The Making of a Real Batmobile

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[Applause] [Music] he [Music] we have the rtop dashboard panels just like what the original car had 110 individually cut old sand AB buffed and Polished pieces turn signal switches are in the pods just like so uh one of the details it's really cool is the anti- activator it was covered with the start button label so a bad guy would jump on the car hit that button think it was the start button fireworks come shoot out of the rocket exhaust or triple rocket tubes in the back the bat beam antenna works races and lowers just like it did on the show oh wow capable of cutting through 18 in of steel or 3 ft of concrete at least on the show you forgot the hood and the trunk open with electric actuators wow this particular one has a 460 big block that was rebuilt most of our cars have 355 or 383 DM crate engines but it all depends on the customer if it'll fit in the car we'll give it a try got the detector scope over here flashes and beeps with different switches that act that change that did you know that Batman had the first Wi-Fi hotspot the remote back switch through a radio link to the bat Cave's main bat computer was the first highi Hot Spot she do the emergency bat turn lever does not actually make the car turn around 180° that's okay we're working on it be a little hard I imagine tight back [Music] turn now the back of the car will'll take a look at a few more details this is an exact reproduction of the radio in the radio antenna that was on the car we found a place that's doing uh replicas of that then the rocket exhaust tube does shoot out a flame about this far if you look on our website at fiberglass or go on to YouTube and look at fiberglass freaks you'll see videos of that uh the parachute packs are real the contents are not but we are building one car and next car will have working parachutes on it so that'll be an interesting testing that out will be interesting so and I love the license plate oh I do too I saw it when we pulled up like that's awesome they are a blast it takes a lot of work to build each one it's 6 to 8 months to build each car we have a team of 10 people in the weekly payroll and this is what we do for a living yeah I would imagine we're officially licensed by DC comets we're builder in the world that is uh we're very blessed to have that hello there and that is what we normally get isn't nice honk or a nice wave or welcome to Indiana and you would think they'd be used to it in Logan sport after uh after 30 years of having a bmobile here but it's just like that every single day I believe it go through the drive-thru you're in a parade or you're out on the open highway I drove one to Chicago it was terrific on the Dan Ryan six Lanes of traffic people are opening their van doors to take pictures oh I'm sure get back in the van safer pull is it you guys in who like drive it down to like the comic book shops and all that where you have cuz I wouldn't imagine who else would do it cuz you guys are the only ones doing it I suppose in the country right or we're not the only ones legally and liced by DC taking care of the others for oh good I imagine that was a hard license to obtain but you have you basically have to do it perfect for DC to yeah DC sent a spy to our shop pretending to be a customer and he must have liked what he saw because license shortly after oh good yeah yeah it's a nice feather in the cap definitely apparently something right that's for sure well inside the shop we have some other surprises for you too so let's take a look at this is one of the original George bars built [Music] Batmobiles [Music] wow right here in Logan sport this is the number four dragster car we want to talk about full circle right I was 11 years old when I went to the Chicago at the antique Autumn Museum and I saw this Batmobile and it's the one that cemented the dream to build these cars full scale and here I am restoring along with my great team of guys here including Matt back here restoring these cars this particular car and what an honor and who ever thought and I'm still pinching myself daily that this is what we're going to do oh absolutely yeah that really makes your hobby Big Time definitely so uh so that is a real treat for us the the C was quickly built back in the day because they needed to get it out on the show immediately for exhibition so we're taking care of some of the things that that they didn't have the time to do to make it a little more structurally sound and also putting in our propane tank system for the flamethrower they were going through the exhaust pipes and doing it the oldfashioned style not very safe so we're taking care of that one's going to take you about 6 months too or maybe a little longer on that one it'll be a lot less than that less okay it's it's actually we're more than halfway there at this point okay it's getting there y fing good here cars start off they start off with a 1970s Lincoln Town Car now this particular one has a surface rust on it all that'll be sander blasted and it'll be powder coated rebuilt brand new suspension steering and brakes it will drive just like a brand new Lincoln right off the showroom floor how hard are those to find not too bad they're on eBay everything's on eBay right that's right all right now something that I won't want you to show anything of yet okay is this next vehicle boats and helicopters only if I can get license but we're so busy right now I've got eight cars in construction between the two buildings oh wow and I I just don't have time for any other outside project everybody wants one right right so uh here we go with a car that is just about ready for uh for the final paint job in fact it's been wet sanded you can see the stripes on it we're getting ready to mask off the stripes that's what the blue tape indicates then we sand the car and then we paint it with black unmask the the the blue tape on it and then we get ready to uh clear coat it from there from that angle looks like a completely different a completely different car it does doesn't it it's pretty sweet I like the lines on it look it could be a boat it looks like it could be a lands speeder it could be anything uh some people even ask which direction is the front yeah no kidding I can see that theic I can see that um and it's odd when the car is upside down when it first comes out with a mold it's upside down and it looks like it's another three or five 3 to 5 feet longer flip it over it's kind totic now you guys sell parts that people can buy online and create their own Batmobile somebody's building their own uh car in their garage they can buy parts from us and we can supplement those cars and you bring them up to stff save them a lot of time and a lot of money we've already done the R&D I've done 30 years worth of research and save them through the 20 different dashboard designs to be able to get the one out the way up this works yeah it's so cool and uh so behind you are the seat buckets that go into the cars these um these hi is not of work they s them off to a company to have them Chrome for real so uh it's it's Quite a feat to make them look as good as they can MH you mold these and everything except for the Chrome yourselves right right wow nice everything's in housee but that pretty much uh even the parts that we have we send out for water jet cutting or laser jet cutting we still have to sand it buff it and polish it but we still have to sand it and clim it and sand it again again yeah of work and I love the artwork on the walls over there thank you my wife know that we um we helped your producer out of indianapol shoot a Batman versus Star Trek or Star Trek versus Batman fan film okay w Awards and um you know you said well I'm going to build some cardboard sets in my garage no you're not no going to build some sets here so you're so this is part of the Joker's Playhouse oh wow well my lovely wife Joe did the artwork for the outside too I did the bad one in the middle that's not too bad thank you she's a very talented artist and that's part of what brought us together this your art art very cool so this is our Workshop it's um it's our closet for the building and it's our meeting room it's our dining room uh the kitchen that back here we keep this wall clear with the video projector we do presentations for clients uh and the wall nice we have T-shirts if anybody would like to t-shirt they're available at fiberglass 20 bucks 20 bucks 20 bucks not a bad not bad uhoh we got toys oh wow we have to have Bill Shakespeare here forp leads to the bat pole uh the bookcase slides aside of course they slid down the bat poles my wife Jill collects one six scale dolls and action figures since guys don't collect dolls they collect action fig that's right that's right yeah big difference huge difference there between dolls and action figures well anyway the she found oh here in one six scale wow and that was a that was a Christmas or birthday gift that she gave me that was very nice you even have the hot all these great new toys that have come out U this past year from from the 66 show with the 6in figures the 6in Batmobile and we have the hot toys one six scale figures as you just pointed out the MEO uh redo line of the MEO figures comparing that with the original Megos these are the ones I collected when I was a kid back in 1972 no so it's it's just such a huge contrast what they did back then uh versus versus what they're doing today I hope that they come out with a new Batmobile that would be awesome that would be a kid there I am seven years old right I'm going that's not accurate that's not right so not only do you on the side you're not just some mechanic who works on Batmobiles you're a fan you're a huge fan huge huge fan I was 2 years old 1967 I fell in love with the TV show the music the action the color everything about it and especially with the Batmobile and I saw it I said you know what someday I'm going to build my very own Batmobile so uh yeah the MEO backat copters back there the MEO backat cave this is a recent purchase compared to what I had back when I was a kid and then of course we've got the Barbie and Ken done up as Batman and Catwoman mhm and um you even have a Funko I do down there wob they're crazy fun it's it so neat to see all of this happening and what better time to be a Batman fan than than right now and we finally get the DVD coming out later this year right November now here's something fun who did mesit use or metsco use for the pattern for their dashboard hm you turn it sideways and you look inside you start to recognize some of the panels and some of the switches the locations of the gauges they used our car our as the basis report no wonder they came to us to ask for a quotation that they could use on their website so I was very pleased about that that was awesome so so you're the guy I mean you are the guy oh yeah if you want to know about the Batmobile you are the guy to find out this is a corgi batm Corgi it's I've heard different pronunciations of that but this is the the final one that I purchased back in about 78 but this the bat boat this is my original one and here's a hopefully a fun story for you is that I I dug a hole in my backyard filled it with water and had the bat boat in and I got called away my mom and my dad comes home and he fills it up doesn't the boat must have sank inside he didn't realize it was that so 20 years later we're out there for one last time because he's getting ready to sell the house what do I see sticking up out of the ground a little bit of orange no way I dig around it and sure enough it was my batbat the one I lost all those years ago and it's still in good shape yeah yeah it was just saving for you beat up just a little bit but not bad not bad for being in the ground for 20 years yeah exactly so what a thrill it was uh you as you say I am a huge fan of of the 66 show particular but I like all versions of Batman I you know I pay attention to all whether it's comic book whether it's from the animated series or the Michael Keaton version and I'm one of the few that liked Val Kilmer and I I didn't even mind George Clooney as Bruce Wayne I didn't like him as Batman but the Bruce Wayne was okay the nipples on the bat suit was a little strange and then of course what Christopher Nolan did with the series phenomenal I really like especially in Batman Begins Batman operated exactly the way I expected it in the comics was just perfect have you uh ever met Adam West or Bert Ward I sure have Adam West and Bert Ward are terrific so is Le Merryweather and Julie numar and and yavon Craig who play Batgirl all been terrific we've done some of the shows together of course with the Batmobile we're at the conventions and having a good time with them okay uh Adam saw one of our cars it was um our bat 10 car and he was looking at the engine it had 702 horsepower how many horsepower was that again 702 at him that's great the car I had was a piece of junk no wa just hiding of course oh my God it's been terrific um I do have a poster behind you of of some signatures I saw one of cars so get to see you H Zoe Mark uh and great Batmobile from Bert Ward and best bat whis yavon Craig great job mark from Adam West oh my goodness so how cool does that that is very cool it's an honor to be able to do this for a living and then it's an honor because it dovetails in with Hollywood it is a star on its own right you had Adam West you had Bert Ward you had the Batcave and you had the Batmobile and those were the stars of the show you're you're kind of part of the new nerd culture that's following 66 bat Batman where you get a Rejuvenation of the series you're a big part of that because you can't get what's right anyways anywhere else so we're very blessed and very honored to be able to carry on that tradition that was started back in the 60s and who would have ever thought that we'd be doing it for a living who ever thought we'd be doing it for a living for this law yeah unbelievable we're coming up on uh this September will be 11 years professionally so the car you saw outside that's our 19th car and we're the cards in the paint room is number 20 and it just keeps on going have you ever thought about building a different Batmobile oh thought about it yes don't have permission to do so so so they give you the 66 and that's it6 and that's it well that's the coolest one anyways really need to go back in that particular one so that makes the most sense from their perspective as well as from mine but if they want to I'd be happy to they shouldn't have picked a Lambo for the last one they should go with American muscle on it right nice now they should they should uh put you in the new DVD set they should come to your shop and make that some of the make some of that the special edition stuff oh okay never mind let's cut that and here we have a poster from the 66 series uh this was from the Batman movie and of course Adam and Bert and uh and we had Le sign it unfortunately I never got to meet Caesar Romero or Frank Goron uh or Burgess Meredith so great actors great Joker great what a what a neat show everybody in Hollywood wanted to be on that show yep bands everything they were all on it it's hard to you know you try to describe that to people of today and say these guys were like the Brad Pit back then yeah and and and you know the the Angelina Jolie Level of Star had to be on the show their kids were bugging them they have to be yep and it was only two years but it it it definitely made its made its presence known that's for sure yep uh and uh the Green Hornet when are you going to make that car I think that'd be up your alley you know there are other people that make some of these other cars and I'm hoping that they will get licensed to do that that'd be cool to see your car next to a Green Hornet car with some guys dressed up it has happened that'd be really cool well we uh really really appreciate you doing this for us do thank you and you have an awesome shop and and if you guys want any of his Novelties or a car uh get on the website and check it out we'll put the link in the description fiberglass to the [Music] [Music] Batmobile [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nerd Therapy
Views: 267,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Batmobile (Fictional Object), 1966 batmobile, making of the 1966 batmobile, adam west in 1966 batmobile, building a 1966 batmobile, Ford Futura (Automobile Model), 1966 batman, fiberglass freaks, nerd therapy, Batman (Comic Book Character), batmobile, driving a batmobile, inside a batmobile, a real batmobile, batman tv show batmobile, Making-of, batman car, driving in a batmobile, batman vs superman batmobile
Id: MiV2KQCveKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2015
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