The Life Of Kaido (One Piece)

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[Music] foreign the life of kaido from One Piece kaido of the beasts renowned as the world's strongest creature is the governor-general of the beast's Pirates and formerly one of the four Emperors that ruled over the new world he is also the father of Yamato welcome to the amagi before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos also we just released some brand new merch if you'd like to show your support for the channel even further while at the same time rapping Style's clothing be sure to check that out as well the store is linked below YouTube's been unsubscribing users from channels lately so if you're a fan of us please do us a favor and double check to see if you're still subscribed it only takes a second and it helps us a ton here at amagi and with that out of the way let's get into the video past kaido was born on the grand line 59 years ago he resided in the Vodka Kingdom as a child which invaded and looted other towns in order to be able to afford membership in the world government and was considered its strongest Soldier by the time he was 10 years old three years later kaido started questioning this system and the king not knowing what to do with him decided to sell him to the Marines in return for the right to attend the next level E however kaido escaped from the battleship carrying him and immediately received a bounty of 70 million kaido allowed himself to be captured numerous times afterward for the purpose of eating the food on the battleships and escaping with ease once he had had his fill 44 years ago at the age of 15 kaido was on hashinosu overwhelming numerous pirates in combat when he was invited by Edward Newgate to join The Rock's Pirates under the command of Rock's di zebik upon being enlisted as an apprentice kaido formed a sibling-like bond with a fellow crewmate Charlotte lindlin and proved to be a dominant force of the group 38 years ago the Iraq's Pirates clash with gold D Roger and Monkey D GARP on God Valley and were defeated resulting in the crew disbanding on the day the Rocks Pirates fell linlin gave the uonomi model seryu takaido putting him in her debt which she considered to be a lifelong one since becoming a pirate he had only been defeated seven times and captured 18 times by the Marines and the other four members of the four Emperors on one of those occasions where he had been arrested he was taken to punk Hazard and imprisoned in the third Research Institute where Dr vegapunk was able to extract a sample of kaido's lineage Factor allowing these scientists to replicate his devil fruit although the results were deemed to be unsatisfactory at least 33 years ago kaido escaped the facility and began building his own crew while escaping kaido encountered a young ironarian boy named Alber who was held captive at Punk Hazard and experimented on by the World Government after freeing him and demolishing the facility kaido recruited Albert as his right-hand man and noticing his extraordinary strength gave him his epithet King kaido was not recognized as one of the top 10 pirates in the world until around the time when Roger was executed he along with Shanks then joined Whitebeard and big mom among the ranks of the four Emperors 28 years later Kuro Zumi Higurashi approached kaido with an offer of territory to build weapons factories on in a nation known and for its skilled Craftsman allowing him to increase his might further kaido agreed to this and began occupying wano country once higadashi's relative Kuro Zumi Orochi had seized control of the shogunate in exchange for the ability to grow his weapons Enterprise kaido served as a protector for urochi it was around this time that kaido had a son named Yamato who was actually born as his daughter Yamato later told him that he wanted to be Odin and kaido beat him in response 25 years ago kaido confronted kozuki Odin at the shogun's castle after the latter attempted to kill Orochi kaido and Orochi then made a deal with Odin if Odin danced naked in the flower Capital once a week citizens would be spared they also promised to leave wano in five years afterwards kaido Flew Over the shogun's castle in his Dragon form 23 years ago kaido fed with gecko Moria in the Ringo region of wano country and defeated him 20 years ago when Odin and his nine retainers were on their way to onigashima kaido and his crew confronted them in the udon region in the ensuing battle Odin managed to inflict kaido with a permanent wound on his torso possibly the first he ever received however kaido knocked Odin unconscious when Odin was distracted by kuruzumi higarashi who had impersonated a kidnap momonosuke sometime after the battle kaido killed higarashi for her interference on the day of Odin's execution kaido joined Orochi in witnessing the execution Odin then made a deal with kaido to let those who survived the execution Go free and kaido gave him an hour kaido was amused to watch Odin as the latter endured standing in a pot of boiling oil while holding his retainers above his head on a board although Odin successfully survived one hour in The Boiling Pot kaido and Orochi decided to execute Odin and his retainers regardless as Odin's retainers fled kaido apologized to him for higarashi's interference before shooting Odin in the head after Odin's death kaido attacked and set Odin Castle Ablaze before Odin's retainers returned while threatening momonosuke he told the boy that his father was a foolish Lord however kaido decided to leave momonosuke in the Burning Castle instead of Killing Him outright during that time kaido also managed to discover the road poneoglyph that was in the submerged portion of wano thanks to Jack's Fishman nature eventually not long after Odin's death kaido confronted a chained up Yamato for using how Shoku haki to knock out many of his subordinates he thought that his son's ability to use how shokuhaki was promising but he still insisted that he should die for calling himself Odin kaido decided to lock up his son inside of a cave in onigashima for an entire month with a few other Samurai he placed a bunch of Swords inside the cave so the samurai would fight for a single portion of food before leaving he told his son that he wished all of this upon himself for calling himself Odin after the samurai broke out of the cave kaido was informed of this by his subordinates at some point after taking over wano kaido additionally faced the thief shooting Maru about three to four years ago kaido and his top subordinates were away from onigashima on an expedition these Spade Pirates invaded during this time period when kaido returned he was Furious to find his dragon statue destroyed sometime within the last four years kaido began collaborating with warlord of the sea Don Quixote Flamingo and the Rogue marine scientist Caesar Clown to create an army of artificial Owen devil fruit users via smile Summit War Saga when Whitebeard was on his way to save Ace from his execution at marineford kaido alongside king tried to attack him however Shanks intercepted kaido before he could reach Whitebeard it's unknown how this encounter ended but Shanks arrived unscathed at marineford by the end of the war during the time skip at some point during the time skip kaido secretly recruited the on-air Pirates as one of his subordinate Crews after receiving a letter from kuruzumi konjuro Orochi revealed takaido the return of Odin's retainers thanks to kozukitoki's Powers although kaido did not fully believe it at first he requested that the samurai be caught alive since he wanted to question them Orochi assured kaido of conjuro's trustworthiness and explained the spies past dress Rosa Saga kaido went up to balloon terminal where he encountered urush who learned of his intention to attempt suicide and allowed him to proceed kaido jumped off the sky island and landed 10 000 meters below on the kid Pirate's base however he only received a minor headache and found himself face to face with the kid on air and Hawkins Alliance after cursing Whitebeard for having been able to die kaido yelled that doflamingo needed to make preparations for Battle Before promising to start a massive war due to the world boring him kaido then offered the kid pirates and the Hawkins Pirates to join him while Hawkins surrendered Eustis kid and killer refused and fought the emperor kaido then easily defeated them taking kid prisoner and forcing kids crew into serving him and Orochi whole cake Island Saga after Jack's defeat Apu contacted kaido in his Fortress revealing that they had lost all contact with Jack's Fleet after they went to attack Zoe for a second time after learning that Jack's attempt to rescue doflamingo failed kaido was enraged at not being able to acquire any more Smiles which means that he could not gain any more gifters as he drowned his sorrows in alcohol call kaido's despair turned to rage when his subordinates mentioned Monkey D Luffy and Trafalgar law causing him to smash one out of the building with his mace kaido angrily stated that the two supernovas were nowhere near him in power pointing to the defeated Eustis kid as an example levely Arc as the news of Luffy's exploits at Toto Island spread across the world kaido read the newspaper and angrily wondered why Luffy was in big mom's territory a few days later he was contacted by big mom who demanded the right to kill Luffy he rejected her request since he wished to take care of Luffy himself but big mom was unbending as she reminded him of a debt wano country Saga after getting drunk kaido flew to kuri in wano country on the way he found speed and Tama and attacked them after hearing a report of the former treachery he then went to okabore town and called out to Jack to bring Luffy and law to him while flying over okabode he recognized Shu tan Maru and asked him to become a subordinate kaido was drunk and in a partial stupor which was a site that unnerved even the likes of Jack a subordinate known for his own violent streaks fearing what kaido would do in this state Hawkins then came out and told kaido that Luffy and Lao were hiding in the ruins of Odin castle and kaido immediately flew towards it and shot a heat breath at it instantly destroying it however he was then hit in the head with a giant punch from Luffy after kaido was sent crashing into the ground Luffy got his attention by yelling at him kaido attacked with a fire breath but Luffy dodged and used elephant Gatling kaido then returned to his human forum and Luffy activated gear 4th bound man and assaulted kaido with Kong organ Luffy's attacks were ineffective as kaido then struck Luffy with Remy hake rendering him unconscious with just one hit kaido stood over Luffy scoffing at the idea his opponent aspired to be pirate king after bringing him down with such ease though Luffy was unconscious kaido noticed that Luffy was still glaring at him he then ordered his men to imprison Luffy deciding to break his spirit and turn him into a subordinate while walking away kaido learned that Luffy possessed househokohaki when the latter instinctively knocked out some of his men kaido found that attribute worth some credit but was equally quick to order Luffy locked up deciding to take care of La later kaido departed to go drink again annoyed that he sobered up when he heard that big mom and her crew were attempting to enter wano kaido ordered his subordinates to stop them he then heard that King knocked the queen Mama chanter off the waterfall while Queen was at udon kaido informed him through a smart tenishi about komodosaki's death kaido then watched the broadcast of shimotsuki yasui's execution after big mom was brought to onigashima kaido ordered his subordinates to release her from her cops the two Emperors then began to argue and Clash weapons causing the skies above onigashi but a split into the two Emperors continued fighting throughout the night kaido and big mom eventually stopped their fight and came came to an agreement after speaking with APU about his return over the smart tanishi kaido announced to his subordinates that he and big mom were forming a pirate Alliance to take over the world shocking many who heard the unexpected news as the beast's Pirates were preparing for the upcoming Feast on the day of the fire Festival kaido asked for his son before he was informed of the tobiropo's arrival kaido King and Jack then had a meeting with etobiropo after having bow Huang go over the day's schedule kaido then gave the tobiropo the mission of finding his son Yamato saying that he would let them battle one of the All-Stars for their position if they succeeded kaido then enjoyed the festival with Orochi and did not mind if black Maria decided to stay they were briefly interrupted when kanjaro arrived with momonosuke kaido told his men to stand down as kandra was orochi's Ally as contro delivered momonosuke to Orochi kaido expressed his disappointment with the boy he also learned that the plot to stop the kozuki Rebellion failed and that Luffy roronora Zorro kid and killer were present on the island he later went to the performance stage to announce a project dubbed new onigo Shima he proceeded to explain his plans to find the ancient weapons and the one piece and to transform wano country when Orochi objected kaido promptly decapitated him he further explained that he planned to move his base to the flower Capital turned wano into a pirate nation and have Yamato become Shogun he also gave Orochi subordinates a choice to join him or die out of self-preservation orochi's subordinate submitted to kaido the emperor then turned to momonosuke and asked for his name offering to spare him if he denied being Odin's son after momonosuke refused to lie kaido was surprised when these scabbards arrived and attacked him as kaido was pushed to the lower floor of these scabbards managed to inflict wounds upon him while speaking to the scabbards kaido attempted to discourage them by stating that their pirate allies would betray them after hearing Luffy's declaration of war kaido transformed into his Dragon form and flew to the roof of the skull Dome with the scabbards hanging onto him on the top of the Dome kaido commented on the mink trab's ability to transform into their Soo long forms as he was joined by Jack nangi and some beasts Pirates when they prepared to fight The Mink forces Jack suffered severe injuries from his fight with these sulong minks prompting kaido to step in before Jack could be killed the emperor then resumed his battle with these scabbards kaido tried scorching the Samurai with fire breath but kinemon sliced the flames and cut kaido's mouth kaido roared lightning at them but they dodged around and each struck him in turn kaido was confused onto how their attacks could injure him after rhizo reflected kaido's Bodo breath back at him four of the scabbards Ashura kinemon denjiro and Inu arashi replicated Odin's two sword style stance and struck kaido's scar with the same attack that made it while recovering from that attack kaido remarked that he was reminded of Odin but the scabbards did not have the same strength as him kaido then retaliated with a roar that created wind size one of which sliced off kikunojo's left arm after kinemon cauterizes kikunojo's wound kaido returned to human form and praised the samurai for their determination continuing the battle kaido gained the upper hand and began overwhelming these scabbards and later incapacitated them soon kaido used his power to lift the entire island of onigashima above sea level and began moving it to the flower Capital as the island was floating to its destination kaido was joined by big mom whom he provided fire and lightning for Prometheus and Zeus to feed on in order to recharge as big mom told him to leave Nico Robin alive kaido asked if her daughter Charlotte pudding can read the pawn Eclipse but big mom decided not to wait for her power to awaken when she asked where he planned on dropping onigashima kaido told her that he would drop it on a castle in the flower Capital that still stands as a symbol to the kozuki big mom started inquiring about the road poneoglyph causing kaido to tell her that her true intentions were showing she replied that she's still considered kaido as a little brother and reminded him that she was the one who gave him his devil fruit on the day the Rocks fell which she believed was kaido's life debt to her he brushed her off and said that they could talk more about it after they find the one piece later on kid Killer Law Zoro and Luffy arrived on the roof after Luffy had spoken to the wounded kinemon and law had teleported these scabbards to a safe place kaido attempted to attack Luffy but Luffy dodged it and struck back with a powerful gear third punch that made kaido bleed shocking both Emperors though initially done that Luffy's attack harmed him kaido regained his composure and struck back with his Club Luffy managed to avoid the full brunt of the attack but was still grazed however kaido was still impressed that Luffy did not go down easily after big mom attempted to attack Luffy kaido launched another attack on the straw hat Captain but law teleported Luffy to another spot kaido then told big mom to step back as he wanted to see the strength of the five members of the worst generation Zorro killer Luffy kid and law then Unleashed their own attacks on kaido but the emperor transformed into his Dragon form and joined big mom in the sky kaido used kaifu to unleash several wind blades on the five members of the worst generation but they managed to avoid them Luffy got close to kaido and struck him with gomogomo no Kong rifle which injured him kid moved underneath kaido and grabbed his head with his robot before slamming him into the roof with slam Gibson which also caused him pain law maneuvered around kaido with his powers and tried to attack his heart with gamma knife kaido shook them off and admitted that they had learned how tough his defense was killer started running along kaido's body and used kamasonic to damage him from the inside however killer got struck by big mom's Indra while killer was falling kaido tried to Chomp on him but Luffy kicked him away with gomogomo no rocket Schneider kaido then prepared to use Bodo breath on Luffy but Zorro had law teleport him in front of kaido so he could cut the Flames Zorro then attempted to attack kaido with enma but Zoro missed his attack and ended up cutting off one of the horns of the skull Dome while kaido tried to figure out why Odin's presence could be felt in that sword after big mom used 10-man daijizai tenjin on the opposing Pirates kaido hit Luffy with Bodo breath but takaido's surprise Luffy came out unscathed claiming that it was his guts that protected him he then struck kaido with gomogoman okon Gatling after the pummeling he received from Luffy kid and killer tried to continue on the offensive but kaido stopped them by creating some Twisters Luffy who got worn out from using gear 4th got caught in the wind as kaido chomped on Luffy Zoro used all three of his swords and sliced through kaido's scales after recognizing anma kaido once again launched wind blades at the five supernovas enjoying the battle kaido later transformed into his hybrid form as the fight raged on kaido and big mom kept facing against the blood members of the worst generation with him complimenting Luffy for keeping the light in his eyes her big mom's suggestion they both attacked simultaneously with the Hawkeye move against the worst generation only for Zorro to momentarily block it which resulted in him taking a lot of damage and a part of the skull Dome being destroyed as Luffy tried to attack kaido they both faced off in a heated battle where they both tried to land a hit on the other which would eventually result in Luffy getting knocked out again as big mom was about to fall to the Sea kaido attacked Zorro so that Prometheus could go help her only to be suddenly attacked on the neck with an injection shot from law with kaido retaliating for it afterwards looking at Luffy kaido laughed at him for glaring at him a second time while still unconscious and then mockingly asking Zorro or La whether he should crush Luffy's eyes brain or heart before kaido could do anything zaro attacked with an ashurabake moja no tawamure although kaido remains standing he received a permanent scar due to zoro's usage of how Shoku haki as he prepared to finish Zoro off law tried to interfere so kaido struck both with raime hake and was disappointed that they could have conquered the world if they joined his crew Luffy good back up and rebuffed the sentiment after Luffy admitted to figuring out how kaido infused how shokuhaki into attacks kaido confirmed that only a handful of people were able to do it including him he then prepared to strike Luffy again with his Club but Luffy blocked the attack and then struck kaido repeatedly without making any contact eventually knocking the emperor down to the ground after kaido got back up he told Luffy that he seemed to be enjoying this fight with him because he kept smiling when the risk kept increasing with this both captains resumed their fight clashing with each other through how Shoku haki infused strikes despite Lupi's new ability kaido was still able to defeat him and knock him off the roof of the castle regretting that he was unable to give Luffy a clear shirt death as proof of Victory while cryptically stating that Luffy was not Joy boy being alerted by Bao Huang about momonosuke's current location kaido ordered her to announce his victory through onigashima while he chased after momonosuke himself through the whole big mom had made in his castle beforehand kaido eventually found mama nosuke and kinemon in the first floor attic and prepared an attack coded in househokohaki Striking through kinemon's swords as momonosuke cried for the latter while being carried off by shinobu kinemon barely survived the attack and hopelessly attempted to buy some time only for kaido to impale him on the ground kaido then pursued momonosuke and shinobu to the edge of onigashima cornering them but before he could kill the boy shinoba used her ability to escape the floating island by breaking the portion of land they were on kaido then heard Yamato calling out from the top of the skull Dome ready to fight him kaido transformed back into his Dragon form and flew back to the rooftop there he mocked Yamato for attempting to rebel against him insisting that he should just give up and become the Shogun as wano as he had planned Yamato rebuffed kaido's intentions once more and declared allegiance to Luffy stating that the latter would be the one to beat him and throw the emperor out of wano with that kaido transformed into his human Beast form and clash with Yamato kaido began to emphasize how useful Yamato will be to his future Arsenal after Yamato attacked him in his hybrid form kaido revealed that he went through great troubles to obtain the Ino Ino Nomi model okuchinomakomi which he had never intended on Yamato eating the Father and Son pair then faced each other in both of their hybrid forums he began to further stress how incredibly valuable Yamato fruit was and that it was a shame to let a Wanna Be Odin eat it while he exchanged more Swings with Yamato he claimed that the devil fruit was the guardian deity of wano so Yamato would have to protect wano for kaido as Yamato rejected the idea kaido indicated that even though Orochi was wano's Tyrant he still transformed the country into a weapons Factory a favorable action for kaido as kaido rejected the idea of Yamato helping the Samurai and freeing wano he attacked his son with Bodo breath which clashed with Yamato's own icy breath creating a swirl between them after fighting for some time kaido attacked his son with powerful flying strikes kaido then confirmed he was attacking Yamato with the intent to kill he said that because he bore the heavy burden of calling himself Odin he must be prepared for an all-out war and not just a family squabble after Yamato confronted him over why he stole Yamato's as well as wano's Freedom he declared that there were no easy answers in this world then they both attacked each other with Remy hake creating a clash of advanced househoku as soon as Yamato's kagamiyama cracked they both repeatedly struck at each other with their kanabos with kaido expressing that Yamato's attempts at gaining friends and allies were all in vain due to his origin as his child before gaining the upper hand and furiously striking at him with his Carnival when Luffy and momonosuke appeared in the sky above onigashima kaido was struck by a simultaneous punch from both Luffy and Yamato forcing him to turn into his Dragon form being amused by their attacks while also expressing his surprise at momonosuke's adult Dragon form and explaining that the world does not need two dragons when his bottle breath was dodged by momonosuke he was punched by a Luffy with a gomogomo King Kong gun Then followed by mamonosuke biting him in the Torso resulting in expressing pain before he could counter attack he was once again hit by a Luffy and decided to transform into his hybrid form both then infused their hockey and attacked each other creating another Clash of advanced hockey which even split the sky above onigashima revealing the full moon previously hidden after The Clash cooled off kaido then turned his attention to momonosuke who was afraid of the height he was experiencing attempting to finish him off for good this time only to be blocked by Yamato again and soon afterwards by Luffy who held him with his legs and asked Yamato to leave kaido to him as the island was approaching the Capital kaido's flame clouds were losing power leaving the island slowly crumbling and both kaido and Luffy continued to clash with each other trading blows before kaido was knocked back by Luffy's gum gum Rock gun with Luffy simultaneously falling back however both quickly got up and started laughing and commented on the fight finally becoming fun kaido would then start drinking alcohol after returning to his normal form to Luffy's annoyance but he clarified to Luffy that he's doing it to become stronger as he finally acknowledges Luffy's power when Luffy attempted to strike at kaido the latter went through several stages of a special State called shuran hake due to his alcohol consumption in his wadai jogo State and upon transforming into his hybrid form he dealt a severe blow to Luffy with ragnaroku that created a large crack in the roof of onigashima kaido entered ochikami jogo mode in his Dragon form and lamented over not being able to protect onigoshima and the time it would take to rebuild it before using tatsumaki kaifu on and approaching Luffy he then shift to his Naki jogo State and returned to his hybrid form crying as he prepared to use rimehake on Luffy however Luffy was successful in dodging this attack and landed a reverse how Shoku infused kick on kaido's chin the emperor still crying profusely grabbed Luffy's leg with his tail and attempted to headbutt him the two combatants had a headbutt Clash powered by hashoku haki with their foreheads not touching kaido won out on the clash as Luffy remarked that kaido's hockey was growing stronger and was sent reeling kaido then entered the final stage of shuran hake okori jogo and angrily fired off to bottle breaths before he met Luffy's Rock Gatling with gandari ryosegon however during the flurry of attacks Luffy blocked a swing of kaido's hasakai with househoku haki and managed to strike the emperor's abdomen with a hashoku infused kick bolstered by gear second and gear third seemingly damaging kaido significantly when big mom was defeated the two Pirates were in the midst of a clash with hockey fused attacks with Luffy being pushed back sensing that linlin lost her battle kaido emitted his househoku haki in Rage though Luffy was impressed that lot and kid managed to win kaido then recalled how the two first met before entering his Naki jogo mode and bursting into tears the Luffy responded by entering into gear 4th snake man and barrage and kaida with gomo gomona Hydra stating that kaido's ambition meant nothing to him how this was his final gear fourth and how he wasn't stopping till he drove the king of beasts out of wano kaido was seemingly unable to respond to the omnidirectional Hydra attack and he contemplated on how such an attack could be possible due to the innate nature of rubber as he slowly transitioned into his Amai jogo mode kaido manages to escape the attack using nusobito Joko and Advance Ken bonchoku before transforming into his full Beast form grabbing Luffy in his mouth and flying straight into the sky he then let go of Luffy before firing a point-blank bottle breath straight down which blasted the straw hat Captain all the way through onigashima Luffy managed to escape the attack by transitioning into his bound man form and flying back to the top of the island he then got above kaido and landed a gomogomono over kangan on the emperor which disrupted the bottom breath the dragon Was preparing to fire however kaido quickly recovered entering his hybrid form and using satsuriku jogomo to floor Luffy with hodaihake with Luffy resolving to end this in one final hit he quickly bounced back and charged at the emperor with another over Kong gun with kaido dashing at him whilst pairing another Hood ihake however cp-0 agent Guernica suddenly appeared and locked Luffy's attacking arm by grabbing onto it and using takai allowing kaido to knock the straw hat Captain down Guernica escaped the strike releasing just before the emperor hit whilst kaido could only attack in despair as he reviled another exciting battle being sabotaged by outside influence just like during his duel against Odin in response kaido brutally attacks Guernica kaido returned to the castle in his Dragon form where he declares that Luffy is dead and demands momonosuke surrender to him while also agreeing to fight anyone who still wishes to challenge him he decrees that when onigashima will drop on the flower Capital he will put everyone who lives in wano to work producing weapons and if they die then he'll find suitable Replacements he tells the samurai that their Defiance against him incurred his wrath and the price of failure is the loss of their freedom and hope but until mamonosuke presents himself to him he won't stop fighting however he soon hears what seems to be the beating of a drum before being grabbed by a huge hand and dragged silly back to the top of the roof by Luffy who has awakened his devil fruit Luffy proceeds to swing kaido around before slamming him into the ground Luffy lets him go and kaido confesses how happy he is that Luffy survived before firing a bottle breath at him to his shock though Luffy reflects it back at him and it blows up in his face he recovers and apologizes to Luffy for allowing Guernica to interfere with their duel as they too prepare for their final fight while watching Luffy bouncing up and down kaido told him he awakened his devil fruit since he was turning the ground into rubber like himself yet he felt like the transformation was akin to that of a zoan fruit which confused him nevertheless he bit down on Luffy and swallowed him only for Luffy to bounce around inside his insides before using gomogomo no fusan to inflate both his and kaido's body causing him discomfort as the two floated into the sky kaido tried to figure out how Luffy was able to make his body like rubber just as Luffy was trying to stretch his arms through kaido's eyes to launch himself out of kaido's body using gomo gomonodashoda rocket which caused additional discomfort to kaido Luffy then launched himself higher into the air and made himself a giant to step on kaido but kaido evaded and chomped down on Luffy's torso but Luffy grabbed his head and tail and started using him like a jump rope until kaido used bottle breath to blast him far away as Luffy recovered and ran back to him kaido changed into his hybrid form and struck Luffy with kosanze ragnaraku slamming his head through the roof causing everyone in the live floor to have their eyes popped out as Luffy pulled his head back out kaido remarked that their fight looked like something out of a picture book but believed Luffy is at the end of his rope which was confirmed when his awakened State wore off though kaido himself fell to one knee he told Luffy that after he died he will tell everyone how valiantly he fought but Luffy rejected this notion and changed back assuring kaido that he was not afraid of dying kaido managed to slam Luffy with hasakai a few more times before Luffy bounced off a rock at kaido while spinning his arms like a propeller kaido tried to block his attack while also trying to figure out what Luffy's power was claiming that no one is capable of taking him down only to get punched straight through the face by Luffy and knocked onto his back kaido picked himself back up and asked Luffy who he was to which Luffy answered that he is the one who will surpass him and become the pirate king kaido acknowledged that Luffy still hasn't lost his spirit and how ridiculous his power was he admitted that he had lost all a lot in this war but believed Luffy had two only for Luffy to retort that he would take it all back he used gundari Ryu Saigon on Luffy but got hit multiple times by Luffy as well whose punches stretched through him again he then noticed smoke coming from the bottom of the roof and believed that the whole castle was on fire and everyone will burn to death but Luffy responded that he trusts his friends to handle the problem as kaido fired a kaifu attack that Luffy dodged he then watched as Luffy grabbed a bolt of lightning with a smile on his face Luffy used gomugomonokaminari to throw the bolt of lightning at kaido but he sidestepped and slammed Luffy from the side sending him flying far away Luffy used another lightning bolt to propel himself back to kaido and he quickly dodged the attack and struck Luffy on the head as he did so he told Luffy that having a strong devil fruit isn't enough to conquer the Seas Roger himself didn't have one yet still became the pirate king and kaido said that such hurdles can only be overcome with hockey as he hit Luffy with daitoku Raimi hake knocking him into the air again however Luffy grabbed kaido while being past the storm clouds and kaido tried to shake Luffy off first by hitting his arm with hasakai then changing into his full Dragon form to hit him with tatsumaki kaifo and Bodo breath his efforts were futile as not only did Luffy hang on but he inflated his other fist to a humongous size with which to finish off kaido seeing Luffy's giant fist kaido decided to take it head on as he enveloped himself in fire which finally caused Luffy to let go of him a move kaido said was the right call he told Luffy that Odin was burned to death and ever since then the people of wano Desperately clung onto the hope that their savior would come he also told Luffy that his fist would never hit him because his fire would vaporize it and he met Luffy's gomogomano bajrangun with his shoyu Kayan hake as they clashed Kaio commended Luffy for coming so far but believed he could not change the world kaido did ask though what kind of world Luffy wanted to create and Luffy answered that he wanted to make a world where his friends could eat as much as they want kaido then remembered a conversation he had with King once in which he stated that Joy boy would be the one who was able to defeat him Luffy's fist pushed through kaido's attack and punched him so hard in the face that it broke off his left horn and sent him crashing deep into the ground rendered unconscious kaido reverted back into his human form and plummeted into wano's magma chamber where big mom had also Fallen as a result an underwater volcano erupted from where onigashima had previously sat with both Emperors presumably getting caught up in the explosion did you enjoy our video well then be sure to check out these other great videos from the umagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos
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Views: 192,357
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Keywords: Kaido, Monkey, Luffy, One Piece, Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Nico Robin, Portgas D Ace, Sanji, Monkey D. Luffy, Corazon, Charlotte Katakuri, Silvers Rayleigh, Sabo, Monkey D. Garp, Trafalgar Law, Gol D. Roger, Edward Newgate, Brook, Aokiji, Updated, anime, manga, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, vs, fight, Pirate, Ship, Top, Life, Life of, Part 2, Two, Boa Hancock, Portgas, Portgas D. Ace, Kaidou, Ace
Id: 8MD7RaQFcew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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