The Lord Is My Shepherd | Patrick Pierre

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is God me too I love the Lord I love his presence I love when he speaks through his word to me there's nothing like when God speaks folks nothing like when God speaks to our hearts amen and I sense a witness in here tonight our topic this evening the Lord my shepherd Jehovah rohi the Lord my shepherd if you have your Bible you can turn with me to Psalm 23 Psalm 23 you know some say uh it's probably the best love passage in the Old Testament this particular Passage just to give you a little bit of context according to Rhys Chronological Bible this Psalm was written not long after David had slain Goliath was commandeered into service by King Saul and became besties with Saul's son Jonathan somewhere around first Samuel chapter 18 verse 4. David being inspired by God uses begins to use a metaphor which he borrowed from a scene that he was very familiar with to describe God's great love and care for his own people David too was a shepherd and he knew what it was like to care for the Sheep to lead them to defend them to feed them to help them heal to begin to rescue them to come to their rescue and I'm reading from the new King James version tonight and what we're going to do is we're going to begin to read this Psalm there's only six verses and as we read we'll begin to expound and touch on each of the verses as we go along but the scripture says in Psalm 20 feet starting with verse 1 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. the Lord is my shepherd the psalmist David said here the Lord Jehovah the self-existing self-existent one the Eternal God who has no beginning and no end this God is in other words currently definitively without a doubt my shepherd my personal Shepherd my personal Shepherd which speaks of possession in other words he is my God he is my shepherd I don't know about anybody else but he is my shepherd Hallelujah Jehovah rohi my shepherd the word Shepherd as a noun meant a ruler a teacher even a pastor that's why pastors are even called Shepherds as a verb it meant to feed to provide for in other words Jehovah Jireh right my provider to provide for to ten a flock to tend to flock of sheep to care for a Flocka sheep to oversee that what that word 10 means it means to carefully care for to look after Amen to associate with I love that to associate with he Associates with his sheep with us as Pastor Tim shared earlier he came and he dwelt Among Us and he took on human form human flesh God became man so that he could identify with you and die so that he could know and understand the struggles that you and I face as a matter of fact the book of Hebrews says we have a high priest who is touched with the feeling of our infirmities Hallelujah he's not aloof he's not just a God in the cosmos he is a God who knows your pain he is also a special friend he is that friend that sticks closer than a brother can I get an amen here tonight Hallelujah so even if your mother and your father forsake you the Lord will never forsake you Hallelujah in the New Testament the way Jesus related to his people was often represented by the figure of a shepherd John 10 verse 14 Jesus said I am the Good Shepherd somebody say good I am the Good Shepherd and I know my sheep see he knows you and I am known by my own they know me Hebrews 13 verse 20 and 21 says this now may the God of Peace who brought up our lord Jesus from the dead the great Shepherd somebody say great the great Shepherd so he's not only the Good Shepherd he is the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the Everlasting Covenant make you complete in every good work to do his will working in you what is pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever amen hallelujah First Peter chapter 2 25 says for you were like sheep going astray but have now returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls so he's not only the shepherd he oversees everything concerning you and I he oversees it all nothing escapes his gaze he is still the Potter and you and I are the clay We Are In His Hands 24 7 365 and he knows what he's doing as he shapes you and I into vessels that are fit for the Master's use that he can use us for his glory the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want I like what one commentator says about the two things that are insinuated here when the verse says when the psalmist says I shall not want number one I will not lack what's necessary to accomplish God's will in my life whatever you and I need whatever pertains to life and godliness God Will Supply Hallelujah number two I will be satisfied with God's provision and care even during the hardest of times because I trust his love and commitment to me because I trust his love and commitment to me I will be satisfied I shall not want you know the shepherd's ability to provide is never questioned by David here for he says I shall not want I will not want I will not be in want for anything whatever is necessary to accomplish God's will the Lord will be my Supply in Philippians in the New Testament chapter 4 verse 19 the Apostle Paul puts it this way and my God shall supply all somebody say all all your need according to his riches and Glory by Christ Jesus Hallelujah you know the shepherd rules he guides he feeds he protects and he watches over the Sheep the shepherd even lays down his life for the Sheep there is nothing he won't do for you and me as long as it's according to his will verse 2 he makes me to lie down in Green Pastures he leads me beside the Still Waters he makes me to lie down this means he causes or enables me to rest to recline and to find repose Hallelujah think about that he enables me he causes me to be able to rest to recline to find repose because of the presence and The Nearness of the shepherd his people can lie down in peace and free from all fear picture this in your mind Green Pastures Green Fields right Green Hills fields and the Sheep all spread out and the shepherd right in the midst and as a result because of his presence The Nearness of his presence the Sheep are able to lie down they're able to rest they're able to recline they're able to find Repose free from all fear you know the holy spirit is the one who makes the presence of God the shepherd known to you and I there's a passage and you don't need to turn there or actually actually they do have the passage for us it's in John Chapter 14 verse 16-18 Jesus said this he said I will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever somebody say forever forever the spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you I will not leave you orphans I will come to you folks he has come to us in the presence of the holy spirit in the person of the Holy Spirit the holy spirit is not a force he's not a thing he is God and you can talk to him folks if he makes me listen to this if he makes me if the Lord is my shepherd and he makes me to lie down or he makes me it makes it so that I can rest and recline and find repose then who are those who enter into that rest who are those who enter into that rest Hebrews chapter 4 verse 3 9 and 10 begin to talk to us about who are those that enter into that rest now folks there is an eternal rest that awaits every believer in Christ but there is also a rest that's found on this side of Eternity and we're going to see what that looks like right now as we begin to read the scriptures Hebrews chapter 4 verse 3 says this for we who believe somebody say believed do enter that rest so who enters that rest we who have believed let's keep going verse 9. so there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God verse 10. for all who have entered into God's rest have rested from their what from their labors from their works from their striving foreign remember Genesis says the end of All Flesh has come before me okay verse 10 Hebrews 4 9 4 10 says this for we who have entered into God's rest have rested from their labors for all who have entered into God's rest have rested from their labors just as God did after creating the world so folks if those who have believed have entered into that rest then I'm going to tell you something rest I want to make a statement rest is the evidence of faith listen to me that's what the scripture says rest is an Evidence of faith when we have entered into this rest we have ceased from striving in our own strength we have ceased from our own works fear and worry will at times surprise us all but we don't have to stay there suddenly you get a text or you get a phone call or you get a notice in the mail and suddenly there's fear and anxiety or worry but we don't have to stay there we have a God who has promised that those who trust in him will find rest and never be put to shame Hallelujah folks unless the Lord builds the house they that labor labor in vain what is the house that God is building is it this building here no it's you and I for we are the Temple of the Living God notice throughout the whole psalm of Psalm 23 The emphasis is on what the Lord does and is able to do in verse 1 to 3 the psalmist says he he makes me to lie down he leads me besides the war he restores my soul he leads four times he says he then in verse four through five uh then verse four through five the psalmist says you five times he says you are with me you your rod and your staff come for me you prepare a table before me you anoint my head with oil surely this new uh the NRV says surely you're uh your goodness and mercy will follow me all the day it's all about him notice the emphasis the focus is on what God does for us and not what we do for him it is Christ in you the hope of glory there's an old song we used to sing that's that said Jesus on the inside working on the outside oh what a change in my life Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 through 30 Jesus put it this way come to me all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you let me teach you there's something I want you to learn because I am humble and gentle at heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy to bear and the burden I give you is light folks he is a God who makes me to lie down in Green Pastures Green Pastures you know Green speaks of life and health green draw Green Grass draws all kinds of wildlife because it's alive and full of nutrients it's not dried out or dead green grass represents that which the Sheep feed on which is God's word he leads me besides Still Waters water in the scriptures often represents the Holy Spirit John chapter 7 verse 37-39 says this on the last great day of the Feast of the festival the feast Jesus stood up and said in a loud voice let anyone who thirsts come to me and drink whoever believes in me Believes In Me Believes In Me as the scripture has said rivers of Living Water will flow from within them by this he meant the spirit whom those who believed in him would later receive Hallelujah are you with me tonight you know the Still Waters can represent his spirit that still Small Voice if you will it's how God speaks to us and quickens us when he sends his word I like it's like when he spoke to remember the Prophet Elijah when he began to speak to him through that still small voice Elijah was expect he had certain expectations and God blew his expectations out of the water Psalm 32 verse 8 says this it says I will guide you along the best pathway for your life I will advise you and watch over you I will guide you along the Beth pathway for your life that's what the Lord says I will advise you and watch over you verse 3 he restores my soul he leads me in Paths of righteousness for his name's sake he restores my soul to restore the soul is to refresh to revive to Quicken it it means to return it to turn it around in in some places Psalm 19 verse 7 says the law of the Lord is perfect converting the NIV says refreshing the soul the testimony or the statutes of the Lord are sure trustworthy making wise the simple God is the one who turns the Sheep around who turns us around when we've gone off course when we've gone off the reservation he's the one that goes after the lost sheep he will leave the 90-9 and go after the one what an awesome God what an awesome God he is a good good father he is a wonderful Shepherd he leaves me in the paths of righteousness or right paths Leads Here means to guide to bring it means to God it means to bring to govern to straighten he makes the Crooked path straight the scriptures is in another place Isaiah chapter 42 verse 16 puts it this way this is the Lord speaking he says I will bring the Blind by a way they did not know I will bring the Blind by way they did not know in other words you may have not known The Way Forward concerning your finances maybe you've never made a good decision financially or maybe tonight all your relationships are a mess you keep making the wrong decisions concerning relationships or maybe it's how you manage your time or maybe it's the work you pursue your career choices the doors you've walked through which may not necessarily have honored or glorified the king but the Lord says I will bring the Blind by away they did not know maybe you didn't know how to make right decisions before but I'm going to bring you along I will lead them in paths they have not known Paths of Freedom Hallelujah I will make Darkness light before them a crooked places and crooked places straight these things I will do for them and not forsake them Hallelujah Hallelujah these things I will do notice the emphasis I will bring I will lead I will make I will do for them who is the emphasis on on the shepherd on the Lord I like this quote by Matthew Henry it says this it says that it says discontent and distrust proceed from unbelief an unsteady walk is the consequence in other words the result let us then simply trust our savior's care and hearken to his voice let us simply trust the savior's care The Shepherd's Care and hearken to his voice Psalm 23 verse 4 yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death you know in times of danger and difficulty and even death those who fear God fear no evil yeah there are times when sudden fear like I said in anxiety Rises up but they don't stay there they move to the place of faith and trust in God God is able to take them and lead them to Green Pastures and Still Waters they don't stay there why like the psalmist says for you are with me no matter where I find myself no matter what circumstance I'm in you are with me and because God is for me come on somebody help me help me who can be against me Hallelujah you know sometimes we may find ourselves in a place of Affliction trial or danger to the point of death and we didn't even do anything wrong we're just following Jesus loving our God we're just living for God sailing along and suddenly a storm arises the winds begin to blow and the waves begin to crash into our boat and even begin to come over the side of our boat into our boat coming over in the side and we like the disciples might think Lord cares thou not that we perish we might even say that folks he didn't even do anything wrong you're simply following the Savior the shepherd and suddenly a storm arises think of job the scripture says he is blatant he is blameless a man of complete integrity or think of the disciples who are just obeying Jesus when he said let's go to the other side or even Jesus himself who was led of the spirit Into the Wilderness where he was tested by the devil didn't do anything wrong but being led by God and suddenly a storm arises suddenly a situation that maybe you didn't anticipate a difficult situation arises in a couple of weeks it'll be the anniversary of my mom's passing February 3rd it was a Friday morning and she passed went home to be with the Lord this was after 14 years of praying for her to come to Christ folks God is faithful in one day at 14 years of praying and then I was on my way back from a missions trip from Russia with the young people had led a team of Youth young adults to Russia on a mission strip and we were on our way back and when I got home the Lord said it's time for your parents and within a week both my parents were saved got saved God gave me the privilege the baby the baby of the house the privilege of leading them both to Christ after years of them saying you're nuts you've lost it you're an occult foreign but God got a hold of them and so my mom began to walk with the Lord but then she got Alzheimer's she had a series of mini strokes and it brought on dementia and then eventually Alzheimer's to a point where she you know we would go see her she eventually my dad took care of her for four years and we helped but then couldn't take care of any more she had to go into a home but uh we would look we would go and visit her had somebody visiting with her every day and uh and then I remember when it came close to the end I went to visit her the last week I went to see her on a Sunday and I remember walking into the room and I looked at her and it got to a point where she didn't recognize her nothing she said would make sense that's what Alzheimer's does it's like the wires in your there's a deterioration in the brain and and so nothing made sense you nothing was coherent ever and I remember walking into the room that day and looking at her and uh and I'm not kidding you there was a glow about her there was a light shining on her and I'm looking at the ceiling thinking to myself where is this line coming from and there was a glow about her and I said to her these were my last words I said Mom I love you and she said son I love you too the shepherd Jehovah rohi was with her at that moment she was ready to go home that week she was gone I didn't even see her again I didn't get to see her again she was gone but one day soon and very soon folks We Are Gonna See the King and I'm gonna see my mom Hallelujah Jehovah wrote he was with her folks there are times when we're minding our own business we're doing the right thing and suddenly a storm comes but there are other times when we may find ourselves in a place of Affliction and distress and difficulty because of our own decisions because of our own decisions I think of what the psalmist said in uh in Psalm 107 verse 10 through 12 he says this he says those who sat in darkness in the shadow of death Bound in Affliction and irons because they rebelled against the words of God and despise the counsel of the most high therefore he brought their heart down with late uh he uh therefore he brought down their heart with labor they fell down and there was none to help yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death you know sometimes we find ourselves in a place of Affliction because of our own decisions but I like what the scripture says here in Psalm 23 yea though I walk through some I say through I walk through the valley of the shadow of death walk through means there are seasons when we will experience and encounter great difficulties but they are only seasons they're not our permanent dwelling we are just going through they will come to an end one day folks weeping may endure for a night but joy I said Joy I said Joy is coming in the morning Joy is coming in the morning Hallelujah you know Jesus experienced a season of testing in the wilderness the devil was right there with him but so was his Heavenly Father the scriptures tell us that at the end of 40 days of fasting the Angels Came and ministered to him in one particular gospel the scriptures go on to say concerning those who rebelled against the word of the Lord verse 13 Psalm 107 it says then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble and he saved them out of their distresses he brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death and broke their chains in pieces all that men would give thanks to the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works among the children of men Hallelujah thank you Jesus Your Rod and staff they comfort me you know according to one scholar the rod was a short Club and it was both a weapon of defense against predators and an instrument of discipline for the Sheep it symbolized God's strength power and authority the staff was a long slender stick with a hook on one end and it was used to bring sheep close to the shepherd to guide in the right way or to rescue it from trouble you know our Gods rod and staff reassure us of God's love and his willingness to guide us in our lives to watch over us to protect us the scripture says he comforts me they come from a your rotten staff they comfort me comfort means that even while we're there folks in that difficult place in the Valley of the shadow of death the Lord will console me and have compassion on me oh Hallelujah aren't you glad I said aren't you glad he said I will never leave you and I will never forsake you verse 5 Psalm 23 says you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup runs over you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies the word prepare means to arrange to set a table to set a course meal to set to furnish a table to prepare a court a meal for you to put in place to put in order God is a god of order to put in order exactly what you and I need you know I never ceases to amaze me I'm on a reading plan and this is not in my notes but I'm on a reading planner read the Bible in a year plan and it just never ceases to amaze me as I'm reading this plan God will just find a way to speak to me in the order of the plan he will find a way to speak to me in these passages of scripture and give me a word and season when I need it you know David acknowledges before God that the Lord is the one who feeds him he says you prepare a table before me in the presence of mine you he he's acknowledging before God that the Lord is the one who feeds him what he needs to sustain him even while he's facing hostile opponents in opposition and enemies that God has a way to feed him to sustain him to speak to him a word and season a word for the moment what type of opposition are you facing this evening in your life what has come against you what type of resistance are you facing you know even though we are confronted daily by satanic powers and are surrounded by a dark ungodly Society God has a way of sustaining those who trust in him he gives us what we need so we can live and go forward with joy unspeakable and full of Glory it's like the old song says this joy that I have the world didn't give it to me all this joy that I have the world didn't give it to me this toy that I have the world didn't give it to me the world didn't give it the world can't take it away he gives us what we need so we can live and go forward with joy and Glory his word is what we Feast on during our trials and difficulties folks for man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God you know I think I was thinking uh recently about a how God encourages us through his word my wife and I my wife and I um over the counseling Ministry and of this church and uh we get all kinds of cases and I remember this one couple came and sat before us and they began to tell us what was going on in the house and I'm thinking as they're talking I'm like OMG God I got nothing I got nothing you know and my wife was silent listening and and uh and I remember the devil just coming and uh and saying you know what are you doing you know what are you doing you're in the wrong lane you shouldn't be doing this why are you doing this you know sitting here people pouring out their hearts and I mean what are you gonna do what do you have for them you know and uh what are you going to share with them you don't have all the wisdom you don't have all the knowledge you don't you don't you know what do you what can you do for them and you know you know what I'm talking about that barrage that bombardment that continually comes to you saying you're no good you don't measure up you're never going to measure up you're never going to fulfill the call of God on your life you're this you're that bad sheep bad sheep that's the devil right constantly pointing out your faults in mind you batshit you bad how could you do that you know right am I the only one but God is so faithful he is so faithful he knows what we need I was reading I remember going home and I'm under this constant barrage you know the enemy's saying you're a terrible Pastor you're you're you're terrible you're this and you're that you know and uh you don't measure up you're not like this person or that person and you know you compare you start comparing yourself which is the terrible thing to do but Devil's right there you know feeding you this stuff and suddenly in my devotional time the Lord say hold on hold on hold on a minute and he just began to speak to me through my just in my reading plan through my devotions and this is the verse he gave me and it's not going to be on the screen this is bonus for you Colossians chapter 3 verse 16. and God just quickened this in my own heart it says this just listen just listen it says let the message about Christ in all its richness fill your lives but then it says this it says teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives and then goes on to say sing Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs making music in your hearts to the Lord but it says teach and counsel with all the wisdom he gives and this is what the Lord said to me he says listen did I give you David wilkerson's wisdom the founding pastor did I give you Carter Collins wisdom the succeeding uh uh senior pastor did I give you all that wisdom did I give you that no I didn't give you that there's a several there's a certain amount of wisdom and Revelation that you have and I'm putting people in your path and I'm asking you to take your take your bucket and throw it down in the well that I've put in your life get some water draw some water out and give it to people I'm not expecting you to give people something you don't have when I put people in your place open your mouth wide and I will fill it oh my God you talking about freedom I was like oh yes Jesus devil you are a liar so when the Devil comes I'm like listen I don't have to have all wisdom all knowledge that's that's God's and listen I can't fix people anyway I couldn't heal a fly if it had a headache folks only God can work a miracle Hallelujah folks I think of that couple that I mentioned we shared from our hearts and we didn't see them for some time one day I'm sitting right here the service is over and I'm getting ready to go backstage and this couple comes walking up and I'm looking at you guys look familiar and he came over the husband came over and the wife and said we just want to thank you so much you don't know God gave us a breakthrough and we are doing great oh my God and this was like I mean it had been probably a year and a half two years later and they came back and they were doing great folks he is still the God who gives breakthroughs it's all about him David said you anoint my head with oil my cup runs over very quickly the word anoint means to it means listen to this it's funny the word anoint means to to be fat in other words it's like you're nourishing me so much God that you you make me fat you give me an abundance you it means to satisfy it makes to make me prosperous you know it refers to a practice provided for honored guests at a banquet I like that speaks of God's special favor and blessing through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit upon the Body Mind and Spirit of the believer you know as we come to his banquet table as he sets a table before us and we come before his banqueting table His Banner over you and I is love and God anoints us to be to be what we could never be to do what we could never do and to go where we could never go in our own strength Hallelujah so that my cup runs over which speaks of a saturation a satisfaction a satisfaction it means to make wealthy God makes me wealthy folks David realized something he realized that he didn't just have what he needed I shall not want the Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want I'll have everything I need he realized that he didn't just have what he needed but because of the work of the holy spirit in his life his cup was overflowing he had enough to draw water out and to give a cup of cold water to somebody else are you with me tonight notice the transition and I'm coming to a close here but notice the transition the change that takes place from verse 3 to 4. David goes from talking about God to talking to God there's a Time For Everything Under the Sun there's a time to talk about who God is and to remind ourselves and others around us but then there's a time to talk to God there's a time to pray folks and if you haven't come I want to encourage you to come join us on Tuesday nights at six o'clock here if you're able if you're able to get out of work get out of school get out of your house come join us at six o'clock on Tuesdays where we are praying we are praying for miracles we're praying for God to pour out his Spirit we're praying for God to touch lives we're Allowing God to use us from six to about 6 45 we we worship we pray together we've gotten hundreds of prayer requests cards that have been written and sent to us and given to us and people are trusting us and believing us to pray with them and to stand together with them you know as sheep the Lord the shepherd just wants you and I to follow him to obey him to trust him to love him Jesus said come follow me right he said follow me it's like that old hymn that says trust and obey there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey the just live by faith the just shall live by faith Jesus said if you love me you'll obey me amen and then our last verse verse 6 Psalm 23 verse 6 surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever the NIV says surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life quickly the word goodness means that which is good Pleasant agreeable valuable and appropriate will follow me will be provided for me all the days of my life and Mercy Mercy means your loving kindness Your Love Never Fails it never gives up it never runs out on me I've got folks I've got hundreds I probably have thousands of songs in my head never runs out on me folks it means Mercy means a steadfast somebody say steadfast steadfast love and loyalty will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell I like this I will dwell means I will remain I will settle I will sit down and marry think of that think of the marriage supper of the Lamb I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Jesus said in my father's house are many Dwelling Places this is not our home one day the trumpet's going to sell and we will be caught up to meet him in the air you know the goal in following the shepherd and experiencing his goodness and mercy his steadfast love is that one day we will be with the Lord forever Hallelujah would you give him thanks tonight until then we occupy till he comes we do the good works he prepared for us long ago now to say that the Lord is your Shepherd you must have a relationship with him Jesus calls that relationship being born again did you know that you and I were created for more than what we can just see with the natural eye God has a plan he has a destiny for you and it begins with you and I being reconciled to him and maybe tonight you might have walked in in this place and you don't have a relationship with God or maybe you did at some point but you drifted away or maybe you got turned off to the house of God and to Christ altogether because of an offense something that happened in the house of God or maybe a disappointment from a family member who claimed to be a Christian but yet hurt you betrayed you do you know tonight you and I were created for more than what we could see with the natural eye and the Bible tells us that our sins have separated us from our God but there is a remedy tonight and his name is Jesus he is the sacrificial lamb whose life was given to take away our sins to pay the price for all the wrong things that we've done the Bible says as a matter of fact for God so loved the world he so loved you and I that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him would not perish would have everlasting life maybe you're wondering how do I get right with God tonight maybe you're saying man Pastor what you've said tonight has resonated with me I need a change I need a new life my life is a mess I want to walk with God or maybe like me folks all my life I was in religion but I felt that there was more in my gut I knew that there was more to life than what I had experienced and I remember one day crying out to God on my 18th birthday I was inebriated so drunk sick to my stomach it just finished partying my heart out and still felt this void on the inside empty and I remember saying God there has to be more to life than this and maybe that's you tonight you've said God there has to be more to life than this and maybe you're thinking how do I get right with God how do I begin my journey Jesus said this you must be born again you must be born again what does that mean Pastor it means to be born from above it speaks of a spiritual birth you see at some point you experience a physical and natural birth but Jesus was saying that we must experience a supernatural a spiritual birth as well as a matter of fact the scriptures tell us in John chapter 1 verse 11-13 it says this it says he came to his own people and even they rejected him but to all who believed him and accepted him he gave the right another translation says the power to become children of God they are reborn not with a physical birth resulting from Human passion or plan but a birth that comes from God folks it's a supernatural work how does that happen well it's as simple as ABC a stands for admit admit that you have sinned admit that you have not always done things God's way admit that you have lived your life doing what seemed right to you but not necessarily to God b b stands for believe so a stands for admit b stands for believe believe that God was willing to sacrifice his son out of love for you believe that he did this so that the penalty for your sins and mine could be paid for satisfied and so that we could be forgiven and then lastly see stands for confess confess Jesus as the Lord Lord means he is now in charge of your life he is the boss he is your Shepherd the ruler of your life would you bow your heads with me all over this house close your eyes we're going to pray a born-again prayer in a moment but before we pray if you would like to be included in that Born Again prayer and begin your journey with God tonight in a moment with every head bowed and every eye closed I'm going to ask you to raise your hand if you say pastor I need a fresh start I need God I want to walk with him or maybe you say Pastor I want to come back to God I backslid I drifted away would you pray for me would you pray with me would you include me in that prayer if you say that's me Pastor all over this house well every head is bowed and every eye is closed if you say that's me would you raise your hand right now all over this house that's you one I see one hand to anybody else three four five anyone else six seven praise the Lord anyone else eight nine glory to God Ten in the back eleven God is great folks 10 11 hands have gone up tonight we're gonna pray now for the sake of all those who are coming to Christ and now coming to Christ tonight let's all pray from the heart with a nice loud voice would you pray with me dear Lord Jesus I believe that you are the son of God I believe that on the cross you took my sin my guilt and my shame and you died for it I believe that you defeated sin and death and that I have the victory because of you you rose from the dead to give me a place in heaven a purpose on Earth and a relationship with your father today Lord Jesus I turn from my sin to be born again now I declare with confidence that God is my father Jesus Is My Savior the holy spirit is my helper and Heaven is now my home in Jesus name amen and amen hallelujah Hallelujah come on let's give him praise tonight
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 413
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Id: E-8nF7b9Qb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 40sec (3220 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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