The Level1 Show February 28 2024: Generateddit

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[Music] hello today's February 28th and we're doing business and social stories bye this is the last of February and that's deeply depressing say leap this year leap year I don't keep up with that is that a leap year it might be my actually I mean you can keep I'm going to look it up though oh thank you for that permission yeah yeah you can you can keep on with your program I'm going to double check I think what a leap year uh you know who had a leap last week was a leap year yeah Nvidia announced their earnings and line leaped it gapped up Nvidia posts Revenue up to 265 per on booming AI business this is despite the sanctions and literally everything it is a leap year so nvidia's market cap in after hours trading the market was closed after hours trading nvidia's market cap increased by one Netflix Jon hungry that's not like it just doesn't even feel real if you had bought um see what did Pelosi put think was like $175,000 in options you on January whatever she's up 1.8 million but see options can go a lot if you guess the right number then you get a lot more yeah cuz you're buying really cheap out of the money and then when it goes into the money it's massive so yeah I'm sure she's probably planning a new yacht now here's an interesting headline because uh this is not so much the headline that's interesting but the political machinations that preceded it which really really uh attribute to this kind of thing the headline is Apple says the iPhone 15's battery has doubled the promised life the real headline should have been ahead of EU rulings saying that you need an easily replaceable battery if it has life lifespan less than this apple says yeah our our battery lifespan is this like but wasn't it this what did you change no nothing we changed that number right there we we sent this to the marketing team and we told them to switch all this out but it's not just like you'll be banned if you don't have this you can sell a phone that's got a crappy battery life but there's going to be a letter grade and a color and I think this solidly puts Apple into AB territory yeah it's supposed to be 80% supposed to maintain 80% of its capacity after a thousand cycles and batteries less than that have to be easily replaceable you see how this works well in Video's number one by quite a a long distance but everybody else is still trying to scramble they're trying to figure it out they want to make their own processors they want to get a piece of that pie Microsoft will use Intel to manufacture homegrown processor it's going to be an arm processor right Microsoft's going to make arm for the Surface tablet so that they can have something to compete with apple because who's making a 2 wat x86 processor it's going to be AI everything going forward is all just focused on AI and Microsoft is again trying to get away from that big green Behemoth who makes everything Microsoft develops AI server gear to less than their Reliance on Nvidia the information reports yeah even Nvidia agrees that $40,000 for an h100 is too much so as much margin as Nvidia has the market is looking to diversify rapidly but this isn't even the h100 it's the networking peripherals that go with the h100 which you basically have to buy alongside it yeah and uh Microsoft is saying hey we don't want to do that we want to make our own Microsoft honestly Microsoft should just by cornelus networks like the the old omnip paath people because omnip paath wasn't terrible it was surprisingly I thought it was going to be a meme but it was actually surprisingly okay not as good as infin band but it's pretty good I think that was Intel's real problem is like Intel doesn't know how to be number two so they're like ah this is never going to be infiniband get rid of it it's like but in this market with an infiniband shortage omnip paath will be doing really well now I'm curious if this headline was legitimate or is this just trying to drive people to buy new phones Apple warns users to stop putting wet iPhones in rice never so why because there's a chance that some rice might get into your iPhone that seems not as bad as the water in the iPhone if the rice gets in there it probably absorb some water right yeah they say you shake it out you leave it in a well ventilated area for 30 minutes I don't think that's long enough then you plug it back in that just seems like a way to kill your phone yeah going to let it dry out thoroughly also if if bits of rice are a risk like can you take your phone anywhere like can you take it to the beach or on a trail or like yeah what if I got some pocket rice yeah just a snack for later yeah put my phone down in there maybe you know like feed some birds while I'm out I think that kills them and uh iPhone you know this could be an indicator of how successful they are with ways to make you buy new phones the top seven bestselling phone models of 2023 are all iPhones because we've all been collectively brainwashed I don't even think it's that we've been brainwashed it's that like Google is sleep at the hel I mean look at search engine like how Google searches is a microcosm for everything Android feels like the entire Android team are all using iPhones at this point and they're just like yeah the bottom three of the top 10 are all Samsung phones but none of the Samsung models you've heard of they're all just like trash tier budget Samsung phones after having a Samsung I don't think I'd ever get one again really what did you not like about it just all the ads or like the it'll try to like download the oh you don't think that iPhone's going to do that well yeah but it seems especially aggressive I think Verizon might have why aren't she using Bixby something to do with that as well use Bixby please use big spe we spent so much money making it now here's a story how many times have we seen this headline from Cars to video cards it seems like everything's just a lie Intel's been accused of inflating CPU Benchmark results by spec finally spec looks at this and says you know what we're it's actually like you're you're as much as 9% off here like these optimizations depend on knowledge of what we're testing in the speca benchmarks so they have archived a bunch of results they haven't deleted them entirely you can still look at them in the database but they no longer factor in into the overall spec performance because the compiler is like oh I realized you're running a benchmark let me do this thing that's not useful in the real world it's not this is not new behavior from Intel but it is disappointing and also disappointing is AMD who hinted that they might give you some functionality when in fact they never intended to AMD confirms Verizon 8000g apus don't support ECC Ram despite initial claims I left this out of my review because I was like this doesn't work and it's always been a little sketchy and a little problematic even on prior apus but yeah you're you're better off using the 7900 no X for applications where you might have previously used a 5,000g for example the pro version they suggest might have it but no one has that so no you have to wait yeah and I gotta say you know when it comes to like neuralink and all that stuff I don't want it anywhere near me I don't want anybody knowing my thoughts I know how the how the darkness I don't want to know my own thoughts yeah let's just keep that bottled up where it needs to be but this demo made me think I might have to get that someday because think about the user interface implications here neural wristband for arvr input will ship in the next few years so this is a wristband that you wear and it monitors your nervous system and it's able to track everything and that looks so much better than anything else we've ever seen so you know you look at this and those little tiny movements that that person is doing there is just Precision scrolling most likely and clicking so much better than what we've got oh they actually show it there I didn't watch enough of that video I don't know here's someone just typing with no keyboard look at that I want wonder what else can they tell from a wristband about me though right oh so much like how much of my information can they extract they can certainly get what I'm typing this thing knows when I'm on the elliptical without me telling it it knows when I've gone for a walk without me telling it it knows a lot you just had a cup of coffee yeah oh it knows it knows well this man certainly has no hope of any privacy for the rest of his life but he's probably okay with it because think about not being able to interface with a computer for ever how many years he was stuck and then all of a sudden having the entire internet what would you do first it's hard to come up with right engagement challenge ning's first human patient able to control mouse through thinking musk says i' probably go back and play the LucasArts games I feel like I would i' would be more like interested in talking to my family but well his family's probably with him in the hospital right yeah but you haven't really been able to interface with them there's a couple things in this article phrase like this patient is you know days or weeks away from death could this guy not talk I we don't know his details I don't okay if he does die we'll soon know his details which knowing how sociopathic musk is he probably chose someone that was near death so that he can talk about them after they die can we speed this up I need to release a press release yeah if you're going to die get on with it now here's an amazing thing that just shows us the news Paradigm that we live in because last week everybody ran one story now we get get the uh response I've read several articles from both angles and I have no idea what the truth is yeah we're gonna have to buy a cybertruck just to figure this out cybertruck engineer addresses claims that Tesla EVS rust in the rain says no there's probably a surface contaminant like an iron filing or something from rail car shipping that rusts and then the rust contaminates the surface of the stainless steel except in this case if you're the engineer and you're presumably still working for Tesla like would you badmouth it some other people also made videos though one guy did a side by side where he zoomed in on a car on a car lot a truck and it had similar type of things they claim it comes from uh metal shavings falling onto it during the manufacturing or delivery process and then those metal shavings rust not the truck it still looks like rust it's I've never seen that on my car and uh to go along with the uh government story we learned that the White House is now saying hey you know all that stuff we said about EVs and you have to have them by a certain year and all that stuff forget all of that that's we're not doing that anymore Mercedes-Benz backs off a plan to only sell EVS by 2030 anyway the ocean currents are collapsing don't worry about that this is not going to save the ocean currents this is just going to make lines go up except people won't buy them but will people buy this because this is going to be very closely watched how confident are you would you put all your pennies into this Reddit will offer shares in its IPO at an issued price to 75,000 of its most active users according to this report my favorite thing about their IPO filing is that they listed the subreddit Wall Street bets as one of the major risks to their filing because of the GameStop chaos in fiasco hands did I miss a swort here I might have missed a swort but yeah uh when it comes to television and cord cutting it seems like there's one big winner and I got to say I can't argue against this this is all of my viewing YouTube dominates TV streaming in US per neel's latest report not YouTube streaming television but YouTube streaming in place of Television but also including television yeah they have their cable package now which is not competitively priced I always just close all those ads out also I thought it was interesting that that thing you posted that was like a survey of tech workers they mentioned like time spent on social media they didn't include YouTube in the list and I was like if YouTube was in here this would look a lot worse in terms of like time spent on social media that's the only social media I spent time on and everyone is so angry in the comments the the anger of the comments in general like not not our Channel just reading other channels is like wow everybody's so angry I think it depends on where you are on YouTube because a lot of the stuff I follow is like gardening content or like nature walk and people are usually pretty like I mean I'll be see things like it's like you know one orange brain cell in the videos and then like I'll just be scrolling all all the comments are like oh it's so cute happy and then it's just like your cat is stupid it's just like I think that's some of the most vocal people right yeah are the people who are just they just want to just have a deep frothing rage in their soul that's and they don't interact with real people because nobody wants to be around that so it's like let me go online and hate on some people the haters we've known about them for years and uh maybe one way if you are one of those kinds of people maybe you know you can like cleanse your mind get into some yoga get into some meditation you know find some Zen but it will cost you in a reversal Apple's demanding 30% of donations to mediation app Insight timers teachers so this is an app where the company doesn't actually make most of the money you can give the money to the people and so apple is saying we want 30% of that but historically 47 times they said no this is really a tip and because it's a tip we don't take a percentage of that and there is actually a carv out in California law it may be against California law for Apple to take money that is a tip for someone maybe possibly which is maybe why Apple had that car out in their terms of service to begin with but Apple's apparently changed their mind arbitrarily without morning just hey by the way we need some money isn't the tip thing pretty common I think even outside of California like cuz it's originally designed to protect people who work at like restaurants you can't have the owner taking out bits the tip see here's how they get around that they that was always presented as a gratuiti like a personto person thing and that was Exempted but they're like no we've decided this is now media it's a video so you're delivering media we get 30% of media which again it's like apple is hi it's like you don't get to a trillion dollar Company by being reasonable well here's another large company and generally we would be absolutely just calling for their demise and I still am but in this case we must side with them yes because this is the right thing Cox Communication win's order overturning A1 billion doll us copyright verdict this is good we originally reported on this I think way back when and uh this was a piracy thing and it's like hey Cox is not doing enough to stop piracy for people that use Cox Communications for an ISP and Cox somehow lost I I think they didn't really put a lot of legal like their lawyers they were just like let's get the cheap lawyers to deal with this because it's obviously stupid it did not work out for them but they got it overturned finally and so this is a win for free people even though it's also a win for Cox but a temporary win because this prevents that ruling but they have to retry the case so they don't just win not with real real lawyers maybe it'll stretch on for years and years and years we talk about it some more fun times and here is a an example of what happens when open source goes corporate enginex core developer quits project in security dispute and starts free enginex Fork so F5 bought engine X and this seems to center around the original developer not wanting security bullettin created about engine X which is weird yeah I don't know there's some details that we're missing here but yeah I don't know I don't know like F5 I don't know because f5's got a little bit of a history there too but I don't know it's going to be interesting F5 is saying hey it's we found a security issue we released it how can you argue against that and apparently his argument was I'd already fixed it it was going to be fixed in the next version there was no reason to do it but I think information is still valuable yeah yeah you still have to do a disclosure I think and uh what's Nvidia doing with all that money well they're doing some updates Nvidia is finally replacing GeForce experience with this all-in-one Nvidia app the Nvidia app beta is available to download starting today and get this logging in is optional GeForce experience the login no one ever wanted that I think this is also like personally I see this as a c change in like amd's driver stack is finally good enough that it has features in it you want to use amds driver doesn't require a login and to get at some of the same kinds of like automatically configure my game and like make it suck less and run better you need a GeForce experience but you had to log in but nobody wants to log in like why would you want to log into your video driver whoever wanted that like that's not no one the advertising people wanted it jinen wne yeah other than that no one wanted that and so now amd's good enough they're like oh we better take that out spicy the the ux people were probably thrilled they're like oh we get to read design it good for you guys yeah you know do you know how how Soul crushing it is when you do this amazing thing and they're like great add the newsletter popup and it's just like no please also we want to change the fonts and like also there's too much white space can we make everything smaller well uh unfortunately a world weary sigh and I'm weary of that I'm also weary of everything increasing in price exponentially forever twitch Warren a US sub price inrees extremely likely after International updates oh twitch chat our twitch chat no this is going to be tough on our whales yeah which is where all our subs come from if you just pop into our twitch Channel at any point you're going to get you're probably going to get a sub even if you don't want one one guy straight up told me he's like I just watched a random video that you had and thought I should go buy stock in that company and he was like I'm just going to keep sending you money well if he would have picked in video it could have funded us for the next seven years ah but these people have no funding left they are done Vice media stops publishing on website and cuts hundreds of jobs this economy do be like that don't it it's like Yay used to help people with VMware and now everyone is climbing the walls to get away from VMware but Vice used to be something much different yeah they transformed and now they've transformed themselves out of business congratul ations and uh here's an interesting uh calling out genders which I mean fizz. org did they not get the memo about 2024 study finds anti-piracy messages backfire especially for men you wouldn't download a car well I mean maybe yeah I would hell yeah I would yeah I mean with electric vehicles and 3D printing someday maybe but they figured out that women generally when they were popped up a warning they they might go for it but men usually were like I'm just going to Pirate harder how dare you tell me what to do listen I've given a lot of money for Always Sunny and it was more ephemeral than I expected and that is disappointing well you know what is advertised as being ephemeral but Pro criminal tip it's not at all they keep it all and they immediately give cops access to it Snapchat isn't liable for connecting a 12-year-old to coni convicted bad things filling the mind with your imagination or filling with your yeah it's bad but Snapchat is like hey we didn't it's just it's the algorithm and the court said yeah okay that's reasonable and I don't want to victim blame here but this is a wild story because this little girl got on Snapchat connected with somebody through I guess they got a feature what was it called like connect immediately or quick ad or something like that where it's just like give me random contacts turned out to be the worst kind of person she had uh she was R worded two years later she went right back to Snapchat and happened again at that point that's a parenting thing too like I mean that's something uh oh oh this is yeah wired you got to Signal why are used to be so great well it's all it's all going down yeah uh but signal they are you know recognized as being really secure way to communicate but they don't play around with anything it's just your phone number do you really want everybody you talk to on Signal to have your phone number probably not signal is going to finally Roll Out usernames so you can keep your phone number private or you could have signed up for a temporary SMS service and then just done it that way but they point out and this sounds like maybe the corporate team the sales team got a a hold of this because it's your phone number then you choose a username then you choose a profile name they add you via your username but then the contact transforms into the profile name so I start I message you know Christa and then it changes into Romy 69 and it's not the same person that's just going to confuse people seems like that would also be right for social engineering I have duplicated the Reddit story oh this is the reason that I had the double Reddit story because I had it in two spots Reddit has reportedly signed over its content to train AI models surprising no one 60 million Google is going to write them a check and they get all that yummy delicious content and then you'll never be able to trust a review article again because it's just regurgitating random content I mean that's pretty good that's like a tenth of a penny per word written by people but they desperately need it because their own models are starting to pollute themselves yeah so Reddit is a kind of a virgin source of actual information let means we got to fill it with garbage quickly let's punish them for doing that it's pretty garbage already but the other neat thing is that a lot of the content on Reddit was already well organized into subreddits so if you want to you know like you know the physics sub is really super well organized and you can just not include huge numbers of subreddits to keep a lot of the noise out and Mr Elon Musk of course always in the news in this case uh maybe his commitment to free speech outshine is commitment to operational security Twitter security Chief or security staff kept firm in compliance by disobeying musk the FTC says so some stuff that some journalists said said hey wait a minute that means that this these journalists got access to Twitter data that they were forbidden from having access to as of a 2022 compliance order which is weird like this article doesn't get into that and what that was and the Twitter files and what that was and what that ultimately became and what it started out life as which is frustrating they don't they say he a journalist was given well Elon Musk said you can have access to everything you get a master account you can do whatever you want and some of the guys over at compliance were like ah absolutely not why don't you just let us fetch what you need and I'm assuming they're talking about Matt taibe because he did the Twitter files it seems like they didn't really censor what he got they just put a human in between him and the database yeah which is not a terrible idea I guess I mean he certainly found a lot and the FTC said yes this was fine this actually what did maintain compliance and it sounded Anna did you interpret this as they just basically didn't tell Elon about that yeah yeah just like let him I mean how else do you work under that guy you just got to lie to him I think tell the one who wants to hear which is how we got the Cyber Tru over in India they are having some issues with the farmers because it seems like the food is deflating in India or at least the the producer prices are deflating and they're not happy about that so what do you do of course you do the same Playbook that they do every single time you censor India Farmers protest ex admits to taking down posts and accounts look at them with their tractors out there this is we always bring this up it's like in in India like their system like that's what it's not like because X is an American company it's going to be American ideals in some other country literally no this is I mean this is just like apple doing Chinese stuff in China and apple doing Indian stuff in India like this is but if you had if you were serious about it if you were the same if you were like I'm 100% free speech like El mus Elon mus claims he is wouldn't you just be like fine we won't be in India yeah yeah yeah that that is an important takeaway from the story but there's a lot of people in India a lot of customers a lot of money can be extracted from it and this one points out the automated aspect of our censorship these days because again Mr Free Speech if you ask him this he probably would have said obviously no we don't want to do that but he's not making the decision it's going through some weird robot bureaucracy ex social media platform restores the account of naval's Widow Julia navali after a brief suspension so there was uh probably Mass reported the the the opposition leader would you say in R died under mysterious circumstances in Russia wait a minute is her name a weird feminized version of his I'm not sure how Russian works but certain languages do that where it's like there's a different for feminine versus masculine I don't know if Russian's that way but so immediately but like all kinds of bad things are happening to her in terms of at least if you would it seems like I mean I don't know well some bad things happened to him yeah well well no I mean like as a result of just being married to him like and his brother and just like the family like there's just it seems like a lot of un like things that should be exposed to sunlight are happening that tends to be how the Communists play it they go after the family and these people had a fledgling family and uh they decided to take their medical diagnosis as obviously everybody does to Tik Tok and once they got that diagnosis they didn't think about a second opinion 90day fiance Stars criticized for fundraiser appeal after cancer diagnosis quote unquote from Tik Tok videos so this wasn't a doctor's diagnosis right did I understand this correctly well I guess it could have been a doctor on Tik Tok but I kind of doubt it there no way to check those credentials yeah because it was like this just seems like just really dumb people like someone saw me in a video and was like they have cancer no no so she was searching for symptoms that she had and the Tik Tok was like that's colon cancer well that's how you feel about WebMD as well like you have a headache and it's like you're dying but you when you got that diagnosis you might be like oh my God I need to figure out what this is she immediately started asking for money for the treatment for the cancer when they when she was called out on it or when they were both called out on it they were like yeah we understand that that's not a guaranteed diagnosis but in order to get the medical care to actually get the diagnosis we still need your money so we're going to keep it obviously here is this too spicy uh it's probably I would qualify it as too spicy you think so yeah we check them one time one tab chat I can give you the headline the RFK Jr wins a deferred injunction against vac social media suit and you can fill in the rest with your imagination well it was proven that the White House through the Twitter files was doing some stuff was censoring pretty much everything so they're not allowed to do that anymore at least until so his case got rolled in with another case from I think Missouri and that's going to Supreme Court so until that time White House is not allowed to meddle afterwards they might be able to again might be sanctioned and uh here's an interesting uh can a by violating the terms of service but for an online thing can you create I guess you can sue anybody for any reason right but can he possibly win this former rep George Santos sues L not host Jimmy Kimmel for allegedly deceiving him into creating Cameo videos so if you're on Cameo you can just request somebody make a video and that's what Jimmy Kimmel did paid him for it now Cameo says you can't rebroadcast those videos he rebroadcasted on his Network TV show and on social media so that seems to be the grounds where Santos is going after him that' be a shame if he won he's looking for he's actually shooting pretty low I guess he's probably having a tough time right now because he's unemployable probably he's only looking for 150,000 and generation Alpha we've got a new hot new everyone wake up there's a new generation drop and we can dump all our problems onto them but if variety is correct which you know what the odds of that I think we have I got a lot of respect for the alphas because seems like they're recognizing what their horrible Millennial parents did wrong generation Alpha media habits come into focus in Paramount study yes critical thinking skills excellent so what do they focus on privacy which is wild probably because they've been uploaded all over the Internet since the age they were you know not even out of diapers yet that was one of the things they don't when their parents Point cameras at them they're like stop doing that I don't want to be on that they are they like to consume media video media but they don't spend a lot of time on social media that's good see this is what I'm always confused by because we were talking about like YouTube earlier I feel like YouTube has some social aspects to it but it's not classified as social media for some reason I think some people classified as that I gu it's more consumptive you can consume a lot of YouTube without ever being social that's true I you see I feel like you can do that like Facebook's the same way I like I consume lots of stuff on the Facebook Marketplace just Hoover up weird listings on there but I don't ever really like but Facebook Marketplace is also not social media so much right I mean it's own I guess it's owned by Facebook but yeah because I mean eBay is not social media that's true but YouTube is doing something right however this decision I don't understand at all I had to kind of read this a couple of times to try to figure out what exactly nobody knows what this is yeah YouTube is experimenting with red blue and green video feeds basically the algorithm is trying to decide what mood you're in and give you the appropriate feed got to click the continued reading button so that yeah let him see that screenshot that pops up I I haven't seen this but I saw this obviously in the article so somehow I think it's literally just by thumbnail color that's while which I don't understand like is that's what I was telling you guys when I sent you this story this week I was like is there going to be like a bad thumbnail color are we going to have to optimize our thumbnails for well I mean color engagement since they're going with RGB obviously like itical Focus might end up there right well for a hardware Channel it' be Nvidia AMD and Intel right well RGB it was probably more political commentary than there is for the other one but yeah I guess you could do subsets of that kind of thing depending on what Niche your channel caters to this is an amazing AI apocalypse story yeah and this is yeah this is hilarious it the thing I get caught by these a lot right when I'm just trying to find yes like what is a good X that I could maybe trust not to burn my house down and it's always just AstroTurf and how what do where do you look how Google is killing independent sites like ours and why you shouldn't trust product recommendations from Big media publishers ranking to the top of Google it's not even big media publishers it's just people that are gaming the algorithm by writing Ai and SEO content it is not big media publishers if you just go Google like I want to build a an air filter and just like go do that and then look at the top five or six results it is obvious that human beings are not at the helm anymore and that Google has become a hollowed out husk of what they once were in terms of search engine quality this person cares deeply about air filters and they were like describing how each of these sites like this is not a good air filter because this they obviously didn't test this because of this yeah it's interesting that they point out the little things that you can do to game the system like if you look here it says tested and reviewed so they pointed out that that was always present in the headline CU that's what the Google SEO looks for before but a lot of these sites were review sites and he poured over those sites to try to find where they actually tested and reviewed this stuff they had not yeah a man passionate about air filters yeah it's like the only so like the end game for this is that the algorithm that reads and ranks this content is up against another algorithm that just makes up stuff so the only thing that Google can do is have a list of trusted sites we're going back to the the beginning of the internet remember what was it uh uh uh what was the index and it was like oh it was a huge SEO boost if you were on the index of the internet remember there was a site that was just like a big list of of big sites on the internet no but I remember keyword stuffing that remember a lot of index sites but I remember specific we're going back to that like that's they have to start from Ground Zero they have to start from there and it's like yes this was or is a trusted site for X we just it's all it's all we can do but we could do that like we do ad blocking yeah we could maintain lists which is crowdsourced you'd have to try to keep the bad actors out of it somehow but you probably have to do that for those as well right yeah and then what's going to happen is you're going to become an authority which is bad yeah but look at what we got now it is a trash fire and now that that reddit's probably going to get a lot worse like at least before you could sometimes find real human interaction on Reddit to find out a review but now what if Chrome rolls out a feature where you can rate a website you just be like this this website is terrible every time I get a result like that from from chrome like I would actually use that it's like this is no I don't want to see this again if Google wants to add that to my profile fine whatever yeah well listen we could build a plugin yeah well Google doesn't do that with YouTube as it is it's like no I really think you want to watch this it's just like no I have to have a a special search add-on to get rid of some of that crap my I would love to see my don't recommend channel list yeah it's probably got 100,000 entries on at this point all right that's enough of that bye he
Channel: Level1Techs
Views: 19,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technology, science, design, ux, computers, hardware, software, programming, level1, l1, level one
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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