The Making of Chris Brown "On Me" Produced By TheBreed

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what's going on everybody away I'm Strax and where the brief we produce this record only on the heartbreaker filming of the album went gold and platinum tape recorder support big shout-out to Chris Brown and this is how we made it unlike any other time we stood this you know saying like fiddling around on the keys you know saying this time snack found a dope-ass pad it really inspired as we finally came up with a crazy progression it was real simple but it's so forth [Music] as I was going to pass naturally felt a vocal sample what we don't on a lot of our tracks is we add our own vocals tour so in this particular track it's natural in the wulfing you did something crazy it's what he did so alone actually won't be alarmed be singing us a bar to be like that mare that big dude andrew hill that was like his you know saying so he really liked golf i support my brother i was gonna be crazy damn the net we just added a little runs [Music] i just trying to put the pop warner right now pools [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's pretty much the cake for any people who really don't know about was like a little sub kick that's nice added it was like a sinks a sixteenth note and it really stuck out for a good vibe on it it enhanced the bar [Music] at the 808 that melodic vibe to it [Music] yeah I just put it back to zero that was double yeah no not no more it was play from the top up the actual vote we do a little breakdown little melodic breakdown I saw everybody know me know I love sense like I love just blinds and stuff you know saying so we did so right before we dropped that beating here we add a nice little melodica [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tag if I know to tell me after that that makes the whole record so when the record was first made the dopest feelings my high he just came in with the book was a Sam you know saying it was when you caused me yeah you don't mean that she I keep on looking good my [ __ ] cleaning sheet baby gonna love you I mean that [ __ ] from the bottom of my heart see me bleed you you just have to take my child up at my case Chris man definitely man won't appreciate a by between a thank you for listening to this you just one thing ain't by the bar to album streaming that doing everything which is now going on Thank You Man everybody on ye I'm snacks we're gonna breathe all the time we produce produce this record will be right here doing this night sort of crazy vocal sample so what we do a lot of lot what we doing a lot of our track let me do that line again that's called a kick ass and I'm snacks and we're to breed we produce this record called on meat on the heart of the fool the one on everybody Hawaii and I'm stretched nowhere to breathe it would reduce this record home me on the heartbreak of your body my I'm snacks and where to breathe [Music]
Channel: The Breed
Views: 20,356
Rating: 4.9906216 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Brown, On Me, RCA Records Label, Lil Dicky, Music, Hip Hop Music (Musical Genre), Rap, Rapper, Funny, Rapping (Profession), chris brown, ed sheeran, dj khaled, kendall jenner, kardashian, Tempo, worldstar, worldstarhiphop, the, making, of, chris, brown, TheBreed, Heartbreak, on, full, moon, Heartbreak On A Full Moon
Id: elYDRt5i-gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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