The Life and Death of Tupac Shakur | FULL DOCUMENTARY | 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] Tupac was an extraordinary figure and his obsession with death with God you know somebody help me tell me where to go from here cuz even Thugs Cry but do the Lord care I mean he was hollering shouting begging for intervention even as he rushed toward the grave he was begging for somebody to put the brakes on him and I think that his own recklessness his own genius his own Embrace of uh the abyss even as he sought to elevate those who were caught in its ugly grasp makes him the defining figure of his generation you know out of the love for black people so that's how I got to live and that's how I have to die and that's how my music has to be my acting and my producing and my interviews everything has be for love black [Music] people born June 16th 1971 In The East Harlem Section of Manhattan the same Parish Crooks was renamed just before his first birthday after Tupac amaru in 18th century South American revolutionary who was executed after leading and Uprising against Spanish rule Tupac Me term to overcome obstacles this renaming comes as no surprise when you learn that his parents a Shakur and Billy Garland were revolutionaries themselves as active members of the Black Panther party in New York the Black Panthers set up by huie Newton and Bobby seal in 1966 challenged police brutality against the African-American community in the United States and the police are there not to uh in our community not to uh promote our welfare or uh for our security and our safety but they're there to contain us um to uh brutalize us and murder us we would uh Patrol the community if we saw the police uh brutalize any one we put an end to this usually the police wouldn't brutalize anyone if we were on hand because we were arrested the individual we follow him to the jail and bail the individual out born in the wake of the assassination of black nationalist Malcolm X and also in response to police in San Francisco shooting and killing an unarmed black teen Matthew Johnson the Black Panther Party sought to defend and provide services to Black communities all part the people all power to the people is becoming a reality because the people have come out here to sand for hours at its peak in 1968 it numbered around 2,000 active members so when the Panthers hit the government panicked and they had a thing called a coel pro and they felt like the Panthers were detrimental to American society so they raided every Panther's house especially especially the ones who they felt like could do the most damage as an orator so my mother was 9 months pregnant No 7 months pregnant they put a match to the door and said fire fire and you know it's like 5: in the morning so my mother opened the door and they just burst in put a shot gun to her pregnant belly and put a gun in her head and said don't move bye bye bye said you under [Music] arrest just a month before Tupac's birth his mother aeni was tried in New York City as part of the panther 21 criminal trial 21 black panther members were arrested and accused of planned coordinated bombing and long range rifle attacks on two police stations and an education office in New York city so you were right in the middle of the storm I'm still in the storm as a matter of fact my mother wrote was in a book it's a book about my mother called look for me in the Whirlwind I like to think that's my my motto eventually the trial collapsed and all 21 were acquitted of all charges just one month after his mother was freed Tupac Shakur was born he would go on to be a revolutionary in his own way changing the landscape of music with the intensity of his hip-hop lyrics about the harsh realities of life for so many [Music] at first Tupac resented his mother she was involved with the movement and was never available for her child as she was giving talks visiting colleges and rallies he said that he always felt like she cared more for the people than her people not knowing whom his father was for certain when he was growing up was difficult though his stepfather maluku Shakur treated him as his own child however his stepfather was a gangster whom Tupac has described as a straight up Street hustler in fact Tupac spent a great deal of time as a young boy in the company of people convicted of serious criminal [Music] offenses taken to the stage for the first time in 19 84 the young teen took part in a fundraiser at the Apollo Theater for presidential candidate Jesse Jackson I did a play at the Apollo Theater for Jesse Jackson when he was running for president it was for his campaign was just always kind of an ambition of yours do you have the show business bug as a young I mean I caught it then but at the time it just seemed like the fun thing to do cuz I was 13 I mean but I caught the bug when I got on stage and all those people was clapping so so that's when I got it but really I just enjoy expressing myself anytime I can express myself I can let some of the pain go from a from a childhood like mine so that's why I enjoy the acne the move to Baltimore Maryland happened in the same year when Tupac's mother lost her job after 2 years at Paul Lawrence Dumar high school there was a welcome transfer to the Baltimore School of Arts where acting ballot poetry and Jazz were on offer to the creative teenager who often performed in Shakespeare plays depicting the Timeless themes of power politics violence and love he had seen firsthand in his early years the school for Arts opened up Tupac to a range of music including you Kate Bush Culture Club Tupac was a popular student at Baltimore art Arts known for his humor and ability to mix with everyone he was befriended by Jada pinket later to become an actress herself and she described him as one of my best friends he was like a brother it was beyond friendship for us the type of relationship we had you only get that once in a [Music] lifetime his mother moved again into Marin City California just North of San Francisco Tupac thought that by moving away from Baltimore he would be leaving behind a life of poverty in a neighborhood riddle with crime but California proved to be even worse he said that the poverty he encountered in his early years helped him relate to so many people and it was here that his mother Ain succumbed to crack [Music] addiction Tupac said that he and his mother went through many stages in their relationship at first it was mother and son then drill sergeant and Cadet then it was like a dictator and a tiny country with his mother's crack addiction hard to Bear it finally became too much and he moved out the fact that he was on his own broke and with nowhere to stay meant that he fell in with Bad Company smoking weed staying with drug dealers criminals and pimps naively believing that they cared about his welfare a love of hip-hop music which Ste him away from a life of crime at 17 in the spring of 1989 he met Lea Steinberg in a park they struck up a conversation about Winnie Mandela at the time Tupac was obsessively writing poetry and convinc Steinberg who had no music industry experience to become his manager Steinberg eventually agreed and in 1989 Atron Gregory met Tupac through Steinberg and immediately signed him to TNT records Gregory thought that he was an energetic humble and smart guy that had incredible stories through his lyrics the production company was trying to get Tupac record Deale and with the group Digital Underground also signed to TNT Gregory went to the band's front man Shak G and asked him if Tupac would come on the road shock agreed but he would only be able to do some background rapping carry some of the equipment a blow to his ego maybe but as the band toured each big Coliseum show always had an Intown Club after party it was here where Pac started making his name and his presence known throughout the United States come on yeah sexy baby the hump the hump H sexy baby everybody come hump [Music] dop in the summer of 91 a new record company inner scope were looking for upand cominging hip-hop artists in stroke of good luck the daughter of the multi-millionaire who founded the company Ted fil had heard his demo and loved it so then August 91 Tupac signed the inner scope deal ironically he signed before any of his bandmates from Digital Underground made any solo deals whilst living in Oakland Tupac recorded his first album tupacalypse Now featuring The Singles Brenda Got a Baby and trapped he went from being and unknown to having a platinum selling record the album traces a story of a young black male from start to finish teenage pregnancy poverty drugs police brutality but it also draws on his personal problems hoping that his work and the messages conveyed through the album would create change he compared this to how the images and reports from the Vietnam War spread awareness and ultimately end of the war when they did he said we just thought they were dying in some beautiful way but because we saw the horror that's what made us stop the Vietnam war that is what he wanted to do as a rapper highlighting and depicting graphic details of what he saw hoping that this would ignite change with the thrill of his first record appearing on MTV a shocking incident occurred when Tupac was beaten in the head very badly basically I walked across the street 17th in Broadway the police officer stopped me on the sidewalk and asked to see my ID they sweating me about my name the officers said you have to learn your place they were charging me with jaywalking so I was riffing arguing about why would they charge me with such a petty crime so I kept yelling asking him to give me my salutation and let me go about my business next thing I know my face was being buried into the concrete and I was laying face down in the gutter waking up from being unconscious and cuffs with blood on my face and I'm going to jail for resist and arrest that's harassment to me that I have to be stopped in the middle of the street and checked like we in South Africa and asked for my ID officer boy Vic repeatedly slam my face into the floor while Rod just put the cuffs on me that's not called for for jay walking he had a $10 million lawsuit which they said they would settle but Tupac said that nobody cared what people did care about was what blew up over the news at the time he compared his situation to that of Rodney King an African-American author and activist he was still fighting his case after being beaten by LAPD officers after a highspeed Chase what was different about King's case is that an uninvolved individual filmed the police brutality incident which was then covered by news media worldwide Tupac's incident did not have such hard proof [Music] it was a traumatic experience but it was a right of passage for him Pac came from a family where police had killed people close to him after the Oakland Police had beaten him he changed he settled for $42,000 because he was tired of being in court knowing he could have got more money but settling for it to be over after complaining that he was misunderstood Tupac remarked everything in life life is not all beautiful there is lots of killing and drugs to me a perfect album talks about the hard stuff and the fun and caring stuff the thing that bothers me is that it seems like a lot of the sensitive stuff I write just goes [Music] unnoticed T Apocalypse Now did not generate any top 10 hits however it is held by many critics and fans for its underground feel with many rappers such as Nas and Eminem having referred to as inspiration throughout 13 tracks Tupac captures the plight of the black individual in an era marked by Reaganomics in the 80s crack epidemic highlighting the oppression anger and reality of a world that unfortunately does not feel all that much different from the current climate Brenda's Got a Baby is a compelling track from the album this time telling the true story of a 12-year-old girl who tries to dispose of her baby after being impregnated by a family member who then tragically becomes a prostitute and finally a murder victim the music video opens with a title card based on a true story which immediately draws the viewer into the unfairness of the world world Tupac portrays but's damn the girl canell name that's not our problem that's up to Brenda's family well let me show you how it affects our whole Community now Brenda really never knew a mom's and a dad was a junky putting death into his arms it's sad cuz I bet brinda doesn't even know just cuz you're in the ghetto doesn't mean you can't grow but oh that's a FL my own Revelation do whatever it takes to resist the tempt boy cin naturally such themes weren't without controversy the clearest example stemmed from Soldier Story which Tells A Tale of a young black man who shoots a police officer in retaliation for his marginalized place in society in April of 1992 ronard Howard fatally shot a State Trooper in Texas after he was pulled over for driving a stolen vehicle Howard's attorney cited Tupac soldier story as his influence to shoot Howard was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death later that September then Vice President Dan quell demanded that inner scope records remove the album from retail shelves describing it as an irresponsible corporate hack and adding that there is absolutely no reason for a record like this to be published it had no place in our society Enders sculp never pulled it and while the album was its least commercially successful it still became certified gold by the recording industry Association of America life changed for Tupac when he auditioned for juice in the movie Tupac plays the part of Bishop whom he describes as a psychopath but he is also just a misguided lonely young kid Tupac could relate to his char character he said during filming he just let himself go he stopped caring and worrying about what people thought in turn he portrayed the character to a point where he felt as though nothing was fake he took everything in his life and internalized it he said that the character of juice helped him it allowed him to feel trust and let him trust his instincts Poetic Justice the second film Tupac starred in was where he really had to act the character lucky was caring hardworking and responsible a complete reversal to his previous role as Bishop lucky is a responsible father committed father um trying to deal with some pain from the past and trying to get through daily survival in South Central Los Angeles anytime it's a road for a young black man that deals with pain that's my role I made for that role so lucky as well as the last role I did Bishop they both fit perfect Tupac's second album arrived in February 1993 it was a critical and Commercial advance and a stark departure from the violence found on his debut studio album the album produced pac's first set of mainstream hits keep your head up is considered one of the best rap tracks of all time grounded by a sample from the five stairsteps 1970 track oo child Tupac sentimental remake things are going to get easier remains RS Hallmark owed to black women first word the first line say the black of the berry the sweet of the juice I say the Dark of the flesh then the deeper The Roots I give all to my sister's own welfare Tupac kids and don't nobody else care check I know they like to beat you down a lot and when you come around the block Brothers clown a lot but please don't cry dry your eyes never let up forgive but don't forget girl keep your head up and when he tells you you ain't nothing don't believe him and if he can't learn the love you should leave him cuz sister you don't need and I ain't trying to GH up I just call it how I see you know what makes me unhappy when Brothers make babies and leave a young mother to be a p now since we all came from a woman got our name from a woman and our game from a woman I wonder why we take from our women while we rape our women do we hate our women I think it's time we kill for our women time to heal our women be real to our women cuz if we don't have a race of babies that will hate the ladies that make the babies and since a man can make one he has the right to tell a woman when and where to create one so with Real G's get up I know you fed up L your head [Music] [Applause] [Music] up coming up ah head up o [Music] child easy heyo I remember used to S to me he had me feeling like [Music] black at the age of 22 Tupac's popularity had reach New Heights describing this feeling as being like a deer caught in the headlights he felt the pressure of so many young people hanging on his every word people love to you know have mercy and sympathy for everything from the animals to the whales to fur to everything except us your youth the ones who you've had give no attention to who become adults with no compassion you know what I mean and I feel like if you walk by a street and you was walking on concrete and you saw Rose growing out of concrete even if it had messed up petals and it was a little you know to the side you would Marvel at just seeing a rose grow through concrete so why is it that when you see some ghetto kid grow out of all of the dirtiest circumstances and he can talk and he can sit across and you make you smile make you cry make you laugh all you can talk about is my dirty Rose my dirty stems and how I'm leaning crooked to the side you can't even see that I came up out of that thug life was a term he had coin to describe a new kind of black power the term Thug did not mean criminal it meant the underdog he described it as the person who has nothing yet succeeds they are a thug they overcome all of life's obstacles t h u g l i f e the hate you gave little infant cck everybody meaning what you feed us as seeds grows and blows up in your face that's Thug lock names like two Shakur flavor flame Snoop Doggy Dog Reverend Calvin buts is leading a crusade against violent rap from his pulpit in Harlem we're not against rap we're not against rappers but we are against those thugs I yes I am going to say that I'm a thug that's because I came from The Gutter and I'm still here I'm not saying I'm a thug cuz I want to rob you and rape people and things I'm a businessman I I mean you know I'm a business man because you find me at my places of business you don't find me up in and you know what I'm saying I don't understand this I don't understand he said that he had people in the penitentiary BigTime OG criminals calling him telling him they wanted to lead their movement he felt as though his power was getting out of control the fans were more than fans they were devoted followers they would do anything he said and this scared him at the truce picnic in Watts California Tupac was instrumental in getting rival members of the Crips and blood gangs to sign the code of Thug Life which details dos and don'ts for being a righteous Thug and man it was written by Tupac together with his stepfather mulu Shakur and with the help of some original gangsters this code was his way of maintaining some control within his devoted following who may have interpreted Thug more literally people that are not involved with the with with the street gang with the drug trade or the illegal business and all you know all that kidnapping and shooting Drive buys out the car we against that and people who perpetrate that they have to deal with the consequences when they go to jail cuz that's who's going to enforce this code and the thug life that's on the street it's like we cleaning up the dirt I can't change what the dirt that's here but I can put all this dirt in one corner you know what I'm saying somehow have some order here and and for that they need to give me a little leg room you know what I'm saying let me need let me do what I want to do because nobody else is going to do it nobody else wants to do it undeniably words would often get Tupac in trouble lyrically he felt like he would and could not hold back on what he wanted to say if he tried to police this free flow it would give him writer's block as he was young and still relatively new in the media Spotlight he did not always stink before he spoke in interviews one example of this is when Tupac appeared on TV to explain his side of the story as to why he was fired from a movie it all stemm from when the hug Brothers took Tupac to court after he assaulted them during a music video shoot they were directing the show's host a lover attempted to cover his mouth so that Tupac did not dig in even deeper hole but it was too late I beat up the direct the minister let me tell the whole world tell you CH pump slump you know you'll have a chance to come here and rebuttle no they come now check this out they fired me but did it in a roundabout Punk snitch way so I caught them on the streets and beat their behind you know what I'm saying and I still got the Huges Brothers used the MTV footage in court to help get Tupac convicted of assault he served 15 days in jail trouble did not stop there Tupac and three other men were charged in New York with sexually assaulting a woman in a hotel room hi tup Pac how you doing can you tell me how you doing today well I just had to listen to the uh prosecution's closing argument and it was just so far from the truth that it really just has me drained at the end of the day but I'm leaving it in the hands of the jury I'm learning a lot about people's innermost fears in this trial because as far it's not even about my tribe no more it's just about loud rap music tattoo having thugs it's not even about me no more it's about you know some nightmare that these people having she's talking about thug life and all that trying to um he's definitely guilty anybody with thug life tattooed on their stomach is guilty what type of reasoning is that you know what I'm saying we got different backgrounds we come from two different places just because I look different than her doesn't mean that I'm a sodomizer or a raper they've said it in the I can't understand why it's this close they talking about there's no evidence that I ever sodomized it even though you put that all over the paper and every time they take a quote out of this courtroom they take a quote from out of her mouth which is you know the stuff to put me in jail it's nothing that's been true I just want print the facts so everybody can sort it out my life is ruined because nobody has a chance to get the facts and the facts is that there was no seen found no seen found no forceful entry no entry into the anal no nothing none of that you know no fingerprints on the gun no fingerprints on the guns you know what I'm saying the only time ever there was an act of sodomy she admitted she did it to me I should be you know putting charges on this girl who sodomized me on the floor of a dance club why am I in court you know what I'm saying get my life ripped apart but I'm here I'mma go through it just to show that I have faith in the American system but for me to have faith in the American system these juries and everybody else has to you know what I'm saying play the same role and keep an open mind I'm already convicted my whole life has been turned around I lost every job I lost everything every opportunity I can't get can't buy cars can't get rant can't get none of that but I'm still a Survivor you know I'm still coming to court still smiling still signing autographs but soon I'm going go crazy you know what I'm saying and and it's up to the world you know America eats his babies we I'm no matter what y'all think about me I'm still your child you know what I'm saying you can't just turn me off like that how old are you 23 23 so you feel that your career is yeah it is why would I own a gun I'm I'm I'm I've um I've registered guns you know what I'm saying I'm a legal owner of guns California so I came to New York I wanted to be an illegal gun Runner now you know that's what they want you believe I want to start erasing what come on man I every this is all about my image this has nothing to do with me this is all about my image it's like mtvl all the papers they building me up now they destroying me on the same image that they perpetuate you know what I'm saying I'm selling records this is what I do for a living I'm selling records don't get it twisted this is not my real life this is not how my real life is supposed to be I'm not supposed to be really having all these villains in my life he was released on $50,000 Bell but on the night of November 3 30th 1994 the day before the verdict and the trial was to be announced Tupac was shot five times twice in the head twice in the groin area in the most serious womb a gunshot through his hand hitting an artery in his thigh Shakur was apparently attacked by robbers as he and three other men arrived at a New York City recording studio early this morning a man identified as Shakur's manager was also wounded Shakur and his Road manager are currently on on trial on sex abuse charges checking himself out of bellw Hospital against the doctor's orders Tupac claimed that he did not feel safe there it was his time to leave unsolicited phone calls feed his paranoia and he couldn't sleep Tupac felt like a prisoner to fame and even said he wanted to die at this point Shakur was found guilty of sexually abusing a woman last November in a New York hotel room the jury acquitted him of more serious charges sodomy and illegal carrying a weapon Shakur who was shot five times Wednesday during an apparent robbery attempt was not in the courtroom when the verdict was read he was attacked whilst entering the lobby of quad recording studios in Manhattan and also robbed by two armed men in Army fatigues he would later accuse fellow recording artists Shan Colmes Andre harell and Biggy Smalls whom he saw after the shooting of setting him up also sued of being involved in the Iraq was his close friend and Associate Randy stretch Walker in his defense biggie said that they were in the recording studio and did not know Tupac would be there once they heard he was downstairs Lo se's went to get him but returned with the news that he had just been shot when Biggie's Entourage went downstairs to investigate Tupac was being taken out on a stretcher still conscious and giving the finger to those around I'm not guilty people should look me in my eyes they should look me in my eyes and anybody that thinks I committed that rape should go get bren's got a baby and keep your head up and listen to him thoroughly I have no um patience for anybody that doubts me none at all it's too hard out here you know what I'm saying if my people don't stand up for me who is I understand these white folks looking at me like that cuz they don't know me they didn't hear keep your head up that ain't no fluke you know keep your head up ain't no goddamn uh come up I didn't do that from to be smiling in my face to say oh he's cool I did that from my heart so that they do try to put a rape charge me my sisters could say he ain't about that now if my sisters can't say that you won't hear another keep your head up out my mouth could not be here breathing and be comfortable if I was really as bad as they was making it you know nobody could be around me so for me to be this calm I must have some kind of inner piece and my inner piece is knowing that once everybody take the time to really see what type of person I am you be surprised joining lyrical inspiration from the impending prison sentence poverty and troubles with the police me against the world is described as Tupac's most introspective album his magnum opus the album hit the shelves whilst he was still in prison it helped shift His image from that of a gangsta rapper to more of a gangsta poet the album crafts a world equal parts truth and fiction that features a collection of news broadcasts that recount Court drama shootings robberies and the media storm that followed there are soft reflective moments where he becomes a Street poet who wants to elevate his community and the women in it as on Dear Mama with Tupac empathizes with the difficulties his mother had raising him he details his childhood poverty and his mother's addiction to crack cocaine but argues that his love and deep respect for his mother supersede bad memories in 1990 realizing her habit was out of control she she enrolled in a 12-step program at a drug and alcohol treatment center and reconciled with her son who was at this point a successful recording artist the Dear Mama video features an appearance from affin she reenacts her reconciliation with the look alike of her son as Tupac himself was serving his prison sentence at the time whilst in prison his album quickly climbed the charts and the video struck a chord with many even as cck Fi Mama you always was the black queen mama I finally understand for a woman it ain't easy trying to raise a man you always was committed a poor single mother on welfare tell me how you did it there's no way I can pay your back but the plan is to show you that I understand you all appreciate know no one [Music] love with a 1.4 million Bond hosted by sh Knight the CEO of Death Row Records in October 1995 Tupac was released from Clinton Correctional Facility Freedom bought creativity and within 2 weeks he had recorded 24 tracks saying that it was the best way to vent instead of paying some psychotherapist 50 million California Love was released as Tupac comeback single it was one of his most widely known and most successful singles reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100 for 2 weeks longtime friend actress Jada pinkit came up with the concept inspired by the 1985 film Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome the video takes place in the desert in 2095 and was Tupac's most Innovative video to date on ba fresh out of jail California Dreaming soon as I step on the scene I'm hearing hoi screaming feing for money and alcohol the life of a West play with and ball only in Cali will we Riot not Rally to Liv and Die in LA we wear CHS not that's Lo and CI suits and ride is what we do fling but have caution we collide with other fruits famous because we throws worldwide let them recognized from Long Beach the rose bumping and grinding like a slow jam it's West so you know the his release from prison seemed almost like a rebirth for Tupac's creativity up to that point he'd mostly been an insular artist with ideas and thoughts aimed in specific directions California Love gave him the Stellar wides screen treatment that the Notorious BIG would get later it was just a glimpse of what he might achieve as a rap Superstar hip hop need to stay true to the streets rap could do whatever it got to do to make money just stay alive but hip pop got to stay true to the streets keep your head up you know don't give up how I became Tupac's bodyguard I was working security at Club 662 I got a phone call from Reggie earlier that day and he said hey sh wants to talk to you um I think that uh we got a uh proposition for you uh I go what is it what is it he goes I'll talk to you when I get there and I was like no what is it he goes it's concerning Tupac they got there that night for 662 and parac rolled up with SH and I went and greeted him and I opened up the uh the door to let him out he was like yo big Frank you here man you here I was like no man what's up he goes man you're going to be my bodyguard man I chose you to be my bodyguard I was like oh cool man right uh I had no idea prior to that until he actually had told me I had the idea of what Reggie had told me that I was going to be working with Tupac but I didn't know I was going to be his main security as he explained it to me I'm going to be your uh his main security um right after that we did the uh the fight in Vegas uh they performed and everything that night uh we went back to LA after that weekend and immediately after going back to LA that Monday I was assigned to Tupac from that moment on it was parck and I you know everywhere he went I was with him and we were rolling P rolling with sugite of Death Row Records being one of the most powerful feared men in the music industry and the central figure in gangster raps catapult to massive commercialization Tupac's new contract wasn't just about music it also marked his acceptance into suge's powerful group known to have a strong gang affiliation west coast East Coast rivalry was gearing up just as Tupac was released from jail the East Coast was bad boy and the West Was death row as with everything business profit in terms of sales mattered and so popularity of the artist and how many records They sold was key New York City was the birthplace of hip-hop and artists from La felt they weren't giv the same media coverage and public attention as those on the East Coast but for Tupac it was more personal than this being from the East Coast Tupac's Allegiance was there and he was not pleased with west coast rappers like Diddy and Biggie whom he felt wanted to dirty up everything he had worked for so he turned up the heat with music videos sterzing the ongoing feud in an interview with VI magazine Tupac said some very provocative things about P Diddy and Biggie he claimed that big knew he was getting set up when he was shot and failed to warn him now he was involved with shook Knight in death row and the situation became a complete other thing a war with blood split and threats made it started at the source Awards in New York Knight flew in a lot of people from Death Row they got booed when they were coming up for their Awards Su Knight's famous remarks that night became the first real shots in a deadly battle like to tell two Fox keep his guards up we ride with him what other thing I like to say any artist out there want to be an artist and want to stay a star don't want have to worry about the executive producer trying to be all in the video all on the record dancing come Jeff Ro in a provocative move Tupac made a song with Faith Evans biggy's wife shortly after he wrote the song hit him up a classic battle record it played a major role in exacerbating the East Coast West Coast hip-hop rivalry he also used the song as a platform to express his belief that biggie was guilty of stealing a style of rapping and was merely imitating his lifestyle the original recording Tupac also insulted Jay-Z in the end segment but removed it after being convinced by Outlaws members that Carter had nothing to do with the conflict between death row and bad boy the music video features actors Rec called from prior R in his music videos to impersonate some of those who were attacked in the song fck [ __ ] fat [ __ ] [Music] who first off [ __ ] your [ __ ] in the click you claim West Side when we come me quick with game you claim to be a player but I [ __ ] your wife we bust on Bad Boys [ __ ] [ __ ] for Life plus puffy trying to see me weak Hearts I RI bigy Smalls and Junior Mafia some ass [ __ ] we keep on coming while we running for your Jew steady gun keep on busting at the bo the war of words rivalry took a deadly turn on September 7th 1996 the MGM Grand Casino in Las Vegas was the venue for a Mike Tyson boxing bout Tupac was watching on the way out in the casino Lobby Tac and his bodyguards got into a fight with one Orlando Anderson a member of the New York Crips which would have deadly repercussions prior to the day that uh Tupac was shot on September the 7th uh I arrived in Las Vegas September the 6th the day before that day we were told not to bring our weapons into the club after the uh fight not to have our weapons on our person to either leave them in our hotel room or to leave them in our vehicles have has there ever been a situation where you were told to leave your weapon um prior to this we were never told prior to September the 7th to leave our weapons anywhere other than the fact if we were going out of uh the state of California by airplane to a video shoot or on tour we knew common sensely we couldn't carry a weapon on an airplane so more than likely we would have left our weapons at that time but we were never told there was never a meeting held specifically to tell us to leave our weapons period the fight was boom boom boom boom the fight was over after the fight um Tupac and sh's um U thing was to go to the back where U you know Mike's dressing room so we went backstage we go uh backstage and we're waiting on Tyson to come back there pox back there he's all excited you know his boy just knocked out seld and you know 50 blows 50 blows he just hit him 50 times you count him you count him so um you know I'm back there with him and everything and Sh is back there so sh says something to pot and then the next thing I know we're leaving Tyson didn't even make it out the ring to come down everyone shows up and one of the homeboys one of sh's homeboy name is Travon he comes over and he whispers something in pac's uh right ear cuz I'm on his left he whispers something next thing I know Tupac takes off running he took off running and I went off running behind him and when he turned to corner there was this guy standing there little I know who he was um he ran up to him and he swung then the guy swung back and then Pac weaved and then Pac swung again and at this time there's like three or four blows thrown uh Tupac had this Medallion one that he had recently uh uh purchased and it broke when it broke he went down to pick it up when he went down to pick it up I grabbed him when I grabbed him I threw him against the wall so I had him out of the fight this time everyone else is running up as clearly the MGM footage shows um the guy is Orlando Anderson now that we know who he is um they into this brawl and I have Tupac against the wall now at this point the fight ended um we had to get out of there little did I know earlier when they had left me I had already walked all through the m GM so everybody's taking off going in the wrong direction I go no sh sh this way this way right and then he's like no this way I sh I was just here all day this way so they followed and we followed got our way out and we took off and walked back over to the alexor you get back over to the lexor um sh said hey I'm going to go up and change P I'm going to go up and change we'll meet back down in the uh valet all right cool we're down in the uh at this time we left his room we're down in the the um valet park and we're waiting on sh sh shows up while we're down in the valet all of the hoochies all of the groupies everybody that knew Tupac and Sh was sh can we go to the club sh Pac can we go sh said let's go he and Pac was walking to sh's BMW I'm walking with them when we get to the car Pac turned to me and goes yo Frank he pulled the keys out he handed me the keys he goes Dy the little homies because we're going to be drinking tonight and you'll be able to drive us back so I was like what car you want me to drive he goes drive a kad's car and I didn't even know where the car was I go where is it he goes it's right there he goes the homies to show you where it's at so I was like all right so uh sh gets in his car here and park and the Entourage is starting to form now um sh takes off I'm right behind him I'm The Bodyguard on point um theoretically and honestly there should have been uh three or four more bodyguards with us that particular time going from there going to sh's house and going back to the uh the club that night for the after party later on I found out that uh with security that there um it was 22 about 20 to 22 security Personnel for uh this night everyone was called the club 662 to set up the security and uh get the people rolling in over there so all of the security was there Michael Moore who was with me earlier that evening supposed to had met us at the MGM his story to me was um Al gettens who was the supervisor now for security at this point Al gens told Michael Mo to uh [ __ ] that you go and um come to the club he was like well Tupac told me to come over to the MGM he was like no we need you over here you get over here so Mike went over to uh the club so I was the only one left with Pac keep in mind my weapon was in my car I didn't have a phone I had no way of communication Reggie was also over at the uh Club Reggie normally is sh's bodyguard and Reggie is always with shook that night why he wasn't with shook only Reggie knows that [Music] at this time everyone in the car not just me looked at the gas and was like yo Frank we're going to run out of gas I was like what y'all want me to do pull over and get gas I go you know if we pull over we lost them right so I said I can't pull over I might as well take the chance and run out of gas right thinking we just just going to go to shs and from shs Back to the club but the light had been on forever at this point on the uh gas uh light how long were you all were at sh's house we were we when we got to suge's house we were at suge's house probably a good 30 minutes uh sh went in he changed clothes uh you know they were all just bsing a little bit um when sh finally came out hopped in his car we came through the security guard uh that guards the U Homes going into shik's place there had to been 20 30 cars out on a road just waiting for us to come out to follow us we leave out of shes again we're flying 70 80 mph going back toward Las Vegas strip we get back on the Strip at this point and why the car didn't run out of gas is a miracle right now to me because it should had we get back on the Strip we're uh proceeding to go down uh the strip it's a Fight Night the fight's over the strip is jam packed crowded we're probably about in front of the x-calibur hotel which is right by uh Tropicana on Las Vegas Strip Tupac and Shu was in the car in front of me and their music was playing pretty loud cuz we could hear it and there was uh bicycle cops couple of bicycle cops pulled up and uh one of them went over to uh shurick side and uh asked him I guess to turn down the music I'm assuming and then uh the next thing I know sh opens the door steps out of the car he and the cop walks to the back of the car and he opens up the trunk the car was brand new didn't have a license plate on it so uh he looked in the trunk and you know I'm just sitting there and I'm thinking oh [ __ ] I hope they don't get popped he let him go so now we're still in gridlock traffic so we uh you know proceed to go down the strip we're going down the strip um parcking uh sugar up there doing it thing talking uh myself and outlaws were in there uh you know listening to their music we get to Flamingo off of Las Vegas trip we got to turn right we make a right off of the strip the uh next light is uh kovo little that we know that anything was about to happen we pull up to the light I am the second car actually I'm the third car one of shu's homeboys was in front of Suge which never ever ever happened with anyone being in front of Suge then another one of his homeboys Travon was to the left of shook which would have been to his uh his side of the car so you got Trevon to the left you have K dove in the front and you have me in the back and we're sitting at this light September is hot sticky and we're all just sitting there pretty much just vegging out waiting on the light to change then all of a sudden I notice this white Cadillac Cadillac pulls up and it was not like a thought of mine that something was about to happen because in the Entourage as we're uh proceeding to go to Club 662 people are I mean women are like yo Pac Pac shook Shook and can we go can we go you know groupies and things like that so it was not anything out of the uh uh the ordinary for this car to be pulling up thinking that something's going to happen and as soon as the car pulled up my head turned back and I'm looking I'm watching the car Malcolm who is sitting in the seat behind yak fola yak fola was in a uh passenger seat with me up in the front and K was K Castro was directly behind me before the CAC pulled up we're all this vegging they're looking out toward the right CAC pulls up we notice it then all of a sudden this arm comes out an arm comes out and it just started firing immediately and I'm like oh my God and all you see and all you hear [Music] is [Music] they had uh Suge out of the vehicle on the ground and as I was approaching him the blood was shooting up out of his head so so I'm yelling let him up let him up he's with us he was part of the Entourage and when they let him up Tupac is still sitting in the uh passenger seat the door is still closed so sh says I can do it I can do it it's my car I'll open it the door was actually stuck so sh got over there opened the door and we pull Pac out of the car when we pulled him out of the car we lied him down um on the side of the car and I'm kneeling down at this time and I'm talking to him like pck man pck pck and he's like he's trying to breathe and then he goes I can't I can't breathe Las Vegas Police never arrested anyone in connection with the cold blooded murder even faing to follow up with Yaki Gaddafi a member of Tupac's Entourage who was there that evening who claimed he could identify the as salant it seemed too much of a coincidence that two months later Gaddafi was was murdered before he could give his damning statement one Theory comes from Russell p a former LAPD detective he believes that Suge Knight set up Tupac's murder this might seem unlikely considering Knight was hit in the shooting but detective P thinks that he had his own motives for the contract killing apparently Knight owed Tupac a lot of money some accounts point up to $10 million Tupac's mother the finny Shakur backs up the theory as she sued Death Row Records in 1997 for mishandling her son's funds and withholding Millions seemingly more proof of this Theory comes by way of the fact that Tupac intended to leave Death Row Records firing his lawyer at the time David Kenner who in addition to being shg Knight's lawyer also wrote up Tupac's agreement with death throw records just a week after the lawyer was fired Knight invited Tupac to the Fateful boxing match another red flag comes by way of how after the bra in the MGM Lobby Knight stopped and calmly made a phone call while everyone else fled the scene his insistence that Tupac should ride in his car after the boxing match cast The Heavy Shadow too I saw no reason why anyone would sit in a vehicle or next to anyone that they would put a hit on someone and be sitting next to him with the bullets flying all through the car like it did that night sh was a Target as well as Tupac was I stick by that I said that in my book why would I have uh put in Rolling Stone magazine or with this detective pool as he said I said these things why would have I told him these things when I didn't even put it in my own book it would have gone in my book before it gone in Rolling Stone magazine I'm shocked that Rolling Stone magazine would even print something like that without checking secondary source they could have gotten a hold of me through my publisher I never said that sh Knight was one of the shrewdest gangsters sh personally never did anything to me he treated security very well as I've stated before there was no beef with anyone in security with SH Knight do you have an idea why Tac SK no I don't in Orlando Anderson's initial testimony he said that Shug Knight was part of the brawl in the lobby but then after changed the story to say that Suge had tried to stop the fight stating I see him pulling people off me one theory is that Anderson changed story because of a payoff by shik Knight himself the detective also claimed that the bullet WB Knight received that night was never verified by the hospital eyewitnesses or the police another Theory comes from Chuck Phillips a former LA Times journalist he believed that Orlando Anderson Biggie Smalls and the Southside Crips gang were responsible for the murder the LA Times investigated the murder for over a year and came up with the following findings the Crips retaliated against the beating of Anderson by shooting Tupac Anderson was the shooter Biggy Smalls paid $1 million for the supplied gun and murder of Tupac biggy's motive for wanting Tupac dead his year-long Feud was well documented he claimed and hit him up that he had slep with Faith Evans Biggie's wife was reason enough according to the investigation journalist biggie nor anyone who was affiliated with him was not questioned by the police 6 months later in March 1997 Christopher Wallace AKA Biggie Smalls was fatally shot in a driveby shooting in Los Angeles by an unknown [Music] asant with Orlando Anderson shot to death in May 1998 another Avenue of Investigation closed though he had always denied responsibility for Tupac's death and it was never char charged a different theory was proposed by Greg kading a former LAPD detective assigned to the case in 2006 10 years after the event Shan Colmes AKA P Diddy the CEO of East Coast Bad Boy Records Was whom he held responsible for orchestrating Tupac's death detective Kaden met with Crips gang member Keith Davis to confess on tape that P didy paid him $1 million to carry out the murder of Tupac and shite he also admitted that Orlando Anderson who is in fact Davis nephew was the one who pulled the trigger he also admitted to being in Anderson's car at the time of the murder to quote Davis Orlando rolled down the window and popped him if they would have drove on my side I would have popped him Davis said that the motive for Diddy was fear and paranoia that sh Knight would strike first he also said that Tupac was only included in the hit because P Diddy was Furious about his diss track hit him up because of the shooting in 1994 and the aftermath when Tupac repeatedly stated that he suspected Diddy to be the perpetrator of the incident also helped ground this theory in 2011 Dexter Isaac who was serving life in prison confessed that a p didy associate hired him him to Rob Tupac that night P didy has repeatedly denied the claim stating this story is pure fiction and completely ridiculous the case remains unsolved with most of the major players now either dead or serving lengthy prison sentences it seems unlikely that the actual circumstances of Tupac's murder will ever be conclusively proved in court but it won't stop people from looking for answers Tupac had a prophecy about his death stating that's why I go in the studio and do three songs a day get things ready if I die it can't happen if anything were to happened to me the album's ready to go believing that his death would be a tragedy he envisioned it being like something from a shake Shakespeare play you know out of the love for black people so that's how I got to live and that's how I have to die and that's how my music has to be and my acting and my producing and my interviews everything has to be full the love of black people first the first line say the black of the berry the sweeter the juice I say the darker the flesh then the deeper The Roots I give all to my sister's own welfare Tupac kids and don't nobody else care I think it's time we kill for our women time heal our women be real to our women cuz if we don't have a race of babies that will hate the ladies that make the babies and since a man can make one he has the right to tell a woman when and where to create one so we the Real G's get up I know you fed up L Your Head [Applause] Up Tupac elevated rap from a crude Street fad to a complex art form a poet whose T TS of urban alienation captivated young people of all Races and backgrounds he knew from the very beginning that he had a very short window to live and that he wanted to create a body of work he was constantly producing constantly writing constantly in a recording studio even in prison he was writing a screenplay knowing that he would not be on this Earth for any length of time he came with the specific specific purpose contradictions complexities and all and he left behind something that has touched a generation of people hip hop need to stay true to the streets rap could do whatever you got to do to make money just stay alive but hip hop got to stay true to the streets keep your head up you know don't give up I'm still list to him as a matter of fact my mother wrote was in a book it's a book about my mother called look for me in the Whirlwind I like to think that's my my motto [Music] [Music] he
Channel: Crackle Celebrity Insider
Views: 306,505
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Keywords: tupac, tupac death, tupac shakur, the life and death of tupac shakur, tupak, tupak shakur, tupac hologram, tupac documentary, tupac doc, tupac movie, tupac biography, tupac killer, tupac death explained, tupac killer charged, tupac trial, tupac charged, tupac sakur, tupak shaker, tupac shakur killer, 2pac, 2pac shakur, tupac shakur murder, 2pac murder
Id: kOaYtMPiIeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 48sec (3888 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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