The Man Behind @TheHorophile - Watch Collection of Amr Sindi

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[Music] [Music] hello welcome to Swiss watch came today with a another very cool interview for you guys where my special friend Armour here from Lausanne we're my hometown Missouri Switzerland taking a look at his collection and I'm really happy to show you guys this thing [Music] Armour hey thank you for coming thanks for having appreciate so much welcome to sir it's an experience honestly yeah listen I love Zurich I'm only two hours away so you should pop by some time as well thank you so much for coming so we have a lot of watches here it's very diverse collection as you're known for oh I try I don't even think about it honestly but it just it just kind of happened you know absolutely so for you guys I don't know um are you actually an OG Instagram personality at the horror file I follow you since basically the beginning of my journey I was always looking at what crazy watches you bought and what those brands were worth which I loved about your channel so I think it's a thing I can see the opportunity to show thank you it's the audience as well we have a few segments here we divided into it's a vintage first pieces watches on this side yeah your obsession with purple the color purple my finish and your modern timepieces all very diverse so let's just dive into it what was your first watch so my first watch was this lovely two-tone Daytona yeah circa 2004 I believe so what happened was I used to see my older brothers one of them had a Daytona yeah if you actually used to love like Rolex and you know a bit of a family tradition we my brothers and sisters and most of us like studies here in Switzerland actually for high school and you know usually tradition parents come for the graduation except I think being number four somehow I'm lucky nobody came to mine so when I went back you know home I kind of grilled my dad a bit and you know kind of guilt trip to into getting a date the funny thing is when we went to the dealer I mean and my dad had already bought watches from him and stuff so he had a relationship I'd say I mean I was offered a steel or the 2-tone and you know you go yeah 18 at the time obviously a gold why would I go for steel and yeah so even the hard way that's part of the fun of this hobby but it's a sentimental piece I mean sadly don't get much first time I mean like the other gold pieces don't get much worse than like this for example you know my this got a bit of a story to it so I believe this was a gift from my grandfather to my father before I was born so around yeah 82 and I actually have a few photos of my dad back in the day wearing this watch of course the AP autumn or PGA ultra-thin automatic perpetual calendar which at the time of its release or something you know quite experienced and even today I think exactly in terms of proportions in terms of everything I mean it's it's still an exceptional watch sadly I only wear it once a year so you know end of February it's not even an instantaneous calendar so there's a bit of a drag they changes and it's really noisy you watch 30 minutes prior laps would be nice that I hope you wide that that yeah not really that's why I like end of the month I kind of have to go through it and honestly the problem is like you know what these perpetual calendars that I can never remember which corrector does what so I do it the long way like I do a whole year of just crowds like yeah that's it's beautiful many in many audience saw this in the previous interview with Tom Singapore Tom I think today is like the reference of all things you know and I love his focus on that you know particular piece or some particular pieces he has it and I wish I had that much discipline and you know in collecting and as you can see I mean I yeah I love it though and yeah I mean one of my earlier pieces all again this is not something I bought this was a similar situation is this so this is my high school graduation guilt trip you know this is my university graduation either so I up the ante a little bit I had one or two sports watches that I you know eventually sold but I wanted something that more classic and this was of course I mean for graduate Whateley out of budget anyways so yes this is a difficult reverse so Grande Sun Moon from again I think mm I mean I must have got it doesn't seven but it was around that time beautiful it's a beautiful piece on them it's a much less poetic piece I'd say I mean when I look at it today I kind of try to understand what I saw in it you know all those years ago some things don't really make sense anymore like why is there a day-and-night indicator there's no second times on a deity but I think it's just the aesthetic of it I loved having you know the moon phase so I mean it's calmer so vindicated and the back is nice somebody's like constellation full like yeah it's got especially engraving on there like eight-day manual winding movement doo-doo-doo eddakath are not really that much I mean III think when you first get into like you know buying or collecting watches I you know especially in my time I mean I started around 2006 yeah and back then of course this was before social media before Instagram before like you know whatsapp and all these years and the only place you can wear everything out with watching geeks was like forum so I was I was pretty you know active on time zone calm and I don't know you see that a lot of people I mean you see a lot of variety and this is how I learned I think you know much of what I know and like look after it look out for it today but yeah I felt I almost felt like there's you know certain watches you have to have you have to have a dress watch you have to have like the dye watch and mistake it was a very like expensive mistake I guess that lasted until you realize like there is no like you know there should be like a strict path or a stick you know a ladder let's say of collecting I think you know buy what you like and especially buy what you're gonna wear and then do it cuz I mean I'm being a bit of a hypocrite here cuz a lot of these watches don't get a lot of your stuff for me even if something is like you know it gets more than once a year it's almost is this like yeah I like right but that's also when people ask me which watch to buy either on YouTube or Instagram or in general I always tell them buy what you like like yeah because I think you have to wear the watch if you buy absolutely and I think it's okay if you get drawn into certain height pieces like I have I probably love with the you know the degree should be no Pepsi ceramic yes but I still try to always look out for things that are more like I guess me and you know I'm not I guess I'm not completely never ends changes through time as well your taste involves I'd say but you also see a few you mentioned the Pepsi you have a very special one which is on your future I mean I would say I'm a vintage guy right but there are a couple of watches I guess with time that you kind of appreciate something that vintage which is it honestly but you just weren't as well made from a technical point of view yesterday in terms of materials in terms of technique in terms of so I think what's beautiful about vintage is that up to a certain area you have watches that have aged or will continue to age whereas you know almost anything you buy today is gonna remain pretty much static you know yeah because of the coatings I'm you know they're probably the steel alloys we use yeah have evolved a bit you know the crystals even you know that the kind of paint and luminous material we use on dial and has it's it's all improved a lot I think by you know industry standards so it's kind of charming when you find something that you know it's kind of unique in a way cuz know so vintage watches will be alike so this was what he called the collar of this bezel so this is the first year all metro Oh naturally because of the location probably some yeah I mean I think it was more of like how you say almost like a defect or something wrong and like process of anodizing the aluminum inserts so bosses matches they made and this was like yes so it's a probably mark one it's got the long you know Rolex for those who know what I found I mean I never pretend to be a Rolex expert but you know if I if I buy something that I will do for sehri research and due diligence and of course like with most things I mean the most important thing is yeah the dealer so the aging is just amazing good guys have some cool pieces yeah and I was a bit of a pain in the rear end for this because I have very specific clients and you know I heard good things about them I wanted to give them a shot and you basically also we're looking for the specific yeah I don't want the blue to be super faded because usually find more of those like yeah the Blues very faded I want it's something readable very back yeah and and I still wanted some 15 on the tritium I don't like like yeah that was you know suspiciously sort of the pumpkin color but I don't something like white either so honestly I couldn't be happier I mean supposedly unpolished I mean the bevels are still you know intact and and on the Jubilee so it was kind of off this was like maybe like a maybe two years before they relaunched the Pepsi and then I got the best you really made me appreciate it so much more of course and the Jubilee is very like super costly I have girl resin I mean but what I also see any because it's also confirmed tight your heritage and your where you come from yeah there's a lot of special rolex watches here which i mean it's this one in the box nobody saw yeah yeah so I mean be exclusive I mean I've never seen one I mean I didn't even know I had technically years ago but basically my grandfather being on a major rest in peace was the director of Saudi Airlines I think sometime in the sixties I mean don't quote me on it but it was pretty early on and it was really a transition period when you know Saudi Airlines went from being just a local kind of small airliner to becoming I mean at the time the preeminent like international airline of the Middle East I mean so I mean he you know he did a lot of things I guess you know for the airline but also for you know his region his city started from the bottom like like a lot of people and and you know kind of built it up and as is customary where I'm from I mean different ministry is different like you know state companies do produce like or used to produce like their own special dog Rolexes and I've bought previous ones like with Saudi Airlines were with the Ministry of Defense to which they're like the most but then a few years ago I came home to my grandmother and I showed her the watch I had just thought so it's you know there's how the dial oyster date I believe I think she goes up to her safe she just opens it and comes out with the box I in this white box personally I opened the box and there's this I mean you talk about probably the provenance but this I think it's pretty hard to talk you know and literally has no scratches no it's never been worn I mean you have no papers as well a box everything it's I mean I feel privileged just to have it because apparently I mean it was the kind of thing where we might have received a few and we gave them out as gifts to family friends and dignitaries visiting and things like that boxes so this is the last one we had at home that's brand-new who knows maybe one day we'll uncover a couple of men it's possible maybe your family as a few more so the Box I mean there's one thing that the watch remains new all stock untouched but the box and the little suede material assadís yeah the stickers are still in there and in fact I mean it's amazing incredible amazing and this is a watch this is funny I mean this is yeah something I've all I guess in the early days but I actually bought originally for my wife yeah and she wore it for a while she loved it but then one day she came home and I asked her where's the watch and she pulls it out of her handbag and she had put it like I think with her you know like one of the compartments in her bag with her coins and houses read up and I saw the watch and honestly almost all right so I've since confiscated it for it so her is but um I'm keeping it under what is this for people who don't know the brand I mean collectors and friends who love yeah now so this is why so this is a Gerald Genta Mickey aviator I believe it was called yeah I'm not exactly sure when it was produced I mean I bought it from a collector buddy of mine I think around 2007 if I'm not mistaken and it's pretty cool because it has what was a signature back then for children to blend around those days was like jumping hours with the retrograde minutes and it's kind of a fun watch and I love like especially this version would like that they're almost like riveted details on the dial yes and it's really Mickey's hand is actually the minute hand right exactly an inch of slack it's super cool it's a fun watch it's a fun water I mean you know like very collectible like the become also yes I've gotten honestly promote watch as I own is probably when I get the most requests on Instagram like my DM if I'm sorry but it's but it's incredible but yeah I can tell you I have a gel agenda as well from similar era not I mean different pieces I mean I'm not gonna say I'm sad about what happened to the ground I'm you know I love a booger he's done yeah absolutely stuff but yeah I kind of Miss having the name on Instagram you're very known for forced your name I wanna ask you first where the name comes from and also second what's your obsession with the color purple well I guess the logo because I don't feel like I know it's like a lot of oil a lot of people don't like you know seven I say oh it's the horrifying they're like honest I feel like industry people you know like good like bad something on the name and then he said you know the rabbits yes people to see the rabbit or the purple rat it's true but yeah I mean to me it's almost like in an obsession with timepieces that's like you know almost fetishizing watches you know and and that's how I kind of get I really obsess over over different things I go through phases as well like and sometimes you know I'll be after a watch for months and once at once and you know you just kind of go nuts sometimes and honestly thank you you all kind of late honestly the amount of time I've spent on this hobby like it's not just now but even like since you know after I left college I didn't have much do it now much so my refuge was like you know timezone calm the curious that kind of thing and like you know I learned so much but at the same time it's when I realized I mean this this wash thing goes pretty deep beyond the stuff I knew like you know just the basics you know like the big brands that you see at retailers that you see us wearing and I think that's that that's really the fetish is just like appreciating watchmaking but not just the products but really just the whole ecosystem and especially the people I mean and I mean this is why again if we jump maybe to this you know section I mean I've had a thing for like independence I mean since since I started Instagram almost I mean there was a time when independent watchmaking was kind of out of reach because you only had like super high and um but I think today what you'd call between you know micro brands and independent and independent watchmakers I think we have more choice than ever we're kind of blessed to be living in this just ear of you know watchmaking and yeah so purple why childhood thing I mean and I try to think why I mean you can ask my mother like actually don't know welcome mother coming when I was a kid I always loved purple I mean my mom had the hardest time like taking me clothes shop because she'd take me to like you know I don't know United Colors of Benetton or something and like worse for like my second like the four to six year old boy section you know they're like you know so I only want it purple and I think maybe part of it was a Cadbury chocolate you know the British chocolate used to come in like this purple ramp especially like that purple kind of almost the aluminum foil effect so this goes deeper it's almost like a Pavlov dogs kind of thing you know where like you know the purple becomes you know yeah so I yeah and then there's maybe transformers oh I used to love transfers oh of course you know the bad guy Decepticons Megatron IDO green purple the cool guys that's actually even a code you'll notice in a lot of the auctions yes you're known for that's why I also love your page since the beginning because I saw independence not let's say the the 50 60 upwards thousand dollar range but let's say let's say quote unquote more affordable workers in the independent space which are long because you also introduced me to a few brands I didn't even know exists and no honey percent are absent and also people can agree you know you because we are also in Switzerland we have this opportunity to show some of those pieces somewhere in the in Asia or us but also you what's special about you is many most accounts don't have let's say their own additions so yeah I mean I'm artful purple you also have your special horrible additions which you design and yeah I mean like you know I mean you know after having one Instagram for like maybe a year or two like okay I was starting to get a bit of followers and I and I really like commercialize it I never like you know I was never one you know any brands you know invitee list for more stuff anyway that you get invited to one or two events once in a while but like I I didn't want to become a media cuz I didn't today like when I started my account honestly it was just like a venue for me to post watch it's cuz in the beginning when I can't was just you know my name Armour Cindy and like I started feeling like a douchebag because I had like you know friends and family calling me and like switch the account like the horrifying remove my name and everything and it was just amazing like to post watches discover watches as well cuz it's like let's be honest even living in Switzerland sometimes especially when you're not very well know and like friends are not the most accommodating can I take watches they're gonna give you the time of day so yeah but after I you know I realize like okay there's this color I love I know it could be cool for watches even though like in the very few watches that there have been that have been purple as usual even for women's watches and I find that like almost like sexist I mean it's not pink it's not like you know or whatever you like so you know so this was the so this is the Dietrich now song yeah you know so the Instagram oh geez my remember I mean Dietrich was like one of those you know one of the first like I guess Instagram your micro brands I'd say and you know Emmanuel Dietrich's become like a really good friend I think he's an amazing designer I mean people should see not just the watches he's done by his design stuff like fur you know like very big you know you know interior design furniture companies he's done stuff for like LMS like big names and not not just in watches yeah so yeah he has a unique like you know aesthetic I'd say this kind of biodynamic organic so this is the first one we did and you can see like the the purple is very subtle cuz I was scared I mean I could have justify making one piece you know at this price range so we said okay minimum 10 so I'm like okay let's let's let's take the risk let's do 10 pieces we'll call it you know that file edition or something and we'll see what happens and honest I remember like even the day I announced that I was really anxious like nobody's gonna like it because it's purple like who wears purple and I was honestly blown away by by by you know the feedback and like we we sold you know I kept bought one and the other nine we sold in like less than an hour on to something here like this purple thing I can't be the only one right now purple fellow enthusiasts as well yeah I know I'm happy to see that like and yes so then like okay maybe I got a bit to escalate right so like moser exactly I mean so about a year and a half after the DIA trick I'm a brand that I've honestly like been admiring ever since like you know the new management and I you know I noticed the brand trying to like freshen up cuz product wise did I mean if you've been one of those hardcore geeks like you would have seen more in there like mid 2000s cuz they did come up with their perpetual calendar which was like revolutionary back then and then it kind of disappeared they had you know whatever problems any startup brand has I guess but now under new management I felt like okay there's this real energy and then you know I think things really change when they did this like what they call the concept dials which are like I cost ya know nowadays I think almost every brand has like something in a fumet dial yeah and I'm gonna say Moser invented it cuz it's been something we've seen like since the 60s and probably medium before but I used to have a vintage date just with a blue and black female dial so from this 69 zenit like but I think malls are really kind of made it fresh you know with all these colors but like okay this could be something let's let's try to do something and so you know after a lot of begging and crying they finally agreed to do this like series of 10 pieces so this is the Venturer XL so it's a stainless steel case which was pretty rare or very as LeBron says for the time I kind of like the oversized thing I mean it you know it was either that or like thirty nine millimeter and for me like in a lot of my friends like thirty nine really I mean I don't mind another guy's yeah it's on the smaller side and honestly we didn't want to do something super classical either I mean yeah we wanted something that yeah a bit different you need space for the big nice large I think it's nice and especially this one has almost like a convex shape right see the left and breaks a bit on though yeah so we did a purple Fumiya dial that I need from you wasn't enough since Moser is like one of the few brands that make their own escapements I wants to do something special and we did like the first step yeah the first purple balance wheel and purple hair spring Wow so I think that's like the first and only time has ever been done it's a little touchy but I think it's the kind of thing that people appreciate as well it's not just okay we exactly ten pieces also making pieces well also sold I mean yeah was a bit longer and then just just recently I mean again like it kind of happened by surprise so the motor was like a few years ago and honestly like some of the people who bought it and the district cuz we have I have a few friends I bought both and I'm really grateful yeah something like on we haven't done anything in a while like come on what's wrong is something wrong like the first like honestly like if I don't see something that I think purple would make sense for online I just try to like go to any brand it's willing to do a product just to do something yeah cuz it's all smoke not your revenue stream I mean passion part series honestly like I mean I I'm not selling them and I make 0 out of them and I bought my piece just like everybody else the idea was honestly just for me like to put my stamp and it kind of remind the industry I mean who made purple code I'll never get the credit for it but like and not bragging but like it's true that honest especially I think since we did the Moser I've seen a couple more brands doing like performance or something like oh but yeah yeah I I might have made on some small level some kind of change or shift and at least I need purple except one good news for me means I can buy purple watches without big brands to do a unique piece absolutely happy to do a series so I'm all for it so this is pretty cool this is for me I saw this brand Navy yeah Matthew ones back not it's it's popping up of exact I mean I don't know the brand or I don't know the brand at all before Baselworld of last year and then a mutual friend james black badger yes Tom yeah these guys I think you should check them out I think you know they got something you might like so I've never heard of them they're from France and it was a first thought yeah I mean like I have nothing I love the French come on but I don't know what to think honest I didn't understand it feels like a micro brand it's just like sort of subcontracting everything and making everything in age I'm just like putting a logo or something you know and they didn't have this model especially so what I saw honestly like I was like okay why not so I passed by to see them but they weren't at the little table booth or whatever yeah so anyways I just took a picture of the watch and idea and it to them like I tries to pass by and then you know we wrote to each other and then a couple of months later I'm off who's one half of Saturday off so he's album yeah he he posted this watch I see like or it's like uh I don't know how to explain it's like a beautiful like glossy I see this thing that really like caught my eye I mean I I follow a lot of brands and I thought a lot of a lot of people I mean I mean and I don't always like engage but this thing really stopped me so I saw the watch I was like hey this is interesting are you gonna come by so many times and I'd love to see it because I'm not I'm not going to tear City time soon yeah well yeah I'm gonna be there like in a few weeks so I'll hit you up so we decide to meet on a Sunday and in like a hotel goes down whatever and then pieces are gone oh yeah I mean I saw the watch and like okay it had a nice blue dial I'm like okay this is definitely made for purple so the beautiful thing is it's all titanium the case is like Matt blasted great five titanium because usually a stupid thing to do because you get great five titanium so you can wash it and have nice texture to the also finish him off remove yeah and I just love that look cuz I was like flame dude I'm saying yeah flame blue titanium that's kind of going up a purple shade and it's all made by the guy I mean like the cases are I think social stores in Switzerland but he does like the dolls himself he polishes the hands and I'll say I thought was a cool piece oh it's beautiful so we did like a touch as well we have to go with something a bit more yes you know so like so yeah I showed it to a couple of friends and stuff I'll say in the beginning I just wanted to make a unique piece I should if you guys are like Armour we want to answer okay we said let's do five pieces five became 10 so we did like ten friends and family and I'm like okay it's it's it would be too mean and cruel to kind of show it to people be like sorry you can't have it yeah so we decided ok we'll do another 10 pieces as a regular like limited edition to other people that I don't look and buy and yeah they're at their door all sold out so the last congrats it's cool and then you also have a few I mean I've been living in this country for like 20 years now but I'll not Swiss you know so I have an affinity for watchmakers who aren't from around here as well I have to admit I mean as much as I love my stuff I like to discover other things I think you find often different aesthetics influenced by whatever you know called quarters right so what is this value this is pretty cool this is I mean it's called gos watches which is short for Gustafson and sure good so it's like a kind of to man brand where you have Patrick Sugarman who's like a watchmaker and you have a pretty well-known bladesmith called johann Gustafson so he does like Damascus steel dials but if you see his like knife for keys I've known about the knife maker before the watch is fun you know like because his work is incredible he does like mosaic Damascus steel wood like cod tempering colors the guys like one of the best like worldwide so they partnered and made this brand of like yes watches so again I wanted to do something a unique piece of course I mean it's a very personal thing and I understand it's not for everyone but that's kind of how I like my watches anyway that's super cool not all those nice as welders nice and I was the first time he does like also the rotor mess in the same yes sort of Damascus steel as as a diode so very cool avant-garde local oven yeah and it does have like these Viking influences you know like I like my sure metal Simone do that aesthetics let's be cool and also somebody was also where we see two watches reaction yes to brands but the same guy basically and it's funny because it's probably my first in the crush I'd say I'm way back in like 2006 or seven before he even had you know he's seen at your moon phase like step on serpent evil like the guy like that's the guy I remember you I love the guy I love his work and I've wanted these watches honestly for like 10 years before I was able to like you know I actually find the model those like made for me and obviously it was purple I mean but I love this one cuz but you look at it and it's kind of monochromatic and then you know when the lights go out you have just like eerie purple glow and it's just beautiful you know that's if I get made some people say he's a he's not he's just love it's probably I have to go probably my favorite watch honestly like it's very personal and I mean I was I was lucky to go up to Helsinki and pick up the watch directly from Stefan exactly and James black bad river that part of the dollar was there too it's just the whole experience again I mean that's what I love about India it's not like I just walked to my retailer and you put myself on a waiting list or something that's it it's really about the experience and not the transaction I think that's really like the biggest difference I can agree for sure and yeah and then you ride this I mean he made other you know he has his second brand suf which is like more affordable so he did this cool Club with more couple out of which was it further office right exactly tatu iris Malone it was like a big big watching I wish I've known him again on the watch forums before knowing if that's like how small a world watch collecting is so I get purple dial I couldn't say no the head you'd mind like I think I'm gonna love this and the the best is actually engraved with Isaiah it exactly like a laser engraving motif inspired by this design he did based on a Merlin which is like what the name of the model is it's Vicky Heenan I think and yes which means like Burma and so as you see again I love your collection because it's very personal I mean I think you know like if God forbid something would happen to you tomorrow whoever sees my collection you like that you know this guy like either really bought what he liked that yes mister there's literally no high pieces here yeah yeah which I like because this is a bit of pressure but for me the thing is I mean like listen everybody you know should wear and enjoy what they like absolutely if you like something that's sort of recognized then you know a statement piece you know also I would reminds her in pieces but is this for me like it has to be very personal and it has to be also quite rare I mean or unique because I mean you know if you're shelling out this much money it's like a piece of art that you rather buy like a print edition or something unique or so on of sense so yeah and then you have all save which I also love know for the crazy dials but God bless micrograms I yeah I really like disrupted the industry like anyway that's what's uh what's uh what's this it's I mean I know it's a Lindy blue yeah again like this this is probably the indicator for a microphone I think I was a nightmare to work good cuz you know they'd be stone dials which is pretty cool not a lot of brands do I mean even and I think you either have Lindy blue or something at ten times the price that's the price as well yeah these are very affordable yeah this is like from 2k and up which i think is very fair yeah but I've always wanted like what we call the labradorite or some people like well do better quality one is actually like I think spectra light which is a mineral that's actually only found in Finland so again this is nor there's no connection it was only discovered smoked when students discovered during world war two anna has this like beautiful kind of iridescent that it's really hard to describe it's almost like you know it's black and then suddenly it's like a lightning strike of real but me being me I mean usually the stone comes in blue green tones yeah you're like purple so it took a year just to find like a stone Dale Butland that could be like good enough to be cut into a dial because it's very glossy if it shatters pretty easily it's the defect I think is similar to a black mother-of-pearl dial almost so it looks like but uncertainty the color it's almost like butterfly wings - yeah like yes like kind of I don't know I love it honestly and also one of my favorite watches no just because I always wanted that dial it was like watches from 30 k enough yes yeah and literally like almost a tenth of the price I got the same effect you know the same kind of feeling the same yeah and that's why I love micro brands cuz they skip the middleman they have no like retailers they have no distribution it's not the easiest business model for them but I think if they keep a niche it's you can have you can sell quite a few watches though it's like it's like a gift the collectors you know I think cuz you again this watches maybe in the let's say 4 to 6 K range but if there was such a great tailor of course you know but again it means like you know they can always be they can only really be a small operation and that's what I like those like I still have to wait for the watch you know I thought you know I speak to the same person from the beginning of the process till the end we check the stones together so again it's this whole exert force first and then you also have a few brands here which people know some of the might did they might not know them louia the Wraiths is all in super Sun clad right it's a very fun collab I mean it's a regulator pretty cool super colorful I like my wife said I have to have it then a micro brand I'm sure a lot of people probably know as well I love it too I went nuts I'm gonna have like four of them now I think I love you stuff honestly they're like perfect tool watches they look good they're very well made so it's nice sandwich the dial right or something yes and on bronze cases and then your love for timezone here yeah exactly I mean this was a cool piece done in collab with like harbouring and time zone and the project was headed by William you know you know kind of a mentor and like a cruel cuter back in the day but like I loved it honestly I think for me was like the nicest sector dial watch yes in the market I mean they've been making a comeback but I think this came out even before the jlc did there's you know a lot of people compare them but this based on like a certain effect Calatrava or something and yes it's breathy more than 100 more and they'd love to show it so that beat second 30 seconds just beautiful and then you also have a bit of a Japanese corner like so there's you know like how do you answer okay he did his own like little microbe portable brand let's say yes called coronal Tokyo like it was based in boom Keo neighborhood that's where he has he's athlete and it's just like honestly like the I love us all cos work and in a kind of out of my price range and there's a quite a bit of a waiting list as obviously yes feels like getting almost the taste of it I love it great watch and then yeah I watch people love on the social yeah I had you know I like then actually lusting after there's that like a regular production cream dial version of that which I've been looking at for years you know it's always been in my like wishlist and I've always been kind of hesitant lately so this is a gross psychopathic what's the mono girls like oh this is a special edition don't ask me on the numbers enormous bgw something but it's a special edition further one of their distributors I think in like South East and Far East Asia like called donkey all right people check but it's I was one of the manual winding I mean I know like for a lot of people Spring Drive is the way too good for me I'm just not there yet I just have a hard time with like electronics in general like I like purely mechanical stuff and what really drew me to this version was again this beautiful like they call it I think a jade green dial and it's got a nice texture and the color really changes from like almost dark I'm after kwasind in the daylight it's the dial is like maybe it's amount of art about I'm not sure cuz I like all like in greetings and they're doing really good stuff nowadays and great quality great quality really gross sake was questioning it and that's like a fun little one a recent one like before the end of the year like and I was really really lucky to get it because it was a japan-only Edition zennith basically I don't know if we can even still call it an 88 for cause it's based on that model but it's like yeah it's really a vintage reissue of a watch that never existed except in like a Japanese manga and like anime series you know there was only 50 pieces that sold out like in Japan days in Japan we're like you know I guess they're Ginza boutique and you know after a few Google Translate email they make you one because in Japan directly from Japan there's no other way right there's no way which which are among our own images so the the third yeah and like basically he's got this like sort of Mentor sidekick character who actually there's a featured a lot of cool watches you know there were big days they were rolling through there and it was like a Zenith 80s and even actually see the logo but they just blacked out the Z at the age so it says and it sounds like chronograph it is it was a cool thing to do and I think I'm not mistaken is the first watch based on an animated or you know a Japanese series so it's pretty cool I don't know any other one and what's also people you know might have seen it though today we actually both wear watches which it wasn't planned it's a brand people on social media kind of hate off the trash I think wrongfully so cuz I think okay who blows not a brand it's not like it's not trying to be like Ozzy and everything it's a young brand it's like maybe 40 years old now or even less and you know as gimmicky as some of the stuff they've done has been I think when they really put their mind to it do one of the best when it comes to actually you know one the claws of what exists with creative collaborations and you know this is a piece I really love on your wish stuff for the yeah it's its last sort of days I mean honestly I had my eye on it for a while I wanted it when I first saw this particular version confirm you like this home Lord thing has to be dark and black which was a model is this so this is a big bang Psalm blue black magic which I think was one of the last ones they know the first series they've done a second like series with a chronograph and stuff but I yeah I like it but I still wanted the original and I loved that it was black but it still had the white you know markers and hands and stuff and it's just a very cool watch again like it's a cushy envelope a bit you know maxi Boosh you have some nerves like a pretty well-known tattoo artist is he's got a he's got a tattoo shop and zero story cuz well London la I mean but the guy the guy really is like a multidisciplinary artist so tattoos is just like one facet of what he does yeah it's it's such a kawatte I mean the little details I think really come out I mean besides you know that is specially shaped you know bezel and in case and stuff even little things like you know the numerals are not your typical numerals so those are designed by a maxim of some blue like basically he has a biscuit typography agency here so they you know this is a custom font and it's just a little detailed I think we're again I think you know for those who trash Lulu I mean you know you're you're kind of missing out sometimes because we cool really fun watches like completely remove the seconds pendulum in the seconds this you know and I mean it gets because the hours is actually the out of our justice the largest disk and then minutes and seconds that kind of makes sense if you think of time like so you have the fastest court in the middle and then and I love to swatch obviously I got it like I finally got it after a year of life waiting for one this is the case just ceramic it's black ceramic black strumming and for some reason yeah it took longer to deliver than some of the others so I got it like just before Christmas and on a seven I've been wearing it quite a lot like I mean Tom and the guys from Singapore watch what really killed it with that amazing we got this in November I think with new phones I mean in most wisdom now since November understandably there's I love them I mean I you know I started my journey in a way we do blow on tons and now it's kinda nice to come full circle so beautiful yeah Congrats on the license latest addition I'm gonna thank you again for you know showing this beautiful collection of very diverse it's like a me watch fare like I said before let's do this again if you see any purple watches you have again hopefully a lot more but we'll see you never know thanks for the good work man I'm really enjoying these interview series and all the videos thank ya what point did you come here my pleasure huh
Channel: Swiss Watch Gang
Views: 24,160
Rating: 4.9127274 out of 5
Keywords: the man behind, swiss watch gang, the horophile, watch collector, watch collection, my watch collection, rolex daytona, sartory billard, lundis bleus, gos watch, sarpaneva watch, sarpaneva, swg, audemars piguet perpetual, grand seiko, hublot sang bleu, sang bleu, zenith el primero lupin, zenith el primero, amr sindi, louis erard, h moser & cie, moser watch, talking watches, interview, swisswatch, luxury watch collection, vintage rolex gmt master, watch collector interview
Id: adO_gnl9fQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 8sec (2408 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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