Pastor Jack Hayford, Author of 'Majesty' Dies at 88

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I was a breach baby and as a result of the birth and the some of the the years ago that that is and I suppose they've improved ways of delivering those awkward births but something was done in the musculature of my neck that they couldn't explain and in fact there was serious question as to how severe that would become as in the first few months of my life and there was miraculously I was healed my parents hadn't even met Christ yet and curiously enough though not so coincidental since God has his ways that a relative of my mothers who didn't even know the Lord heard this church prayed for sick people sent in the request the baby was healed my parents discovered the healing through the doctor she was they took me to doctors couldn't explain it no he couldn't and six months later my parents visited the church and they received Christ there and later discovered it was the church that prayed for the baby it's a great story and the rest is history because your family then became a God-fearing family yeah and and when two and a half years later uh well it wasn't it was two years later I was two and a half that I contracted polio too and that was at a time that life was more immediately threatened than it is today because of the technology that's changed in medicine so and at both times was was healed Mom and Daddy took me to the Elders of the church and after they'd seen the doctor and when they told the doctor after they saw him they were going to go by and have the elders pray for him he was not happy and I don't know if he was happy but found out the baby was healed but I guess he couldn't complain wow talk about penetrating the darkness this is the book your latest book why this book and why now well the fight now of course is for the very reasons that you've said the intensity of the darkness in our world is increasing all the time and it's on so many fronts that if you're ignorant of the resources that we've been given so marvelously not only with forgiveness of sins in Christ but his Mastery of the powers of Darkness but just the the people that just say well that's all God's business they would say the same thing about people coming to Christ if they even believe you needed to come to him we don't have a part in that yeah that that is a sovereign thing that is done it has nothing to do with human Choice you're selected or not selected and if you've got a lucky ticket well then you'll go to heaven irrespective of whatever and if you didn't you know the whole thing is uh regrettable and that's not a kind way to speak of people some of whom hold those positions very intensely and are believers and I I don't want to make Warfare with them but I do believe that it's an unrealistic approach to life the world very clearly recognizes that uh God has given us a remarkable gift if they bother to think about God if they don't they've still been given the remarkable giveness the power of choice for those of us that know the Savior he's given us the Power of Choice as to whether or not whether we will appropriate the victory of the Cross now you did make a choice to receive the victory of the cross for your salvation receiving the victory of the cross for innumerable circumstances that oftentimes if we don't take a stance for people who don't know how to stand for themselves that's right that's exactly right just as was done for me and uh in one case by a church that didn't even know who the family was or the child was but they prayed and dramatically and dynamically and gloriously I was healed but there is a such a need for the call the boldness of there is for the uh of evil today to encroach on people's lives in the absence of discernment of people first place we need to start interceding for people probably is in the arena of of to break the spirit of deception that fails to recognize how binding exposures are two so many things that are so corrupting they take things into their home that really are an invitation to demon presences and they as you said the world is acknowledging the force of those those Spirits it's not it's not a play day hell is real Satan is real the hosts of hell are real and the uh and the dominion over Darkness has been won by the Lord Jesus At The Cross conclusively when he said it is finished the battle was over but that's that's in the invisible realm it needs to be appropriated into the visible and wherever it's invited he is Lord and He is Sovereign and the verse of course it comes to mind is what Jesus said in this world you will have trouble that's right but fear not or take courage I have overcome the world but you're still going to have to deal with those skirmishes there's victory in the end but we've got to put on the arm of God the kingdom of God is that Dominion where God rules but just as we invite him to rule in our hearts so he's the ruler of the universe he has to be invited to be your personal Lord and the same is in circumstances so when Jesus said pray your kingdom come here will be done this is not just sort of a dreamy-eyed someday somewhere somehow the Your Kingdom Come is not talking about the second coming of Christ or the Millennium it is of talking about the rule of God as it exists right now and can intervene in anything in this world if it's invited and uh penetrating the darkness is something that is done by people who learn how to invite the light into the darkness in places that they even can't reach themselves or places that have invaded their own home but they can't do anything except pray for the Dynamics that create that circumstance or their business or their in their own struggle and as we say Warfare because the Bible wouldn't talk about Paul was pretty much of an exalter of the victory of Christ but he's the one who also said the weapons of our Warfare are not at the human level they're they're at the invisible level by the I should say the visible level there at the human level of of appropriation but uh they're not visible it we are not unaware of Satan's schemes devices right and I think you've hit the nail on the head I think we are unaware well I think we've lost the discernment yeah uh in fact you know I brought this this was a course text for a spiritual warfare course offered at Tyndale and it's called God at War the Bible and spiritual conflict it's not Light reading but the takeaway for me in that book was every culture every religion the mythology of of everything that's gone before our Western reality has acknowledged the cosmos the battle between good and evil the Vikings with the God on the front of their ship to appease the storm God there was always that awareness and I've seen a Superstition exactly today and the fact of the matter is the quote quote profundity of our intellectualized culture you know God has has he gave us the remarkable capabilities of our intellect and our capacities to think but you can think yourself right on past the truth when you become so persuaded you know everything that you fail to recognize that there is a God that's revealed some things we only get by Revelation from him and the Lord's made very clear to us the Simplicity of the goodness he's given us in his son and the simple realities that there are there's a there's a war waging around you and if you don't take an armor of the armor that's available and protect yourself and uh enter into the conflict and gain victories that are available to you that you become the victim of the circumstances well this all may sound heavy but you talk about advancing beyond the usual limit and I just want to read this oh I think this is a faith igniting hope inspiring statement God sees something in me that excites him something of life and purpose for you that is the reason he called you to himself you know I think the most exciting thing about the the truth of the word of God is the in is to discover the enormity of God's Delight with his creature man not with the fall not with the failures not with the mistaken choices but he he really does dearly love us and treasure us and that's why he paid so great a price to regain the possibility of our opening to Discovery how grandly and marvelously he cares and what the largeness of his purpose is in us you know that passage in Ephesians chapter 1 where Paul said that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened that you may know what is the greatness of his hope in you it's just each one of our four children Nana and I would hold in our hands and look at this little child and get excited about what has now become adult and parenting and some of them grandparents now realities and with fruitful lives and we've had hopes for them well God has brought us to himself and says I've got hopes for you and it's not God saying I just you I get tired of you and I wish you'd leave me alone he's saying you know stick with me there's a lot of stuff I'm going to do with you so I I just I love that and that's the the gospel is not just good news about forgiveness it's good news about fulfillment of God's purpose in us life to the full yep well we're sitting with the man whose Church pioneered the mega church movement in the United States over half a century as a pastor preacher I I just feel we would really miss something if we didn't have you lead us in a prayer that would if we embrace it open our hearts and agree with you get us in a good place for the Battle of just today let me uh shall I pray or address the camera or what you can talk to that camera right there there it is I want to say as we pray that the Lord is totally committed to you and he wants to answer this prayer so we're not doing anything fingers crossed and hoping Wishing on a Star let me pray father in the name of Jesus I pray for every person viewing this broadcast that right now there would come the entry of the revelation the unfolding like Sunrise to their hearts to see the panoramic beauty of your purpose for them and the dimensions of your light that Dawning around them will show them the way to drive back the darkness in this world and learn how to advance that penetration of the darkness through their life as well as in their life grant that in the name of Jesus the light of the world For Your Glory amen [Music]
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 28,624
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Keywords: 100Huntley, Crossroads, Christians, Jesus, Christian Testimony, Christian Testimonies 2021, jack hayword, jack hayford, jack hayford ministries, pastor jack, gateway church, jack, hayford, darkness, huntleystreet, 100huntley, pastor jack hayford
Id: -6BPmHxV8TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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