Chris Brown On Being Vulnerable, Falling In Love + Taking a Knee

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Chris we meet again since the last album now we're getting ready for heartbreak on a full moon I'm excited for this album because of the title and it comes out on Halloween so don't forget it yeah okay so what's the album about tell me and I don't want you to hold back I need I need to know my whole like gold for this album was just to kind of like I would do you know expectation instead of having to have a certain genre of music like whether it be pop R&B hip hop I didn't want to you know be consistent with what was on the radio and I wanted to talk about what was right so for me I think my personal records that Biggie's record absolutely and I think for my audience that kind of like grows now you know from Toddlers - yeah you know older people yeah you know I think the subject matter in the substance behind it sometimes it has to be the clever or like fun yeah doesn't have to be effortless I think the music that I'm doing it's just an embodiment of me now 28 baby listen at the end of the day you're still young now I wanted to talk about if you had to pick one of the songs on there being your baby which song would it be because you know I'm I'm always curious to hear artists and what the one song they are you know they love the most as closest to their heart now mind you there's 45 songs on this album correct it's kind of hard for me they probably have to be um the last song it's called yellow tape so for me it was just one of these one of those things where I didn't like kind of force it to happen like you know certain songs you can just it just comes to you so and I remember being in the studio till like 8:00 in the morning so in the morning I was like dang I'm tired and I ain't no I mean I was I was drunk you know right and so I heard this B doesn't hold on like let me go on a boo very quick and you know it was a chance for me to reflect so when you do to hear the song is more about I you know everyday life you know what everybody struggles in good and and what I went through so yellow tape for me is like cool that's the caution tape to tell tell us something happened you know we see we're used to seeing it you know we kind of desensitized to that aspect of our life because it's every day so yellow tape was just a reflection racket so it brings all of the songs that's fine emotion or whatever back to the root of it you know it's cool 45 songs now I remember and I you never give me credit for questions or calling it's fine we were there in the studio tonight we said this is the song I just wanted everyone be aware yeah we were obsessed with it the minute we heard it and I thank you wait what happened okay just runs you all right and I even heard tempo on your Instagram today like a little snippet okay we will he's like three like BAM like slowed it down a little we still like like questions marinate with people you know and I mean are those most of the songs that we heard that night which were impeccable by the way will they be part of the 45 songs for the most part or is that just stuff you were playing a lot of times like I don't think people understand like my writing process you do but like when we going in I always say oh man this isn't work if it feels like work out quick like you know you don't have to rush a song I'll have to overthink a song so a lot of times I don't spend my time writing is more of it natural what I'm going through the vibe of the mood at the time so even with the songs like in the categories the subject matter I'm talking about I try to just reach every genre right and also still be true to myself and you know inspire people have fun you know bringing through the ups and downs the roller coasters and and be able to be like consistent with it I just I've been blessed with amazing fan base alright for you know so they make me actually focusing you know want to invest my own money that I make because of them right into my stage so I can make my entertainment that much bigger further or into putting 45 songs out to push the boundaries on on artistry not to say I'm the best or you gonna love every song but I just wanted to see what my capabilities were or if I had limitations and once we realize we don't we just it's only our own fear then you just have fun and that's what I want to do with this house what were you scared of anything for this album like vulnerability wise or were you like I'm just gonna put it all out there was everything okay everything as far as anything is energy negativity positivity yeah ashamed embarrassed selfish hateful vindictive but also sweet loving caring vulnerable sensitive so harbor going a full moon I just wanted to give what I give you know and everyday life my heart on my sleeve yeah so it's the easier to patient if I can play it out in music and narrative in video so it's easier to be engaging and instead of me trying to like articulate right formula to you know yeah yeah but you know what we do love your videos thank you they are hilarious when you do your Instagram videos but I also just you said it briefly but you do invest so much of your own personal money in your art and because I've been doing this for a long time Chris I've known you and I'm not just saying this but you know a lot of artists don't do that for the most part most artists don't right they don't they do what's allotted in their budget that they're not gonna have to spend and they don't go a dime over because they don't want to come out of pocket but your stage presence the art that you put behind it and I've seen the rehearsals and I see how serious this is for you is is appreciated especially during times like this when we see music be so disposable you still care so much about this Chris you don't have to anymore you know that right like if you have to that's the difference see the music that you you knew you said that are perfect you start to smile I see me I see it but it starts like for me and at the end of the day I have jewelry on I could have anything that I feel comfortable and hold what I think the idea of dope is you know I'm saying there's an aspiration there's a goal but there's also limitations because we doubt ourselves so what I'm sorry what I'm getting at about that is the things that I do in my artistry whether it be direct or you know being hands-on giving 100% is because everybody's gonna say no everybody's gonna give you that oh you're not good enough but it's the only one that makes you different than anybody else and makes you succeed it's a no that's I don't agree with that because you're free so whatever I do I leave by my own mistakes and examples so the risks that I take with music and the risks that I take with certain songs or even just doing whatever I want to do you know it's not just because I want to reveal I can reflect on in there but I can inspire people to know that they can create whatever they want I think that's so important when you say the fear within us is what holds us back from reaching that and it's natural everybody has fears so I just think that we already live in a note to see how much you've matured in all of these years Chris like just even the way you handle negativity I honestly don't know if I could have done it like I don't say nothing to me yes here a couple days it's if someone let's say who's going through this where they feel that they have to respond to trolls or whatever was the first piece of advice you could tell them to pull back because look you've had your fair share of cloud backs which I've been funny and some have been hard some that you've also regret but listen and that's part of maturing he's still young right you're still growing what would you say is the first step for someone who's constantly feel like I want to respond to everything or I feel insecure about things I think y'all are human so I think we all adults sometimes in our own negativity you know and for me I can be honest at a time I will lash out sometimes guys you kind of like feel that way about yourself if you beat yourself up about anything so that's why you project that hating that fear because haha why did you say that because you're saying exactly what I think I am that's why we only pay attention to it because you can look at a million copies and say I love you you know and just overlook them but you look at the one coming to say you ain't yeah because you want that approval when you don't so for me I just kind of had to stay away from it because I'm still impulsive I'm still human and I'm passionate so I don't have to make it it define you know what I'm doing it you know that's another step stepping stone for me on my own and say look I get to prove them wrong instead of saying why don't you like me let me fire you up and roast you you know that it's cool but it also has a maturity in his boundaries so I just don't it's not let me tell you right now Chris you have I'll get to that a second about how much you help me but I also want to talk about how did those platinum plaques go missing it was the eighth platinum plaques if I if I'm correct well RCA I don't even want to say nothing cuz they ain't coming my check yet but that's a miracle how are those records missing though I have no clue okay so what does that mean so someone who's watching how does it change for you like that when when they discover all these records right that aren't accounted for your work and your art what does that mean when it gets added that you have surpassed certain records in a way for me it's just like a blessing like honestly it's like couldn't have been any better you know I feel like as I've progressed I've got a lot of success we like let's say even incarcerated so like lawyer was number one you know so I've had blessings you know that I was I was thankful for but I didn't know the magnitude of how how much people were actually paying attention to my music you know I'm saying say to even get a get a like a plaque or one pot it's crazy least I know now that all the hard work that I am doing me putting out as many songs with videos and always working it has a has a place and has a purpose so it is just letting me know that I'm still doing the right thing I'm not thinking the money aspect is not about that you know it's all about creating the passion and the freedom to do so you know yes we have that power now when we look at welcome to my life your personal documentary that you put out there I'm personally happy that you finally did it I wanted it a while ago because I felt like there were so many things that were misrepresented about you a hundred percent what made you finally decide to do it was it part of the I'm now a father I want to document the truth for me I think it was more so we started off on a tour obviously right so we wanted to build something organically and at that time I think he took almost roughly two years to do the actual whole media and its entirety so we wanted to start from the ground up in the middle of the muck like you know jail whatever it was to recap and I always have my cameramen around me since I was young so just to keep footage so I wanted to basically get an opportunity to do something people don't expect again like when you know count you out you know because it was honest it's real there's there's no sugarcoating anything that's 100 men in my life and there's no reason for me to be ashamed of my past because I'm a better person now so doing him doing the music stuff that was a blessing in disguise but also being able to take people on my journey sit him in my living room we'll sit him or sit in a living room and say who this this is me regardless if you love me and be truthful be honest I don't have to I'm not victimizing myself nor am i pointing the blame I mean Holly and acceptance of growth you know so for me I wanted the people to see that because the changes in my life even in situations they have real reasons for them right they have explanations but at it but no excuses oh absolutely that's does [ __ ] summer that's really why I wanted to put it out and just give my own take on it have you watched it over and over nah you know I see I don't like this like so close I like to look at it by haha or glue I don't even look at my videos after I'm finishing like editing I don't want you to mean like I might go back to a clip okay because I never want to get comfortable you know I'm saying I love being hungry I love being ambitious rashes free of free of mind to be creative as hell in studio and and do what you want paint do whatever but I love the space to be able to be free so I don't want to be comfortable in my in my consistency right right when you had to do the documentary and remembering certain whatever situations and going through that did you hurt again were you or were you just like let me get through this I think when we started actually doing a film it was like you know I was out of jail certain things like that so my life kind of changed like a little bit because I started looking at my passion for what I wanted to do so I started painting a lot more that's why I started you know being into design and you know just trying to just be as creative as possible you know I think the things I took for granted as a artist was things I didn't care about anymore you know I think material things who cares you know the music is about this to show the artistry the the fun the talent so right so for me just doing it it was the emotions were good because I got to kind of be that amount you know I'm free there was a part of clarity where I got to talk and be myself but be humble and be respectful be the person that who I really am yep not you know I made you believe I could be dangerous I mean you believe I could be scary these are things that I was capable of making you believe right you know Zen or even making myself believe but I knew that they weren't who I was sounds like you know what I'll get back on track I just needed to believe I couldn't you know listen for a change are you gonna let Roy --all T watch this she said she liked the sheet wait first off does she know you're famous does she understand exactly yeah she knows okay she acts the funniest thing is because like I I think in the morning when I did in LA I brought on stage with me and she always never was afraid on stage she said no nerd she's never scared she acts mom like she was like Mimi can I can I go on stage with Daddy I wanna dance with Daddy I said she didn't say that I really want to dance you got our own little drum set she goes stairs that's all you hear have that cool I play drums extra sleep is amazing I think me being a father now he's kind of great because yes so I got a chance to UM you know joint custody so when I get a chance to be by myself I could be a growing up but when I'm on daddy mode you know you know the fanny pack comes out you know the dad you know all that so it's a good balance and I think it gives me a better audience engaged you know yeah you that it gives you that sweetness and it gives you that ability to be able to even connect with a female yeah I know I'm saying you no matter the age that I'm 28 still young but it's not about like your way boo-yan you want to be back you know well now so I think my daughter kind of makes me look at myself in a certain standard but also hold her and heard her in the presence that I wouldn't want to put any bad influence around her so I had to be more cautious about it I want to say your life has changed drastically all right it used to be you know Freaknik really know now it's just probably like Mickey Mouse cartoon that way and you stayed calm through everything and I don't know if it's just you're used to people trying to come after you and you just allow the truth to come out and you're very peaceful even when the helicopters were around your house you were just like all right like you didn't fight back do you get what I'm saying you just almost like all right you know what I know my truth and I'm a to happen and it takes a certain Chris you have grown drastically you know what it is it just has to be once you understand it's a process behind it as much as it sounded like coincidence like you just have to know that certain situations one before any of that to separate yourself from some things that are not conducive or not productive for you so me I used to hear from everybody I just needed to hear it for myself and say look I need this time I like being quiet I don't need to go to the club I don't need validation for you know so it's just a shift sometimes and I think with me it was better for me you know I mean yes like me doing interviews you might think I'll move a lot it's just because I'm nervous in his damage but at the same time I balance on my life and I don't live for the next person's gossip and I don't entertaining cuz you don't stage with me I'm a father Tessa yeah but retrospect I respect it it makes me work it actually makes me want to be better every day cuz I know I am and I know what I'm capable of but let me try to be better him better is gonna inspire somebody and say you know I can be better than Chris Brown or he would do that so I know that me getting good earlier yes I don't mean it's the end of the road that doesn't mean cool has he gotta take you serious man listen it's been a journey and to see how much you have just grown cuz you could have gone a different way right you could have completely shut down but like I'm done I move I want nothing to do with this but you know Chris doing my hardest times and when I go through I call you and you just have this positive it's all right keep going and thank you seriously but you like real family my sister's like industry still his life everything that we do we can never say business is his business because if you passionate about everything is personal right you tell me so with me when I do songs with people I don't do it to be like oh I'm know how to do right now I'm not charging them for versus you know like when I when I come into New York and we do a pressure on I'm calling you like yes what you need I'm coming you know because that's what it's all about is my love's not about oh we getting out of it I don't do music cuz it makes me rich you know that's the plus you know I would have been doing this if it was free yeah I give free music on all the time like you know I'm so with you it's genuine you know yeah and we don't come together as people unless it benefits us you know is a goodness with intention and that's just [ __ ] yes so I'm always gonna be as sincere as possible look shy how however it is yes analyzing my own life and being okay with having fun so you know you know and I'm really proud of you which is why I just I'm excited for heartbreak on a full moon because you know when we hear heartbreak we're gonna hear you talk about the heartbreaks that you've gone through at this time you've told me you don't want to be in a relationship are we still in that mode where you're I'm okay being single and maybe slowly getting to know people or where where are we just in case the ladies are curious well for me right now is I was about to answer fast but the other thing like whoa are you open to a first are you in a relationship right now I'm open to friendship I'm be honest friendship because at the end of the day I don't want to put a strain on the female that I might like and I don't want to have those boundaries in the same you know respect because at the end of the day it should be a choice that you somebody it shouldn't be like the benefits of this or I am but it's this and that it should be friends it should be organic you should want to be one like stay with that person every day usually want to do something like cool I'm cool with not my homies because my girl is my best friend you know everything it needs to really be that in order for it to actually have a foundation you know then just cut off you know pain boom okay we only hang with each other because yeah like this go away so you're open to friendships yeah are you allowing or in the future will you allow yourself to fall in love again yeah I believe someone else yes this is got it okay so in that time let's just we'll put the I guess the requirements someone that you have had a friendship with because I think that is important for you because you are a great friend and I think that that does need to be the foundation are you particular are you a particular on looks or do you just want someone I know these answers by the way but aren't like when it comes to looks what what matters to you or is it more of a personality for you at this point sixty forty sixty four okay what's the 60s ad fifty but you arose to me yes so sixty looks nice I am so proud of you but forty percent that means you gotta be a NATO better sorry okay okay now it what if she works in the industry do you prefer industry or not or you kind of in between don't really know have to vai about but but everyone broke it up Chris right now this DM okay so do you still check your DMS or no do you know what it is I'd be so like I don't want to end up on I was like like you know they don't fall for the thirst traps I think about it like this right what can I say like am I gonna say yeah hey this purse Brown baby yes but then you gotta think about this how many girls you like girls have the power of rejection so how many girls do you think pretty or not you got 800 fathers look at the hand box how many well so hey you guys snap that you feel me so it's nothing I can really say that's gonna be funny I see some corny yeah already lost right has too much thinking so why not be him no don't even look at my deal don't look just find me a traffic how is somebody let's say alloy let's say cuz I want to see you end up with like a lawyer doctor is that too much you mean get-out-of-jail-free card yes I thought about that actually but then I think she get mad at me hump going down how would someone just meet you like do you go like to write we all farmers my dating game is great sis okay alright you're so mature now I feel like this is not as oh no you know things you say I'm the opposite don't kill me I'm just so happy for you and now that because look there was a time you were I don't want to be in a relationship I don't want to talk to anybody I just want to focus on music mind you you went through this for a very long time so the fact that there's a glimmer there's there's just a little bit of hope now I would like to see you with somebody that you have a great friendship with yeah right me too okay fair okay now cuz I wanted to thank you because I know a lot of times I feel that people overlook all the great things that you've done for just people you never really get the credit and I know you don't seek it but I really appreciated seeing how you helped out the victims of Hurricane Harvey and you donated hundred thousand-plus to them and this isn't the first time that you've given back you're just not the type one that people ever talk about who helps and also you're not the type to ever talk about it but I mean for me is like sure charity isn't like a popularity contest I think a lot of times we try to we missed the point of what we donate you know for to help tell people so like you know there shouldn't be a pat on the back for what you should normally do all right if you have the means of doing it you feel what I'm saying so when it comes to my charity bang though I do so many different organizations and donating do all these kind of like fundraisers I don't look for sponsors I don't look for validation most of the time I say because then my gesture is like giving a homeless person a dollar and saying you saw that guy right right see you gotta give me on Friday that you know I'm saying like you don't look for the but you know you don't do good things because you get good outcomes you do it because it's naturally from your heart so everything that I do charity was they don't have to know how much I give just the people that are being helped cuz I'm gonna give whatever it is I'm not thinking about the price you know in a hand and as a as a whole and as a people uh-uh how can I say camaraderie shouldn't be based around popularity so I think a lot of the times people get to trapped in who's gonna look good doing it right and get the camera angle to do it it's just like working out on your Instagram you have a hidden gem and I tell you snap off you want to show like you're doing some where you live in the club you ready bored you live in a lie so it's when people I need and people are dying in there you know you know you know and if we say is only just gonna throw us into a case they're gonna say somebody's got sexually assaulted it write something to tell you off and then you out the way yeah you know just sort of confusion keep going so on you do get a chance to help you because the right thing to do because it's popular and you also perform for JLo title likes the benefit concert and the money went to help those in need in Puerto Rico how did it happen was that a call cuz I know you and JLo are cool you guys have worked with each other before how does that happen like is it just a call to your manager like hey we need Chris to do this he's just like a lot of the times when we do uh different relief things like I remember we did relief a Haiti we didn't show and um and Miami some years back probably yeah I was young but as far as this show it was the same thing title and everybody had called you know man is I go you wanna do the concert and I said of course like I just left you know for a party tour and it was sold out you know and New York always showed me so much love and I love them you know so doing a free concert it was that wasn't even enough to me like we did I did six songs and I was like you know let's have fun yeah I got concert for free I just let me rock so it was a great feeling to see people enjoy themselves smiling in tough times you know Brooklyn is a big market but it's also you know a very poverty-stricken market but these people show up and these people care you know Zen and a lot of my core audience or people who don't have the money or the means to get myself but they actually do so I would be a fool not to bring them into existence and make them the purpose of my sole existence you know what I'm saying so I love doing it me going onstage like I said I don't feel like I didn't know I want to keep Rocking I had at least Baltimore albums in well speed up performance I heard you might have a surprise pop-up out here this week yeah yeah you know you know but what day I can't okay so go do it I did show everybody how long of a notice are people gonna have just so they'll you know people got don't worry that you got good questions look the management he's not in the room right so I'm ETA three our heads up great saying this right now so it might be something totally different cuz you're gonna be performing it's a surprise papa just a free concert we just I just want to do stuff oh I wouldn't do a 45 album song if I didn't care about them so we're gonna do a pop-up show y'all come out free yes Wow but don't don't get a shutdown okay okay so Chris before you go there's two things I wanted to but one I wanted to play something fun with you and you're gonna I think you'll enjoy this okay in honor of your song questions okay I'm gonna ask you a question and you tell me which one you would rather okay it's a classic game of would you rather yeah would you rather date a girl with bad breath or stinky feet everyone's listening like which one is it halitosis you know what I'm gonna give it a book I'm gonna say stinky feet person anyway yeah but you know like the feet I just like the older I would think I is just a different type of sweat but if it's coming from your mouth I want to look at you in your face actually want to kiss you so stinky feet all right would you rather listen to your new album heartbreak on a full moon or silence when you're making love oh damn I don't get it okay like no silence dead I mean are you doing nothing no noise no noise okay would you rather if you had a two-seater car and it was pouring outside would you rather pick up your best friend such as aunt or would you rather pick up your lady and you can only fit one in the car who's gonna be that lucky person you know what you say to see you so it has like a roof on it that's it yeah the top on it okay so he'll be fine okay last one this is gonna be tough would you rather rollro date a musician or an athlete nobody what are you gonna do in Rome he wants to start dating anybody she's so you know she's literally like she is your twin from her I knew what I put my mom through right she like ten times what I was but smart though I'm like oh she knows because I'm not gonna be like I'm not gonna have one kid did you see see see in the store there being a florges crying and then they got the little leash first of all you're bad parent with a leash on you kid with the kid cry like did Chris I before you get out of here and just as a reminder I'm excited to hear your vulnerability on your new album I'm sure we could all put all the pieces together thank you for always allowing us to share your vulnerability because you don't have to write you could just stay closed off and just give us great records it's hard to realize game but I appreciate it and we're excited Halloween that is when it comes out pre-order make it happen and make sure that whoever on the back end is counting these records y'all do a good job this time and don't just show up randomly yes now I before you go Chris I wanted to give you this Colin isn't here he's got a little cold but Chris you have always been there for me and you've always been there for Colin when just in case and it's you were never shy from supporting Colin you were never shy for standing up for originally why this was all happening to stand up for you know black people in America but black men who are wrongfully getting killed by police officers who aren't held accountable but more than anything Chris on my darkest days you have called just to check on me you've checked on Colin and I can never thank you enough for that and I and I'm trying not to be an emo but it's a look there's a lot of people who might say these support but you were at the beginning you were the first and I just I can't thank you enough I mean even with that I don't even like you know the first you know I know I know you don't like I don't like I know the message how they see like that's not our goal you know I support you in any way he stands for he stands for everybody yeah he stands for I've been incarcerated I've been a stereotype I've been everything that's bad or what they say is bad so he's been everything the opposite of me you're feeling I'm saying so he's who I look up to and even though we're all you know brothers and sisters we homies and stuff we not we not the the problem was wrong with our country right we just trying to shed light on so I say but you can only believe Chris Brown's bias opinion like I said before they throw a curveball over explaining myself but with him you don't have to do that but he smiles and when sometimes so I commend them for it and like I said I stand for what was right you know I'm not always gonna be perfect but at the end of the day if I my negative or positive balance to pick from I'm going to light any time and he's right for what he does and I'm gonna stand here and all the other people sustain him do it too you know we can't encourage everybody in the chick right don't do it then if you if you're not gonna stand sit the [ __ ] down mmm and I just I just I just Chris is so important when we hear and I love the post I love that you are very aware of what's going on in our country and it's so important to hear that from you can you explain to people in case they don't understand why they should care about what's going on around our country because it does directly affect us look at it like this right one you don't have modernized school systems right so we're learning like decades-old stuff you know so an excu definitely and I think there is more stigma on separation everywhere in the world right you know everybody has to be better or less than because they're different you know they don't see that equal they can't even talk it out you know I don't want to hear it so I think is just on ignorance because the lack of information we've all been given not just us as one race I think I think we haven't been doing our homework on any any race or any species or how to really figure it out because the powers that be have blocks of mind by focusing on what you're gonna do with your fear they know you're ten steps Eddy okay we know you're afraid of this so we're gonna shift you this way you know conformity but education so enlighten your own mind be curious you don't have to be a physics nerd or genius or write a rock star or you don't have to even have an IQ to be smart you can but you can be aware you know you can have you humanity and all I exude is love so whatever he whatever things I'm going through I reflected and not always will always have a little look and so when it comes to that it's important for us to know that was it comes from our fears bullying problems in school differences because look we wanted you want to attain it we want to have it and we don't get it you make excuses mm-hmm you feel me so as far as that you know everybody's got to really get better we all got to do better I got to do everybody I do good you know you
Channel: HOT 97
Views: 638,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot97, music, video, hip hop, rap, r&b, hip-hop, Nessa, New York, East Coast, NY, US, United, hot97app, Nessa On Air, NOE, Chris Brown, Love, Heartbreak on a Full Moon, Negativity, Vulnerability, Positivity, Royalty, Colin Kaepernick, Would You Rather, Welcome to My Life
Id: RmDo_FJCJl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2017
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