Priest Didn't Know A Camera Was Watching Him, Then He Did Something Extremely Shocking To The Nun!

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[Music] that day father Tony woke up to the tragic news that the church had been broken into yet again he wasn't too shocked by this but he was sure that he would finally catch the culprit however when he started watching the footage what he saw shocked him when father Tony woke up that morning he could almost feel it in the air the parish was uncharacteristically quiet it was as if everyone was holding their breath when he freshened up and stepped out of his bedroom a few members of his church and some security Personnel were waiting for him the minute he saw them he knew that it had happened again for months the church had been experiencing a series of break-ins at night on scrupulous individuals broke into the church and CAU of the way valuables many times they made away with the church's musical instruments sometimes they took the gold chales and other valuables and every single time they took the offertory that was kept in the sacy no matter how hard they tried Tony and his church members could never outsmart the thieves at first they changed the locks all over the church but they still broke through next they changed the position of everything however the thief was still smart enough to figure it all out everything they tried had failed woefully and at this point it was as if the thief was making fun of them that morning as he saw the devastation that the thief had left behind the priest was filled with Terror the scene was more chaotic than the previous ones it was as if the thief had trashed the place things that had been on the table were thrown to the floor without respect curtains and garments had been yanged from their hangers and were all all over the floor when they checked the inventory they saw that the money that the church had donated to replace the musical instruments and the stolen challes were gone this came as a shock to all of them because they had perfectly hidden it it had been kept in a box hidden in the ceiling there was no way the thief would have known of the hiding place as he realized it was gone Tony wondered if he had made the wrong decision not to keep the money his members had urged him to keep the money because his room would be the safest until he was able to deposit in the church's bank account however he had chosen not to as he walked through the chaos and disorder that the thief Left Behind Tony nodded his head sullenly now he was sure that he would finally catch them he had put in measurements to ensure that the thief didn't go scot-free this time around he excused himself and made his way over to his office where he immediately puted up his computer from there he accessed the CCTV footage of the cameras he had secretly installed he relaxed into his ergonomic chair and began to watch it was only for a short while before he saw father Rubio his Junior priest appear on the screen at that moment his hands flew to his mouth in shock this was the first time Tony had resorted to such levels of distrust which was practically unheard of considering the community's reputation for kindness and decency the crime rate here was almost non-existent living there was a beautiful thing for Tony he loved the community and the people he also loved being their priest he had been there for over two decades and during this time he had become an integral part of of the community Tony had helped the community build good roads he also assisted the local government in improving the health care and the local school system one of his most impressive Feats as a priest was the provision of a good water system which was free for everyone before then water was sold by only a few people but he managed to build a good system that ensured every home had access to clean water for free it was no shock that the people loved them and they treated him like family they always wanted them to come visit them in their homes and when he did they treated him like royalty but then despite his deep affection for working with the people he often found it challenging to manage his tasks alone and for that reason the dicese sent in junior priests to help him out from time to time they helped him out in the running of the church and they made sure that Tony wasn't overrun by the amount of work he had to do thanks to these priests he was able to make time to relax and he was always grateful for them and then it was through this process that father Rubio and the non sister Helen came to the church father Rubio was a junior priest who came during the period when the church was swamped with a lot of activities and his presence was much needed however on the day he was to come he didn't appear Tony tried calling him countless times but his number never went through when Tony reached out to the dicese and told him that Rubio was still yet to turn up they told him that he was on his way maybe something happened 2 Days Later Ruby arrived at the church he apologized profusely for coming later than expected he said that his flight had been delayed forcing him to spend the night in a hotel but then he had overslept and when he hit the road he encountered really bad traffic and ended up spending another night in a motel when Tony saw him he could clearly see that the young priest was war from his journey so he didn't push it as for Helen she came on the day she was supposed to she was a quiet type who preferred to stay on her own unless she was needed she was really helpful in the church and she made sure a lot of things went smoothly together she and Rubio made sure that a lot of weight that was on Tony was greatly relieved however barely a month after they arrived at the church rumors started flying around about Helen people were commenting about how Helen always seemed to only be in places that Rubio was in many times during the mass people could see her staring at the Young priest for long periods of time and seeing how they were usually always working together many people began to speculate that they were secretly having a relationship one morning it became really serious when a church member spotted Helen sneaking into rubi's room the member immediately raised an alarm and pretty soon other members gathered around hoping to catch Helen and Rubio in the act however Rubio wasn't even in the room Helen told them that she had been there to pick something at this point father Tony told Helen and Rubio to limit the time they spent with each other he trusted the two of them and he was sure that they would not do anything that would bring shame to the church however he cautioned them and told them to act better so they could win the trust of the people both of them promised to do better and he dismissed them unfortunately things only got worse but it wasn't just because of the alleged Affair that morning the Sacristy was broken into for the first time and valuables worth thousands of dollars were caughted the way this was the first time such a thing was happening and many of them didn't have a clue how to fight it Tony called the cops but they couldn't figure out who the thief was not long after that the church was hit again and soon it became a weekly thing the thief targeted Sunday nights because they knew that after the Sunday masses all the money would be in the church until the banks opened on Monday when the breakings became Non-Stop and the cops didn't seem like they could help out in any way Tony tried to do things his way at first he tried keeping the money away from the church he kept it in the house of a trusted member who he was sure would never want the money for himself sadly that very night the member's house was broken into and the money was stolen when the member tried to fight the thief he was attacked fiercely it was a terrible night that left the member his wife and his kids scarred for a long time Tony blamed himself for this and he promised that such a thing would never happen again he tried to Rack his brain finding out how he could deal with the thief but no matter how hard he tried nothing came to mind it was as if the thief was always aware of every choice he made and acted accordingly he began to suspect that a member was behind it all this realization scared him a lot because it meant that someone he considered the friend was the one behind the henus ACT he couldn't imagine why someone would want to do such inhumane things this was a tough time for the church indeed they just didn't have to cope with having their valuables stolen every week the rumor about Helen and Rubio was still being circulated despite her promise to Tony many people still found Helen hanging out with Rubio their continued Association was just too suspicious and people were certain that there was something going on between the two father Tony felt overwhelmed so he decided to prioritize tasks using a scale of preference to manage everything to him finding the thief was more important so he decided to focus on that he would get to the bottom of the alleged Affair later on he decided not to tell anyone of his plans he secretly bought CCTV cameras and then hired a technician from out of town to install them for him he did this when he was certain he was the only one in the church Rubio had gone out for community outreach and Helen had gone to volunteer at the hospital he installed the cameras and made sure that was properly hidden so people wouldn't see it he was scared that if people found out about the cameras the thief would also find out so he chose to keep it the himself and he said nothing at all up until Sunday at that point the members literally begged him to keep the money in his room it had been donated to replace all the stolen musical instruments the challes and then also for the orphanage as well it was a sizable amount of money running into over $100,000 They begged him to keep it in his room while he slept because they knew that if the thief managed to break in Tony would surely see their face however he refused because he had a plan he wanted to catch the culprit on camera and he knew that would never work if the money was in his room so against all ODS he kept the money in the sacy and knew that soon it will all be over and just as expected the thief broke in and stole the money now Tony was sitting in his office as he watched the video his jaw dropped as he saw Rubio walk into the sacy the young priest looked around then immediately climbed up where the money was hidden and took it out Tony felt his heart sing as he watched this he had never expected that the thief would be one of his own priests he was hurt immensely for the Betrayal and he made up his mind to make Rubio pay back everything Tony was about to get up when he froze still in the footage he watched as Helen walked into view as well his heart sank further as he realized that they were in on it right from the start he felt anger wash through him in waves as he watched her walk into the Sacristy however Rubio saw her before she saw him and then hid behind behind the door the moment she walked through he attacked her from behind there was a scuffle which was responsible for the chaos that had been in the sacy in their struggle they turned the entire Place upside down but in the end he knocked Helen out and shoved her into a closet at that moment Tony realized that Helen would still be there at once he ran like he was running for his life back to the sacy his church members were still there and he told them that Helen was in danger they threw the Closet open and found her there she was barely conscious and she had various wounds on her body at once the police and the ambulance were called while they waited for them both to arrive Tony led the team to Rubio's room and they found him just as he was packing up his clothes getting ready to run they grabbed his bag and opened it and to their shock they found lots and lots of cash he was the thief all along and he had sold everything he stole Gathering the cash none of them could guess why he needed so much cash but they knew that it couldn't be for a good reason everyone was shocked about about this and they couldn't believe that their priest would be so evil and heartless the police came in later on and arrested him while Helen was rushed to the hospital the cops promised to get to the bottom of the matter with the new facts that were at play the cops launched a new investigation they dug deep into Rubio and they discovered the chilling secret he was not father Rubio he was an impersonator who had stolen real priest's identity his real name was Jack and he was an escaped felon who had been imprisoned for selling drugs he escaped and somehow managed to steal Rubio's identity the cops investigated further and uncovered even more unsettling Secrets the real father Rubio had died in an accident on the very day he was supposed to appear at the church while he was driving his car ran off the road and into a tree killing him on the spot Jack had only just escaped from prison then and he was the first at the scene of the accident he was on the run from the law and he SED as an opportunity to fake his death and steal the Dead Man's identity that way he would be able to get the cops off his back he stole Rubio's ID and then the priest garments that were in the back seat thankfully he and Rubio had slightly similar features and from the very first day he stepped putot in the church he started with lies he managed to fool everyone including Tony this was mainly because none of them had seen Rubio before and they had no idea how he looked and sounded with his heus passed uncovered the cops interrogated him to find out why he was stealing the money instead of lying low after intense pressure he broke down and confessed he told him that he was trying to resume his drug trade he didn't have any money so he tried to use the church to raise the money for himself he also couldn't divert funds because that was only going to draw attention to himself which was something he didn't want at all breaking in was his best bet and it had worked so well because he had been able to raise almost $400,000 and that was enough to give him a start thankfully Tony had thwarted that plan Tony was shocked by this story he couldn't believe that he had led such a person into the church and the person had taken advantage of the Good Will of the people it hurt him greatly that he had trusted blindly and the church and Helen paid for it he blamed himself for not confirming Rubio's identity with the dicese maybe he would have uncovered Jack the thief earlier the next day Helen woke up and after a few hours she was cleared to give her a statement she also revealed the reason she had been keeping so close to fake Rubio Helen was suspicious of his identity a few few years ago she and the real Rubio had worked together for a very short while they had been part of a team that went with the Cardinal to a different country on a mission for the dicese it had been only for a few days but it was a really defining moment for her because she got to work with the Cardinal it was a major feat one anybody would be proud of when she heard that she and Rubio were transferred to the same church she was happy because she would have a friend there however she was shocked when she didn't know her he didn't even remember working with the Cardinal which was when she became suspicious and that suspicion opened the door to other discoveries she noticed that his voice was a bit different he looked quite different basically everything about him was different from the Rubio she had known all those years ago but then the last time she had seen him was years ago so she understood that she could be wrong that was the reason she couldn't say anything about her suspicion she was scared of putting an innocent man in trouble if she said anything without proof that was her reason for always following him around she felt he was up to something and she also suspected that he was the thief but she could not prove it that fateful night she had planned to catch him in the ACT but he attacked her instead and sent her to the hospital now hearing her side of the story Tony was sorry that he had doubted her to begin with he was glad that the rumors about Helen were unfounded and she had nothing to do with the thief Jack he promised the cops that he was going to help them make sure Jack got his full sentence the money was recovered and returned to the church and within one weekend everything was was replaced and the rest was sent to an orphanage Helen recovered fully and she returned to the church to continue her duties as for Jack he was returned to prison with an added sentence and hard labor the church was shocked by everything that had happened to them but they were glad that they had managed to overcome it all a burial ceremony was held for the real father Rubio and the people promised not to forget him everyone decided to move on with their lives because at that point it was the only thing left to do what a chilling story who would have thought that Rubio was an impersonator what would you have done in Father Tony's shoes let us know in the comments be sure to hit the like And subscribe button see you in the next video
Channel: Narrative
Views: 126,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: narrative, real stories, life stories, short stories, heartwarming stories, bedtime stories, amazing stories
Id: zC-lNNySQ-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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