THE LIFE & DEATH OF WOLVERINE! (A Fortnite Short Film)

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[Music] all right mr spiky hands i'm armed and i'm not taking no more bull crap from anyone hmm maybe he already left this place is torn apart [Music] what was that um no i won't let myself get afraid this is my bnb listen up claws for brains you're gonna get your keystrad what happened here you've got a knee slurp on you [Applause] come on you clankers time to show you what real metal can do [Music] opening fire [Music] requesting backup [Music] ah you're nothing but scraps no one can save you now is that all you got there must be someone around here that can pose a challenge all right who left wolf boy in here i go where i wanna go well today you've come to the wrong place i'm gonna enjoy this bring it [Music] the pain is what keeps me alive you'll have to do better than that [Music] now that's what i'm talking about i really ripped you a new one fat cat there must be bugs in the simulation software i'll work those out for next time yeah yeah you know we had something similar back home called it the danger room only difference was you actually had to break a sweat rather than letting your mind do all the work you ever hear the phrase brains over brawn yeah a lot of fancy men with big brains like to say things like that up until i rip their heads apart that is oh you're just a big barrel of sunshine aren't you i'm not here to make friends i'm the best there is at what i do and what i do isn't very nice cool slogan i'll have my marketing department whip up some t-shirts right away you do that in the meantime why don't you get to know some of the other new recruits after all we are technically going to be a team yeah i'll inspect the troops make sure we stand a chance against this galactus fella tell me when those shirts are done i could use a new style yeah too many new cents to count oh come on huh sounds like something big is going down i wasn't electrical doing my tasks this game is so stupid no you're that girl that attacked me huh you stay back we're warning you relax kid i ain't looking for another fight oh well that's good for you i mean huh i seem to recall tossing you in a river the last time we fought hope i didn't hurt you too bad that was after you ran away from me only cause i didn't want to hurt a kid i'm not a kid why does everyone still think that i'm 18. when you're as old as i am 18 is nothing junior anyways i guess i'm supposed to introduce myself to you all so yeah i'm wolverine well i'm skye and this is ollie neat trick how are you doing that anyway throwing your voice like that it's not a trick ollie's actually talking he's a magic hat fairy you lost me there but i guess that's not the strangest thing i've seen since coming here anyways i should go before you do i hate to admit it but you were actually pretty tough you think you could maybe show me a few pointers sometime huh yeah sure why not one two three four what's that oh that's just my bro now souls he works out on the roof sometimes he's real tough too like you your brother huh guess i might as well see what he's made of until next time kid don't call me that whatever swole cat coming in hot and one and two and three and four [Music] that's her brother oh yeah feel the burn oh yeah keep it up yeah now souls right that's me who are mew the name's wolverine i just got here but i'm hoping to help out the cars well then welcome aboard the girl downstairs said you were her brother but uh you don't look much like her oh skye yeah we just call each other brother and sister we're tight like that you know yeah you remind me of someone actually sabertooth you've got the same cause well then you must know a good manicurist anyway welcome to the team wolverine yeah thanks what the hell was that that was just jules working on the battle bus project lots of volatile components and mechanisms and all sorts of stuff that goes way over my head what's this project all about some sort of weapon in the fight against galactus i think the only person who truly understands it is mr genius tony you don't like the guy do you not particularly that makes two of us then maybe working together won't be so bad after all maybe not i'm gonna check this project out first hand i'll see you around see me later nice guy [Music] hey hey turn that music off huh oh um sorry who are you the name's wolverine i'm new around here oh well welcome to the club i think we all feel that way still i'm jules jules well what you working on there jules to be totally honest i'm not exactly sure i just know i'm fitting on a lot of fancy billion dollar tech onto this old beat-up bus tony didn't fill you in on what it actually does this sort of stuff isn't really my strong suit i'm an engineer i can make robots bridges walls cars that sort of stuff when it comes to dealing with intergalactic threats i'll leave that to the professionals i hear ya but you must have something else special about you to be here right um what do you mean well that one pipsqueak's got a talking hat that's apparently magic and the other guy's a seven foot tall cat man i figure there must be something else you can do other than weld i'm not really comfortable talking about it with people relax i'm a fellow mutant a mutant i'm not i'm just different i was given a gift now you're sounding like the professor who the wisest man i ever met you'd probably tell me to back off and give you your space so i guess that's what i'm gonna do see you jewels yeah bye they ain't much but it's a start might even be able to build a half-decent team out of them i don't know how you did it for all those years professor not again [Music] wait what's happening how'd i get here logan gene how's this possible what do you mean you should know how this works by now logan telepathy right so i'm not really here and you're just a construct of my mind right half right i am really speaking with you but you're still on the island not here with me got it this psychic stuff still goes over my head sometimes well i'm glad you were able to break through the mental holds on your mind otherwise we would never been able to have this conversation you missed me huh i well yes of course i missed you too gene logan we can't if scott overheard well then don't make this a group call logan i wasn't contacting you just because i wanted to hear your voice that's a surprise be serious the coming threat is greater than any we have ever faced and you will have to make sacrifices if you are to come out on top what kind of sacrifices the greatest of them all i don't like the sound of that how do you know who told you no one told me i just know not much of an answer but it will have to suffice for now i can't maintain this connection for long just like the professor is he with you now put him on the professor logan he's gene gene gene don't leave me ah hey bud you all right huh i'm fine and no one calls me bub bub i said bud actually so who's gene none of your beeswax kid okay rude what happened to being fellow mutants we all have our secrets our past you didn't open up earlier why should i maybe because you passed out in the middle of a parking lot i feel like this jean lady has something to do with that forget it it was nothing i can turn things gold you what it was a gift or mutation passed down to me by my father i have to wear special gloves in order to contain it just like rogue who look i appreciate you confiding in me i do but i don't have time to play 20 questions with you you want to know about the x-men ask storm the x-men huh maybe i will i'll see you around wolverine gene where'd you go what else aren't you telling me [Music] yeah come on call me back already sounds like troubles brewing fine gene have it your way logan oh hey storm plumbing problem something like that you want to talk about it nope not one bit i heard you say her name logan is everyone gonna pester me about this jules came to me and asked about gene said you were talking to her in your sleep i wasn't asleep gene contacted me last night i spoke to her face to face what you said the professor talked to you too right that's right but i only heard his voice i could see gene and this doesn't concern you why would it concern me gene is indeed powerful but powerful enough to communicate across the galaxy across dimensions we share a bond yes i know you two are close as many of us are still though the next time you hear from her allow me to listen in i would but right now she's not returning my mind texts eloquently put logan ah very well just stay guarded i can feel the tides turning the first wave of this war is starting soon and i'm not sure we are ready now be careful besides whenever i ever let you down i'm back gene are you here where are you logan welcome back hey slim what uh what are you doing here waiting for you really why i hear you've been macking on my girl listen shades i don't know what you heard but yeah so that's how it's gonna be huh fine you and me logan let's finish this i've been looking forward to this for a long time that makes two of us yeah oh [Music] lights out scott oh god logan gene i'm sorry i don't know what happened it's okay it's okay logan this is good now you and i can finally be together gene i love you logan i love you [Music] [Applause] a nightmare maybe there's something to what storm said after all either way gotta lay off the sauce for a while [Music] what's that [Music] hey come on buddy it's gonna be okay yeah you fellas all right out here [Music] the big guy got dumped sorry sorry it was a mutual breakup i am groot right i didn't realize trees could be in relationships it was a new experience for groot though i told him it would never last after all he just met the hat the other day wait groot was with that sky girl's hat i am there there now i've heard of everything yeah love stink scroot the sooner you come to realize that the better that's what i tried to tell him but he won't listen to me falling in love is a trick your mind plays on you trust me i've been around for a long long time you're better off without it [Music] uh [Music] all right people we have another attack on our hands by one of galactus's minions the gorgers gorjur don't you mean gor gur tony i'm the one who came up with the terminology shulki so i think i know how to pronounce gorger besides it gorges on things i don't care what it's called i'll rip it apart all the same i like your attitude but these things are dangerous jen you've taken one of these down before you mind going with him as backup fine come on wolvie let's crush this soda can i don't think so i've been itching for a real fight since i got here i'm not about to share half the fun you'll have better luck as a team i don't need luck i've got my claws youtube poindexter stay here and figure out the big picture stuff let the grunts like me do the real work he's confident i'll give him that more like headstrong if you ask me i'm sorry did tony stark just say someone else was headstrong you're right maybe i'm maturing in my young age i doubt that a lot remember me fellas i think i might have destroyed your brother a few weeks back take this you're finished nothing personal [Music] hey hey mister huh [Music] yeah what do you want i want to thank you you just saved my whole town oh right it was nothing that was not nothing that was amazing yeah well i'm the best there is at what i do but what i do best isn't very nice oh my god that is awesome did you come up with that yourself i'm the best at what i do and what i do isn't very nice that's not quite yeah you know what forget it so who are you anyway wolverine wolverine that's so cool i'm sagan named after the astronomer my parents were big fans go maybe i'll name my kids wolverines someday since i'm your biggest fan and all yeah don't do that okay okay but can we talk for a minute about your fighting style you are like take this finish this well you get the idea i've heard enough go home wait i want to ask you more questions i'm done talking kid beat it classic wolverine a gruff exterior cannot belie his soft heart you don't know me and that's what i'm trying to change yeah and i just thought there were like you know really big birds or something but when they came down and what did you call them gorgeous anyway when they came down and started blowing everything up i thought i thought i was done for but then enough and it's pronounced gorgeous huh finally some peace and quiet oh and so anyway how do you have those awesome claws were you born with them or were they like an enhancement either way i love them so shiny yeah forgive me for what i'm about to do hey wolvie who's your friend you call me his friend i'm taken wolverine's number one fan no she's not can we talk for a minute in private uh sure hurry back look i don't know who she is she just came up to me and now she won't leave me alone so they found you too huh what are you talking about this island seems to be chock-full of rabid fans and once they get their claws in you they won't let go no pun intended sounds like you have experience with this what did you do to stop them scared them off then had a journey of self-discovery that taught me being looked up to isn't all that bad i'll go with just the first part hey kit scram huh where'd she go beats me good riddance oh come on she seemed harmless enough a mosquito is mostly harmless too still annoying as hell though but that's a little harsh don't you think maybe so that's just proof that i shouldn't be anybody's role model but if they learn that now fair enough [Music] temper what the how'd you get in here i have my ways so this is where you live huh god be honest kind of a dump oh really it's not amazing or so cool that yeah it was all an act sorry wolverine you're not actually all that special though you are worth a lot of points points wait a minute you're a mutant aren't you guilty is charged that explains the teleporting what do you want with me i'm a part of a little organization called the upstarts you might have heard of us can't say i have [Music] we're what you might call mutant hunters you hunt your own kind that's sick some may feel that way i don't it's just sport why go through all the trouble getting to know me then why not just spill the beans back at salty springs because i like to know my targets makes it all the more personal and satisfying well you know me now and you know what happens next i sure do let's take this someplace else i want to make this place any more of a stye than it already is hope you don't mind the cold i'm canadian i love it [Music] what are those blasts electromagnetism made manifest straight from the planet to my fingertips impressive huh impressive it's dangerous messing with that stuff will tear this place apart don't worry i'll be careful [Music] stop moving got you now logan professor i can temporarily suppress our powers use this chance get it time to finish this wait something's cutting me off from my energy source the professor sends his regards that was foolish all it means is my body is building up a major chart oh i can already fill my power building past critical say see ya chump logan look out finally got rid of her she's not dead just teleported far from here thanks for the help professor couldn't have done it without you i won't always be here for you logan you must learn to rely on your allies on the field right yeah which way back to civilization professor professor great uh logan get up gene you have to keep moving don't worry about me if i get frostbite whatever falls off will just grow back i'm not worried about you i'm worried about everyone else their fate is tied to your actions you cannot allow yourself to be impeded thanks gina feeling real touched [Music] uh what are you looking at easy bub i'm not after your kill guess this is happening then huh that's not good [Music] yes stupid animals why'd you do it not like i'm much better don't say that logan professor tell me then how am i any different you feeling remorse regret for this slaughter is proof enough you care much more than you let on you're gonna stick around this time you have gotten far enough on your own i think i should be able to guide you the rest of the way good i'm done freezing my butt off and follow my voice finally back ah i need a slurp hey wolverine yeah what's up jules i want you to meet my friend fade hey logan i mean i mean mr wolverine who told you that name mr wolverine well i kind of just came up with it and not that name logan oh well i actually wrote it in he read it in tony's records yeah he runs background checks on everyone here though in this case he probably just asked storm i should have known one more reason to distrust the guy i bet he's spying on us too either way it's a real honor to meet you wolverine right an honor sure well if you two are friends as you put it don't let me keep you so we'll see you tomorrow maybe faye just joined us as another honorary avenger as you can probably tell he's kind of eager to get in more of the action yeah whatever just stay out of my way and don't pretend to know me i mean wolverine yeah surrounded by kids it's the mansion all over again what do we got this'll do ah that's better all right time to sleep this long day off great where am i now what the what is that you go oh my head logan logan logan [Music] jaws why no no no no no no hey logan i'm coming in that must be one heck of a nightmare logan are you all right logan everything all right in here jewels jewels wait kid it was an accident how could you do this jules you're gonna be okay jules you're gonna be okay [Music] look tony save it i knew you were trouble from the start it doesn't have to go down like this i disagree this has been a long time coming you're going to pay for what you've done yeah fine blame me you wanna do this let's do this you think i'm some animal don't you well you're right look out system's failing sir you stay down [Music] my head have to find a place to lie low that'll do for now um excuse me sir can i help you what do you live here i sure do marry the henchwoman at your service and you are wolverine you are the only one here for now though this place always has some crazy person or another passing through like yourself no offense none taken oh in fact i'm thinking of turning this place into a bed and breakfast figure i can rake in some real cash right about that i'm gonna need the run of the place for well the foreseeable future oh okay i guess it could be my first customer hmm but how much to charge a hundred dollars a night 200 we're talking about staying at a genuine historical site here look i left my wallet in my other pen so i ain't paying well then you ain't staying sorry but i've got to start this business off right here's another idea beat it i thought she'd never leave logan gene why does this keep happening to me what's going on what do you mean my headaches my dreams visions you everything is getting worse you're just readjusting to the island that's all i heard people gene people that didn't do anything wrong and neither did you what happened with the girl was an accident as long as i leave you alone no one else will get hurt you're making it sound like a threat i'm just acknowledging reality those people didn't deserve your help anyway i what you're stronger than them if they want to cast you out let them you will go your own way as you always have maybe you're right i am now stay with me a while logan stay with me away from the woes of that [Music] world i know you're here you can't hide from me hey kid thought you might follow me here you hurt jules i looked up to you man but now i see you for what you really are a killer how's she doing like you care how many times do i gotta say it it was an accident convenient that jules isn't around to say otherwise look this isn't gonna go the way you want i've been down this path many times before revenge isn't all it's cracked up to be you don't get to make that choice for me this is happening bub take this [Music] hmm you gotta fight harder than that rookie i know you have that healing factor let's put it to the test doesn't matter what you throw my way kid i ain't going down we'll see about that [Music] what goes up must calm down i've scrapped with the best pal and you ain't it i've got a few more tricks up my sleeves not bad kid you almost made me break a sweat but this is your last chance i'm sorry for what happened to jules truly i am now you're gonna have to take that for what it is or leave it what's it gonna be i fade jules jules you're okay no thanks to him he's lying to you fade it wasn't an accident finish him now wait a minute you know it was a mistake jules do it fade now [Music] good job come on let's get out of here [Music] goodbye wolverine [Music] all right mr spiky hands i'm armed and i'm not taking no more bull crap from anyone hmm maybe he already left this place is torn apart was that um no i won't let myself get afraid this is my b and b listen up claws for brains you're gonna get your keystrada what happened here you've got a knee slurp on you you
Channel: NewScapePro 3 - Fortnite Shorts, Films & Skits!
Views: 869,955
Rating: 4.8977232 out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite, fortnite short film, THE LIFE & DEATH OF WOLVERINE, WOLVERINE GETS A FAN CLUB, IRON MAN: BEFORE THE AVENGERS, WOLVERINE ORIGIN STORY, HOW STARK BOTS ARE REALLY MADE, SHE-HULK: THE EARLY YEARS, A DAY IN THE LIFE OF SHE-HULK, IRON MAN FALLS IN LOVE, SHE-HULK FALLS IN LOVE, marvel fortnite, avengers fortnite, fortnite thor, fortnite marvel, season four, season 4, fortnite season four, fortnite season 4, new season, iron man fortnite, groot fortnite, wolverine
Id: oflnNaq0BO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 20sec (2720 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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