A pregnant cab driver gave a stranger a ride to an abandoned house and heard strange words from her

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Allison cheerfully descended the clinic steps and practically hopped down the sidewalk towards home passers by watched the joyful girl whose Radiance and positive attitude energized those around her of course they did not understand the reason for Allison's joy and just smiled looking at her but she had a reason to be happy Allison was pregnant she had been dating Michael for nearly 2 years patiently waiting for a marriage proposal Michael however kept delaying that moment now with the news of her pregnancy Allison was certain they would marry on her way home the young woman stopped at the store to buy groceries she planned to prepare a celebratory dinner and reveal the exciting news to Michael Allison rented a room from a kind elderly woman Mrs huitt they often spent their evenings drinking tea and sharing stories Mrs huitt would talk about her life and occasionally offer advice always gently and heartfelt when Allison first introduced Michael to Mrs huitt the land lady immediately expressed her belief that he wasn't a good match for Allison Allison initially dismissed her opinion thinking Mrs huitt may have been jealous and fearing their shared evenings might end however Mrs huitt still assured her she was a good judge of character and had seen through Michael what makes you so sure we're not a couple Allison persisted Allison my dear he's not a serious young man you can't build a strong relationship with someone like him you'll see his true colors will show soon and you'll remember my words however as time passed and their relationship developed Michael didn't disappoint her in any way Allison relaxed and decided that Mrs huitt was mistaken after the doctor's appointment Allison burst into the apartment Mrs do it I'm home she announced so cheerfully and loudly that even the neighbors one floor below and above probably heard my God you're glowing Mrs huitt smiled did you get a bonus or did you win the lottery no no something even better I'll tell you now you'll be happy too just calm down first then tell me I can't calm down I can't I'm the happiest person in the world Allison exclaimed sit down I'll tell you everything now with slight impatience Mrs huitt looked at Allison she was curious and could not stand Secrets I was at the women's clinic today Allison paused meaningfully then added I'm pregnant can you believe it I'm going to have a baby Mrs huitt looked at Allison in Surprise causing Allison to tense up you're not happy Allison asked sounding slightly upset oh of course I'm happy for you for you a child is a woman's joy in the meaning of life but who is the father Mrs huitt inquired for some reason what do you mean who's the father Michael of course oh yes why did I ask never mind I'm just getting forgetful Mrs huett always used this phrase when she wanted to avoid discussing an unpleasant situation and Allison had learned it over the last four years Mrs huitt please don't up at me do you still think Michael isn't good enough for me we've been together for 2 years has he ever done anything wrong acted dishonorably or offended me no he hasn't so why don't you like him Allison asked her neighbor holding back tears I'm sorry dear I didn't mean to ruin your mood but I just don't like your choice that's all I can't find any fault in him but my gut tells me he's not right for you when I marry him then we'll see what you say Allison replied resentfully God willing Mrs huitt said doubtingly before retiring to her room Allison's mood worsened she went to the kitchen unpacked the bags and dialed her beloved's number with confidence Michael are you going to be late tonight I'm not sure yet why Michael asked we have important plans for tonight please try to be home by 7 I will what's happening Michael questioned further Allison didn't give any specific answers and promised to share the details in the evening usually Allison invited Mrs huitt to join them during dinner but today she asked her to dine in her room Mrs huitt I'd like for it to be just the two of us tonight we can have dinner in my room but it won't be very comfortable could we use the kitchen this evening I'll bring your dinner to your room I can dear we can especially with my favorite movie on tonight thankk you so so much Allison hugged the elderly woman Michael arrived around 8:00 p.m. Allison already nervous had caught him several times to confirm his whereabouts and arrival time Michael did not like this level of monitoring and always reacted negatively to Allison's frequent calls why are you calling me every half an hour I said I'm on my way okay okay I'm waiting for you just don't get nervous Allison tried to calm him Michael entered the apartment in a bad mood it was unclear why he was upset today he often mentioned having trouble at work which frequently led him to come disgruntled sometimes it was Allison's calls that ruined his mood hi honey everything's ready let's have dinner Allison suggested I'll wash my hands muttered Michael heading to the bathroom Allison was nervous she didn't know how to start the conversation and Michael's mood was unsettling her they sat at the festively set table which Michael noticed what did I miss is it someone's birthday or is it the land lady's day today he asked no Michael we're celebrating something else you eat and then we'll talk tell me what's going on I can't tolerate your secrets Michael's mood hadn't improved even after a delicious dinner and Allison became anxious maybe I shouldn't tell him today but why not he'll be happy and his mood will improve thought Allison to herself and said aloud Michael I went to the hospital today are you sick Michael interrupted her not exactly or rather not at all Allison paused for a moment and added confidently we're going to have a baby she anticipated him to embrace her like in the movies kissing her wrapping her in his arms but Michael sat there stunned staring at Allison I'm sorry what did you say he asked barely audible I said we're having a baby I went to the clinic today and the doctor confirmed it aren't you happy tears welled up in Allison's eyes she was deeply hurt by her beloved's reaction the worst part was his silence say something please Allison pleaded what do you want me to say I don't know maybe that you're happy too and if I'm not tears streamed down Allison's cheeks they had discussed this topic a year before Michael had mentioned that he didn't see himself as a father and thought it was too early for him to consider it but now Allison was 28 and he was 33 years old so they were quite mature to have a baby the woman had hoped that Michael's views had changed but clearly they hadn't why are you crying what did I say I told you before that I don't want to be a father can't I have that choice Michael lashed out you women dream of having a house full of children and dealing with the mess I don't like it I told you honestly before but we haven't used protection for the last 6 months I thought I wonder what you thought it's your responsibility to use protection or face the consequences what do we do now Allison asked through her tears I'm 9 weeks pregnant you're being so naive even I know that up to 12 weeks this problem can be easily resolved a problem a small living human being are you suggesting I get rid of it look let's not create a scene it's your choice I'm not involved Michael got up from the table and was about to leave the kitchen but he paused and turned around when you've made your decision call me I'm sorry to be blunt but I don't need you pregnant he left the apartment slamming the door loudly behind him Allison was left alone in the kitchen her world had crumpled in an instant all her dreams and plans were shattered in just a 10-minute conversation she had hoped for a brighter future but it seemed that happiness was not in her Destiny Allison Rose from the table glanced out the window and decided it wasn't too late for a walk she grabbed her sweater and confidently exited the apartment near her home a small Park was situated where she and Mrs huitt would occasionally stroll before bed however today she chose to walk alone yearning for Solitude with her thoughts Allison settled on a bench at the Park's far end and began reminiscing about her life beginning with her childhood despite having a clear memory of her childhood she often wished she didn't Allison never knew her father he existed somewhere but she had never seen or known him she attempted to learn about him from her mother multiple times but her mother constantly concealed any information they lived alone and their financial situation was Dire her mother worked two jobs jobs yet it was barely sufficient at 15 Allison began working part-time at a supermarket to supplement their family income the earnings were meager but it helped when she turned 16 she was attacked but fortunately her coworker came to her help after the incident she left the market job and found work as an evening cleaner in a salon after graduating from high school Allison enrolled in nurse school however she left during her second year due to her mother's severe illness which prevented her from studying full-time she took a hairdressing course to learn at least some kind of profession Allison could not look for a job far from home because of her mother and the hairdressing salons nearby were already fully staffed with Masters thanks to a neighbor Allison finally found employment as a sales clerk this job was a Lifeline for her it provided a decent salary and the convenience of the store being Loc ated in her house allowed her to take care of her mother when needed Debbie Allison's only close friend was a stark contrast to her while Allison was calm quiet and introverted Debbie was bright loud and open-minded despite their differences they had been friends since third grade Debbie came from a middle inome family she often gave Allison her items bought food and sweets and even taught her how to drive when they turned 19 although Allison was initially reluctant Debbie insisted do you know what kind of life you're going to have what if you Marry a Millionaire and he gives you a car but you can't drive what will you do Debbie smiled are you kidding me what millionaire where will he come from I don't know but that's how it happens in the movies well that's in the movies in real life I don't believe such things happen well we'll see after some time Allison took a course and obtained her driver's license encouraged by Debbie 6 months later Allison's mother passed away from cancer leaving the girl alone with only her friend for company after a while Allison changed her job she found employment at a private firm working as a courier the company provided her with a car 3 years flew by in the blink of an eye one evening while Allison was on her way home from work Debbie called told her asking her to visit urgently upon arrival Allison found her in a highly emotional state oh my God what's wrong Allison exclaimed frightened I'm going to tell you such a story now her friend began to Intrigue you'll just fall down I wouldn't like that Allison smiled tell me what happened do you remember Tom from the parallel class which Tom Wilkins yes that's him well I vaguely remember what he looks like of course I remember him but I never had much contact with him what happened to him nothing happened to him Debbie hurriedly explained her thoughts jumping from one to another I met him by chance recently and he proposed that we go to Italy for 3 years we just need to arrange a quick sham marriage sham marriage Allison wondered why would you do that and why did he suggest you Debbie calm down and explain everything properly I don't understand oh what don't you understand he's always had a soft spot for me at school but I wasn't attracted to him I didn't like him now we've met again and he's so handsome and Charming we sat in a cafe reminiscing about school when he walked me home he proposed just imagine it's Italy when else will I have an opportunity to live there all expenses paid by his company they cover everything travel and accommodation it's a fantastic opportunity 3 years in a foreign yet beautiful country all expenses paid just to enjoy it it's practically a jackpot well I don't know I wouldn't go you obviously wouldn't but I'm different and I'm going even my parents gave me permission of course go it's your decision you know I've been considering a move for a while and with you leaving it's finally time what am I going to do here without you you're right why not give it a shot are you planning to sell your apartment not yet I'm not sure how things will turn out at least I'll have a place to return to everything here is familiar and every dog knows you here Debbie chimed in causing both of them to laugh two weeks after this conversation Debbie flew off to Italy and Allison started packing for her move to the capital which promised more opportunities upon arrival in the big city Allison felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of people and the competitive job market she also realized she hadn't arranged accommodation after roaming the city she found a small hotel where she could afford to stay temporarily using the savings she had accumulated over the years she rented a room for the night deciding to start her apartment hunt the next morning followed by a job search in the morning the girl responded to several rental ads quickly realizing that renting an apartment would be expensive she decided to look for a room instead however finding a good room with a female roommate proved challenging most ads were either from female students who often had active social lives and frequent parties or from elderly men disheartened Allison wandered around the city unsure of what to do next she sat down on a bench and began to cry feeling a deep sense of self-pity what kind of life is this she thought to herself I don't even have anyone to ask for advice suddenly someone touched her shoulder sweetheart why are you crying who upset you Allison looked up to find a pleasant looking elderly woman around 70 or 80 years old standing in front of her for some reason Allison felt she could trust this woman so she poured out her concerns without hesitation what a coincidence the elderly woman exclaimed I'm actually looking for a respectable female tenant I don't prefer students due to the noise but someone like you calm and kind would be an ideal fit I own a spacious house so there's plenty of room however I should warn you that there's another tenant already I'm not sure how you'll feel about him Allison tens to up she didn't want a man living in the apartment is he a relative of yours even more this is my cat smiled the elderly woman we've been living together for 9 years and my name is Mrs huitt so will you come to live with me of course I will Allison rejoiced okay give me a piece of paper and a pen I'll write down my address retrieve your stuff from the hotel and come home tonight the words come home tonight filled Allison with a sudden warmth and calmness it felt as if her own grandmother with whom she had reconciled after a quarrel was waiting for her at home Alison never knew her grandparents her grandmother passed away before she was born and her grandfather her mother's father died when she was just two she barely remembered him only from pictures after collecting her belongings from the hotel Allison took a cab to the given address Mrs huitt welcomed Allison like a cherished guest she set the table baked a cake prepared a room and laid out new bed linens for some reason Allison felt at home she was comfortable and warm in this foreign apartment with a stranger she hadn't felt so at ease not even at home in the company of her own mother and so Alison stayed with Mrs huitt for many years Allison's reminiscing was interrupted Ed by The Familiar voice of the elderly woman my dear remember I have high blood pressure I can't be so worried where did you go what happened Mrs huitt you were right he's a traitor he doesn't want me or the child he asked me to have an abortion and only then would he consider coming back what a jerk but I hope you won't do something as drastic as that of course not I'm 28 why would I give up my own child I'll follow in my mother's footsteps and raise the child alone you know it's better to be alone than with such a man we'll manage on our own I can still help with the little one I don't have my own grandchildren so I'll babysit Allison knew that Mrs huitt had a son who died in the line of duty at the age of 30 he had been married but did not have time to have children his ex-wife occasionally visited Mrs huitt but not often she had another family and children of her own Mrs huitt sat down next to Allison on the bench you know Allison it's better to find out he's a scoundrel now than after you're married I understand but it's so hurtful and painful you were right when you said he wasn't right for me Mrs huitt will I ever find someone of course you will don't even doubt it I believe you Allison said quietly or at least I want to let's go home it's cold today and we shouldn't be out in this let's have some tea and go to bed tomorrow is a new day they left the bench and walked home at a leisurely Pace the next day Allison had the day off and decided to sleep in she woke up closer to noon finding Mrs huitt busy in the kitchen half asleep Allison offered to help you just woke up go freshen up I'll make you breakfast I don't want breakfast just some coffee no that's not good you need a proper breakfast I made a cottage cheese casserole remember you need to eat well now not just coffee and sandwiches right I'm not used to this new situation yet thank you Mrs huart at breakfast the elderly woman asked Allison about her plans have you considered a job change working in a warehouse isn't ideal for a pregnant woman you need something more laidback without physical strain what did the doctor say are you doing all right generally yes but I should avoid heavy lifting you see we need to consider alternatives before your maternity leave I understand but where can I apply I lack formal education I've only been a courier and a storekeeper which aren't suitable now what other skills do you have I used to sell at a market but it wasn't a good experience I also took a hairdressing course a long time ago but I lacked practical experience that's it I don't have any other skills yes that's a problem Mrs huitt said don't worry we'll think of something after breakfast Allison decided to take a walk and stop by the church she sometimes attended to pray and ask for help or clues about what to do next sometime later leaving the church she saw for a brightly colored taxi cab the words female cab were emblazoned on it and an idea struck her that's brilliant I can drive I have a license and four years of experience I can at least try it she thought she approached the woman behind the wheel excuse me would it be possible to get a job with your company the woman handed Alison a business card call the bottom phone number and tell them you're inquiring about the driver position they're expanding the team right now thank you so much Allison stepped aside joyous and dialed the number a pleasant female voice confirmed the vacancy and scheduled an appointment for Allison to meet the manager the next day at 10:00 a.m. excited Allison immediately rushed home to share the news with Mrs huitt the elderly woman was not overly thrilled noting that driving can strain the lower back which might not be ideal for a pregnant woman I'm not planning to work until I'm 9 months pregnant but for at least 5 months so I can save more money I've been saving all this time but soon I'll have to start spending because baby items are expensive once the money's gone I'll need to manage with a newborn Allison reasoned and Mrs huitt agreed with her after a successful interview Allison was hired by the cab company excited about her new role she was scheduled to start her first shift the following day on her first first day Allison was quite nervous she made a point to be polite wishing all her passengers a good day or evening some passengers left a tip others looked surprised but no one was negative this pleased Allison immensely months passed and Allison's belly began to round she feared her bosses would notice and terminate her employment she loved her job and didn't want to lose it one day Allison received a peculiar order to pick up a client from one address and drive him to a distant neighborhood this area was known for its dysfunction and criminal activity making cab drivers reluctant to venture there Allison pulled up to the specified address and a woman walked up to the car and opened the front door Allison felt a Pang of discomfort she preferred not having passengers sit next to her but she held her tongue believing the customer is always right the woman's appear appearance was peculiar a long dress a hoodie in an odd color various bracelets and neck beads and multiple rings on her fingers her style suggested that of a gypsy but she clearly did not belong to that ethnic group good afternoon the woman greeted her voice Pleasant and almost hypnotic her gaze intense hello please have a seat and buckle up Allison responded politely the woman complied and fastened her seat belt out of the blue the woman asked aren't you afraid to drive it's not the best job for someone in your condition what condition Allison feigned ignorance do you think you can fool me the woman smiled gently no I am genuinely unsure about what you're referring to Alison replied holding her ground okay why don't you like your name do you think it's worse than everyone else's Allison was taken aback by this she didn't believe in psychics or fortune tellers but the woman's words were true she really didn't like her name I wonder what else she could say Allison thought and then she heard the next words your Michael is no match for you it's good that he left you should have listened to your eldest when she told you he wasn't right for you in Surprise Allison jerked the steering wheel she slowed down slightly and looked at her passenger with Intrigue you still don't believe me do you the woman asked with a squint but she was smiling it's hard not to believe when you know so much Allison exclaimed I see a lot the woman replied what else do you see Allison asked curious despite her disbelief in predictions she was eager to hear something good about her future what are you interested in I don't know like will I ever have a decent man will I have a healthy child and will I have more children wow you have many questions luckily they can all be answered with one word yes are there any details Allison like most women was curious no why because then life would be uninteresting you're OD most fortune tellers provide detailed fortunes but you're so cryptic what's your name Allison asked somewhat off topic bernardette and mine is Allison the passenger finished for the girl at that moment they turned to the right Street and Allison felt sad because their Drive was almost over the surrounding atmosphere was indeed not pleasant Allison was in this neighborhood for the first time do you live here she asked bernardet no a kind man who needs help lives here should I wait for you no that's okay stop by that abandoned house bernardet said Allison pulled over how much do I owe you nothing at all it's been a pleasure just talking to you do you have a pen and a piece of paper bernardet suddenly asked yes right away Allison opened the glove compartment took out a notepad and pen and handed them to her bernardet wrote something tore out the sheet and folded it several times read this when you get home promise not to open it before then now be happy and take care of yourself the words had a certain meaningful tone but it wasn't threatening thank you and have a good day bernardet closed the door and disappeared into the darkness of the abandoned house Allison barely made it through the rest of the day and when it was over she rushed home impatiently she was bursting with curiosity and couldn't wait to read the note she arrived home dropped her bag in the hallway washed her hands and pulled out the cherished piece of paper from her pocket on it was written an address or rather the name of a small town about 150 km from the capital and a name Robert Cassidy just below was the inscription find this man and tell him whose daughter you are he will help you Allison stared at the piece of paper struggling to understand its meaning the idea of visiting A stranger's house in a different town and revealing her lineage from the doorstep felt odd and foolish she decided to consult Mrs huitt for advice she narrated her meeting with bernardet their conversation and the peculiar note Mrs huitt listened with great surprise how intriguing and surprisingly straightforward what a fascinating note said Mrs huitt do you think I should go asked Allison you should what have you got to lose what if this man can genuinely help you have you heard his name before no he's a total stranger to me could we possibly find his surname on the internet Mrs huitt suddenly suggested that's a great idea why didn't I think of it earlier we can enter his details and City into a search engine though I'm not sure about his age Allison replied Allison grabbed her laptop opened a search engine and inputed the city surname and first name the search results left us stunned there was only one person in that town with those details Mrs huitt look who he is Allison turned the laptop to show the elderly woman a picture of Robert C in his title he was the mayor of that very City what a Twist Mrs huitt exclaimed in Surprise and how will you get to him want me to accompany you no with your health condition you'd better stay your trips should only be to the nearby park I have the day off tomorrow so I'll manage Allison assured her the following evening Allison lay in bed preparing for the trip she pondered who this man was and how he could assist her the idea of telling him about herself seemed ridiculous she considered different scenarios and laughed at their absurdity hello I'm Allison rattel my mom is Miriam rattel oh why aren't you pleased that's insane maybe I shouldn't even go Allison questioned herself I bet Mr Cassidy is living perfectly fine without knowing who my mother is why would he need this information anyway lost in her thoughts she fell asleep the next morning Allison arrived at the bus station bought a ticket and took a seat by the window contemplating her next moves once she reached the town she had two options wait for him at Town Hall hoping he would leave during the day or try to find his home address online and wait outside his house no that's not an option what if he comes home late how will I return to my town and where will I spend the night on the street absolutely not so my only choice is Town Hall Allison arrived in the city around 10:00 in the morning the weather was pleasant with a slight breeze and the sun shining but it wasn't too hot she strolled through the park near the town hall when she noticed a woman heading there dressed in a business suit and towering stiletto heels Allison found herself captivated by this stranger but she couldn't pinpoint why suddenly the woman tripped and fell Allison rushed to help her should I call an ambulance are you okay Allison asked I think I sprained my ankle replied the woman fighting back tears my mom warned me about wearing these stilettos please help me get to my office I work at Town Hall of course Allison was thrilled to have an excuse to enter the building they walked slowly towards the entrance a guard noticing the woman's distress also suggested calling an ambulance but the woman whose name was Holly adamantly declined they made their way to the second floor and approached the mayor's Reception Area we're here thank you so much Holly expressed her gratitude how can I thank you perhaps some coffee or tea this was the moment Allison had been waiting for no thank you no need for coffee or tea but I do need your help I need a few minutes with Mr Cassidy I've traveled from out of town to give him some important information it's not easy to get to him can you assist Allison folded her hands pleadingly no problem Holly agreed too quickly does he let everyone in without an appointment Allison asked puzzled don't you know our May is a unique leader discussed widely beyond our town he doesn't schedule personal appointments if he's in his office and free it's easy to see him that's the first time I've heard heard of such a thing Allison was genuinely surprised yes many people are so your request isn't unusual you would have gotten an appointment anyway maybe you'd like some tea after all especially since Mr Cassidy hasn't arrived yet all right agreed let's have tea Allison waited for the mayor for about 40 minutes she finished her cup of tea when the reception area's door opened and a dignified looking man in his 50s walked in he had an athletic build Broad shouldered and trim signaling regular visits to the gym he was dressed in a dark gray suit a light satin shirt and an understated tie as Allison studied his face she wondered if they had met before but she was sure she would remember him he had thick black hair Untouched by gray blue eyes and well-shaped lips however what caught Allison's attention most was his gaze it was Stern yet warm an intriguing combination that was difficult to ignore as he looked intently at the unfamiliar woman in his reception area are you here to see me his voice was so loud and confident that Allison flinched yes may I he invited Allison into his office and she sat down opposite his chair not knowing how to start the conversation she sat in silence for a while the mayor was patient understanding the strange woman's anxiety and not wanting to rush her however he could not wait for her indefinitely I'm sorry young lady but I have a lot to do he said finally could you get to the point do you need my help go ahead I'll try my best to solve the problem okay don't be startled by anything I say I'm not entirely sure of what's Happening myself but I've been instructed to find you and share some information Allison replied Mr Cassidy raised his eyebrows in Surprise I'm unsure of what you mean who instructed you to do so and what information are you supposed to share with me Allison gathered her courage and finally laid everything out for him initially the mayor looked at her with distrust and suspicion but as she relayed her message the mayor clutched his heart feeling sick are you ill Allison asked genuinely worried should we call an ambulance no need the mayor replied please bring me some water it will help Allison fetched a glass of water and Stood Beside him how old are you Mr Cassidy said finally 28 why the May covered his face with his hands laughing finding his reaction unusual Allison soon realized he wasn't laughing but crying why are you crying if I had had known I'd upset him so much I wouldn't have come she thought to herself once composed the mayor peered at Allison with a different expression as if studying her can you at least explain something to me I don't understand anything she added I shouldn't worry I'm pregnant your name is Allison that's a nice name are you pregnant do you have a husband was your mother ill when she Di died or was it sudden where do you live how was your childhood was your mother married is your grandfather still alive Mr Cassidy bombarded her with questions as if emptying a cornucopia it was clear he was deeply excited Allison was stunned but didn't realize anything until she heard him say to himself oh my God I have a daughter I can't believe it and soon a grandchild Allison was stunned father that's my father it can't be she didn't know how to react on one hand she had her Newfound relative on the other this man had betrayed her mother years ago when he abandoned her unlike many women Allison was not impulsive and always made decisions based on logic and Common Sense therefore she decided to hear her father's account of her birth before deciding whether to continue communicating with him his joyous reaction suggested that the news was welcome excuse me if you're so happy now why did you abandon my mom when you found out she was pregnant she asked the question aching as she had recently experienced abandonment when she revealed her own pregnancy I didn't abandon your mom in fact I didn't even know she was pregnant if you'll allow me I'll explain everything to you he replied Allison nodded and the man walked to the door and said to his secretary Holly I'm not available for anyone today he then returned to his desk sat across from Allison and pondered where to begin his story we met Nina 29 years ago at a resort having just finished University my parents gifted me a trip to the Sea Nina was on vacation with with her parents I noticed her on the beach but didn't dare approach her as she was with her parents that evening she came to the dance unaccompanied and I asked her to dance we talked and discovered many shared topics and interests we then took a stroll to the night sea we parted ways in the morning after spending the night on the beach just talking when she returned to her room I realized I was in love I'd never felt this way before your mom was a beautiful woman not just in appearance but in spirit she had an incredible inner World Her speech was like a song it was impossible not to fall in love with such a woman we met again on the beach in the afternoon exchanged a few words and plann to go to the movies that evening Nina mentioned that she got in trouble for returning late previously and would needs to return early today I was surprised by this control given she was already 20 she was mature but I could tell she feared her parents especially her father we went to the movies that night I don't know what she told them but her parents let her go after the movie we returned to the beach that's when I kissed her for the first time and realized I was in deep I was at a loss proposing to a girl you've known for two days would seem absurd and foolish no one would believe the sincerity of my feelings and int attentions even though they were genuine we stayed on the beach until 2: a.m. after which I walked her to her room the next day Nina was nowhere to be seen neither on the beach nor in the dining room at dinner I noticed that Nina's mother took her portion with her assuming Nina was unwell I decided to check on her I went to their room and knocked Nina's mother opened the door and in an irritated tone asked what I wanted I I candidly admitted that I had recently met her daughter and was fond of her I noticed her absence and wanted to know if she was okay or unwell in response I received a Curt reply it's none of your business what happens to our daughter go chase other girls young man we didn't raise her for you and the door was abruptly shut in my face I must admit I was unprepared for such a reaction I was taken aback by the parents Behavior and the r boundaries they imposed on their adult daughter 2 Days Later Nina appeared on the beach she seemed different as if someone had taken her place even the sparkle in her eyes was missing I felt the need to talk to her I asked a 9-year-old boy to discreetly hand her a note indicating where I'd be waiting for her that evening Nina arrived almost an hour late but I would have waited until morning I was eager for this conversation wanting to understand what was happening Mr Cassidy I can't explain everything it's not easy for a normal person to understand but we can never be together she said why don't you like me I asked I do like you a lot but my father disapproves of you strongly I could never go against his wishes are we in the Middle Ages will you let him dictate your life choice is who you will marry I won't discuss this with you I'm sorry but I truly cannot be with you she replied tears streaming down her face I saw her tears of resentment and despair caused by this outrageous Injustice and irrationality I put my arm around her shoulder suddenly she turned to me and kissed me passionately I couldn't resist it was the first and last last time I never saw her again in the morning I learned that they had left at dawn probably shortly after Nina returned to the room for we had only parted that morning that's the story I wanted to find her and I knew her last name in her town but I didn't dare about a year later I happened to be in her City I even found her a dress and visited her however her father answered the door and he chased me away threatening to kill me next time Allison listened holding her breath she remembered from her mother's words that her grandfather was strict but not that strict but that her mother had broken that was obvious now that Alison knew the whole story she understood why her mother had become so and rude she felt sorry for her but why did she keep me at a distance and treat me like her parents treated her she should have understood more than anyone how hurt and offended I was but the pressure she had experienced all her life must have squeezed out all the goodness that once resided in her soul during her youth thought Allison are you married she asked aloud no I've been trying to forget Nina for a long time and even met other girls but it wasn't the same there was an emptiness in my soul I've become so accustomed to solitude that it no longer bothers me however your arrival in my life is like a breath of fresh air a ray of sunshine in a dark kingdom I can't think of other words to express the joy of your arrival especially with a grandchild it's literally a jackpot please tell me about yourself where do you live what do you do do you have a husband I'm interested in everything Allison shared everything she could remember about her childhood with her father her strained relationship with her mother her mother's illness and death her relocation to the capital her unsuccessful relationship with Michael and the most radiant and wise person she knew Mrs huitt I want you to live with me we have so much to catch up on I can't leave Mrs huitt she has no one else but me I'm not a stranger to you am I and as for Mrs huitt I wouldn't mind and if you bring her along it would be even more fun Allison looked at her father in Surprise isn't she a stranger to you she supported you in your time of need so I'm also grateful to her it's settled then you're moving in with me Allison suddenly remembered her first meeting with Mrs huitt and decided to joke there's just one problem besides me and Mrs huitt there's another tenant who who a cat Allison smiled that's no problem you can even have a dog my house is big there's plenty of room for everyone I'll need to go back to the city to get my things and explain everything to Mrs huitt to prepare her somehow of course I understand but let's have you stay at my place tonight and tomorrow Adam will take you there Allison agreed with pleasure she wanted to spend more time with her father to speak with her Family Man afterward Mr Cassidy and Alice left the office the secretary watched Allison with interest not understanding who this young woman was and why the mayor had cancelled all his meetings and appointments for her sake they went to a restaurant for lunch intending to get to know each other further through conversation Mr Cassidy asked Allison about her interests favorite meals books and films seemingly determined to learn as much as he could about his daughter in 2 hours Allison responded and posed her own questions equally interested in understanding her father their conversation was interrupted by a phone call hello is this Allison rattel an unfamiliar female voice inquired yes who am I speaking with Allison asked her tone revealing a hint of apprehension this is a doctor from the hospital where Michael vorv is currently admitted do you know him the woman on the line asked yes I do what happened to him Allison was confused they had broken up and he had people closer to him that could be contacted he had an accident and asked me to call you he's in serious condition can you come to the hospital today I can't I'm out of town and won't be able to reach in time I'll be there tomorrow morning Allison answered after the conversation Allison was in doubt not knowing what to do or how to behave I think you should visit him I'm not saying you should forgive him or take care of him but he's not a stranger to you you were together for two years her father suggested you're right father Allison agreed it was the first time she had called him father tears welled up in Mr Cid's eyes the grown man usually so serious was surprisingly sentimental and sensitive thank you he said holding his daughter's hand for what Allison asked puzzled for calling me Daddy they left the restaurant and drove to his house the mayor's house was significantly larger than the surrounding private properties Mr Cassidy noticed Allison's gaze and understood what she was thinking don't look at how big the house is I never steal the state's money I used to run a construction business I built this house before I ventured into politics so it's all fair and legal I didn't think anything of the sort Allison felt embarrassed because that's precisely what she had initially thought all right her father smiled pretending to believe her Allison walked into the house taken AB back she had never seen such Splendor except in the movies everything was skillfully and creatively put together it was evident that a professional designer had meticulously considered every detail in the house intrigued Allison examined the furniture pictures statuettes vases and dishes Allison come on I'll show you your room they ascended to the upstairs there were several doors one of which her father gestured Allison to enter the room was adorned in a gentle green color so subtle barely discernible yet incredibly soothing to the eyes a massive bed stood in the room's Center flanked by Snow White nightstands with small lamps on them a snow white closet lined the wall everything was so beautiful Immaculate and shiny that Allison was hesitant to touch anything fearing she'd leave marks or make it dirty Allison's father gave her a smile knowing the hardships his daughter had faced growing up he was determined to make up for those lost emotions and ensure a decent standard of living for her would you like to take a rest he asked to be honest I would I didn't realize how tired I was until I saw the bed Allison confessed then rest I'll prepare dinner would you prefer fish or meat I would love some fish I'm quite fond of it once her father left the room Allison quickly fell asleep from exhaustion during dinner Mr Cassidy informed Allison that his driver Adam would pick her up the next morning at 8:00 a.m. Adam would take her to the hospital then to Mrs hitt's apartment and finally back home with the cat and the elderly woman oh I don't want to cause you any inconvenience Allison mentioned what do you mean I'm your father and it's my responsibility to take care of my daughter especially in a situation like this he said pausing for a while before adding let's make a deal if you need something tell me right away he took a bank card out of his pocket and placed it in front of Allison this is your card it'll always have money on it and don't you dare argue it's useless the PIN code is the day and month of your mother's birthday I've got money thanks Dad I don't need it Allison tried to refuse Allison my girl you don't think I'm going to let you work in your condition do you girls always need money for stuff also take only the most important and necessary things with you we'll buy everything else here and Mrs huitt too thank you but I think my dear I think we've agreed it's useless to argue with me I suggest we take a walk before bed and rest you have a busy day tomorrow you need a good night's sleep they walked around the garden G strolled down an alley sat on a bench for a while and then returned to the house Allison said good night to her father and went up to her room before taking a shower she dialed Mrs huitt how are you darling how is your father treating you Allison had already phoned her in the afternoon sharing the news about her father's exciting find Mrs huitt was thrilled there are two pieces of news granny Allison began good and bad the elderly woman asked smiling no both are good just relax okay Allison requested dad wants me to live with him that's the first news that's excellent news absolutely the right decision you should live with your father so what's the other news Mrs huitt I want you to come with me please please Dad personally invites you he doesn't want you to be alone there was silence on the phone Allison concerned for the elderly woman exclaimed Mrs huitt are you okay yes she responded her voice choked with tears it was then that Allison realized the elderly woman was crying thank you dear but I don't think it's a good idea I'm a stranger to you and even more so to your father why would you want to take on such a burden how can you say that a burden you're critical to me you practically saved me and I can't leave you behind if you don't go then I won't go either Allison insisted all right I'll think about it until tomorrow Mrs huitt said and hung up Allison with a happy smile showered and went to bed in the morning after breakfast she and her father stepped outside just as Adam pulled up to the entrance Allison froze as she saw him he resembled her favorite actor there's no way such a handsome man could be just a driver she thought to herself before turning to her father this is your driver yes but Adam is more than a driver the man replied he's also a security guard and a master of sports in karate he had to retire from professional sports due to a minor injury he's an excellent and educated guy you'll see when you talk to him Adam I trust you with the most precious thing in my life my daughter watch over her you're responsible Mr Cassidy stated seriously do you really have a daughter this is the first I've heard of it Adam responded surprised you won't believe it I just found out about her yesterday life is full of Miracles and you don't believe in miracles Mr Cassidy smiled then reiterated drive carefully as if you had a crystal vase in your car don't worry your warning is noted everything will be fine the driver assured they rode in silence for the first 10 minutes Allison felt awkward because Adam resembled a famous actor and she was too shy to even look at him Adam kept his eyes on the road patiently waiting for his passenger to initiate conversation Allison gathered her courage and broke the silence Adam has anyone ever told you that you resemble the actor Adam Sandler Allison asked and Adam laughed how do I resemble him we only have the same name don't be modest you just look like him Allison insisted have you seen his movies honestly I don't recall I don't usually Remember actors why bad memory no I just tend to remember actresses more Adam grinned I'm a typical man I prefer women Allison blushed deeply feeling a Pang of jealousy Adam's statement had somehow made her feel uncomfortable Allison what do you do besides watching movies I live I work are you married he suddenly asked Allison blushed again why do you want to know I'm curious maybe I'm searching for a bride you're just my type I like intelligent interesting and Incredibly modest girls who blush from head to toe when asked a question Allison blushed even more and turned towards the window you're purposely making me feel embarrassed aren't you she asked continuing to look out the window excuse me who are you talking to over the window Adam jokingly asked and they both laughed if you're seriously asking I'm not the right person for you Allison replied sadly may I ask why I'm pregnant and what Adam asked then quickly understood oh sorry I didn't get it right away you have a fiance and you're getting married right if that's the case I'm not interested in someone else's bride no I don't have a fiance Allison replied then why am I not suitable for you because I'm pregnant with another man's child Allison explained don't you think your child needs a father Adam asked I suppose but not every man is willing to raise another man's child I agree not every man would but I'm not just any man I'm unique Adam responded with a sincere smile winking at Allison which made her blush once more Allison looked at Adam questioningly unsure if he was joking or serious are you kidding I don't think this is a topic to joke about Allison exclaimed no I'm not kidding you're an incredible girl it's immediately obvious you have a special energy that affects me Adam said at this moment they pulled up to the hospital as Allison stepped out of the car she suddenly winced and clutched her belly what's wrong Adam asked alarmed are you ill do you need a doctor no I think the baby just kicked Allison said with a smile and changed the topic I won't be long please wait for me in the car she easily found Michael's Ward and walked inside Michael was lying on the bed gazing at the ceiling upon seeing Allison his demeanor changed becoming more lively and cheerful his right arm and leg were bandaged and a large abrasion and bruise marred his face hi Michael what happened Allison asked taking a seat next to him hi Allison I'm so happy to see you Michael replied with a parent sincerity don't ask we got into a mess with Ben don't worry he's alive but he's in worse shape than me he has spinal issues I'm sorry to hear that what about you I've got a fractured arm and leg there's also something wrong with my foot I need surgery urgently I see how are you how are you doing without me I'm fine I live work do do you miss me Michael asked most likely hoping to satisfy his ego not anymore I've gotten used to living without you you hurt me too much I'm sorry please Allison wondered if he really wanted to reconcile and raise a child with her maybe the accident had changed his perspective and he had proposed to her however soon reality proved otherwise what Allison heard next shocked her I'm sorry but you haven't exactly been fair to me either I told you I didn't want kids and here's a surprise you're pregnant how am I supposed to react I don't understand are you apologizing or blaming me Alison asked for clarification apologizing in a very peculiar way I must say I need money for Rehab insurance won't cover it I was drunk my parents can't afford it and after recently buying a car I can't either don't you know that I can't afford it either you could sell your apartment Allison hadn't expected such audacity wait what I should sell my mother's apartment to pay for your surgery is that what you're suggesting well yes we're not strangers we could help each other in difficult times I'm in a difficult situation and I have no one else to ask besides you're carrying my baby and for it to be yours you should pay me as a donor you obtained my contribution fraudulently I gave no consent you owe me Allison was speechless she had anticipated any response but this one she was so taken aback she had no idea how to respond after recovering from her shock she asked did you hit your head in the accident have you seen a neurologist no there's nothing wrong with my head you must be sick in the head you're not getting a penny from me I thought you invited me here to apologize and raise our child together I was even ready to ask my father for help but after what I've heard forget it she stood up walked to the door and turned back to say don't ever contact me again or come near me otherwise my father or my future husband will handle you she said smiling enigmatically take care of yourself Allison left the room her head held high she managed to hold back the tears until she left the hospital where she broke down crying Adam who had been waiting by the car rushed over when he saw Allison crying what's wrong did someone hurt you what happened no nothing happened I just realized my past is worse than I thought I feel like I need to shower as if I'm covered in mud maybe I should talk to someone just man-to-man conversation Adam suggested no there's no point let's just go home I need to pack and take Mrs huitt Allison said the smell of Mrs hitt's pies filled the air even in the entrance Mrs huitt is making pies she cooks so deliciously Allison commented unlocking the door Mrs huitt I'm here finally what took you so long the elderly woman said emerging from the kitchen she glanced at Adam giving a nod of approval that's what I mean a real reliable man unlike some others Allison smiled embarrassed and asked why are you baking pies we need to Go Allison objected I've already finished so you'll have something to eat before the road Mrs huitt replied and Allison I'm not going what use am I I'm old and Ill your father probably agreed just from the joy of having a daughter he'll soon kick me out and I'll be left on the street I prefer to spend my remaining days here firstly if you don't go I don't go secondly my father is a sensible man considering his position he must have thought before he spoke lastly I will never let anyone throw you onto the street and by the way could a bad man produce a good girl like me she's very humble as well remarked Adam smiling and the women laughed we have an hour water pack Mrs huitt will'll only take the most valuable expensive and necessary items that said we will get everything else we need later an hour later they were all set to leave all they had to do was hand over the keys to the neighbor and ask her to water the plants occasionally and look after the apartment the cat was put in a carrier and meowed all through the hallway clearly not a fan of the outdoors by 8:00 they were already home Mr Cassidy greeted them at the gate Mrs huitt was quite nervous but Allison's father turned out to be a truly kind man and a gracious host he gave her a room downstairs so she wouldn't have to climb the stairs every day the room was adjacent to the library a real treat for Mrs huitt who was an Avid Reader despite her age and deteriorating Vision the cat was let loose in the living room sniffing around his new territory with a sense of Pride Mr Cassidy wanted to let Adam go home but Allison insisted that he stay with them for dinner Dad she turned to her father say if I wanted to get married would you mind did the baby's father come to his senses and propose to you after all asked the man surprised and incredulous at the same time no said Allison and looked at her father as if considering whether to tell him about her conversation with Michael but after thinking about it she decided to tell him Mr Cassidy was angry at first and then laughed my God how mentally impoverished some men could be what kind of a person would he have to be to come up with such a thing in principle what a scoundrel yes Dad I'm shocked too so who are you planning to marry is there something else I'm unaware of do you remember the story of how you and Mom met I think I'm in a similar situation I just feel like he's the one and he said he's been looking for someone like me history repeats itself but are you sure he's a good man will you introduce me to him before you get married Dad don't worry Allison paused took a deep breath and blurted out it's Adam Mr Cassidy looked at his daughter in Surprise then at his driver who was petting the cat and chatting with Mrs hwit when did you two get to know each other well enough to make such a lifechanging decision Dad I'm telling you I can just feel it he's really nice can I have your permission why should I forbid it Mr Cassidy didn't understand well he's just a simple driver you might think it's indecent because you're the mayor and your daughter is marrying a driver considering the reputation and all Alison my dear such concerns about reputation are nonsense I want you to be happy you know I want you to have a reliable person to lean on in difficult times Adam is like that I will be very glad if you two are together only Mr Cassidy paused choosing his words carefully to avoid upsetting his daughter dad Adam knows I'm pregnant Allison interjected great then they returned to the others Allison had wanted to take a walk before dinner so Adam had volunteered to accompany her Mrs huitt and Mr Cassidy exchanged Smiles Adam may I ask you a question of course you can ask me anything Adam smiled why Allison asked for clarification because you're my future wife and I can't keep secrets from my wife you're not kidding about getting married are you no I never joke about such serious things then I agree she said and pulled herself to kiss him after dinner Adam left and the other occupants went to their rooms as she drifted off to sleep Allison dreamt of her New Bright future her wedding the birth of her son and a happy life with her beloved husband in her father's house under the loving guidance of Mrs huitt
Channel: True Love and Other Fables
Views: 31,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true love and other fables, pregnant cab driver, cab driver gave a stranger a ride to an abandoned house, the passenger gave her a strange note, love story, cheating husband story to tears, audio story, bedtime story, life story video, heart touching story, love story video, life lessons, life tips, cheating husband stories, stories, heartbreaking stories, people story, wonderful story, amazing love story
Id: 6stCcATwgqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 9sec (4269 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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