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hello guys and welcome back to the media nights my name is Ari and I'm Denise and today we're going to be watching The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers we're going to be watching the extended edition the same way that we watched The Fellowship of the r the extended edition really really enjoyed the journey so far I mean I thought the beginning was Flawless she's been super happy for the past few days cuz I'm I'm genuinely hyped and excited to continue this journey they left it at such a point where I want to know where the Journey of Frodo and Sam where that leads to and I want to see if the rest of the crew are able to rescue poor Pippin and Mary who just got abducted by these horrible monsters it's so expansive the film making is phenomenal the score is amazing it's been ringing in my head since I finished watching the first film honestly I couldn't be more excited to journey into this brand new world with you guys you guys have been amazing super welcoming so thank you for not being you know there's certain fandoms where there's a lot of Gatekeepers and they're like oh you didn't get this or that and you guys have been so insightful and honestly it's so such a warm embrace so I have to thank you guys for that for making this feel like a safe space and and honestly this is uh one of those stories where I'm I'm truly genuinely excited to to see how this goes it's it's honestly been such a wonderful experience I feel like you know you guys and I we we we're in on a little secret and we're just all witnessing such a wonderful moment that you know we've all gone through as Lord of the Rings fans and like we just get to live vicariously through you in that sense um it's been awesome to see how much you know you've you've taken to this world and you know you've you've kept up really well to be fair it's a lot it's a million in one names it's a lot going on and it's just been such a blast we've just been so grateful and I'm I'm super excited to watch The Two Towers with you same here man I'm actually very hyped I didn't know what to expect now I kind of know where this is heading really enjoyed all of the characters I think they have so much heart especially our you know the Fellowship of the Ring they set them up in such a way where I feel for them already and I want this to end well for them cuz they are lovable characters and I don't know man I'm kind of scared going into this one I don't want anything bad I don't want to lose anybody else and like Denise mentioned she's already watched The Lord of the Rings this is her first time however watching watching the extended editions if you guys want to watch the full length reaction that's going to be available on patreon and if you want to catch these reactions early before they drop on our YouTube you can hit the join button and become a YouTube member huge shout out to Pierre l r roelle and also to Alex Mercer thank you guys so much for your support also Alex Mercer as a prototype fan myself I I think that name is dope again guys thank you so much for being supporters we truly appreciate you guys thank you so much for watching and we'll catch you guys after the [Music] movie I honestly don't know how you guys waited a whole year for this that must have been Agony torment yes yeah I adore this [Music] theme oh The Echoes from the past that's very poetic very nice they're getting their money's worth from shooting all location hell yeah they really are it just makes a difference man no not this again you shall not pass yeah I really thought it was done man no we have to relive the [Music] trauma no you hear it in his voice it's heartbreaking brother you fools no oh man his scream just always tears me oh [ __ ] we get to see the fall mhm the sword he got it in the midair yeah oh he's so badass he's awesome I love the design of bog oh he beat the [ __ ] out of him was he well he was falling midf fall hell yeah man going out with a [Music] fight [Music] [Applause] damn whoa damn what a way to start the movie shot it's amazing so good wow feel bad for ganal too but that was just too epic man that was really good that was pretty iconic what a fight guys damn The Two Towers let's go baby these guys know how to start their films wow can you see the bottom Don't Look Down Sam just keep going oh that's the rope that he was gifted ah well that thing is strong as hell and it better be no no no no no cat this grab it Mr photo oh what the hell oh okay that would have been the shortest film ever I mean they never made it the end what's in this just a bit of seasoning I thought maybe if we was having a roast chicken one night or something roast chicken you never know yeah my dear son got to worry about the food you know yes it's the best salt in all the Shire it is Special A yeah it's a little bit of home I was going to say you could tell how much he misses home already we can't leave this here for someone to follow us down who's going to follow us down here Mr fr it's a shame really lady gadriel gave me that oh man that sucks it's one of my knots won't come free in a hurry oh wow oh wow well that didn't last long damn they got lucky really love this r i mean it lasted for as long as it was supposed to so that's good well I'm glad they get to take the rope with them I'm like that seems like a useful thing to leave behind yeah 100% we're lost I don't think anov meant for us to come this way he didn't mean for a lot of things to happen s yeah exactly but they did time to improvise now whoa uh it sees him wants the ring so bad L it's the ring isn't it it's getting heavier oh man it's going to start taking more and more of a toll isn't it what food have we got left oh yes lovely lambus bread hey lambus bread get so full with a little bite of that more lambas spray I mean it's a practical item to have to be fair you have to eat very little and it'll make you full I hope they do find a roast chicken though a chicken they can roast I know it's not bad nothing ever dampens your spirits does it Sam I love Sam so much he tries to say positive at all times those rainclouds M ooh yeah he senses something too mhm must be terrible not being being able to rest knowing that you're not safe anywhere when not not alone I'm glad they're resourceful though and they're they know better you know yeah you see them try their best you know competent little guys oh they're thieves it's Gollum they sto it from us my oh no it's all it is and we oh he's ABS good job oh get it get it get it nice yeah protect that ring Gollum is feral man wow no Jesus get him off what the yeah good job you've seen it before haven't you goem yeah release him or I'll cut your throat whoa I like seeing froto be a bit more of a badass mhm hell yeah it burns it burns oh the Rope Burns him oh Twisted oh oh wow let's just tie him up and leave him no that would kill us it's no more than you deserve I feel so bad for him I see him I do p yeah yeah we be nice to them if they be nice to us of us we SWS to you I don't know man no promise you can make that I trust yeah exactly I wouldn't trust him one bit the will hold you to your word brush wow he wants it so badly he's he's willing to just be near it yeah he's trying to trick us if we let him go he'll throw us in our sleep that's my thought as well you guys are going to have to keep a watch or something you know the way to Mordor oh smart nice if you can't beat him might as well use him right you will lead us to the black gate also huge shout out to Andy circus' performance as Gollum the motion capture in this is great the Expressions on his face look fantastic for the time man I I really mean it always the great eye watching watching very interesting there's like a split personality thing going on here mhm there's like a corrupted version of him in a good side that's fighting it that's very very cool oh Mary meanwhile in Mary Mary wake up poor Mary and Pippen man I can't imagine how scared they must be man my friend is sick he needs water give him some medicine boys what is that I don't know what that is but it can't be Pleasant you w some and keep your mouth shut come on guys where's the rest of our fellowship they got to save these guys don't worry about [Music] me wait what now man flesh oh I picked up our tra yeah hell yeah oh you boys get ready they're coming for you man the Prosthetics and everything man these guys are they look amazing it's amazing the costumes the teeth oh smart it's like Hansel and gredle all over again love the how competent they are man I know doing everything they can right in that situation to help they must have caught our sent hurry yay come on G let's go gii come on I feel the hype and I just watched the the first one I can only imagine people in the theater oh man yeah epicness man let's go boys wow look at that oh my god wow these shots are amazing man I love it so much beautiful man the camera work and these shots just giving you the full scale of the world letting you immerse yourself in it yeah not idly do the leaves of lauran fall less than a day ahead of us they're catching up they're right on their tail I'm wasted on cross country we dwarves are natural Sprinter very dangerous over short distances short distances distances don't let him hike for three days guys I mean I don't blame him man no food no rest your Elf I see the UR turn Northeast that taking the Hobbits to Eisen guard s ah there you go connecting the dots yeah and moreor whoa to stand against the might of Sauron and Saruman and the union of the two towers come on man we could have used you on the good side yeah together we shall rule this Middle Earth o the eye we will fight for you we will die for Saruman and he's corrupting others as well this is not looking good man he's recruiting too long have these peasants stood against you but no more oh no you take your sister pap says must not fight Geral he is too big I don't want to leave I don't want to go I will find you there oh man that is terrifying losing your home like that within seconds yeah and the desperation of a parent to send off your children like that in the hopes that at least they will make it find the King's son does that actor look familiar to you not at the moment remember the boys yes sure no way yeah of course he's from New Zealand as well so makes sense he's a kiwi and the thing is like no one is untouched you know this is destroying so many lives elves dwarves humans you see the the level of danger this is for everybody involved in this he was ambushed by Orcs if we don't defend our country Saran will take it by force yep that is a lie it's not a lie it's a fact araman the white has ever been our friend and Ally he just looks so repulsive doesn't he he just Screech he he looks evil like I wouldn't trust this guy already Orcs are roaming freely across our lands unchecked unchallenged killing at will Orcs bearing the wide hand of sarmon yep one more proof do you need yep your uncle is wearied by your Mal content your War mongering he's manipulating I see yeah that's not what was the promised price screamer when all the men are dead you will take your share of the treasure yep it seems that doesn't itched my sister oh you see much aare son of aan too much oh no you are banished forth with from the kingdom of Roan under pain of death they're going to banish him it comes from the King wait what he signed it this morning did he he had to forge that there's no way that sucks he was just trying to warn his own people yeah he trying to protect his people called them a war prot his land come Mal content that one is my favorite one like he's just a spoiled brat meanwhile he's trying to do the right thing key bre you got this KY you got this man that's me when cardio I feel seen yes yes score never gets old man it's incredible we're not going no further till we a breather looks like everyone is tired I think we might have made a mistake leaving the sh Pon it sure does seem that way huh what is that it's the trees folk used to say there was something in the water that made the trees grow tall and come alive alive we ain't had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days why can't we have some Meats no no they fresh as fresh as can be a not for eating tell him that he is salivating what about their legs they don't need those o they look T no oh my God they have something an Elish weapon the master wants it for the war oh there you go they think we have the ring sh as soon as they fight that we don't yes so please stay alive oh my God a the oh these two I was going to say oh looks like meat back on the menu boys well Yep they're going to be eating him now imagine being merry in Pippen where people literally discuss about eating your legs oh my God that is terrifying also these two uh oh this [ __ ] guy no one's going to save you now oh Bri on time holy crap saved by the spear who the hell are these guys came came right on time yes oh oh that's so impressive bow and arrow while riding a horse hell yeah so freaking [Music] cool riders of Rohan what news from the mar oh they look sick they look amazing look at [Music] that I don't know how I feel about being surrounded and being held at a weapon Point what business there's an elf a man and a dwarf having in the ridm mark sounds like the beginning of a joke give me your name hem and I shall give you mine I love gimy it's like manners first okay yes he has gumption I would cut off your head if it stood but a little higher from the ground hey watch it my friend die before your stroke fell Aragorn is like that won't be necessary please guys calm down leg protecting gimly what would have thought we are friends of Rohan and of Theoden your king Theoden no longer recognize his friend from fo yeah about that not even his own kin San has poisoned the mind of the king and claimed lordship over his lands I see it was San who probably controlled him into doing all this wow we track a party of urai Westward across the plane the URS are destroyed we slaughtered them during the night but there were two hbits did you see two hbits with them they would be small yeah what happened with the other two then we left none alive we piled the carcasses and burned no dead I'm sorry no way huel ER nah we didn't see it I won't believe it bear you to better Fortune than their former Masters th well that's nice of him that is horrible news to get it's it's the worst look for your friends but do not trust to Hope thank you thanks that's Pleasant nice a message to the rest imagine going through all those bodies trying to see if you can find your friends that it's unrecognizable it's one of their weat belts oh no yeah you could feel the pain man did you know that he actually broke his toes and he just kept going when he kicked the helmet wait like actually like actually he broke his toes and he was in so much pain he used it for the moment and Peter Jackson loved it so much he kept it well it definitely worked out in his favor cuz a hit L [Applause] here they crawled wow he can track what happened by that is an awesome skill to have he's Strider dude he's Aragorn he can do this awesome [ __ ] you broke the Rope amongst that chaos imagine they could have very easily been squashed or slaughtered they were followed the belt Ah that's how that happened mhm I figured there's no way they're not going to kill them off camera man tracks lead away from the battle into fangorn Forest why do I have a feeling this is not a good place the fangorn forest I don't know man the way they just spoke about it felt like the mines in the first movie the minds of Mor yeah I don't know man oh dear why it looks so pleasant and homie oh my God he's so persistent here Tre yeah hide if you don't want to fight it hide he's gone no I good job hell yeah yeah fight back man you got this oh oh they're actually alive oh maggot hold in your belly yeah you were saying oh sashed like a bug yes I'll be terrified their voice mhm tree I am no tree I am an ant ant an Shepherd of the forest don't talk to it Mary he's so Fascinate fascinated by it you don't understand we're Hobbits yeah we're not the same thing yeah the white wizard will know oh the white wizard San yeah they're working for San as well man oh [ __ ] out of the fire into the frying pan Huh man those ends look amazing though right their voices the sound it's amazing I of it come Master we will take you on a safe path through the Mist I don't know man he just seems so sketch he really does I feel like Sam I'll be like I don't know dude I'm not following you in there I don't think I would be able to trust Gollum fished yes fished we are precious give him some food at least bear GRS be like it's like that's how we get protein you know that's how we survive here master master kills Mastery nerves he's not wrong with the last part I don't know how to feel about Golem man I feel bad but I don't trust him either he takes a hold of us never let's go don't touch me the sound effect that you just get in the background kind of insinuating that there he is is pulling the strings he wants his ring back he is everpresent it's like the ring is like a magnet just especially if it has a hold on you just keeps pulling you in well I mentioned this in the first film they make a they do a great job at showing us how much of a character the ring is as well very much so there are dead things Dead faces in the water yeah this place is not safe this way don't follow the lights don't follow the lights orits go down to join the dead ones and light little canders of their own oh you can hear screaming in the background it's like the voices of the past just echoing on and on yeah he feels drawn to him fro oh oh no oh wow the dead that's horrifying that's crazy he can see the dead oh they want him yeah what would happen if you stay down there stay down there yeah and get stuck there aside from dying obviously oh no already tamam this is not something I want to see so beautiful it's like he's reminiscing how it felt and he's doing it at the same time yeah you are not so very different from a hobbit once smeagle a smeagle what did you call me your actual name girl wow he probably hadn't heard that name in ages yeah I mean oh no he still feels the pain man it just comes in waves like that like a bad migraine it's the nine nasol are back yep so he senses the wound when they nearby well I mean that sucks but it can also be useful I guess holy [ __ ] is that a dragon I don't know what that is it looks like a dragon kind of isn't that so sick dude that's terrifying yeah wraith's on wings like we didn't have enough problems it's all right it's tempting him to use it again well they're calling for the ring and the ring is calling for them it's like once he put puts on that ring he becomes a beacon this Forest is old very old full of memory what do you sense and anger lots of complex feelings there yep the trees are speaking to each other oh boy kimy lower your ax he's always ready for a fight I love it I love him so much is it more Tree Friends the white wizard approaches [ __ ] get ready for that fight I'll let him speak he will put a spell on us they can't even let him speak they're going to have to strike quickly mhm I love the tension let's go a [ __ ] that's too powerful whoa you are tracking the footsteps of two young Hobbits yes they met someone one they did not expect show yourself what holy [ __ ] yeah it cannot be a dude you fell on lowest dungeon to the highest peak I fought him yeah he continued to fight was on and on man took a while nice Darkness took me and I strayed out of thought and time oh Stars wheeled overhead wow and every day was as long as a life f AG of the earth so he did die I've been sent back until my task is done wow gandal that was what they used to [ __ ] me wow of course it's been a lifetime for him yes Gandalf the Gray that was my name gandal I am Gandalf the White and I come back to you now at the turn of the time hell yeah man wow gel the white wasn't that amazing fantastic so good to have him back man you know what so cool about the reveal moment they Blended the voice and the eyes of both actors to make it look confusing and sound confusing Mary and Pippin are quite safe in fact they're far safer than you are about to be oh that's good news wow so he's the same but different he's a different version of himself he also white now so just like San but this time this one is good a wow beautiful horse what a beauty Shadow fact is the Lord of all horses Shadow fact and has been my friend through many dangers a the love in his eyes man what a performance gentle such a gentle soul and kind and warm I'm just so happy we've got him back man I told Gandalf I would keep you safe and safe is where I'll keep you a must be so nice for them to be able to unplug a little bit and feel safe at least momentarily get the rest they need but he is not so mighty yet that he is above fear good so on fear you he'll use his puppet salaman to destroy Rohan the king's mind is enslaved yep mhm do not regret your decision to leave him a froom has finish this task he must he's been feeling guilty he needed to hear that Sam went with him did he indeed Good Sam did follow on that promise man yes he's a man of his word he absolutely kept his word it's his death we can't get past the hell are you guys going to s Sak in look at that there's a whole Army in there yeah the opposition the good guys seem like they're very hard to get by there's not enough Good Guys compared to all the evil ones right now I can see you way [Music] down [ __ ] oh wow that's a big fall you guys better stay hidden a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] sh [ __ ] oh boy it's not going to work I can't see them either I guess it did work oh wow it was the freaking rock that is awesome remember they mentioned um the elves mentioned to them that this is going to keep them from unfriendly eyes I wonder if that has something to do with this I it has some magical properties then no no they catch you they catch you huh and the precious is wanting to go back to him but we mustn't let him h i mean at least that works in our favor right the fact that he also doesn't want the ring to end up in the Master's Hand are you saying there's another way into Mordor there a pa okay time to go to the other entrance I guess oh you could see how he's just yeah he just really wants that ring man clutching on to him it really feels like an addiction no lead the way got I feel like Sam man I don't want this guy to cross them but he's going to feel betrayed huh yeah it's a hard Choice man it is your friend and you just don't trust Gollum I wouldn't trust Gollum see the disappointment in his eyes yeah that he didn't listen to him there dwells s king of rahan your son he is dead uncle he is not snapping out of it can see even his eyes seem like grayed out yeah they they're milky I mean if everybody knows that something's up with him why would they I mean I mean yeah I guess he's the king so they can't really just change the power Dynamic there they know that's compromised his passing is hard to accept especially now that your brother father has deserted you get your hand off leave me alone snake yeah he's definitely a snake yeah the walls of your power closing in about you a hat to tramel some wild thing he's awful what's going on your words are poison good for you you me this skes yeah I don't know man he just feels like the embodiment of corruption yeah I'm loving this so much man I can't gush enough over it this is great I'm so and the pacing of this one too has been it's fantastic dude I cannot allow you before thoden King so armed by order of grima Worm tongue [ __ ] Worm [Music] tongue not the axe yeah you can see it in his eyes he's like H not the axe man come on G staff you wouldn't not part an old man from his walking smart he's great he wouldn't dare wink I love good job my Lord Gandalf the Gray is coming he doesn't want them to know that he died he's still going as Gandalf the gry and he's still wearing the robes yeah ill news is new guest be silent keep your for tongue behind your yeah yeah pass so far in death to band their crooked words with a witless word what a burn I release you from the [Music] spell is it not going to work you have no power here gandal the great oh surprise not the gray anymore for you San as poison is drawn from our wound he's so awesome he's amazing dude if I go Soden dies whoa come on he's holding on he really is o oh what a nice Cut oh he felt that yep yeah his eyes look at that well all of him he looks much better there he is I know your face he looks younger even yes he really does can down breathe the free air again my friend the music it's ghost bums fingers would remember their old strength better if they grasped Soul oh wow yeah yeah you're not going anywhere buddy don't you worry yeah come here pay back mhm I hope that hurt I've only ever served you my no you haven't oh enough blood has been spilled on his account that is very honorable yes it is get out of my way wow [ __ ] it Aragorn is too good of a person man I wouldn't have trusted this guy to leave I would have kept him as a prisoner I'm a bad person man where is th where is my son yeah about that no imagine losing your son while you were under a spell symol moon ever has it grown on the tombs of my forbears wow now it shall cover the grave of my son heartbreaking s's death was not of your making no parents should have to bury that child yeah you see the grief in his eyes such sadness there's nothing he could have done though no San is too powerful as well the score in this moment is incredible I'm glad he got to bury his son at least and he has Gand off with him but I will not bring further death to my people I will not risk open War man open war is upon you whether you would risk it or not yeah exactly thank you there's not you don't have a choice here really yeah I can't just stick your head in the Sand by order of the king the city must empty we make for The Refuge of Helm's Deep oh they're going to evacuate Helm's Deep has saved them in the past Theoden is walking into a trap oh no oh God at first light on the fifth day at dawn look to the east go okay instructions always [Laughter] [Music] riddles what is it wow he's got a away with horses too of course he what can he do what a guy his name is braer he was my cousin's horse brao does he seek to Humble me with his Newfound piety I think he humbled you pretty well who followed the wizard of an elf of course of course I mean what else was going to happen yeah oh she's got some fighting skills ooh you have some skill with a blade some the women of this country learned long ago those without swords can still die upon them that's that's that's very true do you fear my lady to stay behind bars until use and old age accept them I do not think that would be your fate she seems Brave yes and feisty she will fight her way out of any cage they will flee to Helms Deep he's giving away everything everything they will have women and children with them does that mean anything to you sorrow man jeez Riders War Riders je I don't even want to know honestly know there's not left in him but lies and deceit it's the ring he wants it's all he cares about you have no idea what it did to him what it's still doing to did M cuz he knows he's the one wearing it so he understands I want to help him Sam cuz I have to believe he can come back I think he probably fears becoming that I think so what do you know about it nothing oh boy it's the ring you can't take your eyes off it oh my God it's taking hold of you Mr yeah it is the ring was entrusted to me it's my time oh boy my own you hear yourself don't you know who you sound like it's working marvelously the ring is just creating this Rift between them cuz it knows Sam is the one thing that can truly help yeah wickedy F no no that's amazing the camera moving yeah the different personas how they chose to show them here it's amazing murderer oh why would you be without me we survived because of me not anymore oh he's fighting it oh wow leave now and never come back yeah man good for you yeah now and never come back wow oh my God it's quiet now it's just him and the US wow that's so interesting oh he's still fighting it look see what friends seem so happy now I know I don't know man I feel like this could be the ring zooing too and making it seem like he's closer to Gollum now than he is to Sam messing with Sam's perspective there's only one way to eat a brace of conies yeah yeah nice little stew stupid fat R what we need is a few good ters ters what brussles potatoes boil them mash them stick them in a stew such I love potatoes too man dude potatoes are the best Golden Chip with a nice piece of fried fish hey fish and chips even you couldn't say no to that SP nice fish I mean that's that still looks pretty bomb to us and hey you keep Nast CHS all right okay yeah guess it's going to be more for you buddy yes what is that sound I don't know oh they're so close Servants of s the dark one is gathering all armies to him everyone he will soon be ready ready to do what yeah he's going to strike everybody hard we've got to get moving come on S he just made this too look wao oh my God those are massive as well holy crap oh they got power man no one at home will believe [Music] this yeah you could see the fear in his eyes and the thing is the audience I feel the same way I'm like I'm just seeing the bad guys get more and more powerful and we're not really going anywhere we're just saving people here and there o oh oh oh wow okay stealth attack that's a good thing for us right [Music] wow o oh my God get out of the [Music] way he hit the ground hard yes he's out of commission yeah I think he's out for a little bit a [Music] oh Jesus we are bound to an errand of secrecy those that claim to oppose the enemy would do well not to hinder us mhm who's the enemy his sense of Duty was no less than yours I de that's true you wonder what his name is if he was really evil at heart well that's the question right we all have to fight for a side right yeah and we all think that we're on the right side seems like he's a fighter because he needs to be but he's not really about war very interesting mhm she watched her mother succumb to grief and she was left alone to tend her King in growing fear who should have loved her as a father oh tough life man but see There's Hope still after all of that to have a moment of levity and true happiness so find some Joy I made some stew it isn't much but it's hot a thank you some actual food and it's hot I don't want to know what that is is it good no no a poor guy we've all been there haven't we excuse me told me a strange thing he said that you rode to war with fer but he must be mistaken he was only a small child at the time wait what you must be at at least 60 70 huh wait how old is he not be 80 87 87 you are one of the dunad a descendant of numor blessed with long it was said that your race had passed into Legend no not quite I'm sorry please eat I wonder just how long can they live I mean 87 he looks amazing for 87 so the light if the even star does not wax and way it is mine to give to my like my he probably misses her a lot I'm sure he does I am asleep this is a dream then it is a good dream I guess it is a good dream y so much pressure man so many things at stake it's good that she was so supportive about it though yeah pushed them in the right direction you can see all the sacrifice these people had to make yeah just to get to where we are right now being so far away from the ones you love let her bear away her love for you to the undying lands there it will be Ever Green Oh I will not leave my daughter here to die she stays for you she belongs with her people oh man ELR just wanted to keep her safe huh yeah I mean it's his daughter right why are you saying this oh it was a dream Arwin nothing more oh no this belongs to you it was a gift keep it what a sacrifice wow I I understand that's real love honestly just letting go because want them to survive and be safe and you saw how much that meant to Elon too yes of course ah man that just gave his character so much more waight I'm glad we get these sequences yeah oh Jesus what oh those are the rider things they were talking about uhhuh the wargs oh nice good shot hell yeah a scout I love his rage I know leg is always ready man never misses he's always So Graceful I love it he's so light on his feet holy [ __ ] oh guys you got to go and make haste I can fight no you must do this for me she's got heart she's going to keep those people safe I love the cinematography how it becomes so disruptive it's so shaky cuz there's so much going on their purpose is just got shaken as well so it makes total sense from a visual perspective that is sick let's go man that's amazing oh man can we talk about how badass our heroes are they're all so honorable and amazing and I love them all let's go what a clash never misses he never misses come on you got this he's about to meet that [Music] axe that one count mine he had him he had him o ooh oh my God that was so Swift oh no oh my god oh that he's strong he just sbed his neck like that just like that oh you got to be bro what do you mean not fair guys come on come on come on ooh oh my God that was a close call very close a [ __ ] oh no just hanging on for dear life oh no no no holy [ __ ] out go R imagine the fear you feel in those moments he dead I took a little tumble off the cliff yeah I was going to say that Cliff looks like a [Music] high oh wow yeah oh no that's a big [Music] fall that specific Motif is so good just tugs at your heartstrings every time yeah see oh oh she made it yeah I'm just happy she made it too so few of you have returned you have no idea Lord aror where is he he fell you can hear the Heartbreak in their voices and their eyes what kind of device could bring down the wall it's like get that thing away from this please T of thousands but my Lord there is no such Force oh my God holy [ __ ] like we knew it was an Army but when you see it like that this is huge march to Hell de oh it's going to be a massacre this is bad oh man he's going to be dragged so far from this freaking fight May the of the protect you oh wow they're just connected man that's yeah true love right there yeah I wonder if it's in his mind or if it's an actual if she's actually looking over reaching out to him I wonder it it's a horse that a oh that's so sweet we found him oh huh it's like you let me be free yeah I will help you buddy I didn't have that context before why' you linger here when there is no hope there is still hope someone has to hold on to it wow whether By The Sword the slow decay of time anagon will die oh so it's a lose lose for her yes no Comfort to ease the pain of his passing he will come to death an image of the splendor the Kings of Men wow wow time goes on and she will remain you will Linger on until all the world is changed and the long years of your life are utterly spent that is a horrible fate well what do you choose right you choose those few years it's an impossible decision it's pain no matter what you choose fell asleep fell me and I get Elon too he's just looking out for his daughter of course feel like any parent would try to send their child away you know well she's going oh man Sauron will use his puppet Saruman to destroy the people of Rohan yeah they're already on the way y all on their way I love how this movie takes its time to focus on these characters man yeah each of the characters Frodo begins to understand the quest will claim his life what you have foreseen it it is the risk we all took they knew how this is going to go how it could have how it could go do we leave Middle Earth to its fate do we let them stand alone all that history s man attacks from Eisen Godard Sauron from Mordor they are completely surrounded yes saon will strike as soon and he will strike hard they need support yes seems like the closer froto gets to his objective the harder and harder it is to continue this journey yeah I feel like the the ground underneath them is shrinking you know we are Hobbits of the sh fro baggin is my name and this is Sam gamji your bodyguard is Gardener your skulking friend that gangle creature damn had new favor look they noticed everything huh there was no other he's like right someone was like we set out from rivendel with seven companions two were my kin a dwarf there was also and an elf the fellowship Aragon son of Aron and Boromir of Gondor we a friend of Boromir oh he knows Boromir yes it would grieve you then to learn that he is dead oh they didn't know right More Than This I Know it in my heart it was my brother oh wow yeah damn that's Bor meir's [Music] brother don't do this no this city was once the jewel of our kingdom and so it shall be once more so many people loved him yes good speech nice and short more time for drinking hell yeah I like that oh man it's so Bittersweet man yeah they say you vanquished the enemy almost single-handed they exaggerate the victory belongs to faramir also were you not entrusted to protect it oh you let the enemy walk in and take it on a whim healthy relationship with the father I see I can see that yeah some uh favoritism yeah you give him no credit and yet he tries to do your will good SC job for standing up to him it is rumored the weapon of the enemy has been found oh I see this thing must come to Condor ever the ring will seek to corrupt the hearts of lesser men but you you are strong you set your own kid on that path yeah there's need to go to rivendel send me in his stad you God I think not I trust this Mission only to your brother what an [ __ ] Jesus man that makes it even more tragic that's horrible I just I just want to tell him to not go down there yep so much there wasn't a third one to enter the Forbidden pool pays the penalty of death penalty of death Jesus they wait for my command shall I shoot you're going to have to open up man I to fish so jues that fish was like you could have shot shter take your time guys wait this creature is bound to me and I to him he is our guide yeah it's the only person that knows how to get them through safely come Smigel trust Master come trust Master get out of the pool come smeagle nice smeagle like nice good job man oh no oh he's going to think you betrayed him oh that is so messed up ah oh my God that's enough look at him he's suffering enough already why does it cry [Music] s he had gotten rid of that part of him Master trick us of course he did of course it's like the dark thoughts like the embodiment of all the dark thoughts it's like Gollum happened to protect smeagle right and now that smeel needs protection he's back again yeah precious yeah dude he wants that damn ring it's so disturbing but also like the voice this is the answer to all the riddles here in the wild I have you and a host of men at my call the ring of power within a he told him yep yeah what now oh no no no stop it don't you understand he's got to destroy it oh he's sharing with him yeah will he be tempted I wonder the ring will go to Gondor that is horrible news they're right there brego you are my Mano exactly bgo is the MVP MVP horse that is for sure it's a beautiful horse too beautiful good boy good boy get out of the way I'm going to kill him you are the he's going to kill him dead and the most Reckless man I ever knew bless you laddy ly man the acting these people put on an incredible performance they you look terrible thanks the oh okay ooh that is difficult that is [Music] complicated all Eisen guard is emptied how many 10,000 strong at least Jesus they will be here by Nightfall you guys got a few hours to pack up and go Jesus let them come I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms to be ready for battle by Night War I mean I appreciate the sentiment of wanting to now they want to fight but this seems like a much larger Army than what they had before so these are orai I have fought many Wars Master dwarf I know how to defend my own keep okay all right strategy then there has to be strategy at this but I don't I have a bad feeling man they're not counting on that drain thing exactly send out Riders my Lord you must call for Aid and who will come Gondor will answer Gondor where was Gondor when the westfold fell where was gondle when our enemies closed in around us where was G he has no hope no we are alone still have to try though wow now we must decide if the an will go to war oh are they going to fight alongside I sure hope so man we need all the help we can get we need all of the help that we can get this is terrible I'm to be sent with the women into the caves that is an honorable charge let me stand at your side it is not in my power to command it let her fight man she wants to fight yeah let her fight man it's one more person no man these poor people cannot catch a break my heart is breaking for them this was supposed to be their rest bit most have seen too many Winters or too few yeah what the hell are they going to do then I shall die as one of them the rest of them are like we we understood that part let him go L let him be I mean Legolas is not trying to be pessimistic he's being realistic I also have the same concerns because even without the armor and the weaponry and the numbers like one ukai is so much stronger than man where is the horn that was blowing like wind in the meadow the days have gone down in the west I don't know what to say like oh my God they're kids they they are literally kids I thought they meant like maybe teenagers they're kids they must have decided something by now we only just finished saying good morning what by the time they come to a decision yeah we don't have time be we have to be we're running out of time thank you can you do this in English maybe I don't know you know it seems like they communicating fastor in English right yeah I'm like we have trusted you this far you have not leted us astray forgive me I was wrong to despair a what a great friendship time I get this adjusted it's a little tight across the chest help him out man come on I mean his legs will be [Music] safe send for the King open the gate it's not an or corn reinforcements have arrived an alliance once existed between elves and Men long ago we fought and died together they came to help out wow came just in time you are most welcome yes whoa go off okay the silence I'm getting sweaty palms cold as ice yeah we can already hear them right yep oh they're there as far as the eye can see look at that listen to The Horizon dude you could have picked a better spot luck I love that gim's just saying what we're all thinking I know I'm trying not to laugh this is serious but that's just funny The Bravery in all of these people every single one of them every single one of them for staying oh my God I love that they show us this though cuz it reinforces what they're fighting for they're fighting to keep these people safe the Innocence the Next [Music] Generation here we go the tension oh my God what's happening out there shall I describe it to you or would you like me to find you a box [Laughter] box here we go the moment it's been building up to oh dear this is going to be terrible God just Oh shot the first [Music] it was an accident well it was a good shot though well [ __ ] yeah we got the first Blood baby yeah my God yeah that pissed them off now they're they're just they're not even going to wait I love how like was certain of the orai they use the Dutch angles to make them look even more monstrous they cover the entire frame that way yes it's massive by two weak spots okay okay nice did they hit but that's a very tight weak spot just the neck and under the arm ooh oh wow wow sick dude nice it's raining arrows over here and yeah he's like yeah I want to fight huh gim's all melee he's all melee exactly he's always ready oh oh my God time to use that sword of yours oh hell yeah gimly true already I'm on 17 I have no point to yet 17 oh my God he's quick with it yes good job kick off those letters please For the Love of All they're overwhelming them just because of the numbers we have agreed you are not Orcs come on and what about Saran have you come to a decision about him now don't be Hasty Master oh yeah I cannot I would not have the [Music] patience wow see how synchronized they are it's amazing is this all you can conjure San why why would you why would you jinx it we are not in a good position he called it that was the one weak spot where they could just attack the base from inside yeah oh my God please oh my God come on come on he's still going dude what the hell oh oh oh man yeah that's it wow that's a massive hole in the wall that's that is no that's it that's devastating race the game and they're all still bracing yeah keep fighting don't give up good job oh yeah yes oh get me oh wow he went straight into the fight yeahor he [Music] did good job I love that shot with the arrows how the camera pushed in there oh that is sick hell yeah Shield surfing while he's shooting arrows yes come on gimly up you get I I am very impressed by Lego last man he's he's badass he is awesome this is not our war but you're part of this world exactly they're coming for you guys too you are young and brave Master Mary but your part in this te is over come on guys don't make this all a waste of time you tried you tried to convince them what can we do in the end we've got the Shire maybe we should go home even the Integrity of the Shire is at stake yeah what was once green and good in this world will be C there won't be a sh exactly you have to fight now while it's still early and you have a chance exactly oh he's in the middle of the fight man oh oh no oh man they struck him from behind oh my God [Music] ooh while he's going holy [ __ ] God damn O Come on yes oh wow hey he might be a little older but he can still fight yeah oh come on we can take them love gimly it's a long way can you TOS me nobody tosses a dwarf I canot jump the dist have to I love that the call back I know don't tell me not a stays between us yes hell yeah just the two of them dude wow wow The Bravery and the skill that they have both of them the fact that they can take that many fighters at once oh oh my God they just keep coming in waves and it's never ending it does not end it really isn't pull everybody back pull them back this is a very long battle sequence I wonder how long it took them to do this this is really well shot and well coordinated I'm pretty sure it took them like 4 months to shoot this if we go south we can slip past South unnoticed the closer we are to Danger the farther we are from harm it's the last thing he'll expl I mean I mean the logic makes sort of sense it's the last place he would look for these two true the ring will not save Gondor there is only the power to destroy let me go you could see the tear in his eyes he's just desperate to get the hell out and finish this Quest yes oh oh oh many of these trees were my friends I'm sorry tripot they had voices of their room they just completely destroyed everything yes and they will continue [Music] to wow echoed through the forest the trees they're moving wow the entire Forest is alive my business is with Eisen Godard tonight this is what snapped them out of it huh seeing that yeah the danger is closer than what they thought for them and it will actually it already is affecting them come my friends the ends are going to hell yeah but yeah you have to make a stand yes for sure what wow the scale of this movie man there's so like different battles happening now at the same time yes wow taken to Eastern Shore by Nightfall we'll be overrun also them everybody's in trouble you want to know what happened to Boromir yeah tell him he tried to take the ring from froom he tried to kill him the ring drove your brother mad oh damn oh man where losing froto yeah they're here they've come n oh the nas are here on those things yeah the Fortress is taken it is over no don't lose hope now man they still defend it they have died defending it exactly there are still people worth trying to save yes there is one passage it leads into the mountains but they will not get far the urai are too many any chance is a chance really ride out and meet them for death and glory for Rohan the sun is rising wow these people always holding on for Hope at dawn look to the east I have Goosebumps let this be the hour when we draw swords together it's got to hold on a bit longer keeping them at Bay as long as they can yes Barrel through them look at that like bowling pins yes hey hell yeah Gandalf Gandalf is here Gandalf is here I always feel safer when he's around yeah yes not alone roit him [Music] oh H [Music] yeah now things are evening out at this wow oh what a shot some of these visuals man this is inred there's a fighting chance now yes now we're even [Music] yeah hell yeah the light oh my god [Music] wow even G is kicking ass with the staff let's go let's go and wof you see the force with which they throw stuff o and I love how they move too you can tell they're heavy they move slowly and it takes them a minute it takes them a minute that's can't rush perfection right yeah death by ENT seems uh painful yes yeah a a no oh wow wow everything he had taken control over they're taking it back that's crazy nature is literally taken back wow oh my God they got a strong rout look at the end then just dunked his head fire yeah he's like thank God I know perfect timing where are you going what is he doing fro what are you doing my God it's it's too close [Applause] o Good Nice Shot he was going to put it on again yes it's me it's your Sam don't you know you're Sam snap out of him man I can't do this it's all wrong by rights we shouldn't even be here yeah you guys have made it so far the amount of weight FR almost be feeling now it's like in the great stories Mr fle the ones that really mattered and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy that's how I feel about this movie right now we have Victory but hell yeah it's only a passing thing this Shadow I know those were the stories that stayed with you yeah yeah that is true folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they did they kept fighting what are we holding on to Sam lifting him up there's something good in this world Mr ferle and it's worth fighting for Sam is the freaking best man he is the best I think at last we understand one another froo beans if you let them go your life will be forfeit it's not worth his love man then it is for yeah it's about more than this release them he finally accepted himself he doesn't need the approval of his father anymore keep away from the trees oh oh oh they weren't expecting that yeah final count uhhuh 42 damn only 42 I myself I'm sitting pretty on 43 just by one what road will you take when you reach the woods near minus morle that climbs up into the mountains get unle oh they say a dark Terror dwells in the passes above meus morgal we cannot go that way smeagle we must go to murder so we must TR they're telling you already that this is not a good place to be in go with the Good Will of all men thank you yeah never a good song when they recognize exactly yes what the place is by name find you quickly if you bring them to harm a i truly don't know how to feel about smeagle I don't know man it's the battle for Helms Deep Is Over The Battle for Middle Earth is about to begin what line yep all our hopes now lie with twoo little Hobbits samai in the wilderness they just have to trust that these two are going to get there man yeah I wonder if people will ever say let's hear about Frodo in the ring yes my boy the most famous of Hobbits it's kind of very the chief characters Sam the brave Sam wi the brave Frodo wouldn't have got far without Sam now Mr Frodo you shouldn't make fun I was being serious so was he yeah Sam the [Music] braak it suits them they really are they really are Against All Odds master betrayed us Wicked Trixie he's fighting against it but yeah where are youle we could let her do let who her and then we T it once they're dead oh dear mhm longs to go L I love it casually he's like come on follow me I'm not trying to kill you I promise at all it's all fine it's all fine oh it just does not look like a nice place does it no wow oh my God I can only imagine I feel bad for you guys waiting a whole year yeah that was not great like after the first one you still feel a bit of Hope yeah some conclusion is yeah you feel kind of positive about it but with this one like it just pans up and all you see is the eye and Mordor and it's just like that's really that's really bad wow that's uh that's the first word that comes you know to my mind after watching this is just simply wow this is amazing I really I'm really really loving the story man I mean it I am slowly but surely falling in love with these characters and how much attention they give to every single character in these films and in this gim fro gandal aror everybody that's supporting them in the outskirts of their story right they're there they're not gone there there the world feels alive even when you're not seeing a specific character they're still doing something working their way towards a goal to hopefully support our core team here and I love that you know cuz like in the Battle of Helm's Deep it all feels so lost and they they do such a good job at giving you that sense of Despair and hopelessness that I completely forgot about Gandalf's return so when he finally comes back and he comes back with that Army to support him yeah that was amazing that was really really well done because not only does it mean something in the sense of the the battle itself it it means something for the story and for the entire feeling of that moment it changes so quickly from despair to Hope as soon as you see him and for me like that's kind of like the embodiment of what Gandalf is he's like pure hope and and bravery you know every time he's around he just gives off he emanates that feeling of okay we still have something that's worth fighting for yes I I love this part two of the story the second chapter The Two Towers it it it has a lot of that those qualities of the story where it's a lot of problems man that's exactly the feeling I had going into this and it felt that way until the very end where it's all these problems just piling on top of each other and it's just becoming harder and harder for froto and Sam to get to their destination and it's just so inspiring to see these two tiny Hobbits man get as far as they do and even after all of what they've been through in this film they still carry hope yes that is so beautiful and I love the closing lines of these movies man they always leave you with despite of how despite how bad it looks we're not going to give up yet yes you know but man the way this one ends with smeagle SL talking to himself is is just I could not bear waiting to watch this I don't understand how you guys are waiting a year I mean I don't think we're even going to wait a week we're probably going to watch this either tomorrow or the day after but you guys have to wait a whole year I mean I'm sure that a lot of you guys after watching this ran straight to the nearest bookstore yeah you know and bought yourself the collection of the trilogy of the three books because it truly is a phenomenal story and I I am truly grateful um again for being introduced to this by you by you guys and and I I'm I'm starting to realize now why this is so big and why so many people love this and it's a phenomenally written story and it's also an amazing film the way that it's executed the shots the cinematography yes the costume design the Prosthetics I can go on and on about all of the behind the scenes aspects of this movie and the technical aspect they really put in so much work in this and the scale of it it will never you know not amaze me and I think for anybody that's a fan of battles or movies of the genre or or just a saga in general I mean the scale of this is undeniable and I think that's what I mean it's impressive now we're in 2024 guys and this came out in 2002 and it's still impressive 20 years from then that is the impact of a good story stories are Timeless and stories like this will continue to be timeless there's no expiration date not at all and it's this is what happens when you have the perfect combination of a great story meeting the great technical aspect right it's it's the perfect marriage of the two and in every single frame that you watch in this movie and also the previous one is how much love and care and effort they've poured into this every single thing and you see it you see it within the actors and you see it you can feel it radiate across the screen from everyone whether it's the director or just regular you know crew editors every single person that was involved in this you feel that love and I think that's one of those things makes this Trilogy so unique especially because being the second one makes you basically the middle child in a Trilogy right it's the second one is always a toughy because you're not doing the establishing anymore so you have that out of the way but you need to be interesting enough that your existence is validated it's like why don't we just skip this one and just go straight to the conclusion it's very difficult to craft an identity for a second movie and this is for every Trilogy cuz at some point there's always a either in quality or in the storyline and I I have to agree with you so much that they they've carved out these characters they've carved out the time for all of these characters to make us understand just how big it is this is really for all of Middle Earth it's for everyone that lives there it whether it's the hobbits the ants the the humans the elves this includes everybody and sometimes when a movie feels more war movie like it can be a little bit too contained you don't you only the characters that you're with that are in battle but here we get other perspectives so that's when we truly realize just how big of a villain of a foe the one ring and saon and sauman Al together are it it feels unbeatable at certain times and like you said it feels so hopeless but we have these characters like Gandalf or Aragon or Sam wise who somehow bring the Hope back again somehow and it feels miraculous and the thing is like this is amazing to watch the story is so impactful because the characters are so beautifully written that this I think is also important like for as a human being to just watch and observe and learn from I agree this is very inspiring and there's a lot of aspects here that anybody can really hold on to an Admire I mean if you're a fan of films you're going to have a blast with this there's so many things to point out and be like this is done amazingly I want to learn how how how did they do this and you know once we finish all these movies I really want to delve into the behind the scenes and watch exactly how the hell did they accomplish some of these achievements these amazing scenes that they were able to craft here and and and to give us that sense of wonder and again the immersion and the pacing of these films too from an editing standpoint and just from a storytelling standpoint also have my Kudos cuz this is not an easy story and like you mentioned not a easy part of the story to tell but instead of falling into the Trap of you know we are going to rush this or we're not going to you know take the time because people will not be as engaged as you know the other two chapters they were like let's story and focus doubling down the entie of theory which is the Hope right in in the darkest moments but also there's things out there worth fighting for and not only do we do that with this chapter but we're able to take a lot of quality time some of these scenes that that they last quite long just focusing on these characters and their journey and understanding their inner thoughts and it it almost serves as a prequel to the conclusion and I know that sounds very obvious obviously it's the chapter that came that comes before the conclusion but I mean it in a more you know spiritual emotional sense they're almost getting ready for the last battle and everybody's kind of in a way everybody's kind of confronting their own demons at their own pace during this chapter and and making up their minds as to whether or not they want to fight and what are they fighting for and is it going to be worth it and I think that's very important going into three to understand where everybody stands in this fight obviously we know that everybody's a good you know all of our main characters are good people but it's important to know that they also struggle it's important to know that they're being brave it's not just an easy thing for them to decide they're scared they will lose some battles they've lost some people the ring is Weighing on them so a lot of these challenges makes every single win that more impactful yes makes all of those moments where they get to smile and laugh and spend time together and and and be happy it makes those moments worth it and it makes you realize how important it is to them to win this and I think without two I mean obviously we haven't gotten to three yet but without two that emotional impact that setup this is all set up for that emotional impact for three I already know it cuz it feels that way and I think that I really appreciated the movie taking his time for me and allow us all of us the audience to connect with these characters at a level that we hadn't yet first one had a lot of setup to do second one gave us that intimate time with the characters and I think going into three it's going to be all oh boy oh dear I don't know man I I am not ready for three I think I'm going to I mean I'm loving it so far I'm sure I'm going to love it too but this story had me at the edge of my seat quite a few times find it very interesting I love the lore there's so much to explore here there's so much to um understand although after one I think one was the hardest in terms of lore there was a lot that you know it's a new world you're getting introduced so there's a lot of that as an audience member to be like okay what's going on now now that I knew um there was a lot of things that I could just catch on the Fly really cool misdirection with the whole um the white wizard thing oh my God in the forest I was like I was so sure they were in so much trouble and then they they did that reveal in in such an amazing way like you mentioned they they do the whole voice layering thing and you can't really see the face cuz they do like this whole like light behind him thing and it's so shiny and I wasn't I wasn't even thinking about Gandalf honestly it wasn't even in my head so by the time that they do that reveal again they do it so well which is probably one of the standout moments in this film I'm sure the theater erupted whoever did not read the books had the same face I had which is which is great that's a great moment to experience that was such an awesome moment I was just waiting I was just waiting for like that moment for him for you to realize I have to that was not S I have to say again thank you to our audience cuz not a single comment and we got so many people with so much passion and love for this sag and I love you guys I really do you guys are so wholesome man not a single one eluded and I mean she's really good with spoilers so she tends to keep me from comments when we're watching something just in case I'm monitoring but from what we've seen you know not a single person has given us anything to spoil us and I really really appreciate that um obviously we try to watch these movies as soon as we can and by the time that you have it on YouTube we' We it's been a minute but still it's nice to see that when we post like people don't try to take that away and it it really was worth it so thank you guys for that thank you for all the support really appreciate it you guys being so warm and welcoming let's finish this journey together man I'm having a blast thank you again thank you for this experience thank you guys for joining us we hope that you enjoy and we'll catch you guys in the next one take care see you
Channel: The Media Knights
Views: 222,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lord of the rings the two towers reaction, movie reaction, reaction, reacting, first time watching the lord of the rings the two towers, the lord of the rings the two towers (2002) movie reaction, review, discussion, the media knights, lord of the rings reaction, first time watching, film, commentary, movie review, ian mckellen, elijah wood, peter jackson, two towers, lord of the rings, lotr, first time watching lord of the rings, lord of the rings movie reaction
Id: 9VoEqTWvZmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 57sec (5877 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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