The Lost Virtue Of Hatred

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to love a thing is to hate its opposite I love the innocence and purity of children therefore I utterly hate pedophilia I love my wife and therefore I hate to see her mistreated for far too long the Evangelical chrisan has been told that he may not hate anything we are trained to not love as we ought because we are trained to never hate if the Christian has a passionate love for the truth of God's word the good goodness of God's justice and the beauty of Holiness he will necessarily have an intense hatred of the lies in Justice and sin so in this episode we're talking about The Godly virtue of hatred yes we need to restore that we have to be able to actually hate those things which God hates and in our current Evangelical system and our certainly our current Pagan cultural system hatred is off the table it's not something that is permitted what do you guys think well I mean I think that hatred is promoted a lot in in trash world to be honest it's just there's certain things that you're allowed to hate that's right and and I think that a lot of times even in the church you're allowed to hate those things y um and you know there's so many examples that we could use but um it's it's not it's it's a misplaced uh virtue I think in the church in trash world yeah no that's a really good point you are absolutely not just uh permitted but you're expected you're expected to and if you don't um you know you're you're you're despised you know you're ridiculed you're you know you might be one of them kind of thing right you must hate racism um but you must not hate you must love feminism yeah right would be like an example right yeah yeah so we need to we need to recapture like hating the actual things that you should be hating I think is what the point is yeah yeah absolutely that's good yeah I think um so much of it is it isn't it isn't enough to you know to see these things in this world to see the um you know I mentioned and Joel read it in in the cold open in the book you know the especially the entertainment complex that that informs how everyone is supposed to think what they're what they're supposed to love and the things they're supposed to hate even though they never really use the word hate right it never gets called that right it's well I'm against this I think this is bad uh they're you're not allowed to use that word ever right um You can maybe get it out of them if you try hard enough but um but these things that that that form this this moral core of everything after you know the 1960s to now um that like you know you just grow up in and it's in the air you breathe and water you drink it's you get it by osmosis um you should hate that right you should hate all of it because so much of it in in many subtle very Insidious ways it is it is anti-christian it's it's it's the opposite of what God teaches in all these different ways whether we're talking like the Disney movies we watched as children or um all all the things that are available on Netflix and and everything else um that you don't even notice like you have to sit like sometimes um I'll I'll turn on a cartoon that I'm trying to see if like my kids can I let my kids watch this or not and and so much stuff is very subtle where it's it isn't it isn't stated overtly but it's expected that oh well we're going to just be taller of everyone and be nice and it's like I don't want my kids watching this know um but like I'm an adult and I can see this and I have like my radar up for it but if you just plop your kid in front of this and say all right go watch this stuff for the next 10 hours um they're they're going to um they're going to embibe all of this and internalize it without ever ever thinking about it um and and they're going to live in a culture where everybody thinks this way um everybody else thinks in the same way and so that entire system is something that you should hate right you not just like dislike I oppose it like no I hate that I hate that I think that's horrible I think it's evil um and and there's so many things that you should that we we've talked about in previous episodes that have been done to us and to our country and our culture you know the the economic expropriation that that has been done over Generations um and and and you just see it I mean you see like right now it's impossible for for young people to to buy a home um that didn't happen like people designed the world to be that way like you made it that way so people can't have families you should hate that you should became angry and we're told well you're not you know you're not allowed to hate hatred is very bad and if you hate things that means you're probably not a Christian right that's that that's horrible like get rid of that kind of thinking and that's I mean even in the previous episode like well men think that way it's like this is bad I hate it um but you're not allowed we've been feminized right we've been emasculated and we're we're told no you need to atro it like a like a a woman would and and think well that's not ideal for human flourishing and so you know like talk about it that way not this is evil this is bad it has to stop right and that's the key it's it's it's what you want to destroy is is is what you should be hating the object of your hatred right and so it's a good point you know you're right a lot of liberals won't use the word hate but they certainly try to destroy things right they are very hateful yeah oh absolutely and they try to destroy typically good things you know and so even if you which is a thing you should hate right they do exactly you know even if you're squeamish on using the word hate which you shouldn't be you should have objects and and systems and things that you're attempting to destroy yeah right right yeah you can't destroy it unless you hate it right so even at a personal level you know if it's sanctification like we're not called to you know sequester sin you know or like quarantine sin or manage sin you know like but we're called to mortify the flesh you know and make no Provisions for the flesh so like even battling sin at the level of uh omissions that can become sins of commission things that we you know the righteous things that we should do that we neglect um you know it's it's you know cutting it off Upstream but it's mortifying it's killing it's slaying uh the dragon within you know our own flesh our own uh sin but it's mortifying it's killing and then beyond that uh slaying you know dragons in the land so you know but with that like you have you have have to hate it um and you're right like I think in evangelicalism it's funny because like what I what I read for the co cold open what you wrote Andrew is U kind of saying like you're not allowed to hate uh but then ad immediately like you made a really good point because uh it's it's really just you know it's not weather but which everybody does hate so really maybe maybe the best way to kind of reconcile those two positions is you're not allowed to uh to to to use the word hate you're not allowed to say that you're hating something but you are yeah so you're not allowed to say it but you are allowed not only allowed but again like you're you're mandated to hate demand you to hate yeah so you're not allowed to say that use that language but you're mandated to hate but you have it's not whether but which what what do you hate and again the church you know the church just follows suit it's funny like the church I I feel like there um evangelicalism as a whole right now is more woke I I think than culture why because uh evangelicals are always five years behind right so like so culture there's already because evangelicals didn't win that war um uh the daily wire uh which is to our shame but the daily wire uh fought back more on wokeness uh than yeah Matt Walsh did that you know a single documentary you know that's right what do a woman exactly he did way better um so so anyways but but you know evangelicals are always you know catching up so right now the tide I feel like is turning in Pagan culture um against wokeness and evangelicals you know are always late to the party they're like oh we thought we were still doing wokeness sorry you know we'll get there when we can so all that being said my point my wokeness decorations up right exactly so all that being said my point is just to say that you know I think both are true uh one it's uh it's inevitable you're going to hate something it's not whether but which um the culture uh sets the tone for what you're allowed to hate uh and then evangelicals uh they're just a few years behind and they say yeah you need that thing that the culture hated you know five years ago we need you to hate that also but Andrew is right in the sense of but uh but we need to um we can't call it that we can't call it that need to change we can't say you know it needs to be a kind hatred it's it's amazing to me because the things that the culture you know shifts to and and changes to as far as what you're supposed to hate I can't believe that people are out there they don't see that it's all circling around everything good everything in the church that the church is going to be the object of hatred um mandated hatred at some point if things don't change that's the point of what they're well it already kind of is it already kind of is yeah yeah and and and you see that even with like wokeness um I mean I think back to you know to 2020 and the mostly peaceful summer of George and and like the the reaction that virtually every single Evangelical leader universally had was yeah racism is this huge problem we need to abolish whiteness and systemic oppression and all like they just aped all of this language never once stopping to think why are these people tearing down statues of Christopher Columbus why are they tearing down statues of Thomas Jefferson like these people hate our culture they hate our country they hate our entire Heritage that's what they want to eradicate they want to eradicate a place called America and no one would step up to say that because the spirit of the age was entirely against them and so you didn't have any prophets you didn't have anyone that is willing to stand up to a Lynch Mob uh and and a literal one in this case and and just say no you are you are wrong you need to be opposed um I love my country I love my country's history warts and all I don't want you to burn it all down and they refused to say that they just they went along for the ride with all of it and and hated the things that they were told you're allowed to hate this but they of course yeah they don't call it that allowed to hate and must hate yeah so you must hate racism but but one thing I I was thinking that like one thing you're you must love uh and evangelicals are the same way is feminism so like for me like one thing that I I noticed is that um you know everybody courage is a virtue or maybe it's the prerequisite for all virtues um but it's appreciated it's universally appreciated but it's always appreciated when it's in the past so people after fact right people love courage after the fact they love courage once it's once because courage is dangerous it's it's frightening so we love it once it's been safely you know separated from us by six feet of dirt so like we like courage in that regard um everybody says oh we love Charles Spurgeon you would have excommunicated him you know love Calvin you would have excommunicated John Knox for sure that guy you know jail right away you know so anyways the uh but but with that I think of like okay racism like part of the reason why you know Amazon is doing you know did a black square and stuff in 2020 all these like uh that's when you know a dragon is dead like like so if it ever was if it ever was a dragon and if it ever was really sinful and something that God hates in Terror terrorizing the land the way you know that it's uh have been so thoroughly slain um is when uh the worst the worst Bad actors in in your culture they're even uh scoring points by going and kicking the dead corpse of that Dragon you know laring as as Knights you know the Red Cross uh but when you want to know what's a living Dragon well it's it's easy it's the uh the dragon that that when you slash it with your sword it bites back yeah you know so like right now like say like racism is bad you know know and and see what happens you know but then say no one's going to disagree with right but then say say uh feminism is bad and the 19th amendment should be repealed yeah people will lose their minds uhhuh yeah so that's where you know where an idol is that's where you know oh that's a living dragon that requires not just um saluting the courage of the past the courage of our fathers uh but we actually need the sons of these former sers to Have Courage yeah in themselves and and that's one of the I mean that's one of the chapters you devoted a whole chapter in the book to was was feminism and I think I think it would be worth getting into a little bit just some of the the early you know but the earlier you know the roots of feminism because a lot of people think that feminism they think it's just the last 20 30 years yeah or something but it's old so it's very old yeah it it is and and it's those things where it just very progressively makes its way throughout a culture you know like leev through a loaf and and different conditions happen you know I mean the big one is um you the Industrial Revolution happens and now you start to have women working because it doesn't require as much physical strength as men um and then you know World War II is the the huge one where all of these women go to work in order to to fill the gap of all the men that are going off to war see that you know Rosie the river ah yeah we can do it uh and and they they begin entering the workplace from that point on and uh eventually uh there begins be legal protections right same time that there's a Civil Rights Act there are all these um all these non-discrimination laws to protect women in the workplace and things like that and it becomes codified where now you have to do this now now legally you can't not have feminism right you can't I couldn't start a company as saying I'm only hiring men right U because I want a I want a workplace that's just men where we can act like men well sorry you will be uh you will be fined and and sued and everything else if you if you do that um it's it's legally mandated um so not only does it take courage um on like the legal front but also like once it's legally mandated a culture begins to internalize that and think of it as a positive good and and so yeah it takes it takes a ton of courage to even speak even a little bit against it say maybe this isn't so good to have this way of life uh and people will lose their minds especially you know a lot of women I mean we talked about this in in the in previous episode um where all of the young women who you know just uh do what everybody always does they go to college and they go get their career and they think well I'll have kids eventually someday and then they get to their late 30s or to their 40s and they never get married and have kids and they are massively regretful of this they the biological clock has run out and and they've been lied to right they've been lied to by this whole system and it actually greatly harms people uh but if you confront it that same woman in her 40s when she's 23 will will despise you and hate you and want you dead and want you Bann from the internet and and and everything and and so yeah it takes it takes courage to confront things that are not good and and nobody wants to have that like you said they they want to we want to um you know keep maintain tombs of the prophets but we don't want to do the kind of things that they did right and yeah if you brought back John Calvin or John Knox from the dead and brought them to trash world today like how what would they think of it right what would they think about our way of life here today in in in current year and and they would be appalled by by how we live and how and more than anything else how our churches that claim their name and their mantle refus to say anything about it we are terrified to say anything about it um and we they would they would hate it right they would hate it and and they would be filled with this righteous Fury against it and and so that's that's the kind of thing that we have to recapture all right I'm just going to say it this show is fantastic you know it's fantastic I know it's fantastic but I'm willing to admit there is one singular problem the waiting zone right you got to wait a whole week for each new episode of this show to drop on Fridays at 400 p.m Central Time unless you go on over to SLR resonse Ministries and then you'll be able to binge watch every single episode of an entire season all in one day so this is a season-based show right the whole idea is a deep dive on One Singular topic so that you know everything there is to know each season comes out in a quarter right so a three-month period anywhere from probably 8 to 12 episodes in a season and the moment that the first episode of a new season drops to the public then you can go over to reson Ministries and watch all of those episodes without having to wait week by week by week for the next episode to publicly drop so you know what to do don't waste any more time binge watch the whole season today yep what do you think are ad like what are some of the ways that you think the church like and I'm talking about reform I'm not talking about joelin you know TD Jak but like reformed churches have embraced feminism some of the ways huh yeah I mean honestly we we we were talking a little bit about this in the last episode you know I I think that the aesthetic and the style and all of this is very geared towards women um and some of it is probably out of self-preservation but um it's definitely an intentional style I mean there's no reason that a pastor needs to speak in these hushed kind of soft tones and and things like that there's no reason for it you know outside of you know they marketing to that right um I think too even even some of the issues that they choose to talk about or not talk about a lot of that is is geared towards you know uh appealing to the feminine side of their congregation right um so there's there's that stuff obviously there's the obvious stuff like you know women in leadership and and things like that there's all kinds of egalitarian you know influences there you know even if it's not official and you have you know because you get these some Churches like oh you know we we're you know we're complimentaries so we understand that the the Pastor needs to be a man and then they have the director of evangelism that's a woman or the director of whatever the entire staff is women and then right p a man yeah so I mean there's there's there's obvious ways like that too um but I mean that's that's one of those things that's just it's it's it's pervasive it's everywhere I mean how many things could you talk about right you know with with that did you guys read uh there was a book um I think it's called impotent church it's on the Canon website it came out recently I forget the guy's name he's I'm pretty sure he's Roman Catholic but uh it talked about like tracing certain roots of feminism and he traced it way back like I thought you know he'd go back to you know Temperance and prohibition and suffrage and those kind of things you know oh dude he so he went back to the Catholic Church which I I love it you know like I'm like yeah get him you know but uh but anyways Anthony Elin is that who wrote it might be yeah that might be his name yeah but anyways he uh you know he talked about how uh the infatuation with Mary so he said that like as Rome started to make you know Elevate you know when Jesus slowly but surely suddenly U stopped being the example uh that the Christian should emulate and it shifted from uh from looking like be like Jesus you know what would Jesus do to you know what would Mary do um because what what happened was um you know Jesus just became too holy uh Mary's more approachable uh it's it's a more feasible goal and and uh and then also this idea that the church is the bride of Christ mhm um or the church is is a mother you know um and so it started it's it shifted to where're like we need to emulate Mary and so in that in emulating Mary it's like well what did Mary do that was so good like what what did she do that's so virtuous and worthy of of imitation it's like well she receives the Lord um willingly receives the Lord gives birth uh she nurtures and so and then also I mean the Catholics you know um terrible I mean terribly oppressive tragic view of um you know like nuns can't marry and Priests can't marry you know and so then that's you have pedophilia and you have like all these different things because of this terribly unbiblical view well what happened is that like all these nuns because you told them um you can't have husbands and children and they're women you're telling all these women you can't have children you got to choose between Jesus and and children um and the ones who are virtuous enough to choose Jesus and and you know Gospel Coalition would be proud right they got rid of the idol of family um you know but like so a lot of them what they found was that um a lot of these nuns had um baby dolls cuz they would always as they they would wake up in the middle of night uh for you know to pray the rosary and do all these different you know rituals but they would most most of the time they would think of Christ um as the infant as the baby that they wish they had and so they would even have dolls these nuns would have uh dolls and even cribs in their room of a baby doll of Jesus and and you can read their uh journals and their prayers that they would write out about intimacy with the Son of God the baby Jesus you know uh that that I I awoke and had a vision that uh and the baby Jesus dog was crying and the Lord was crying for me to come to him and uh to seek him to receive him and to nurture with him to Nestle with him and like and I'm like I'm reading this I'm like dude this is so sad these are just women who want to be moms this has nothing to do with you know like you know so anyways but my point is that became it became emulating uh Mary rather than emulating Christ so all about receiving not about Jesus as king and Lord you know and so uh and then the church just when when it was filled with nuns with this kind of and then the priest they're appealing to the nuns it's just one dude and a herum of these women uh that he's associating with you know but but sex you know but it it is sexual in a spiritual sense but just not physical um and then that set the tone for all the people who wanted to be a part of the church like and so anyways he makes an ARG the men are are also supposed to emulate Mary too you know exactly the men are supposed to emulate Mary he made an argument saying that it really goes back all the way to like like you over a thousand years ago at least the 1200s so he didn't even he didn't even start with like the actual Enlightenment feminists Mary walstone craft no he just says that that like uh but but he's primarily to be fair tracking within Roman Catholicism so this is my conclusion my conclusion is that uh for the world it was the Enlightenment but for Rome they were gay way sooner and I'm totally fine with that position so well you know and talking about hating all this you know trying to destroy it trying to end it you know there are so many different ways that if you just know what time it is you have an honest appraisal of our situation right now that we're in um that you just little decisions that you can make that that that that start to cut at the root of this like even word choice I've noticed this as as well word choice you'll see a typical Evangelical they the latest thing in the news happens and they'll be very distressed or alarmed I'm distressed or concerned Disturbed or disturbed terrified trou all of these words these are fine words I have nothing wrong with any of these words yeah but the reality or I weep over this you're not weeping yeah not literally no that's not what you're doing why are you using that word well I'll tell you what that's how women talk women that's how they are too they are you know a woman's day is not over until she cries right so so here's the thing like like they have taken the vocabulary and and the and the way they're int expected to respond to something right mhm like like when was the last time you saw a tweet or a or a YouTube video or Tik Tok where the minister says I'm furious about this angry about this I'm angry about this you know and and and you know Jesus wept right and and and and in the in the scripture Jesus wept because there was a deep anger inside of him you know what I mean yes he was he was troubled and sold he was he was cry because Lazarus is dead and he's moved and that literal word in the in the Gospel of John is he was angry right it's like whoa angry at death but also angry at all the unbelief around realiz for years before I knew that and the person who told me that was an like an Indian from India and you know in in India um I'm not sure if they have the same you know feminist problem I doubt it yeah but he was like there's an anger in Christ and I was like what what what are you talking about like I didn't I couldn't believe it and then I you know I did I did my Greek study whatever and like turns out yeah sure sure I never gets translated that but that's what what it says yeah and so like little things like that even you know and again people are people rage about this stuff all the time you know it's not it's not a trait of masculinity to have a beard and uh you know you know do this it's like even stuff like that like what time it is right now if you have facial hair that's good yeah you know in this time of androgyny it's actually good to say you know I'm actually a guy you know what I mean and and this is going to be of an outward way of showing I was talking my brother once and you know he had his his uh little daughter in uh in te- ball or something and then we were talking he's like does she like it she yeah she likes it and he goes but next year I'm not going to do that because you know these days you I don't know if she's going to have a you know a lesbian coach or whatever I'm going to put her I'm going to put her in a a Christian like little dance thing that's what I'm going to do you know it would be nice if we had a world where a girl could enjoy Little League or softball whatever but you know what that's not the reality for a lot of people you know oh exactly so is there anything wrong with having your girl in softball not necessarily but you know you got to know what time it is here you know what I mean some of these little types of things you know make a big difference you know what I mean Y and if you hate this you want to destroy it then you need to do the something different something the opposite of what everyone's doing right yeah yeah it's interesting yeah you say that uh when you talk about the the that language you know I'm disturbed I'm I'm distressed and I think I'm thinking about my my wife had just watched uh an episode of of Tucker Carlson uh where he was talking about how there could be World War II with Iran and all these different things and she came to me and said Ed if you watch this I'm and she's like she's freaking out about she's gonna be so embarrassed when she watches this me telling the story but uh she's she's Disturbed and distressed that's just how she was and I'm like honey I didn't want you to watch that because I knew this is what would happen I haven't even watched him like yeah I know World War III can happen but there's nothing we can do about it you know so why worry uh and but that's that is it's it's taking that language and and using it in a feminine frame U because this this is how women are that's how God has made them um they they get Disturbed and distressed and worried yeah they want that and and what has got made men to be he's made men to be to to look at this and think I'm angry about that I don't like that I want to fight that right and uh that's you know what I I see like I'm angry that we are these idiots in Washington DC could Sleepwalk us into World War II uh that makes me angry that they do that it doesn't make me distressed or disturbed or worried it makes me think I really hate these people and and that's that's that's the difference between men and women and you see yeah it's the it's the feminine frame that they constantly regularly use and and you it's no wonder why I mean you bring up um I you all the episodes run together I can't remember which one we we did or even if you talked about it five minutes ago 19th Amendment uh no the when when I when um these guys are going to to Joe Rogan and to Andrew T why did these guys go to them well they talk that way they don't have any they don't have any any bones about pretending to fit within this feminine frame they just talk like men right and why why do they constantly write these why do all the young men going to Jordan Peterson and not to our churches it's like well because you don't talk to them like men right right you don't you don't speak this way you don't you know um well up this this righteous Fury that a lot of have and and should have when they know what time it is in the the world that we're living in it's like you should be angry about these things you shouldn't just be okay with it you should you should want to stop it and fight it and do whatever you can within your your world to oppose these things that's that's how you need to talk to men that's how you you need to talk to um um you know these guys to to get them into your churches and to disciple them because they're feeling all this stuff and they don't have anybody to turn to other than the guys they see on the internet that are not even Christians right it's it's and and it and it it does replicate so this is the thing like I maybe you guys have had this experience where you'll be writing a a blog or maybe a sermon and you use a word that you never would use in real life yes and you think about it and you're like where did I get that well I got that from Chandler or I got I remember I interned for Jared Wilson Jared C Wilson that's part of my story right that's right yeah and uh uh yeah and uh I would I would write my sermons and stuff and and and all this and I would use his very effeminate style yeah and you know I I mean I had a come to Jesus moment at one point and I'm just like why am I doing this like this is not I'm not like this I don't talk this way this is not how anyone and at the time I didn't talk this way it was it wasn't wasn't me but it's it's learned and and it it takes a lot and I'm not saying I'm some kind of special person I'm just lucky to have a brother in my life that calls me on this stuff but like but they just assume that that's how it's done that that's what it and and is you're going to rep replicate this effeminate style this effeminate sort of you know kind of uh just mentality of the Church of being yeah it's going to replicate you're going to make your students like you y yeah yeah student is like his teacher the danger of centralized power is often represented by the word King As Americans we hate the word King civilian ownership of body armor is about helping people to have increased power to resist tyrants and criminals and so fored Republic is about helping you to preserve your god-given rights to the honor of the Lord Jesus Christ because he is the king of kings and he governs Kings and he will judge them this is armored Republic and in a republic there is no King but Christ we are free Craftsman and we are honored to be your armor spread choice y so men um all Christians but especially men are called to hate what God hates love what God loves um we're allowed to hate we're actually commanded to if we're not hating what God hates then we're not loving what God loves hate is the opposite of love but women um part of their role I think part of part of the reason why uh so many women are are depressed all the there's I mean statistically there's more Depression more anxiety you know all these things part of it is because of uh not you know entering into marriage not having children and not having households uh but part of it also is uh it's funny like as you were sharing that story Andrew uh about your wife um part of it is because our wives women have been brought into a world that they were never supposed to belong to like a man's world and I mean that at the level of like uh you know the Work World the political world uh there's a lot of things that um the woman is the the weaker vessel there are certain things like there are things that Pastor or will go on with the church that like I I just don't talk to my wife about I'll talk to another man about and it's not secretive it's not that I'm not being authentic or being real I love my wife I'm grateful for my wife we have a close relationship we have um a lot of joy in our marriage and in our home but there are certain things I'm just not going to talk to her about because she doesn't uh she doesn't need to be discouraged she doesn't need to be this would crush her if she had she do have the frame to with it that I have and so the woman is the weaker vessel and that doesn't just mean that that a man um in general can out bench um a woman it means that it's not less than that but it but in addition to that someone in the comments be like this one woman has the world record bench press yeah that's because people can't speak C right but yeah I'm sure yeah but but the point is like it's not just physically uh when when the Bible says that the woman is the weaker vessel we've boiled that down and I'm talking about evangelicals now not just our world but we've said that it's only physically that the woman is is weaker physically if we're even willing to to you know to give men that that they're physically you know Superior that's even less but but we won't even touch and I'm talking about evangelicals with a 50-ft pole the possibility that she would be weaker in her disposition emotionally psychologically um mentally here's the thing I was just going to say um you can't you can't find one woman who can beat the you know uh the like you the top number one woman can't beat the top uh 50 dudes uh in a race yeah but here's the thing the top number one woman can't beat the top 50 dudes in chess yeah requires no physical prowess yeah and it's not it's not because they're stupid or something like that of course not she is a suitable helpmate God didn't give us a vegetable she is a suitable helpmate she is gifted and competent I can't do what my wife does I'm I'm incredibly grateful for my wife but the smartest it's not just the strongest men in the world are stronger than the strongest women the smartest men in the world are smarter than the smartest women that is that is just a scientific that's a fact it is that is a fact and so and that doesn't mean there aren't incredibly again we're speaking in generalities Are there women out there who are smarter than me you bet you but they're not smarter than the smartest guy I'm not the smartest guy if you haven't found that out you know yet you know you know but like but but there are guys smarter than me and there's no women that can beat them and then you talk so that's mental we so psychological and mental and physical and then emotionally um like at all these levels women are not built for fighting they're not built for I mean physically they are built for nurturing uh feeding loving embracing they are not Built For War they're not built for fighting and part of that this is and this is something that I appreciated about your book but part of that is uh they're not Built For War and so they shouldn't be involved even in a mock War yeah that like um and that's what politics is politics is uh War without the bullets um it's it's saying you know what before we actually duke it out because this matters and so we're we're going to um a bunch of people are about to die but let's see if we could uh if we could avoid that by having a mock battle first you bring your troops I'll bring mine and let's just see who had more and who would have won this battle and then instead of letting the bullets fly let's just say oh this guy had more he would have won and and uh the the the losers will respect that yeah right and so when you bring women into with the 19th Amendment like into a vote you're you're giving them they're mock Soldiers with a mock gun you're enlisting them into the same Army yeah and so and so enlisting them into the same Army psychologically aka the 19th Amendment women's suffrage there was a straight line from that to now enlisting them in the Army in in combat roles in a literal Army and now with back to World War III we're going full circle with this episode um the possibility of them not just being enlisted but conscripted yeah um that that like uh my wife a day is coming where my wife could be drafted yeah and where to for me to protect and provide for my wife we now are fugitives on the run from the state and I'm hiding my wife so that she's not definitely don't want my wife to listen to this episode but there is a straight yeah but my point is that if you think that women voting is unrelated to that it is uh that it's unrelated wrong yeah it absolutely is and you need to wake up yeah this this whole thing reminds me of you know just just discussion the differences and distinctions between men and women just dispositionally emotionally and and psychologically um I will obviously never forget you know um my sophomore year of high school on September 11th um our our principal uh was you know very competent administrator she she was you know she ran the school pretty well and was pretty well respected by everyone but she goes on the intercom and to tell us you know what had happened and she couldn't speak right Ian she was weeping and and in tears and and uh if I remember like the assistant principal man had to go on and like finish the message uh and and that like stuck with me you know and and it's not like she's deficient or or or there's something wrong with her she there might have been something wrong with her if she didn't we yeah exactly this is a woman she would be a sociopath she yeah she's probably also a mom like this is so this is a mother who just saw you know 3,000 people just die die yeah and and it affects her good yeah you know and and a man looks at that differently should she be leading a school yeah angry you know and that's and you see like there's this leadership position where she didn't ever have to confront a situation like that ever before it was like running meetings and organizing schedules and things like that uh but here's one where you have to stand in the front and address everyone and tell them all what's going on and it's this horrible tragedy and um she couldn't do it right she couldn't do and and because she wasn't made to do that kind of stuff right you know she wasn't made for that for that particular role to to lead in the midst of of uh Horrors and um you know men I mean not all men are built for this but uh this is generally speaking how God has built man right is this is this is why men are are warriors and soldiers and go to battle because they can take it right right so that hate you know hate love thing like the the the absence of Love is indifference not hatred hatred is the necessary accompaniment of love if I love a I will necessarily hate B if B is A's opposite so with that being said and Donner's Oak and and you know restoring crydom and but first chopping down um the oak the bonfice option um if we love if one of the Oaks is is feminism that that's that's a big part of we got to chop down feminism uh and if we're gonna if we're going to kill it you're not going to kill something that you don't hate you'll be tempted to pity it you'll be tempted to have mercy so you got to hate it so you got to hate feminism so that you can chop it down um but then if we're using this you know that's so there's the hatred the other side of the coin the opposite is that you love something and I want to POS it that the thing that we love it's not that we hate feminism because we love ourselves and because we love our fellow man U we hate feminism because we love women yeah not because we love men but like we want lives to be good for them feminism destroys men but but I I I don't think it destroys uh men half as much as it destroys women oh absolutely yeah I know of a church where there was a controversy where um one of the elders thought that you know when there's a change happening in the church you know no matter how minor um it should definitely not be you know the woman doing the like announcements before you know because there was a woman doing that at this church it should be one of the elders it should be someone and the purpose for that was because as you guys know if there's any change in a church people are upset about it that's right oh yeah and so the idea was why would you put her as the lightning rod for this because she's going to be the one announcing it people are going to come to her because she's announcing this change you have to protect her from that yeah right because that's not her role you if anyone's going to be you know drugged through the mud because we're changing the the order of worship or something like that it should be the Elder it should be you know the leader of of of of the of the Church um and that's not because you hate that lady you think she's incapable of reading or she's stupid or she's stupid or something it's because you understand full well that like like you said you know sometimes women can get discouraged very easily in fact I I I at some point I had to tell my wife to delete her Twitter because it was so discouraging to her right and it was lost follower you know that yeah that was her that was her so so like and you could look at that and say oh man 0 is so domineering or something no I'm protecting her because it's like you told her not to read a book or [Music] something I would who would do that but that but that's the point it's like and it's just weird like the things that would discourage her to me were barely a blip on the radar like it was just like I I I could not understand but what's the big deal about that we're totally different yeah in that way yeah and I have to remember to like protect my my my wife and and and and even like the stuff all like if I'm driving in the car and listening to a podcast about some like heavy political stuff and how bad things could be I'm like I probably can't listen to that one when my wife is in the car because she's going to be worried she's going to think like the sky is falling and and we need to buy as much canned food as we can and head for the hills and I'm thinking like it's going to be fine don't worry about it like it's nothing to me but um gez not built for that Dad they need both of that yeah yep my my sons need to know that there's a you know someone to go to that that can Comfort them they also need to know that sometimes you just need to get up right you know what I mean daddy wants you to be tough yeah no it's good every little thing that we do you know so like chivalry like so many different mannerisms and Customs um that we've little by little thrown away like so when I go on a walk just in our neighborhood with my wife um I'm always you know we'll be on the sidewalk but I'm always you know walking on the side of the sidewalk that's closest to the street yeah just instinctively because if a car comes you know I want to be able to push her out of the way you know if somebody's drunk or whatever like um you know so like just those little things are opening the door you don't even think about it right yeah but it's just like but those kind of things like when we're sitting um you know uh we go to a restaurant I you know you can just watch men instinctively do this they want to they want to be in the seat they can see the door yeah or see the windows right cuz they want if there's a threat coming they want to be able to see it right away uh and defend you're in the corner you're looking at the window right exactly so and all those ways so there's there's this physical sense a psychological sense the way that you think uh the way that your mind is wired is different than the mind of a woman at every level mentally psychologically emotionally um one last thing and this plays you know I'm not saying this is necessarily a different category I think it plays into emotional and mental and all those kinds of things but let's let's call it spiritual the spiritual category uh there's one other way a key way that men and women are different and uh that way is that biblically speaking speaking and all of of mankind has held to this until 15 minutes ago this was the universal theological position is that women are more easily deceived MH so not just that they're more prone towards worry um you know and and not just that they're physically weaker um but that there also there there is I believe um and again we're talking in general women in general can you find one dumb dude you know who's like who's Gable like sure um and can you find one you know woman who who's not as easily deceived of course but in general women are more easily uh deceived Adam sinned with his eyes wide open there's a lot of different views on you know it depends which one you take but but the point is he um and that's not to absolve him of moral guilt if anything he's more guilty he didn't protect his wife he didn't guard the garden and he sinned with his eyes wide open um but he was not deceived that's the whole premise of First Timothy 2: 9-15 is Paul says and it was the woman he gives here's the thing that people forget Paul gives the complementarians that think that you know they're biblical and they're not but like the [Music] complimentaries it's the um the order of creation but also the order of the Fall so it's not just that man was formed first and then woman was formed uh from man and for man it's not just the order of creation that sets the man as the head of the house um the head of his wife but it's also the order of the fall and Paul says and it was not uh the man who was deceived and became a sinner but woman who was deceived and became a sinner but she will be Sav through childbearing if she continues with faith hope and love with propriety so all that being said this I mean this is just Bible that's just me quoting scripture this is the universal interpretation until literally the last 60 years yeah and so that women are they're physically weaker weaker vessel doesn't just mean physical though it's psychological it's emotional it's mental and even spirit an extra propensity towards being deceived so why do we uh why are we living in a society that is ruled by women and we live in a g gincy yeah yeah yeah yeah it's not a gcy it's a gynocracy and uh you exactly and and and and you see this and and I mean the flip side of it is like you look at like the sinful woman in in scripture and yeah in Proverbs and and examples of them throughout scripture um they're yeah they're easily deceived but they're also um like shrewd and kind yeah yeah Jezebel right AB and and but I mean you see it in a holy way too where um all these different examples of women crushing Serpent's heads you know Jail uh getting you know crushing cis's head and tricking him into into coming in you know into the tent and so forth like uh there's there's a reason like God that's how God built women to be both in in a holy and an Unholy way this is this is how how they are um and and and I think it's related to the the you know deception of the serpent uh to the woman and that the woman was more easily deceived and Paul Paul takes that up and it's and it's there and it's understood and it isn't like oh this Paul's this misogynist and we just need to get rid of Paul out of the Bible and it's like no this is this is fundamentally the difference between men and women right and and therefore it's incumbent upon men to protect their wives and their daughters um I mean that's that's the big one is you see that you know especially young women can be very easily deceived by really scummy guys right and your job as a dad is to protect your daughter and you should take you know what Paul says to Timothy there and apply it to that that my daughter's going to be deceived by bad men because I'm a man and I know who men are and and so and I know women are and I want to protect her I want to protect my wife from bad men there's a there's a reason why in in the Old Testament um if a woman made a contract and the day I mean it's in like numbers chap 11 uh the day her father hears of it if she's single he can nullify it or her husband the day her husband hears of it he can nullify it it's not because God thinks women are stupid or or they have no agency or anything like that it's that men are there to protect them y right the fathers and husbands are there to protect uh that's why Adam was supposed to protect Eve and he did not like that's that's what it's about and so yeah before yeah until 15 minutes ago it was like NOP they're exactly 100% exactly the same and you can't if you if you say that men and women are different in any way other than maybe physical strength uh you're a horrible misogynist and you hate women right but that's a blip on the map when you look at church history human history even outside of christom everyone and and that's a blip on the map that's only been afforded to us as as you argue in the book because of the immense Capital that has come from christom that chrisom was so successful um that It produced so much wealth uh and so much uh in Innovation and all these different things that it it brought forth um machines and the industrial agent all these different things to eventually where um where now you know you can go and work from 9:00 to 5 just pulling a lever instead of you know behind a shovel you know typing things into a computer right and so then all of a sudden that physical distinction um was not as significant um because of living in the capital of christom and so it's like well a woman could go to the workpl just just like a man can but then we thought like well and I guess she also could go to the military like a man can she also could be a senator like a man can the emotional and the psychological differences are still there right even if physical differences aren't there and you could see this in in the workplaces and how they function and I've I've been in in the corporate world before where it's just different jobs uh like sales are almost always all men there's very there sometimes there's women there but it's only all men and like when you just get a group of guys together it's an entirely different Dynamic right and it's really competitive and you're some ways you're at each other's throats but you're you're also encouraged by the other guys things like that where if it's a group of women in a workplace it's like it's like Lord of the Flies right I mean it's like caddy and everyone's gossiping about each other and things like that it's like men and women are different right that's that's that's how people operate and and you know even like saying that people freak out I'm sure there'll be people that see that and clip it and say Here's Andrew isker this horrible misogynist uh but that's that's a reality that um we've been able to kind of paper over because the economy is so productive that we can do foolish things like that that's kind of coming to an end like and even you you you're forced into like brutal reality that like first world views of how you treat women are the result of of centuries Millennia of of Christian discipleship where even a place that's not Christian like Israel right they're still this kind of first world country and then Haas comes and like kidnaps all of these female IDF soldiers which why are they in the military and and is kidnapping them turning you know probably raping them and doing horrible things and it's like oh well we can't have this egalitarian world uh because the world's actually really brutal Place uh particularly for women and men need to take the brunt of that not women uh like you're you're like the the the nonsense the idiocy of this egalitarian you know feminist kind of worldview you is is coming apart right it's a luxury of Chom yeah yep 100% all that being said in terms of the 19th Amendment just because we want to be practical that you know that toothpaste is not going to go back in the tube it's not going away soon so yeah so like just for the record my wife votes because um I'm not willing to split our household vote and so um so I'm not going to go up against you know the pagans who are going to get two votes for my one yeah so I'm going to take those two votes because originally that's what it was we believe in representative government right now I have people representing me here in the state of Texas and my county and some of them I I prefer that they weren't representing me but that's that's the deal raw democracy the in in biblical terms raw democracy is you know like you go to the people and they say crucify him you go to the people they say we want a king you go to Raw democracy every biblical example of of the people getting a vote is always negative um and and then raw democracy that's biblical examples but then just politic you look at like our founding fathers they had nothing positive to say about you know just a raw democracy so we live in a representative Republic someone's always representing you once upon a time for women the person representing them was their father or husband someone willing to die for them who loved them who protected them provided for them it wasn't a bad gig that said we can't afford to be uh cuz some some young guys you know patriarchal guys they just want to lar all day we want to win we actually want to win so we don't want to just live in this ideological you know bubble we want to win and in terms of winning um if you're a patriarchal guy who thinks the 19th amendment should be uh repealed please have your wife vote with you in the meantime so I want to get that out yeah my wife upsets some people uh but she just uh we go to The Ballot Box and she just looks over at my ballot the whole time and makes sure that it's the same just like who are we voting for my wife wife always ask we who are we are but it's like that's why she views it and like you said it was a it's it's a it was much more like the the chieftain or the the leaders of a of a tribe go up to the next level to the you know um uh to the clan leader to the king you know like it's it's much more hierarchical that way that was how our system was set up it was only property owners that got devote and very few people owned property right and and so that's that's who had political power um but yeah you have this the yeah you have this Universal democracy where like my vote counts as much as you know someone who just became a citizen 5 minutes ago and is addicted to crack cocaine like that's that's like oh we have the same a level of democracy Democratic power you know it's like that's not good that's not good if if i' if you um are a contributing member to your society and you you have the same political power as as someone who is a net negative that that makes a sense yep yep any further thoughts final thoughts on this one no good stuff man I thought that was really good I would say this though what we are saying though though is if you um if you love women then you need to hate feminism amen because you're because it doesn't protect women puts them In Harm's Way that's right yeah and so even a practical thing to do is to search your own sphere of influence and Destroy any influence from feminism that you can find if you love women and if you don't you're hating women right yeah yep that's good all right nice did you like the episode great you want to watch the next one wait a whole week or go to rron Ministries again WR respon Ministries binge the whole season right now what are you waiting for
Channel: Right Response Ministries
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Length: 55min 12sec (3312 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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