How To Become a Watch Dealer | Watches VS. Stocks 📈

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you know i think uh you all grown up left you go ahead hello everyone welcome to another edition of watches and whiskey it's like a solid b minus right there well getting better you speak you are you are getting better but anyway welcome guys to another show glad to have you with us brought a bunch of watches a lot of interesting topics today where's the whiskey do this this is the second time guys really you know what what can i pick good macallan let me guess something a little different we've been on a bourbon kick lately and this seemed to oh this is this is really good i wish it is all right cups i'm definitely not getting i'm not i'm not i'm i'm definitely not giving you that 140 proof stuff by the way after the last show we drank that oh man you guys saw the new york blog we put out who you and asian went to new york well that was the day after we drank that stuff that's like 140 proof adrian was supposed to meet with me at his dad's house and at 8 30. alba yeah that one yeah so guess what happened uh 8 35 with adrian what it's like i'm coming back from the gym about to go shower and meet you guys at the office like no you're supposed to meet your dad's house at 8 30. he's like uh yeah let's just say had a rough time with it but that was the whole trivia thing where you have to take a little more i completely forgot about that conversation now you're making the people see uh think that i'm a lightweight you're not a lightweight but but in the trivia thing you lost three to seven so those are some ripping shots of this stuff anyway cheers guys so high west actually by the way great distillery they make yipikaya which is one of my favorites and every time i say that name or drink that drink i can't i burst well it's just bpk just in my head uh like midnight summer dream which is a play on words on the play dream no but they can't call it that so they call it drem right that's probably my favorite from them they have acts so they have act one through eight right now i try to go back and buy act one and two it's like two thousand dollars the bottle retails for 50 bucks it's insane and they go for about a buck fifty but anyway enough about the high west let's talk about what we got going on in the show i want to tell you guys and give a shout out to nazar bizarre so i get adrien gets dms emails facebook requests all those things you got young kids out there saying i want to get into this business i want to do what you do i want to flip i want to do this that and the other most of you guys i tell you hey check out the video how i got started and so on and so forth this kid was relentless and he said listen i don't care what time anywhere anytime i'm jumping on a plane i'll be in your office lo and behold told him you know what come on up 8 am he calls me i just landed in philadelphia let me know when i come to the office he got here around 10 30 we had a couple of appointments in the morning and i think the fact that his nizar luxury bazaar luxury nazar no not at all no okay anyway so uh we had a conversation in regards to how do you take your business to the next level and nazar thus far has been here the guy started oh he actually bought two watches from him and then i actually bought something from him yes exactly but the guy the guy was actually like right here initially young kid he's actually a pilot believe it or not he's not a commercial pilot yet because you need like 4 000 hours to be able to fly the big boys and that takes forever but 4 000 flight hours with that said you know he started out he had like ten thousand dollars did he say that i bought a watch sold the watch then he took a hit like a twelve thousand dollar hit on a watch which took him back down to the store yeah he told me which basically brought him back down to zero he didn't give up started again god is called kitty up to about 40 50 000 which is what he's working with right now and the one thing that i told him and the deal that we made uh is that you need to open up the blinders a little bit obviously he's going after the audience the rolexes what's hot right now and i asked him one question i said well zara what happens when the rolex market goes and slows down i'm not saying drops just slows down but there's not that everyday hype where you got guys like us paying buckle dollars for the stuff you can always call us and sell it off to us and cash out i said the best way you can do in the industry today it's very tough to go out and compete and open up your own website or open up your own ebay store corona 24 and so on so become an internet seller because of the competition that's out there you got guys like us out there you guys like watch box out there you got chrono 24 it's humongous competition you won't survive with a list of clients that goes back 20 years without a list of clients you just simply don't need to so what i told them i said imagine this imagine you had a magic phone number where you could be anywhere looking at any watch where you can pick up the phone call somebody on the line and say hey what are you paying for this watch because i have no idea what this watch even is and they give you a number of ten dollars therefore you make you pay somebody nine dollars and make you a dollar he's like that would be great i'm like well that's us right so if you're out there the best thing to concentrate on i feel like is not to sell but it's to buy because you make money on the buy not on the cell which i'll show you with a few of these watches later on funny enough the same day that nazar was here i got an instagram message asking relatively the same question i'm going to read it off for you guys real quick because hi adrian i'm a fan of the content you and roman make thank you very much i'm not going to disclose any names but let's call him james for all intents and purposes james because i currently work in luxury retail for louis vuitton and wanted to shift into watches and jewelry but i'm unsure how to make that move i don't know whether to try and chase out a position at an a.d boutique try and become a flipper or work for a great market dealer as a 21 year old college student i'm not sure what to do and really just want your advice i feel passionate about watches outside of the lucrative nature of the business but for watching themselves hope you and your family are well thank you and uh and that sounds like every single email that i said so i actually so what i actually did in a few words i actually broke broke down the three different levels of getting into the business or i would say three different businesses within our business right so i said flipper level of difficulty i said is extreme and almost counterproductive today if you have no working capital or access to inventory or a name in the industry working for a gray best way to gauge the market and in ins and outs of the industry you will truly learn to market the ins and outs of the business but it will take time i started in the gray market 10 years ago and still here today then i explained him a.d i told him selfishly i would love for you to work at pat of rolex or an ap a.d and become my new connect just joking not really yeah also grow great way to meet clients learn a business and and quickly gather retail client base and what's the downside of that what's the downside of that well i think working at retail is very it's very vertical it's this came in this is how much it is you know there's really no negotiation they don't really do many trade there's only very few i think experience is going to be working for an idea at this point however yeah but but you're not buying you're just selling it yeah but you the access to re to the retail clients you know if you ever want to go out on your own you have a client list of people granted you know the ads may not want you may sign some type of disclosure agreement yeah but they're not you're not stealing those clients but i think the downside on that is that it's it's just another job like working for louis vuitton and the pay will probably end up being similar unless you make it to be a top salesman you bring a new fresh business and do something different for that the odds are you'll be making the same money as you do full of time but to finish off the story with nazar the key point that i made to him is that try to figure out a way to bring people to you that you are able to buy and i don't necessarily mean the retail clients it can also be dealers if you put word out there that hey i'm buying because look you may know rolex you may know ap you may know the hottest you will not know a watch such as i don't know this a piece you need quorum that retails for 580 000 swiss francs right this is something that even today adrian will come to me be like hey that's your cup of tea i know i know what number to put on this watch because of experience but if you have the luxury of calling up hey roman i'm being offered this crazy what was that what was that watch please showed on instagram the other day the kuwait watch the jacob and go all right like you know he didn't even know what that watch was that kuwait was jacob and cub what do you mean you missed that part yeah absolutely just because it's kuwait all over you said it's a kuwait watch that's right i said like the country you're like no it's like the kuwait made that watch right but it's made by jacob a cup okay you did not say that yeah no you didn't okay anyway but anyway long story short you know you could call somebody and say hey roman what are you paying for this adrian what are you paying for this and we tell you five grand and go out there and grab it for four you have guaranteed profit and you know that you're laying money out short term and as i develop i have a relationship with guys like you that have been doing this for years as a side thing you know they never even turn into a full-time thing that i trust enough to where i'll even help them pay for this stuff once i get to know them but enough about that let's talk about this is a this is up your alley right here comparing watches to stocks oh i love this one all right so bubba watson i got a comparison here to apple stock do you agree no three years think of apple stock in the last three years i compare bob watson to bitcoin well i got well if you're wrong but that's wrong though because if you again we're going back at least apple stock is a good okay you got to go back three four years because you can't you can't look at the last six months because if you look at the livestream forget about the last six months what was apple stock three years ago look it up look you're looking at look at the chart right yeah you're looking you look at triple the price has bubba tripled in price in the last three years exactly absolutely and that's why i put apple next to bubble watson they went from 100 to 300 as an apple triple just the same right apple apple bubba watson i 15 202 steel i put that versus tesla tesla is probably bigger but but i'm talking about again we're not we're not getting numbers but if you if i think of 15 202 you got a 15 202 three years ago yeah in the 20s in the 20s 28 000 what am i saying three years ago they were under retail exactly they were under you can still get one under retail right insane and now and now and now we're at 70 plus yeah i mean this this watch three years ago i wish i freaking knew these things what you know what i'm saying i wish i had 15 202 that back in the day i could pick up i guarantee you i'll tell you what answer me this three years ago i gave you 10 15 202s to hold yeah or i give you three hundred thousand dollars what do you take i would have took 300 000 exactly because you're going to make that into more money obviously you can't predict what the future but obviously hindsight's 20 20 and looking back is it really so so 15 202 is definitely uh tesla i have the rainbow daytona against bitcoin because i remember bitcoin uh i remember not too long ago bitcoin hovering around that five six thousand four thousand to five thousand dollar mark it makes a freaking run up to almost almost 20 i think it was like 17 18 right it comes back down to six and it goes up to 50. and i feel like the rainbow daytona rainbow daytona never came back down never did but i feel like i feel like the rainbow daytona was also fairly slow if you take a graph of bitcoin and you look at it as as a slot as a slow curve and then just a big jump i would i would call rainbow daytona basically the s p 500 index because it literally grows at a healthy pace upwards but it was but bitcoin my thing rainbow daytona never never my thing look i saw the rainbow date when it came out i saw the rainbow daytona at 120 115. talking about the roseblood rainbow daytona in general i'm talking about the first ones right 115 120 130 then they jump home to 150 160 right but i feel like it's only in the last few months where you're seeing prices over 400 on this thing nine months ago you rainbow rainbow there wasn't even a thought that rainbow data could be 400 plus do you agree okay that's why i kind of feel like it's a bitcoin it's just like the boom that's just watches across the board because 57-11 even though that it exploded in value it's been a healthy increase upwards gamestop we just sold games we just sold that 57-11 to a dealer for 105. games gamestop gamestop is purely richard meal because but richard mille didn't come back down gamestop did yeah but uh but but the the whole narrative behind behind gamestop where it was it was legitimately manipulative if you don't look at it from just like just like richard meal people ask whatever the hell they want to ask because you just can't get them you know what i mean let's talk about some things that are down and unfortunately unfortunately i got the gmt concept all right i love it i love concepts we both love concept and i think the fact that that watch is just so big that you know it comes out of the gate it's hot and then it just drops this is this is nick's comparison by the way he said ap gmt concept versus carnival cruise line from 2017 to 2019. it traded between 60 to 80 dollars night tank and all the way down to 15 to 20. so brand new concept gmts they come out of the gate 200 225 for the retail when they came out the concept gmt's they had the gray titanium and then they had a white one i remember the first one yeah i remember the first gray one we had was over 200 retail was 214 at the time it was over 200 now you'd be hard-pressed to sell like a nice example for a buck 50 today about 40 even today one thing i will put on the exclusion list because econo is holding steady is still the alacrite concept the eloqua concept is still 150 plus and the original list was only 120 on it okay but where did that where did that peak at oh that uh before 08 the allocrate concept i think was two and a quarter okay so it did there yeah i guess you're right uh 5960 versus norwegian what's with nick and uh and cruise lines 5960 versus norwegian norwegian cruise line average stock price in 2018 was 52 now at 28 i think that's actually a good comparison because the highest i've ever sold personally at 59.60 it was a double sealed one right before the crash in 08 i sold it for 83.5 and ever since those things used have been highlighted and which dial the grayed out the first one because they didn't have any other ones back then so that very first one so now that thing is still sitting at sort of that you know yeah 40s sort of halfway from its peak price yeah you know but at the time it came out the watch was 53 000 retail yeah so it was trading 30 grand over so but i'm only going to go off the peak price because the retail was kind of irrelevant in 08 as much as it is right now and then last we have oh this is my favorite nardine genghis khan versus boeing price in 2019 was 422 today trading at 221 and dropping this time last year it was as low as 100 bucks and i'm gonna agree with that this again this is nick's comparison i kind of gave him the numbers you know price is the way that watches was and he compared it to that and i think it's a great comparison and it's still a damn shame because again before your time i remember selling genghis han yeah i'd be lucky if i got 10 off incredible watch absolutely tourbillon minute repeater mechanical fight on the on one of my favorite one of my favorites and i think it's a graveable watch too they didn't make a lot of them either most of them were a limited edition of 30. uh and the way this went you know down 75 percent like i remember a year ago you couldn't give away a genghis khan for 200 220 in the high times i was selling for 700 800 depending on combinations right and now they're slowly starting to creep back up i think people are realizing the value behind the hierologic maybe the oligarchs are coming back i hope so because russia russia i sold so many of them to russia and ukraine it was insanity so yeah so that was our little comparison if you guys got something that you want to throw into the mix or watch the stock we'll be happy to hear your opinion again we're not buying we're definitely going to hear about them in the comments definitely speaking of comments yeah we got to give away a hoodie i know you guys have been blowing up for these hoodies we only made so many of them we didn't buy them to sell them we're not going to sell them we're going to we're going to give them away to fans guys that are watching and making the funniest comment and i personally have a winner you do yeah tell me something let me do my hairline nope i just got a haircut today so i'm getting that looks good i appreciate it i think who nick nick i would like to know who was the guy that said that adrian does not need to wear a mask he can just take his big ass ears and put him over his mouth that's my winner and next week you get to pick your winner if somebody's trolling me my ear's that big can someone answer me like they're a little like you i'm proportional to the size of your head i think so a little bit i know maybe it's better than just a pointy or something i don't know i don't really look at you you know it is when i was little i used to play with them like this is that what happened yeah no that that's just my mom says so yeah uh you're going to shoot me an email uh roman sharper at luxury and i will send you out one of those sweatshirts because i think that was clearly a winning comment no that was good one i'll get it that was good that was good i was laughing myself you're the one that found that comment too pretty good uh let's talk about what some of the things we bought this week all right um and why should you say i bought you bought some blankets just the same um probably let's see the coolest language here is probably going to be this guy right it's it's your paddock 5970s like to call it it's a perpetual account or or 5270. i just saw i just saw on um it was an instagram post somebody did a comparing both 5970 and 5270 because it is a perpetual calendar chronograph to elongate one and and the votes were split right down the middle well i'd love to get you a vote i'll tell you i'll tell you personally personally i'll tell you personally oh i take the longer all day long it's not a secret i've talked about this all the time i prefer elongates watchmaking i think it's it's superb to that or potentially look at the back of this thing i mean this thing is insane look at there's no i mean you can stand for that for days no doubt about it you know uh some simple elongates i'll take the paddock though some simple elongates and note the theme here is rose gold i think rose gold black on elongate is the sickest combination i mean rose gold black on anything but particularly well maybe not not so much on these probably we have we bought a grand longer one that has the offset circle that has the offset counters and all that stuff i'm actually a huge i don't know if we talked about this on on the last watches but we have the data graphic i don't think so you picked this up this is i'm just a sucker for data graph like they're line of data graphs i just love them yeah you know what i mean i'm i'm more of a plain language one guy i love the singing playing when i get one striking time that's my thing if you have to pick a language it'd be striking time it'd be a sight work striking time i mean i could go with the luminous phantom that's a good one let's go uh i would probably end up going with something a little more you know rock and roll i would go with the turbulent grab but that's expensive half a million plus watch but personally for me i would be so content with this that that's incredible absolutely you know and this particularly in rose gold white dial oddly enough because i feel like the complications popped it's very clean it's very clean and you can read it but speaking of what's on your wrist by the way i have a 40 year old sub yellow gold how do you know it's a 41. let me tell you something as my newt as that difference is a one millimeter and trust me i've worn a lot of 40 40 something that's my that's what she said yeah you can tell the difference you really can i don't believe it i'm telling you you can speaking of gold bracelet watches and speaking of long gaze this is something that's actually uber rare i'm going to wear this thing for quite a bit and i'm going to be completely transparent with you guys i think that these are so underrated that i absolutely paid top dollar for this watch and i'm not selling it at a 10 margin at all because you'd be hard-pressed to go out there and find any long-term bracelet i'll tell you why language braces have been discontinued probably at least eight years right i mean you have to i just say this but that doesn't really count that was their steel watch with the bracelet i'm sorry say that again adi says this is this is what this is it depends on which you know paraphilia affiliate from anyway uh so when they did make these long game bracelets they made very very few of them they took existing models put them on bracelets and they made very very few so even at the time when these were made there weren't a lot to go around there were some old cabarets that they put bracelets on uh saxonia i find a pie i had like an i sold it i had a platinum elongate one just like this with a mother of pearl dial on a bracelet implied mother pearled out and i paid twenty one thousand food i mean today that was really valuable that watch would have been sixty fairly undervalued you know so to me i'm gonna actually kick this around one other thing one other thing about the language bracelet is it's it has the proper weight where you feel the bracelet but yet you still feel the watch and it's super comfortable because the bracelet is sort of i think that it's like it it's not a mesh because of stick but it's still extremely comfortable i think that long gaze are a great watch to pick up right now because i do feel they are supremely undervalued at the moment and i think that they have a lot of potential to go up remember the new york video we bought one of these well that week we bought three of these and if you watch the new york video you guys know what i paid for this i think that a lot of you guys have talked about zenith how under how underrated zenith really is and you know what for under ten thousand dollars a skeleton chrono with the fame el primero movement skeleton back look at this rotor in the back this is pretty ridiculous right how can you go how can you go wrong so all you guys out there looking for alternatives and don't want to pay top dollar like like take this and put it next to a batman i'm sorry this thing will blow it out of the water every single time looks wise functionality wise and everything else and it's a comfortable watch to wear too on a rubber strap it's versatile so we bought three of these actually yeah actually we saw one so we have we have two left so this this i will keep in stock all day every day it doesn't break the bank for us and it doesn't break the bank for the client talk to me about the thin offshores because i know we had we had a conversation about this uh you you blow oh yes there you bought this and agent is doing backflips over this watch so this is this came out a few years ago this is the 42 millimeter royal oak offshore and titanium and what they actually did with this one is they switched the format of the of the sub-dials because usually offshore have sub-dials at 12 3 and 6 o'clock this time they did it like a royal chrono and what i actually love about this watch is that hey it's titanium i'm a big fan of titanium because it's light it's very wearable but the uh thickness of the case they actually made it let's put them they made it if you can see in the camera here let me do this without scratching i'm going to try it very fragile yeah so you kind of can see the difference if they can't see it on camera in person there is it is a significant difference i mean you can see i look at that look at that you see sort of the back you see the back blade of the ultra protruding a little bit and you see the case is slightly thicker so the bezel the bezel center and the case center so i think they did a remarkable job with this and i really really want ap to continue on this formula i'm surprised i'm surprised they only came out with this one you know i like i hope i hope for the next time around they make a lot of stainless steel i mean like here's here's here's a current mod well granted this is this is a 44. it's much bigger but again still if you look at the thickness i mean this this becomes extremely thick in comparison to the other one uh speaking of that what's the market on that what was the retail on it the retail right now i believe is around 31 or 32 000 mark um we picked this up at a good deal it's a slider like new we're gonna be selling it for 28 000. 28 000 that's not bad how about oh this is cool this is actually real dope yeah this is the green camo uh i think it's i think of all the camel versions they came out with i don't know if i take this one or the salmon dial because you know me i love sam i like the og one and i like the fact that it has kind of camo everywhere this the only way this becomes a camera is you put it on the camera you see okay okay okay i got something here now because i'm looking into the camera and i see this green camo next to this offshore right here and i'm thinking to myself hey ap if you're listening if you could scale this down to this make it the same case size i mean case thickness and size right i'm a buyer well all right let me ask you do you keep the ceramic bezel in green uh i do absolutely okay so you're listening ap well speaking of offshores here's an oldie but a goodie uh this right here is the very og elingy offshore right this is actually the first ap this is the first this is the first audemars piguet offshore elingy right it's full titanium on a titanium bracelet i apologize this watch just beat the and rightfully so it's it's probably 20 years older or more this is a dual time it's got the linga logo as you can see at one and between one and two one and three a sleeper right uh reasonably sleeper is because if you look at offshores older options specifically this one you guys have seen me kicking this around for a little bit you see you saw it on my instagram uh you saw me do i think a story with this i was wearing this for a while uh back in 93 so quick story obviously i have to the tropical beast 1990 1993 the original offshore came out to celebrate the 20 like it was announced in 19 in in 1992 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the royal oak which was born in 1972 and around the early 90s they obviously they made the original beast so you guys see me around sometimes as well right the d cereal and then in that same d serial range they came out with colorful lobsters and these things came in orange which you see here you've seen me hat you see i had a few yellow ones in the back it was a blue but it was a different blue not like the regular there's a plum there's a plum there's a blue there's an orange there's a yellow there's a red red right the red one is dope the rarest ones the the easier ones to get with green did we say green that is did i say well there's a green in case i didn't say it uh there is a uh the easier ones to get where the blue ones because nobody really care for them they kind of look the same yeah but the guys that find the green ones the purple ones the the red ones they tend to hold on to the orange ones because they're a little more scarce the yellow is probably the second easiest to find after the blue then i would say it's the orange the green and the plum or the purple and the red i'm going to make a big save they made a ladies offshore in red as well there's a they made a ladies offshore which is uh it's it's it's it's thick in size it's almost as thick as this i'm going to make a big statement here yes on this tropical beast as you like to call it i was kicking this around for a few days on the wrist and this is officially the most comfortable offshore on my wrist i have you ever you took the weight around my mouth worn because what happens right this the way the strap is done if you look at the if you look at the lug system of the newer offshores right you have the case sort of you have the case going all the way down to the strap right where this guy they came out with the hinge strap where you're able to bend this even you can put this slice together and i think that i like the look of this but this adds to the size for those guys with a small wrist where this allows you to allows you to wear a bigger one ap needs to come back with that because these hornback straps i think are absolutely trash i hate them yeah i don't like them speaking of uh ap what about what else we miss oh so we've been showing we've been showing you this guy the helicopter aka you've seen it on instagram you've seen our instagram story i'm getting get there's a lot of anniversary offshore anniversary 50 pieces made still an argument is out there it's a total of 50 pieces if you go on their website the story is 25 titanium and 25 rows of course the watch is in that number and rightfully so because they don't want to make number 22 any less special than number one number two and number three or number 50. so i gotta say that um i really hate this watch because a i can't afford it and b is too damn big on me however this is my favorite offshore ever released i didn't get a lot of ap yeah i did a lot i did a what's on my desk on this watch so when you guys get a chance go check it out i talk about the mechanics i talk about how it was made i talk about the history let the term come out a little to play you know what i'm saying you're going to find it well while he's winding that i'm going to show you another very special watch can't talk prices on this one because we're currently working with someone so for privacy reasons and again another watch that i've had in the past ian play the game of thrones yeah we got to play the game i call this the game of thrones of course of course this is the knights of the round table but i don't know for some some reason this thing has a game of thrones vibe to me that's what i threw it up as on um on my instagram but surprisingly this is a hard to get and a very expensive raja delete i dare any of you guys out there to get out there and actually find somebody that has that watch in stock and again i won't get into the details on it because i did a whole video on this the craftsmanship the amount of hours and times he goes into making that watch every little night that's at the table and everything else everything is handmade super rare watch super collectible watch and i think those that bought it they recognize it as such and they're holding on to hence there's none on the market let's talk about some deals some crazy deals that you wouldn't do is the tourbillon government this is the same this just happened before there you go there it is it's that position that little old position exactly uh let's talk about some deals how about this hublot you can talk about the hublot he's such a hater i i'm not a hater i love hublot so hublot chronograph ie single button chronograph i know i mangled that but look marvel mono pusher yeah so basically a single button chronograph tourbillon let's get this tourbillon going if you guys want to talk about tourbillon let me get this guy going i win my display sticker i can't really see if it's going or not i need my glasses is it the one that's yeah look at that look at that baby go okay there's mine there's yours i think i think i keep mine so let's talk about let's talk about the uh retail prices 258 000 on this watch it sells for around 60 000 because again the resale value is not the best especially when you get into high-end hublots and the price tags climb up but again i talked about this before you know don't be shy to get out there and find yourself a deal if complications is your thing there's plenty to be had hugo is a good example speaking speaking of which roman yes game please pay attention i'm thirsty sorry it's called watch some whiskey yeah are you meeting anybody tomorrow morning early no my wife's about actually my wife's about to think shout out to my wife my beautiful wife jessica she is um do any day basically we're expecting so my plans are uh so maybe you shouldn't drink too much in case you got to go to the hospital in the middle of night actually on the contrary i should drive yesterday uh so anyway speaking of crazy deals uh and things that roman likes to buy how about this guy yeah anyway i like diamond watches i like unique watches and when i'm talking about unique it's something that either looks unique and a lot of the times it's a piece unique and this is what it is okay this i can live with this one because because the size is not bad you know usually you like like it like it's not small it's not too small it's like it's got it it's got a look it's got a good look but here's the thing this is a absolutely gorgeous work of art and i would even say a piece of jewelry from corn i mean the emerald's on here you'd be hard-pressed to get out there and find matching emeralds such as this just to put this bezel together hence the retail price on this watch at the time it sold was 570 thousand dollars no i'm sorry swiss francs so it's flanked which at the time was probably around unfortunately unfortunately unfortunately these things are out there for cents on a dollar because again this is a very specific watch most likely made to order to someone oddly enough nobody ever wore this watch it's still new old stock it must have been given as a gift to someone and they put it on the back of the safe and never actually wore it or sold it because this thing still looks brand new with that said pieces like that this was technically a men's watch at the time that it was made was it really yeah it was it was but what's happening now is there's a good trend right now my wife is actually one of those trendsetters if you like to call it she loves this kind of stuff because it now has sort of a shout out anna from his wife she doesn't watch my youtube no she doesn't have time bro three wait wait do we have two kids enough for you exactly so with that so with that said a watch like this you know my wife likes this vibe for two reasons number one she's not wearing the same exact watch everywhere else out there is wearing and number two it's unique it's very dressy it's it's gaudy but it's not i feel like right and it's stuff that you pick up cents on a dollar so i will always always buy deals such as this do we miss anything uh [Laughter] you guys seen this thing on i told roman to auction it off on pornhub all right so apparently apparently i brought this watch into the office and i was told i should open up a count on what only fans yeah i i actually learned today what only fans is really yeah i never knew what it was i mean i'm a married man for 20 years bro you know so apparently people sell naked pictures of themselves on there to their neighbors so i guess that's the whole thing that's the whole thing about it you will not find my profile on fans only and even you open up a profile for me i will uh only pass yeah when you back there open up an account i will kill you all right so the show part seemingly on the outside i think is special enough and the reason i say special enough because classic tennoshape the lapis dial is i think what makes the watch i mean lapis is beautiful and if i can get that on camera but lapis is beautiful all together but of course drum roll please is that right so it's an erotica watch right and i've talked about erotica watches in the past and uh i don't know if i mean i hope kids aren't watching let me put this thing in action all right so let's just leave it at that uh so with that said youtube is gonna flag with that said i talked about erotica watch there's lots of collectors out there for radical watches i i don't know if it was a q a or something i talked about all these radical watches and everybody pretty much made them right now if you think erotica watches you're going to think are you lisa nardin because they still have current production erotica watches where the erotic scene is on the front not as vulgar as this but nevertheless what do you mean it's not as vulgar is that no you have the snake and and a half naked lady on the apple no there's there's another one oh you're talking about the other one yeah but that's not in current production anymore anyway what does current production have to do with it is this in current production this this hasn't been incredible production 1988 bro so it's unique but long story short what i discussed is the majority of these erotica watch especially the really vulgar one or the graphic ones are gonna have the erotic scene in the back because you know wearing this watch in public or around kids you're gonna have a hard time explaining why there's the scene of debbie does dallas number four in the back of the watch but anyway enough about watches let's talk about something else uh let's talk about let's see what do we got design your own one oh it's a good one i'll give you one watch let's go what do you got well let's have a drink person cheers probably get more creative after this okay uh not that there's anything wrong with the watch per se but i'm just gonna throw a little bit of my i guess creativity on there a gray ceramic royal oak perpetual calendar because they have the black they have the white they have the black skeleton this is not very clear a gray it's not that creative but i think that it was absolutely smoke like a gray one skeleton or not not skeleton just plain gray what did you think about the one that uh like like like what do you think what did you think of the one that virgil hablo customized made it like all you know he whited out a white ceramic oh no no no you don't think that gray would kind of have that same look no not at all no i'm talking about like a like a like a nardo gray like um kind of like it's like a kind of like a chalk uh gray bubble watson like that color that color gray i think it would absolutely kill maybe a little bit darker than that and i've always wanted a chrono they are they have a 5968 chronograph right but i would want them to make that in a gold so basically an aquanaut chrono in gold that's not very great if you take an existing watch who said we have to be creative i'm just saying make little i'm just saying you're not being grave i think it's pretty creative yeah it's me wait yeah this is this this is my creations this is what you want right this is what you personally want all right so i'm gonna go with a tantalum nautilus grand complication why i love tampon tantalum to me it's that other titanium which is tantalum is heavier than gold right at least around the same weight so it's a very heavy watch the great bless you the natural the natural gray it's sort of like the delorean car right it's made out of whatever aluminum or whatever metal it's made out of and so it has that natural metal finish tantalum to me is a most one of the most beautiful natural metal finishes so i take a nautilus and i would make it eight grand complications first of all i would make a nautilus complication a nautilus grand complication and hear me out me personally make it out of tantalum so it's heavy make it thicker so i would love to see a nautilus to the tune of thickness of this one game right i would want it thicker and bigger and you would you would need it thicker and bigger to fit the complications in there and i would want it to be get it listen to me and i would want it to be a skeletonized minute repeater perpetual calendar chrono put that in your head i got you now the openness of the watch as you're looking through the watch the bridges are platinum so what you're seeing is so what you're seeing is uh you're seeing a stark grey tantalum background backdrop so to speak that's your canvas and the inner workings of the watch is skeletonized and they're made out of platinum or maybe even white gold that's rhodium plated so it really really pops that's my watch and that will retail for 4 million that's all great but unfortunately we have we have our supporters watching us and i know after this episode we're gonna have to make ian like photoshop these watches mine are gonna be very easy to do so yeah good luck with that thank you yeah you're welcome you got plans this weekend cancel them uh getting sold shady watches well oddly enough this one watch i was going to surprise you as with probably the ugliest watch ever made uh but i can compare i'll tell you what you don't know what it is but i brought a watch and i was going to pop it on you to say that i think this is the ugliest boss that i've ever made but i will give you a hint it looks like the ugliest rapper out there oh there's rapper out there yeah the craziest ugliest rapper out there you say lil wayne nah guy went to jail for a little bit and then came back out of jail for a little bit kind of looks very i don't know i don't know what to call him you know what i'll show you the watch if you say oh takashi yay yeah yeah all right so um shout out to edward uh you know who you are thank you for sticking with me for shoving two of these down our throats in the trade on the watches that you bought uh you know sometimes you have relationship with dealers where it's like you know they get stuck with something and i just say you know what i'm just sending this to you i don't care because you just make this thing disappear you know it's it's a bus down to either love or hate i mean like price wise these things are like 13 14 000 right so it's actually pretty reasonable uh the reason they are not that expensive because the sapphires on here are actually synthetic they're not actual sapphires there's a lot of use of synthetic sapphires out there uh not just in bus downs but in other things but uh nevertheless this is why this was real sapphire's gonna be a lot more expensive to make so it's a watch you either love a hate if you are a six nine fan maybe we should send them one as a gift what do you think i'm not a fan i'm not sending him you don't like it anyway so yeah this so this is going to fit under shady watches actually it's not shady this is a legit rolex it's a bust out i don't like snitches so here it says every watch dealer has a shady watch my experience and if they don't they're lying and on here it looks like some of your greatest hits rm jackie chang wrong watch red dragon so these aren't really a shading for watch buying experience this is a watch by experience gone wrong or sales people always people always ask in the comments i i've seen tell me the hardest adrian have like throughout his whole he's got bad luck with richard mille look you know you don't say that when i bring profits home baby i don't but there's there's three bullet points in here obviously nick talked to you about jackie chang rm30 bubba watson because i've sold a lot of richard mills before but why has it always happened to you it never happened to anna it never happened to anybody here did not because i mean i left some richard mills in the safe yeah you know that's the story well i'll explain you're talking about the joke just in my in my own personal defense because volume what volume no not volume is because when i was younger i hustled really hard try to make a name for myself but you work seven days a week today 12 hours a day it's not the point is what i'm saying is like shout out to jessica i uh i i work smarter now before i was everywhere didn't miss a message didn't do this blah blah blah so i tried to like insert myself and make a lot of add i try to make a lot of deals happen and unfortunately when happens in volume like if you know that people ask me all the time does he don't have a dd you know what i tell him yeah he doesn't he has hd add high definition attention deficit disorder how's it going that's a good that's a good sweatshirt right there oh let's do that i got hd uh all right so sometimes jackie chan story oh this is a good one and they're all good good one you shoot your pants how much was the watch at the time i mean it's much more now i wish we had it at that price now there's a very affluent client out of dubai i think he's uh in the royal family or something like that so we were in contact about many watches he wanted to purchase that i wanted to purchase yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda over the best part so about six how do you spell yadda yadda can you subtitle yeah so at one point he said he had this one specific richer meal it's called a jackie chan and there's a dragon dragon on the watch there was a dealer that i used to work with that sent me a whatsapp the picture of a jackie chan dragon said i have a client that's looking for this watch i'm like oh i know where there is one which by the way that's what we're up to this is a lot of times we stay in constant communication with our clients and a lot of times clients want to sell us things that are not necessarily a good enough price for us to stock and at the same token we don't want to offend them with the price and they're not really looking to sell or they're not looking to sell immediately and we keep in contact with all those guys which is why when somebody calls it hey is this watch available especially on a high end piece i'm almost nine out of 10 times to say yes i know where one is and i can always call a private client yeah sometimes they just reach out just to let us know we're in contact not necessarily that there was no holding the phoenix phoenix that was sold that's a watch we sold to a client we were just aware so he's ready to sell it so this uh this dealer comes to me says i have a client for this rich email jackie chan dragon sends me a picture and keep in mind that there's not many of these in the world so i remembered where there was one so i forwarded that picture to this client and he goes yeah bro i still have it okay whatever we did the deal did the deal i never forwarded pictures this is a hundred thousand dollar plus deal yeah six hundred thousand and i never uh i forward physical photos back to the guy i just you know price is this price is that we're good okay whatever so the way the way the deal happened in dubai was we had a dealer like midway facilitating the transaction and from what i understand in dubai is that if you give somebody a check in dubai and then yeah there's a big penalty for it there's a big penalty for so you couldn't like you can't bounce checks you can't bounce checks exactly so anyway it's considered a contract i think is what it is yeah maybe so anyway so we paid for this watch or this broker or my friend paid for the watch and the deal was done my friend had the watch and then this other dealer that i sold it to went to go pick it up and that's when we were that's when i got a million phone calls in the middle of the night because dubai is eight or nine hours ahead of us bro wtf because you gave me the wrong watch i'm like what do you mean i gave you the wrong watch he goes you gave me a red dragon when i wanted a gold dragon i said what i was like well i forwarded that's what adrian would just went i forwarded your original picture to my client and he said that yes this is the one i have so when it actually came into fruition it was the wrong one make a long story short that red one that was given to our dealer friend it was actually super unique and special it was amazing yeah we made the deal stick and actually the client ended up so let me ask you a question obviously the lesson there's a few different species of dragons out there what was the lesson to learn from that get pictures i've been telling you to do your due diligence right which would you care about i don't make these this and it's not and it's not about the fact that it was a six hundred thousand dollar why similar issues happen with watches that are twenty fifteen thousand ten thousand things that we order for clients that turn out sometimes to be wrong is i always say listen don't rush there's no purpose of rushing i know you guys are busy 24 7. but due diligence is where it's at sometimes things move very fast how about this shady deal uh rm30 a dear friend dealer billy that is no longer in the business let's talk about that okay so we go to certain trade shows overseas and um i was walking through the trade show i saw a wife that i really liked there was an arm 30 and it was the blackout what's it called it was it was a blackout the limited color arm 30 blackout i think it was 30 pieces made of it um so i go into the dealer showcase we confirm a price very happy with it show's over we come back home i post the watch on instagram get a dm from a dealer saying basically asking me all the correct questions that a dealer would bro what's the best price what's the condition send me pictures what's what what serial number out of 30 is it now keep in mind this was uh watch only there was no boxing papers with it which sometimes is common in our industry it's very common what do you mean very common you know 20 well with richard meal it's not as common because papers do bring a lot of money you know a piece of paper on a watch like that it could be twenty thousand dollars twenty of the watches that i bought here uh this longer has boxing papers this one doesn't uh this one does this link this one this this does uh does this have papers i don't remember this data graph does not have papers paper doesn't have papers this does have boxing papers this doesn't have paper so it's it's especially for older watches people just either throw them out or lose them or just don't care for them so it's normal but so um send them pictures of the watch bro what's the serial number because a lot of times clients have certain numbers that they don't like in asia they don't like four yeah if you have a cardinal number four out of something and eight and five will never buy it exactly um six will not fly in russia yeah six won't fly in russia um so whatever we agreed on the price he was from london he goes i'm actually going to be in new york in a couple days he goes let me meet you in your office on a saturday i'm like okay no problem calm inspected let's meet saturday rolls around i'm at the office by myself um get a phone call from this dealer hey bro i'm at your door okay i go into the vault grab the watch open a door and there's six southampton pennsylvania police officers which we all know and i'm very friendly with by the way because we support them all the time but when i saw those police officers i immediately knew i had this gut feeling that holy so long story short we find out and i'll take over from here this guy he they couldn't confiscate the watch it's not like just because this guy said this watch is stolen they couldn't really confiscate it so we kept the watch lawsuit uh emits we go back to the dealer we bought it from this dealer bought it from a pawn shop and mainly in china all the paper trail is there we have all the employees from one to another to another and the only thing we said is like first of all i told i called the guy myself and i said look in this business you're obviously not in this business because if you were into this business you wouldn't do what you did the only thing you had to do is say hey this was my watch it was stolen and it would have trickled the same effect as you showing up at the door with the police this is how this happens in our industry not very often but it happens and when it does happen it's a matter of honor i go to the guy i bought it from the son and so on and so forth till i find the last guy standing who's going to end up taking the hit with that said the better story is how he got the watch stolen to begin with so now long story short we find out later we do some digging i go to my attorney because this guy starts suing us and going back and forth because now it never was a matter of principle i'm like you know what go ahead and sue us i don't believe that this watch is actually stolen based on what you're saying why because later we find out that we tell them okay send us an invoice send us some paperwork send us you know transaction where you paid this watch where you bought it from and so on and so forth this guy sends us some cocky mini rental car contract of a driver that he sent to pick up that watch from a dealer in dubai was just like the papers like what is this you sending me a rental contract from a car rental company i need invoices then he sends me a copy of the papers which were fake right it was literally a fake copy of a fake papers for that watch saying that i got the paper so something didn't add up and i was just wondering this guy really trying to pull it faster for me later we find out the guy had a little bit much fun in the guy too much fun spent about a week in jail in dubai and whatever else happened down there so make a long story short we went through a big losses yes it cost us money but we ended up with the watch because he couldn't prove that the watch was actually stolen these type of stories happen to us and i don't know nick dubdem every west dealer has a shady watch buying experience it's not really a shady watch buyer experience it's more you know growing pains it's more bad experiences and things like that these things do happen uh there isn't a written code among dealers to solve all issues without you know making a big deal out of it be it a stolen watch that once in a while comes through people's hands because look i told you guys before a lot of you have asked me how do i protect myself from buying a watch that is not stolen and i said you can't as a dealer of 20 years i can't you just have to make sure that you're buying from a source where you have recourse i will not buy there's so many dealers that have popped up in the last two i don't know a couple years all these flippers that we call them pseudo because because instagram provides you the opportunity to push other people's exactly very careful on instagram guys yes and with that said you know i have some dealers that offer me stuff and they're like okay i want to offer first of all i will not pay for anything until it gets here two i have ways of checking watches make sure there are databases out there that i can reach out for favors to certain dealers certain brands and so on and so forth to check i have lists on certain brands that i can go against right who are you i'm joe schmo uh i'm like it doesn't work joe schmo i need your company name your company address i need your tax id i need a proper invoice with all the serial numbers only then will you get a wire from me or a check that's the proper way of doing it and i've also asked for references i'll ask other dealers about you have we gotten burned before and been those last guys in line where they stole and watched then we ended up losing money yes usually because either we didn't dot our eyes across it's but at the end of the day this is the stuff that you guys are always asking me about and again do your due diligence don't rush these are not cheap things that you're purchasing you know don't do don't have impulse buys on expensive watches you end up getting in trouble or impulse sales for that matter you know tiny little thing right jackie chan dragon well adrian didn't know they actually made a very special one unique for this client right there the tiger that was red instead of what was the regular regular was just thought it was not tiger uh dragon one was gold and the other one was red right go figure luckily we were able to make that watch stick otherwise we would have eight or six hundred thousand dollar watch i still think we wouldn't make money well if we were to hold on to it was that over a million now i mean i think i think it was so good what do you think what do you think the dragon jack and change is that over a million for sure over a million for sure guys uh when i always beat you you're just sorry when you're younger you know stronger you got a nice fresh haircut today thank you the beer looks on point i like it appreciate it love the ears appreciate it you know what guys we're gonna finish it with that cheers to you guys thanks for tuning in once again and uh we'll see you next week cheers
Channel: Roman Sharf
Views: 50,279
Rating: 4.9121337 out of 5
Keywords: luxury lifestyle, luxury watches, watch, watches, luxury, rolex, audemars piguet, richard mille, roman sharf, roman sharf rolex, watch reviews, luxury watch reviews, luxury bazaar, roman sharf producer michael, rolex submariner, rolex oyster perpetual, watches for men, richard mille watches, richard mille pop smoke, federico talks watches, timepiece gentleman, nico leonard, paul thorpe, watchbox reviews, watch dealer, how to become a watch dealer, gold rolex daytona
Id: SzehpTxdBqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 47sec (3167 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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