really need to talk please don't send me away her appearance seemed unusual and even exotic to the veteran there was something mysterious and appealing in her facial features and way of dressing with particular caution he still opened the door the man awkwardly shifted from foot to foot scrutinizing the face of the strange person do you need something yes and no you see this will sound very strange the girl hesitated and took a deep breath before blurting out I'm your granddaughter ignazio's daughter the old man let out a bitter laugh how absurd after to one scammer he wasn't going to believe such fairy tales anymore oh of course you're my granddaughter and my son is still alive drinking cocktails straight from coconuts somewhere on the shores of Sri Lanka I can prove it The Uninvited Guest grabbed the door with her hand not allowing the man to close it I have a whole folder with photos my birth certificate everything is there please Isidro look at them the veteran squinted his only eye he still regarded the girl's claim skeptically but for some reason he decided to let her in and show what she had collected in a whole folder the girl quickly explained that thanks to the efforts of the veterans fond their story had been heard almost all over the world from the description of appearance and the unit number she recognized her grandfather and the tatted old man whom neither She nor her mother could contact because of the language barrier it turned out that the Veteran's son who served in in the Army was in a romantic relationship with a civilian woman he was planning a wedding but hadn't had the chance to share this joyful news with his family unfortunately ignasio died before the celebration never knowing about his chosen once's pregnancy and here this is Dad standing next to Mom she's already pregnant here but Dad never found out the girl noticeably saddened handing one of the photos to her presumed grandfather this is my favorite it r Ates the family because if you know that Mom was already carrying me in her womb at that time then you can say that this photo is of our entire family right true the old man looked at the photo now slightly yellowed with time Samira had grown up so much it was hard to believe it had all been real the pain of betrayal by Miguel still lingered in the old man's heart he sincerely wanted to believe Samira but he couldn't even the positive experience of Friendship with the Vagabond Mingo couldn't help the old man open his heart he remained silent for a long time looking at the photos unable to voice as rough as he thought suspicions but suddenly the girl took the old man's hand Isidro I don't need anything from you neither does mom she lipped into the Veteran's eyes we can do a DNA test it's okay I was prepared for this outcome I can even pay for it myself I just want you to not be alone I want you to be part of the family after all dad was your biological son so you should be with me and Mom the old man asked for a few days to make a decision instead of just leaving Samira left to cidro her favorite photograph only when the girl left did the man decide to hold the photo in his hands there on the back he saw a short inscription that brought out all the unshed tears of sorrow and loneliness the underlying clearly belonged to the late ignasio and the inscription read I'll come back to you tomorrow or in the next life the next day he called Samira to tell her his decision the girl came to the old man's house to pick him up in the hospital they sat in Long anticipation of the test results the doctors seeing such a strange pair coming for such a strange reason couldn't contain their surprise finally the doctor appeared in the waiting room to deliver the results well then the probability of kinship is 81% I don't know if this is good news for you or not but you are definitely second-degree biological relatives to each other Samira warmly smiled at a cidro she was sure he was her grandfather but the expression on the man's face was hard to describe in simple words for the old man this discovery was a real shock he never thought his family was looking for all these years in his lonely life there was no place for Joy or happiness and suddenly he found out he had a granddaughter who so desperately wanted to meet him overwhelmed with a slight tremble the old man reached out to the girl and cautiously hugged her the notes of melancholy he saw in her face were special completely unique to his late ignasio only now knowing the test result idro decided to acknowledge it meeting his granddaughter became a source of excitement and joy for the old man feelings he hadn't felt in many years they shared memories told each other about their lives and plans for the future for the old man it was a moment of true happiness when he felt like a part of the family he had been searching for so long thanks to the efforts of the veterans fund his life became filled with New Hope and possibilities for a happy future as the granddaughter talked about her life and how she and her mother had always searched for the old man she opened up New Horizons of family connection and love for him they spent long hours discussing plans for the future for the granddaughter this was also an important moment she found her grandfather whom she had heard about for many years but had never seen meeting him brought her a sense of completeness and satisfaction she felt that everything was now in its place gradually the old man began to embrace his new role the role of a grandfather he assisted his granddaughter with advice and support sharing his stories and knowledge the granddaughter joyfully welcomed him as part of the family gratefully accepting him into her life they had big plans ahead for meeting samir's mother she hadn't decided to move yet so approaching the meeting needed careful consideration however for some reason Isidro felt only Pleasant anticipation not every old man undertake such a big Journey at the age of 85 Carmen upon hearing the whole story of The Grand granddaughter's arrival was beside herself with joy the woman felt peace knowing that her elderly friend now had someone who would never forget about him yes she and ignasio were close but nothing could replace genuine Family Ties and she was deeply honored when shortly before leaving Senor Neo decided that Samira must meet her the trio spent an extremely cozy evening together the atmosphere was warm almost familial and at the end the girl SM smiled and said she would be happy to visit the woman with her Grandpa meeting his granddaughter gave the old man something he had been missing so much for a peaceful old AG family now he had people who loved and cared for him who shared Joys and sorrows with him and who were always there for him in difficult times it was a reward for all his suffering and hardships for his entire life dedicated to serving his country it was his peaceful sky for which ignasio had given his life dear viewers if you enjoyed the story please support the video by liking it and leaving a comment thank you very much
Channel: Stories For The Soul
Views: 39,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aT4hg6hzrAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 39sec (2799 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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