The Man Behind @NYCWatchGuy & His Watch Collection

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[Music] welcome back to Swiss watch strength today we had a great opportunity to come to New York City this is my good friend Instagram famous new NYC watch guide many of you guys know him by his wider range of watches from complications and brands and also it's very famous for its watch meets today we are here with boss how are you man nice to see you good to have you thank you thank you for having us in your beautiful office in your city and thank you for bringing all the watches so boss tell us something about yourself yeah I grew up in India a middle-class family didn't have a lot of money we had we had enough to eat we had basic luxuries but a watch was not one of those basic luxuries and in in Indian society in general you know luxuries are are not really something that you get unless you're you're very wealthy and so I was always someone who would try to go to the the local bazaar and try to find an old broken g-shock or a stolen ji shock that had come from China and I would I would buy this watch for probably a couple dollars I'd wear it for a couple of weeks and then it would probably break and then my dad still tells me to this day that I would go and try to sell the broken watch to somebody and try to make some money off of it so I guess I've been I've been selling to people since I was you know five seven years old but I basically came to the US for college went to Penn in Philadelphia and sort of that was that my senior year of college was when my my sort of small obsession for watches really started throughout college I think I would buy more digital stuff I would buy a Casio atomic watch that could connect to the atomic clock in in somewhere in Colorado so it was always very precise I think the thing that ups that I was obsessed with the most about watches was the Indiglo light so having a watch that had a small blue light in it was the coolest thing in the world to me and I never really thought about mechanical watches at all like I didn't even realize the extent to which mechanical watches existed in the world what the price points could be none of this I mean if you told me the most expensive watch in the world was $5,000 when I was in college I would have believed you and said that makes sense I don't know who's crazy enough to spend $5,000 on a watch but that's you know that's that's how the whole thing started started with digital watches G shocks Cassio's and then slowly I started to get a little bit more sophisticated I guess and refined in my taste times have changed perfect so we have a very wide range here from you let's stop it maybe the first piece yeah so this was the first watch really that I ever bought that was sort of an analogue watch if you will this was my senior year in college it was Black Friday as you know here in the US is the the biggest shopping day of the year so I was 21 years old and I was trying to trying to impress a girl and she was not there she went away that weekend and I ended up going to to Macy's in Philadelphia with a girl that I had dated in high school and another girl that was that was also in college with me and so we all go to the three of us go to Macy's and my plan had been that I was gonna buy a watch to impress this other girl that I was trying to start dating and I'm looking through the Macy's you know windows and you know it's mostly fashion brands there they don't really have any any high-end stuff and I saw this Movado and again at this time I don't even know the difference between courts and mechanical I just saw this and I said that's an amazing watch it looks good and my ex who was who was there with me from high school she was like that's an awesome watch you should buy that and it was it was $1200 for a quartz Movado and I'm sitting there thinking to myself I've never spent $1200 on anything how the hell am I going to afford this watch so I'm literally on my phone looking for coupon codes and I find like a three 400 dollar off coupon code plus a Black Friday sale plus they said if you sign up for a Macy's credit card you'll get an additional 15% off so I sign up for everything at the store and I think I ended up paying like 750 or 800 for this watch which was still the most expensive thing I've ever bought in my life and then I wore this every day from 2008 until 2011 literally every day of the year I wore this I mean you can see the the bracelet is stuffed and it's the crazy part is I think I only replaced the battery one time in this watch and that was it and it ran for four four years I would never wear this watch ever again it looks ridiculous on my wrist it's like forty five millimeters but I'll never sell this watch either because it was and it's real heavy but I'll never sell this watch because it was the first one that I ever bought with sort of my own money of course and again like at that time there was a lot of money when you were back in college yep but it's still kind of cool though it is it's cool it's a cool watch getting it's the beginning for sure come on graph and everything nice so what's the what's what's this ball right here so after the Movado that I wore for three years I was it was 2011 I didn't have I still didn't have a lot of money I was running mice my startup at the time so didn't have much money at all but was you know at least at least making a living and able to pay my bills and I saw a an ad in a magazine for a Zenith and I remember seeing this watch and again at this point I still don't know anything about any watch brand really I've heard of Rolex and that's really it and I see an ad for Zenith and I'm like wow that that's a really really cool watch I wonder what that is so I do a little bit of research and obviously the ad that I saw was for a watch that was a hundred and fifty thousand dollars so I couldn't afford that but I found this Zenith el primero chrono Master with this open-face dial and I just I was I was just taken I was like wow you can see the insides of a watch I never thought that that was possible so I decided that this is the watch that I need to try to find and it was about a six or seven thousand dollar watch at the time I did not have six or seven thousand dollars to spend on a watch so I said okay I need to this watch pre-owned so I look all over New York at the time you know chrono 24 wasn't really that big in 2011 I don't even know if it existed frankly in 2011 I go on eBay but people had told me oh you can't really trust watches on eBay you never know and because I didn't know anything about watches I was scared to buy a couple thousand dollar watch on eBay what happens if it's fake and I can't find out that it's fake so I look at all the stores nothing exists I'm on my way to Italy for for a basketball event for my company and I decide okay maybe in Italy because I'd heard Italy was a great place for watches I was like maybe in Rome I'll be able to find this watch so prior to leaving I go on Google Maps and I mark every single watch store in Rome and so I fly to Rome my girlfriends with me and as we're traveling as we're walking around Rome sightseeing somehow magically every 15 to 20 minutes a watch store appears and my girlfriend after the fourth four the fourth watch oh she's like wow there's a lot of watch stores in Rome ah I'm like yeah I mean I don't know what to tell you may I guess so so every store I go into I'm like hey do you have a Zenith nobody has a Zenith few stores carried it didn't have this exist exact model definitely did not have this dial and this was the one I wanted so finally after a full day of walking around Rome we've I've basically given up the girlfriend's pissed off at me at this point she's like I can't believe you you told me we're going sightseeing and instead we've been watching all day so we're on the way back to the hotel it's boiling hot it's the middle of summer and there's an old jewelry store that we spot and I say you know what it's hot let's just go inside get some air conditioning so we walk into this old jewelry store it's all diamonds and necklaces there are no watches anywhere I just as I'm standing in the door inside the store I asked the old woman I'm like hey do you have any watches she goes yeah I have like four watches that I've you know bought on trade or something they're in my safe I'm like oh cool can I see them she comes out opens the role in the role in the jewelry store is this watch no box no papers just the watch and and and I just I'm shocked I was like after this whole day of searching in the store that doesn't even sell watches is watch that I want and so at that point you know you're like it's fate God wants me to have this watch that's what you tell yourself so I think I negotiated for like $3,000 which was to me again the most money I'd ever spent on anything in my life but it was the watch and it was sort of like you can't not buy this watch at this point because it's here so I ended up buying this watch again like I said no box no papers but I bought it anyway and someone had told me that the way to find out if the watch is real is you hold it up to your ear and you listen to the beats and so I'm standing in this store like an idiot not knowing what I'm doing and I'm like and I tell my girlfriend like I think it's real we're good and and and I bought the watch and so this is another watch that again I don't really wear it anymore just because you know that the collection has stuff that is is I guess better than this but this will always be sort of my start to watch collecting and so it's a watch that I can never sell ever again but it's a good stuff for sure it's not bad it's not bad el primero is in it you know it's it's as good as it gets I think we all did this at one point or the sweetpea seconds right so see you have like a wider range of brands like I said before your models in antennas your soul Amiga what's your fascination with with the speed master so I'll be honest the the the Snoopy which is what you have there was was bought because of the hype when it first came out I didn't even think twice about it I said ah just another speed master limited edition no big deal and I blame red bar for this because I'm a big red bar New York guy I'm there you know at least 15 20 times a year on Wednesday nights I'm there and and Adam cranny Otis who arted red bar has a Snoopy and I would keep seeing this Snoopy every week it would be there and you know the cool part about the Snoopy really right is is it's all about the loom so you know the thing about red bar is you people come with with their loom sticks and then you do this and you and you're just looking you're like oh my god that's so cool I need that and so I think of all the watches out there in the world as far as execution of loom goes I don't think anyone's done it better than Omega on the Snoopy and so I sort of ended up buying this watch because of the loom factor more than anything else and I never would have even known about the loom if I hadn't been to red bar and seen this watch 30 times on the table and so again I don't I don't really wear this one that much but every couple of months I open up the safe and I do this with the little loom and I just look at it and it it's the coolest thing in the world fulfill your need basic exactly well I it's really cool many of our followers and viewers say that this big master is the ultimate watch you need so I think I think having at least one is a is is definitely a good thing in a collection and and often times when you know I've now become sort of my go-to guy for all my friends when it comes to watches and when someone says hey boss I'm like getting ready to buy my first watch what should I get you know I'd say the speed master is right there as one of my first options for them I also you know say a tutor black Bay is a good starting point for you and probably a Nomos which sort of you know we also have a Nomos here which if you had asked me you know two three years ago would I buy a Nomos I would have said you know what I think my collection has sort of outgrown almost at this point I don't know that I would buy one but this watch I think is a very very special piece that was made for Wimpy here in New York City when they first launched in the US and it's you know it's I'm a sucker for world time watches I love world time watch I think there's something romantic about having all these different countries on a dial and thinking about them and and thinking about going there right and you're like oh yeah you look at these names and you go okay I've been to like these five countries I almost want to go to these places just to be able to land in that country and press the button and say I'm in that country now it's it's something so cool about world timers and and so when I saw this there's two cool things about this Nomos glass a world timer you know one is it says New York for home time and you know I'm now an adopted New Yorker I've been here for 11 years but also you know my handle is NYC watch guys so I felt like I have to have one watch that says New York on it but then for the time zone for New York it says Fifth Avenue which I don't know that there's any other watch in the world that I found that actually has the words Fifth Avenue on it which I thought was very cool and so you know to me this is the ultimate New York City watch and so despite the rest of the collection last year I ended up being able to pick up one of these still from from wimpy I think it may have been their last piece that they had and and so I'm really really excited about this piece I wear it whenever I'm traveling this is sort of my my go-to watch for the for the plane ride there I don't intend to wear it once I land but for the airplane ride this is my go-to watch and almost has a great value proposition right for the price I mean as an entry-level starting point for anyone it is I I struggled to find a better option for anyone than the Nomos I can agree with you on that so damn you got I did very obsessed with Universal definitely I have to blame ho dinky and and Ben climber for this one he started writing about this I think you know probably 2000 I want to say like 2012 2013 was when he sort of first started writing about these watches and at the time like I didn't know anything about vintage I was sort of you know Zenith I had bought a glass shoot the original panna Matic lunr that was sort of my first like big purchase and and I didn't know much about vintage but what I started to realize was I had this itch to keep collecting but buying modern watches is very expensive and you know I didn't have much money there's only so much that you can buy when it comes to modern but with vintage there's you know there's a couple things one you can always find a good deal if you search hard enough to there's there's the search itself like the search itself I think is is half the is half the fun and so I sort of got the itch vintage and the watch that got me sort of into it was Universal genève and actually this was the first one that I ever bought from a dealer in Mexico City and you know it came I had no idea if it was gonna be real or broken this I did that it worked and so I you know it's like an oversized try compacts sort of 36 millimeter which a lot of these tend to be like 33 34 and and for me you know I don't buy any watches that I don't wear myself so I'll never buy a 33 34 millimetre watch because it's not about just collecting it's about actually wearing everything that you buy and so the fact that this was like a 35 36 millimeter watch that I could actually wear was really awesome you can see the the calendar on this is actually in Spanish so it's not even in it's not even in English which I don't think I even realized when I bought it and the song I was like wait a minute is this fake like what are these what are these names inside these windows and it turned out it's a Spanish calendar but then you know from there sort of the Nina was my Holy Grail this was the watch that I wanted for the longest time from Universal genève and the prices just skyrocketed by the time I started collecting you geez I got in right as it was going this way and this watch had already skyrocketed like 3040 thousand dollars on in auctions and I was like there's no way I'm gonna spend that much money on a vintage watch and so you know Yugi has sort of flattened and a certain gotten a little soft and I've spent basically the last five to six years just searching searching searching for for you geez at auction on chrono on ebay from random dealers like wherever I can look for a universal Janell I look for one and I've gotten really lucky in that I've paid well below market value for just about every ug that I've bought and and the cool thing I think with you Jesus this is the way you can play with the straps for me this was the closest thing to a Rolex Daytona 6263 without it being a Rolex and I'm not a Rolex guy I've never bought a Rolex other than I did once buy a six to 63 but other than that I've never bought a Rolex and I never will ever by a modern Rolex I appreciate what they do I think they're amazing watches it's an amazing brand but for me I think of watches as pieces of art and when you make a million pieces a year it can no longer be art like at that point it's a commodity it's not an art for me and so that's why you know generally when you see the stuff that I buy they tend to be independence guys who are making anywhere from 20 pieces a year up to maybe a hundred pieces a year generally and to me those guys are artisans and they're really making art they're not mass producing stuff the way someone like Rolex might and again Rolex is the best business on earth so I don't want to knock them in any way I think they're a great brand it's just it's not for me and so the cool part about I think Yugi is there you're never gonna make any more yuji's ever again and I think the design that they had in the 1960s it's just it's so amazing that these watches were made in the 60s even to this day in 2020 I don't know that anyone's making such cool designs on chrono graphs like the big eye here it's it's just so cool to have this asymmetric design between the the sub registers which I don't know anyone who's really doing stuff like that today neither super cool what's your favorite thought of these you geez if you could pick that I still I probably still have to just go back to the Nina I think the the classic Panda dial with with these three little with every occasion like whether it's on a suit whether it's casual and then the fact that you can just swap out these straps so easily and make them look so funky I I just I love I love playing with the straps on these things I'm changing the straps constantly even if I don't wear these very often I just like to go in and I like to change the straps and take a quick picture for Instagram so that this is still probably my favorite but I do think that the I think the best watch that Yugi made in that time was this evil Clapton with the with sort of the four sub registers a moon phase up there cronograph it's it's just so awesome and then these sort of curved lugs that they used man there's just something about ug it's it's just I think it's the best vintage brand that unfortunately didn't make it out of the quartz crisis I I wonder what would have happened to that brand if they had somehow survived and had been able to make some modern stuff as well son listen the way the brand's going maybe the future maybe you might come up maybe 11 oh that's right so he spoke all about the the first watches you bought universities which have a wide variety here but you also mentioned independence and you your love for them which we can clearly see on your Instagram page we have a few special pieces here now and I would like to start with this boy right here if you could explain to our viewers what this is oh yeah that is so so Jordan was probably one of the it was the first independent brand that I really fell in love with I think what he's done sort of his unique designs what he does with the movements being able to craft them out of out of gold is is awesome and the watch that I thought was the most unique that he had ever made was this octa calandria which is an annual calendar but the coolest part I think is sort of this retrograde date that he does in in almost a semicircle or along the outside edge of the watch and of all the things he's made you know the chronometer blue and all the hype around that these days the turbines are amazing but as far as something that's somewhat affordable but still incredibly unique it's to me it's this watch and again like being able to play with the straps on a drawer like this is this is a watch from the Amsterdam watch company that I picked up in Amsterdam and it really just changes the look of this watch completely because most yarns come on like a very traditional croc or alligator strap and this makes it look like such a such a casual watch I just you know the off-center dial the work inside of that the fact that it's so usable and probably the coolest thing about is the thing I hate the most about perpetual calendars and annual calendars is that if you don't keep them on a winder yeah you you open your safe you know two months later and all son you're like you got to go find a pusher to change the D or you sit here and you're like this right he made an annual calendar with no pushers everything is controlled through the crown that's it so if I want to change the month if I want to change the day the date and the time everything through this just based on how far you pull it out and the position and then you move it and so to me this is the most usable annual calendar in the world because of the fact that there are no butchers because who has a pushpin with them wherever they go you never have a pushpin with you nobody like when who the hell carries a pushpin with a burger [Laughter] or you have to use a food person right and the movements of joram watches are just I mean to do that I don't even know what it takes to do that but I have to assume that to do that in pure gold is absolutely crazy for sure it's not an easy feat for sure and the altar is like beautifully decorated I mean it's amazing it's a great touch for someone like you said will you easily just change the strap color it's a completely new one basically yeah ambien F here what's what's the story behind this watch to me what Max and an MB n F do is the pinnacle of coolness like if you asked me of all the watch brands in the world from the respawned branch to the swatch group France to the independence what is the one watch that you can wear in any situation and you will not get any for it like you will always be seen as the coolest in the room this is the watch it's M BNF it's it's just so crazy like who who's crazy enough to come up with these designs and have a curved crystal like this and then have khari come in and finish the movements it's nuts and so this was of all the crazy stuff that I saw in the watch world early on M BNF was the one that just captured my imagination and I said one day I have to own an MB n F and I was lucky enough they've now discontinued the LM 1 series completely but I managed to pick up one of these one's a couple of years ago and this is one of those watches that I would I would never ever get rid of I think because like I said it's whether you wear it with watch guys whether you watch it to a watch whether you wear to a watch event whether you're an SI HH whether you're just with a bunch of friends that don't know anything about watches or whether you're in a business meeting like it's not a Richard Mille it's not a Rolex it's not the stuff that people kind of know but but they see that everybody who sees me wearing that watch they're like what the hell is that like dude it looks like you have a UFO on your wrist and it's so cool and and it's not like a multi hundred thousand dollar watch like it's not it's it's you can you can afford this watch if you if you sell a couple other pieces in your collection you can buy this watch and it's it's the coolest thing you'll ever own what there is is astonishing like you said the way that finished a movement with car is healthy the dot dot on the is it's crazy and the safer twist I realize now on the back it is almost like non-existent yeah yeah you can barely tell that there's anything that you almost want to just put your finger in and touch the balance I'm not sure not beautiful and the faulty balance wheel I mean you can look at this thing like anything put on spoiler like there was smilin and and I think the power reserve is also such a cool piece of this like the vertical power reserve and the double dial and everything so good nice beautiful and here we have also something many of my followers saw a couple of times this year it's the logical one yes viral manga to one of my great watches what they're doing as well I think it's just it's in the independent world they're there right there at the top along with the NBN F's of the world you know the fact that there's a pusher to wind this watch I think is really cool something that's unique something that nobody has ever done before as far as I know movement finishing is is incredible it's lightweight it's a titanium case enameled dial it's got a little bit of everything that you want and it just looks it's so cool with the with fused a chain on the side of it I don't it's just it's amazing it's just so cool and then romance such a nice guy and and that's that's part of it right these in today's world I think with watch collecting there's just there's so many things that have gotten overhyped you go into a boutique you can't buy anything there's nothing available for sales and and you know when I think about these as pieces of art if people collect art as well because they want to have a connection with the artist and they want to go to the shows and they want to actually talk with the artists themselves and build a relationship and those are things that you can't do anymore with the protects and the Rolexes and the AP is like I don't know maybe 30 years ago you could do that when they were small brands but now with all the hype and the secondary market and the amount of money that's at stake I feel like all that has been lost but you still get it with brands like Roman Gautier where you know when Romans in town and he comes for a watch event I can go to dinner with him and we can talk about watches and he can explain to me how he came up with the design for this watch and that is just lost in the big brands that have gone and sold to Richemont and dance watch and again listen these are businesses they have to make money and their shareholders but but there's something to be said I think about about the independence and and why they're able to do such cool stuff because they don't have shareholders they don't have to worry about profit margins they're doing things that they love you know same thing with red chip from Accra via just the coolest stuff in the world and I hope that most of these guys are able to remain independent I know it's hard to do that I mean even Jorn had to sell a piece to it to Chanel right it happens at at a certain point you there you have early investors that need to get paid back in and I get all that but to the extent that these guys can remain independent and build cool watches like this that don't have to be they don't have to take into account the cost and what the profit margins gonna be and how many units you're gonna have to sell to make shareholder that you can avoid all of that that's where you have the best stuff and it's the same thing with big companies and startups the reason startups do the best work in the world is because they don't have to deal with bureaucracy and red tape and all this they just are full steam ahead and they build cool products to me that's what independent watch brands are they're startups that get to build the coolest things in the world and you know hope and where were the lucky ones that get to get to play with stuff like this you're completely right there that's why also I'm very drawn to independence because of the design like you said they create the things not for making money at the beginning right just because they dreamt about that design or they're what they have the aspire a certain product or sell and scape or building or whatever and they just push the limits and they found like thankfully they found like real people like yourself who support their dreams as well so they can build the next crazy crazy spaceship yeah you know I posted on Instagram maybe about a month ago about a brand called lane watches right this guy tour ste lane I didn't know anything about him I saw a picture on Instagram from red bar somebody had brought a lane watch and I go that's really cool I wonder what that is and and then so I google him I see some of his stuff on Instagram and I'm like oh this must be a thirty forty thousand dollar watch yet like man that's expensive so then I go to his website 5900 Swiss francs for a fully custom-built watch and the color of dial you want the type of hands you want the type of numerals you want and so I was like wow at this price point this guy is able to give me this this is a no-brainer and so I went on Instagram I said hey I want to do a group buy does anybody want to buy in to this cool brand I got about 25 people who responded immediately at the end five guys agreed and so basically five or six of us went to touristy and we did a group buy for for five unique watches and we're gonna get delivery in and hopefully in about six weeks time I'm gonna be super excited to share that with what the Instagram community but like to me and I was explaining to guys they were like oh why are you why are you buying this watch and I said well look first of all at the price point what you're getting is amazing on top of that I said this guy makes 20 watches a year at five thousand six thousand dollars so his entire business is like a hundred and twenty thousand dollars if we buy five watches from him we have materially changed his business for this like we've increased his business by twenty percent what other brand on earth anywhere can you say that you're gonna change their business by 20 percent have an impact on their lives yes nothing and this guy he's a self-taught sort of watchmaker in his late 30s he learned how to make watches 101 an award from longa and now he's basically started making his own watches to me it's about supporting guys like that that are doing the coolest things not because they're trying to make tens of millions of dollars the guys making a couple hundred grand a year but he's doing what he loves and that's that's cool to me that's what counts even more maybe you know absolutely hate Ian being happy with what you do with your life amazing so bus what's let's say the the what should be very the most lately there's two things I'll talk about one is you know as far as finding really cool vintage watches go I found this in Italy a few years ago you know given that the the zennith was my first ever watch but it was a modern piece you know it all started from the el primero 80386 and so I managed to find original box just just smell this you can still smell 1969 in it it literally smells like it did I think I believe at least from the day the guy first bought this watch original punched papers from May 31st 1973 in there how cool is that right and then you've got sort of one of if not the greatest vintage chronograph ever made with the original ladder bracelet original clasp and it's just an it's an unbelievable condition beautiful and the bracelet super cool oh it's so cool it's so cool probably coffee as well for the summer and the fighting it comes with the box and the it's not you know the owner was a Luigi's beautiful amazing and so yeah in terms of the watch that I'm probably spending the most time wearing and if you ask me if there's one watch mid look over the course of my five to seven years now being a collector a lot of watches have come in I wore them for a year for two years you get bored or you know I don't have unlimited money you got it you gotta sometimes sell something to buy something else and so I have gone through a lot of stuff that's come in it's gone out the door I've got new stuff and this cycle is gonna continue you know if you if you told me if you asked me am I gonna have every one of these watches in even five years time say I don't know I think there's a few special pieces here that I'm never gonna get rid of well yeah the other stuff if something newer comes along from the brand that I think's really cool yeah I'd probably get rid of something here and put that money towards getting something else but if there's one watch that I say from now to the day I die and hopefully they bury me in it what is that watch gonna be to me it's the 51 70 P from from Patek and that and that's probably what I spend a lot of time wearing now I think the the dial on this thing is just it's unreal it is it is the best dial that Patek has ever made in my in my opinion and then the fact that they were able and I didn't even realize this when I first found out about this watch the fact that all the indices are diamond baguettes is just bonkers to me because I would never ever wear a watch with any bling on it nothing no rainbow Daytona none of that nonsense I can't do it I won't do it but to have found a watch that was able to integrate diamonds so subtly into the dial that nobody knows until I tell them and point it out I think is amazing and then you know the Patek chrono movements are just bonkers it's a 39 millimeters I believe 39 is the perfect size for a normal-sized human being not for the big boy you're a little bit of a big boy you can you can pull off some some 44 and 46 s but for me and for other normal human beings 39 I believe for men is the perfect size and that's what this is and so to me this is the watch that I will I will never ever sell let's say that's the one that's the one I can see why like you said the movement of a patek paragraph it's for me the watch always starts with the dial I know there are some people who care about the movement more than they care about the dial I know there's people who care about the case sometimes more than anything else for me it's all about the dial if the dial is not spectacular and special then I can't buy that watch and so I oftentimes don't care if there's an independent brand that doesn't have an in-house movement I don't care if you take an atom movement and you're gonna refinish it and you're gonna modify it and put in your own bridges and skeletonize cool man that's awesome as long as your dial is something unique and something that you make or that you at least designed yourself then I'm gonna I'm cool with it and so you know and you probably see that in everything that I bought not all of these guys make their own in-house movement most of them do but but a lot of the stuff that I've bought including someone like Lane you know at that price point of $5,000 you can expect someone to make their own in-house movement so they have to sort of modify an existing movement and I have no problem with that as long as the dial side is is awesome and and so you know when you when you talk about the the longer chronographs out there and you talk about a lot of other brands that have amazing chronographs and even protect you've got the the 50 170g you've got the 57 you've got all of those amazing Chronos at the end of the day this is the one I always come back to I think this is the best dial they've ever made listen Abbas thank you so much for having us here so we can share this amazing collection where audience I know they will love it for sure and check out NYC watch car Instagram he has very funny memes there listen if we're gonna spend all this money in time we gotta at least have fun with it let's not let's not take the hobby so seriously exactly so thank you for having us thanks for coming by see you next time you
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Views: 41,706
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Keywords: interview, watchcollector, watchinterview, independentwatch, angelus, tourbillon, universalgeneve, chronograph, watchreview, swisswatchgang, swisswatch, luxusuhr, luxusuhren, watchreviews, talking watches, hodinkee, watch talk, swg, romain gauthier, romain gauthier logical one, omega speedmaster, nycwatchguy, horology, watch collector, watch collection, swiss watch gang interview, the man behind, the man behind @, my watch collection, best watches, best watches 2019, watch collector interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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