The Love She Sought

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[Music] [Music] [Music] I would like to remind you that when we return from Christmas vacation you will be facing a new challenge as well as a new Here I am referring of course to your confirmation a first step in a journey through life for you as young men and women now as with all my classes I will see that you are prepared to the very best of my ability and I hope yours now I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and the hope that you will celebrate the true meaning of the holiday by attending Mass with your families now you may leave an orderly manner [Applause] [Music] thanks miss McGee Harlan miss McGee Harold feeling I was in your class must be 20 years ago oh yeah that's Harold I remember I caught you smoking in the cloakroom I see you're still at it Merry Christmas Harold yes miss McGee you made my youngest grandson Percy we're on our way to have a holiday haircut well don't let me keep you Merry Christmas Aggie Merry Christmas Preston and to you too young man Merry Christmas all right yes than any day [Music] [Music] dear Miss McGee many thanks for the fine likeness of you in front of the lilac bush here's a look at my mug as well as the family business and done bridge which my brother Matt runs these days it was snapped by the local brewery driver on his rounds when I was home visiting a few weeks back dear mr. o'hanlan your letter arrived just in time for Christmas I find your mug most pleasing I usually spend my holidays alone or with my neighbor Lillian but this year I'm expecting a guest and she probably I was wondering what happened to you I thought you got stuck in a ditch coming tonight thank you on second thoughts Frances it's a long drive back to the farm the radio says that every road in Minnesota will be closed by midnight yes miss McGee why'd you want to kiss your daughter goodbye yes ma'am now don't worry about a thing well you're not gonna happen Merry Christmas thank you for taking me in Miss Maggie oh I'm always willing to take in the form a student especially in the time of need would you like a cup of tea no man on our Janet there's no need to be ashamed you made a mistake with that young soldier but that's behind you now and since you insist on raising this child alone we've got years of responsibility ahead of you now DISA promise me that you're going to be strong I promise your rooms at the top of stairs [Music] thank God surfaces are still lovely an Orthodox here at st. Isidore as mr. o'hanlan although every time I hear of some hotshot Newton Bishop dumping one of the old devotions in favor of polka masses and guitars on the altar it makes me heartsick [Music] the only constant we have in our lives is our faces that other things change not that look McGee all these gifts for the first baby of the new year there's loads and loads of stuff why this everything from bassinets to booties even 40 dozen disposable diapers it's everything I need must be worth over $300 457 I figured it out I wish you was mathematic hating fun when you were in my class my baby's gonna be the one Mississippi I just know it the only possessions it should hold shop too high as my mother always said babies will be born when babies will be born channa draft is one of my hardscrabble girls from the poor farms north of town I've taken the mean on more than one occasion when they're in trouble but Janet's special to me mr. Henning she's got a mind and a will of her own Angie you don't know Happy New Year are you expecting not me my wife shouldn't you be with her oh and I thought with all that screaming how about you miss McGee Oh Janet raft is expecting do you happen to know the family oh yeah one of them work for me once not exactly what you'd call a reliable type this one I'm married like all the others is it a boy or a girl a boy only it's not yours mr. Buckingham it's Jenna drafts miss McGee eight phones with lots of hair I told you you'd be the new and so he is the one week I'm gone and wouldn't you know there's a baby born practically right outside my back I want you triple m I don't have the same TV channels in Barrington that we do and stay your frickin yeah well of course that's enough to spoil anyone's vacation that you're knitting a stocking gap will be five feet long yeah the rest of it wraps around your neck like a scarf see what's fine if you're a giraffe but that's outrageous for your son and you don't know it but he's not the official baby I want a little baby I'm even the Chamber of Commerce never had a policy of awarding gifts me for an illegitimate birth never heard anything so deceitful not will you show me where it says that the child of a mother is not qualified it's an unwritten policy it's always been understood fully you're they're not now they are incriminating evidence criminais ting evidence unless you want a court case I suggest that you and the other merchants put together a duplicate set of gifts and you can deliver them out into a mr. rats truck it's parked outside that's five hundred dollars worth of merchandise well it's nothing compared to watch your lose when I decide to take my business elsewhere what business is that I'm chairman of women sodality I am in charge of refurbishing sailors aboard record and it's up to me to decide where to buy the furniture I'll have my clerks bring it out to his car as I tell my 12 year olds they'll save yourself a peck of trouble if you do it right the first time yes excellency junior Buckingham was weak and sniffling when he was in the sixth grade he's weakened sniffling now miss McGee defensive kind I was wondering if I could ask you one more favor would you mind being Stephens godmother I thought I told you not to ask Miss McGee for anything else hasn't she done enough for you already taking you in like you was one of her own as if she were one of her own yes ma'am and I'd be honored ma'am the temperature has been dropping all day mr. Hammond it'll be zero by tonight but I'll be safe and warm with correcting spelling tests her paltry compared to bringing a new life into this world sincerely I got the Mickey [Music] My dear Agatha your latest letter arrived and with it the spring you see even the seasons of H o words and respond as I do with a heart eager to be reborn so you have got some steam is becoming a holy terror can he be four years old already ask your bishop I was saddened to hear the news of his passing let's pray the new one isn't the Holy Terror of another source I've never seen anything so tasteless in my life well it looks like a lot more fun than old bishops whales but bishops are fun don't blaspheme but this wasn't bad enough I've seen his face plastered all over the papers running in marathons playing a trombone in the Dixieland she said you might like to go I of one dressing up you said once that you wanted to trace your family tree well perhaps I would like to go one day he wouldn't follow Bishop Baker around the corner let alone at Roscoe [Music] Stephen come on be careful with us all right Oh Mary but they survived my father's battles of 1902 they'll survive his Oh Oh woody hmm what was McGee mr. Mears well you ready yeah are you sure you don't mind sitting with Stephen for a couple of hours now I'll enjoy having a little life in my house not you too go on I wouldn't go with you no not now Hana you stay here we'll be back soon okay how would you like a cookie in the glass mr. McGee since the time of Columbus sometimes I wonder James have I been proved to my nature have I fulfilled my destiny as a woman and if so what have I got to show for having spent my entire life in one small town in one small glass room washing down the same blackboard for the past 43 years our youth Bishop Bishop Baker will be here to give me the sacrament so please be sure make your parents bring you to the church at 7:00 o'clock sharp [Music] you may need them acquire and orderly [Music] that's why I decided to retire you're the first person I've told James because I know you'll understand although I threatened it before this time I mean business [Music] huh [Music] I want something more for my remaining years James I don't intend for them to come in one day and find miss McGee at her desk slumped over a stack of geography tests really has been a Miriam congratulations John now would you mind running this off on the copying machine for me oh it's not that I don't like him I'm sure he's quite likeable as young men go these days but in the brief time that you've known him has been a short-order cook at the burger skillet he's pumping gas at the jiffy stop and now he's selling water softening himself that's all yeah he's had more than enough time to look what concerns me more is you I'd hate for you to make any hasty decisions that could hurt your chances for the future Oh McGee there you are may I see you now on the new bishop will only confirm those students who come to him and request the sacrament personally it's deranged every class that I have taught at st. Isidore for the past 43 years has been confirmed these days our Orthodox tastes are not everyone's cup of tea most of the parish is happy with the bishops modernisations six schools closed in six months and you call that organization I call it barbaric now I insist that you talk some sense into him I don't have to remind you miss McGee the sister does not tell a bishop what to do well I'm not a sister [Music] that's a question what he's doing James removing all the Saints streamlining the sacraments next thing you know we'll have drive in confession that's me your access if I have sinned since my last confession two weeks ago I have been troubled by anger and despair tell me what is the cause a certain person a man a man is it possible for you to avoid him I doubt it you see he's my superior although he calls himself my servant I'm required to follow his orders and why is that State Bar that is a problem may I ask who is he you bring upon you your excellency you're the cause of my anger you're the one who's driven me to despair you refuse to confirm my classic see dis adores is the mystery guest miss McGee yes as I explained to sister Judy I'll confirm your kids but only when they come to me and request it your predecessor the late bishops will I am NOT my predecessor miss McGee and my decision stands with a you a prophet or not how do you have anything else to confess no well i absolve you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit going people if my students wish to be confirmed where and when may they get in touch with you at my house at any time goodbye miss McGee one heart too close stop please three spades you must have quite a hand ik sorry to interrupt your excellency but there's someone here to see you didn't you tell them that I'm occupy yes I did aren't you excuse me your excellency no please son that's that's medieval I told ya son what's the problem your excellency my name is Roger a Justin and I wish to be confirmed what no you said anytime as long as you're asked that's a direct quote I'm sorry miss McGee you've you've caught me at a bad time you see you know I'm trying to convince members of the parish council here to ante up more money for the restoration have the boy call me in the morning and we'll make an appointment now if you'll excuse me miss McGee I'd like to get back to my game three spades is there anything else miss McGee as a matter of fact your excellency there is [Music] alright miss McGee I'll see that they receive a full and complete proper confirmation now mrs. curry my investments please looks like I'm the dummy miss McGee see you tomorrow morning communion breakfast thank you good night miss McGee and I come in Miss Piggy got me if only more people had your spiritual zeal I wouldn't bit spades with a hand like that I say miss bikini you certainly live up to your reputation likewise your excellency call me dick you'll have to forgive me but I wasn't brought up to call bishops by their nicknames how about Richard I'll stick the bishop if you don't mind sister Judy tells me that you're planning to retire at the end of the school year yes I've decided that it's time to lose you I have the feeling that we could be great friends well I'd rather that you remained my spiritual leader now if you'll excuse me our children are waiting I salute you Agatha standing up to the bishop you are indeed a woman of singular courage but being a singular spirit I wonder are you never lonely I myself have had only three true friends in my life an old schoolmaster named Haggerty in my early days of teaching a fisherman called Langtry who was more at home in the pubs than on the water and a schoolteacher in Minnesota who was perhaps the truest friend or how lucky I am to have you love James [Music] love James [Music] [Laughter] [Music] ten days in Ireland the algorithm doesn't it sound exciting I already told you I'm not going but it'll be fun we've never been on a trip together well traveling around with a busload of biddies doesn't exactly get my adrenaline pumping come on Liam I don't want to be late for my own surprise party you know Oh Lily and I've been living in this town my entire life I'd be an idiot for everyone who has ever been in her class looking around the room I'd say that's almost everyone here mrs. McGee is st. isidorus by her hard work and dedication she has inspired over 1,200 students to new horizons so it's only fitting that in honor of her retirement we do the same for her it's a first-class ticket on the church's pilgrimage to Ireland [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dear James what would you say if I told you that we were finally going to meet you see it seems I'm finally coming to Ireland [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we got a sweet voice there Randy doesn't he know Oh this afternoon singing by the DuPont's this afternoon where were you at work I was gonna tell you I left my job you left your job why did you do that I just said I didn't meet my damn sales core then you didn't leave you were fired what fired who cares what's selling water softeners meaning the larger context of life in the game is right what do you always bring her up what's she been saying about me now but you don't know what you want that you've got no Drive no initiative well she hasn't see me making love you Randy how are we gonna get married if you can't even afford to move out of your parents house give him other jobs nobody left to hire you [Music] look maybe it's too soon maybe you're not ready yet my damn got that oh this is all her fault why do you listen to her anyway I all miss me a lot she took me in when I had Steven she got me a job at Saint is it oh yeah and you've been doing whatever she tells you ever says what does she know about love I bet she didn't even had a man make loved one what man would want to be going dude she says and then maybe one day you'll end up like her you know running other people's lives because you don't have one of your own [Music] you gave him his ring back I already have a child miss McGee but I want now as a husband someone to look out for Steven and weak sit still come on Brandon Mears was never good enough for you I always thought that he's had every opportunity in the world and what has he done with it nothing we'll find the right man and I thought I had miss McGee I thought my life no no no no let's not have any of that I'm sorry mr. McGee but who is gonna want to marry me I've got no money no name your son without a father Janet don't underestimate yourself you turned into a fine young woman with common sense and responsibility you know I haven't been on a trip since such of the 8th graders to Washington DC in 1972 I envy you miss McGee going to Ireland even if it is with the bishop and mrs. kite how would you like to come along to Ireland never do you good can't afford it but I can I just traded in my first class ticket for two tourists but it's your retirement gift well then I can do what I'm like but what about Steven I mean I can't just leave him even with your father and sisters every day when you go to work I'm sure they'd be more than then write it from the past room for you besides it's only for ten days ten days I've never even been gone overnight then it's time you got out of Stanford it's time we boasted I wish you'd change your mind I never told you all run away Lillian I'm going on ahead to Dublin to trace my family tree tracing their family tree won't take 10 whole days it's a very extensive family you'd see a lot more of Ireland if you went with the group well to be honest yeah what I need more in my life right now that I can find in a group well don't think too much here oh hello Janet yes okay we having fun oh it's just wonderful your excellency now please please ladies none of this formality just just call me dick could you stand a little to one side dick you're blocking the screen sorry Lillian I see miss McGee is asleep I was hoping I could convince her to come with us yeah well I've already tried she could be playing bullheaded sometimes well next stop island pleasant dreams mr. McGee I get that mm-hmm Bishop checks well I suppose we should be grateful that he didn't come dressed as a leprechaun you cannot even imagine my astonishment when I read that you were coming after all these years to Ireland I hope we have the opportunity of spending some time together sometime excuse me Oh Stephen he's finally awoke everybody home but now I want you to take your mind off things back home and have a good time [Music] I'll see you Dublin in three days I know you can survive until then now off you go take care and take out your raincoat now they stank of the Irish weather changes from minute gone my way Miss Piggy well I thought you were on the bus your excellency no I'm trying to get head to dumpling did I get you a live no thank you I've already plan to rent a car but there's no sense both of his friend it gets hard to drive to the same place for what have you getting lost do you have a flat tire well then I will ask for assistance I don't suppose that you're accustomed to driving on the left fortunately I still have the capacity to learn miss Becky it's been a long trip you must be as tired as I am and frankly I could use some help than reading these things darn maps I can never make head or tail out of it tell me your excellency why aren't you with the group I mean mr. garbage brochure made it look as if you were the leader count hell I am but first I have a little big game on announcer so much more endangered species than that priests seem to be fewer and fewer of them every year you know I'm trying to bike a couple for our parishes back well then you might try dressing as a bishop rather than a Torres no no it's easier to get around this way see the faith is very strong here in Ireland people tend to confuse bishops with Saints that would be a mistake as much as I try to picture it in my mind it always amazes me when I actually see it I find a spot like this I just wanna burst out in the song let me up bid me I'll stings and blankets no more on the duct I'll be seen just tell me old shipmates uptake of the trip mates I'll see you someday that Fiddler's Green care to join me miss McGee well let's not add to Ireland's troubles we really should continue I I want to get to Dublin before nightfall miss MIDI I have something to confess a bishop confessing to me well there was method to the madness of asking he would drive with me as you know many of our parochial schools back home have been closed well you've destroyed six of them yourself destroyed is hardly the worry I'm sorry you feel that way but the cost of keeping those schools open is exorbitant but education is not a financially I don't believe they'll continue to serve the same purpose that they want you telling me that I devoted my life to Allah hardly your contribution the saint is indoors has been invaluable you'll be remembered long after it's gone you mean Saint is adores is next on your hit list in two years you're a bishop how can you strip your churches and close your schools one door closes another one okay yes thank goodness I got out of that door before you slammed it in my face mr. Glee as you know sister Judy is leaving she's going to assist father spin who's getting on one who was going to take her place as principal well are you planning to do away with that position altogether no no I have a replacement in mind someone who knows all of the ropes someone who knows st. Isidore is better than say to support himself oh don't look at me I retired remember you were there blowing your horn well you could always make a comeback oh no I won't be your lame-duck principal last person left in the halls going from room to room making sure that the lights are out and the blinds are down at cetera et cetera no I have other plans for my retirement thank you and they don't include presiding over the demise of st. Isidore [Music] well here we are hope the trip wasn't to our roses oh not for the most part now I'm off to the seminary for a couple of days when you think about what we discussed I already told you I've made up my mind but good luck with your hunting bring it back alive [Music] now then James what do you think of this what me neither I'm going out to dinner not to a teacher's conference hello oh yes yes I'll be right down thank you very much Agatha [Music] at last yes teens at last [Music] another bad bus ride for body bags you don't mind the stops and starts I have my own special seat in the back of the upper deck I can look out above the dust and the grime and for a few minutes feel like God in His heaven and now what are you finding so interesting your voice so many times I've tried to imagine it if you only knew how many times that longed to hear yours as well to see your face before me in person not just in a photograph then you're not sorry that I came sorry but after your last letter I was a bit concerned that perhaps yeah shouldn't even tell ya oh please go on I'm afraid you'll think I'm foolish James but I thought I sensed a certain reticence well I must admit I was surprised at first to hear of your coming we are a shout the world travelers you Americans are and of course after so many years of anticipation one can't help having certain expectations I hope I haven't disappointed you you more than surpassed any hopes I might have had thank you James oh don't thank me I only hope I don't prove to be a disappointment to you that's for the lister and card for the missus thank you enjoy your food I guess we do look like an old married couple definitely help us on the ones I've seen they usually sit there staring down at them staring down at that place it's changing barely a word except pass the salt oh it's the same back in stagger foot all around marriage is a crumbling like fruitcake husbands and wives united in the eyes of the church but aside from that they are strangers to each other their entire lives so many people have difficulty knowing what's in each other's hearts but not us James you and I are kindred spirits it's all being Irish you know there's always a bond between Irish heart tell me Agatha why didn't the woman such as yourself ever where'd was it principle or circumstance Oh circumstance I suppose well I had the opportunity I didn't have the need and when I have to need I didn't have the opportunity what about you James circumstances where you might say no circumstance just gonna haul this chain [Music] but you must be really traveling all the way from Minnesota with your nemesis official you know he's one of those people you could almost like if it weren't for his beliefs what you need is a good night's rest I'll come by tomorrow and give you a proper tour of the city what about Jay ten o'clock oh and would be perfect and thank you for a lovely evening news oh right yes well I suppose I've got to be getting my bus back to ballet bags or points in between [Music] this is a statue of an Olivia known affectionately in Dublin as the floozy in the jacuzzi [Music] it's not a one biographer what is it about royal that people like so much I've never understood it Oh surely you see it life everywhere oh not as I know it it's soaked chaotic and unpredictable but exactly are you can't be frightening but it's also it's also trilling I prefer tranquility and order as I tell my students everything in nature has its proper place its proper face yes and one of my do I get there what's yours oh I wish I knew I hope that by coming here I might gain some new perspective when did God would take his brush and do for us what these painters have done but it's enough proper plate and in the best possible light of taking you away from your class isn't your students how could you be a burden nothing my life has given me so much joy than knowing that you're a part of it haha so is he gonna be tomorrow more Antiquities or the single oh whatever you like well I think we might take a train down to Darla Larry does magnificent here there that stretches way out into this thing Oh lovely well then Dudley races miss the game Oh Janice what are you doing here you weren't due till Sunday I uh I left the tour early mrs. Chi wanted us to be together every minute I saw more of her than I am then I did of Ireland Janet this is James Oh happened Jackie mrs. Janet raft am i right and how's young Stevie it's just past this for tiara I'm not mistaken Oh on congratulations please accept my congratulations our engagement to a Tamia's boy he's your boyfriend of course he's not don't be ridiculous I can't believe it James Oh Hannon is your boyfriend stop saying that he's 65 all right he's your man friend I'll miss picking up I'm so happy for you I just think it's a wonderful here we are miss oh thank you very much could you just leave the bag inside thank you where did you meet him yesterday that was fast well actually we saw each other for the first time yesterday but we've been corresponding three years come on in I suppose you could say that you put a letter to the editor of the fortress about five years ago that caught my eye condemning the reason for changes in the church he said exactly what was in my heart so I wrote to the address that he gave Valley banks County Wicklow Ireland I wondered if he would ever find him but shortly after a letter arrived in a grey envelope and then another I'm sorry but sharing our thoughts our feelings in our lives would you like a glass of water sure so that's how I know about Steven and Randy and me huh what does he do he's a future just like you and he's so handsome is McCabe is you what you know detective actually no wonder you wanted to come on straight to Dublin does anybody else know not a soul not even mrs. clay especially not mrs. kite she says you tell her everything come on she tells everybody else well don't worry your secret's safe with me no it's so romantic oh yeah but you're in love aren't you no certainly not James and I are correspondents we're friends it's not when I saw when he looked at you well what what did you see miss McGee you may know a lot of stuff more than anybody else I know but this is one area that I know something about trust me James Oh Hannah is in love with you [Music] over there is the Montello tower of Joyce's Ulysses you pull of the land run to the north you got the hose head and beyond that the Wicklow hero oh I'm told they're very beautiful people their dreams tomorrow at the next day I'm afraid not I have other things to attend to friend of mine died in this Harbor tamer Desmond without sailing on Sunday overdid it and drown did he have any family he was a priest of no death affected me more than my sister's merriment yeah it's been grim going home since then my brother Matt starting the pub go down it's not as cozy as it was when she and my mother ran it I still make the journey back when I want to remember how it felt having the presence of a woman and you know this wind in in the name begins there is yes it arrives on the word gear Thor or wind the wind that brought you here James you know what I'd like to do most while I'm here is to go there with you to Bali banks I've seen it through your letters and I've imagined it myself so many times we could go to church could share Mass together what is it James what's the matter I'm sorry to have to tell you this I got every but B we won't be able to see each other again [Music] James please tell me what's wrong something's come up a sort of crisis a crisis is it your teaching your workload was it your family is your brother mad not well nor it's nothing like that well then I mean you write it to me in a network unless it's different we always tell each other everything we always have well maybe someday I will with an hour let me just say how very much you mean to me [Music] but time is James picking you up oh he's not I'm going to meet him as a matter of fact there's a bus that leaves Aston key at 9:30 that gets into Valley bakes at 10:40 in time for the late mass the one that he prefers with quiet that'll be nice stack a foot without going to church with him not after all this time goodbye oh you okay there and finish your breakfast bye early paying six to [Music] [Music] excuse me Bridget's church what the hill to the skate leading up to the Glen it's on the left and say a prayer for me down thank you very much [Music] pardon me would you happen to know my James [Music] [Music] the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit [Music] but the Lord be with you [Music] [Applause] 1 why have you done this to me I've served and defended you I've given you my entire life how could you bring me ah to be here she arrived three days ago we want you all to register and have your passports ready I'm sorry madam she just checked out his is something the matter earlier Oh dick he says that Agatha's checked out Jan something off always happen Agatha's disappeared disappeared she checked out you haven't been in touch with her have you that's it this morning well the desk clerk said she was beside herself I wonder if it has something to do something to do with what I can't say it's secret Agatha and I don't have seen things excuse me Bishop I sent it to a dear friend I know who runs and it will be in being Rosella called salt-of-the-earth Oh Janet why don't you go and have a talk with her you know I'll just make sure she's safe and solid she knows what she's doing just like he always knows much I know it was a mistake for her to go off on her own she should have come with us to Waterford and had lobster she's barely just arrived she couldn't stand the noise no concentrate so I sent her straight home in here no dear Hank died good guess her oh I just needed to be alone that's all I was gonna call you when I got settled what happened of his James I've decided not to see him again why not doesn't take the cheezer's thank you it's not my type I thought he was everything you ever dreamed of oh he could be a few inches taller but you have so much in common you both love the church you're both teachers well now let me tell you what kind of teaching he does is a very special kind of teaching from the pulpit he's a priest I didn't know he was a priest you never mentioned anything mr. McKee you didn't know either did you I'm sorry I thought we were kindred spirits that our hearts were one at least that's what he led me to believe but he's a liar our whole relationship was a lie well I won't tolerate liars whatever the cloth they wear when I get home I'm gonna burn all his letters yeah I wasted enough time I intend to get on with my trip mrs. Coyle said that this - impressive promenade quite nearby oh listen to this the visitor is greeted by the sound of welcoming seagulls overhead while on the sun-drenched horizon fishing boats barber top white caps like half shells of walnuts suspended on strings to be a sight not to be missed janet is that you where are you is something wrong it's 2 o'clock in the morning I was just wondering how you are you know what you what you're up to well let's see yeah I went up to your dad's phone today to see Stephen yeah yeah I took him for ride in the car you know we put in some tapes we sang along did you miss me oh oh hey guess what I've got myself a new job selling real estate for my father he's let me show the Vaughan place on River Street it's listed for 70,000 think of my commission will be if I sell it that's great but you know don't get your hopes up too high well you know how you get when things don't work out the way you want them to first you lose interest and then you quit thanks for the load of confidence you still don't have any faith in me do you I didn't say that what do you have to bring her into it for I'm not you're usually the one who does look I didn't come all this way just to get into a fight what if you can't figure that out you're even more hopeless than Miss McKee says you are goodbye Randy Thank You Jenna I'm sorry to disturb you but I was concerned about mr. McGee did you see it she's pretty upset all right hmm did you say one please your excellency don't make me tell you she'd die if anybody's on it I'm not asking is the bishop or is the tour later all right I'm asking you as a friend I care about miss McGee as much as you do if she's in some kind of trouble I I want to know so I can help her come on in there's this man that she's been writing to for a few years now sort of like pen pals but more serious how serious she fell in love Miss Piggy is that so hard to believe she came all this way just to see him but it didn't work out he doesn't love her oh he loves her all right at least I think he does see he's just not available you mean he's married you could say that to the church he's a priest a Catholic priest who is this man Janet I want to know it's important that you tell me his name is James Oh Hannon reven he lives in some town called Bally bags darling well it seems st. Patrick didn't chase all of the snakes out of Ireland [Music] [Music] father Oh Hannon I am your excellency Bishop Baker Diocese of Barrington Minnesota Jack huh how's the trombone you still are playing with that band every Thursday isn't it that's right however I haven't come here to discuss myself father oh no no of course not - please he's gonna come in so we're so agatha SP i told you about me huh actually it's the young woman who's traveling with us Oh that'll be janice and seem to know all about us Oh Agatha keeps me informed about the goings-on in stagger the team sit down Otis yes look II got to know a great deal about each other Agatha and I then you should also know that she's very upset of course you may say this is none of my business you may be right but the fact is the fact is that I'm a priest and I didn't tell her you're like a whiskey nobody tell me Bishop if ever you ever wanted to know a woman not as a priest but as a man I suppose that's natural on us but we decide against it when were ordained don't we I'm talking about the desires of the flesh I'm talking about the desire to understand the woman to show and soul with her I mean that's innocent enough isn't it why not why shouldn't we have women friends I encourage it in my priests but then why hide the fact oh they are holding a discretionary life and in less than two days she has a bishop after me it's more than an indiscretion father it is years of concealing your identity I begged a different with you your excellency never in my life have I revealed so much of my identity as I did to Agatha I've told her a thousand things I never told anyone else all except the most pertinent of all that you are a priest one fact withheld out of a thousand but that is the most important fact perhaps perhaps not now excuse me I got my cooking to attend to I'll come back later Fu diva now you'll join me that's what you do I'll put another stake on the cooker I'm not very hungry me but you can what you can't eat me oh come on wish you become dreams on an empty stomach do your own cooking then such as a taste I'm a housekeeping as well baby would you care for a few mushrooms I fixing itself this morning for the forest grove near here which is a grand place for mushrooms I'll skip the mushrooms thank you you've no faith in my ability think the good ones from the poison vines right one one can't be too careful no no thank you look here I'm gonna make a mushroom eater of your yes any will return rather devil I hear oh there yeah I see here Bishop this is a proof I'm gonna feed some mushrooms to Lady Wellington and see if she survived come on the verdicts in she lives Wow missed your tour of Ireland is it a happy one overall I trust over didn't snot it up for you Cheers it's not myself I'm concerned about you still don't explain why you set the sort of letters you did to mr. Magee they're trying looking at it from my side if you will I mean how well do you know our I'm dick this is my first visit at all there's no idea of the clergy stroll here when you probably saw it yourself coming through town I think but worshipful smiles and admiration which is fine if you're a prince but I'm a man the man was no friend Agatha was the closest when I had even though she was ten thousand miles away and if you were so close why did you define your situation and tried to dozens of times but I'd always tear up my attempt afraid that if you knew it would destroy everything that I'd become a sort of walking icon to her like I am to everyone else I wouldn't be so sure so wouldn't you have you persuaded yet to call you by a proper name instead of your ex oh let's see you know as well as I do Agatha takes a religion straight up I wonder if that's how Randi and I would have looked one day it's a long long time to look like that so where you off to today oh I don't have any plans really well you didn't come all this way to hold my hand I don't mind it makes me less homesick for Steven and my dad my sisters and for Andy did you know that there was wind in the day Maggie you know James told me that no there's no point talking about him anymore I'm really looking forward to my retirement I've got a stack of books up and we need to get to Italy my vegetable garden is in desperate need of attention oh and then there's the retired teachers association you know Lillian's been after me for years to join the stagger foot senior citizens group I suppose I'll be there with her Thursday nights playing bingo and listening to them bragging about their grandchildren mr. Warner who owns the hardware store yeah what made you think of him oh nothing he proposed to me in 1944 of course in those days his father owned the store I turned him down he didn't love him over on the contrary I loved him madly as only a 19 year old can he was quite a sight to behold I leave from the Army as uniform like Gary Cooper why didn't you say yes I was the daughter of a prominent attorney in this father owned a hardware store I thought that I had high aspirations of being the wife of a man who weighed nails and measured barbed wire I was I to know that no one would ever ask me again things I've really gotta hand it to you those mushrooms were delicious but as we say the States you really know how to pickle down all this way only to discover the man she's given her heart it was not only a priest but a common liar suppose oh my god James the cat the cat is dead [Music] it's the mushrooms I know we shouldn't have eaten those mushrooms James we've been poisoned James you hear me we've got to we've got to find a doctor fast it's the mushrooms yeah yes it is possible where's the nearest hospital hospital yes hospital we've got to get to a hospital there a hospital in Bali banks and Phineas st. Phineas yeah how do you get there where do you go girlfriend Oh feel the poison already I've been taking mushrooms of that Facebook buddy hope they could save us [Music] trap someone waiting for you [Music] the buyers and sellers their 9000 apart that's not a lot for a house in this price range so I get on the phone with a pipe I get him to come up with his office 4000 no one else saw the seller uh-huh we got who come down for that but that still leaves the facet I know so I need these guys with budge so in order to close this thing I keep it a thousand for my commission then I spend the rest on the round trip ticket to come see you and what do you think I should have done thanks you situate your own apartment or make a down payment on a decent car or just put it in the bank and let it collect interest I've come to see you is more important we're gonna be home in a couple of days put it your way no look if you did this to impress me so I'd marry you then you've wasted your money because it only proves how immature and irresponsible you are you know you're getting real good at it good at what sounding like thorough livvie right you know it was a dumb thing to do but how many times to get the show the person you love just how much you really love them [Music] [Music] not often [Music] that's fine good sorry to do it this way Jim but it's no point in purging you when you're drunk you might choke in your own vomit Oh of everything I've ever eaten in my entire life you'll be mind now your excellency how's father Oh Hannah well he'll be back though it is something quite right about all this I've known James I had a normal life and he's not a drinker if I might have one too many non again like the rest of us but you never see him this way something upsetting I think so yes that explains it you know as as mushroom as better than anybody in the county I've had them myself they're delicious don't blame yourself James it could happen to anyone I still don't see how it's possible now don't speak the doctor said not to speak if it hurts my throat that's causing me pain oh we're gonna be in Dublin for three more days why don't you run into those fear I confess my sin of omission oh it's not a confession you over games you owe her a full explanation I owe a great deal more after all she's given me but I got this proud and stubborn same as I am it's the Irish on us she's not about to dismiss a grievance lightly why don't you do it for your sake as well as for hers but you care to come in and warm yourself up with a little tea no no I've got to get back I was supposed to have dinner with the tour all right but I expect my stomach will heal itself quicker than my heart goodbye dick goodbye James oh and thanks for the lunch [Music] [Music] [Music] James Joyce always thought of the River Liffey there's a woman then she must know how I feel I'm sorry if it hasn't been a happy trip for you miss McGee I'm a but I didn't care if I ever saw it again all I can think about now is going back is it because of father Oh Hannah did you know about him Janet don't blame her when you left the hotel so suddenly I pulled rank I commanded me I abhor what you've done to the church what you're planning to do to food is about church matters aside I still consider you a friend a dear friend and I'm damned that I've got to let anybody take advantage well you'll forgive me for saying so but you'll be damned for a lot before that perhaps but when I learned that you had been deceived I died by a priest no less I felt it was my duty to intervene I was even a prepared to let him have it hello it's not godly way but after I met him and then I mean it's quite a memorable experience well spare me the boat my girls McGee he is a good man and he is extremely distressed by the pain he's caused once so he should be yeah he said you'd say that you know he knows me very well he said that there's no point in discussing it any further miss McGee aren't you being a little harsh after all you would have shared which I never would have done had I known that he it was a priest that's exactly why he didn't tell you miss McGee are you really going to expel James Ohana because he failed one test what are you asking me to do now give up my belief in right and wrong is this the next modernization of church teaching what I would I can't because if I give that up I'll have nothing left [Music] miss McGee you'll never guess who's here miss McGee hello mr. Mears but aren't you surprised to Sam at this point I doubt that anything would surprise me although I will say that your presence here is very unexpected can you believe that Randy spent his entire canoe well almost his entire commission just to come here to see me you won't have much time to see the sights then we'll just have to come back for our honeymoon good night then ah miss beguine there was a priest here earlier this evening looking for you if father Oh Hanan stops by again would you kindly tell him that I'm not in oh maybe he came to apologize well then he's five years too late miss McGee you know you're not being very fair many weren't very nice to Randy just well if you ask me what he did was impetuous bothering on down right well no one has asked you and you've got no right calling Randy a phony lower your voice when you address me I'm not surprised that you were taken in by something grandstanding gesture anyways you're very young that's always been your nature to get credit then where did you and yours has always been to give less even in school when the grade was on the line you always gave the lower one to make you work harder would you rather have had it easier I wasn't thinking of me I was thinking of you always expecting so much you're bound to be disappointed well I can't help it it's my nature well I'm glad it's not mine because nobody's perfect miss McGee not me not Randy not father I'll Hannah and not even you look if you don't mind I've had a very exhausting day you know you used to teach us in class that God was love and that we should try to be like him well if God can be forgiving them why can't you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] may I help you I'm looking for father or hammer mother her name isn't here I'm afraid or do you know where I might find him that's what we'd all like to know he hasn't done massive confessions for two days well he must have told someone where he was going not a word seems though he's disappeared disappeared [Music] you stiffen down on that stool Cuddy or am I getting taller I go get out of that here's your teeth and Jim thanks buddy you sure you wouldn't like something stronger drop a whiskey maker I've had enough whiskey in the last few days to pickle a weaker man no the deal will be fine come on Jim what is it you've been sitting here for two days now I said here talk doomsday if I like or at least as long as it says Oh Hannah above the door and now if you'll excuse me I really would like to be left alone Greta Garbo you've got mother's Pig headedness that's for sure well after all these years I finally got to Oh Hammonds up I guess I how did you find your way to done bridge well one thing teachers know is how to read a bus schedule that Mia yes Matty but who told you I was here you did you told me yourself that this is where you come when you need to find some solace oh and this must be your your baby brother Matt you look so much alike how's your rheumatism at there knocking up a little but this is say this is mr. McGee Matty from America hello hello Joe would you care for some tea yeah I guess a some stout I think well now don't look at me like that you don't know everything about me you know no I do let my hair down once in a while even if it's just to wash it well you have the lady my dear assed out right away so James I hear you've met by nemesis a bishop tell me what did you think of him but as you said he's a hard man not to like yeah he felt the same way about you I guess right I've so much to say to you I know James if it was a letter I could pour my heart out there's no stopping me when I get a pen in my hand they're looking at you sitting there now with all that pain in your eyes pain that I put there better no words to express how sorry I am for being father Rohan if I'm not telling you see if oh thank you man if only was some way I could make you understand that it bit all sound like the sorry excuses of some pitiful old man I won't deny that I'm disappointed what that I'm very hurt believe I've ever been so hurt by anyone in my life why didn't you tell me I meant to at first you must believe that but when your letters started arriving like they did from out of the blue invading my solitude I felt reborn resurrected how could I risk losing but I longed for I mean at last someone I could open up to someone who could see me for who I truly am NOT just father or Hannon but dear James but you're not dear James yes I am I'll always be dear James to you but it will only be alive it would be a lie if I were to deny it you see I love you Agatha strike me down for blasphemy and banish me to hell but it's true and you which from your penmanship clean line the elegant loops and you would drum every tip bit you'd share with me about stagger foot you'd make me chuckle and me yearn to be there I knew it when I first saw you here a splendid a woman as I could have imagined chickens are you crying no my tickets her self pity that's bull I've been a priest too long to know people only cry over what they've lost and I'm her except I'm crying over what we had and what I no longer deserve [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh James I understand how much our letters meant to you but they meant as much to me it didn't matter that my life was as cold as a Minnesota winter because he were always there to come home to to cheer and comfort me to give my heart a little kick remind me that I wasn't alone your letters were the only thing that ever came up to my expectations you made me feel loved it's not the sort of love you dreamed of well the sort of love I would have wanted to give you what my life had been different but it's yours Agatha that is if you still want it I never thought it would be like this is what I've done a sin I can't answer that James only your conscience knows your sins but over the last five years I've begun to think of you as my conscience oh lord help us do you think you can ever forgive me while forgiving has never been one of my skills never been very good at it [Music] body of Christ budget crime buddy is great body of Christ [Music] xxx great don't sleep don't sleep fall asleep immediately when you get home looks like liliane got what you came for uh-huh I wish I could do that on a plinth it's always sad to leave hmm but nice to get home hmm I look forward to getting back to my old routine my my old shoes so how was your hunting expedition did you manage them they're getting young seminarian I'm afraid they were all spoken for now I'm sure a priest and a principal well I might be able to help you out on one count hmm I've been thinking about your offer still stand of course it but I want you to understand one thing I love st. Isidore so it's housed my children for over 40 years and I will oppose your closing at every step of the way I'd be disappointed if you didn't by the way I have a message for you from father Oh Helen I don't understand it at all but he said that you would lady Willington gave birth to six kittens I have the Rings TV with this ring I wit with this ring I went in the name of the father father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen amen [Music] what God hath joined together let no man put asunder alright alright I'm willing to compromise those students who wish to attend Mass May but those who don't may be excused that's an elective of qui don't we make believing in God an elective those who do May and those who don't may be excused you're oversimplifying the whole thing yes we'll continue to be part of the curriculum of st. as the doors as long as I'm principal here and I expect to remain a long time now unless you have something else to say I suggest only to say how lovely you look making my life miserable must agree with you get out of my office dear James I just had my weekly run-in with Bishop Baker I'm pleased to report Saint Isidore is still standing do you know that brutal that you're so fond of the one we looked at together I just came across it at an art textbook for our art history class and you know for the first time I can see what excited you as you said it's full of life [Music] there's a chill in the air winters on the way but I don't mind I like to see an old season making way for the new thanks speaking of new did I mention I'm going to be a godmother again Janet and Randy are expecting soon I'll have another child along with my 1200 others write and tell me your news James did you manage to raise enough money to repair the rectory roof I look forward to hearing from you with love Agatha [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Funone Forever
Views: 985,341
Rating: 4.752984 out of 5
Id: ZZyQF8N9uYk
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Length: 122min 49sec (7369 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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