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Oh lovely starring a seal ball starring Gale Gordon you [Music] [Applause] yes I take it all out yesterday Mary Jane the most beautiful furniture you've ever seen in your life yes it's expensive $1500 but I can pay it off in three years hi yeah I got the contract right here well all I have to do is get mr. Mooney to co-sign it for me oh come on now you can take it out of my salary that way I'll be sure of my job yeah you'll never fire me as long as I owe him money yeah Oh Minna bill yes mr. moon he's a wonderful man when you get to know it nice and generous to a fault oh sure he's a little gruff now and then but that's just a front underneath that rough exterior become hot oh I'll have to call you back here you can skip the eulogy I'm not gone yet oh what a terrible thought don't even say such a thing well I don't know what I do around here without you you'd go far all day long that's what you're doing I was just telling Mary Jane that in spite of our little misunderstandings now and then you're really the best friend that I have mrs. Carmichael if I'm the best friend you have your desk at you whatever it is you're firing up your boilers for the answer is no I was just hoping that you do me one little favor do me one little favor and get those letters that they're ready yes sir they're ready oh there's not one single mistake and I'm neither well I'll have to take your word for that this time you're gonna sign them without reading them first yes well gee that makes me feel very good mr. Mooney now that that proves that you have confidence in my words no it simply proves that I'm in a hurry let everything's right here everything all you have to do is just sign them at the bottom sir I know where to sign on what's this what what's what a contract with the royal furniture company for $1,500 oh oh that's not for you mr. Mooney that's mine yours $1,500 ah well yes I I buy some new furniture for my apartment that um really was what I wanted to talk to you about mr. Mooney you see I need a cosigner and I thought maybe you cosign well it's just a formality I wouldn't co-sign a $1,500 note for my mother I got notarized please yes sir well um mr. Mooney couldn't I just talk about my when she didn't talk about my new one Oh worry about your new manager and I'll be talking about a new secretary Colonel Bailey good to see you how do you feel I couldn't feel better if I was a sprig of mint swimming in a tall frosty julep how's the banking business have you wrapped in the widows and orphans today oh yeah yes we bankers love that joke there's liberty let's get down to business talk about the money you're going to make oh yes let's do that I don't mind telling you colonel I am happy to invest in any project of yours at any time do no doubt to the fact that your little investment in my pickle business has earned approximately three hundred and twelve percent today oh yes that was a good investment well pickles were natural for a couple of old sour pusses like us colonel pen let's discuss our new project now what is it beads did all beans b-list barbecued beans beans please and I'm launching them today with the same campaign that made Bayless pickles an instant success the money-back guarantee go on go on here is it this poster is going up today in every grocery store in town Billy's barbecue beans the best beans you ever ate or double your money back sounds like another winner my beans may change the name of Boston to Bailey I hope they changed the name of money to money that's kind of a yeah I have a check for $5,000 right here a wise investment I have just okay 200 radio and TV singing commercials for our new product oh I like the way you do things colonel so do our babies being babies being prized my folks of every means fix up my odor little baby don't delay go to your nearest door [Music] [Music] Bailey's being Bailey's being may make me a man of me there you are sir thank you ah mr. Mooney I was just thinking if you won't cosign to finance my new furniture would you please authorize a fifty nine hundred dollar loan on my old furniture ah now you're talking about collateral I am and that's different that's different alright now how much did your old furniture cars eight hundred dollars and I still all the finance company $700 this is Carmichael yes sir you expect me to authorize a loan of $1,500 on furniture that cost $800 on which you still owe $700 well certainly 800 and 700 equals 1500 only an idiot would give a loan under those conditions well I don't know any other idiots you're the only one I mean nevermind what do we get the work get to work get back to work ah that is a ridiculous statement what ridiculous statement that add this beans you ever ate it certainly hearts the best beans I ever ate I can tell you that don't bother telling me because I'm busy doing other thing that means I ever ate my mother baked oh boy she makes the best beans in the whole world everybody said so I could eat those beans three times a day mrs. Carmichael would you like to continue to eat three times a day sure then get to work out of here before you leave yes sir watch this black six cent postage it only costs five cents to send a letter oh oh I ran out of five cent stamp so I put two threes on it it's okay because never okay to waste money with only a penny oh shut up if you would just learn the value of a penny you wouldn't have to borrow money for new furniture how much furniture can I buy for a penny just listen if you put one penny in the bank today two pennies the next day then for the following day and keep doubling the amount each day you would have enough money to buy your furniture in 19 days you're kidding you mean if I double the penny 19 times I'd have $1,500 you would have more than $1,500 now you just think about that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] last piece thank you gentlemen this is very nice of you donating your furniture to charity oh that's all right I'm very happy to do it I'm just sorry that my furniture isn't in better condition oh that's all right our charity is donating it to another charity hi Mary Jane hey I don't understand I thought mr. Mooney wouldn't come sign for your new furniture I don't need mr. Mooney to co-sign when how can you afford new furniture this is how look at this side isn't that the most ridiculous claim you ever saw in your whole life the best beans you ever ate yeah now that might be true for some people but not for me because the best beans I ever ate are the beans of my mother baked and anyone who puts out a phony ad like that deserves to furnish my apartment for me see nobody's gonna furnish your apartment because your mother bakes better bana yeah that's where you're wrong now look I have the most fantastic idea you ever heard of and it's so simple it scares me all your ideas hear me don't worry about this when I got this idea from mr. Mooney mr. maleeni yeah no look all we have to do is buy one can of beans for 25 cents take it back and we get 50 cents did you send that's right double your money back and then we take the 50 cents to buy to kids bring them back and we get a dollar then we buy four can I get two dollars eight cans and get four dollars sixteen chance we get eight dollar at Lucy don't you think the matha store is gonna get suspicious if we keep bringing back more and more cans of beans oh we don't go to just one store I got it all figured out now look at this look at this map pinheads there yeah well all those pinheads are marking the stores in this hole location well what are these two pinheads down here those two pinheads are us come on let's go operation bean [Music] you know this is our fourth market and so far is working like a charm here is it seems like Christmas yeah and here's our Santa Claus Oh time me sir are you the manager yes ma'am something I can do pee laughs yes I bought these beans and I'd like to return them please return the made cans ha ha that's right double my money back like the sign says but you could have you could have found out if you like them or not in one can know how come you bought eight look mister I don't tell you how to run your grocery store don't you tell me how to furnish my apart tell me one thing lady he didn't like these beans why did you buy so many the price was right [Music] I don't understand it I just don't understand it Addison you're the sales manager here explain what's going on yes somebody better explain it we've been shipping beans into that area for three weeks now but the chart goes off and down up and down it looks like a ride at Disneyland that's very funny I don't think it's funny I don't even hear my report show we've sold 15 on the Casa means in that area that's right but our income is - $400 - how did that happen yeah I don't know sir but we certainly find out you bet you'll find out I put $5,000 in this bogus bean business I expect to make money not be drowned in reading or now patience Theodore patience these things take time rome wasn't built in a day you know we're not in the construction business [Music] don't worry mr. Mooney we'll get to the bottom of this you're already at the bottom of it I'll say it off ain't going to do no good you standing there cackling like a hand lay in a square a her leaving yes Colonel Bailey doesn't Perkins in the sales department the Westside reports that 3,000 cans of beans have been sold just today 3,000 yes sir and in one area this is the breakthrough I've been waiting for well Theodore what do you think of our methods now well baby baby could get a pop a good ol baby [Music] Oh Mary Jane I think I have just cornered the entire bean market I think the bean market is cluttered me sorry about that chief okay absolutely out of here they are oh hey y'all yeah okay oh hey Oh Lucy that's the last load yeah 3000 cans of beans English translation $1,500 is that great for a better hand please yeah let's sit down and relax a while relax where well that's a good question well let's see now I think our warehouse needs a woman's touch [Music] [Music] [Music] relax you know okay make yourself at home oh saying that you know Lucy you never did tell me what style your news furniture is gonna be a little bit of everything contemporary you know although I must say I kind of like this deck or early pork and beef well I'm sure gotta hand it to you this is the greatest idea anybody ever pulled off you know what I'm dying to see what the look I'm mixer Moniz face when he finds out that I have my new furniture and I tell him how I paid for it haha boy will he be proud of no and you'll be so happy when he finds out that I got the whole idea from him for this this whole scheme yeah but you know Lucy I'm kind of worried but what about all these beans how he's gonna take them back we've already hit every store in the area well now we're not gonna hit any more stores we're gonna zero in on the factory factory how are we gonna get all this stuff at the factory don't you worry about a thing I got everything arranged I called a friend of mine Frank Winslow you remember him you work for the construction company big fella yeah the big one yeah well I called him and he promised to help me he never lets me down there's little reliable Frank mouth oh yeah I pray you mean I can have it today oh thank you you're a pussycat bye Oh staff that quit yeah pregnant rats any questions why not well he says my answers make it too nervous I'll take care of that right away sir [Music] mr. Bailey Colonel Bailey okay no babe Colonel Beauregard Bailey oh my god Bailey well I do declare what can I do for you young lady well now I really hate to bother a busy man like you but well sir you see I bought some of your barbecued beans yes everybody seems to be barnum aren't they sensational oh well I don't want to hurt your feelings sir but I can't honestly say that they are the world's greatest beans and I'd like to return them what why I don't understand it I know this business I know we put out the best beans anyone ever ate well I'm sure that you're very sincere sir but you'll never taste in my mama's beans and they're the best I ever ate now we're not trying to put Mama's out of business you could have gotten your money back at the grocery store why'd you bring this down here to me well now because I want to tell you how much I admire the straightforward way that you do business Colonel Bailey hmm when I first read back gaurantee I didn't know whether you really meant it or not oh my dear the Bailey bean company means every word we say we stand behind every B oh you mean that guarantee is good for every little old can of beans that you sell a really low care and I'm delighted to have a chance to prove it to you now you only have that cam I'm for bookkeeping purposes I'm gonna have to pay you by chest oh that's quite all right colonel but before you fill out the amount I do have a few more cans outside oh yeah you just make it out to Lucille Carmichael loosing your car my that was to l2n you Carmichael what is this not the rest of my outside kernel altogether I have 3000 can you just make that check out for $1,500 dollars three hops 3000 gel we Mary Jane I have it I have it oh there you are $1,500 Wow yeah and I called the store told him to deliver my furniture this afternoon oh yeah I can't wait to see it Oh while we're waiting let's get some DEET I am so hungry oh I got news for you we were so busy buying beans we forgot to buy groceries oh I'm starved tell the anything I can find the house of the glass and mill I'll drink it I drank it the only other thing I found was a can of beans I'm so hungry I'll eat anything thank you when the furniture comes we'll go marketing hmm we'll have a big feast to celebrate hmm these okay mmm not bad mmm back there pretty good oh no oh no see what's the matter these are the best beans I ever ate my whole life I can't take the money I can't take money that's the furniture send it back mrs. Carmen ammonia what are you doing here I happen to be an investor in Baileys bean company yeah and I just learned of your conniving swinglish scheme oh don't bother to yell at me here here's your check colonel I can't take your money how come because it's true these are the best beans I ever ate my whole life there are yeah do you see how about that far testimonial furniture for called iconically take it back to the store I can't pay for us oh just a little old man Adair gentlemen you bring all that new furniture right in here I'll pay boy you will I'll be glad to pay for it because you're the most wonderful testimonial my company has ever had well from now on you're gonna be known as Bailey's being queen your picture will be on every signboard in the country hey Mary Jane I'm a bean queen [Music] you [Music]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 420,626
Rating: 4.7686214 out of 5
Keywords: The Lucy Show (TV Program), LUCILLE BALL, MOVIES, TV, CLASSIC, CLASSIC TV COMEDY, FREE, LUCY AND THE BEAN QUEEN, #classicmovies, GALE GORDON, classic movie, classic movies, filmstruck
Id: _36_dTq_vJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2012
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