The 1989 BATMOBILE (Speced Straight From The Movie)

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hey guys this is Sean from far from average automotive and I'm gonna try to do this again because I honestly hate my first video and I'm able to do this again so for a second time here is the 1989 Batmobile [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so you may have seen this in the movies and stuff like that um but my initial thoughts on this car is it's matte black not shiny black so it's very Sinister looking and me being from the Dallas area the Six Flags we have this outside the Batman ride in Six Flags so it's kind of cool to have one here in front of me but it is very too movie quality I mean even the rim hubcap things you got the Batmobile his air got to Batmobile it's it's just all around a perfect spec and copy of the movie car and when you come around to the back even got the turbine in the back it's crazy the little tension details for this car that they did it's great so it's really unique to this Batmobile is the big wings on this Big Wang Gang you know what I'm saying anyways um and then when you come back here it's just super smooth and uh the aerodynamics of this car must be freaking nuts because I bet you these just cut straight through and then the big exhaust and the quality it's just crazy back here it's a lot going on so this car is fully illegal it has blinkers it has brake lights it's registered it passes his missions everything and then up here down at the bottom you have the same lights and turn signals and everything it has brights all that so that's kind of crazy because you could daily drive this technically but I don't know why you would so at first glance from the front it literally looks like this car has three parts you got the center you got the two side going into it but it's one big fiberglass frame let me come to the side you have all these things and the shoe guns come out of here I don't know what that does you got the rims you got the so you can get air circulated it's just crazy this car so this is just a LS Corvette engine with a capri frame and unlike your traditional car with a Grille there's a hole that just goes straight down the middle to get all the airflow to the engine the vent in this Batmobile is kind of functional to the extent um it has lights in there on this one but in the actual one is to get wind flow to the jet turbine that's in the front another thing I want to touch on over here is the monstrosity that is the wheels he has big wheels back here and uh the radios that means that the harder it gets the more grip you get it personally reminds me and my camera got Hayden of all time muscle cars but in the front of it you know it's the radio tire but it's pretty normal size another thing that I want to mention is Hayden asked before we started when you look up this car through the VIN does it come up as a Batmobile a lot but no it comes up as a Chevy Capri because that's the chassis that is on let's check out the inside so gracefully getting in here you know being six foot five okay so on the inside of this car it looks like you know a traditional muscle car has really comfortable seats it kind of looks like a new Shelby seats to me I mean you come to the front over here there's no mirrors on this car so on this screen right here it pops up four boxes and you have cameras going every single Direction showing that you got a big heads up display you got like a little you know street racing steering rail um how you start the car is kind of cool though you gotta flip this up and then turn that on and then press this button and it's just it's very basic what you need but also super fun and sporty when you put into gear you literally just have three gears right here it's kind of it's kind of crazy it's a really really unique fun core so another thing I want to touch on before I get out of here is the little set of hints of Batman so you know you're driving to Batmobile these floor mats right here have Batman logos and then also um when you get out it's kind of a challenge you gotta you know push up and you got grip tape on the side of this you step on that you get out and you hop out and there you go you're out gracefully I hope so this is Josh Blake's brother because Blake is Layman had to work today lame anyways I'm six or five darts is way shorter than me so let's see how easy for him to get inside okay it's actually pretty smooth I'm gonna be honest I'm really impressed by that man this yeah no that feels amazing it's not fit that's real snug that's nice so now I'm going to show you the core features of this car the first thing I want to touch on is the guns [Applause] and we're going to go for a drive now Josh and I are gonna go for a ride so let's do the startup [Music] [Music] so this thing shoots flame so I say we check that out real quick foreign [Music] so Josh and I are driving in it right now and it's kind of ridiculous this is crazy yeah let's go so yeah we're driving in there right now and uh uh this is ridiculous I don't know how to do the turn signal okay here we go we're good okay dude what is even live dude no this is mind-blowing right now okay I'm sorry for my messy hair but I'm taking off my head oh my god dude all right so now we're driving it a lot of people are looking at us right now we got a few horns honked at us here we go oh my God it's ridiculous [Music] all right Josh Let's do let's do one acceleration okay we got you ready yeah I'm ready that's all right it's all right I definitely like the sound yeah it sounds crazy [Music] this is so crazy dude everybody's looking that's me oh my god dude I am legitimately shook right now I'm mine it's nuts I'm used to hitting a blinker and it's right there oh my god dude look that guy's slowing down [Music] this is so crazy dude oh my God my blinker's still on so like I I don't even know what to say dude like this is so crazy [Music] everybody's looking at us dude if you want to get attention this is definitely the way to do it oh yeah God man [Music] look at that kid dude look at that kid man everybody's [Music] [Music] I'm just like I don't even know what to say like you know I normally I should be talking a lot on this I'm just like lost I have a loss of words too I can't even react [Music] s yeah let's go get Hayden all right so Hayden's in the car now it's like every thing we don't have led to this moment you know it's crazy I'm just curious how does it feel to drive because I know we're tall people it's like seeing out this window shield is kind of hard but it doesn't matter we're in a Batmobile it's scary as hell Hayden it's scary as hell but yeah like us getting in moving this back we have to scrunch our heads down then we can put them up just because you know wait if I sit up normally here I can barely see the road and um like that all doesn't matter you're driving a fat little people I know it's real dude it's really freaking weird I'm gonna be honest I still haven't completely come to terms with that [Music] it's just like a freaking lanyard [Music] and everybody looks at you everybody looks at you this thing is definitely the most neck breaker calling I've ever been in and seen especially because it drives that's true [Music] everybody looks at you it's the craziest thing and I think every car we've passed someone is just pointing as we drive by for me Josh and people like waving and trying to flag us down [Music] this thing is amazing thank you loving them thank you little big bad man yes awesome this is the owner of ryderous streams with this YouTube channel this is a this is like a dream come true it's crazy foreign [Music] cars is a real experience once again thank you little big Batman um it handles really well for how big it is you don't really feel like it's that big when you're driving it it visually looks that way but it doesn't feel that way if that makes sense now going into the engine like we said earlier has a LS engine from Corvette but instead of having a Chevy badge it has Wayne Enterprise for Batman we're about pew pew ow okay you're good so we've already shown this and we can drive and do it but I kind of don't want to overheat the car so here's the flames in the back [Applause] thanks for watching guys uh like share subscribe follow us on Facebook Instagram Tick Tock and here on the YouTubes um thank you to the Lubbock Batman please film this a second time because I hate the first one now for you guys to do go watch the first one and watch the second one and tell me how much the first one sucks and what you would do different if you had the opportunity to film this awesome car
Channel: Far From Average Automotive
Views: 24,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Car, Cars, Auto, Automotive, Batman, Batmobile, Batman’s Batmobile, Bruce Wayne, 1989, 1989 Batmobile, Lubbock, Texas, Lubbock Texas, Lubbock Batman, LS, LS Engine, Corvette, Chevy, Vehicle, Vehicles, Batman Movie, Batman Movies
Id: 0GaSD9txo58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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