The Mad Max Game & Furiosa

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talking about something a little different today I'm talking about a movie furiosa a Mad Max Saga I'm talking about it because I love Mad Max and you may remember uh I did a video it still kind of pops up in people's feeds sometimes I did a video about the 2015 Mad Max video game a couple of years back and when I saw furiosa a Mad Max Saga I'm going to commit to calling it that the whole time uh I couldn't help but think of the game and I actually think that the game kind of changed my perception of this film I know that sounds kind of weird but on this channel I kind of ramble and just talk things out talk about things I like uh so with that I do want to talk about furiosa I'm not going to talk about spoilers uh I'm going to try and keep it pretty vague most of the things I want to touch on don't have to do with spoilers so if you haven't seen it yet uh and chances are like the box office numbers apparently you haven't uh maybe see it and come back and watch this video I don't know but so going into it I wasn't the most excited about furiosa the trailers you know I I couldn't tell there was something I couldn't quite put my finger on with it and I loved Fury Road so damn much but I I never really needed a prequel for f furiosa I kind of like the Mystique around her but being a fan of Mad Max the old ones uh but also like really a DieHard Fury Road fan I have that's actually a Fury Road poster I got uh from when I saw it in the theater for like the third or fourth time uh fun fact but yeah I I kind of went into it and I was still there day one I was excited enough especially just cuz I was like all right doing my duty for George Miller and just like weird [ __ ] up crazy movies that we don't see as often now and I came out of it kind of not surprised essentially I I liked it it was a good time at the movies but I found it to be nowhere near on the level of Fury Road I think in terms of just uh pacing which is you know this is a different type of movie so it's it's hard man I'm going to compare this to Fury Road I can't help it it is a different movie it's sent out to tell a different type of thing a different type of Tale But I just happened to prefer Fury Road the way it was pasted the way it was constructed the way it looks the way it sounds uh furiosa to me felt like it fell short in a lot of those departments but where it made up for things is in the lore the exposition the essentially the making good of a lot of the interesting little trinkets uh kind of like spread out throughout Fury Road just all the weird stuff the universe building here they go all in on it and you know you get to see more of what's going with Gast town the bullet farm immort and Joe and like his leadership and his sons and all that stuff you get to see a bit more of that and how this world interacts and what I like about it is that it it did do World building and lore right and like you know Universe building but it still it's felt relatively small it's just like a couple of little shitty places uh with factions squabbling between one another and then random people getting caught in the crossfire uh case in point here young Fury that stuff was awesome and it did feel kind of just like slipping right back into Fury Road with the just the world and everything it was just like o it's good to be back I didn't think the music kicked as much ass though man I think the music and some of the hyper editing of Fury Road really is what sold it for me like nothing in Furioso really topped like the the war rig versus dirt bike scene in in Fury Road like the and the editing and the the reloads and the you know all that that sh was so sick there was nothing quite on that level here but it had Chris Hemsworth as a really good villain it also outlined a faction of biker people like a biker gang thing which is something we didn't get too much of in Fury Road but is is something uh throughout Mad Max so to see more guys on motorcycles and also Chris Hemsworth really just ham it up I I don't know if he's like the most compelling villain in the world but I'd say that he is very appealing in a weird way and you can't help but just like every time he talks or every time he's on screen you can't help but just kind of look and be like what's what's this guy's deal man and that's kind of like a Mad Max thing from the original film uh is you look at characters in these worlds and go what what is their deal dude what what's going on there and in terms of like the people in the movie like great stuff all around I think Anya Taylor Joy is cool and very like mysterious looking in her own way uh and I think that she did a good job kind of replacing charlee tharen I think that's not easy to follow but I think it worked here for the most part uh her shaved head looked kind of weird I think she wore a bald cap for it or they did some digital stuff I don't think she actually shaved her head and I I thought it looked a little weird but she has a striking presence throughout like the face you know the the scariness of furiosa with the oil smeared head I thought it all just really worked and I like that she didn't say a lot in the movie Man like that's it's kind of like a Mad Max thing like they're just going along this adventure uh so I'm glad that it was it was similar but also uh Tom Burke Astorian Jack this dude is I love this dude I thought he was a good uh like addition to the story and with furiosa and I won't spoil that but uh he was just cool as hell and I like that he's kind of like and you've seen him in the trailer like he kind of is like the Mad Max archetype but like in a different situation I was just watching I was like this guy's sick this guy reminds me of snake he this is cool and apparently according to hideo kajima he said the same thing put his tweet on screen here yeah so hey great minds think alike again while I have my criticisms and I think some things furiosa didn't do as well as Fury Road I think in terms of the World building stuff it did good but I think for me it just doesn't hit as hard is because I've been exposed to a lot of That World building already I mean so there was like the comic prequel thing and there's like a lot of stuff out there and little nuggets of lore that have been you know circling around since Fury Road which was you know like a decade ago now at this point but also that 2015 video game I couldn't help but think of the game as I watched this movie uh for a variety of reasons there are things that I look at as almost directly referenced uh of course there's it's more complicated than that it's not like this movie furiosa stole from the Mad Max video game because there's a long complicated history of how the 2015 Avalanche Mad Max game was made I mean it was originally a George Miller and Cory barlog thing uh where you know like the guy behind God of War most notably of course God of War 2018 uh in in the late 20 whatevers the 20 zeros what do we call that now like 2008 2009 I don't know he had been working with Miller to come up with concepts for a Mad Max game and it never really came to fruition but Corey did go on to apparently consult with Avalanche and work on some Mad Max stuff though apparently very different but still there's some DNA Avalanche was able to use stuff ideas Concepts art and stuff so there is some synthesis some cohesion there whatever and so like some of that stuff ended up in the video game a lot more ended up in this new furiosa movie so for me it just kind of felt like I was like oh well I've I've actually spent more time in this world I did get to know Gast town a little bit more I I did get to see a lot more of what was going on I did get to see what was going on with imort and Joe's sons and stuff like that that but granted it is different because the Mad Max 2015 game is not counted as as Canon it's it's separate you know obviously there are references in it and people wanted to think of it as kind of like a Fury Road connected thing but like all Mad Max projects up until furiosa uh this was just its own thing another Mad Max Adventure in another world with familiar elements because that's how it's always been since the original movie and during furiosa like press stuff uh George Miller do go on record about the 2015 game he said and I quote we did have a video game made when we made Fury Road we've been asked many many times to do one and it wasn't as good as we wanted it to be it wasn't in our hand we gave all that material to a company to do that I'm one of those people that you'd rather not do something unless you can do it at the highest level or at least try to make it at the highest level I've been speaking to kajima here who came all the way from Japan if he would take it on but he's got so much fantastic stuff in his own head that I would never ask him but it's a hell of a quote obviously hideo you know buddies with all the movie directors so this makes sense of course but I'll disagree with him on the Mad Max thing because I know he said that it wasn't as good as as he wanted it to be but I thought it was pretty damn good while it does feel very much like an open world video gamey product a thing based on Mad Max right like it's not this High art thing uh it was fun I I made a whole video about it of course uh I it's very much just like open World stuff but when you you frame it around this beautifully designed you know lonely Wasteland and have great car combat and simple Arkham style hand-to-hand combat for me the game nailed the thing it's like you're like a a shitty guy in a shitty car in a shitty world and you're just adventuring and it totally nailed that so I think what I'm also trying to say is that between Mad Max Fury Road and uh furiosa I kind of had gotten my fill of the rest of that world you know again it's not technically that world but it's just spending time in a similar Mad Max thing that may have had some osmosis with Fury Road and furiosa I don't know not all of the lore and the expansion and stuff like that surprised me a couple of things that I won't spoil especially towards the end were really cool but like yeah I I feel like I have been here already been here done that and I actually think some of the aspects of the game that did borrow and expand upon Fury Road I actually think did a little bit cooler than the movie did you know getting to see some of these factions especially like the places they build uh the little enemy types of War boys and stuff like that uh and again imort Joe's Sons I I think you know there there's some cooler stuff going on in the game I know that might sound Blasphemous I know I don't know maybe I'm just too like I rotted my brain on the game I don't know but I still think furios at the very least is a good time at the movies uh the CGI was you know a little rougher than in Fury Road I know everybody likes to say that Fury Road was all practical effects it technically wasn't but here I feel like the you know the blurring of the line between practical and special effects and visual computer effects uh was more apparent you noticed when a guy on a dirt bike wasn't really a guy on a dirt bike and he was just like a wiggly CGI man that stuff I found a little distracting but just a good regular old solid Adventure in a Mad Max world I was happy to be back in in this like Fury Road world for sure and I'll always take more but on the other hand I like when every mad Max movie is completely different this feels like the first one where it's like okay we're continuing things a little bit I thought they've always had the magic of being their own completely different thing you know so even though furiosa is a prequel to Fury Road at the very least like like genre and presentation wise it is a very different movie from Fury Road where Fury Road was just one big long chase scene this was more of a saga a thing with a character I think ultimately for the next mad Max thing whether George Miller goes and does Wasteland which would be a pure another prequel to Fury Road about Mad Max or does a whole another different thing I just like the series for again just a shitty dude in his car and a bad Wasteland you know furiosa was like a decent like diverge from that I'm probably like contradicting myself and talking myself in circles here but like you know it was good enough of its own different thing but now I'm ready for a guy in a leather jacket and a car to kill [ __ ] again will that ever happen again I don't know I I hope so George Miller is getting up there but I think these things all of these things whether it is furiosa which isn't my favorite it's still really damn good and better than like half of the [ __ ] I've watched recently are you kidding me I like don't don't get it twisted here I've watched like multiple movies since I've seen furiosa when it opened this weekend and I already forgot about those movies but I still remember furiosa so you know he still knows how to make them and I just I just hope they're more I think that even if they're not perfect sometimes they should be celebrated and you know just another opportunity so should the [ __ ] game the game is cool man if you can get past some open world busy work stuff there is just a lot of cool driving around doing badass stuff long convoluted way of saying yes like my ranking of Mad Max movies furiosa isn't at the top it's certainly not at the bottom by any means I think Thunderdome is I know that's like a pretty popular like take but yeah I still think you should go and see it if you love Fury Road like me yeah of course either way I just kind of wanted to get my thoughts out here because watching the movie I couldn't help but think of the game like the whole time I was hope I was able to like get that across properly and maybe you feel the same way from what you saw on screen to also just like the feeling of being in this world let me know your thoughts on furiosa let me know your thoughts on Mad Max the game let me know your thoughts on anything Mad Max I would love to talk about this to you guys thanks for letting me come here and talk about something I like Mad Max stuff uh if you like what I'm doing here and just putting out yapping about [ __ ] I love clicking the like button helps me thank you but that's it I'm Jake baldino subscribe because video games Pizza on me
Channel: Jake Baldino
Views: 72,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mad max game, Mad max 2015, Mad max game retrospective, Mad max game 2024 review, Mad max game in 2024, Mad max game review, Furiosa mad max, Furiosa review, Furiosa spoilers, Mad max game sequel, New mad max game, Mad max game ps5, Video games - topic, Jake baldino, furiosa mad max, furiosa mad max game, George Miller mad max, George Miller mad max game, George Miller kojima
Id: wLejPfeKY_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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