A Lucky Man

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just like a pretty woman you can see that the Senate is special week this week on Thursday is my last day as a director for the Paris Symphony Orchestra the now very important part of my life would be last 20 70 years there's a little bit scary perhaps I don't know what to expect [Music] yeah I was saying in my head that you are living as long as you're learning so this why I'm always into something always I'm curious and I think that's an important part of life for me the boys happy to get out of bed every morning but job is not my life um I am Pau d'arco bambbles T is so people yoga on the other hand now I will be more time to live my life and go and do things I want to do I'm want to play accordion I want to studies new things so I want people how to live the good life something I was not able to do before I was 33 because as a drug I they care for many many years who brought up in a very dysfunctional home I ended up in the same place as my father by taking responsibility I can change my life and that's what I did I didn't accept that I wasn't background thinking and I stopped and I haven't touched anything since then and it took me 15 years to peel Indiana so I came in to find out who PJ walls there had to go through all the pain before I came out on the other end to go through the pain is a part of them to coming back to the life to move back home to yourself let myself feel all the sorrow and all the pain it came out and I shared it with my friends that's when the changed happen you need to do things not I but we we can do it not I can do it that's politicians say I will promise you I can but noble good people they say we will manage because together we'll be much stronger so that's why I'm looking forward to go to play with my good friends old friends this afternoon we are not fantastic players but we all enjoy covered together [Music] it is fine to be able to sit here at home but when you claim together with other people you get much bigger some broader sounds you can create so much bigger than you can manage to crater on your own everything I need in my life I have it around me by family and the nature I don't need to run anywhere else to have it when I was young I thought that the gold in this one was to run harder and harder and harder but I learned that only if you stop you can come in ballast every tire stop I get a new well but I get new chances to take new decision [Music] and then you'll be grateful for this new moment you get a new moment a new chance to do something you want to do to go for your needs I believe when you shut one door another two doors open up so I'm a very grateful man that I was born into this life had the chance to live the bad life ahead and make all the changes and held it from testing life I have got now I've been a lucky man [Music] to all of you who have contributed for those of you who've shared our films for those of you who have written our comments this journey is just beginning and we've put a patreon link below our phones so if you would like to continue to support us we'd love for you to donate below thanks so much
Channel: Reflections of Life
Views: 31,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: green renaissance, sharing ideas, inspiring change, inspire, inspiration, friends, friendship, drugs, alcohol, rehab, faroe islands, sandoy, dog, collie, lucky, man, accordion, poul jakup, faroese, symphony, orchestra, piano, violin, together, we, group, sharing, support, love, kindness, artlist, patreon, stronger together, lucky man, support network
Id: wuMstz-M5yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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