The MADNESS Continues! - Trillybox | Bupkis

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ketchup and mustard burger and PN cook it all [Music] up how's it going everyone my name is azaris and welcome back to some more incredibox today we're going to be playing the tril Box version 2 which is called bub kiss definitely a very interesting name so one quick thing before we begin you guys know I try to respond to at least most of the comments uh at times however the past few weeks and probably upcoming weeks it has just been packed full of exams and projects so it's been a little bit difficult to respond at times either way I'll try to do my best to respond to you guys I do appreciate every single and I do read them too and we get some amazing comments and some some weird ones we we do get a few weird ones here and there but I mean what what can you do either way I recorded this like 2 weeks ago so let me pass it over to past azerus take it away let's see what we're in for I'm kind of scared to be honest with you I don't know what that beat is that looks like a thing of worms a toilet okay we got a beans and toast interesting and it looks like we got a T-bone steak cool and Joe and the Peach from version one interesting okay well of course we're going to go over every single Polo do the Beats effects Melodies and voices and make a beat at the end I don't know if it's going to be a dope beat or I don't I don't know let's get into it starting off with the first beat the U little hat with a fan on top are they called something I don't I don't know let's here it again beat one sounds really good like version one it's a mixture of the beats and the claps I love that I love that sounds really good and altogether it looks pretty normal moving on to the coffee cup in terms of sounds pretty good right in terms of Animation I don't know what was happening there so if I'm not mistaken that one was attacking the polo next to it interesting all right let's move over to the triangle hopefully it's pretty good very interesting animation there I can see the triangle was the mouth and to be honest it actually didn't it didn't sound bad mve on to the C worms it just looks like worms I don't know if it's actually going to be worms but again not bad now I have no idea what that was maybe like a Sasquatch or something and uh that seems to be fur I'm guessing mooving on to beat I've seen that one somewhere I think on like a thumbnail somewhere check it out first off it's sounded good okay second off the animation was like kind of smooth of course I have no idea what that was so we're going to move on to the effects now I'm actually kind of scared for these ones feel like I'm going to be scared for the effects and for the voices specifically let's move on to the toilet that's why I'm scared and the beans and toast so let's let's hear [Music] it OB OB that's the base it sounds good it sounds very friendly I guess I don't I don't know how to explain that moving on to the squished head all right okay very interesting I don't know what to say I don't let's move over to the beans and toast kind of scared for this one not going to [Music] lie so again that one sounds pretty dope though that Polo's animation was interesting moving on to the vase I think that or a bottle of something it sounds good I I don't I can't really describe what that is almost sounds like a siren or something also I don't know how he got his bottle inside the head should probably see a doctor oh the dunce cap okay well let's check out uh effect five [Applause] to be honest Polo sound really good so far like I haven't heard one that sounded weird or I mean some of them were definitely weird but not sounding bad so far moving on to the Melodies I don't know if I should be excited or scared I don't know I don't even know what I'm looking at are those eyeballs are those eyeballs and like I don't know what did that say insert funny and are witty quip all right I was right with the eyes though except they pop out which I did not expect from that moving on to the flute I think [Music] maybe that one sounds pretty good I was right with the flute I I I'll say that now I've never seen a flute being played that way moving on to the veggie rap [Music] I think that was like a synth or something interesting veggie WAP okay moving on to the [Music] tree solid Melody that actually sounded really good and as last words were no way bro I'm a freaking tree okay also wait I think not this version but the next versions you put in a secret code right it's like 4269 nice oh no there's no secret to this one so I think it's the next two versions let's move over to the oh this is a poorly drawn face like we saw in the first version but kind of [Music] different it almost sounded like an eight bit moving on to the voices H let's hear the first one I don't is that Chuck-E-Cheese maybe I'm right this time ketchup mustard Burger and Bun cook it all up until it's done ketchup and mustard Burger and Bun cook it all up until it's done yeah cook it all up until it's done you heard him let's move on to the second one I don't even want to begin to know what that one was to be honest when playing these mods I I'm just I I give up I give up trying to guess Burger I am kind of hungry JP T perfect I will okay I do approve of that I truly enjoyed that commercial when Burger King played it moving on to the T-bone steak all right I'm a dude okay H you know what I was expecting a voice like that let's move on to the next voice Joe please Joe please Joe Jo I will say the last part to that when he that weird movement that he did was kind of funny Michael Jackson was in there I guess so moving on to the I wonder if this is going to be like another like whole Melody set like last time let's hear it TR till the blood Bots is under cuz all my homies guarded I I keep right there is no way absolutely no way that that is not copyrighted I'm shocked that it wasn't in the first version so I guess we'll find out won't we so now we're going to check out the Beats I'm actually excited for the Beats I'm excited for the beats the effects The Melodies actually didn't sound bad at all the voices is where it kind of gets a little iffy check out the beats [Music] to be honest the Beats were solid bro I will say though the little furry one sounded like he was offbeat a little bit just just the slightest bit offbeat move on to the effects [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] the best word to describe that whole effect set wacky honestly didn't sound bad let's move on to the [Music] melodies [Music] [Music] yo The Melodies put together sound really good I didn't expect it to sound that good all right let's move on to the voices now you know you know what to expect Let's uh let's hear it ketchup and mustard burger andn cook it all up until it's done ketchup and [Music] [Music] must it's about what I expected from that so without further Ado we're going to try and make a [Music] beat [Music] werer jorer play perfect off I [Music] [Applause] [Music] will show all right [Music] [Applause] M Burg and it all up ketchup and burger and C it all up [Music] and and it all [Music] and dude I'm not going to lie that wasn't a bad mod at all dude honestly the whole melody was actually pretty dope obviously some of the boys voices are yeah you know the Beats hit hard bro the effects yeah the effects are good The Melodies The Melodies are great the voices he yeah honestly this first voice kind of goes hard with the beat the Whopper I thought was going to but I don't know just didn't didn't feel it didn't sit right with me like I like Whoppers but I don't know the T-bone steak you know it's um earpiercing to say the least the Joe one I honest I don't even know what to say about that one and then we got the whole melody in fact a whole different song which kind of goes along with the beat too actually didn't sound bad together so of of course I cannot wait until the next version apparently the next two versions are pretty pretty damn good and of course there is a secret code that I have to remember to do definitely let me know what you guys think about these mods I've honestly been really enjoying them so far thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed I surely did and I will see you guys in the next [Music] video oh
Channel: Azarus
Views: 37,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azarus, azarus yt, azerus, incredibox mods, incredibox trillybox, azarus incredibox, azarus trillybox, azarus scratch, trillybox bupkis, bupkis, incredibox, incredibox mod, incredibox joke mod, incredibox bupkis, bupkis trillybox, bupkis incredibox, incredibox scratch, incredibox scratch mod, scratch bupkis, scratch trillybox, trillybox incredibox, scratch incredibox, trillybox scratch, lets play
Id: faivCE1wbYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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