The Story Of Dabi (Toya Todoroki) | My Hero Academia

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dobby is the eldest son of pro-hero endeavor driven insane due to his neglectful actions he faked his death and became a villain as revenge he became affiliated with the league of villains a former member of the organization's since disbanded vanguard action squad and later one of the nine lieutenants of the paranormal liberation front seeking to have a child capable of surpassing almight enji todoroki agreed to a quirk marriage with reihimura when he was 22 years old his first child toya todoroki was born prematurely although he didn't inherit a composite quirk from his parents toyo was born with a fire quirk more powerful than enji's own health flame so when the time came his father would train him later that year his sister fuyumi todoroki was born presumably from quite a young age toya was constantly trained by his father and the young boy was actually eager to learn all of his father's moves so he could one day become a great hero although none of his children bore the ideal quirk he was hoping for engie was satisfied with toya and saw him capable of surpassing almight with his powerful fire quirk alone so he placed his ambitions on his shoulders however the situation changed drastically as toyah's red hair began to turn white and his body suffered burns every time he used his quirk angie and rey went to see a quirk doctor to find out what was wrong with him the doctor explained that while toyah had inherited a powerful firebased quirk from his father he also inherited his mother's resistance to freezing cold rather than his father's resistance to scorching heat meaning that he would burn himself whenever he used his flames because of this toya was limited in how far he could safely push himself with his quirk so enji deemed him a failure and suddenly stopped training him toya despite the dangerous flaw in his quirk still longed to be a pro hero when he grew up he began to beg his father to continue training him but angie refused saying that it was for the sake of his well-being but toyah wasn't pleased later he talked with his sister fuyumi and told her that he can tolerate the pain and burns but little fuyumi told toya that she was worried about him getting hurt her words offended toya who yelled that she didn't understand him because she's a girl and walked off saying that his father was the one who lit the fire under him to surpass almight toyah began training on his own despite his father and sister trying to convince him to stop angie lamented that his son had also inherited his stubbornness and decided to have more children until he conceived a suitable successor to his ambitions rei said that his idea was too cruel especially considered that toyah had finally realized what he wanted to achieve through their children but angie considered that this plan would finally make toya give up on his obsession the years passed and enji and rey had more children this would ultimately lead to natsuo's conception which made toya start to fall into despair while endeavour's desire to surpass all might continued to grow eventually shoto todoroki was born having inherited a perfect combination of both of his parents's quirks angie had finally conceived the much desired air he was seeking but toya despaired even more as shoto's birth implied that his entire purpose and his father's awareness and attention had just been taken from him however toyo was still determined to fulfill his father's dream and refused to abandon it he continued to train on his own eventually starting going to sokoto peak where his father used to train angie told toyah to stop training in secret because he was covered in burns and told him to look beyond the world of being a hero and to just do things like play with his siblings or make friends at school he said that he can understand and that one day it'll all be just a distant memory toyah however with tears flowing from his eyes told his father that everyone at school wants to be heroes themselves and that he couldn't understand what it's like to give up because he has engie as his father angie had lit the fire in him to surpass all might and it wasn't going out just as he calls him by his hero name rather than father their argument drew rey and the rest of the children to where they were toya told his father to look at him as he violently lashed out with his flames at his mother carrying an infant shadow attempting to harm his youngest brother he was stopped before he could hurt anyone but after toyah's outburst ng decided to ban the other siblings from interacting with shoto so that he could focus on his training he entrusted ray to look after toyah when rey said that all taya wanted was for his father to acknowledge him ng replied that all he could show anyone is the world of heroes to which rey scathingly replied that he's just running away from his problems during the following years toya developed what appeared to be an excellent relationship with his siblings they were always together and always played together this is especially true regarding his brother natsuo however they were raised separately from their youngest brother shoto likewise his father's traumatic abuse and then abandonment had a strong emotional and mental impact on toyah and he used to go to his brother natsuo many times with tears in his eyes questioning why he even existed five years had passed since the incident and enji decided to train shadow preventing him from playing with his older siblings despite him begging a 13 year old toyah witnessed them and glared at the two of them hatefully later that night he confided in not so his inner doubts acknowledging that it was his fault for attacking shadow who did nothing wrong but continued to rant about his feelings towards their father and how he considered the rest of his children as failed creations wondering whether the only thing heroes did was make children and discard them when they didn't need them natsuo however just wanted to sleep and suggested that toya talked to fuyumi once in a while toyo was hurt by the implication that natsuwa was brushing him off as well explaining that he was the only one who toya could talk to one day when toyo was preparing to train at sekoto peak rey tried to dissuade him and make him consider whether or not he really wanted to be a hero assuring him that there are more options than the hero world toya was infuriated by her words yelling at her and asking if she'd been reading any self-help books lately his statements left rey surprised as he continued his rant saying that he already knows that she only married angie because her family was poor and that that was the only reason he was born putting responsibility for his problems on her shoulders as well toyah continued to train at sekoto peak and during the winter season around the time he had a growth spurt his quirk developed and his flame's colors changed from red to blue toya discovered that his flames are linked to his emotional state and would get stronger if he was riled up he started crying while saying that he doesn't know why he does when he gets worked up shortly afterwards excited to show his father how he had developed toya asked him to come to sokoto peak the next time he had a day off angie however lifted up his shirt and saw his burn scars he was angry that toya had been training again but his son was adamant that he was destined for greatness and determined to make his father proud of him frustrated however angie ignored his eldest son's pleas and took his anger out on rey for not stopping toya some time later toya waited at sokoto peak for his father to meet him but endeavour never showed up much to toya's disappointment and anguish the emotional turmoil he felt caused him to lose control of his flames resulting in a massive wildfire toya tried to save himself but he didn't know how to quell his flames as his father only ever taught him to increase the heat he was scorched with flames exceeding 2000 degrees celsius his body was believed to have been incinerated and the only thing that was found was part of his jawbone his death affected his family especially his mother ray whose mental state had already been harshly affected by her husband's past abuses and his brother natsuo who still considered his father responsible for toyah's demise the family installed the bhutsudan buddhist altar in his former room after his supposed passing and still send their prayers to him even enji is seen praying at it saying that he regrets the loss of his eldest son however toya didn't die and had actually jumped into a nearby lake to desperately calm the flames not wanting to die before showing his father what he could really do he was left with severe burns all over his body and was found and taken in by all for one comatose for three years toya woke up to find himself alive in a nursery with several accompanying children surprised to see him awake toyo was further shocked to learn how long he was unresponsive including the fact that his voice was changed and only wanted to return home however one of the attendants at the nursery told him that he couldn't since he lives with everyone else now and that they'll be his new family toyah became enraged especially because he wanted to reconcile with his family and apologize for everything he said and did despite this a voice on a monitor tells him that his hope is in vain stating that his body was too damaged and that all the missing pieces had to be replaced with regenerative tissue the voice further explains that he'll be unable to utilize the power he once had and that he had his organs damaged body debilitated senses all dulled and that he was unable to feel pain the voice called toya a failure causing him to recoil in pain at the words toya was devastated by his situation after the voice suggests that he allow them to raise him to return his fire toyah bluntly refused to be trained by anyone else and ran away from the nursery he returned home only to discover that his family thought he was dead and to find that his father was continuing his abuse and training of shoto seeing his father continue with his perfect creation and seeing his broken family that had moved on from him reminding him of his status as a failure toyah decided to embrace his death allowing himself to be reborn with a new purpose dubbing himself dobby following his awakening from the coma he was only expected to live no more than a month but his grudge kept him alive and going as the years went by and after dying his hair black to hide his true identity dobby secretly observed his father's actions from afar studying his hero moves to make himself stronger while also allowing his hatred to grow with every bit of praise and attention endeavour would get now accepting his newfound life as a villain dobby slowly plotted to ruin angie's life by destroying his hero career thanks for watching remember to like and subscribe and we'll see you next video
Channel: Anime Hero
Views: 111,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime Hero, my hero academia, MHA, Dabi, Toya, Toya todoroki, the entire story of dabi, dabi backstory, toya backstory, the entire story of toya, my hero academia explained, explained, anime recap, dabi explained, toya explained, hell flame, dabi vs enji, endeavour
Id: oj6g3TvlpO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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