The Scandalous Life And TRAGIC Ending Of Jimmy Swaggart

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I am a preacher of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and I consider that I do the job well it's my job to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to take the gospel to the whole world talking of charismatic influential and modern-day Evangelical Powerhouse Jimmy Swagger was the essence from the pulpit to the recording studio his presence was felt in televangelism attracting listeners with his fiery sermons and soul stirring songs although he has preached the go Gospel of Jesus Christ on television longer than any other American evangelist under the veneer of spiritual enthusiasm and fame it was a story as complex as it was tragic it's my business to preach the word of God if it offends anybody else it's still my job I believe the Bible I believe the word of God and even though I love Catholic PE people I love them enough personal hardships and moral issues overshadowed more of his successes as many want to know who exactly is Jimmy Swagger how much harder ship has Jimmy Swagger faced in the course of Fame since launching into full-time Ministry in 1955 until now join us as we unveil the life and tragic ending of Jimmy Swagger Jimmy Swagger's early life Jimmy Swagger was born on March 15th 1935 in Faraday Louisiana to Willie Leon and Min Swagger his parents were devoted members of the local Assemblies of God Jimmy is the eldest child of the family his father was a sharecropper who became a Pentecostal preacher in the 1950s in the Assemblies of God denomination as a result Jimmy Swagger was inspired by the church's culture from a young age swager was raised in the Embrace of local Assemblies of God congregations in Faraday and Wisner he was immersed in Pentecostal Traditions from a young age though a young Jimmy was not very keen on learning about religious matters his dramatic salvation experience at the age of 8 made him aware of God's call after this Jimmy transformed and started spending hours praying to God and reading the Bible since both his parents were gifted as musicians playing fiddle and guitars during the Great Depression young Swagger developed a taste for music at an early age he nurtured his musical talents Within These Church walls frequently performing alongside his father a pastor at the local Assembly of God Church the Swaggert family's extensive web of links where cousins and in-laws intermarried resulted in a close-knit community like a tightly woven ball of rubber bands therefore Swagger discovered connections to musical icons within this familial tapestry his extended family included his cousin famed rockabilly Pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis and Country Music luminary Mickey Gilly he sneaked to Rhythm clubs with jerielle Lewis his famous rock rock and roll Pioneer cousin soon he started playing at these clubs where he attained popularity as a blooming singer then Swagger began to share his musical talents with audiences outside the church doors singing southern gospel songs at numerous congregations as he worked odd jobs to support his small family the Swaggert family experienced adversity and perseverance during the 1950s as documented in Jimmy Lee Swagger's autobiography to cross a River Swagger his wife and his kids' lives were characterized by continual movement as they moved between Church basements Pastor homes and inexpensive housing never remaining in one spot for long during these trials swagert was provided with an enticing chance Sun record's renowned producer Sam Phillips aspired to broaden the labels range by branching into gospel music Swagger's cousin Jerry Lee Lewis was already experiencing huge success Under the Sun Records label so Phillips regarded Swagger as a viable addition to his roster the offer promised Financial Security with swagger having the opportunity to make a significant salary for himself and his family but Swagger made a disastrous decision that would set the course of his life despite the pull of Fame and wealth he declined Phillips's offer firm in his belief that he was called to a greater cause Swagger believed that his Destiny was in the Pulpit not on stage however how much of this decision affected his life despite trials how does swagger have an unshakable commitment to his calling as a gospel preacher Swagger's refusal to compromise his convictions in pursuit of worldly Prosperity became a recurring theme throughout his life throughout the years that followed he faced numerous difficulties and tragedies both personal and professional but he always always emerged with his faith intact Jimmy Swagger's early career before becoming a full-time evangelist Jimmy Swagger took up several part-time jobs performing southern gospel music at various churches in 1955 he started working as a full-time evangelist and began developing a Revival meeting throughout the American South armed only with a donated flatbed trailer from this humble beginning he disseminated the gospel message far and wide gaining a devoted following it was the start of a lifelong Swagger to provide hope and salvation to the masses Swagger's reputation as a fiery preacher and charismatic speaker grew and he stretched his influence across other channels the year 1960 was of utmost importance for Swagger as he began recording gospel music to transmit on Christian radio stations he created gospel recordings that appealed to audiences seeking spiritual nourishment simultaneously he used the airwaves to spread his message of faith and salvation through Christian radio stations setting the groundwork for a massive multimedia Ministry Swagger's Ministry evolved during the 1980s and early 1990s responding to changes in the media and Technology World recognizing the changing tide he strategically decided to sell many of his radio stations allowing him to concentrate more on his core purpose of proclaiming the Gospel to the masses despite the difficulties of the modern era Swagger stayed constant in his dedication to sharing the message of God's love and Redemption unaffected by the problems ahead Jimmy Swagger marriage in 1952 aged 17 Swagger married 15-year-old Francis Anderson whom he met in a church in wizner Louisiana while playing music with his father who pastored the Assembly of God Church there they have a son named Donnie Swaggert worked part-time odd jobs to support his young family and began singing southern gospel music at various churches according to his autobiography to cross a river Swagger and his wife and son lived in poverty during the 1950s as he preached throughout rural Louisiana struggling to survive on an income of $130 a week equivalent to1 330 in 2023 being too too poor to own a home the swags lived in church basement homes of pastors and small motels Sun Records producer Sam Phillips wanted to start a gospel line of music for the label perhaps to remain in competition with RCA Victor and Colombia who also had gospel lines at the time and wanted Swagger for son as the first gospel artist for the label Swagger's cousin Jerry Lee Lewis had previously signed with sun and reportedly earned $20,000 weekly although the offer meant a promise of significant income for him and his family Swagger turned Phillips down stating that he was called to preach the gospel Jimmy Swagger ordination Swagger began developing a Revival meeting following throughout the American South in 1960 he began recording and transmitting gospel music albums on Christian radio stations Swagger's passion and commitment to his call were officially recognized in 1961 when the Assemblies of God ordained him this watershed moment marked the official start of his ministry launching him on a path to increased Fame and influence in the Evangelical Community Swagger's Vision expanded even further in the late 1960s when he constructed the Family Worship Center in Baton Rouge Louisiana what began as a small congregation grew into a thriving Church community founded on faith and worship over time the church's association with the Assemblies of God grew stronger confirming its place within the greater framework of Pentecostal Christianity Swagger took another Brave move forward in 1971 when he began transmitting a weekly 30-minute telecast over various local television stations in Baton Rouge he also purchased a local AM radio station wlu now wpfc the station broadcast Christian feature stories preached and taught to various fundamentalist and Pentecostal denominations and played black gospel southern gospel and inspirational music Swaggert sold many of his radio stations gradually throughout the 1980s and early 1990s Jimmy Swagger shifting to television in 1973 Swagger proposed to television producers in Nashville Tennessee this television program included aot large music segment a short sermon and time for discussing current Ministry projects which they accepted within weeks the Jimmy Swagger telecast was broadcast around the United States by 1975 the television Ministry had expanded to more stations around the United States and he began to use television as his primary preaching Forum in 1978 the weekly telecast was increased to an hour in 1980 swag began a daily weekday telecast featuring Bible study and music the weekend hourong telecast included a Family Worship Center Swagger's church service or an onlocation crusade in a major city in the early 1980s the broadcasts expanded to major cities Nationwide by 1983 more than 250 television stations broadcast The Telecast the stations also became a hub for gospel music offering listeners in inspiration and peace Jimmy Swagger college and Publications in the Autumn of 1984 swagert opened Jimmy Swagger Bible College jsbc the college originally provided education and communication degrees jsbc enrollment dropped drastically in 1988 when students left as a result of swaggered Scandal followed by accreditation issues in 1991 jsbc was renamed the world evangelism Bible College and enrollment dropped to 370 students that October the college shut down music physical education secretarial science and Communications programs and disbanded its basketball team in November the college laid off three Bible professors and an English Professor effective at the end of the fall semester the Expositor Study Bible ESB released in 2005 was the magnum opus of Jimmy's career it was his life's work that gained him a reputation overseas the book has been translated into numerous languages including Russian Spanish Chinese and Portuguese it has sold over 4 million copies and over 2 million copies have been donated to Pastor supporters in third world countries furthermore Swagger has written about 50 Christian books offered through his ministry he is the author of 13 different study guides and 38 commentaries on the Bible similarly Swagger published religious rock and roll a wolf in sheep's clothing in 1985 also in 1980 Swagger received a Grammy award nomination for best gospel performance traditional for his album Worship in addition the ministry also publishes a monthly magazine the Evangelist in this monthly periodical known as the Evangelist he wrote against worldliness in worship music particularly referring to a Carmen concert He also mentioned in the article that Christian leaders were in terrible opposition with him for preaching the truth against contemporary Christian music and its artists Jimmy Swagger programs a study in the word is a daily teaching program hosted by evangelist Jimmy Swagger throughout this 30-minute program associate pasts Lauren lson Bob Cornell and others join brother Swagger in discussing biblical genealogy history prophecy and Endtime events in a detailed verse by verse format the rich discussions and insights these men of God offer on many biblical topics greatly benefit every believer again the message of the Cross is hosted by Reverend Jimmy Swaggert this live 1-hour Roundtable Discussion Group studies biblical topics and passages with a systematic approach to each with a panel of ministers biblical professors and teachers this program is sure to address address each biblical discussion to the fullest extent possible and Beyond each topic is covered in depth to allow the viewer to learn and gain knowledge in a way they possibly have never been before another is classic Crusades the Jimmy Swagger classic Crusades are programs featuring music and sermons from the Jimmy Swagger Crusades worldwide also the Jimmy Swaggert broadcast is the Ministries Flagship program it is dedicated to spreading the gospel through preaching and teaching Jimmy Swagger speaks about his wife the renowned religious figure Jimmy Swagger has been abundantly vocal about his deep admiration and love for his wife Francis in a statement made in 2019 Jimmy proudly revealed that he had been married to Francis for an incredible 67 years and boldly proclaimed that she was the greatest thing that ever happened to him besides his salvation Jimmy firmly believes that Francis is a remarkable individual who can lead a company as large as General Motors should the need arise despite some people's skepticism Jimmy firmly believes that his wife can achieve any task she sets her mind to Jimmy Swagger also spoke highly of his wife's unwavering Faith which has remained steadfast throughout their trials and tribulations her steadfast Devotion to herself and God sets her apart from others and makes her capable of achieving anything she sets her mind to Jimmy shares a personal anecdote about his wife from the late 1950s where she encouraged him to make a record despite his lack of Interest francis's persistence and unyielding Faith combined with divine intervention ultimately resulted in the fruition of the record this highlights francis's remarkable influence and ability to motivate others toward success for years Jimmy and Francis recorded in the most prestigious Studios in Nashville Francis would sit in the control room with some of the finest engineers in the world guiding them on precisely what she wanted done on each recording despite not being a musician Francis had an innate ability to recognize what was right and what was not right and the engineers quickly learn to take her advice seriously although she doesn't sing play music or preach locally and globally her impact on the work of God is unparalleled and she has influenced Ed many people in their spiritual Journeys hence Jimmy Swagger believes that if there is anyone who fits the 31st chapter of proverbs it is his beloved wife Francis Jimmy Swagger's son Donnie swager was born on October 18th 1954 in Baton Rouge Louisiana USA he followed in his Father's Footsteps and became a pastor televangelist and gospel musician he is the co-pastor of Family Worship Center Church in Baton Rouge Louisiana an alongside his father Jimmy Swagger Donnie Swagger's wife is Debbie however they found happiness after divorcing in 2003 he married Judy the same year he divorced Debbie Judy had divorced five times before she married the preacher complexity set in when he remarried Debbie when his marriage with Judy failed in 2006 he has three children with Debbie they are Gabriel Matthew and Jennifer and they are all married Donnie Swagger's Sons actively contribute to the growth of the family church and other Investments Jimmy Swagger involvement with the mosic national resistance throughout the 1980s Jimmy Swagger Ministries was one of many American Evangelical leaders who promoted the South African backed mozambican National resistance AKA reneo which was accused of committing systematic war crimes during mosm Beek's 15-year-long Civil War the mozambican national resistance renamo or MNR was the principal agent of a destructive war against independent mosambique for over a decade the origin of the group as a creation of the Rhian government in the mid 1,970 SE is well documented as is the transfer of sponsorship to the South African Government after white rodesia gave way to Independent Zimbabwe in 1980 the war's results have recently attracted increasing attention from the International Community in April 1988 a report written by consultant Robert gersony for the US state Department's Bureau of refugee Affairs documented a systematic pattern of Human Rights abuses based on interviews with refugees and displaced persons a systematic pattern of Human Rights abuses was overwhelmingly attributed to Reno International agencies governments and non-governmental organizations in various countries supported mosm Beek's relief and Recovery efforts however in addition to moral support and publicity Swaggert Ministries was repeatedly accused of providing funding and material support to the group in September 1985 government forces supported by Zimbabwe captured Reno's Main Headquarters inside mosam Beek Casa banana the materials left behind by retreating Rebels were piles of Swagger's 1982 publication how to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit translated into Portuguese during the 1988 trial of Australian missionary Ian gray who coordinated much of the private support to Reno the defendant claimed that Swaggert Ministries worked through shikina Ministries to support Reno that year extensive media coverage of swagger and his businesses in the wake of a sex scandal largely excluded these allegations in 1991 covert Action magazine and the government of Zimbabwe accused Swaggert ministries of continu in to fund Reno Jimmy Swagger 1988 Scandal few Personalities in American evangelicalism have garnered as much attention and controversy as Jimmy Swagger his fiery sermons and charismatic presence propelled him to the Pinnacle of Christian Glory but the scandals that shook his ministry cemented his name in infamy one such controversy included accusations of prostitution and a dramatic public confession serving as a sharp reminder of the complications at the Confluence of faith and human Frailty Swagger's downfall can be traced back to 1986 when he had a severe Feud with fellow Assembly of God Minister Marvin Gorman swaggered by accusing Gorman of marital adultery unknowingly put in motion a chain of events that would eventually end both men's careers Gorman stripped of his ministerial qualifications and effectively banished from the Assemblies of God responded by filing a lawsuit against Swagger alleging defamation and conspiracy the following legal battle resulted in a significant verdict against Swagger with Gorman given damages of $10 million however a subsequent settlement lowered this sum to $1.75 million Gorman seeking retaliation for what he saw as a terrible Injustice organized a covert operation to expose Swagger's moral flaws Gorman charged his son Randy and son-in-law Garland Bilbo with surveilling Swagger their investigation LED them to the Travel Inn on Airline Highway in materi a suburb of New Orleans where they discovered incriminating evidence of swagger with Deborah Murray a local prostitute outside room 7 armed with this devastating evidence Gorman faced swaggered laying the groundwork for a clash that would resonate throughout Evangelical circles in order to contain the mounting issue Gorman reportedly reached an agreement with swagger offering him a shot at redemption in exchange for public apologies and efforts to restore Gorman's reputation within the Assemblies of God realizing an opportunity to save his reputation Swagger consented to the requirements albeit grudgingly however as the date for Swagger's promised apology came he stayed silent forcing Gorman to take action on February 16th 1988 Gorman revealed Swagger's relationship with the escort to James Hamill a member of the Assemblies of God leadership triggering a chain reaction that eventually led to Swagger's demise the discovery of Swagger's crimes caused shock waves throughout the Evangelical community and the general public Murray's reliability was called into question particularly after she failed a polygraph test given by a New York City Police Department specialist questions about her motivations and integrity put doubt on the nature of her relationship with swagger complicating and already tumultuous story despite her claims of Innocence Murray's narrative entered the public sphere with Publications like Penthouse Magazine exploiting the juicy details for titilating headlines however Swagger's televised confession on February 21st 1988 would characterize the scam in the public eye Swagger addressed his family congregation and a captive television audience shedding tears and admitting his sins without going into detail his passionate plea for forgiveness interrupted by Earnest pleas for Redemption moved many people providing a heartbreaking reminder of the fragility of human nature and the power of divine grace despite his public apology Swagger's problems were far from Over the Assemblies of God unmoved by his weeping confession increased his suspension to the customary 2-year penalty for immorality eventually defrocking him and cutting all links with his ministry undeterred Swaggert began a new chapter by launching Jimmy Swagger Ministries and the sunlife broadcasting network based in Baton Rouge Louisiana these organizations provided a forum for his continued work albeit outside denominational Authority Swagger's picture which brought him to tears as he admitted his sins is indelible in the public Consciousness a disturbing warning of the dangers of unrestrained Pride and the consequences of moral failures despite the Scandal and embarrassment there is a ray of Hope for Redemption and renewal demonstrating the strength of faith in the face of adversity while symbolic of the televangelist scandals of the late 1980s swaggered story serves as a cautionary tale for believers and non-believers it serves Jimmy Swagger 1,991 Scandal on October 11th 1991 Jimmy Swagger's tortuous Journey took another tragic turn when he was discovered with an escort for the second time the incident occurred in Indio California where a police officer stopped Swagger for driving on the wrong side of the road alongside him Sat Rosemary Garcia who later told reporters about her meeting with swagger stating that he had approached her for adultery by the roadside in her own words she said he asked me for things I mean that is why he stopped me that is what I do I am an escort unlike his earlier offense Swagger chose not to address this latest infraction personally to his congregation Instead at the Family Worship Center he gave a Curt message saying the Lord told me it's flat none of your business this sudden dismissal of guilt was a departure from his past public confessions indicating a change in his attitude to dealing with personal shortcomings following the controversy Swagger son Donnie took the pulpit to make a sorrowful statement to the congregation he notified them that his father would be stepping down from his leadership position at Jimmy Swagger Ministries for healing and counseling this decision highlighted the gravity of the problem the necessity for Swagger to address the consequences of his acts and the root causes of his recurring moral failings Swagger's second brush with prostitutes had far-reaching consequences not only for his ministry but also for the Christian world as a whole it tarnished his legacy and called into question his suitability for church leadership many of his followers had a moment of Reckoning forced to confront their spiritual mentor's fallibility and the ramifications of his conduct for their religion Swagger found himself at a Crossroads amid the chaos debating the repercussions of his decisions and the path forward resigning from his ministerial duties was a watershed moment of reflection and soul-searching it was an awareness of the need for personal reform and a determination to seek Redemption not just in his congregation's eyes but also in God's eyes as Swagger stepped away from the spotlight to begin a journey of self-reflection and repair the world waited with baited breath unsure of what the future held for the disgraced evangelist Jimmy Swagger after the scandals the Scandal shook Jimmy Swagger's Ministry in the late 1980s and early 1990s and impacted his career in Legacy as the dust settled Swagger found himself at a Crossroads dealing with the Fallout while attempting to save what remained of his once thriving Ministry despite the damage to his reputation Swagger remained committed to spreading the gospel through television however in 1973 he offered a revolutionary idea to television producers in Nashville Tennessee a show that Blended music performances brief sermons and updates on Ministry projects The Producers accepted the concept to his pleasure and thus the Jimmy Swaggert telecast was born within weeks the program was broadcast into homes across the United States launching Swagger's rise to notoriety as a televangelist Swagger booed by the success of his show increased his reach in 1981 by launching another daily program called a study in the word the program aired on cable channels such as CBN cable TBN and the PTL Network presented viewers with in-depth biblical teachings and insights adding to Swagger's reputation as a dynamic preacher and theologian still Swagger's spectacular Ascension was not without challenges Swaggert was undeterred by the 1988 setbacks and he continued to preach and broadcast his message of redemption and salvation however the cloud of controversy which came in 1991 caused severe damage to Swagger's reputation as a traditional televangelist as more local TV stations cut relations with him following a second prostitution Scandal swager once thrive television Empire began to unravel forcing him to deal with the consequences of his conduct and the erosion of public trust during the upheaval Swagger attempted to refocus his ministry in 1984 he founded Jimmy Swagger Bible College to train future pastors and promote his Evangelical message initially providing degrees in education and communication Jimmy Swagger at bible college experienced a boom in enrollment as aspiring pastors sought to learn from Swagger and his team of teachers however the problems that surrounded Swagger in 1988 did significant damage to Jimmy Swagger Bible College's reputation and enrollment numbers disillusioned by their mentors Fall From Grace students fled the college and droves resulting in accreditation concerns and a steep drop in enrollment in order to weather the storm Jimmy Swagger Bible College underwent a series of modifications culminating in its renaming as World evangelism Bible College in 1991 despite efforts to revive the institution enrollment continued to decline forcing the college to make difficult decisions about academic programs and Staffing by the end of 1991 Jimmy Swagger Bible College had experienced considerable downsizing with Once thriving departments closed and academic members laid off Swagger's aim of establishing a flagship Institution for Evangelical education had been destroyed forcing him to face the sobering reality of his lessened influence and the lingering taint of controversy on his legacy Jimmy Swagger still one of the wealthiest Pastor in the USA the swags are among the wealthiest Pastors in the US their family ministry earned around $150 million annually between the 1980s and 1990s it owned a Zoe Vance teley broadcasting Center sitting on a 257 acre piece of land a theology College in Baton Rouge and a global gospel show by the year 2000 the preacher would travel with a broken down Chevrolet preaching and singing gospel songs on the sidewalks of Louisiana's roads Jimmy built the family Empire from his $140 weekly earnings in the 50s however Tycoon Zoe Valance died of cancer in 1981 and donated a multi-million estate to Jimmy Ministry at that time Donnie Swagger's salary was $58,500 his mother earned $50,500 126 and his dad got $1 19,1 42 the church claimed it earned its income from royalties after selling religious materials like gospel albums it would then pay the preachers family salaries and housing allowances the church's Child Care International Foundation built schools and sponsored feeding programs for children in many developing countries Jimmy Swagger owns a private jet with a $3.75 million Gulf Stream 2jet he is only one of America's wealthiest evangelists who owns and travels using expensive airlanes although the sun Donnie Swagger's net worth fluctuates depending on the source of information one accesses most online sources evaluate him worth between $760,000 and $1 million Donnie swag F's house is located in his hometown it is a $760,000 mansion meanwhile his parents also own a luxurious $1.5 million family mansion in Louisiana thanks for watching while you're still here make sure to click the video on your screen for more mind-blowing videos
Channel: Prime Discovery
Views: 6,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sad Life, Tragic Ending, sad life, Shogun, The Thorn Birds, prime discovery, prime, discovery, Jimmy Swaggart, Jimmy, Swaggart, Jimmy Swaggart life, Jimmy Swaggart tragic ending, modern-day evangelical powerhouse, televangelism
Id: rAaNxLAKsT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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