The Little Mermaid

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♪♪ [underwater noises] [ominous music] All right, Ursula, what do I need to do? So, here's the deal. I will make you a potion that will turn you into a human for three days. Got that? Three days. Now listen, this is important. Before the sun sets on the third day, you've got to get dear old Princey to fall in love with you. That is, he's got to kiss you. He's got to what? Kiss you. Kiss me? <i> That's how</i> love work, sweetheart. Well, I don't know if that necessarily means he's fallen in love with me. Well, I know that, Ariel, but it's not just any kiss-- It's the kiss of true love. So, like, open-mouthed? <i> No,</i> gros! Oh, gross! What? <i> It's just a</i> nice, sof, true love peck, <i> like your mom gives yu before bedtim,</i> except a little longer because it's from a boy and it's true love. Ursula, people kiss each other all the time, and it doesn't necessarily mean they're in love. Okay, that's ridiculous. Why would anybody do that? Their mouths are touching. <i>You're an evil</i> temptress and you don't understand how kissing works? Okay, well, it's just me and these creepy seaweed people all day, all right? <i> So I'm a litte out of practic,</i> except with the seaweed people. [gurgling noise from seaweed person] <i>Ursula, haven't you ever</i> kissed a real person before? [nervous laughter] Uh-huh. You've never-- how old are you? Okay, well, as shocking as this may be, <i> you don't get a lt of right-swips</i> when you're a plus-sized half-octopus. Maybe if I were a centaur... <i> Ursula,</i> do you have any friends? Do you get out<i> at all?</i> This isn't about me, okay? You want to be human, don't you? Yes! <i> So are you in</i> or no? <i>I just think</i> it's unrealistic to expect two people to fall in love<i> in three days.</i> You have your looks-- [music starts] Your pretty face. And don't underestimate the importance of body language, ha! Okay, what is that? What do you mean by "body language"? It's-- [clicks tongue] You know... No, I know. But do you know? [underwater noises] Yes. So, since we both know, I don't have to get into it. Just humor me. Well, it's-- [stammering] And then you just know! Okay, it just feels like all of your advice is something out of a BuzzFeed article. <i> Well,</i> I did read all 19 ways o know whether he's into you. [sighs] <i> Okay, look,</i> I need help, oka? I don't have a lot going for me. I mean, look at you! <i> You're a size tw.</i> I've got whozits and whatzits galore! Ursula, I think you look... okay. You want thingamabobs? I've got 20! What? GET OUT! [smack] Ahh! Okay! And leave your voice in the shell by the door! [sighs] [seaweed person growls] Not now, Harold. Thank youst for watching that sketchest. We wouldst appreciatest if thou wouldst subscribst-- Subscribest to our channelsp. And liketh. And if t'would you comment, t'would be amazingst!
Channel: Studio C
Views: 1,640,922
Rating: 4.937345 out of 5
Keywords: BYUtv, BYU tv, BYUtelevision, Studio C, StudioC, comedy, sketch comedy, funny, lol, laugh, snl, The Little Mermaid, ursula, ariel, disney, mermaid, ocean, relationship, ginger, fin, voice
Id: jwR0QX2gCbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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