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hello guys welcome back to the media nights my name is Ari I'm Denise and today we're going to be watching The Lord of the Rings The Return of the King this is the final film in the trilogy we're going to be watching the extended editions and I'm so excited this journey has been incredible it's been amazing talking to you guys you guys have been so wholesome and so nice to newcomers you guys have given us some insights about the lore some things that are in the books and you know all of this without really spoiling the future films so thank you from the bottom of my heart for that we truly appreciate it and I've been having such a great time with this so thank you Denise for introducing me to these movies as you know she's already watched these but this is the first time she's watching the extended editions and thus far we've been having uh such a great time and these films are Beyond you know what I expected them to be they're nowhere near my expectations really they've absolutely shattered every single concept that I thought this story would be and each film just kept getting bigger and bigger in scale to the point that now I'm just wondering and kind of nervous about the climax the finale because it's been a Non-Stop you know increase of gear in terms of the scope of of this world you know the fight sequences in the first movie were fantastic and that in comparison with the second one that's nothing so you know going into three I'm like okay what are we going to see here it's it's honestly been such a thrill to kind of live vicariously through you as you get to experience this for the first time I have been having a blast but first of all I love Lord of the Rings second of all it's so cool to see these different moments in the extended edition that I didn't even know existed and it gives such great context to so many of the characters and obviously that's what makes this movie even more Rich you guys have been absolutely amazing it's been so cool to bond with you guys over the fact that you know we're bringing in someone else into our fellowship I'm I'm so excited it's been building up to this this is the finale I'm pumped yeah this is a 4 hours of a colossal film but if I've learned anything about the previous two they go by in a blink of an eye you know you barely feel the runtime in these films it they're paced very well and the story is so engaging so just FYI guys we're going to be splitting this into two parts because if you've noticed uh our previous videos have been 1 hour and 20 1 hour and a half respectively you guys know that we love to do these films justice so in order for us to be able to do that and still abide by copyright rules and all that stuff we're going to need to split it two ways because if not this would be a 2-hour video which is pretty much a whole film so we cannot do that and we want to make sure that we pay as much attention to detail as possible when giving you guys these and make sure that you guys can follow along and have all the context and all that stuff so yeah we're going to be splitting this in two but do not worry part two is going to be coming out tomorrow around the same time so please leave a like subscribe hit the Bell so you don't miss out on the next upload and you guys can finish the story alongside us if you guys want to catch the full length reaction that's going to be available on our patreon and if you want to watch these reactions early make sure that you hit the join button and become a YouTube member thank you guys so much for watching and we'll catch you guys after the movie I love the the first five seconds always hit you with the beautiful score every time it's like you're entering the world once again it's kind of sinister isn't it yeah [Music] yeah oh that's handy circus yeah wow so beautiful manle I've got one oh so right mhm go on go on come on put it a this is when he was still happy in just normal just normal River folk his story is so tragic how do you become this corrupted man the ring what a terrible thing oh mhm oh damn you should have left it down there man yeah he really should have but then again it would have probably fallen into someone else's hands at some point the ring would have found a way he's already obsessed with it mhm that fast that my already why it's my birthday and I want it his voice is amazing it's so creepy oh boy the score in the background It's haunting already making people fight over it [Music] yeah a oh man whoa I got chills [Music] man wow and that was it that was that immediately turn into a killer see how quickly they turn though within minutes not even yeah oh right they turn invisible yeah us away wow this is amazing we get to see his his backstory yeah essentially he's descent right wow the makeup Department it's incredible who man a dude the way these movies start every single time what an intro wow what a sequence that's that's how you started giving us some insight oh we cut right back to froto letting us know that he is in trouble oh man must be getting late it isn't it isn't midday yet the days are growing darker the closer they get or how does that work the closer they get to mortar the darker it is or just in general it could be that also maybe it's just like all the fume and every the toxic air escaping from Mount Doom right just clouding everything here what about you oh no I'm not hungry at least he not for lambas spread a come on we don't have that much left we have to be careful we're going to wondering out you go ahead and eat that Mr Man he's such a good friend you should eat some too man for what the journey home geez ah so hopeful and just such a bright light yeah which is I think like the perfect antithesis right to what Frodo is going through cuz it's just getting darker and darker in his head as they go you we all need a Sam man yeah and if we don't have a Sam we got to be a Sam wow that is dark man hey back with our crew hell yeah our [Music] crew oh man I'm going to be a mess I'm not ready to let this go long bottom Leaf these two deserve that little break they do green dragon green dragon a mug of Ale in my hand these guys only you've never done A Hard Day's [Laughter] Work oh man a merry hunt you L us on and now we find you fting and and smoking we are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few wellend Comforts right they've worked very hard it's particularly good salted Pork yeah from tree beard who's taking over management of eard hell yeah took it back under his control as it should [Music] be the voice man supposedly that's the actor that plays gimly that's what I've heard mentioned it in the comments yeah thanks for that by the way did not know that even a defeat Solomon is dangerous then let's just have his head and be done with it no we need him alive we need him to talk make him talk then and slain many men Theoden King can we not take counsel together as we once did I think it's a little late for that no we shall have peace when you answer for the burning of the westfold yeah yeah mhm exactly when you hang from a jibet for the sport of your own crows he is pissed off we shall have peace what a great performance yeah hell yeah your treachery has already cost many lives thousands more are now at risk but you could save them s do the right thing man so you have come here for information I have some for you something festers in heart of Middle Earth something that you have failed to see what his attack will come soon that is not good gandf does not hesitate to sacrifice those closest to him those he professes to love well he's trying to turn them against gandal that's not going to work man of comfort did you give the halfling before you sent him to his Doom whoa save your pity and your Mercy I have no use for it yeah oh what unfaced yo primma you need not follow him man screw GMA what the hell Theoden horse Master you are a lesser son of Greater sils don't listen to him man Cal down be free of him free he will never be free oh you are deep in the enemy's Council tell us what you know oh he's going to rebel against him oh no way and I will tell you where your doom will be decided I will not beh held prison idea oh oh damn woo oh my oh that one straight through his heart whoa what oh oh my god well send word to all our allies the enemy moves against us we need to know where he will strike at least they got some information damn what a way to go Jesus okay so that was definitely not in the theatrical cut that's the first time I saw that that was crazy young trees wild trees no leave that there don't touch the bad guy's toy I'll take that mind that quickly [Music] Now isn't it a two-way thing though yeah cover it up exactly there's multiple of them and that's why he was telling San not to use it cuz he doesn't know where the other ones are who could be listening in in a way essentially yeah this theme has been stuck in my head I know it's my favorite one too or back baby I'm so happy man hell yeah it's so good tonight we remember those who gave their blood hail the Victorious dad what a brave Battle Man elm's deep no pauses no spills and no regurgitation my man ready to drink one standing wins oh boy is it always a competition with legales and gim I feel like it is I need to see the aam of that drinking game right oh she's giving him the googly eyes oh man she's falling so hard I know oh man I am happy for you he is an honorable man you are both Honorable Men it was not Thon of Rohan who led our people to Victory it was all of you though yeah I feel like he he puts himself down too much don't listen to me you are young and tonight is for you n he was a great king man he did what he could with the resources and time they had [Music] yeah I feel something a slight tingle in my fingers yeah man it's called being drunk he can't hold his liquor oh he's done game over well okay he's a heavy drinker huh he can hold his uh he can hold his own yep he was the last man standing no news of Frodo nothing every day Frodo moves closer to M doing now that you have to trust it what does your heart tell you that photo is alive wow what an actor man that was such an amazing moment man yes she's alive you could see a little bit of Doubt but the Hope outweighs the doubt yeah and that switch in that moment incredible it was so subtle but so powerful it's all in the eyes it was amazing and when she throws away the bones then we will find it good thing that Sam heard it the precious Purble arrows what the HBL Souls you treacherous yeah uhhuh caua Master leave him alone he makes to murder us this hor Mak out nasty L you miserable little maggot St your head yeah I would be mad if I were Sam too oh dude I would be I would lose my mind I won't wait around for him to kill us not sending him away you don't see it do you damn they need him we can't do this by ourselves not without a guide right so keep a watch on him trust me come smigle I wish there was a way to separate Smigel from golum man cuz you can tell there's still the good side of him lives there and then the bad side of him little [ __ ] what a [ __ ] never mind I will take that little neck and just oh oh man I'll would be so mad you [ __ ] caught that [ __ ] SM just went he's just manipulating froto really cuz he knows his cover is blown with Sam right cuz the thing is like Sam is impervious to his [ __ ] but bro's vulnerable to that you're I was trying to defend smeagle but nope yeah I was just waiting for that moment I'm like you'll see something stirs in the East a Sleepless malice the eye of the enemy is moving they don't they feel everybody's feeling this power and how it's shifting and becoming more and more active yeah that must be terrifying I always love that he's sleeping with his eyes open oh he wants it no not you Pippen this is not going to end well man look at it just one more time put it back oh man whoa that's the eye yeah cover it [Music] up oh man [Music] help him out come on help me look at him insane the powerol of a to holy [ __ ] oh no oh thank God what did you see a tree and a courtyard of stone it was dead a white tree mhm I saw him wait like him him what did you tell him about Frodo and the ring there was no lie in Pippin's eyes oh but an honest fool he remains okay good he didn't tell them anything good for you he knows the air of alendal has come forth men are not as weak as he supposed Saron fears this he will not risk the peoples of Middle Earth uniting under one Banner he's being cautious I see uhhuh Rohan must be ready for war why should we ride to the aid of those who did not come to ours oh right dude you got to put your pride aside Man follow the river look to the Black Ships understand this always with instructions inquisitive Hobbits pigin took you are the worst hurry hurry what a mess yeah just going to straighten them up a little bit you got to don't you understand the enemy thinks you have the ring he's going to be looking for you pip they have to get you out of here you're coming with me of course he's coming with you he would always follow you little damn troublemaker here something for the road oh he's not coming with no I know you've run out you smoke too much but we see each other soon oh man don't know what's going Happ Mary run Shadow effect Mary I feel that that we've seen them together for so long that that this separation man I all right are these the same one yeah the last journey of arn this looks beautiful so beautifully shot man a is she just imagining what could have been lady alwin we cannot delay oh yeah wow yeah she was way too conflicted that's a big decision to make when you're still deciding yeah I mean what did you see I looked into your future and I saw death there is also life you saw there was a child you saw my son oh they've seen it if I leave him now I will regret it forever yeah is time they're holding on to make that one reality true that's crazy that's how they see their powers I'm assuming she also has a bit of gift of foresight and that's what that was that she saw the crownless again shall be king reforge the sword yes your hands are cold what does that mean whether by your will or not there is no ship now [Music] wow the dialogue that's it's amazing so beautifully written [Music] yeah man they've been teasing us with that damn sword it's amazing how they built that up right yeah ever since the first movie oh it's beautiful I cannot wait to see that being wielded man whoa min city of Kings it looks like the city of Kings man wow I can totally see where Elden ring got some of their inspiration from holy [ __ ] this looks beautiful shout out to all the gamers out there yeah that know what I'm talking about I remember when you first showed me Elder ring I was like Lord denur is Bor here's father to give him news of his beloved son's death would be most unwise I do not mention further the he still doesn't know in fact it's better if you don't speak at all P yeah just keep your mouth shut G is so done with this [ __ ] he's like just be quiet better to be safe than sorry so I kind of agree with him you just stay quiet my little friend Pippen is basically your classic PR nightmare yes hail denur son of exelion Lord and Steward of Gondor perhaps you come to explain this oh he knows already oh my God perhaps you come to tell me why my son is dead oh no he took so many so many arrows and he held on to save them to save us my Kinsmen and me mhm I offer you my service such as it is wow how did you escape and my son did not so mighty a man as he was the mightiest man may be slain by one arrow and Boromir was pierced by many yeah yeah and he held on just to make time for them he really did I can't forget his face word has reached my ears of this Aragon last of a ragged House Long bereft of lordship oh my God Jesus Return of the King Steward Steward the way he said Steward put him back in his place remember who you are man he lit said take several seeds [ __ ] the tree of the cing will never bloom again why are they still guarding it they guard it because they have hope a that's so cool it only blooms when there's a king this city has dwelt ever in the sight of its shadow the storm is coming this is the device of siren making ah the Orcs of Mordor have no La of daylight so he covers the face of the sun to ease their passage along the road to war there you go that's what they doing Min turth very impressive so where are we off to next Mr ferle it's just a feeling I don't think I'll be coming back a don't say that man yes you will we're going there and back again just like Mr Bilbo a man he is a pillar I'll never get tired of saying it no always there to catch him when Frodo's down yeah I adore Sam wise you're in the service of the steward now you'll have to do as you're told perin to you had to open your mouth yeah I know our enemy is ready his full strengths gathered not only Orcs but men as well right right we saw them if the Garrison at o gillath Falls the last defense of this city will be gone but we have the white wizard that's got to count for something yeah true will he be able to pull off another miracle like Helms Deep saon has yet to reveal his deadliest servant the one who will lead mto's armies in war the one they say no living man can [Music] kill he stabbed Frodo on WEA top oh and that was him he is the lord of the Nazgul the greatest of the N the worst of the nine wow it's just three of you how the hell are you guys going to come out of this alive Qui quick I'm in love with the concept like the design of things the concept artist and everybody that designed this place wow man it's so creative and just with the structure alone it gives you the feeling it's supposed to right the secret stair oh they're at the stairs already a man and those are not even pretty stairs they are so Steep and everything about this place is hostile bro not that R what's behind those doors they're calling [Music] me wow at this point oh oh whoa what the hell is [Music] that there's no turning back now this is it there they are those things again a fell Beast yeah he's touching his wound again imagine how long ago he was stabbed and he still feels it it's like a spiritual wound more than a physical one it's so interesting and that wound is not healing oh that is an army the screeches that thing makes it's like nails on a chalkboard yes that's exactly what that is when you bite into a fork gives me that feeling oh when you touch a styrofoam container uhhuh I happens to him you'll have me to answer to no more slinker no more stinker you're gone got it hell yeah I love him set your boundaries got to make sure he knows what the deal is MHM hey there he is good to see him yeah he's got a pure heart man yes he does we've sent Scouts to K Andros if the Orcs attack from the north we'll have some warning should have asked for help that pride is going to come at a cost man mhm is that them already oh my God holy [ __ ] kill him yep damn the first casualty they're not coming from the north faster wow that is a lot there's so many of them yeah they're really trying to squash the human resistance huh here we go okay okay yeah [Music] yes oh man they are so outnumbered w ooh damn that was too close Man Too Close hell yeah wow that was awesome got him [Music] good yeah he's going to light it isn't he yep he made it one of the benefits of being smaller right now that is a beacon oo come on you got this [Music] man probably time to much yeah time to [Music] go good job man he is useful even though he gets in trouble yes oh nice okay there is a chance now it's it all comes up to how long it's going to take them to come all the way here right look at that that is so cool everybody just lighting the signals W holy crap oh that is amazing wow man it's shots like these that make you feel like this is such a world the scope of it man it's huge I can't imagine how I would feel to have this Envision in my head and then trying to adapt it and finally seeing it in the big screen it must be such an incredible feeling time to go run run run run run the beacons are Min City the beacons are lit G not calls for Aid you got to go man and Rohan will [Music] answer is that their specific theme cuz it is amazing it has this heroic yes feeling to it it just Hypes you up man it's like get the horses give me The Sword and the shield I'm ready just to the encampment it's tradition for the women of the court to farewell the men [Music] the men have found their Captain they will follow you into battle even to death you have given us hope a now she's coming with the sword so I don't know man I offer you my service there in [Music] King and gladly I accept it you shall be mariad Esquire of Rohan wow he got himself a title yeah Riders are Rohan those you have taken now fulfill them all to L and land well I'm hoping the king if they are act if they're able to move past this I hope that he takes the credit cuz come on you're going out there and you're helping people out that's that has to to count for something right [Music] yeah perfect timing yep he dodged right on time time yeah oh no the fell beasts jeez man time to get the hell out of here and it's multiple of them too like what the [Music] hell oh man I wonder if they have like a large crossbow to take those things out of the Skies ooh that would be awesome actually some sort of weapon against it man the age of men is over the time of the orc has come he's an ugly one especially ugly he's not even symmetrical he's not like urai ugly like what the hell are you going to do man hey he Willam [Applause] Scream It's just [Music] him wow wow the light just scared them away yeah what a shot wa that was amazing right dude the cinematography in this it just kept getting better and better I love I love that they add so much much scale so you see everything put you in the B clearly yes right in the middle of things it's it's amazing man cinematographer was like I've been doing this for a few months in a row now oh my beer I got some ideas they're taking the bridge in the West Bank battalions Of Orcs are crossing the river he looks so defeated long has he foreseen this Doom foreseen andone nothing right yeah here this is not the first halfling to have crossed your path no he's going to let them know in ailan not two days ago they're taking the road to the Mogul Bale and then the of kid is own God oh dear this is how you would serve your city I did what I judged to be right what you judged to be right I don't want to see this it should have been brought back to the Citadel to be kept safe never oh come on you're not going to keep it safe dark and deep in the vaults not to be used I doubt that's exactly what would have happened yeah I highly doubt that unless at the uttermost end of need right there's the uh fine print he would have brought me a kingly gift Bor would not have brought the ring no he would have stretched out his hand to this thing and taking it he would have fallen you know nothing of this matter he would have kept it for his own yep he's the worst towards his son man my son what the hell he does not care for this child of his I would like to know what exactly that is like is he so broken from the grief or is the influence of Mordor just growing right the way I interpret it is just that the the influence the darkness getting closer and closer and changing people's perceptions although this guy was never a really nice guy anyway so who knows come Master oh [ __ ] is he going to do it come piss [Music] me Mr BR don't touch him Wild Love poor a you piece of trash I feel like we're being gu slided so hard right now it's so upsetting he wants it very soon he will ask you for it you will see I said this in the second film I had a feeling this was going to happen that he was going to manipulate both of them and pit them against each other yeah what of the wizard I will break him now that's a fight I want to see mhm once belonged to a young boy of the city very foolish one who wasted many hours slaying dragons this was your yes it was mine I'm taller than you were then though I'm not likely to grow anymore except sideways Bor me was always the soldier they were so alike he and my father you could feel the loss yeah I I think you have strength of a different kind and one day your father will see it I sure hope so man o GTH must be retaken my Lord osth is overrun much must be risked in war it's not even a smart tactic man are you that shitty of a king even for that Steward you wish now that our places had been exchanged that I had died and Bor me had lived yes man get him out of your life dude I will do what I can in in his dead you do not deserve a son like him man no think better of me father that will depend on the manner of your return what an ugly person just repulsive in every way how could you say that to your kid want to get vamir and just go out for drinks I know take him for drinks you know yeah brighten his a up a little bit man w oh is he going to make it seem like he's eating [Music] everything you piece of [ __ ] not the bread it's gone the Elvin bread what he took it he must have smash BR right and he's already said so yes he has he doesn't eat it yeah man this is going to look horrible R this oh my God I seen him he's always stuffing his face when m is not looking that's a filthy life jeez yeah he's unleashing his rage K Sam no it's not fair on Sam he's been nothing but the best it's that thing around your neck I could help a bit I could carry it for a while carry it for a while he's not going to take it the right way get away I don't want to keep it I just want to help it's corrupting him already we've been seeing it yeah golum is just feeding those Flames but he's a liar he's poisoned you against me man go home man that breaks my heart you know better man you know what it is you know your friend that's not him that's not him speaking so hard not to hate Frodo just a little bit in that moment yeah but I keep going back to the same thing with Boromir it's it's not them that's not them it's the damn ring ring and smigle just like he just pushed him just enough over the edge perfectly planned it yeah he really did timed it so well he knew that froto was eventually going to break and that's when he was going to strike your father's will is turned to Madness do not throw away your life so rashly yeah man your father loves you phir you will remember it before the end I sure hope that is true because everything we've seen so far does not show true love no not at all he's been so mean to his only son now yeah that's your only kid man cruel and treasure yeah he has a heart of gold too man that's a good guy he does oh they look so badass I know wow armor can you sing Master H well enough for my own people and why should your songs be unfit for my holes come sing me a song I love that what he's saying like the words are kind of nice but the delivery is so vile wow beautiful song I can't believe they're going actually go through with it straight into battle it's going to rain [Music] arrows there's something so disturbing about how they're cutting back and forth between like him violently eating he has a whole Feast while the others are off sacrificing themselves you see the disparity in mhm those two shots man 6,000 Spears less than half of what I'd hoped for we have till dawn then we must ride damn they have to leave before they're even ready where does that lead it is the road to the dim halt none who ventured there ever return well that mountain is evil steer clear from it then it looks really nice yeah it does not look inviting at all it's like darkness and death in there probably smells bad [Music] too I'm great man sorry it's not even sharp well that's no good you won't kill many Orcs with a blunt blade time to sharpen that blade up you should not encourage him you should not doubt him I do not doubt his heart only the reach of his arm I'm sorry though that's mean but it's kind of funny he has as much cause to go to war as you and he wants to fight I wish I could have seen him one last time oh is that the what [Music] if his worst nightmare King th awaits you my imagine being so far from the person you love the anxiety the fears he just wants to live long enough to see her again yeah he needs this over with you know he sens that she chose the Mortal life yeah I take my leave oh oh come on behalf of one whom I love you know who yes Arn is dying she will not long survive the evil that now spreads from Mordor oh [ __ ] Arn's life is now tied to the fate of the Ring even more Stakes a fleet of Corsair ships sails from the south there'll be in the city in two days he's attacking from all angles you need more men there are none there are those who dwell in the mountain those who dwell in the mountains you would call upon them to fight they answer to no one they will answer to the king of Gondor [ __ ] hell yeah the flame of the West forged from the shards of naril wow yes take it take it man oh man what a moment for his character the war lies to the east who cannot leave on the eve of battle you cannot abandon the men the men mhm or why have you come do you not know yeah come on man it is but a shadow and a thought that you love I cannot give you what you seek oh man oh he's got a girl yeah Jo since first I saw you a damn getting friend zoned by eror like that must hurt where do you think you're often have you learned nothing of the stubbornness of dwarves we're going with you L yes we're coming ly let's go I love that they're such a core group yeah they they are inseparable and it's amazing to see the bond that has formed between Legolas and gimy as well yeah I have to say that's pretty amazing we cannot defeat the armies of Mordor no we cannot but we will meet them in battle nonetheless well I don't think that's inspiring for anybody there they're like I don't want to die what do you mean take up my seat in the golden Hall long may you defend edas if the battle goes ill I would have you smile again not grieve for those whose time has come all he wants is her to be happy just be happy and defend our people when gondor's need was Dire they fled Vanishing into the darkness of the mountain oh damn soor C them they betrayed him rest until they had fulfilled their pledge oh damn yeah you have to pay your dues you have to the very warmth of my blood seems storen away what a great line I know what an amazing way of saying that or it's like when they say I take my leave instead of just saying I'm going to leave I take my leave going to start using that me too my no not the hores not a good boy I do not fear death oh I believed himly [ __ ] he said that with such confidence he's so badass well this is a thing unheard of an elf will go underground come on you have to go i' never hear the end of it no I freaking love these three man wow I know they're a fantastic yeah little Hobbits do not belong in war master maradok I would be ashamed to be left behind it is a three-day Gallop to Min tith and none of my Riders can bear you as a burden I want to fight oh that's heartbreaking I I mean I'm worried for him but I think yeah let me guess with oh man my lady of course I love why did I ever even believe for a second she was going to stay she was not going to stay behind are you kidding this has been her wish all this time to be able to fight alongside her people yeah to fight for those she loves I love how the relationships are written man like these team ups that we're seeing they they're just being developed so organically oh holy [ __ ] bro like just when you think it could not get worse it gets so much worse y I thought Helm's Deep was bad I take it back huh nice Decor comfy oh ghostly like like he's trying to blow them away oh man do not look down do not look down what what's down there yeah what is look oh God just a bunch of skulls who enters my domain one who will have your Allegiance the dead do not suffer the living to pass he looks great right suffer me wow the design of the dead and the sound design and everything that is amazing we need every single one of you the way is shut oh yeah you do not want to argue with these guys right now I summon you to fulfill your oath none but the king of Gondor May command [Music] me oh that line was broken it has been [Music] remade hell yeah fight for us and regain your honor what say you yeah man pay your dues and go in peace instead of living in this Purgatory you your time arone they had no honor in life they have none now in death I am ISO and I will hold your o fulfilled damn what they rather live like die like this and I will release you from this living death what damn even in death they're a bunch of cowards looks like Emily called it what the hell is going on now oh you guys got to go oh wa waa the whole thing is colling oh my God oh my God tsunami of skulls all those dead yeah this was definitely not in the theatrical C don't remember seeing this ever how many so many that's like thousands and thousands thousand of people yeah that died gives you a sense of the the scale of that battle too right don't lose [Music] hope we fight la
Channel: The Media Knights
Views: 201,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lord of the rings the return of the king reaction, movie reaction, reaction, reacting, first time watching the lord of the rings the return of the king, the lord of the rings the return of the king (2003) movie reaction, review, discussion, the media knights, lord of the rings reaction, first time watching, commentary, movie review, elijah wood, peter jackson, the return of the king, first time watching lord of the rings, lord of the rings movie reaction, lotr, lord of the rings
Id: WQkXttJ3h3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 48sec (3108 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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