The Madness of Love

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I have a romance with time and would call it an obsession. Watching a pendulum is like watching the sea. And the clock is alive and represents the steadiness of time. Happiness is that state you're in now, you don't need more of it. That explains it. A simple explanation. You don't yearn for more. If you yearn for more and you are happy, then you are greedy. Dying is easy... everybody does it. But let's not rush it, you know. I always dreamt I want to live up to the year 2000. And now you and I are sitting here in 2021. That is 21 years extra. Fantastic. There is not a moment in my life so far, in those 88 years, that I said, 'It is not worthwhile living.' Galileo said, 'My time has come to an end' 'and there is so much still to do.' I believe you have got to carry on dreaming. There is always something new to be discovered. I don't dream about how I'm going to be buried. But I still dream of what I'm working on in the workshop now. I can put my name to a couple of things that I have discovered. It was only this week that I confirmed to myself that I was looking at something that's telling me something about dark energy. And I was elated. And now I'm challenging it. The excitement of that is absolutely fantastic, you have got no idea. I found it... nobody would expect it. So you see, there is still some new stuff that even I at my old age can go and spend my time on. Einstein said that unless you try things, experiment with things, you don't come to new conclusions. Your entire life is a learning curve. I have made many mistakes in life. I accept this as part of the learning. 180 degrees... voila! You have got to learn to live with the mistakes you made... and then you live happily. There is a song in the operetta called... um... Die Fledermaus... The Bat. And the song has a nice melody and carries on... "Glücklich ist, wer vergisst" "Was doch nicht zu ändern ist." "Happy is, who forgets, what cannot be changed." You have got to accept what life gives you. Things you can change, you change. And things you can't change, can't be done. And that is it. Don't waste time... it never comes back again. My wife suffered from Parkinson's Disease and it slowly crept up on us. And then you just decide to make it comfortable. You know that there is no return. There were nights where I had to get up 20 to 30 times to take her to the toilet and back into the bed again. This is not something that can be healed. So I just tried to make it easy for her. I was happy to do it for her, in the knowledge that she would have done the same for me. In love, you want to be the giver and not the taker. That gives you the greatest pleasure... the giver's gift of giving... without expecting anything back. If you love somebody, you are so happy to be able to give. That is real love. Love is just the endless way you are prepared to give. I mean, this is love. Loved, lost, and loved again. That is life... that's how it goes. I didn't think it was ever possible to be in love again. But love can come again and it hit you like it has never hit you before. When I was 85, in Switzerland, it happened again. Can you believe that? No. The madness of love... it is the most beautiful thing, every time, every time. (Do you think until your life is done, until the very end) (that you'll hang onto love?) Yes, the clock has just been struck to confirm it... yes... until the days end, I'll hang onto love. And I shall do so until my time is up on this earth. I shall believe in love, enjoy love and hope to be able to give love. To all of you who have contributed, for those of you who have shared our films, for those of you who have written out comments, this journey is just beginning. And we've put a Patreon link below our films so if you'd like to continue to support us we'd love for you to donate below. Thanks so much.
Channel: Green Renaissance
Views: 51,192
Rating: 4.9907298 out of 5
Keywords: green renaissance, philipp wagner, romance with time, watchmaker, time, love, unconditional, south africa, rooi els, madness of love, philosophy, psychology, mindful, parkinsons, caring for spouse, gift of giving, ocean, meditation, paper aeroplane, clocks, watches, repair, science, gravity, dark energy, patreon, artlist, amos van der merwe, baking, cake, simple life, giving love, receiving love, experiments, nature, caring for others, support the sick, bake a cake, easy cake, falling in love
Id: nclEnf6F3oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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